University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, June 6, 1963. Vol. XLVIII
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~~ ••••••. ,,--l+. University 0 JUN R LI B R .'. N'EW ~,.."~,~_. CORD Vol. XLVIII, No. 31 Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, June 6, 1963 Series BF 1 Z553 Student Council Passes Grad'uation Exercises,To Be Held Five, Defeats Two Issues J . " -9 I A' \ •F~Id'h.' I In its final meeting of the year May 20, Student Council I voted favorably on five issues while defeating, two, to com- une·· N rmory Ie ouse. plete their J962-63 work. The session was the first led by Three well-known local clergy- new SC president Lynn Mueller. men will participate in the Uni- A special report was given by ------'-----~ versity of Cincinnati's annual new Board of Publications ch~ir- vice-president; Ken Wolf, treas- commencement exercises-June 9, man Nancy Beamer concermng urer: Judy Gallagher recording ill the campus ArmorY-Fieldhouse.- C0l!ncil's proposal ~o have one of secr~tary; and Don Schuerman, Dr. Walter C. Langsam, UC pres- their .membe~s preside over Board. corresponding secretary. meetings. MISS Beamer defended ident, will preside over both pro- the Board's position saying that grams 'and confer degrees. the Board "feels the amendment Rev. L. H. Mayfield, chaplain is unnecessary." .Later in the Senior Rings of theChrisJ Hospital, will give meeting, Council voted down their both invocation and benediction own 'amendment and the Board at 3 p.m. exercises, when Charles of Publications will continue to Now On Sale Sawyer, prominent UC College of select its own chairman. Law graduate, will deliver the Council voted favorably on For the first time in the history address. The, opening academic its amendment to h a v e the of the 'school, official class rings procession will start at '2:30 p.m, Cabinet of President's voting for the next year's seniors soon At the 7 p.m. program, with status revamped.. The cabinet, , will be ready for .immediata' de- the procession starting at 6:40 composed of the president of livery from stock _at the Main p.m., Very Rev. Paul L. O'Con- St,udent Council and the presi- Branch of the University Book-' nor, S.J., president of' Xavier dents of all tribunals, boards, store, Physics Building Annex, University, will deliver the in- classes; dorm councils,lnter~ 'according to Robert J. Martin, vocation and Dr. Nelson Glueck, f;raternity Council, Pan Hellen- Director. president of the Hebrew Union ic, and the Assn. of Women Through a specialarrahgement College-J ewish Institute of Re- Students, will now g i v e al]. with Josten's, Owatonna, Minne- ligion and DC graduate, the bene- these members a vote. sota, manufacturers of the 'offi~ diction. Rear Adm. Edward C. SC the ndefeated a proposal cial UC class ring, rings for "Sen- Kenney, the Navy's surgeon gen- that would give Council's presi- iors of Sixty Four" will not only "eral, will be the speaker. dent an honorarium, Council felt be displayed. on Monday, 'June 3, Only the evening exercises are that the prestige of the position but will be' carried in', stock in free to the public .. The afternoon was ample reward for ,j any SC some degrees and In many sizes. " president. Concerning 'Student program js limited to relatives This will enable a number of next and friends of degree recipients. Gourt,Council approved Doug year's graduates to begin wear- McF;;ldden's membership as one ing their rings-at once. of the seven Court justices,' re- placing Katherine Briggs. Coun-: The official rings are fashioned cil also passed the final draft from deeplyembosed 10 K '.Black Robert Fee of' the Board of Budgets' allo- Onyx stones. -Men's rings vary cation for student organizations, in price (including all' taxes), Senior -Orator plus the constitutions for the from $41.85 'to $37.75' depending colleges of DAA and Home Eco- on weight and stone, ordered- The Senior Class Orator for nomics. Women's styles $30 to ,,$27.7.5. 1963, is 'Robert Fee. He was se- In his Executive Committee' /, lected on his 'scholarship, leader- ship and speaking experience, report, president Mueller an- B'" rd ··f D'··'· ",""".c. -- \ "A'"--, . ,- . · Throughout his, four years at, the nounced,that a Counci!" com: 0'.1. 0'·,' .' Sport Experts mitte:e will be formed to study ,'a'I~,.~', ~ '. '/ Ire'.' cto,,' .:'"rs 'pp'"'.'- O.. M,,;, t" .University, of, Cincinnati he has the problem of funds for stu..' ~,' -- Wi 1'1Be Shown contributed his time and "services dent organizations by the Board as president of the' YMCA, vice D D 'H' d On TV Series, president of Arts' 'and Sciences ~ O~tB~~:e:~eting'S conclusion a . ", ea ns, ."epartment Hea Tribunal' and treasurer of Sigma member of Council brought it to .,' . ,.