
Excitations of metastable superfluid 4He at pressures up to 40 bar

J.V. Pearce1, J. Bossy2, H. Schober1, H.R. Glyde3, D.R. Daughton3, and N. Mulders3 1Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble, France 2Centre de Recherches sur les Tr`es Basses , CNRS, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble, France 3 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, U.S.A. (Dated: August 15, 2004) Neutron scattering measurements of the fundamental excitations of 4He confined in 44 A˚ 1 pore diameter gelsil at pressures up to 40 bars in the wave vector range 0.4 < Q < 2.3 A˚− are reported. Above 25.3 bars and at low (T = 0.4 K) the characteristic phonon-roton mode of superfluid 4He is no longer observed as a well-defined mode in the phonon-maxon region 1 1 (0.4 < Q < 1.6 A˚− ). Modes at wave vectors Q > 1.6 A˚− , especially the rotons, are observed up to complete solidification of all the liquid at p 40 bars where the roton vanishes. At and above a pressure of 35.1 bars, Bragg peaks are observed,∼ indicating co-existence of liquid and in the pores at pressures 35 < P < 40 bars. ∼ ∼

We present the first measurements of the phonon-roton Bose system in which Bose-Einstein (BEC), (PR) excitations of superfluid 4He at pressures p above excitations, and superfluidity are all modified and their the bulk liquid-solid freezing pressure, p = 25.3 bars. The interdependence can be explored. In PM, the superfluid- liquid is confined in a porous media, a 44 A˚ pore diam- normal transition temperature Tc is suppressed to tem- 4 eter gelsil (Geltech), in which He remains liquid up to peratures below the bulk value Tλ [2–4] (e.g. Tλ = 2.17 p 40 bars before freezing is complete. We compare our K and T = 1.92 K in the present gelsil at SVP). In ad- ∼ c data with measurements of the superfluid-normal liquid dition, both Tc in PM and Tλ in the bulk are further and liquid-solid boundaries made using ultrasonic lowered if pressure is applied (see Fig. 1). Also in PM, methods in the same gelsil sample by Daughton and Mul- as a result of confinement, the liquid phase exists up to ders [1] (see Fig. 1). higher pressures before freezing (up to 35-45 bars depend- Liquid 4He in porous media (PM) is an ideal disordered ing on the pore diameter and structure of the PM [5, 6]). For example, Tc = 1.25 K at p = 43 bar in Vycor [2] (70 A˚ diameter pores). Yamamoto et al. have recently reported that T goes to zero at p 35 bar in 25 A˚ pore c ∼ Solid Vycor freezing diameter gelsil glass [7]. Importantly, this means there 4 Liquid-solid is a normal liquid phase between the superfluid and the Gelsil freezing solid phase at low T in 25 A˚ gelsil, suggesting that there co-existence roton disappears is a “quantum” superfluid-normal transition or quantum Bulk freezing (QPT). 3 In Landau’s theory of superfluidity, superflow exists Normal because superfluid 4He supports only sharply defined liquid phonon-roton (PR) modes [8]. Specifically there can be 2 no low-lying excitations to which a moving superfluid can

Pressure (MPa) decay and lose energy. The PR excitations of superfluid 4 Superfluid Vycor Tc He have this character in the bulk and at SVP in PM 1 [9–11]. Thermal excitation of the PR modes constitutes

Gelsil Tc the normal fluid. It is not known how this picture trans- Superfluid points lates to higher p where Tc is very low. In this region Bulk T measured with INS c the normal component may arise from quantum fluctua- 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 tions. The loss of superfluidity may be related to loss of Temperature (K) well defined PR excitations. In an alternate picture, superfluidity follows directly 4 ˚ FIG. 1: of He confined in 44 A porous gelsil. from the phase coherence of the condensate. The ex- Dashed line is the bulk system, bold solid line is 4He con- istence of well-defined PR modes and particularly the fined in the current gelsil sample, measured using ultrasonic techniques [1]. Dotted line is 4He in Vycor from Ref. [2]. absence of low-lying single particle modes are also at- The liquid-solid co-existence region (grey stripes) shows that tributed to the existence of a condensate [12, 13]. The freezing occurs over a p range of 5.5 bars, reflecting the condensate fraction, n0, is predicted to drop from 7.25% distribution of pore sizes. The filled∼circle is the temperature at SVP [14] to 2% at 25 bar and to less than 1% at 40 at which the roton disappears at 38.5 bars. Crosses show the bar [15, 16]. It is not known whether the above ideas all superfluid points measured with neutrons. remain true in the metastable liquid when n0 becomes 2

