PRESENT Yasemin Brett, Achilleas Georgiou, Robert Hayward, David Schofield, Terence Smith and Ann Zinkin

ABSENT Alan Barker, Jeff Rodin and Edward Smith

OFFICERS: Barry Agnew (Environment), Ray Brewer (Environment) and Lee Rider (Enviro Crime) Natalie Cole (Secretary) and Mehmet Mehmet-Emin (Secretary)

Also Attending:


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Barker, E. Smith and Rodin and apologies for lateness were received from Councillor Brett and PC Bovingdon.


NOTED that there were no declarations of interest in relation to items on the agenda.


RECEIVED a verbal update from PC Bovingdon, Southgate Safer Neighbourhoods Team.


a. The Southgate Safer Neighbourhoods Team had recently held a community consultation event and the priorities set were: 1) Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) and drug taking around Southgate Circus, 2) ASB and related issues in Highlands Village and Chaseville Parade (which had been a previous priority) and, 3) parking and traffic issues in Leigh Hunt Drive; b. Streetlamps were being stolen in Highlands Village. Residents were asked to stay vigilant and to dial 999 if they saw thieves, who used ladders to reach the top of lampposts;

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BOWES, SOUTHGATE AND SOUTHGATE GREEN AREA FORUM - 7.3.2006 c. Gangs travelling into the area by tube were targeting young people inside fast food restaurants and robbing them, mainly for mobile phones; d. Southgate Green Ward had a new Police Constable, PC Aris Nicholides and the Bowes Ward had PC Dean Smith. Both were currently lone workers, however, the MET Commissioner and Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, were still committed to supplying a Safer Neighbourhoods Team to every ward by April 2006.

NOTED the following question and answer session:

Q1 Resident Major Horsfall requested that the possibility of CCTV cameras being installed around Southgate Station be discussed. A. Two twin-headed CCTV poles had been installed in Southgate. One opposite Southgate Tube Station and another near the Bank of Cyprus, Chase Side.

The cameras were to be used primarily for traffic purposes, although, as the CCTV Centre in Claverings Estate, Edmonton, would control them and be able to view live incidents, police and safety matters will take precedence.

Transport for London (TfL) had indicated that it intended to install CCTV in Southgate Tube Station during refurbishments of Southgate, Bounds Green, Oakwood and tube stations.

Councillor Zinkin had been informed the previous day that the Council might move one of the CCTV poles to face the tube station, rather than Chase Side.

Q2. Resident, John Waller asked what the comparative merits, effectiveness and costs of Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) in combating crime were? A. PCSOs were a valuable resource and dealt with issues for Police Constables (PCs) that would otherwise detract them from core duties. PC Bovingdon could not give an actual cost as there were different scales of pay depending on what officer’s job roles were.

PCSOs were committed to the community and had extensive powers, which could be seen on the police website ( www. met .police .uk ).

Q3. A resident felt that the installation of CCTV in had caused crime to be displaced, especially around the Alderman’s Hill area, please comment. A. PC Bovindon stated that the displacement of crime was an issue, which arose in every area of policing. Once the Borough had joined-up Safer Neighbourhoods Teams throughout, the Police would be able to take measures against the displacement of crime.

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Councillor Zinkin requested that crime figures for those areas where CCTV had been put in place and where crime had increased nearby. be provided at the next meeting.

PC Bovingdon would provide some figures, however, asked the Forum to note that crime was not often formally reported at police stations but rather residents informally informed Officer’s of incidents while they patrolled areas and so figures presented were not often a true reflection. ACTION: PC BOVINGDON

Q4. Who was responsible for enforcing traffic laws such as those concerning the running of red lights and the blocking of yellow boxes, specifically the Clockhouse Junction and Telford Way? A. The police service’s traffic division was responsible. PC Bovingdon would take details of individual cases at the end of the meeting.

Q5. John Waller asked when Enfield Council would install a CCTV camera in Stoneham Road to combat crime and fly-tipping? A. PC Bovingdon advised that residents were required to apply to the Council for CCTV, who would consider any representations.

