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St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church April 4, 2020

Upcoming Events and Information

In lieu of a bulletin for the next few weeks, communication will be electronically through email, Facebook, our church website, and the MyParishApp. If you know someone who does not get our email notifications, remind them to sign up on our website at We have many email addresses that are being bounced. If you Office is closed. Staff can be know of someone who has a new email address and reached via email and voicemail is not receiving the emails, please ask them to messages (voicemail messages register using their new email address. Thank you. are forwarded to our emails)

Mass Times All Masses are currently being Live Upcoming Events and Reminders: streamed and available online

In alignment with the directives of the State of Maryland For Information Visit: and the Archdiocese of Baltimore and with the hope of Website: collaborating in the efforts of many businesses and organizations in the community to reduce the impact and spread of the coronavirus, Archbishop William E Lori has Facebook Page: determined that to safeguard the well-being the faithful of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and to prevent further community spread of the virus, all public Masses are MyParishApp canceled until further notice. (See attached letter below)

ALL Masses are now cancelled, including daily Masses and the Friday Lenten Services. However, we will be providing some LIVE Facebook events.


Palm Sunday Mass will be LIVE STREAMED on Facebook on Saturday, April 4 at 5:30 pm. It will then remain on Facebook and uploaded to the website and My Parish App so that you can watch at any time. Daily Mass will be LIVE STREAMED on Facebook Monday,Tuesday, and Wednesday at 9:30 am and then uploaded to the website and My Parish App afterwards. Holy Week will be Live Streamed. The schedule will be sent out as soon as it if finalized. All Live Streamed videos will be posted on the St. Alphonsus website and My Parish App following the Live Event for those not on Facebook. Visit

Daily Prayers and Reflections can be found on the My Parish App. Daily Prayers come through as messages daily at 9:00 am. Reflections can be found under the “Reflections” button on the My Parish App, on our Facebook page, and under Reflections on the parish website and are posted after the Daily Mass.

The Parish Office is closed until further notice.


PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Doris Appleby, Mark Amorose, Maria Aros, Casey Austin, Vicky Avara, Tony B, Mary Ballman, Norbert Bartosz, Bill Bertoni, Kathy Billings, Jim Birch, Betty Jean Bollinger, Kathie Bowen, Shelly Blomster, Kim Bush, Dave Campbell, Parker Carden, Hadley Cash, Joan Caton, Kathleen Cavero, Alan Clatterbuck, Jim Costello, Jack Cowart, Amy Crist, Custis Family, Mike Daneker, Joyce Dipaolo, Gregory Dorsey, Shelley Drechsler, Susan Drohan, Robin Dunn, Karen Eberling, Helen Ehrhardt, Tim Farrell, Nathaniel Fillmore, Celestine Finn, Kristine Fornek, Zara Goeden, Janet Garrett, Teresa Giese, Brian Gross, JoAnne Haley, Tabatha Harris, Timothy Harrison, Kate Helt, Hickey, III, Branson Holsey, Julia Ice, Richard Kagan, Norm Karolenko, Gladys Kemp, Robin Kenney, Sheila King, Father Joseph Lacey, S.J., Susan & Dennis Landry, Christian Ledford, Amanda Lenetsky, Barbara Levitt, Linda Lovell, Gwen Lynch, Quinn Lynch, Rick Martin, Tim Maule, Peggy May, Skip McEnaney, Margaret McGovern, Thomas (Mac) McGovern, Rosemarie McManus, Jennifer Mearson, Andrew Morrissey, Jo Morrison, Mary Murphy, Karen Neary-Smithson, Cory Noseworthy, Jim Nowakowski, Lizzy Pallan, Roz Prince, Norman Pyes, Danny Raines, Elisa Ramsay, Father Jim Redington, S.J., Harold Rees, Mary Renzi, Frank Rich, Cindy Rose, Baby Theodore Ryan, Linnea Sandkuhler, Frank Saunders, Jeanne Seifert, Lucy Grace Sherry, Randy Smith, Cheryl Spezzano, Bob Sullivan, Laura Sullivan, Janet Tawney, Marvin Taylor, Mai Ton, Peter Turchi, Nina Turner, Baby Russell Valenstein, George Van Slyke, Lucy Vecera, Cindy Wade, Huafang Wang, Carleton Weidemeyer, Kurt Weidemeyer, Bobbie Wesley, Mae West, Tonya Wilmore, Leocadia Wilson, Cameron Wisniewski, Charles Worsley, Jerry Worsley, Betsy Peach Zito, Zachary Zito

For any Masses that are not live streamed, Fr. Fran is covering the Mass intentions on our calendar with the Jesuit community.

April 4-11, 2020 SATURDAY, APRIL 4 9:30am Francis Myers+ 5:30pm John Garofolo+

SUNDAY, APRIL 5 7:30am Alice Scott 10am Kathleen Yenelavage+

MONDAY, APRIL 6 9:30am Frank Woods+

TUESDAY, APRIL 7 9:30am Paul Fetcho+

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 9:30am Frank Rodman+

SATURDAY, APRIL 11 5:30pm People of the Parish


Dee and several other parishioners are sharing reflections with us daily. All reflections will be posted on our website under "Reflections", on the Facebook page, and in the My Parish App.

