Elizabeth Bayley Seton: Collected Writings, Volume Iiib #7
-655- Index Note: The documents 12.17 ("Elizabeth Seton's Day Book"), A-12.18 ("St. Joseph's Academy and Free School Roster 1809-1821"), and 12.25 (" 1812-1822 Receipt Book") are not included in the index. Each ofthese doc uments includes many names of students, merchants, and workers from the Emmitsburg area during the early years of the Sisters of Charity. A I Corinthians: 222, 236, 257, 300, 315, 584,587 Abelly, Rev. Louis: Elizabeth Seton's 2 Corinthians: 110 translation of biography of Vincent de Daniel: 89, 91, 92, 98 Paul, 217-354; citations of his work, 491 , David: 89 494,495,616 Ecclesiastes: 98 Adams, Rev. John: 635 Ephesians: 106, 340 Ann of Austria, Queen: 370 Elijah: 40 Astronomy: Elizabeth's interest in, 102 Exodus: 49, 54, 91, 96,100, 106,219 A vrillon, Jean Baptiste: 487, 616, 635 Ezechiel: 54, 106, 408 Galatians: 378 B Genesis: 25, 38, 90, 91, 96, 100, 101 ,238, Babade, Rev. Pierre, S.S.: inscription on a 240,295 painting, 593; references in letters, 619, Habakkuk: 63, 91 628; errata, 652 Holy Innocents: 26-27 Barreau, Jean: 492 Holy Spirit: 365 Barruel, Rev. Augustin: 475 Isaiah: 3, 89, 90, 91, 99, 105,263,264, Bayley, Guy Carleton (half-brother): 593 289, 302, 344 Bayley, Rev. James Roosevelt (nephew): 603, Jairus: 47 605 Jeremiah: 89,228, 295 Bayley, Dr. Richard (father): underlining in Job: 89, 97,101,102 Bibles of references to physicians, 92; Joel: 99, 244 636 John: 26, 35, 37, 43, 44, 54, 55, 68, 70, Bean, Sr. Scholastica: biographical note, as 75,89, 106,227,236,238, 239,305, incorporator of community, 117 310,319,322,324,325,345,355,389, Bennel, Sr.
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