
WEATHER BU- - U. S. V REAL, fEB 18-- Last 24 SUGAR-- 96 Tut On-- W Art. W nours rsiruau,rf.!i .uv, vein- - T trifocal. 4. 99 j Per Ton. ptrature, max. 74; min. f $99.80. 53 Analysij 64. Heather, fair. s BceU, I5s 1 1 2d; Per Ton. $105.60. t i 1 rJ HONOLULU, SUNDAY, Vntanajl I a A tfVia a tT n a i HAWAII TERRITORY, FEBRUARY ig, 1905. TEN PAGES. smith of hilo DOWAGER MPRESSeMENED n n n 11 k w ' I :! Serious Crisis P j. ONE COMMITTEE . ,1 1 - the Russian Empire. Member Tells Speaker That Somebody Else Would Qualified to Look II be Better S M- Strikes Renewing 'and After Public Health. Jflk V Another Official Killed.

'There is a little rift winthin the lute, slight as yet and possibly Tiot of portentous moment, and yet capable of development to un Associated Press Cable5rami. ) told proportions. Yesterday morning, the following communica- - i ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. iq. tion was handed to Speaker Knudsen of the House by the gentle- - ' $I It is reported that the Em- - man from Hilo whose name is signed to it : j Honolulu, Oahu, February 18. 1005. press Dowager, (the mother of lion. Eric Knudsen, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Territory oi j Hawaii. I the Czar and sister of the Queen : Permit me to hand you this, my resignation from the position of j j of England) has been warned chairman of the committee of the HJouse, having in its charge matters of public j health. Since my election to the present Legislature I have attempted to prepare I that she will be the next victim myself fur usefulness in the House by a study of various matters pertaining v ) to Count v Government and to the matters of our Judiciary. Aside from these i of the Socialist assassins. The two very important subjects I have taken a strong interest in Public Education j Dowager is a leader of the re- and believe that my usefulness as a public officer will be diminished it 1 attempt to perform the arduous duties cast upon the chairman of the committee actionary party. cn Public Health. - SPREAD OF DISCONTENT. There are those in the present House- who have taken as active an interest in Public Health matters as I havl done in the three subjects named above ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 19. - it seems to me that by retaining the position to 'which, you have appointed 8 and The unrest in the empire is me as chairman of the Public Health Committee. I shall stand in the way of the c .most effective work of which our House is capable. growing. .The strikes are re- Very rexpectfully yourt, CARL S. SMITH, Representative First District. crudescing. When Speaker Knudsen announced his list of committees on A MAYOR ASSASSINATED. I last Thursday, the name of Carl Smith of Hilo appeared as chair ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. ig. Mr. Smith man of the committee of nublic health and education. A minor official, Igdya, mayor was likewise named as. the second member of the Judiciary Com--mitte- e, of Vaganshopd, has been assassi- whose chairman is Andrade of Oahu. Later, when there --was talk of dividing the committee to the chairmanship of which nated. The prefect of police at lie was assigned into, two, it was said that Mr. Smith would be THE UPHEAVAL. Harper's Weekly. Kishineff was assaulted but not .given' the chairmanship of the Public Health Committee. killed. . I r- T did not think that I could do the best work of which , f.-am -- capable as the head of that particular committee, neither for $ RESTORED TO CZAR'S FAVOR. my constituents nor for the Territory at large," said Mr. Smith -- 0 ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 19. --The Czar has restored yesterday. "There are men of more experience in such matters to favor in the House who coidd fill the place more acceptably. Matters 0 the Grand Duke Paul, who was degraded on account of a morgan- n of health are not my specialty. Moreover, as chairman of the new-revisio- 0 atic marriage. I will have my hands full of work in going committee, 0 0 THE RUSSIAN STATES GENERAL. over every bill that is introduced into the House." - The matter of the appointment of a revision committee was 0 0 ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 19. It is now reported that the on after the Friday 1 agreed upon at a caucus of the House held 0 0 Zemskyzabor will not assemble until March 4. close oi the session, and it is understood that the Speaker's selec- 0 tion of Smith for the chairmanship was in accordance with the AFTERNOON REPORT, 0 wishes of the majority of the caucus. - ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 18. The council of the empire has Speaker Knudsen did not indicate yesterday who, if anybody, 0 0 been summoned to consider the situation resulting from the assas- he had selected to take the chairmanship left vacant by the with- 0 0 sination of the Grand Duke Sergius. drawal of Mr. Smith from the health committee. - o 0 0 --o- 0 0 RENEWED ACTIVITY JUDGE LITTLE MAY BE 0 OF AT PANAMA 0 THE DISBARRED 0 0 JAPANESE ARMY 0 0 A resident of Hilo has received the following letter, which ex- 0 0 MUKDEN, Feb. 19. A large force of Japanese cavalry'is plains itself, from the prosecuting attorney of the Isthmian Canal 0 0 moving toward Goudzhon from Mongolia. It is reported that Gen-- Zone : 0 Ancon. Isthmian Canal Zone, January 17th. 1905. 0 eral Ma, commanding the Chinese frontier forces, is assisting the Sir: Your letter of December 22nd, addressed to General Geo. V. Davis. 0 0 Japanese. been by him referred to me. Governor of the Canal Zone, has 0 01 RUSSIAN GUNS I wi'l state, in reference to the collection of money against Judge Little, it OUTCLASSED. collect, more especially since it has been brought to my at- 0 would be difficult to 0 MOUTORNAN, Feb. 19 The Japanese bom-- is one disqualify are constantly 0 tention a- - District Attorney that 'the reputation that he bears to 0 , barding iiim as a practicing member of the Bar. THE GRAND DUKE SERGIUS, WHO WAS AS- - Pontiloff Hill, the key to Gen. Kuropatkin's position, with I have written Judge Little a few moments ago informing him that his j v SASSINATED AT MOSCOW 0 siege artillery. The increased fire exceeds the Russian capacity to matter ill be brought before the Court to morrow morning .and that before he reply. 