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[email protected] 6LGQH\07 6LGQH\07 Wednesday, August 7, 2019 Volume 45 • Number 26 Best Of The West Ribfest To Feature Award Winning Country Star Joe Nichols This Friday FREE for all ages. One of the biggest events in Western North Dakota takes place on Main Street Watford City. The Best of the West Rib- fest, Street Fair and Classic Car show is set for August 9 and it MXVWNHHSVJHWWLQJELJJHUDQGEHWWHUWKDQHYHU7KLV\HDU·VIUHH Joe Nichols concert headliner is chart topping country artist Joe Nichols with hits “Sunny and 75,” “Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off,” “Brokenheartsville,” and “Yeah.” With three Grammy nomina- tions, this ACM, Billboard, CMA and CMT Award winner is sure to put on a great show. The event kicks off with a fundraising breakfast for the local Boy Scouts served on Main Street from 8-10 a.m. The Street Fair opens at 10 a.m. with lunch being served at 11 a.m. and rib teams cooking up ribs on the street all day, serving them to the public at 6 p.m. And as always, the Best of the West Ribfest, Street Fair and Classic Car Show is free and open to the public, with team games, ping pong ball drops offering out Chamber deals, a NLGV LQÁDWDEOHV DQG JDPH ]RQH IDFH SDLQWLQJ DQG PRUH IXQ throughout the day. Back again this year is the option for guests to purchase a VIP Ticket where they can enjoy drinks and ribs under the shade of the Jones Construction VIP tent and also score the best seats in the house for the evening concert.