Analytical Biochemistry 344 (2005) 257–265

Sensitivity comparison of real-time PCR probe designs on a model DNA plasmid

L. Wang a,¤, J.R. Blasic Jr. a, M.J. Holden a, R. Pires b

a Biotechnology Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA b Invitrogen Corporation, Frederick, MD 21704, USA

Received 5 May 2005 Available online 25 July 2005


We investigated three probe design strategies used in quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for sensitivity in detection of the PCR amplicon. A plasmid with a 120-bp insert served as the DNA template. The probes were TaqMan, conventional molecular beacon (MB), and shared-stem molecular beacon (ATssMB and GCssMB). A shared-stem beacon probe combines the properties of a TaqMan probe and a conventional molecular beacon. It was found that the overall sensitivities for the four PCR probes are in the order of MB > ATssMB > GCssMB > TaqMan. The Xuorescence quantum yield measurements indicate that incomplete or partial enzymatic cleavage catalyzed by Taq polymerase is the likely cause of the low sensitivities of two shared-stem beacons when com- pared with the conventional beacon probe. A high-Xuorescence background associated with the current TaqMan probe sequence contributes to the relatively low detection sensitivity and signal-to-background ratio. The study points out that the nucleotide envi- ronment surrounding the reporting Xuorophore can strongly aVect the probe performance in real-time PCR. Published by Elsevier Inc.

Keywords: Quantitative real-time PCR; Probe design; TaqMan; Molecular beacon; Shared-stem molecular beacon; DNA plasmid; Detection sensi- tivity; Signal-to-background ratio; 5Ј Exonuclease activity; Fluorescence quantum yield; Melting temperature

Nucleic acid detection and quantiWcation play impor- high sensitivity and a large dynamic range, Xuorescence tant roles in many areas, including cancer diagnostics, detection methods are used in real-time PCR [1,2]. Com- drug discovery, and biotechnology-derived crop identiW- monly used formats include Xuorescent dyes (e.g., SYBR cation and quantiWcation. Often the quantities of DNA Green I), which bind to the minor groove of the DNA and RNA are too small for direct measurement, and so double helix [3,4], and probes, which are ampliWcation of the target by the polymerase chain reac- complementary to a portion of the ampliWed target. tion (PCR)1 is required. The need for quantiWcation of These oligonucleotide probes contain both a Xuoro- genetic elements is the driving force for the current phore and a quencher that interact through a Xuores- development of quantitative PCR methods. Because of cence resonance energy transfer mechanism [5–9]. When compared with the DNA binding dyes, Xuorophores V W * Corresponding author. Fax: +1 301 975 5449. linked to o er higher sequence speci c- E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Wang) ity and are less susceptible to contamination, such as 1 Abbreviations used: PCR, polymerase chain reaction; MB, conven- primer–dimer formation in the case of SYBR Green I tional molecular beacon; AtssMB and GCssMB, shared-stem molecu- [10,11], and are relatively easier for the detection of sin- lar beacon; TAMRA, 5-carboxytetramethylrhodamine CPG; HPLC, gle nucleotide polymorphisms [7,12,13]. high-performance liquid chromatography; MALDI–TOF, matrix-as- sisted laser desorption ionization time-of-Xight; SRM, Standard Refer- Fluorescence resonance energy transfer is the under- ence Material; SVP, snake venom phosphodiesterase; BSPD, bovine lying mechanism for various real-time PCR methods spleen phosphodiesterase. employing a variety of probe design tactics, including

0003-2697/$ - see front matter. Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.ab.2005.06.038 258 Sensitivity comparison of real-time PCR probe designs / L. Wang et al. / Anal. Biochem. 344 (2005) 257–265

