ANTIPASTI-TERRA 1. Bruschette condite con pomodoro e basilico 510 Toasted bread with fresh and basil

2. Crostini di pane tostato con sughetto di funghi 540 Toasted bread with porcini mushroom sauce

A.2 760 Sliced veal tuna,anchovies,oil and lemon sauce

3. Mozzarella di bufala alla caprese 780 Fresh mozzarella in caprese style

A.3 Burrata con pomodori 880 Burrata cheese with sliced tomato

4. Prosciutto di Parma con melone o mango 820 Parma ham with fresh melon or mango

A.4 Insalata Russa con prosciutto cotto 790 Mix vegetable salad in mayonnaise sauce with cook ham

5. Carpaccio di manzo con scaglie di parmigiano e sedano 810 Beef carpaccio with sliced of parmesan cheese and celery

6. Rotolino con funghi porcini dell’ Ossola 810 Rolled dough stuffed with porcini mushroom sauce

7. Mozzarella di bufala e prosciutto di Parma 790 Assorted plate with bufala cheese and Parma ham

8. Piatto assortito di formaggi italiani 890 Assorted Italian cheese

9. Misto di affettati italiani e verdure marinate 1860 Piatto fantasia typical Italian cold cuts

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge


10. Cocktail di gamberi in salsa aurora 720 Shrimp cocktail in salsa aurora sauce

11. Frutti di mare in extravergine e succo di limone 660 Mixed fresh seafood with oil and lemon

12. Spadellata di vongole piccantine 660 Saute clams in white wine sauces

13. Carpaccio di tonno fresco e rucoletta 750 Fresh tuna carpaccio with rucola salad

14. Letto di lapulapu con pomodori e kiwi 680 Lapulapu carpaccio with fresh kiwi

15. Gamberetti affogati al vino bianco 780 Saute shrimp with white wine Mediterranea style

16. Carpaccio di polipo su letto di patate 760 Octopus carpaccio with sliced potato in balsamic

17. Anelli di calamari alla Livornese 720 Squid ring with green peas and tomato sauces

18. Salmone affumicato della Norvegia 790 Norwegian smoked salmon with capers, and lemon

19. Trittico carpacci di pesce e insalata mare 1860 Salmon,tuna ,lapu lapu carpaccio and seafood salad( Good for two)

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge INSALATA

20. Insalata mista dell’ orto 490 Garden Salad

21. Insalata Caruso 510 Mixed salad with tuna, boiled eggs and mozzarella

22. Rucola con pomodoro e scaglie di parmigiano 480 Rucola salad with tomato and slices of parmesan cheese


23. di verdure alla Genovese 490 Soup of mixed fresh vegetables

24. Brodetto di mare 490 Mixed seafood soup

25. Crema di funghi champignon e porcini 520 Mushroom soup

26. in brodo di pollo 640 Home-made ravioli in chicken broth

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge


27. Penne all’arrabbiata 520 Penne with tomato sauce, garlic and fresh chilli

28. alla Bolognese 530 Spaghetti with meat sauce in Bolognese style

29. Trenette al Genovese 490 Trenette with typical Genovese pesto sauce

30. Spaghetti alla 540 Spaghetti with bacon, egg yolk and parmesan cheese

31. Spaghetti Caruso 520 Spaghetti with fresh tomato, basil and zucchini

32. alla Norma 580 Rigatoni pasta with fresh tomato, and cheese

33. Bucatini alla amatriciana 590 Bucatini with bacon, tomato sauce and pecorino cheese

34. Maccheroni al sugo di salsiccia 620 Maccheroni with Italian sausage sauce

35. Gnocchetti di patate alla bava 690 Home-made potato with four different cheese sauce

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge


36. Ravioloni Emiliani ripieni al burro e salvia 690 Home-made ravioloni with spinach, ricotta cheese in butter and sage

A.36 Ravioli Carne al burro e salvia 740 Classic Italian Ravioli with Parma ham,Veal, Pork and parmesan cheese in butter and sage

37. Garganelli di mamma Martina 760 Home-made garganelli with porcini mushroom

38. Tagliatelle alla crema di 780 Home-made tagliatelle with truffle cream and Parma ham

A.38 Tortelloni D’Alba 710 Homemade pasta with spinach, ricotta cheese and truffle cream

39. Lasagna all’ Emiliana 740 Home-made pasta with meat sauce in Emiliana style

A.39 Lasagna Vegetariana 680 Vegetarian with spinach in tomato sauce

40. Trittico di pasta terra 890 Three kinds of homemade pasta

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge


41. Spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino con vongole 660 Spaghetti with garlic, olive oil, chili and clams

42. Spaghetti scoglio al pomodoro 690 Spaghetti with fresh seafood in spicy tomato sauce

43. Garganelli in salsa di pomodoro e gamberi 690 Home-made garganelli with shrimps and tomato sauce

44. Tagliatelle ai frutti di mare 690 Tagliatelle with mixed seafood in white wine sauce

45. Spaghetti al nero di seppia 690 Spaghetti with special black sauce

46. Tagliolini Portofino con salmone e caviale 750 Home-made tagliolini with salmon and caviar

47. Spaghetti alla polpa di granchio 750 Spaghetti with meat crab sauce

48. Trittico di pasta mare 890 Three different pasta in seafood sauce

49. Spaghetti Positano con gamberoni 1250 Spaghetti with king prawns in tomato sauce

50. Spaghetti all aragosta (400grams) N.A. 2200 Spaghetti with Lobster

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge RISOTTI

51. alla rucola 680 Italian rice with rucula

A.51. Risotto gialo alla Milanese allo zafferano 660 Milano style rice with yellow zaffron

