Installation and Configuration

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Installation and Configuration 3 Aug 2007 Drupal Handbook Table of Contents Installation and configuration . 1 System requirements . 2 Client System Requirements . 3 Javascript . 3 CSS . 4 RSS . 4 Browser Specifics . 4 Browser Popularity . 4 Known Problems . 4 Validation . 4 Caveats . 4 HOWTO: Server requirement recommendations for your consulting clients .. 5 Message to the Client . 5 Benchmark . 6 What runs on . 6 Requirements - older versions . 6 Installing Drupal, modules and themes . 8 Installing Drupal . 8 Formatted Drupal 5.x Installation instructions for better readability .. 13 Installation . 13 Changes . 14 Requirements . 14 Optional Requirements . 14 Installation . 14 Drupal Administration . 16 Customizing your theme(s) . 16 Multi-site configuration . 16 More Information . 17 Formatted Drupal 4.7.x Installation instructions for better readability .. 17 Installation . 17 REQUIREMENTS . 18 SERVER CONFIGURATION . 18 OPTIONAL COMPONENTS . 18 INSTALLATION . 19 1. DOWNLOAD DRUPAL . 19 2. CREATE THE DRUPAL DATABASE . 19 3. LOAD THE DRUPAL DATABASE SCHEME . 20 4. CONNECTING DRUPAL . 20 5. CONFIGURE DRUPAL . 21 6. CRON TASKS . 22 DRUPAL ADMINISTRATION . 22 CUSTOMIZING YOUR THEME(S) . 22 UPGRADING . 23 MORE INFORMATION . 23 i Drupal Handbook 3 Aug 2007 10 minute install using PuTTY SSH/Telnet client .. 23. How I installed Drupal: The Eightfold Way . 24. Installing virtual hosts for Drupal sites and subsites .. 25. Mac OS X-specific guidelines . 26. Important notes for MySQL install: . 27. HOWTO: Create a local server environment for drupal using MAMP .. 28. HOWTO: Installing PostgreSQL and MySQL on the same Mac OS X machine .. 29. Installing Drupal on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger . 30. Installing and Configuring MySQL . 30. Sending mail . 32. Creating the Drupal Database and Database User .. 32. Installing using CVS repository . 33. Prefixed database.mysql for search and replace . 36. Setup Drupal on Windows XP Pro using IIS . 51. Basic /sites directory setup . 52. Special cases . 53. Compilation failed: this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support .53 Configure .htaccess to allow awstats to work with clean URL’s .. 54. Configuring .htaccess to ignore specific subfolders .. 55. Ignoring Subfolders that exist in the DocumentRoot .. 55. Ignoring subfolders that are included via Apache Alias directives .. 55. Create a custom php.ini . 56. How to create a custom php.ini file when nothing else works .. 60. 1. Get and modify your custom php.ini file .. 60. 2. Creating your CGI script . 60. 3. Modifying your .htaccess file . 61. 4. Test your site . 61. Create Drupal database using Plesk . 61. Drupal with safe mode enabled and open basedir .. 62. Generic Mass SQL Import into Drupal . 65. DrupalCon site . 67. How to degrade your Drupal db from MySQL 4.1.X/5.0.X to MySQL 4.0.X .. 67. How-To: Virtual Hosting with Drupal . 68. Introduction . 68. Environment . 68. Requirements . 69. Next pages . 69. How-To: Virtual Hosting with Drupal :: Prepare environment .. 69. Introduction . 69. The drupal group . 70. The temp directory . 70. The reference location . 70. Navigation . 70. How-To: Virtual Hosting with Drupal :: Solution Overview .. 71. Introduction . 71. Safe mode . 71. Open Basedir . 71. ii 3 Aug 2007 Drupal Handbook Plesk integration . 72. Managed application . 72. eAccelerator . 72. Each individual vhost requirements . 73. Navigation . 73. HOWTO: copy a site to a local computer using XAMPP .. 73. HOWTO: Copy site to another directory for testing .. 74. HOWTO: Install Drupal 5.x using cPanel . 75. HOWTO: Install Drupal using cPanel . 77. HOWTO: Site to site transfer with phpMyAdmin and a FTP Client .. 80. Import a MySQL data dump with BigDump . 82. What is BigDump? . 82. Setting up BigDump . 83. Uploading the sql file and bigdump.php to the webserver .. 83. Running BigDump . 84. Installing Drupal behind an Actiontec GT701-WG router .. 84. Installing Drupal in a subdirectory in 4.6 . 85. More than one Drupal site on one machine . 