TaqMan probes [8], molecular beacons [14,15], and melting temperatures of probe to target and of intramo- hybridization probes [16]. Because of probe design, lecular stem were determined by the nearest neighbor molecular beacons give low initial Xuorescence back- model and by Mfold Web server (version 3.1) [21]. 5Ј- ground. The stem structure of the molecular beacons phosphoramidite, 5-carboxytetramethyl- warrants eYcient Xuorescence quenching by the proxi- rhodamine CPG (TAMRA), and 3Ј-dabsyl CPG were mal quencher. In comparison, TaqMan probes give obtained from Glen Research (Sterling, VA, USA).2 The much higher background signals in that the intramolecu- oligonucleotide PCR probes were synthesized on a 96- lar separation distance between a donor and an acceptor well DNA synthesizer using standard phosphoramidite in the unhybridized state results in only partial quench- chemistry. Oligos containing 3Ј TAMRA were cleaved ing. The amount of resonance energy transfer is consid- from the CPG and deprotected using a tert-butylamine/ erably lower than that in the case of molecular beacons. methanol/water (1:1:2) mixture at 85 °C for 2 h [22]. The More recently, a variety of new molecular beacon Wnal products were puriWed by high-performance liquid designs have been explored for higher aYnity binding chromatography (HPLC) and veriWed by matrix-assisted with targets though lower discrimination between laser desorption ionization time-of-Xight (MALDI– closely related targets. These probes interact with a tar- TOF) mass spectrometry using either a BiXex III get sequence along the loop length and throughout one (Bruker, Billerica, MA, USA) or a Voyager DE Pro stem [17] or both stem regions [18] to increase eVective (PerSeptive Biosystems, Framingham, MA, USA). A hybridization length with the target. To eliminate non- model DNA construct (120 bp) was assembled from six speciWc binding of stems with a target, Browne designed overlapping fragments of DNA ranging in size from 26 sequence-speciWc, self-reporting hairpin inversion bea- to 43 bp via PCR (MJ Research Mini Cycler) [23]. The con probes to improve speciWcity of hybridization [19]. assembled sequence was then cloned into PCRscript In addition, Kong et al. reported shared-stem molecular Cam plasmid vector from Stratagene (La Jolla, CA, beacon probes that combined properties of TaqMan USA) and transformed into XL10 Gold cells (Strat- probes and conventional molecular beacons [20]. The agene). The plasmid (3519 bp in length) was isolated authors have shown that the signal-to-background from culture by alkaline lysis and puriWed on a CsCl gra- ratios are superior to those of conventional molecular dient. The sequences of the primers, the real-time PCR beacons using this probe design strategy. Understand- amplicon, and various PCR probes are given in Table 1, ably, Xuorescence from a Xuorophore cleaved from a and their lengths and location with respect to the ampli- nucleotide probe ought to be greater than Xuorescence con are shown later in Fig. 1. In addition, two oligonu- from a Xuorophore separated from a quencher by cleotides—TaqssMB and CompMB—are shown in the approximately 20 nucleic bases as in the case of a con- same table and used for quantum yield measurements. ventional molecular beacon. All of the concentrations were determined based on In the current study, a 120-bp template was designed absorbance measurements at 260 nm and extinction and inserted into a plasmid. There was a desire to have a coeYcients given in [24]. A recent BLAST search [25] template that was suitable for evaluation of several probe indicated that several fragments of 19–22 bp of the tem- types but that resembled no known gene so as to avoid plate had homologies to sequences found in the Homo contamination of PCRs that measured actual genes. Vari- sapiens, Mus musculum, Oryze sativa, Legionella pneuo- ous probe types were employed: TaqMan probe, conven- phila, Silicibacter pomeroyi, Ustilago maydis, and Gibber- tional molecular beacon (MB), and shared-stem molecular ella zeae genomes. None of these fragments precisely beacon (ATssMB and GCssMB). We compared their sig- overlaps any of the primers or probes used in this study. nal-to-background ratios and sensitivities with respect to the same amplicon. The investigation is in support of our Real-time PCR protocols eVort to develop model DNA reference materials for stan- dardizing real-time PCR instruments and protocols. For PCR measurements, the Xuorescence signal was detected by the green Xuorescence channel (530 nm) of the LightCycler from Roche Diagnostics (Indianapolis, Materials and methods IN, USA) at the end of the annealing step (55 °C) using the following protocols: 95 °C for 10 min for enzyme acti- Preparation of various PCR probes and model DNA vation due to the use of LightCycler FastStart DNA plasmid

Probes were designed to have a melting temperature 2 Certain commercial equipment, instruments, and materials are W with the complementary strands and of the stem struc- identi ed in this article to specify the experimental procedure ade- quately. In no case does such identiWcation imply recommendation or ture of the beacons between 61 and 63 °C (7–10 °C above endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the annealing temperature of 55 °C) and to have no nor does it imply that the equipment, instruments, or materials are nec- other internal secondary structures above 50 °C. The essarily the best available for the purpose. Sensitivity comparison of real-time PCR probe designs / L. Wang et al. / Anal. Biochem. 344 (2005) 257–265 259


GCssMB Probe (24 b)

ATssMB Probe (25 b)

Forward Primer (20 b) TaqMan Probe (25 b) MB Probe (25 bp)

Amplicon (120 bp)

Reverse Primer (20 b)

Fig. 1. Positions and lengths of various real-time PCR probes and forward and reverse primers with respect to the ampliWed region of the model DNA plasmid. The lengths include only the regions involved in hybridization.