B.51. Risotto alla Milanese al salto 680 Jumping rice

52. Risotto vegetariano 680 Italian rice with vegetable

53. Risotto al nero di seppia 690 Italian rice with squid in black sauce

54. Risotto con punte di asparagi 680 Italian rice with asparagus and parmesan cheese

55. Risotto ai funghi porcini 740 Italian rice with porcini mushroom

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge

SECONDI DI CARNE (MEAT) 56. Involtini di pollo alla salvia e piselli 690 Chicken breast rolls in Novarese style

57. Filetto di pollo impanato 690 Pan fried chicken breast

A.58 Fegato di vitello alla veneta 780 Veal liver in veneziana style

58. Straccietti di manzo strapazzati 960 Slices of U.S Beef Sirloin in butter

59. Tagliata di manzo al rosmarino 990 Slices U.S Beef Sirloin in rosemary,garlic and olive oil

60. Cotoletta di vitello alla Milanese 1100 Pan fried veal

61. di vitello al limone 1000 Veal slices in lemon sauce

62. Stinco d’agnello brasato in vino rosso 1580 Lamb shank in pietmonte style with red wine sauce

63. di vitello alla Milanese 1920 Veal shank in Milanese style with saffron rice

64. Filetto di manzo al pepe verde 2300 Grilled Angus beef with green pepper (Angus U.S. meat)

65. Filetto di manzo al cognac 2300 Grilled Angus beef flamed with cognac (Angus U.S. meat)

66. Costata di manzo alla griglia 3200 N/A RIB ETE STEAK grilled (Angus U.S. meat) ( about 350 grams)

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge


67. Frittura di calamari, gamberi e zucchini 890 Assorted deep fried calamares and shrimps

68. Filetto di tonno fresco scottato 790 N/A Tuna fillet seared in butter

69. Lapulapu alla Favignana 1050 Grilled lapulapu fillet with capers and

A.69 Filetto di cernia impanato 1050 Pan fried lapulapu

70. Salmone fresco agliagrumi 1100 Fresh salmon with lemon and orange flavour

71. Cernia alla puttanesca con capperi e olive 1050 Lapulapu in tomato sauce with olives and capers

A.71 Trancio di salmone al cartoccio 1100 Fresh salmon in foil with extravirgin olive oil and herbs

72. Gamberoni al chardonnay 1550 King prawns with special wine sauce

73. Grigliata mista di mare 1580 Grilled lapulapu fillet, king prawns and squid

74. Aragosta con sughetto di burro fuso e limone (800grams) N.A. 3600 Lobster in lemon and butter

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge

PIZZE ITALIANE ( Oval Add P 150.00)

75. Margherita 690 Tomato,mozzarella and basil

A.75 Margherita with Mozzarella Bufala 890 Tomato,mozzarella bufala and basil

76. Napoletana 690 Tomato,garlic,anchovies and mozzarella

77. Capricciosa 760 Tomato, artichokes, ham and mozzarella

78. Frutti di mare 760 Tomato,mozzarella and mixed seafoods

79. Calabrese 760 Tomato,mozzarella,olives,bell pepper and spicy salami

80. Positano 760 Tomato,mozzarella and Parma ham

81. Boscaiola 760 Tomato,mozzarella,ham and mushroom

82. Caruso 760 Tomato,mozzarella,olives anchovies and Parma ham

83. Salsiccia 760 Tomato,mozzarella,mushroom and Italian sausage

84. Rucola 760 Tomato,mozzarella and arugula

85. Quattro Stagioni 760 Four different tastes

86. Quattro formaggi 790 Four different cheeses

87. 790 Pizza pocket stuffed with mozzarella and ham

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge


88. della casa 410 Home-made ice cream

89. Gelato al caffe 420 Ice cream with

90. Macedonia di fruttafresca 390 Fresh fruits salad

91. Mousse di cioccolato 430 Chocolate mousse with special biscuit from Saronno

92. 430 The classic mascarpone

93. 430 The classic Italian panna cotta

94. ZuppaInglese 430 Chocolate,pastry cream,biscuit and marzala wine

95. Crème Brûlée 430

96. Tartufo Classico 460 A coffee parfait ice creates core in a Sabayon semifreddo ice cream with Sprinkled crushed meringue

97. Semifreddo Al Torroncino 460 Ice cream nougat parfait decorated with hazelnut praline

A.97 Semifreddo Al 460 Ice cream semifreddo with heart to taste vanilla and grain of With chocolate

All prices are VAT inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge

Suggested Menu from our CHEFS and ...from EMILIO'S Mother…

Mt.Fuji Chocolate Desserts 560 A special Japanese chocolate dessert

Chicken Liver Pâté 580 100 grams of a very delicious pâté that you can also spread on the bread.

Spaghetti con la BOTTARGA 1,250 Bottarga are eggs of Muggine Fish(cured fish Roe) living in Sardinia Sea that give to the Spaghetti a full flavor of fish and sea.

Ravioli Porcini al burro e salvia 780 Mushroon Ravioli Filling in Butter and Sage sauce

Bistecca alla Fiorentina 1 kg ( Good for 2 persons) 6,900 1.150 kg- 1.350 kg ( Good for 3 persons) 8,500 1.400 kg- 1.600kg ( Good for 3 persons) 10,600 Is a must-to-eat Steak cause of its tenderness meat and perfect for sharing.

All Prices are VAT Inclusive and subject to 10% Service Charge