Code Switching Used in “Net Tv Breakout” Selected Episodes: a Sociolinguistic Analysis
CODE SWITCHING USED IN “NET TV BREAKOUT” SELECTED EPISODES: A SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Science Hasanuddin University In Partial Fulfillment to Obtain Sarjana Degree in English Department ABDURRAHMAN SHALEH RELIUBUN F21113335 MAKASSAR 2017 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, All gratitude should go to Allah SWT the most beneficent and the most merciful, for His love, blessings, grace and mercy helped and guided the researcher in completing his thesis. All praises to His prophet and His final messenger, Muhammad SAW, and to his family, to his companions and to his followers who always follow his examples until the end of time. This thesis has been finished with assistance and guidance of some people. Therefore, the researcher would like to express his great gratitude and appreciation to: 1. His parents, Drs. H. Usman Shaleh Reliubun M.A and Hj. Maimunah Renleew S.Pd, his brothers and sisters, distant relatives and zijn groete familie. 2. His supervisors, Prof. Dr. Noer Jihad Saleh, M.A as the first supervisor and Dr. Ayyub Khan, M.Si as the second supervisor, for their assistance, guidance, advice and patience. 3. His academic advisor, Karmila Mokoginta, S.S, M.Hum, M.Arts and all lecturers and employees at English Department Hasanuddin University, for their knowledge, inspirations and stories during his study. 4. His closest friends Nurdin Kadatua, Muhajir Buton, Nasiruddin, Ahmad Rusdi, Ilham Yunus, Mar‟ie Muhammad and Wulan Winsbasardianty B and the rest of ETCETERA 2013 which he cannot mention one by one. i 5. His friends from Lelaki Etcetera: Adi, Afdal, Akbar, Alwi, Arfan, Arisandy, Ashar, Daud, Dewa, Emil, Fajar, Fajri, Halim, Husni, Kenas, Khalid, Marzuki, Mushawwir, Nugi, Rian, Ridwan, Rilo, Sabri, Syahril and Syamsul, hij zal hem al missen.
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