Master Hybridization Probes from Roche; for the Taq- designed experiments to verify the eVectiveness of the exo- Man and shared-stem molecular beacon probes, 95 °C for nuclease cleavage. Samples with probe included, with no 15 s, then decreasing the temperature to 55 °C and incu- probe, and with only probe and buVer present were run bation for 30 s, repeating the cycle; for the molecular bea- through 45 cycles of PCR ampliWcation using the Light- con probe, 95 °C for 10 s, then decreasing the temperature Cycler. On completion of the thermocycling protocol, the to 55 °C for 10 s, followed by increasing the temperature reactions containing cycled probe only were added to the to 72 °C and incubation for 30 s at 72 °C, restarting the samples that had cycled with no probe. These served as cycle. The PCRs were optimized Wrst by magnesium titra- the control for the measurements. A portion of the reac- tion to determine the optimal magnesium concentration, tion mixture (15 l) was withdrawn from each pool. The followed by a temperature gradient to determine the best remaining sample was then Wltered through a Microcon annealing temperature. Primer and probe concentrations YM-3 (molecular weight cutoV of 3000 Da, 10 single- were then optimized experimentally. The optimized reac- stranded nucleotides) centrifugal Wlter device from Milli- tion conditions were 500 nM forward and reverse prim- pore (Bedford, MA, USA) at 13,000g for 30 min. A 15-l ers, 1 M probe, and 2 mM magnesium chloride for all portion was withdrawn from the Wltrate. These samples, reactions except the conventional molecular beacon along with those without Wltration, were loaded back into probe, with which 3 mM magnesium chloride was LightCycler capillaries and heated up to 95 °C for 2s, fol- employed. PCR ampliWcation was carried out for 45 lowed by Xuorescence reading at 55 °C using the real-time cycles for all probe designs. Xuorometer function of the LightCycler.

5Ј Exonuclease activity measurements Fluorescence quantum yield measurements

Because Xuorescence signal on PCR ampliWcation is The steady-state Xuorescence measurements were car- critically dependent on 5Ј exonuclease cleavage for both ried out using an SLM 8000 spectroXuorometer from TaqMan and shared-stem molecular beacon probes, we Jobin Yvon (Edison, NJ, USA). The Xuorescence spectra 260 Sensitivity comparison of real-time PCR probe designs / L. Wang et al. / Anal. Biochem. 344 (2005) 257–265 were recorded under the “magic angle” condition with to the forward primer to enhance hydrolysis eYciency. the excitation wavelength of 480 nm for Xuorescein. The For the molecular beacon probe, the Wnal signal depends slits for the excitation and emission monochromators on the amplicon concentration and hybridization both were set at 4 nm. Relative Xuorescence quantum eYciency with the amplicon. In this case, the molecular yields were determined with respect to a Xuorescein stan- beacon probe is displaced from the target by Taq DNA dard (NIST Standard Reference Material (SRM) 1932, polymerase (72 °C). The location of the probe on the tar- Gaithersburg, MD, USA), which was diluted to 0.5 M get was positioned some distance from the primer. in 0.1 M borate buVer (pH 9.1). Under these conditions, Because of these diVerences, the thermal cycling proWles the Xuorescein standard gives a quantum yield of 0.93 using these probes were diVerent, as detailed in Materials that is equivalent to the value reported in 0.01 M NaOH and methods. [26]. To get accurate absorbance of Xuorescein at Fig. 2A shows Xuorescence intensities after completion 480 nm, dG-dabsyl, a rhodamine-labeled oligonucleo- of PCR (gray columns) for the four PCR probes. The tide, and a Xuorescein-labeled oligonucleotide were used black columns in the same Wgure show the initial Xuores- to derive the absorbance of Xuorescein only at 480 nm cence backgrounds averaged over the Wrst Wve PCR cycles. using Mathcad 2001 software from MathSoft (Cam- To account for possibly unequal concentrations of probes bridge, MA, USA). The quantum yields were obtained at and diVerences in Xuorescence quantum yields of Xuores- room temperature and calculated using the equation cein in each case, the signal-to-background ratios were cal- given by Turner [27]. In addition, two enzymes—snake culated and are displayed in Fig. 2B for the comparison of venom phosphodiesterase (SVP) and bovine spleen the four probes. The ratio trails in the following order: phosphodiesterase (BSPD)—were used to verify the MB >GCssMB >ATssMB >TaqMan. A conventional results of enzymatic digestion. Both enzymes are prod- molecular beacon probe, by design, gives a low-Xuores- ucts from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA, USA). cence background when compared with a TaqMan probe in that Xuorescence from the Xuorophore is highly Sensitivity measurements quenched by the adjacent quencher, as seen in Fig. 2A (black columns). In addition, the guanine bases in the stem To test the sensitivity of various PCR probe designs, portion of the beacon quench the Xuorescence of the Xuo- the model plasmid was preampliWed for 45 cycles using rophore. The amount of Xuorescence quenching is gener- the LightCycler without a probe and Xuorescence detec- tion. The ampliWed DNA construct was then diluted to 1 £ 1013 copies per microliter. Each probe was then A 70 added, along with other fresh reagents, to a 10-fold dilu- 60 tion series of the ampliWed construct solution (1 £ 1013/ 50 l) and run in triplicate. These samples went through two cycles of ampliWcation, along with a “no DNA con- 40 trol,” to account for the diVerence in measurement from 30 cycle to cycle. The Xuorescence signal of the Wrst cycle 20 Fluorescence (A.U.) was subtracted from the signal of the second cycle to 10 obtain the signal increase resulting from one round of 0 W ampli cation with the respective amount of starting TaqMan ATssMB GCssMB MB material. In this manner, we attempted to recreate the conditions during a PCR with well-deWned quantities of B 9 ampliWed product. Data were averaged and plotted with 8 the background subtracted. 7 6 5

