Curriculum Vitae

Personal Contact Information

Name: Georgi Georgiev Address: Dobrich, Maxim Gorki 5 Dobrich, Bulgaria

Mobile: +359889085362 E-mail: [email protected]


Cisco CCNA2 certificate Management Game Certificate (Arnhem Business School)

University education:

2006 - 2008

Studied 2 years in International University College – Dobrich, Bulgaria specialty of "International Business and Management".

Currently I am graduating HRQM (Human Resources & Quality Management) student at “Arnhem Business School” The Netherlands. I'm looking for a company to start with my Graduation assignment which has to be in the field of Strategic Human Resources.

Secondary School Education:

Natural-Mathematics High School "Ivan Vazov", Dobrich

Study Profile: Mathematics and Informatics with intensive learning of English Language

Form of Education: by day, term of education 3 years

Driving License: Category B

Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected] Personal Information

Birth Date: 08.10.1983 Place of Birth: Dobrich, Bulgaria Citizenship: Dobrich Merital Status: Single

Work Experience

23.05.2001 - 01.09.2002 - Windows and Tech support at Internet Coffee Club in the town of Dobrich, Bulgaria

Worked in a small Internet Coffee my task was to support the local Internet Router and Support user desktop stations running Windows 98, Windows XP, Mandrake Linux, Redhat Linux.

20.02.2003 - 25.03.2004 - remote Linux System Administrator at Internet Coffee Club located in the town of Radnevo, Bulgaria

My job assignments there were to administrate remotely two Linux servers running different client services, like mail server (exim), linux firewall, samba server, apache 1.x webserver and also to help the IT personnel in the Internet club with maintenance advices.

30.04.2004 – 29.10.2009 - Senior System Administrator in Design.BG Studios ( ) , Varna Bulgaria

My responsibilities included:

1. Take care of Local Office LAN Network.

2. Update and maintenance of Desktop Linux PCs

2. Remotely and local administration of dedicated Linux/BSD servers located in the USA Miami, Bulgaria Sofia.

3. Work in team with Bulgarian and Switzerland colleagues

4. Keep track of server problems (24 hour support line), and fix them as soon as possible, this usually included a lot of phone conversations with IT personnel in USA and Sofia.

Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected] 5. A sort of Tech support for our company clients, (help them solve IT issues) All of my work experiences have involved working within, a team based culture. This involves planning, organizing, coordination and commitment.

6. Maintaince Windows XP systems and fixing issues with IT developers work stations.

7. periodic security Audit of Windows and GNU/Linux based systems

29.05.2011 – 17.08.2011 – Remote System Administrator in Santrex (, (International UK based company)

1. Responsibility to maintain about 100 Linux servers

2. Solve client issues via WHM ticketing system, problems were related to Email, hosting, VPS FTP, shoutcast, CentovaCast IRC, Linux, Windows etc, Cpanel

3. Server optimization to improve server overall operations (systctl tunings, MySQL and LiteSpeed optimizations) to solve issues with Linux Hosting servers, each of which was hosting more than 1000 websites

4. Server (iptables) based firewall configuration and optimization for critical environment

5. Writing bash shell scripts to mitigate server down times, caused by clients who used OpenVZ VPS nodes to launch DoS and DdoS attacks as well as aid scripts to easily track and catch users who are using services for illegal activities.

6. Added numerous server configurations to prevent severe DoS attacks which was constantly targetting the many OpenVZ and Xen Linux nodes.

7. Work with Data Centers ticketing system and personal located throughout Europe, Asia and America (servers in Russia, US, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Luxembourg and France)

8. Solving client owning dedicated servers various server issues; (server reboots, server custom configurations, litespeed webserver installations, database installations etc.)

9. Deploying of software watchdog to 60 Linux servers running CentOS Linux (to induce server auto reboots in case of server failure)

10. General server audit and fixing various network issues, caused by faulty routers and switches and improper configured DNS servers, changes to general server architecture's way of dealing with DNS requests.

11. Making sure all company servers are working correctly via Nagios and Zabbix server monitoring systems, e.g. (Configuration of Nagios agents on newly installed GNU/Linux servers to report on Nagios Core server.

Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected] 12. Solving Cpanel various user related problems

13. End client support via a WHMCS ticketing system

14. Solving Windows 2003, Windows 2000 and Windows 2008 various problems (most of the Windows were running inside client Virtual Private Servers)

15. Using Cpanel and WHMCS to suspend abusive users (running hacker tools, ssh brute forcer scripts, DoS scripts, hosting malware etc.) 16. Maintaince of MySQL servers (efficiency optimizations) to improve end user website performance, sql table repairs etc, sql maintenance tasks

17. Work with SolusVM Virtual Server Control panel to manage VPS clients

18. Periodic server maintance tasks, traceroute, pings etc. to track and solve various network issues

19. Server remote reboots, and critical server recovery and remote OS installs via IPKVM and IPMI

20. Maintenance of Squid based Proxy servers

21. Solving various client issues of Rutorrent and Fluxtorrent

In my work conditions it was required for me to work with the following Operating Systems:

1. Redhat Linux


3. CentOS

4. GNU/Linux,

5. Slackware Linux

6. Fedora Linux

7. CloudLinux OS

8. Ubuntu Linux

9. SuSE Linux

10. Gentoo Linux

Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected] 11. FreeBSD

12. Windows 98

13. Windows XP (Pro/Home Edition)

14. Windows Vista (Pro/Home Edition)

15. Windows 2007

In my work environment I had to work with IBM xSeries 345, Dell PowerEdge servers

As a hobbyist I have experience with the Following Operating systems:

1. DR-DOS 7.0


3. MS Windows 3.11

4. Menuet OS

5. Puppy Linux

6. BackTrack Linux

7. Knoppix

8. Whoopix

9. NetBSD

10. OpenBSD

11. PC BSD

12. DesktopBSD

13. Trinity CD Rescue Kit

14. OpenVMS


Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected] My primary strenghts are into Computer Security, Networking and Bash scripting. I have decent knowledge (intermediate level) in the following Languages:

Basic, Bordland Pascal, C, Bash, Perl, PHP I have basic knowledge on: (Python, Ruby, C++, Fortran)

I ran an independant Security Project (Pc-Freak) with the aim of security development and free software pupularization / distribution. I'm running a personal dedicated to help people solve various basic and intermediate system administration tasks. I have good working experience with the following Services and Technologies.

