Canadian Golfer, June, 1915
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Subscription price 25c per copy. $3.00 per year. Office of Publication, BRANTFORD, Canada. U u n CONTENTS FOR JUNE,1915. n Vol. 1 No. 2 Page 1 James L. C. Jenkins, British Amateur Champion : owed Editorials—Championships Cancelled, Royal and Ancient Game, Ete 75-76 U n Chip Shots SiossgeVeteeboNe Ok Bree Sve aie n Someof the Best Two ‘and Three-Shot Holes Il Have P layed—G eo. S. By on 78-80 The Question of Larger Holes ; ..80 The Tragedy of a Short Putt—Harry Leach. si . 2A “The POOF 1OLGE! “Siw ROE 515s) ielete feyern irre “Fore at the Front’”’—W. H:astings Webling. ie Hon. Winston Chure hill. Spebe irtewickatosere tiers ri »6 G olfers in Great Britain’s War Ministry—The EK ditor 3 87-90 j “Mr. Balfour Plays an Iron Shot’’—The Editor : Sereras 91 Golf in the United States—Clifford L. Turner : * Wforcisceeye 92-94 | Iron Play in Canada—T. B. Reith wienuieTereperciew rere a 95-96 = Two Freak Shots , c 4 : «06 - Golf in China... ..-06 Strenuous Golf : natin see Municipal Golf Courses ‘ : wee Weve tee-Oo Cc artoon—* When a Feller Needs a F‘riend” : Siem fate eaciolel crete (cle vore wie LOO: u Ladies’ Golf Department—Miss Harvey.... cake ea RCA, 101-108 U 1 Five Times Lady Champion—Miss Harvey Diajotefeteiemte-c[ete sreiiveten est LOD = LALO isco, Ok. DWMORM MILNE cris ceulere-oirenl.¢s/uia jel oie che’ : . : orale (Bie rujepe ret bIwUnie eMRN hs Ofer ooo reruns toUL Lee “Canadian Golfer’s’”’ Celebrities........ : alte Sreresere Ppa ssicier sie ovbe tp 7 LL be Seed vs. Turf—Geo. Cumming. ts ze, : ; sieeseUe eke leratietehote Werccelthelhie treatise ae Appreciations of “Canadian Golfer’’. f : sividieie «te LL O=- LeU. = A Big Bet.... bs eNO cae en eres 120 Golf in the Eastern Provinces—Niblick. 5 ° eiosieistnieetere Srereyerene SeieieLew | NG CAR ADL LIENS y SRMBAD NAS ON ma ODERGDE 8 shone ste ole resets es aereiete see | = Appreciations of the Late J. M. ¥ oung ‘and Captain Gerald Lees................<«125-126 os Canadian Golf Club Officers oe eee . F Sfelevopoteset custetercy> 126 In and Around the Club House ; Boe BT ite ...s.. 128-134 U Wr Ati tO Pe rOLTCRMLONGIS:. «010.5 oye sis 0%, 0301s 10 oie oe Patel cr eyspot EE eee ae See LOO u ‘TESTED’ I. wyNOT. U GOLF BALLS 1 if With The Latest Improvements , INCREASED FLIGHT AND DURABILITY 4 INDESTRUCTIBLE PAINT 1 THE ONLY GUARANTEED | J c > 1 TESTED BALL OBTAINABLE I Stock Held by: THE HAROLD A WILSON CO., Ltd., 297-299 YONGE STREET, TORONTO MADE BY W. T. HENLEY’S TELEGRAPH WORKS CO., Ltd... LONDON, ENGLAND L, etee ee ee J June, 1915 CANADIAN GOLFER 73 Be Wherever Golf is Played £0LF BALLS are always the most Popular SPP hutN G -cUAL TTY IS ALONE RESPONSIBLE “COLONEL ”’ GOLF BALLS ARE FAMED THE WORLD OVER FOR THEIR Efficiency, Durability, Flight, Steadiness in Approaching and Putting and Perfect Paint. “PLUS COLONEL” “ARCH COLONEL” “WHITE COLONEL” Speciall é -lus and ; : I Sergeicesrenras Dim Sunken Crescent Marking Braimble Marking. Floating ple Marking, Non-Floating Floating and Non-Floating Weight 75c. each. 75c. each. 75c. each. “HEAVY COLONEL” Bramble and Dimple Mark- Bramble Marking. Floating ings. Not too heavy--Just Weight Right 50c. each. 50c. each. ST. MUNGO MANUFACTURINGCO., Glasgow, Scotland Wholesale Selling Agents in Canada: Harold A. Wilson Co., Ltd., Toronto Hingston Smith Arms Co., Winniped Tisdalls Lid., 618 - 620 Hastings St., Vancouver e B When writiny advertisers, kindly mention CANADIAN GOLFER Mr. Jas. L, C. Jenkins, ‘Lawrie of the Links” the British Amateur Champion who is fighting for “King and Country” with the Cameron Highlanders, a Canadian Galfer e ry Vol. | BRANTFORD, JUNE, 1915 No. 2 Great Majority,” and it is only fitting Canadian Golfer that the governing body of Canadian golfdom should postpone any Spec- Official Organ Royal Canadian Golf Association Official Organ Ladies’ Canadian Golf Union tacular competitions until the lowering Published Monthly war clouds lift. And until they do lift, Ralph H. Reville - -- Kditor rest assured Canadian golfers will not Luadies* Golf Section edited by Florence L.Harvey be found wanting, either in the contri- Subscription Price Three Dollars a Year bution of men or money. No amateur Single Copies Twenty-five Cents body of sportsmen in the Dominion Application made to Postmaster General, Ottawa, to be has responded so nobly and adequately Entered at Post Office as Second Class Matter to the call, “Your King and Country need you,’ as the followers of the Roya! Editorial and Business Office Brantford, Canada and Ancient game. CHAMPIONSHIPS CANCELLED THE ROYAL AND ANCIENT