85. General rules for multiple Drupal deployments .. 86. Moving your Drupal installation to a new directory .. 86. PCRE_UTF8 solution for VPS servers | FreeBSD .. 87. Known causes of PCRE server errors . 88. Redirecting specific pages to new URLs (301 redirects in Drupal) .. 88. How to create 301 redirects in Drupal Apache mod_rewrite .. 89. The tolerant base URL . 89. Using .htaccess to stop page caching . 90. Linux specific guidelines . 90. Installing PHP, MySQL and Apache under Linux .. 90. XAMPP for Linux Packages . 91. Installing XAMPP in Debian . 91. Download XAMPP Latest version from the following link .. 91. Start XAMPP Server . 91. Windows-specific guidelines . 94. How to install Drupal for newbies using FTP and phpMyAdmin .. 95. Change "/tmp" on your drupal site. 95. Get Drupal ready . 95. Upload the database . 96. HOWTO: Create an apache sandbox using Windows and Apache2Triad .. 96. Before you begin . 97. Installing Apache2Triad . 97. Installing Drupal . 98. Importing and exporting Drupal databases updated with PHPMyAdmin .. 100. To export a database with PHPMyAdmin . 100. To import a database with PHPMyAdmin . 101. Using bigdump.php to deal with large databases .. 102. Installing Apache (with PHP) on Windows . 102. Installing MySQL on Windows . 104. iii Drupal Handbook 3 Aug 2007 Installing PHP4 on Windows . 105. Drupal 4.7 on Windows/IIS Requires PHP in ISAPI mode .. 105. Installing PostgreSQL on Windows . 105. Multiple Drupal Sites under Windows . 106. Running multiple sites on a local PC (localhost) from a single codebase, using Windows106 Untar . 108. Installing Drupal on Windows . 109. PostgreSQL specific guidelines . 109. ERROR: DB connect failed . 109. ERROR: language "plpgsql" does not exist . 110. ERROR: null value in column "uid" violates not-null constraint .. 110. PostgreSQL support in Drupal 4.7.x . 110. Drupal 4.5 and PGSQL 8 configuration . 110. Installing contributed modules . 111. HOWTO: Install glossary module . 113. Where is the Glossary? . 113. What is the purpose of the Glossary Module, and what does it do? .. 113. Installing the Glossary Module . 114. Configuring the Glossary . 114. Adding Full Page Definitions . 115. Adding Glossary To Menus . 115. Leech - automating content addition . 116. Relationships between modules . 116. Installing new modules (Drupal 4.6 or older) . 117. Multi-site installation and set-up . 118. 10 Minute Multisite Install & Configuration . 119. Access all multisites with www. only [.htaccess] .. 121. Drupal as a library . 121. Multi-site setup in 5.x using CPanel . 123. Multi-Site, Single Codebase, Shared Database, Shared Sign-on 4.6 .. 124. Apache (http) Configuration . 124. Download and Placement . 124. SQL Setup . 125. Individual Site Configuration & Theming . 126. Some things which can be improved: . 127. Multi-Site, Single Codebase, Shared Database, Shared Sign-on 5.x .. 127. 1. Prepare database and database user . 128. 1.1. create a database and user . 128. 2. create and modify site configuration . 128. 2.1. duplicate settings folder . 128. 2.2. Modify config files . 128. 2.2.1. provide DB connection detail . 128. 2.2.2. set prefixes for table names . 128. 3. create static links . 129. 4. install drupal . 130. Multiple domains or vhosts using different databases .. 130. Sharing Drupal tables between databases using MySQL5 Views .. 131. iv 3 Aug 2007 Drupal Handbook Multiple domains using the same database . 132. Same codebase, completely different content and users .. 132. Setup of /sites directory for multi-site . 135. Installing new themes . 137. Basic site configuration . 139. Settings . 139. General settings . 140. Default front page . 140. Examples . 141. Clean URLs . 141. .htaccess for clean urls on specific shared hosts .. 143. 403 Permission denied error . 146. A mod_rewrite bug causing occasional corruption of the query string .. 147. Apache 2 configuration of clean URLs on Debian .. 147. Apache 2 on Ubuntu . 149. Editing apache2.conf . 149. Editing apache2/sites-available . 150. Clean URL.
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