Q6. Would the new CCTV poles in Southgate spot drivers who illegally turn right onto Chase Road from Road. A. Police Officers often spent time at the location, issuing tickets to those drivers who failed to go around the roundabout in order to access Chase Road. PC Bovingdon would investigate if the coverage of the CCTV poles could include the entrance to Chase Road, although it was not the area of priority for the cameras.

4 MINUTES a. Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 06 were confirmed as a correct record with the following amendments:

(i) Southgate CPZ (Minute No. 6 (b) (iii))

NOTED that this comment should refer to Chase Side and not Southgate High Street;

(ii) Area Forum Venue (Minute No. 7 (a) Question 8)

NOTED that this paragraph should refer to the Bowes Ward being underrepresented and not Southgate Green. b. Matters Arising

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The following matters arose:

(i). Asda (Minute No. 4 (b)(i))

Andy Higham, Planning Officer confirmed that the reason there had been a delay in commencing any enforcement action was that Asda had initially been keen to submit an amended scheme to address the Council’s concerns. As a result, officers had been in discussion with them to seek a negotiated solution. However, in the absence of any progress with this, the decision had been made to serve an enforcement notice.

(ii) Blagdens Close Pavements (Minute No. 7(a)(i))

NOTED that works were completed 6 March 06

(iii) Lamp post in The Rye (Minute No. 7(b))

NOTED that a letter was sent to Mrs Eady on 7 March 06.

(iv) Broomfield House (Minute No. 7(a) (c) Question 7)

Keith Moss, Asset Review Manager reported that:

(A) Plans for the proposed scheme for Broomfield House and Annex showed approximately 40 parking spaces in the depot yard excluding exclusive spaces for the stable block building; (B) Consultant traffic engineers concluded that there was capacity in local streets to cope with such street parking demands as may arise at peak times;

(C) Resident, Mrs van der Knaap expressed that the amount of space that would be lost to the park if the proposal went ahead was unacceptable and felt the park was more important than the House; (D) Councillor Zinkin informed residents that Councillor Rye, Leader of the Council, had met with the group opposing the proposals for the House to explain the proposals in detail and that the Council would be producing a document, which would be made available publicly, detailing the proposals; (F) Mr Henry Lamprecht, a Trustee of Broomfield House, informed residents that the Trust would be consulting with residents and would also be working very closely with the Council and might consider other options for the House such as a memorial.


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a. Advance Issues

(i) 125 Bus Stop on Winchmore Hill Road, N14

Resident, Mrs. Heaton spoke about the bus stop “U912/St. Thomas Road” in Winchmore Hill Road. She had written to TfL and suggested a “bus cage” be installed to stop cars parking in the bus stop area so that buses did not have to stop in the road and passengers did not have to walk into the road when getting on and off buses. TfL had not agreed the suggestion and Mrs Heaton was now appealing to the Council for assistance.

Ray Brewer, Acting Head of Environmental Health and Regulation, explained that TfL had submitted a number of bus stop schemes to LBE and the Council had refused this particular scheme. The bus stop had also been placed in the wrong location and so TfL would be relocating it. Council Officers would ensure this matter was resolved.

(ii) Various - John Waller

Resident John Waller asked the following questions:

(A) Would such a forum be established prior to the elections of May 2006 to discuss the A406 improvements and the planning blight in the area?

Councillor Hayward stated that it was not likely that a forum would be established prior to the elections.

Councillor Georgiou supported the idea of a sub forum to resolve the planning blight and commented that it would make more sense for the Bowes, Southgate Green and Palmers Green Wards to be part of the same Area Forum as the Bowes Ward had little similarities to the Southgate Ward.

Councillor Georgiou suggested reviewing the Area Forum Groups, making them more applicable to the areas they relate to. Many residents expressed agreement to this proposal.

(B) What were the proposals of Officers to satisfactory resolve issues including repetitious flytipping, namely around Shrewsbury Rd/Maidstone Rd N11?