GAME At a meeting of the directors of the A yalued subseriber to the “Canadian Royal Canadian Golf Association, held Golfer” writes asking why golf is al at the Lambton Golf and Country Club, ways referred to as “The Royal and foronto, on April 28th, it was unani- \ncient Game.” mously decided to indefinitely postpone \uthorities have not been able to the Amateur championship, the Ladies’ exactly decide how and when this ap- \mateur championship and the Open pellation was first given to the sport, championship. but away back in the misty past, in This action of the directors will be Scotland, the game was always referred heartily endorsed by all golfers. In to as “The Royal and Ancient Game of Great Britain the major events have Goff.” Though no doubt Scottish mon been cancelled, and the R. C. G. A, archs handled the club before him, acted wisely in following the example James IV. is the first who figures for set by the parent body. mally in the golfing record, and his There are hundreds of members of fondness for the game probably earned Canadian golf clubs at the front, or the title for it of “Royal.” James V going to the front, already several well- was also very partial to the sport, and known players have “laid down their there is some’scrap of evidence to show clubs for duty’s sake and joined the that his daughter, the unhappy Mary 75 a 76 CANADIAN GOLFER Voll Noe Stuart, was in some sort of feminine melancholy, andthe practise and enjoy- way a golfer. It was alleged by her ment of which can hurt no one’s feel- enemies that, as showing her shameless ings.” indifference to the fate of her husband, The “Golf Monthly” concludes a a very few days after his murder she very trenchant article by saying: “was seen playing golf and pallmall in “We have asked the opinions of some of the fields beside Seton.” the leaders of the country, and a large re- As regards the “Ancient” part of the sponse which we have received shows that term, as golf was popular in Scotland the men in high places are firmly of the opinion that there is no reason whatever as far back as 1457, it certainly deserves for the golfer refraining from playing, under that recognition and honor. James IV. the impression that playing golf is out of probably gave it the title of “Royal,” place at the present time. Golf is not a andits antiquity earnedforit the title sport which attracts large numbers of spec- tators, it is a healthy exercise, useful in of “Ancient.”” Therefore you have, “The keeping men fit and in physical order. If Royal and Ancient Game.” the great reserve fund of our nation’s man- ! hood is yet to be called upon to finally drive 4 SHOULD GOLF BE STOPPED? the supremacy of Great Britain home—and 4 “The Golf Monthly,” published in this we do not for a moment consider likely —there is no better method for the man Edinburgh, Scotland, devotes consider- who has been compelled to stay behind to able space in its Easter number to the keep himself prepared for all eventualities question, “Should golf be stopped?” than by the open-air life of the links.” and it quotes a number of leading There is no reasonat all in Canada, authorities to show that there is no either, why the golfer should give up reason at all why the game should be his game or club match. The Captain banned. of the Royal and Ancient succinctly Mr. Lloyd-George, one of the busiest sums up the whole question when he menin the world, is keeping his vigor states, as previously quoted, that up to the highest mark by playing “Fresh air is better and exercise is bet- whenever possible at Walton Heath. ter than brooding over newspapers.” The Prime Minister, too, has an occa- Another phase of this golf playing sional afternoon off at the links. Wal- question: There is no reason why in ton Heath has also during recent fine Canada, as in Great Britain, club com- afternoons been the meeting place of petitions should not be made the me- several Cabinet Ministers. dium for raising funds for the Red The Captain of the Royal and An- Cross and other patriotic funds. The cient, Mr. H. W. Forster, M.P., says: “Canadian Golfer” is glad to note that “Fresh air is better and exercise is bet- the suggestion made along these lines ter than brooding over newspapers.” in the columns of the May number of The Earl of Lonsdale, one of the the magazine has already been taken greatest sportsmen of England, is of up byseveral clubs, and that by charg- the decided opinion that “golf, a heal- ing an entrance fee quite substantial thy exercise, should go on; it is good sums have been raised for various pat- for the Sndividual, and the industry riotic objects.