'f can further practice the profession of law, the charges made against him must 0000000 be satisfactorily explained. AFTERNOON REPORT. so drastic as these must be resorted to, WATER RIGHTS It is quite sad indeed that measures HUGO HANEBERG TOKIO, Feb. 18. The report that Japan has indicated possible in a new community, new conditions, new people and we must, if but we are ' possible, advance honesty and sincerity. OF PAUOA IS DOING WELL terms of peace is officially denied. As the boat leaves tomorrow, I cannot give you more definite information ST. PETERSBURG, Feb 18. Leopold of Prussia is the final outcome, but will write you on the steamship leaving at this lime as to It. C. A. Peterson, chairman, and R. Hugo Haneberg; formerly of Ha believed to be the bearer of a message from the to the Em- Tuesda January 24th. waii, as follows from the Haci M- H. Trent of the Board of Commission- writes peror of Russia on the subject peace. , Yours very truly, J- - - KEED, of IIol-low- ay Paraje, Nuevo V Prosecuting Attorney. ers appointed by Superintendent enda de tl Portrero, o to determine the value of the C. Mexico: water rig-ht- in Pauoa Valley, made a "Am for over a year connected with GIFT TO THE PRESIDENT, JAPANESE WOMM MAKES BIG PROFIT horseback trip to the two springs in the Mexican National Sugar rteflnins? i the upper end of the vallev vesterdav ! Co.. and think to make my fortune afternoon, and at 4 o'clock held a here and later to come back to the WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. The Chinese Minister runs present DEAD Hi HILO BAY FROM PEANUT CROP in the Pauoa sehoolhouse to lands to live in peace. Mr. C. Hedemann hear from valley residents as to their and Mrs. Hedemann paid me a two ed President Roosevelt with the portrait of the claims for water rights. days' visit here and left, enthusiastic which was exhibited at the World's Fair. The two springs The above com- - left Hilo, an in- - One year ago Walter II. HayselJen. Kahuawai and about our conditions. o Just as the Kinau - re- - Kaaikahi were visited m compan- with panv intends to - up modern beinsr held upon the body deputy sheriff at Kau, rented one acre rut iue: was j jC. . Booth and Fred. Peterson. They ,n - view to r ' nw io wth an i cruh- of a woman that was foun of land at Waiohinu with a j found a good heaa of water bubbling ADMIRAL DEWEY SICK. j iREr rl lnt uriv'-'1- " iS n-u- hft.,. b.. in the bay a few days before, conducting some experiments in the Up. although this is a dry season. itins cause as vet is not a siriciij The woman, whose name was Natzu. growing of first-cla- ss peanuts. Now, The meetinsr in the tnere j twenty-fiv- e Mexico, had reported by her husband a r;iised in various brought out about native rened siurar TT":e here in MTinta hus been ' is ill 1ti before, the man residents of .the valley, and two at- - being1 imported WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. Admiral Dewey of the grippe. missin" ,ime davs of the islands for many years , said article from -h-- (lf riff Sea'rle miss-- j tornoys represent5n!, owners r.rorer -d h- - 1 teUin that he had P.ts Ftate ;i- sold foT 11 j past, the varieties planted have j n n were broken. The bugjry was ed her their house at o'clock but ty The Board decided that - J. H. chnack in Bucawsy. bones kinds, j fT.nt, T. P. c. or Z'l cer.- :T?x. in fmr Nothing was seen .of been the small, inferior Chinese form would be prepared an,j ditvibut-he- r completely demolished. the irht. T- is orcrfl niz- - ! ur-l;- -r While J. Tf Fchnatk was driving on by j Mr. Hayselden sent to the mainland of j e,j among water users, on whivh to pai'y . - although was instituted " i search ' l'i'.vs X-- ' w ' : avenue near brickyard... yes- - the'auth'.rUis once, until her body America for seed of the bet varieties. fin jn their claims. All pre? n:. how-wa- s the of Xuuanu the at ; 1 1 J c.-- : 1 i that Ki-hm- 7 n r ceived word d just finished cleaning up his rr'-limirr- verb-- l morr.intr the horse took fright' Joe Oohn has in the water. As the ' has or rnnde rlay fourd I out tb- - crop. After all expenses, of planting, ItVas found that all are using r,d rn n a n'a y. Mr. Schr.ack was th projr-rtfv- j nqni r- -i vp-i- i r almnt to oull when mentf. . . Wv paid, 1. th- dis- 1 ni-?- , .rii body was, discovered, it is not known harvesting and picking were the j water on their n!s mvVr - last .n out rnd stru the gTound vio- - at Fan I :tro, u 'woman clean-u- p from the one acre was $200 t,.jv,Uf'on made in 17n by Minister J. ; ss yet whether the was the - 1:., ! on, r jj u.f-iwi-it, vw Po;-.rr.- ;- A Vy thoMrrh 10 not come oh Mott-Smit- h. Ho: ulu. Tictim f-- foul play. iri cash. it,t'::!::--

-'' :.:M r It 5 SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUXRY 19, 1905.

L068-105- 9 r ALEX. YOUNG Mosouiro oiSHOP q BUILDING

3- - CAiVlPAIG Largest and Oldest Furniture House in the Islands f T T TT T T Board of Health May HIGH GRADE FURNITURE! Take Over the WEATHERED OAK DIXING SET Work. In one of our windows we have on display one of the finest and most unique dining room sets ever brought to Honolulu. It is all of weathered oak and con- sists of a very large buffet, oval glass china closet, table and chairs. Fancy dining At a meeting of the Advisory Com- sets now contain but eight chairs and two arm chairs to match. w mittee of the Citizens' Mosquito Com- mittee held on October 24, 1&04, it was MORRIS CHAIRS agreed that it was manifestly unju:t We are showing a large line of new shapes of Morris Chairs, received by the of investigation to continue the work Alameda. They are in polished oak, weathered oak, imitation mahogany, and of the mosquito and control nuisance plain oak. Cushions of all kinds. on the subscriptions of private citizens 132 itIT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A NEW MAN" people e since the work benefited the of aches, fe-- 1 run down a only re- WEATHERED OAK ROCKERS I want to talk to men who have pains and who the Territory as whole not as Our physically, who realize that the old ''fire' and energy which was so gards the comfort of individuals, the new line of weathered oak rockers is m3de up of I.imbert and Karpen Art of evident in youth is absent now; men who can't stand the amount value of real estate, tourist travel, and Goods, the kind that is now being extensively advertised and used in the East. exertion they could years ago. I want you if that means you to see The my in- other interests of citizen", but that by seats and backs of these are made oi Spanish leather. what I have done for others who were just as bad off. That's yellow you presented some controlling the fever species trie troduction. If a friend in whn had confidence health of the entire Territory was one to you and said, "Jack, here's Brown; he has made good with me, FEATHER PILLOWS you guarded. The advisory committee sub and I trust him," wouldn't trust him. too? mitted their opinions to the general In addition to our own fine line of live geese feather pillows we have added a "Mr. II. A. LehndorfC, proprietor of the Fernando Hotel, Fernando, a G. A. veteran, committee and suggested that a special line of lighter feathers, which'of course are lighter in price. Cal., a man known to thousands of California?, li. committee on legislation be appointed says that my Belt cured him of Rheumatism, rind tnat he will praise remedy trouble. to obtain if possible an appropriation it for ali time as the grandest known for that from the coming legislature for carry