~ Guestexperts from many 'sports Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. This the attention of the News Record One dean" two assistant deans, and, one department fields will be featured on a nine- year Bob was selected to be a that there was a mistake in the head were appointed by the 'University of Cincinnati Board week University" of Cincinnati \member of Phi Beta Kappa and television series' at 10:00 a.m. las~tissue conc~rning the .member-' of Directors at its monthly meeting May 7th in the campus Omicron Delta Kappa .. ShIP of Council's Executive Com- .. ..'. , _ . each Sunday' beginning, June 2 Asa junior and senior .Bob mittee. In addition to president Van Wormer Administration Building. Renton K. Brodie, over WLW-T, Channel 5. worked under the Ford Founda- ' Mueller, the Executive Committee - "chairman, presided. Each appointment is effective Septem- To be shown in color, the tion Honors Program. He re· is comprised of Marty Wessel, ber 1, 1963. ' "Physical Fitness' T h r 0 ugh ceived ,a National Defense<)~'el- Sports" series will be moderated lowship in Political S~ience, Dr. Harold R. Rice, Ohio native, 1934 graduate of UC's by Miss Mary Wolverton, UC as- which will enable him .to obtain College of Design, Architecture, and -Art, and since 194() sistant professor of, physical and his Ph.D. in three years. He also head of the Moore College"of Art, Philadelphia" will' succeed health education.' 'Speakers will received the 1964'Robert Patter- be from golf; ·UC tennis coach, son Gold Medal at the recentDC Dr. Ernest Pickering as dean of the College of Design, Archi- tennis; Paul Daniel, national pro- Honors Day Convocation as the tecture, and Art. fessional flycasting champion, senior best exemplifying the Dean Pickering, after nearly flycasting and picnic sports; Jer- ideals of manhood. We are ry Hurter, chairman of the 40 years at UC, is retiring Sep- , proud to have Robert Fee as Sen- Water Safety Committee of the tember t to become dean erneri-: PilChi Epsilon ior Class Orator of the 1963 grad- 'Greater Cincinnati Safe Boating uating class. tus. Committee, sailing and boating. Robert A. Deshon, UC professor Initiates Nine Thomas Parker; water safety director .for the American Red ~'--------~----~,,'I of architecture, will take up a /Pi Chi Epsilon, the honorary Cross, swimming and water HOMECOMING new position as assistant dean of sorority for women on the coop- sports; Charles Pierson, archery The 1963 Homecoming theme design, architecture, and 'art. erative programs in the College equipment expert, archery; and of Engineering, held its 7formal will be "South Sea. Holiday/I pro Harvey C. Sunderman, as- Dr. William J. Schnitzer, UC as- initiation' at 2 p.m, Sunday, May' Emphasis should be placed on sociate professor of geology, will sociate professor of physical and water, under water life, or on' 19, 1963. The girls selected on the health education, who will demon- be given the additional title of basis of scholarship and personal the South Sea beaches. Or- strate games the family can play ganizations participating ,·"in assistant-dean of UC's McMicken , characteristic-s for initiation into' in their own back yard. the honorary were: Karen Ben- float .eempetltlen should rule College of Arts and Sciences. He out. countries' or' pla(:esof the will be associated with Dean nett, BBA '65; Dean Pizzo, BBA ',64; Elizabeth Hoff, BBA '65; PI KAPPA ALP'HA South Sea. Charles K. 'Weichert and Associ- Diana HoHkamp,'BBA '64;, Ann Pj Kappa Alp'ha held their Opening date for acceptanee \ate Dean JosephE. Holiday. Hoshaw, BBA '65; Roslyn Ran, six-month elections Sunday, of float themes will be June May 26. Those elected were: 15th. They will be accepted Dr. Gordon S. Skinner- pro-, ,BRA '65;' Carol Rathman, BBA, '65; Carol Rocca, BBA '64; and President, Fra·nk Arnett; Vice all summer but the sooner fessorof economics in UC's Col- President, Mike Dever; Treas- they are entered and accept- lege of Business Administration, r Ann' Stuart, BBA '64. A dinner in honor of the new members urer, Bob Web b; Secretary, ed, the -seener gl\oups can be- will receive the additional title-of followed the initiation ceremonies Charles Woodward; and Exe- gin to construct them; head .of the department o~ econ- ... at gelsner's""Restaurant in Ken- cutives: Andy Gran.t and Steve Entries are to be turned in Fountain. to the Alumni Office. omics. tucky. L Page Two UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI NEWS RECORD Thursday, June 6, 1963' 27 to Dr. Garland G. Parker, UC registrar and central admissions ,Le;lan:d1M;illes UC Officers Will Be Honored ,officer. Dr. Parker and his wife, a teacher of French at Hughes High School, are bot" _Re1ceiv:es Award At Commencement Exercise graduates of the Missouri college, Dr. Leland Miles" Associate Three out-of-town colleges and degree June 2 from Midland Col- Dr. Greene, an alumnus of Mer- Professor of English, has been, universities will honor University lege, Fremont, Nebraska .