S/N 4 Results and discussion 3 2 Fig. 1 shows the positions of the four real-time PCR 1 probes with respect to the PCR amplicon. The probes 0 used in the study were a TaqMan probe, two shared- TaqMan ATssMB GCssMB MB stem molecular beacons, and a conventional molecular beacon. With the use of both TaqMan and shared-stem Fig. 2. (A) Fluorescence signal after completion of PCR (gray col- molecular beacon probes, signal ampliWcation relies on umns) for various real-time PCR probes. The black columns show the initial Xuorescence backgrounds averaged over the Wrst Wve PCR hybridization with the amplicon and hydrolysis of the cycles. AU, arbitrary units. (B) Signal-to-background ratios (S/N) probe by the 5Ј-exonuclease activity of Taq DNA poly- obtained using the data given in (A) for the four real-time PCR merase (55 °C); therefore, these probes were placed close probes. Sensitivity comparison of real-time PCR probe designs / L. Wang et al. / Anal. Biochem. 344 (2005) 257–265 261 ally proportional to the number of nearby guanine bases The Xuorescence quantum yields of the post-PCR (in the neighborhood of 5 or 6 bases) [28–30]. Based on Wltrates were measured and are given in Table 2 for Taq- these principles, we expected the Xuorescence backgrounds Man, ATssMB, and GCssMB probes. The yields of Taq- of the three molecular beacon probes to be in the order of Man and ATssMB probes are relatively close. Although MB

Considering that the polymerase was able to cleave peratures are generally consistent with the probe the control sequence GC-TaqMan, we questioned design strategies. The results imply that GCssMB whether GCssMB was fully opened and able to hybrid- should behave similarly to ATssMB in real-time PCR ize to the amplicon, as expected in PCR. The melting and should be able to hybridize to the complementary curves and their Wrst negative derivatives over the tem- strand. The melting temperature for the MB probe is perature range of 30–95 °C are shown in Fig. 4 for slightly higher than the melting temperatures for the three beacon probes and their duplexes with the com- two shared-stem molecular beacons (62.1 °C), consis- plementary strands. The obtained melting tempera- tent with the higher GC content in the stem portion of tures for both GCssMB (60.5 °C) and ATssMB MB. Taking into account that the concentrations of (58.8 °C) are similar and 8–10 °C lower than those for the probes were kept approximately the same for the their duplexes with the complementary target measurements, the Xuorescence signals from the (TaqssMB), that is, 68.4 and 69.0 °C for GCssMB GCssMB probe and its duplex with the target are sig- duplex and ATssMB duplex, respectively. These tem- niWcantly lower than the others.