SUPER RAFFLE WINNERS March 1 Dana Hanks $ 200 March 2 Pat and Debbie Saunders $ 50 March 9 Anne Thomas $ 50 March 16 Ed Arnold $ 50 March 26 Sean Huang $ 50 March 30 Sharon Holloman $ 50

St Gregory's is in great need of food for their pantry. Donaons can be brought to the Parish Center and le in the bins outside the door on the side of the building facing the church parking lot (steps going down). Thank you for connuing to help provide for those whose need is even more exacerbated during this trying me.

STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS FOR TAX PURPOSES WILL BE SENT ON REQUEST If you wish to receive a statement of your contribuons for the year 2019, please contact the parish office. Please be aware that we can only account for EFT donaons, checks or cash donated using the family ID-number for regular and Holy Day collecons. We do not keep track of loose checks donated in the collecon baskets. We can email your statement to you Please email Mary Jo with the request: [email protected] Or call the office to have your statement mailed to you: 410-461-5267 x 112

As you might imagine, the parish still has financial obligations that must be met and we must be vigilant in discerning how to financially care for the parish during this unprecedented time. Even though you are not able to attend Mass, please continue to support the parish through your weekly offertory contribution. You can mail your contribution to the parish, drop it off at the parish in the incoming mail mail slot of the mail box in front of the parish center, or sign up for online giving through the parish website: and click on the online giving button. Your support of the parish is deeply appreciated!

Question and Answer Live Dee and Mary Ellen will host a Facebook Live Question and Answer on Wednesday morning from 11-12 on April 8. Join them at with all of your questions!

Fr. Fran will be celebrating Palm Sunday Mass on Facebook Live. Tune into our Facebook page on Sunday for the LIVE STREAMING of Palm Sunday Mass on Saturday, April 4 at 5:30. It will be posted on our website and the My Parish App following the live streaming for you to view at your convenience.

Parishioners ask: “What if I cannot go to confession now because of the pandemic?”

Pope Francis addressed this issue in his remarks on March 20, 2020 “But many people today would tell me, ‘Father, where can I find a priest, a confessor, because I can’t leave the house? And I want to make peace with the Lord, I want him to embrace me, I want the Father’s embrace.'” The said his response would be, “Do what the Catechism (of the ) says. It is very clear: If you cannot find a priest to confess to, speak directly with God, your father, and tell him the truth. Say, ‘Lord, I did this, this, this. Forgive me,’ and ask for pardon with all your heart.” Make an act of contrition, the pope said, and promise God, “‘I will go to confession afterward, but forgive me now.’ And immediately you will return to a ste of grace with God.” The full text of the Pope’s homily can be found at: talk-to-god-your-fatherask-forgiveness-full-text-of-morning- homily/

How can I fulfill my “Easter Duty” when I do not have the possibility of receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist during the “stay home” mandate due to the Coronavirus Pandemic?

The teachings of the Church regarding this the ‘Easter Duty’, as reflected in both the Catechism and the Code of Canon Law indicate that there is an obligation to receive these sacraments at least once a year (usually during the Easter season for the Eucharist) unless there is a “just reason” that requires its fulfillment at another time of the year. In the Archdiocese of Baltimore, it is impossible to fulfill these obligations until the sacraments are readily available again. In short, the presence of the COVID-19 situation is a “just reason” to delay the fulfillment of this duty and thus the obligation is moved to a time in the future when these sacraments are available again.

While not actually using the term “Easter Duty”, the 1983 code retains the annual requirement, but allows for greater latitude in the time permitted for the reception of Eucharist. Additionally, the United States has an indult extending the time for this annual reception from the beginning of Lent through the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.

Two specific canons require the annual reception of these sacraments. Canon 920 addresses annual reception of Eucharist during the Easter season and canon 989 indicates the need for annual confession. These canons state: Can. 920 §1. After being initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, each of the faithful is obliged to receive holy communion at least once a year. §2. This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter season unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at another time during the year.

Can. 989 After having reached the age of discretion, each member of the faithful is obliged to confess faithfully his or her grave sins at least once a year (cf. CCC 1457)

Canon 989 does not mandate a specific time period for reception of the sacrament. One receives the sacrament prior to the reception of Eucharist when in a state of grave sin, so as to be in a state of grace. While the Catechism acknowledges the seriousness of venial sins, Can. 989 does not require their confession here.