Cedarville,- - March 10; "Your Belt Mr. W. F. Quite, Cal., writes, ing on spent J100) in doctoring." the mosquito work and provide cured me after I had useless for the work being undertaken by some I have cured it ousands of men who have squandered the savings of doctoring. department of the government. Dr. years in useless Cooper, acting chairman of the commit My Bflt is easy to use: put it on when you go to bed; you feel the HODD in absence of Mr. Pinkham, glowing heat from it (no sting or burn, as in old style belts), and you tee the TWO LARGE YOUMG BUILDING STORES. nerves tingle with the new life flowing-- into them. You get up called a meeting of the general commit- feel the tee, which was held October 28, 1004. in the morning feeling like a ld. meeting accepted report dorsed by the Board of Health, to be man of 70 says he feels strong and young as he did at This the of the An old a3 advisory and was voted printed in Bulletin form and distrib- 25. shows it renews the vigor of youth. It cures Rheumatism, Sci- committee it That that the chairman of the general com uted to the residents of the Territory. any Pains, Lumbago, Kidney Trouble. Banishes pain in a night, never 6. Men atic mittee appoint a special committee of That the Citizen's Mosquito Com to return. mittee should continue as a permanent A. C. Hammond, 330 Pine street, San Francisco, says, March five on legislation. Mr. Pinkham on his Mr. return to Honolulu made the following organization whose objects shall be to 20: age 75 your Belt me of general weakness and co-oper- "At the of has cured appointments: with the Board of Health Rre. Wearing kidney trouble." in the work of mosquito extermination; What ails you? "Write and teU me, and no matter where you are I Dr. C. B. Cooper, chairman; Dr. F. R. Day. Dr. L. E. Cofer, D. L. Van Dine emphasize the duty of citizens in the think I can give you the address of some one in your town that I have work of control; Investigate the vari- - every walking ad- and W. A. Bryan. tein- cured. I've cured thousands and man of them is a ous species mosquitoes occurring in Bloch This committee, after carefully con of vertisement for my Belt. Hawaii in their relation to the com Every man who uses my Belt gets the advice and counsel of a physi- sidering the question and correspond ing with such men as Dr. L. O. How- fort, health and other interests of the cian free. I give you all that any medical man can give, and a lot that citizens Territory; keep my ard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomology,' of the alive mart he can't. Try Belt. Slothes the public interest in the work through FREE BOOK Write me today for my beautiful Illustrated book, TJ. S. Department of Agriculture; Dr. 4 John B. Smith, State Entomologist of the press anj by public meetings; be- who would consider themselves unfortunate if they could with cuts showing how my Belt is applied, full of good reading matter come more closely identified with the for men who want to be "The Noblest Work of God" A MAX. Inclose New Jersey, in charge of the mosquito not get them every season. Inhere must be a good reason 4 Henry Clay work on the mainland and with the this ad and I will send this book, sealed, free. control work, and Mr. for this. Good judges of clothing will tell you it in Weeks. Secretary of the National Mos- National Society; and promote the or- lies OOfi 31 T. STEIX-BLOC- H m. g. AJtKET 11 Society, ganization of societies similar to the the three words: Style, i dr. Mclaughlin, i ho r Etlim, San Francitco quito Extermination at a meet- Fit and Quality. ing held last Friday evening, adopted Citizen's Mosquito Committee of Ho- By Style, we mean the fashion of today, not yesterday. following nolulu in other districts of the Terri- the resolutions: By Fit, we mean clothes will bet- Whereas, Mosquitoes are common and tory. that make you look abundant throughout the Territory of (Signed) ter than you do now. Hawaii and do by their presence seri- C. B. COOPER, M.D., By Quality, we mean woolen F. DAY, fabrics from the best ously affect the comfort of citizens, the Ii. domestic and foreign looms, ? EVERY DEPARTMENT J J J J ? value of real estate, tourist travel and S. E. COFER, and materials tested and other interests of the Territory, and D. L. VAN DINE, tried by skilled use. No "mercerized" cotton ever enter o has a o are a menace to health, since it has W. A. BRYAN, our doors. been definitely determined that the Cu- Special Committee on Legislation. Try these Clothes on. We will buy-Th- SPECIAL SALE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. ban yellow fever species, Stegomyia not ask you to is fasciata, is established throughout the is the Stein-Bloc- h label: islands, thus making an epidemic of HAYSELOFN'S BILLS this dreaded disease of the tropics pos- sible if once introduced; and, v WVVkVv' Note the following prices: rVWWVWvYyVYA Whereas, Through the efforts of a FOB SANITATION $2.00, Citizens' Mosquito Committee, acting in ' Walking Skirts $2.75, $3.25, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, conjunction with the Board of Health, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00. the Department of Public Works and 2 k the Bureau of Survey, it has been found possible to reduce the numbers Senators Paris and Hayselden both MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SPECIALS. J of mosquitoes in and about the city took a hand in sanitation yesterday in of Honolulu by at least fifty per cent the introduction of measures intended Corset Cover Specials, 20 cts.. 25 cts., 35 cts., 40 cts., 50 cts., in one year's work; arid, to conserve the public health. The money carrying on 60 cts., 75 cts., go cts., $1.00. Whereas, The for bill of to pro- the work has been subscribed by a com- Senator Paris, intended White Skirts, 90 cts., $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00, paratively few public-spirite- d citizens vide for the conduct of barber shops, $4.00, $5.00, $7.50. to the amount of from two to three reads: SloSnfnys Ill hundred dollars per month; and. "The Board of Health of the Terri- CORNER FORT AND MERCHANT Night Gowns, 50 cts., 60 cts., 75 cts., 90 cts., $i.co, $1.50, Whereas, The Hawaii Experiment tory of Hawaii shall have within its STREETS. $2.00, $2.50. Station has determined the species of discretion power to prescribe rules mosnuitoes responsible for the nuisance and regulations for establishing sani- 60 80 life-histo- Chemise, 50 cts., cts., cts., 90 cts., $1.00, $2.00, $2.50. 