A 70





20 Fluorescence (A.U.)



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Temperature (ûC)

B 3 Melting Temperatures Probe Target Stem 2 MB 72.3 62.1 ATssMB 69 58.8 GC ssMB 68.4 60.5 1


-1 Fluorescence (-df/dt)


-3 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Temperature (ûC)

Fig. 4. Melting curves (A) and Wrst negative derivatives over the temperature (B) for three beacon probes and their duplexes with the complementary oligonucleotides (TaqssMB for two shared-stem beacons and CompMB for the conventional molecular beacon) using the LightCycler: -ᮀ-, AtssMB; —, MB; -··, GCssMB. The probe alone or the mixture of the probe and the complementary target in 20 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.4), 50 mM KCl, and

2 mM MgCl2 went through the following protocol: 95 °C for 30 s, then decreasing to 30 °C at the rate of 0.2 °C/s and holding at 30 °C for 30 s, fol- lowed by a slow ramp (0.1 °C/s) to 95 °C with continuous Xuorescence monitoring. The (B) inset lists the melting temperatures obtained by taking the peak reading of the Wrst negative derivative over the temperature. AU, arbitrary units. Sensitivity comparison of real-time PCR probe designs / L. Wang et al. / Anal. Biochem. 344 (2005) 257–265 263

We further questioned whether C-linked Xuorescein (0.20) and dCGG-Xuorescein (0.23) are about four times resulting from the complete hydrolysis of the GCssMB lower than the yield of dC-Xuorescein (0.81), and the probe would be quenched. Both dC-Xuorescein and dA- yield of dCGGA-Xuorescein (0.42) is approximately Xuorescein were synthesized to serve as controls. Their half that of dC-Xuorescein. These results point out that Xuorescence quantum yields measured against the refer- low Xuorescence signal after PCR using GCssMB as the ence standard are the same (0.81) and are given in Table probe is most likely due to partial hydrolysis of the 2. We measured the quantum yields of GCssMB alone probe. Although the quantum yield determined for in Tris buVer (pH 8.4) and the GCssMB probe digested GCssMB after PCR (0.12) is much lower than antici- by two diVerent enzymes either separately or jointly pated, it is more than four times higher than that of (Table 2). Enzymatic digestion by SVP starts from the GCssMB in the stem-loop state (0.028). When a 5Ј end of the nucleotides, and digestion catalyzed by GCssMB probe was hybridized to its complementary BSPD originates from the 3Ј end of the nucleotides. The oligonucleotide, TaqssMB, the quantum yield of the yields for digested GCssMB are close to each other and formed duplex (GCssMB/TaqssMB) was measured to above 0.70, inferring that fully cleaved GCssMB should be 0.43. This yield is much higher than that after PCR Xuoresce strongly. Three additional control samples— (0.12). The measured yield (0.43) in the duplex form is dCG-Xuorescein, dCGG-Xuorescein, and dCGGA-Xuo- comparable to that of the duplex GC-TaqMan/ rescein—were made to show the likely outcomes of TaqssMB (0.49) (Table 2) due to the same microenvi- partial hydrolyses of GCssMB serving as the probe in ronment Xuorophores experienced in both cases. Inter- PCR. The Xuorescence quantum yields of these controls estingly, the quantum yields of the four PCR probes are given in Table 2. The yields of dCG-Xuorescein increase in the order of GCssMB < MB < ATssMB

AB1.50 1.50

1.25 1.25

1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75 Flourescence Flourescence ∆

0.50 ∆ 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00

0 10 11 12 13 14 0 10 11 12 13 14 Log Copy number Log Copy number

CD1.50 1.50

1.25 1.25

1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75

Flourescence 0.50 ∆ Flourescence

∆ 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 -0.25 0 10 11 12 13 14 0 10 11 12 13 14 Log Copy number Log Copy number

Fig. 5. DiVerences in Xuorescence signals between second and Wrst PCR ampliWcation cycles as a function of the concentrations (copy numbers) of the starting amplicons for TaqMan (A), AtssMB (B), GCssMB (C), and MB (D). The plots include the standard deviations from nine replicates for each concentration. 264 Sensitivity comparison of real-time PCR probe designs / L. Wang et al. / Anal. Biochem. 344 (2005) 257–265

