SITUATION ANALYSIS and RECOMMENDATIONS Antibiotic Use and Resistance in Tanzania
SITUATION ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Antibiotic Use and Resistance in Tanzania The GARP-Tanzania Working Group Said Aboud, MD, PhD, Chairman Robinson Mdegela, BVSc, PhD, Vice-chairman June 2015 1 GARP TANZANIA WORKING GROUP Said Aboud, MD, PhD, Chairman, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Robinson Mdegela, BVSc, PhD, Vice-chairman, Professor of Veterinary Medicine, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Pastory Dulla, DVM, PGD PM, Vice chairman, Veterinary Council of Tanzania, Chairman Veterinary Pharmaceutical Committee, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Development Abdu Hayghaimo, BVSc, MVM, Director of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development Dominick Kambarage, BVSc, PhD, Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Vice Chancellor, Julius Nyerere University of Agriculture Rudovick Kazwala, BVSc, PhD, Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Public Health, SUA Jaffary Liana, B.Pharm, Senior technical advisor and local project lead for the Sustainable Drug Seller Initiative (SDSI) program, MSH Siana Mapunjo, B.Pharm, Principal Pharmacist, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Mary Masanja, B.Pharm, M.Ed, Drug registration, Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) Doreen Mloka, MSc, PhD, Lecturer, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, MUHAS Fausta Mosha, MD, PhD, Director, National Health Laboratory Quality Assurance and Training Centre (NHLQATC) Stephen Mshana, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences Hamisi Nikuli, Cert. Animal Health and Production, MVSc, Coordinator Aquatic Animal and Public Health, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development Balthazar Nyombi, PhD, Senior Laboratory Scientist, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) Eva Ombaka, B.Pharm, PhD, St. John University Meshack Shimwela, MD, MMED, Medical Officer in Charge, Amana Regional Referral Hospital Richard Silumbe, B.Pharm, M.Sc.
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