DABS/ATCRBS Transponder Bench Test Program
FAA-RD-73-160 Project Report ATC-25 DABS/ATCRBS Transponder Bench Testing Program J.R. Samson J.D. Welch E.R. Becotte E.A. Crocker H.D. Schofield 28 November 1973 Lincoln Laboratory MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS Prepared for the Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C. 20591 This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. TECHNICAL REPORT STANDARD TIT LE?AGI 1. R.pe,t Ne. 2, Gov.rnm.nt Accession No. 3. Recipi.nl’s CotaleQ No. FAA-RD-73-160 4. ~,d. and Subtitl. 5. R.po,t Dole 28 Novem&r 1973 DARS/ATCRBS Transponder Wnch Tesfing ProWam 6. Per formtng OrQonizotien Code 9. Autho,(,) 8. Performing OrgenizaNon RePort No. J.R. Samson,J.D. Welch, E. R. Becotte, E.A. Grocker andH.D. Schofield P.TC-25 9, Performing Orgon+zation Neme and Address 10, Werk Unit No. Reject No. 034-241-012 Massachusettsbstitute of Tectiolou Lincok Laboratory II. contractor Gront No. P. 0. Box 73 DOT-FA 72wAI-261 Lexin@on, Massachtisetts 02173 13, Type of R.po,t and Period Covered 12. SPomsQrin9AgencyNow.o.d.Adir.ss fioject Report DepartmentofTransportation Federal Aviation AdmitisWation Systems Re8earch and DevelopmentService }4, SPonsoringAg6ncYCede... Washington,DC. 20591: 15, Supplemen,o,y Noles Tbework reported inthisdocummt%vas. Frfomedat Lincoln Laboratory, acenterf orre@earcho peratedby MassachusettsInstituteof TectioloW under"Air Force Contract Fl9628-73-C-OOO2; $6.
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