Barney Basin, Oregon *

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Barney Basin, Oregon * UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Harold L. Ickes, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. C. Mendenhall, Director Water-Supply Paper 841 GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATEB RESOURCES OF THE BARNEY BASIN, OREGON ,x_ BY CS A. M. PIPER, T. W. ROBINSON, AND 0 *£ *~ C. F. PARK, JR. ^ % 3 *^ f 0 ^~ o >->, ,. * * i*u- O WITH A STATEMENT ON fii ® PRECIPITATION AND TREE GROWTH ^ ^ ^ BvL. T. JESSUP C ^ C> * a $ ._____ '">«« CU * en f - Prepared in cooperation with the ' '^, ^o c OREGON AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATI^ ^ C« W. A. Schoenfeld, Director ,"! » . « DEPARTMENT OF SOILS ^ «} ^j W. L. Powers, Head ""^ -rH ^?- ""*" <^ n. ,^ o co ^s JGQi cr*< r^i ^ »> 5>- ^ ^f" "*, i> -*" ^ <$ -< UNITED STATES 'GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON i 1939 For eale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, | i ^ i | Prico $1.00 (Papw) CONTENTS Pasre Abstract-_______________ .-___--_____-__-.-_---__-_--_________-_.-_ 1 Introduction. _ _______.____.._..__..____.___..___...._.____.______. 3 Location and extent of the area.__--_._-_____-__--___-_-______-_ 3 Scope of the investigation.______________________________________ 3 Previous investigations.____._---______-_____-_--___________-___ 4 Acknowledgments. ____________________________________________ 4 Climate._________________________________________________________ 5 Precipitation and tree growth in the Haraey Basin, by L. T. Jessup. _.___. 10 Land forms.._____________________________________________________ 13 Drainage system_________.____-__.__-_--_---__--_-___-________-__- 18 Streams ______________________________________________________ 18 Lakes..-______---___-_----_---------_--_------_---_---_------ 20 Geology------_-__------_----------------------------------------- 23 Sequence and general features of the rocks._______________________ 23 Summary of geologic history _____________________________________ 26 Physical character and water-bearing properties of the strata- _ ______ 29 Valley fill ---_----_----_-------------_-_-_--------__--_ 29 Physical character and thickness._______________________ 29 Water-bearing properties. __--_______-_--____--____----_ 33 Late basalt and basaltic ejectamenta______________-___--___-_ 36 Harney formation, _______..____.___.____-.___-________.___ 38 Fanglomerate near Coffeepot Creek-_________________________ 41 Danforth formation.-__._..-_________-._________-_____-_--_ 43 Physical character.____________________________________ 43 Stratigraphic relations, thickness, and age___-_--_________ 47 Water-bearing properties. ______________________________ 49 Steens basalt_-____-.__.__.------___._________-_-_______-__ 49 Older siliceous extrusive rocks.__________.___________________ 51 Pre-Tertiary rocks, undifferentiated._.___-_-_______-____-_--_ 52 Geologic structure______________________________________________ 53 General features_______.__----_______.____.___________ _-__ 53 Faults___-_-_-_-__._.._._______...._._._.__..__.._-_ 54 Folds. _____ . _.._...._.._._ ._.... -. .........._. 56 Epochs of deformation and mechanics of faulting._____________ 56 Water in the valley fill___...__.__.....-______._._.________.___.__.. 58 Unconfined water in the shallow pervious beds.___-____-____- _--- 58 Form, depth, and fluctuations of the water table_-__.__._____. 58 Source and disposal of the unconfined ground water.__________ 63 Confined water in the deep pervious beds._________________________ 65 Form and depth of the piezometric surface.___________________ 65 Fluctuations of the piezometric surface---____-_______--_-__-_ 66 Source and disposal of the confined water_.___________________ 69 in IV CONTENTS Water in the valley fill Continued. Page Subdivisions of the alluvial plain________________________________ 72 Silvies subarea__.___________________________._____________ 72 General hydrologic features.____________________________ 72 Recharge of the valley fill_____-________________________ 74 Estimates based on ground-water storage.____________ 74 Estimates based on ground-water discharge ___________ 76 Estimates based on source and disposal of soil water. __ 78 Summary of estimates of recharge ___________________ 82 Recovery of ground water._____________________________ 82 Economic requirements___________________________ 82 Recovery of water from the shallow pervious beds. _ _ _ _ 83 Recovery of water from the deep perviour beds_______ 85 Pumpage, 1927 to 1931_______________________ 85 Permeability and transmission capacity of the deep pervious beds_______________________________ 87 Safe yield of the valley fill in the Silvies subare^.. __________ 89 Flowing wells in the Silvies subarea._____________________ 90 Minor subareas north of Malheur Lake_____________________ 90 Donner und Blitzen Valley_________________________________ 92 Warm Spring VaUey_____________________________ 93 Water in the bedrock______________________________________________ 94 General features.