Fall 2006 Flutist Quarterly
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VOLUME XXXII, NO.F1 ALL 2006 THE LUTIST QUARTERLY THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE NATIONAL FLUTE ASSOCIATION, INC Table of CONTENTS THE FLUTIST QUARTERLY VOLUME XXXII, NO. 1 FALL 2006 DEPARTMENTS 5 From the President 53 Passing Tones 9 From the Editor 54 From the Development Director 13 Letter to the Editor 57 From the Research Coordinator 15 High Notes 59 From the 2007 Convention Program Chair 19 Across the Miles 60 New Products 22 Student Spotlight 62 Reviews 25 Notes from Around the World 66 NFA Coordinators & Committee Chairs 29 Technology 69 Index of Advertisers 32 FEATURES 32 Reflections on the Mozart Flute Quartets by Sue Ann Kahn Shady areas persist in the provenance of Mozart’s flute quartets, particularly regarding portions of the Quartet in C. But for the author, who was drawn to the flute by that very quartet, the pleasure of Mozart’s repertoire remains. 38 Crossing Borders: Solo and Chamber Music for Flute by Haitian Composers by Mary Procopio Haitian visual art and popular music are well known outside of the country, but Haiti also has a wealth of classical music. Among the prominent composers who have woven their country’s traditional music and Haitian vodou into their classical works are Werner A. Jaegerhuber and Julio Racine. 38 46 Stephen Preston: A Complete and Utter Novelty Interview by Eldred Spell; editing and transcription by Amara Guitry A bad flute and a late start in life were among the planks in the foundation of Stephen Preston’s internationally acclaimed career. An interview between him and his distinguished friend and colleague, Eldred Spell, explores Preston’s spin into baroque flute performance. Cover Photo: Victoria Stehl THE NATIONAL FLUTE ASSOCIATION 26951 RUETHER AVENUE,SUITE H SANTA CLARITA, CA 91351 FOUNDED NOVEMBER 18, 1972 IN ELKHART,INDIANA This magazine is published quarterly by the National Flute Association, Inc., a nonprofit organization. The statements of writers and advertisers are not necessarily those of he National Flute Association, Inc., which reserves the right to refuse to print any advertisement. ISSN 8756-8667 2006 National Flute Association, Inc. 46 29 nfaonline.org Fall 2006 The Flutist Quarterly 3 OFFICERS Mark Thomas Founder & Honorary Life President 824 Charter Plce. Charlotte, NC 28211-5660 704-365-0369 (phone/fax) [email protected] Katherine Borst Jones President 4635 Rutherford Rd. Powell, OH 43065 740-881-5008 fax: 740-881-5252 jones.6@osu .edu Alexa Still Vice President Sydney Conservatorium of Music Macqaurie St. Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia 011 61 2 93511266 [email protected] [email protected] Sue Ann Kahn Immediate Past President 96 Fifth Ave. #4-J New York, NY 10011 212-675-1932 [email protected] Patricia George Secretary 311 S. 8th Ave. Pocatello, ID 83201 208-234-4922 [email protected] Teresa Beaman Treasurer Department of Music, CSU-Fresno 2380 E. Keats Ave. MS/MB77 Fresno, CA 93740-8024 559-278-3975 [email protected] Carol Dale Assistant Secretary Dept. of Music, University of Mississippi Oxford, MS 38677 662-234-2978 [email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Aitken (2006–2008) 14 Maxwell Ave. Toronto, ON M5P 2B5 Canada 416-481-4967 fax: 416-481-0040 John Barcellona (2005–2007) 9462 Castlegate Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 92646 714-964-2382 fax: 714-964-2650 [email protected] Zart Dombourian-Eby (2006–2008) 2515 10th Ave. W. Seattle, WA 98119 206-285-0206 [email protected] Rhonda Larson (2005–2007) 514 49th St. Grand Junction, MI 49056 269-434-8462 (phone/fax) [email protected] Amy Porter (2006–2008) 1647 Broadway Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734-623-4853 [email protected] Jim Walker (2005–2007) 401 Rockedge Dr. Oak Park, CA 91301-3841 818-991-4320 fax: 818/991-9797 [email protected] From the PRESIDENT reetings! Memories of our August Your board of directors met for many get-together in Pittsburgh remain hours contemplating reports and dis- Gbright. We were treated to many cussing ideas. How can the NFA do wonderful events by both recognized and more for more of you? Important areas new faces from all over the world as well of discussion included enhancing our as from this fine nation. Special congratu- Web site, improving relations with our lations are extended to Lifetime commercial members, development Achievement Award recipients Jeanne issues such as corporate sponsorship, Baxtresser and Stephen Preston. Grateful and increasing membership benefits. thanks must be extended to program Maintaining and improving services chair Thomas Robertello and assistant and our convention, while keeping costs program chair Emily McKay, who donated down, remains our biggest challenge. many hours to put together a convention Some of the decisions