1.4 2∆ at SVP 1.4 Resonance 1.2 >> 40 bars 2∆ at 1 24.7 bars 1.2 > 40 bars 2∆ at 0.8 37.9 bars 0.6 38.3 bars 1 (abs. units)

φ) 0.4 (meV) 35.1 bars S( ω 0.8 Excitation 0.2 29.0 bars 0 0.6 Energy 80 90 100 110 SVP φ (degrees) 0.4 24.7 bars 37.9 bars FIG. 3: Diffraction spectra (S(φ) as a function of angle φ) 0.2 showing the variation of the Bragg peak positions of the solid 0 in the pores as a function of p. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 -1 Q (Å )

FIG. 2: Dispersion of the PR excitations, showing the change uid exists in the gelsil pores and in the volume between in the dispersion as a function of p. ∆ is the roton energy. the gelsil and the cell wall. At p < 25.3 bars, p can Solid lines through points at 24.7 and 37.9 bars are guides to the eye. be measured accurately with an external pressure trans- ducer. For p > 25.3 bars, helium freezes in the capillary so we used the “blocked capillary method” to acquire the extremely small [17, 18], and whether effects of a very metastable state. The cell and cryostat were warmed to small condensate can be observed in the PR excitations. T = 3 K, and the pressure of the 4He was raised to a value Also, in PM the “normal” liquid above Tc but below Tλ estimated to lead to the desired pressure at T = 0.4 K by has been shown to contain localized BEC (local phase consulting the phase diagram. The system was allowed coherence) [10, 11, 19]. to equilibrate in this state for ten minutes. The cell was For these reasons we investigated PR excitations in 44 then cooled, while keeping the capillary warmer than the A˚ gelsil where modes are readily observed at SVP [9] cell to delay freezing of 4He in the capillary for as long and Tc lies substantially below Tλ (Tc 1.3 K at 35-40 as possible. Once the capillary blocks, the volume and bars). We find indeed that the PR mode∼at wave vectors amount of helium in the cell are constant. Essentially we 1 0.4 < Q < 1.6 A˚− disappears at pressures above 25.3 navigate along the isopycnal line. As T is reduced, bulk 4 bars. Modes are observed at higher wave vectors (Q > He in the empty volume surrounding the gelsil solidifies, 1 4 1.6 A˚− ) only (see Fig. 2). Since the liquid is still su- but the He within the pores remains liquid. perfluid, the dynamic response is apparently at higher Since the capillary is blocked, an alternative measure energy beyond the range observed here (up to 4 meV), of p is required. At all p < 38.5 bars, we observe rotons with no low lying excitations. At low temperature (T = in the liquid in the gelsil. Starting at p = 35.1 bars, we 0.4 K) the roton is clearly observable at all pressures also see Bragg peaks (Fig. 3), indicating that a solid with up to 38.5 bars. At and above p = 35.1 bars, in addi- a hcp structure begins to form in the pores. This solid tion to the liquid signal, Bragg peaks characteristic of a exhibits the expected excitations [20, 21]. The angle of hcp crystalline powder structure are observed. Solidifi- the Bragg peaks, and their change as a function of p, cation therefore takes place over a p range 35-40 bars, provides a direct measure of the lattice spacings, which reflecting the pore size distribution of the∼gelsil. The gives the density of the solid and therefore the applied roton completely disappears at total solidification (p pressure on the liquid [22]. The co-existence of solid and 40 bars). At the liquid-solid transition the roton energy∼ liquid in the pores suggests that solidification takes place is finite ( 0.55 meV) with no evidence of “soft mode” over a p range reflecting the pore size distribution of the behaviour.∼ gelsil. The measurement was performed on the IN6 time- While the pressures obtained from the Bragg peaks are of-flight spectrometer at the Institut Laue-Langevin, reliable, they are not sufficiently accurate ( 4 bars). We France. Incident wavelengths of 4.62 A˚ and 4.17 A˚ were therefore determined the pressure (up to 38.5 bars) from used, the latter measured using Bragg scattering from an the roton energy by extrapolating the observed energies α-quartz crystalline powder. The gelsil, manufactured by from SVP to 25 bars to high pressures and placing our 4F International Co., consists of two monolithic cylinders observed roton energies on the extrapolation to obtain placed one on top of the other in a cylindrical Al sample the pressure (see Fig. 4). At higher pressures the roton cell, connected to an external handling system by a disappears so that at p 40 bars only solid remains. At capillary and cooled with a continuously circulating 3He p > 40 bars, in addition∼ to the Bragg peaks, we see a cryostat to a temperature of T = 0.40 K 0.02 K. broad peak in the diffraction spectrum at higher angles We have measured S(Q, ω) at the pressures indicated indicative of an , perhaps located in the in the phase diagram in Fig. 1. For p < 25.3 bars, liq- smallest pores. 3

