Toponymic Guidelines (Pdf)
UNITED NATIONS GROUP OF EXPERTS ON GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES 22nd session, New York, 20-29 April 2004 Item 17 of the provisional agenda TOPONYMIC GUIDELINES FOR MAP EDITORS AND OTHER EDITORS FINLAND Fourth, revised edition 2004* (v. 4.11, April 2021**) * Prepared by Sirkka Paikkala (Research Institute for the Languages of Finland) in collaboration with the Na- tional Land Survey of Finland (Teemu Leskinen) and the Geographical Society of Finland (Kerkko Hakulinen). The 22nd session of UNGEGN in 2004, WP 49. The first edition of this paper, Toponymic Guidelines for International Cartography - Finland, submitted by Mr. A. Rostvik, Norden Division, was presented to the Ninth session of UNGEGN 1981 (WP 37). The second version, Toponymic guidelines for cartography: Finland, prepared by the Onomastic Division of the Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages in collabo- ration with the Swedish Language Division and the National Board of Survey, was presented to the 4th UN Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names in 1982 (E/CONF.74/L.41). The second edition, Toponymic Guidelines for Map an Other Editors, pre- paired by the Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages together with National Land Survey, was presented to the 17th session of UNGEGNUnited in 1994 (WP 63). The third edi- tion (revised version), prepared by Sirkka Paikkala in collaboration with the National Land Sur- vey of Finland and the Geographical Society of Finland, was presented to the 7th UN Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names (New York, 13-22 January 1998, E/CONF.91/L. 17) ** Editions 4.1 - 4.6 updated by Sirkka Paikkala (Institute for the Languages of Finland) and Teemu Leskinen (National Land Survey of Finland).
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