Ray Brewer explained that funding for a gating scheme had been made available. Planning Committee had refused the initial scheme and an alternative proposal would be considered.

(C) When will Enfield Council install a CCTV camera in Stoneham Road to combat crime and fly-tipping?

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LBE had purchased two mobile CCTV units, which would be used for flytipping and licensing issues. Stoneham Road would be considered for the units to investigate.

(D) When will Enfield Council block Stoneham Road from the A406 access?

The Chairman advised residents to write to Glyn Jones, Head of Traffic and Transportation, with their ideas for improvements to the A406.

(E) When will Enfield Councillors and Officers holistically work with , and the Government to ensure a smooth planning process and end the A406 planning blight, and dereliction of duty to the authorities of mare than the last 40 years?

Ray Brewer informed residents that the Council had served notice to TfL to demolish the premises on Telford Road that were in the poorest state of repair.

(F) Would prospective Enfield Councillors declare their election manifesto commitments on Council Housing before May 2006 on this subject, including Early Day Motion 48 and the fourth option of direct investment in Council Housing.

Central Government had given local authorities three options in order to meet the Decent Homes Standard for all Council housing stock. They were: 1) the Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO), 2) the Private Financed Initiative (PFI) and 3) Transfer of housing stock to a housing association.

Councillor Georgiou, Chairman of the Housing Scrutiny Panel, supported the idea of a fourth option whereby the Council could retain the stock, however, it was not provided as an option by Central Government. Enfield had set up an ALMO called “Enfield Homes” and had applied to the ODPM for funds to enable the authority to meet the Decent Homes Standard.

Councillor Zinkin highlighted that every block of Council owned housing had leaflets posted through doors and large notices displayed in communal areas.

A resident commented that the Council could not be blamed for residents not responding to the literature provided.

(iii) A406 and the Council’s Budget

Resident, Mr. Tony O’Byrne asked what Enfield's plans were to spend their part of the £4million allocated by TfL for traffic calming, rat running etc in the vicinity of the A406?

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Glyn Jones, Head of Traffic and Transportation reported that:

(A) Following the announcement of £4million funding from TfL for the London Boroughs for complementary traffic management and traffic calming measures in the vicinity of the A406, Enfield, Haringey and Barnet had been establishing its proposals for improving the surrounding road network; (B) This had involved investigating accidents, congestion bottlenecks and popular through-routes including a number of traffic speed and volume surveys; (C) In recognising the importance of the local community with regard to affecting change on the environment, in July 2005, Enfield and Haringey held a Key-stakeholders meeting in which over 200 representatives of communities, businesses, organisations and emergency services were invited to attend. During this meeting, attendees assisted with the design process by making their own contributions and suggestions on large maps of the area; (D) Since this meeting in July, engineers had been designing schemes incorporating the requests of the key-stakeholders whilst realising aims to improve road safety and ease congestion. The preliminary drawings were finalised for a second Key-stakeholder meeting held on 30th November; (E) Once Key-stakeholder approval had been obtained for the proposals, they will be prioritised and the public consultation exercises will commence. A small number of schemes are being progressed independently; these are in the Area where further consultation is planned and the closure of Tewkesbury Terrace at the A406; (F) Councillor Georgiou highlighted, with regard to the A406 Improvement Plan, that any proposals would need to go through the Local Authority’s planning process, which would slow the process down, and recognised that the Council had been slow in allocating the £4million for environmental works to roads surrounding the A406; (G) A resident felt that the Council had been dealing with the issue of the £4million successfully, especially in its consultation with residents and local businesses; (H) Councillor Georgiou highlighted that stakeholder forums were advertised in the local press. Many residents expressed that the areas affected by the A406 did not receive copies of the local newspapers; (I) Councillor Brett was concerned that local newspapers were not delivered to the concerned areas and felt that Councillors should put pressure on local newspapers to deliver to Bowes and Southgate Green Wards. ACTION: COUNCILLORS

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b Issues notified this evening

Q1. There had been a collision on Natal Road at the junction with Bosworth Road opposite house no 38. This was the third accident in only seven months at this spot, all involving traffic exiting the junction being hit by traffic leaving the North Circular and using Natal Road as a rat run. This morning's accident was attended by a fire engine and five or six police officers in two separate vehicles, a use of precious resources that could easily be avoided in future.

