Public Document Pack ENVIRONMENT, PARKS & LEISURE Contact: Penelope Williams SCRUTINY PANEL Scrutiny Secretary Tuesday, 11 September 2007 at 7.45 pm Direct : 020-8379- 4098 Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Tel: 020-8379-1000 Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA Ext: 4098 Fax: 020-8379-3177 Textphone: 020 8379 4419 E-mail:
[email protected] Council website: Councillors : Edward Smith (Chairman), Christopher Andrew, Chris Bond, Annette Dreblow, Norman Ford, George Savva, Terence Smith, Yasemin Brett and Geoffrey Robinson Lead Support Officer: Mike Ahuja Support Officer: Matt Clack AGENDA – PART 1 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS (Pages 1 - 2) Members of the panel are asked to identify any personal or prejudicial interests relevant to items on the agenda. A definition of personal and prejudicial interests is attached for information. 3. LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK (Pages 3 - 10) To receive a report briefing the panel on the Local Development Framework. 4. PLACE SHAPING (Pages 11 - 32) To receive a report briefing the panel on the place shaping initiative. 5. STREET LIGHTING - PRIVATE FINANCE INITIATIVE - UPDATE (Pages 33 - 36) To receive a report from Gary Barnes, Assistant Director Environment, Street Scene and Parks, updating the panel on progress being made on the private finance initiative street lighting programme. 6. WATER POLLUTION ON THE RIVER LEA (Pages 37 - 38) To receive a briefing note informing the panel about the pollution control measures in place on the Enfield section of the River Lea. 7. ALLOTMENTS REVIEW - UPDATE AND SCOPE (Pages 39 - 40) To receive an update on the work carried out by the allotments working group.