Pope Francis addressed the issue of not being able to confess directly to a priest in his remarks on March 20, 2020. The pope said, “Do what the Catechism (of the Catholic Church) says. It is very clear: If you cannot find a priest to confess to, speak directly with God, your father, and tell him the truth. Say, ‘Lord, I did this, this, this. Forgive me,’ and ask for pardon with all your heart.” Make an act of contrition, the pope said, and promise God, “‘I will go to confession afterward, but forgive me now.’ And immediately you will return to a state of grace with God.” The full text of the Pope’s homily can be found at father-ask-forgiveness-full-text-of-morning-homily/

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, N. 1452, says: “When it arises from a love by which God is loved above all else, contrition is called ‘perfect’ - contrition of charity. Such contrition remits venial sins; it also obtains forgiveness of mortal sins if it includes the firm resolution to have recourse to sacramental confession as soon as possible.”

The term Easter Duty was introduced in earlier codes of canon law because of widespread neglect of the sacrament in the Middle Ages. Therefore, various church councils from the 6th C onward enacted disciplinary laws obliging the faithful to receive the Sacraments of Confession and especially Eucharist, particularly on the principal feasts.

Monday Morning Scripture is meeting through Zoom!!! Contact Dee if you would like to join!


Reminder…If you have not already done so, Get the MyParishApp in order to as another way to receive updates and get information, especially during this time when we cannot be together.

Get the My Parish App: Go to If you already have the My Parish App, it should direct you right to our parish page. If you do not have the app installed, it should take you to your app store where you can download the app to your phone. Then it will direct you to our page. You can also go to our church website, click on the My Parish App at the top and follow the directions to install the app.

Find Archbishop Lori’s Mass there, check out our latest bulletin, see reflections from Dee and parishioners in "Reflections", get messages from the Parish, join us for daily prayer that is sent each morning at 9:00, and send prayer requests that will be posted weekly. Please bear with me as I am learning how to use this app.

To all Religious Education families…

Thank you to everyone who has already picked up their religious education materials. Those that have not yet had a chance to, the materials are outside of the parish center (entrance near Dee's office). Bags with the materials are labeled with each families name. Each week, we ask that you complete the lesson(s) with your child(ren) and then have them complete the multiple choice review online at We have already received many!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Email Jessica or Dee with any questions. To complete each lesson:

1. Read and discuss the assigned chapter 2. Go to 3. Click on “STUDENTS” 4. Select the grade level. (For 7th/8th grade, select book) 5. Under “Chapter Review”, choose the grade level 6. Choose the chapter that you are completing 7. Answer the multiple choice questions 8. When it asks to Email you result, enter [email protected]

Children's Bulletins Children’s Bulletin are being emailed to our RE families. If you have younger children not yet in Religious Education and would like to receive the Children’s bulletin, please email [email protected] so you can be added to the email list. It is not something that can posted online due to copyrights. However, the company has provided us with a packet of free resources to share -- puzzles, Bible activities, and worship bulletins on carefully selected topics and scripture texts. Go to our website to find the materials!

Archbishop William E. Lori is inviting people throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore to submit their personal prayer requests for themselves, their families and loved ones so he can include those offerings at his daily Masses. The requests may be submitted online at

Below is a list of parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Balmore that broadcast Masses live online. You should also be able to view live Masses on the My Parish App. St. Alphonsus!!! Thank you, Fr. Fran! Palm Sunday Mass will be live streamed on Facebook Saturday evening at 5:30 and then will be available shortly aer on the website and My Parish App. Mass will be LIVE Streamed Daily, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 9:30 am. Holy Week schedule will be sent out soon. To watch live on Facebook, click here.

The Church of the Resurrecon, Ellico City Sunday at 10:30 a.m. To watch live on Facebook, click here.

Radio Mass of Balmore The Radio Mass of Balmore broadcasts live from St. Ignaus in Balmore every Sunday at 9:03 a.m., with an encore broadcast at 6:03 p.m., on WCBM-680 AM. Video of the Masses is also livestreamed online. Click here for more informaon.

Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Homeland Monday through Friday at 7 a.m., Saturday at 8:15 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sundays, 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. To watch online or for more informaon, click here.

Church of the Navity, Timonium Sundays at 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m., and 12:30 p.m. Mass rebroadcast at 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 5:30 p.m. (with chat), 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Sunday aernoons. To watch online or for more informaon, click here.

Holy Family Church, Davidsonville 11 a.m. Sundays. To watch live on Facebook, click here.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Croon Daily, Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m.; Sundays at 9:30 a.m. (Archive of daily and Sunday Masses on YouTube)

St. Catholic Church, Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, Columbia 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sundays; To watch live online, click here.

St. Joseph-on-Carrollton Manor Catholic Church, Buckeystown 10:30 a.m. Sundays. To watch on YouTube, click here. To watch on YouTube, click here.

Ss. Peter and Patrick, Hancock and Lile Orleans 10 a.m. Sundays. To watch on Facebook, click here.

EWTN The Eternal Word Television Network also offers Masses that can be watched on television or online. To watch online, click here.

Radio Broadcasts, Homilies, and Podcasts For other Catholic programs, featured homilies, podcasts and more, click here.

10800 Old Court Rd. Woodstock, MD 21163 410-461-5267

Website: Facebook: MyParishApp:

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Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez Parish 10800 Old Court Rd Woodstock, Maryland 21163 US

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