According to an Enfield Council road engineer who toured the area recently, at present the various improvements Enfield Council plan for the area from the £4 million allocated by TfL do not involve any work on Natal Road

Councillor Brett informed the Forum that she had contacted Council Officers regarding the matter, requesting that Natal Road and Tewkesbury Avenue be included in the scheme. c. Issues from the floor

Q1. A resident asked if rumours that a Tesco supermarket would be opening in Southgate were true? A. Councillors and Officers were not aware of any plans for a Tesco to open in Southgate.

Q2. Were builders required to analyse brown field land prior to building on it? A. All builders must assess land and make adequate arrangements to alleviate contamination.

Q3. Enfield Highland Village was built on land that was previously used as a small arms factory. Was the land regarded safe? A. A clay cap of 3 metres was placed on the land prior to building works. The Council had commissioned a public inquiry, which had concluded that the area and works completed were safe.

Q4. What percentage of housing being built in Southgate was required to be affordable housing? A. Generally 25% but this did not apply to small developments.

Q5. A resident highlighted that Asda had submitted an application for a replacement height barrier, which was 50 centimetres higher than the original barrier. He also highlighted concerns that the local Fire Brigade had parked two fire engines in a manner that obstructed pedestrian footways, whilst fund raising in Asda on the previous Saturday afternoon, forcing pedestrians to walk into the flow of traffic.

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Councillor Zinkin expressed similar concerns and had approached one of the fire fighters, who had emerged from Asda with bags of shopping on that particular day who had said the team was fundraising and did not offer any apologies for obstructing the footways.

Q6. A resident reported that the Council’s Website was not user friendly and requested that it be passed on to the relevant department in the Council.

Another resident reported that the Planning Applications had not been updated.

Q7. Were estate agents obliged to collect advertising boards? A. Yes, once the sale of a property had been completed the agent should arrange to collect the board. If not, the responsibility was on the householder to dispose of the board.

Post-meeting note: Lee Rider, Environmental Crime Officer reported that it was the responsibility of the Estate Agent to instruct their contractors to remove for sale etc boards. This was regarded as fly posting and if boards were not removed the Council could prosecute.

Q8. At the last meeting of the Forum amendments to the parking bays on Bourne Hill were discussed, what progress had been made? A. Councillor Zinkin had spoken with Councillor Neville, Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene, who had assured her that Glyn Jones had been working on alternative restrictions to enable visitors to to park in those spaces.

An update would be provided in the Minutes. ACTION: CLERK

NOTED that other residents made the following comments regarding parking in the Bourne:

(i) The Bourne was never congested and so a CPZ was not originally required. Councillor explained that it was to deter commuters from parking in the area all day; (ii) It was inappropriate to have parking restrictions in the bays by the park on Saturdays. Councillors advised residents that the CPZ was likely to be amended so that Saturday was not included.

Post meeting note provided by Glyn Jones, Head of Traffic & Transportation: The Objection period to the Traffic Management Orders (TMOs) for the changes to the Waiting Restrictions in The Bourne closed on the 1st

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March 2006, the Council had received a number of objections about the hour of operation , primarily from the Church and the users of the Church’s facilities. As with all objections to TMO’s this will be reported to Councillor Neville, Cabinet Member for Environment & Street Scene, as a Delegated Authority Report for him to make the decision, this Report was currently being drafted and will then be consulted upon with Local Ward members.


NOTED that the provisional dates for the next round of Area Forums were:

Tuesday 4 July 06

Tuesday 26 September 06

Tuesday 23 January 07

Tuesday 20 March 07

Venues will be alternated to accommodate residents in the Bowes, Southgate and Southgate Green Wards.

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