'has worked nut their habits, r- tary conditions under which the busi- i is in ies and breeding places and this data ness of barbering may be carried on Your inspection invited our tailoring department any person or persons. V i together with the experience of the for hire by to see the new suitings it has just received. committee in the work of control for the "Any person or persons violating any I past year is sufficient to enable an or- - rules or regulations authorized by 1 Act upon con- i aiii.diiuii will Liie auuiviiij Section of this shall, IN LESS and financial aid to further reduce the viction, be fined not less than ten dol- - twenty-fiv- e THAN numbers of mo-quitoe- s in general lars nor more than dollars, 3 DAYS throughout the Territory; and. and in default of payment of such fine and over The Only Double-Trac- k Railway between Mis-- KERR&CO. I the (Limited.) Whereas, Since the work of mosquito shall be imprisoned at hard labor un- - souri mver ana (jnicago. control is a public service and to be- ! til such fine be paid." ALAKEA STREET. come effective mu?t be a permanent af- LAUNDRIES. THREE FAST TRAINS DAILY fair, comparable with other functions Hayselden presented two measures. VIA D of the government, as the garbage sys- 'the first aimed at Chinese laundrymen. SOUTHERN PACIFIC, UNION PACIFIC AND tem, street cleaning, etc.. and since it as follows: CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN No other food is subject to keener criticism than table is manifestly unjust to indefinitely sup- RAILWAYS "It shall be unlawful for any person Overland Limited. butter; and no butter receives so much praise from a)l mem- port a public service on the subscrip- or persons washing, ironing, or per- VeStibuled. Leaves San Francisco at 10.00 a. tions of private individuals', therefore, forming any act, in the laundrying ot m. daily. The most Luxurious Train in the World. Electric Lighted bers of the household as o be it resolved: clothing, to spray any article so Throughout. Double Drawing-Roo- m, Sleeping Cars, Composite, Observa- 1. That it is the opinion of this com- laundried with liquid sprayed or pro- tion, Buffet, Smoking and Library Car. Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte. mittee that the work of mosquito con- jected from the mouth of said person Less than three days to Chicago without change. should be placed under the super- trol or persons, or from the mouth of any Eastern Express. VeStibuled. Leaves Franci-c- o COO p. CRYSTAL vision of the TerritoriaJ Board of San at person or persons whomsoever m. Daily. Through Pullman Palace and Sleeping Cars to Chicago. Din- Health. "Any person 'violating this Act shall ing Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars. 2. money That a sum of of at least be fined not less than $5.00, nor more Atlantic Express. y. $200 per month is necessary to carry than $25.00, and in default of payment VeStibuled. Leaves San Francisco at 9 a. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. SPRINGS on the work as already inaugurated of such fine be imprisoned at hard la- bv the Citizen's Mosquito Committee bor until such fine is paid. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS I now in ses- - and that the iesrislature MILK. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The best of everything. - i r - - , fiinn. 1 iirrrarl1 t -nnnrnnri.ltP1 1 1 to the ' ' The second Hayselden bill is an Act h. r. ritchie, a. a. p. I Board of Health for mosquito control a BUTTER to regulate production, CH!MM s uoRTHWESTEBR EL ; work in general throughout the Te- the sale and keeping of milk, and reads as to its J121 reet, (Palace Hotel) Sao rritory of Hawaii the sum of $7200 for or S. P. nnmn7 FrancJscB New shipment just received. Also CLARK FARM BUTTER. the coming biennial period. j vital provisions: ! , 3. That tha work should be placed "The Board of Health of the Terri-- in charge of a Superintendent who tory of Hawaii shall have within its Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd. shall be a person well qualified by ex- discretion power to prescribe rules and car- regulations for establishing sanitary US Telephone Main 45. perience or training to outline and ry on the work of mosquito extermin conditions under which animals may be 9 ation under methods now known to be maintained for the production of milk PEARSON & POTTER CO., LTD. effective and practical, whosa salary for sale; and conditions and contain- -' shall be not more than $150 per month, ers under which milk may be kept and 931 Fort Street. whose assistance shall be such as is distributed, ir. the opinion of the Board of Health j "Section 2. Any infraction of the Importers and Dealers in necessary who be especially rules and regulations as provided for o Ladies See and shall ! Should i.-- instructed to continue the work of in- - i Section 1 of this Act shall be pun- vestigation of the subject with refer- - ished by the cancellation of the license FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, t This ence to local conditions. of the offender." Tan j Blutcherette 4. That the Board of Health should UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS, enact such rules and regulations as SEVERITY IX CHINESE PALACE. are necessary to enable them to deal TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES, If you want to have your The Chinese empress dowager recent m with the problem in all its phases and ly severely daugh-- , GLOBE-WERNICK- feet well dressed lectured Yung Luh's E come to this that it shall be the duty of the Super- ter for wearing blue mourning shoes, FURNITURE, I store and see this stylish Ox- intendent to have printed such rjles j The enraged old inquired and regulations, how TENTS, AWNINGS, AND ATHLETIC GOODS. ford. It is extremely well together with recom- , she dared to come into her presence in .1 mendations and other re- made, with welt sole information mourning, and particularly when her and garding the extermination of mos- birthday was about to be celebrated. right up-to-da- te. quitoes and distribute same to resi- the When the bewildered young lady ex- Cable Address "PEARPA TCCf Max SIT. dents of the Territory. plained Telephone 0 I that she was in mourning for P. 5. That it should be the 9. Box 784. r 1 further her father the empress dowager replied 0 duty of the Superintendent to prepare I that she was supreme, fo" publication, :.t and that the j least once in three .mistake must never happen again. tttTtffin,iBmtlr.nilliiU,.j. - - - a report on It ir 1 luonuns, the progress of jwas on the occasion of birthday, ..mitf the work with definite this Manufa u Co., recommenda- j by the way, that the American Bible embossed boe tions, f r th- solution with bambooandbirddesigns. was inensed in a of lid fit-- 0 of the various Society presented to the dowager em- It casket 105' OR problerrf! connected with It was printed on the very finest paper ver, the whole weighing ten and a h Uf the work of press a sumptuous edition de luxe of iiitii-- f oviprminfion and the same, when en- - obtainable, with the biggest type, and pounds, and there was a gold inscrip- - : the Bible. The book had silver covers a border of gold encircled every page. Hon plate on cover casket. it the of the SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 19, X90S. r HEINZ SENATE Baked Beans AND HOLD SHORT SESSIONS t BRUNSWICK CLUB. BOURBON II Tomato Soup 1859 WHISKEY. AAA Oak Valley Distilling Co., These solve the problem for Close of COVINGTON, KY, a uuick and delicious meal. the Week !Finds the Legislature Still This celebrated brand of is When the cook is away Whisker expressly it distilled to suit the Pacific Coast and Hawaiian Is- is not the least trouble to Apparently Determined to Rush Its land prepare a dainty repast in trade. It is made from the very best Grain five minutes with Heinz" Work Right Along. grown in the most favored region of Kentucky, best Haked Beans and Tomato adapted for that purpose. All prominent physicians Soup. The housewife should recommend it for medicinal and family use on ac- always keep a supply on hand. count of its puritv and excellence. SEE THAT YOU ONLY BUY THE GENUINE ARTICLE to You are probably using Although the Senate sat but for a few minutes yesterday, it be recognized pickles oth- by the Cork and Bottle being branded Heinz sweet and - ers of the 57 varieties right succeeded in putting- through third reading the act. legalizing the with our firm name ; put up in cases containing I along. dozen quarts. work of the Code Commission, thereby passing- - the second bill for They can all be procured tins session, and perhaps in respects j BRAUNSCHWEIGER & CO., Inc., at any time from the most important bill many San Francisco. that has ever been enacted by a Hawaiian legislative body. The J Also Sold in Barrels and Half Barrels. need for codified laws is one that ,every citizen who has to do with j tne local courts has felt. The new codified laws of Hawaii are pronounced by lawyers as most complete. Henry May & Go The House has not reached the real legislative stag-e- , vet it is HACKFELD & CO also moving. A step in the line of economy, and one which will LTD. Retail Telephone 22. commend itself SOLE AGENTS Wholesale Telephone 92. to the taxpayers, was the adoption yesterday of FOR HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. a resolution providing for the creation of a reference committee, to which will go all laws introduced, to prevent duplications and save the expense of printing measures intended to accomplish similar results. There is always, almost of necessity, much duplication of U'Arl- - ir--i IoitI-..'- . t,.,i: Tf .1 IT i: .1 . j. a. J 1 - m ivuiauvc uuuics. ii i lie duplication uoes. nut exieiiu uc- ments De reduced from $200 to $100 in yond the typewriting- - stage, the public treasury will be the gainer, country districts. and the House will find own considerably simplified. That calls for bids on contracts be its work published only in the district where the work is contemplated. That an appropriation be made "for THE LEGISLATURE FOURTH DAY. printing the proceedings of the legis lature each week and furnished to the citizens. Owing f .a THE SENATE. j THE HOUSE. to the diverse nature of the i.Jru contents of the petition, which was It even a shorter session than ! away most important to Far and the presented by Rep. Pulaa. it was re- usual in the Senate yesterday, and at work done at yesterday morning's ferred to the Miscellaneous Commit- - ""WHO HATH NOT PAUSED WHILE that it got through a pretty fair amount meeting of the House of Representa- - tee. ! BEAUTY'S PENSIVE EYE, ASK of business. The printing committee tives was the adoption of a suggestion For appropriation of $3,000 for a road from Vnlf :l nn mnrl ) Ti-n- o ED FROM HIS HEART THE i - Vi r W the ' reported progress, - on : " ' " and Chairman Lane of the Committee . X 4 1 4 ( HOMAGE OF A SIGH." TUntT TIArthflflir Ka 4J 3V from fol- - new Perfect eyes can do wonders, but that committee presented the Rules for the formation of a and 44 on on sid(i n, Tt2 Kn r,i 52 .eyes perfect in depth or curvature are lowing resolution, designed to prevent standing committee to be known as the and 53 on the other. almost unknown. duplicate translations, and thus stop Reference Committee. Although the For $300 fr a school at Makapala. We d not "make eyes," but do make a leak: session is still young it has proved To repeal the leper suspect law. eyes good by proper application To repeal the vaccination law. bad Be it resolved by the Senate of fecund in the production of bills of all glasses when needed. the sorts, sizes shapes, be it said To allow relations of lepers to visit of Territory Rep- and and of Hawaii, the House of to the credit of the Legislators, they tne Settlement every session (Rep. resentatives concurring: aro with few exceptions earnest in ""iiiiiu That a joint committee on transla their intent though many are crudely I For $15,000 for school buildings at A. N Sanford, tion of bills be appointed, said com drawn. It necessarily happens that, Waialua. (Rep. Cox). ; to j mittee consist of three (3) members lacking a cohesive organization, there THE REVISED LAWS. to be appointed by the President of 0;pticla,:in. are ideas duplicated and triplicated in A purely formal bill from the Sen- - BOSTON BUILDING, the Senate and the three (3) members different bills submitted and it would to be appointed by the Speaker of the ate, for the purpose of putting the ' 1 Fort Street. Over May & Co. quite obviously be a useless expense Revised Laws into effect passed its vmm House, whose duty shall be to arrange to order the printing of bills which war the translation of bills in such manner first reading on title. It is known as contain matter in common. 16. as to prevent a second translation of the Senate Bill No. any bill introduced in either body. THE NEW COMMITTEE. A resolution to be submitted to the THRUSTS BOOK STORE! passed, The report of the Committee on President and Congress was submitted The resolution and Lane. by Rep Dickey and Gandall were appointed in Rules was presented by Chairman Pulaa. Its object is to allow 1063 Fort St., near Hotel, behalf of the Senate. Long early yesterday. It recommend- Hawaiians. other than those who can Is Headquarters for ed that the session rules of 1903 be speak and write English understand- - j SOME NEW BILLS. ingly, to be eligible for jury duty. BOOKS on HAWAII, adopted with these amendments: Paris introduced two bills, one to pun That the Committee on Public Health It was warmly endorsed by its parent Including many out-of-pri- nt rarities, ish persons found impersonating off- take into consideration all reports on and by Rep. Kaniho but on motion j also the one provide sani- public health to by the was referred to the Judiciary Commit- icers, and to for the referred them tee. i regulation of shops. Both report thereon. HAWAIIAN ANNUAL, tary barber liouse and ' W 14." t passed first reading by title. That the Committee on Public Edu- The following bills were introduced 1 the reference handbook and passed first reading by title: relating to islands. The bill adopting the