______________________________________________ 94 Slightly thermal water near Burns.______________________________ 97 Occurrence _______________________________________________ 97 Recovery by pumping from wells____________________________ 98 Slightly thermal water in the southern part of the basin.____________ 100 Thermal water of intermediate temperature.______________________ 102 Hot water.___________________________________________________ 105 Relation of the thermal water to geologic structure._______________ 106 Recovery of thermal water from springs and wells _________________ 108 Chemical character of the ground water in relation to use for irrigation.___ 111 Appendix_____________-_____--____---_-_--_-__-___-_-__-___----- 114 Chemical constituents of representative waters from the Harney Basin ______________________________________________________ 114 Records of discharge by streams in the Harney Basin, 1903-32_______ 120 Monthly run-off, in acre-feet, of streams in the Harney Basin________ 121 Staff gages in Malheur Lake---.__-_--_-_----_-____-____-------_- 128 Altitude of water surface at staff gages in Malheur Lake, 1903-32____ 129 Altitude of water surface in Harney Lake, 1912-18-_______________ 131 Altitude of water surface at staff gages on streams ir the Harney Basin, 1930-32_____________---_--_ ___ _ __-- 132 Drillers' records of wells in the Harney Basin______________________ 133 Hydrologic data for representative wells in the Harney Basin._______ 137 Measurements of depth to water in observation wells in the Harney Basin, 1928-32.__._____________________________ 152 Hydrologic data for springs in the Harney Basin__________________ 181 Records of discharge from major springs in the Harney Basin, 1902-32. 184 ___-______.____________--_---_.__---_-_-__-__-_-_----_---- 187 ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE 1. Map of part of southeastern Oregon showing extent of the Harney Basin..____--__---___..__--_---_-----__-_---_--- 2 2. Geologic map of the Harney Basin, Harney County, Oreo;,- In pocket 3. A, Harney Playa, view southeastward from lot 3, s^c. 28, T. 26 S., R. 30 E.; B, Shingled beaches along the southern ,edge of Harney Lake-___-__________-__________..______-_ 14 4. A, Portal of Malheur Cave; B, Erosion trench on tongue of Voltage lava field-______--________--_-__-_____-___-__-- 14 5. A, Glaciated valley of upper Kiger Creek; B, Malheur Gap viewed from the central alluvial plain east of Malheur Lake 14 6. Area and capacity curves for Malheur, Mud, and Harney Lakes.,..______________________________________ 22 7. Altitude of water surface of Malheur and Harney Lakes, 1903 to 1931________-_____________-____-__-___ 22 8. A, Exposure of 10-inch layer of volcanic ash in the valley fill in east bank of Newman Slough; B, Stratified sediments under­ lying the tuff-breccia member of the Danforth formation..-. 42 9. A, Exposure of basaltic-breccia member of the Danforth forma­ tion in the NW# sec. 23, T. 28 S., R. 30 E.; B, Bluff exposing lacustrine and alluvial sediments east of Harney Lake_-_-_- 43 10. East face of the "high" Steens Mountain, an eroded fault scarp. 58 11. Hydrographs showing fluctuations of the water surface in the Silvies River near Burns and in four shallow wells in the valley fill, 1930-31 and 1931-32_________._____________________ 58 12. Map showing approximate change in ground-water levelf in the central part of the Harney Basin from October 1931 to May 1932_________________________________________________ 66 13. Map showing approximate difference in head between the uncon- fined water and the confined water in the valley fill in the central part of the Harney Basin in October 1931 and. May 1932_ _________ ..... _________________________ 66 14. Hydrographs showing fluctuations of the water level in three pairs of companion wel's in the valley fill, 1930-31 and 1931-32.____________________________________________ 66 15. Hydrographs showing effect of pumping from wel] 94 on the static level in three deep wells and one shallow well in the valley fill__-______________________________________ 66 16. Diagrammatic summary of operation of the 87-foot well at the Harney Branch Experiment Station, 1931_______________ 90 17. Map of the northwestern lobe of the central alluvial plain, showing contours on the piezometric surface for the water in the deep valley fill, 1931-_________._____________________ 90 V VI ILLUSTRATIONS Fag« PLATE 18. Diagrammatic summary of operation of the 218-foot well at the Harney Branch Experiment Station, 1931- ___-___-.____ 106 19. A, Sodhouse Spring, near the south margin of Malheur Lake; B, Crane Creek, or Hughet Spring_____-_________________ 106 20. A, "Sulphur" spring
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