Townsquare Media Presque Isle License, LLC WQHR, WBPW, WOZI EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT December 1, 2019 – November 30, 2020

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Townsquare Media Presque Isle License, LLC WQHR, WBPW, WOZI EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT December 1, 2019 – November 30, 2020 Townsquare Media Presque Isle License, LLC WQHR, WBPW, WOZI EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT December 1, 2019 – November 30, 2020 I. VACANCY LIST SEE SECTION II, THE “MASTER RECRUITMENT SOURCE LIST” (“MRSL”) FOR RECRUITMENT SOURCE DATA Recruitment Sources (“RS”) Used to Fill RS Referring Job Title Vacancy Hiree Account Manager 1,2,3,6,12,14,15,16 16 Townsquare Media Presque Isle License, LLC WQHR, WBPW, WOZI EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT December 1, 2019 – November 30, 2020 II. MASTER RECRUITMENT SOURCE LIST (“MRSL”) Source Entitled No. of Interviewees RS Referred by RS RS Information to Vacancy Number Notification? Over (Yes/No) Reporting Period 1 University of Maine at Presque Isle N 0 2 Northern Maine Community College N 0 3 University of Maine at Fort Kent N 0 4 Maine Career Center Y1 0 5 TEMPO Employment Services N 0 6 Opportunities Aroostook N 0 7 Maine Career Center online Job Bank N 0 8 Walk In / Self-Referral N 0 9 Employee/Client Referral N 0 10 Townsquare Intra-company Network N 0 11 Townsquare Presque Isle websites N 0 12 On Air Announcements N 0 13 N 0 14 (via Greenhouse) N 0 15 Linked In (via Greenhouse) N 0 16 In house N 1 Total Number of Interviews 1 1 The Maine Career Center requested to be notified of vacancies after the Account Manager positon was filled. Townsquare Media Presque Isle, License, LLC had no additional vacancies between December 1, 2019 and November 30, 2020. Townsquare Media Presque Isle License, LLC WQHR, WBPW, WOZI EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT December 1, 2019 – November 30, 2020 III. RECRUITMENT INITIATIVES Type Of Recruitment Initiative Brief Description Of Activity (Menu Selection) 1 Company training program The “Grow Your Talent” series was created to help each employee build their skill sets to grow their career in broadcasting 2 3 .

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