1. Building and maintenanance of Network Gateways, Routers (NAT, Masquerade), tc (traffic control), qdiscs, iproute2

2. Work with Switches, Wireless Routers (3Com, LinkSys, CNet) and wiring small and middle sized networks.

3. Building and maintenance of Samba Servers

4. Building and maintenance of (middle sized):

* servers with POP3/POP3s services (vpopmail), courier IMAP/IMAPs, ClamAV, RBL, Pyzor, Razor, DCC, Bayesian filters, DomainKeys.

* Tuning Qmail servers for performance

* SpamAssassin (writing custom spam catc1h rules), qmailscanner.

(My duties in Design.BG included maintenance of 6 server running qmail)

* Postfix servers (I was taking care of 3 postfix servers at Design.BG)

* Sendmail servers (Have installed and configured few sendmail servers for customers)

* Exim

5. Isoqlog, Qmailalizer, Qmailadmin, VQadmin, Qmailmrtg, Qsstats ( installation and configuration )

6. Sqwebmail, , Squirrelmail ( installation, Maintenance and configuration )

7. Apache (13.x, 2.0,x, 2.2.x), PHP + Eaccelerator (4.x, 5.x) Webserver building, installation,

Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected] configuration, performance optimization

8. Webalizer, Awstats ( Installation, configuration and maintenance)

9. Squid Proxy Server, Privoxy and tinyproxy installation, maintenance and configration, transparent proxy, ACLs etc.

10. Firewall configuration and maintenance: Iptables, OpenBSD PF

11. MySQL ( installation, maintenance, configuration, optimization for performance ), mysqladmin

12. Bind DNS (Configuration and maintenance of our three company Internet DNS Resolve serves, also the configuration and maintenance of local caching servers.

13. (Installation, Configuration and maintenance)

14. Frequently Used Bash and perl shell scripting for system maintenance and creating MySQL and Data backups on Regular basis

15. Tweakening Different Linux servers for performance

16. Proftpd, vsftp, wu-ftp (Installation Configuration and Maintenance)

17. Linux Jailkit, FreeBSD Jail creation and configuration

18. NTP (Maintenance and configuration of time servers)

19. Good Knowledge on Linux, FreeBSD CRON

20. Installation configuration and maintenance of Windows XP Desktop machines

21. Snort, tripwire and others program,tools which tighten security of a server and a network.

22 Good knowledge on w3c HTML/css and web page creation, HTTP webserver protocol

23. Sun Java JDK, JRE, and Tomcat

24. Flash Media Server Installation/ Configuration

25. Customer server's Account management

26. Web CMS Framework install & configuration and maintenance

27. Wordpress blogging platform Install, Configure and customization, good knowledge on installation

Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected] and configuration of essential plugins.

28. Installation and configuration of OpenX Advertisers framework and

29. Tracking of system processes Munin and Mrtg systems installation configuration and maintenance

30. Configuration, Installation and tuning of Elgg social network open source platform

31. Installation and configuration of Nginx and Varnish static content serving servers

32. Experience as programmer in PHP, MySQL, basic knowledge in PHP Zend Framework (mainly writing registration forms and contact forms)

33. Good knowledge on Joomla essential plugins to turn simple Joomla install into a professional middle size organization website

34. Experience with Litespeed configuration and optimizations as well as Lighttpd 35. Installation and Configuration of and RapidSSL issued certificates on Apache, Exim and Courier POP and Imap

36. Performance tuning of Microsoft Windows 2003 and 2008 IIS servers

37. Installation and Configuration of Nagios host monitoring system to monitor and report host status for GNU/Linux and Windows networks

38. Configuration and installation of SVN software repository for source keeping, deployment of backup solution for SVN, SVN maintenance

39. Maintaining and working with Cpanel, and WHMCS - Billing and Support solution

40. Installation configuration and maintenance of Trac project management Some of my shellscript could be examined on the following URL:

Some of my work on small independent projects can be reviewed on the following URL

My blog on System Administration, Security, SEO and Business Administration is located on:

A thorough collection on security tools and exploits for testing OS security I maintain is located on:

I have been among organizers of a seminar for the Dobrich citizens to spread Free Software and give a brief knowledge to interest parties on what is Free Software. The seminar's webpage is in Bulgarian since it targeted Bulgarian audience at that time, it is located here:

Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected] INTERESTS:

System Administration/Cluster Computing, Programming, Business Administration, Philosophy, Religion (Orthodox Christianity), Culture, Music, Art, Psychology.



* Operating Systems

* Programming

* Intermediate HTML/ XHTML/ PHP/ MYSQL

* Basic Javascript and CSS

* Network Building

* Systems Maintenance

* Creation and deployment of server backup solutions

* IT Support

* IT Personal recruitment

* Solving IT problems related to computer security and performance optimizations

Presenting Skills

* Good business communication skills

* Experience in leading project presentations

* Fluent oral English


Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected] Fluent Oral and Written English

Intermediate - German

Beginner - Dutch

Beginner - Russian

Mobile: +359889085362 Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev Mail: [email protected]