Medical News
1763 health, however, soon broke down and after practising spectacles, a fact which was often the cause of injury to for some years in Ireland he settled to private practice their eyesight. He therefore gave out that he would supply in London. He married in 1865 Agnes Letitia, youngest any applicant whom he considered deserving with a pair of daughter of the late William Robinson, LL.D., of Totten- spectacles, and in addition he personally saw the applicants ham, Middlesex, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-law, J.P., and tested their sight. He was a firm supporter of the local and deputy-lieutenant of the county. He became a Fellow cottage hospital and dispensary, the former of which institu- of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society and served as tions was mainly founded by members of his family. a member of its council in 1894-95 ; he was also a member of the Clinical Society of London. Dr. Fitz-Patrick was, DEATHS OF EMIB’E1T FOREIGN MEDICAL MEN.-The however, far more than a talented physician. He was a deaths of the eminent men are ,,aLant in its highest sense and a linguist of high order, following foreign medical conversing in Italian, German, and French almost as announced :-Dr. Heinrich Laudahn, Director of the at the of 70 flnently as in his own language, while his attainments as Lindenburg Asylum, Cologne, age years.-Dr. the of a classical scholar were far above the average. More- Leopold Grossmann, doyen Hungarian ophthalmo- at the over, he could read modern Greek with as much ease and logists, age of 79 years.-Dr.
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