Mit hotfixes von Carsten Bormann 2011-03-05 + 2013-02-28 Deploying and Monitoring Ruby on Rails A practical guide Mathias Meyer and Jonathan Weiss, 25.05.2009 Danke! Peritor GmbH Mashed up with... 2011-03-05 Deployment/Scaling/ Caching/Debugging jan krutisch mindmatters gmbh&co. kg
[email protected] Deployment Real artists ship! Komponenten client (Browser) rails database client Heute: (Browser) ➔ railsthin mongrel (∨database unicorn) mongrel ist schnell apache ist schneller client webserver rails Dateisystem public/ database rails ist nicht threadsafe client rails webserver rails database Dateisystem rails public/ webserver rails webserver rails oldschool: CGI / SCGI / FastCGI newschool: http mongrel versus... mod_proxy_balancer (in Apache/nginx/lighttpd) oder ein richtiger proxy oder ein richtiger balancer Varnish HAProxy, Squid, etc. true school: passenger Apache-Modul client rails webserver rails database rails Dateisystem public/ mod_passenger automagisch. it just works. Infrastructure Infrastructure 5 Simple Rails Setup One Rails instance handles all requests Rails is single-threaded: There is only one concurrent request 6 Rails Setup 7 Rails Setup 8 Typical Rails Setup •! A load-balancer distributes the incoming requests •! Some load-balancers will deliver static requests themselves •! Several Rails instances handle all requests •! Number of concurrent requests equals number of Rails instances 9 Rails Setup Options 10 Deployment Questions Apache? Pound? mod_proxy_balancer? FastCGI? Mongrel? Proxy? Load-balancer? Nginx? mod_rails? Ebb? HA-Proxy? Reverse Proxy? Swiftiply? Phusion Passenger? Thin? Pen? Rails Application Server? Lighttpd? 11 What we are going to cover today Rails Application Server Proxy/Web Server •! FastCGI •! Apache2 •! Mongrel •! Nginx •! mod_rails / Phussion Passenger •! Lighttpd •! JRuby + Glassfish & Co.