IN SPORTS: Lakewood basketball plays host to Hartsville B1 PANORAMA Christian Charities celebrates 35 years Volunteer organization SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 focuses on feeding hungry C1 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2017 75 CENTS Haley confirmed as UN Ambassador Then-S.C. Governor McMaster takes over as governor nation letter immediately made Lt. Gov. Henry Nikki Haley testifies McMaster the 91st governor of South Carolina. on Capitol Hill in COLUMBIA (AP) — Gov. Nikki Haley re- Before McMaster was officially sworn in, Washington on Jan. signed Tuesday as South Carolina’s CEO to be- Haley addressed a crowd in the Capitol lobby. 18 at her hearing come the U.S. ambassador to the United Na- “There’s lots of work to do, but we have the before the Senate tions, giving the state’s helm to an early back- right person to do it,” she said about McMas- Foreign Relations er of President Donald Trump. ter. “It’s an absolute privilege and honor to Committee. Haley’s Haley turned in her resignation letter min- turn over the reins to you.” nomination was ap- utes after the U.S. Senate confirmed her as The South Carolina-born daughter of Indian proved. Trump’s Cabinet pick. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Under the state constitution, Haley’s resig- SEE HALEY, PAGE A6 SCHOOL DISTRICT $22M loan a standard tax anticipation note Money needed earlier this year because of debt crisis BY BRUCE MILLS
[email protected] Given its debt crisis and low general fund balance, Sumter School District will need to issue a larger operations loan than usual and also do it sooner than usual this year, according to outside finance consultant Scott Allan.