0.5 0.4 K 3 1.3 K 0.4 1.5 K

0.3 ) (abs. units) (meV)

2 ω

ω SVP 5.1 bars 0.2 11.9 bars > 25.3 bars S(Q, 18.5 bars 24.7 bars

Energy 1 26.4 bars 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 29.0 bars Energy ω (meV) 35.1 bars 35.8 bars 38.3 bars 38.5 bars FIG. 6: Temperature dependence of the roton excitation at 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 p = 38.5 bars, showing its disappearance at around 1.5 K. -1 Q (Å )

0.75 The p dependence of S(Q, ω) is shown in Fig. 5. The 0.7 intensity of the roton excitation increases with pressure (meV)

∆ up to 25.3 bar where solidification of the bulk liquid 0.65 between the gelsil and the cell wall occurs. The inten- sity then drops since the amount of liquid has decreased. ˚ 1 0.6 The intensity in the phonon mode (Q = 0.7 A− ) disap- pears quite abruptly at between p = 24.7 and 26.4 bars. Roton Energy 0.55 Throughout the entire metastable p range the roton (1.6 1 < Q < 2.2 A˚− ) is the only excitation visible. Fig. 4 0 10 20 30 40 Pressure (bars) shows the dispersion of the observable excitations. Sharp PR modes are observed at higher wave vectors (Q > 1.6 ˚ 1 FIG. 4: Top: p dependence of the dispersion of the excita- A− ) only. tions. Open symbols: liquid 4He at p < 25.3 bars, shaded The roton energy at each pressure was determined by 4 symbols: metastable liquid He. Data at each p is offset by making a parabolic fit of the Landau expression ωQ = 0.2 meV for clarity. Bottom: p dependence of the roton en- 2 2 ∆ + h¯ (Q QR) )/2µR [8] around the roton minimum, ergy ∆. Here an extrapolation of ∆ at p < 25.3 bars (solid where Q −is the roton wave vector and µ is its effective line) has been used to calibrate the pressure above 25.3 bars R R (dotted line). Dashed line shows the solidification pressure. mass. The resulting p dependence of ∆ is shown in Fig. 4. The lowest value we have measured is ∆ = 0.558 0.006 meV at p = 38.5 bars. Above this pressure the Q=0.7 SVP Q=2.1 5.1 bars roton becomes too weak to model reliably. We have also 11.9 bars 18.5 bars measured the temperature dependence of the excitations 24.7 bars at p = 38.5 bars, at temperatures T = 0.4, 1.3, and 1.5 K 26.4 bars 1 29.0 bars (see Fig. 6). The roton is substantially weakened at T = 35.1 bars 38.3 bars 1.3 K, and at T = 1.5 K the roton is not observed. Since a > 40 bars well-defined mode exists where there is BEC [10, 11, 19], this indicates BEC at T = 0.4 K but none at T > 1.3 K at 38.5 bar. ∼

) (abs. units) Three processes can contribute to the loss of a sharply ω 1 defined, single PR mode for 0.4 < Q < 1.6 A˚− at p > 25

S(Q, bars. The first is transfer of intensity from the mode to the two PR band. The total single PR response function consists of the sharp PR mode plus a resonance in the two PR band, as in all systems where there is one-two excitation interaction [23–25]. When the single mode en- 0 ergy ωQ lies well below the two PR band (ωQ 2∆) 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 the intensity is chiefly in the sharp mode. The two PR Energy ω (meV) band starts at 2∆ and ωQ cannot exceed 2∆. As ωQ ap- proaches 2∆, weight is transferred from the mode to the FIG. 5: p dependence of S(Q, ω) of 4He confined in gelsil, at a phonon Q (left) and the roton Q (right). Open symbols: resonance. For example, at SVP, as Q increases beyond 1 Q 2.8 A˚− (where ω = 2∆ (see Fig. 2)), weight is p < 25.3 bars, shaded symbols: p > 25.3 bars. At p = 26.4 ∼ Q bars there is a phonon excitation at energy > 1 meV arising increasingly transferred from the mode to the resonance 1 from a single formed between the gelsil slabs and the until the mode disappears entirely at 3.6 A˚− , the end cell wall. point of the PR mode spectrum [26–28]. As p increases, 4

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[1] D.R. Daughton, Ph.D. thesis, University of Delaware,