are as follows: full of inspiration and delightful surprises. O Bylaws were reviewed, appended and Performers and presenters are to be approved. thanked for their superb efforts, all con- O Online voting for NFA offices will tributions in kind. Thanks also to the commence in 2007. many exhibitors who support the NFA O Giya Kancheli will be commissioned with their membership and presence at for a 20-minute flute and strings the convention each year. And a special chamber work. Katherine Borst Jones word of thanks to local liaison Wendy O The three-year, three-event rule Kumer and her Team ICON, members of becomes the two-year, three-event the Pittsburgh Flute Club augmented by rule effective 2007; all stated rules and many of you, our loyal members. exceptions remain the same, with the president. We thank outgoing board Yet another word of thanks must be exception of tribute events, which will members John Barcellona, Rhonda extended to the many volunteers who be exempt from the new two-year rule. Larson, and Jim Walker, who were most serve as committee members and chairs, O A Web site advisory board will be progressive in their thinking. Outgoing competition coordinators and judges, the appointed. secretary Patricia George was exceptional O elected board of directors, and executive A membership recruitment committee in her difficult duties of capturing and committee of the board. These people was established. distilling all that was accomplished. Sue O spend countless hours dreaming up High School Soloist awards were Ann Kahn, our outgoing immediate past projects and putting them into practice, increased. O president, has served for three remark- all for the benefit of all NFA members. A Jazz Flute Big Band Competition will able years as an inspiring and wise leader. Grateful thanks to outgoing chairs and begin in 2009. She has been our voice of reason and coordinators Lori Akins, Jane Berkner, O A third edition of the Selected Flute eloquence on so many occasions. Please Catherine Bull, Lisa Garner Santa, and Studies produced by the pedagogy thank all of these people for their out- Brenda Trautman. committee will be published in hard standing contributions to our NFA. As a dues-based organization, volun- copy. It has been my great privilege to serve teerism is integral and essential to the O The special publications committee success of our amazing NFA. While of will produce a CD, the fourth in the as your president for a second term. I course we welcome your financial support NFA Historical Flutist Series: Maurice wish to thank in particular our talented for our endowment to ensure our Sharp. NFA staff, Phyllis Pemberton, executive future, your yearly membership and O A member verification system will be director; Madeline Neumann, conven- attendance at our convention are what available to commercial members to tion manager; Anne Welsbacher, publi- really keeps the NFA invigorated and rele- enable them to offer discounts to NFA cations director; and Maria Stibelman, vant. We are looking for volunteers to help members only. membership manager. They are the glue with grant writing, development, that hold this organization together day insurance, marketing, and many other Winter is approaching, and the volun- in and day out. more mundane tasks. If you have not teer leadership of the NFA changes as Thank you for your support and gotten involved and would like to serve, well. On November 1 our new leaders individual contributions to this amazing please contact our vice-president, Alexa will consist of Alexa Still, president; Patti organization. I am proud to have attended Still, who also serves as nominating chair. Adams, vice president; Carol Dale, secre- 30 straight conventions. I hope to double We welcome your involvement. And of tary; Lori Akins, secretary-elect; and that number! See you in Albuquerque! course if you would like to contribute Robert Aitken, Joanna Bassett, Beth financially, we will be most grateful as Chandler, Zart Dombourian-Eby, Hal well. Let’s get to New York City in 2009 Ott, and Amy Porter, board of directors. I with an endowment of $1 million! will assume the role of immediate past —Katherine Borst Jones nfaonline.org Fall 2006 The Flutist Quarterly 5 #(NWVG6QQVKP¶;WNG warmly celebrates the Christmas spirit, drawing on the natural beauty ¥scoreandpartsareavailableforperformance •order the CD and listen to music at ofinstrumentsfromtheßutefamily.Frompoignanttoplayful,thisexceptionalcollectionofvibrant new arrangements from some of Hollywood’s most talented composers and orchestrators www.ßutetootinyule.com uniquelycapturestheexcitementandgraceoftheholidayseason. Burkart instruments are at once beautifully hand-crafted works of art and ultimate performance tools for the flutist. Now the classic elegance of the professional flute and piccolo is enhanced by precision in parts and