Revised Stat cation take into consideration all these utes as they had come from the Code educational matters reported from the For the protection of government Commission was taken up and passed House and report thereon. employes as voters. (Rep. Kaniho). THOS. G. THRUM third reading. The clerk was instructed To amend Rule 24 to comply with the To regulate the employment of la Stationer, Bookseller, Etc, to notify the House that the Senate foregoing. bor on public works so that only citi- had passed the bill. To add a rule making a Reference zens resident for six months may be The bill setting aside certain lands Committee to examine each bill before employed. (Rep. Kaniho). for parks, and Achi's bill to repeal the it is printed. To provide for the election of Dis- judiciary com- report having been adopted trict Sheriffs. (Rep. Holstein). Sunday law went to the The GUNST-EAK- Ff CIGAR mittee. On second reading Dickey's Speaker Knudsen announced the fol- To provide that the minimum rate CO, Distributors. Scribner's Sarsaparilla of pay for "anti-spittint- g" bill went to the health lowing as composing the new commit- laborers on public works be tee: $1.50 a day. (Rep. Aylett). committee. The Senate bill No. 3, Dickey's bill for Reps. Smith, 1st District, chairman; House adjourned at 12:15 until With the approach of spring, Monday at 10 a. m. every one notices an eruption or the incorporation of cities, went on the Holstein, 2nd; Nakuina, 3rd; Long. An-drad- e, - a 4th: Cox. nn itr-hine- of f hf face. bodv. arms table to await the appointment of 5th: Sheldon, 6th, and - THE or ws. Now. this breakins- out Joint special committee on county acts at large. BPKECKELSE8 RECONCILED. of mmnles is soecially irritating. The salaries bill and the departmental PRAV"HS OR ROLL CALL? or- - Claus unpleasant and very mortifying, appropriation bill were the next in There was a minor squabble at the and His Son Kudolph Oome Then if you cut or Druise your- - ,tvw6, optlling of House as to I Together at Last. were to me the whether good discussion seer.u News-Lett- self in any way, you wonder why reierrea prayers snoul(3 be said before rol, oal, The er says: Here is the There is reason why . v. - heal nn n rter I stanaing commuiees, eacn comma tetr or whether the roll should be called most interesting piece of news record- Xry'mg,aall kinds of salves. to have charge of the sections falling before prayers. The matter went to duty. ed in many a day. There within its sphere of a vote and it was decided by 16 to 13 has been a DICKEY EXPLAINS. that prayers came first. Chaplain-Desh- a reconciliation between Claus Spreckels Your Blond Lane's leprosy bill went to the health said prayers and then every-- , and his son Rudolph, with whom he was Its committee, and the bill for the regis thing was plain sailing. at war and involved in litigation for tration of land titles to the judiciary Copies of the Revised Laws of Hawaii many years. To avoid all this trouble and so Claus Spreckels has committee. were brought down by Chief Clerk been watching ban- j make vou fell strong, light and public Hay-- the career of his In the interest of health, Buckland from the office of the Secre- ished son, and has -- een him develop Rock into White bright. to stop ?elden introduced a bill the tary and were distributed to the mem- a conservative, dependable man of af- Trv firrihncr'a SarsaDarilla, It Chinese practice of spitting upon clothes bers. will clear your blood of all Im pro fairs, and devoted to his family. It in laundering them, and another PAYMENT OF OFFICERS. has always been a matter of great purities and enrich your system, viding of dairies. new-- for the sanitation Chairman Waterhouse presented the to .Rudloph that he should po that you will feel like a Both passed first reading by title. person. report of the Committee on Expendi- have been in conflict with his honor- At this juncture Dickey arose to ex able, if severe, so, when proposed county act spe- tures. It recommended the following father, and plain that the payment em- he received a message him a few nothing to do scale for the of House from cial committee had with ployes: $10 per weeks ago asking him to come to him, shoulJ have a great and increasing demand; the best yet discovered. bill, moved a recon- Clerk. day: Assistant it's his municipal and Clerk, $6 per day; Interpreter, $10 per he was riot long in responding. Rudolph sideration of it committal to that com Awarded the Grand Prize at the St. Louis Exposition, 1904, for botii H0BR0N DRUG CO. Dickey car day; Stenographer, $10 per day; was accompanied to his father's home mittee. This carried and $6 by sparkling and still waters. to rerer per day: Messenger, in Van Ness avenue his handsome ried through a second motion $4.50 per day: $3.50 wife, formerly Miss Nellie Jolliffe. The special Dickey, Janitor, per day; his bill to a committee. Chaplain, $250 for the session. meeting was an affecting one, and the Hewitt, Bishop, Lane, Wilcox and Rep. by years some in- as a special Lewis, a member .of the Com- father, bowed and Brown were appointed mittee, did not concur. firmities, was loath to have Rudolph PIAN committee. be- If you want a snaD call at the The report was not adopted without go. Soon after thi? reconciliation The following resolutions were intro long-parte- d STORE a fight Rep. Greenwell leading an op- - tween the son and father. COYNE FURNITURE duced by Achi. appropriating $10,000 in position to payment Rudolph Spreckels for New York to PEACOCK LUDWIG, widening Pali the of such large left W. C. & CO., Ltd. 53 per month will buy a the lo;m act for Nuuanu salaries and being backed 'by Rep. meet his sister, Mrs. Thomas Watson, ana S1 00.000 loan act Harrington, kingsbury JL l cr t c in the on way vane. Holstein. now a widow, who is her to thers. to build a reservoir in Kaiiin Rep. Kaleiopu's motion to increase this city from England to attend to her AGENTS. 415. W. HALL. adjourned until .Mon Telephone Main J. The Senate then the pay of janitor from $3.50 to $4 was business affairs. day morning. accepted and the House passed the re- - Close friends of Mrs. Waton and her port in its amended shape. father are praying that Mrs. Watson Halstead & Co., Ltd GIFT A formal report of the work of the may go directly to her old father and PRINCE FUSeiMI'S Printing Committee was presented by mother when she reaches this city. Eike LOWNEY'S Rep. Greenwell. Rudolph, she has not seen her father CELEBRATED THE COST OF GOVERNMENT. for years, not since she married Thomas STOCK AND Watson against his will. Tho-- who opened the mys- - The House - CHOCOLATES Secretary Atkinson Bill for the appropriation read the signs think that Rudolph has c 1 of $30,000 for the expenses of the ses- message BOND terious box leit iur "mi sion passed carried acro-- the continent a Fresh and Sweet. and found within its third reading without father which will re- Fushimi yesterday, a dissenting voice Bill from the stricken recesses. the and the Senate sult in his seeing his estranged daugh- m tm it rnosinsr in velvet for $20,000, for the expenses of the up- ouaintest thing in the way of a silver per house went through its first degree ter. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE HA- - fmLf& Ho- - i- - bringing with her this tea set that has ever been seen in without a murmur. Mrs. Watson WAIIAN ISLANDS. a tea pot. sugar j trip Miss Watson, her stepdaughter, NEQOTIATBD nolulu. There is PETITIONS PRESENTED. pre- LOANS tonsrs. and cream pitcher, in a one of the family over which she r If miar of the lotus The petitions presented and sent to sided since her residence in England. Stccfc woven design of the leaves excep- Honolulu tsS the riinvrpnt st:iniiin'r, mmwiitooc r.r life was 1 V v J ' m M Rsmttrs enameueuii. j m m ;.nt Mrs. Watson's married r V. mi with the flowers . t i 9 n.-- happy, disparity of asre & Ezc&ange, colors, magenta and blue ana a tionally the ,ewis Co., Ecn3 green like the tinge on young From 71 voters of the Second R?p- - between herself and husband seeming LIMITED. delicate to ! shoots. The enamelling is resmative District: to eut no f:cv.:re. She i' said 163 STREET. bamboo r - BOOKS! something after the manner of That the Rond Board law be repeal- heartbroken ov.-- the of her hus- l515TetO 2403 TELEPHONES 249 SOME NfcW ed and supervisors be el.-te- instead. ba nd. Katherine cioismne. - The Masquerader. pretty as That a law b.- prohibiting The reconciliation between "1a'i and Sea-Wol- f, Jack The work is so dainty and pr.n woman my Thurston: The heavy cartage n in no wi.-- e jr.'-a- willing to be the of his father a nl First society "That's was made muddy roads. Iris son Rudolph does . Anthony to suggest that the tea set it-t- we Just, pa ss-d- ." Scfoml London; Double Harness, Thit poll tax. rond tax and school a settling ;p of the differences let the matter of In baby that design by an artis t. and I ; Au-Cist- us Hop.-- ; Prodigal Son, Hall from a special - family different e . .h, co. i. ty woman could you tell?" The is a prince, tax be can lied f"r citizens of 50 years Rndilp"h and his brother. John I. the Light, Louis perhaps it was. Fushimi . woman recognized Cane; The Pillar of (!) ; s and Mrs. Watson have stood First society "I one, and apparently knows fully instead of S'preC'C'-l- Their cru:s" of strife hrs real lic-'Ti- ti'.e Brooklyn Eagle. Tracy. a That the s- on light refresh - been a bitter one, and each will 1" r.urse." WALL. NICHOLS CO.. LTD. what is due to his rank. T 1 v O i ADVh,HiSK, FEB1 .KY ig, 1905.

Sunday Advertiser BY :OMfViERCIAL DANIEL - r v i LOGAN. 6. SMITH EDITOR. Notwithstanding another week of almost stagnation, with the few sle-- that w - ' ' - n?.tr have taken place showing a decline from List week's figures, a good feeling FEBRUARY 19. zM.nr??$K all SUNDAY around marks the close cf the six days as might have been expected with the re- covery of the raw sugar market from to The drop in " ? 1 4.91c. 4.oK. sugar is feii probably due to the main causes, both of them essentially temporary namely, Dewey wi.i lose his grippe. Let us hope that Admiral European speculation and the rushing of the Cuban crop to market under the O-- -- stimulus of good prices. While the coming week is anticipated hopefully on okolehao. The Hawaiian Legislature improves with age. ike the Honolulu exchange, a rise in prices of sudden and strong characteristics can. o rtfl 1 hardly be expected. A big bunch of HViwaiian stocks arrived in the Alameda: peace. 1 and, though it is thought the money therefor will largely remain here, the ab- is probably hanging around Madagascar waiting tor Rodjestvensky sorption of the new mass will tend to make any general rise take an easy gradient. . o The Henry Waterhouse Trust Co. received a cable yesterday noon from E. Pinkham scheme and be The milk trust should remember the fate of the Pollitz & Co.. giving the following bid quotations on Hawaiian stocks in San wise. Francisco: Honolulu Plantation, $332; Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar, $S61,-- Makaweli, $372. During the week San Francisco has been buying Hawaiian, is more than E stocks, principally H. C. & S. On Feb. - Mosquitoes, despite the dry weather, busv rain. That and Honokaa. 15. before the rise in sugar occurred. Pollitz cabled that their market was dull owing to Honolulu, can be said for the mosquito inspector. The Pratt Episode. --O- selling, but it is very probable that the rise in sugar has had a beneficial effect 5 on that market the same as it has had here. Py referring to the stock Kennedy may be lucky if they do not come wi thin The Fall Election. lat TV.th the Iwalani and the s sneei 01 tne san l'rancisco iock x iiona r.xcnange u is seen tnat mere were-sale- Rcjestvensky's mistakes. t ') range of Admiral "Ml Lower Priced Beef, of several hundred shares of Honokaa at $20, 100 at $19.75 and So at: o $19.62. the last two sales being below par. There was heavy trading in Paau-h- au t his big stick under his arm The Hilo Tins-plantation'- Kicker. s It is about time tor President Koosevt-I- to tuck ? at figures ranging from $22 to $23. A few Hutchins sold at $17.25. Venezuela. and go down and argue the case out with Castro of stock is doubtlessly affected on account of the drought, which is quite severe in Kau and Kona districts. has once more begun All signs indicate that the Japanese army in Manchuria THE WEEK'S TRANSACTIONS. luring himself away. to advance, and so it is up to Kuropatkin to begin The Honolulu Stock & P.ond Exchange lists for the week show the follow- . ( ing sales: Ewa ($20), 130 at $30.50, 100 at $30.87. 20. 12 at $30.' 125 at $29.75,. $20.6212; C. & would really seem that State ed 25 at $29.50; Honokaa ($20), at $20.75, 50 at H. S. Co. ($roo)',. At three hundred and fifty dollars apiece, it The attempt to defeat Pratt by making him responsible for Desky was prop-rebuk- 40 is Senatorial year, too. at $86.50. 60 at $85.50, at $86, 100 at $88.50 B 60, Kahuku ($20), Senators in California are ruling cheap. And this a erlv by the Postmaster General and will be, I trust, by the Senate. 30 230 50 a: $30;. Hawaiian Sucar i $20"). too nt Sj j: MrBrvde ($-20)- . 11. 20 p.t .1 ' 1 0 am no partisan of anybody's in this fight, but I despise underhanded politics, . farming, ? atQ.-.o- 50. 100 at $9. 95 at $9.25: Ookala ($20). K.Vat $7.;o: O. hardest blows at an important phase of our diversified by token I One of the and that 't like the imputations upon Oat, a man whom the largest R. & L. Co. ($100), 35 at $76.50; Waialua ($100). 20, 5 at $72.50, 5 at $72," 55 at the milk trust's license scheme to force the private would be the success of customers of the local postoffice wanted to have retained. Because Mr. Oat $71.75; Kihei ($50), 170 at $14, 34 at $13.50. Dividends on 15th: Oalut Sugarl