< TaqMan. The trend is the same, as shown in Fig. 2A of GCssMB after PCR, although the performances of (black columns). It is also worth noting that the control the two probes were very similar. We do not see supe- probe (GC-TaqMan) would be a better probe than Taq- rior signal-to-background ratios with the two shared- Man when comparing the quantum yields of probes stem beacon probes in this study, and we do not alone and post-PCR Wltrates (Table 2). The Xuores- compare our results with those reported by Kong et al. cence signal increases Wvefold after PCR for GC-Taq- [20] due to very diVerent sequences (microenviron- Man and approximately twofold for TaqMan. The ments surrounding the Xuorophore) used in PCR results suggest that one could use surrounding nucleo- measurements. tide sequences to improve assay sensitivities when designing PCR probes. To compare the sensitivities of various PCR probes, Conclusions we prepared a 10-fold dilution series of the preampli- Wed DNA construct (1 £ 1013/l). With the same Quantitative real-time PCR has been accepted as amount of starting material, the signal diVerence the standard method for nucleic acid detection and between the second and Wrst PCR ampliWcation cycles quantiWcation. Sequence-speciWc probes for such is likely to show the sensitivity of the probe. Fig. 5 dis- detection and quantiWcation are the cornerstones of plays diVerences in measured Xuorescence signals as a the genomic revolution and of molecular diagnostics. function of the concentration (logarithmic copy num- Hence, it is important not only to continuously explore ber) of the starting construct for TaqMan (panel A), new probe design tactics but also to investigate exist- ATssMB (panel B), GCssMB (panel C), and MB ing probe designs and provide guidelines for obtaining (panel D). With a starting copy number of 1 £ 1012 per the most sensitive probes for the desired applications. microliter, the signal diVerence between the second and In the current study, a model DNA plasmid that con- Wrst ampliWcation cycles is distinguishable from that of tains a 120-bp sequence serving as the amplicon of less starting material, for instance, 1 £ 1011 copies per real-time PCR was constructed to investigate various microliter using MB, ATssMB, and GCssMB probes. probe design strategies. Three diVerent probe designs Because of intrinsic high-Xuorescence background were compared for detection sensitivity of amplifying associated with the TaqMan probe, the signal diVer- the 120-bp sequence: a TaqMan, a conventional molec- ence was not signiWcant enough to diVerentiate the ular beacon, and two shared-stem molecular beacons. starting material from 1 £ 1012 to 1 £ 1011 copies per It was found that the conventional molecular beacon microliter. The overall sensitivities for the four probe showed the highest sensitivity and signal-to-back- types are in the order of MB > ATssMB > GCssMB > ground ratio, whereas the TaqMan probe displayed the TaqMan. The sensitivity result is generally consistent lowest sensitivity and signal-to-background ratio for with that of the signal-to-background ratio shown in amplifying the 120-bp sequence region of the model Fig. 2B and the Ct values obtained from one to six plasmid. The sensitivities of the two shared-stem orders of magnitude dilutions of the plasmid. The molecular beacons were similar but slightly lower than molecular beacon probe, MB, gives a low initial back- the sensitivity of the conventional beacon probe. The ground and a much higher Xuorescence signal when Xuorescence quantum yield measurements reveal that hybridized to the complementary target. The increase an incomplete enzymatic hydrolysis associated with in Xuorescence signal results from decreased quenching the TaqMan probe design tactic is the likely cause of by the energy acceptor, dabsyl. The shared-stem bea- the measured sensitivity of the shared-stem beacon con probes also give low-Xuorescence background; probe, GCssMB. With a relatively clean preparation of nonetheless, the Xuorescence enhancement during PCR DNA for real-time PCR, it is essential to design a depends on the eYciency of enzymatic hydrolysis of probe with relatively low-Xuorescence background to the probes. Our original hypothesis, namely that a obtain high-detection sensitivity. In the case of Taq- shared-stem molecular beacon would be a better probe Man and GC-TaqMan probes, for instance, moving than a conventional beacon probe due to the strong the probe sequence around in the nearby region and initial quenching and lyses of the Xuorophore from the using the local microenvironment of the Xuorophore probe to give a large Wnal signal, assumes 100% cleav- can reduce the Xuorescence background and improve age eYciency (a single nucleic base conjugated with a the signal-to-background ratio of PCR (GC-TaqMan Xuorescein) and no interference from proteins and would perform better than TaqMan). The investiga- nucleotides. It is apparent from the quantum yield tion is in support of our eVort to develop model DNA measurements (Table 2) that the eYciency of enzy- reference materials for standardizing real-time PCR matic cleavage of the probes can vary from one probe instruments and protocols. Ultimately, the model to another and that Wnal products may be various DNA plasmid can be used to calibrate various real- small-length nucleotides. Between the two shared-stem time PCR instruments with numerous probe design beacon probes, we observed a low-Xuorescence signal strategies. Sensitivity comparison of real-time PCR probe designs / L. Wang et al. / Anal. Biochem. 344 (2005) 257–265 265

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