dairyman out of business. P- - c- - R- - & L- - Co-- . - C-- not seen distributing mail, stamp window delivering letters,'1 P- J Mutual Telephone, 2 p. c; Hawaiian Sugar, r . o attending the and - there are people who say he is incompetent. As much might be said of the captain ( p. c. ; Jt epeekeo, 1 p. c. Judge Little might have to go back to Jackson, Mich., and be a GENERAL REVIEW. It looks as if of a ship because he doesn't take his trick at the wheel and stand a nightly watch. guard again. There seems to be as little room for him in the legal pro- prison '.I here must be one man at the head of any departmented office or store just The probable resuscitation of two foreclosed plantations is a good sign- as there was in the Hawaiian Governorship. fession the same as at the head of a ship, and the fact that Mr. Oat is not much in evi- of the times. Already incorporation papers have been registered by the Kaeleku . o dence with the general public does not affect the proposition that he is doing the (Continued on page If President Roosevelt, after he gets through with Mr. Rockefeller, will then supreme work of the office with diligence and care. In his general oversight of up with a cen- turn his attention to the suppression of Law son, and follow it things, in his measures of discipline, in the exercise of his bonded financial re- sorship of John Brisben Walker that will eventuate in a wide and pleasing silence, sponsibility, Mr. Oat is doing what the Government expects of him and doing BY suddenly acquire a force that will sweep the demand for a third term may i' well. His successor will have no more to do and may deem himself fortun- SOL. N. SHERIDAN. tilings. ate if he gets through with a record so free from intelligent reproach. Small Talks o But to return to Pratt. Because he was "once an employe of Mr. Desky he of and water selling at Kailua for fifty cents is presumed, by the friends of another candidate, Mr. ,Kenake, to be morally With all the islands in need rain, "Why, to be sure I asked the chaplain prayer every day - to make the other ft .1 j r t.: 1 c an responsible for the fact Desky sold some subject nceu 1111 T i. mv. fironf mmanf flnrlv tor- that lots which were still to a aDUCKCt, tne crying ui lcuuyij pw.m in Hawaiian," said President Isenberg of the Senate. is only fair to y legislature and dis- - blanket mortgage. It is as if the head clerk of a jewelry store had been blamed "It rffirial and dulv accredited rain maker. The is in session a chance. But, course, be much of a trick to because the proprietor had personally sold a paste diamond for the real thing. of if Senator Kalama does not f:mt the ' appointed job chasers in plenty are about. It should not prayer, I'll withdraw the request." take the place. Nobody ever accused Mr. Pratt before in connection with the Desky land sales. find a qualified kahuna to I Senator-i- s When buyers were after Desky with knotted clubs, in and out of court, not All the same, do not think the request should be withdrawn. No past praying for, and President Isenberg is right to give all his colleagues; one of them went for Pratt. The victims of the land deal did not hold him par-tice- ps foreign papers know anything every show More is always going on in Russia than the criminis. It remained for the official friends of Assistant Postmaster under the rules. "We, are all pore critters," to use the words of the vital points or inquiry into State matters is not Widow Bedott, who was a lady some in and may more-praye- r about. Correspondence on Kenake to start the miserable roorbach, a thing of which, they hoped, Mr. Ken-ak-e of note her da', need of Bobrikoff, relished by the Czar's censors. Events, however, like the murders would become the beneficiary. than any of us get. conclusions as the gravity of Rus- Von Plehve and Sergius, force their own to I don't happen to know whether Kenake inspired the attack on Pratt or not, a revolutionary upheaval. sia's peril and prepare the foreign mind for the news of but I do know that Oat didn't. He and Pratt had an amicable understanding, Nay, Mr. Kalama, o which both men respected and in doing so respected themselves. Let your chaplain jam a By placing the mosquito campaign in charge of the Board of Health, wjth Man through, if the trick can be done; a definite allotment of funds, the legislature will put the Territory in pursuit If any man said in court that last fall's election was won by bribery and The tongue that he prays in Hawaii Promotion May plead for.the day's sin, of a negative asset of highest positive value. When the intimidation he would be expected to prove that the employment of so many Committee can print in red letters on its distributive literature the statement, And pardon thus quicker be won. voters on the roads about that time was bribery and that the threat to discharge "Hawaii has no mosquitoes," it will not make much difference what else within truth about the islands may be published. them if they didn't vote straight was intimidation. He would also have to show You know, your Redeemer o-- that the threat was actually made, and in seeking capital for Iaukea he would Can spot each fine schemer have to demonstrate that there was enough chicanery to materially affect the And send him below on the run; building in city of Portland, Oregon, is said to be so A great office the oting totals at the polls. That election was carried out with such exceeding But, if humbby kneeled to, afflicted with electrolysis that it is in danger of collapse and that isn't all. badly slickness that .1 doubt if the Democrats, in default of detective evidence, can In both tongues appealed to, States Senator in the same town has already gone all to pieces, A great United actually prove much except that they were beaten. The next time, however, they He'll turn you from wrong ere 'tis done. Congress is grave danger, and every man in public life is in the a member of in may get a Furrier or a Clothier to watch out, the supply of Hatters being en- he does not know, when he goes to bed, whether the sheriff will condition that tirely bought up by the other side. Petition, full measure, morning or whether he will not. be after him before Is laying up treasure 0 The reduction in the price of beef by two cents a pound should cost the In heaven, where may our steps tend! Senator Achi might serve his Asiatic constituents by securing the repeal Meat Company between $40,000 and $50,000 per year. To get the money And if we don't need it, pleased. of the Sunday law, but there is nobody else that would be particularly back, there must be a marked increase in the local consumption of meat which Whatever our breed, it The small Asiatic dealers, in fact," would be the only ones benefited by a wide-ope- n Will do us no harm, in the end. 1, for one, don't look for. Beef-eatin- g is nearly so anywhere in Sunday in Honolulu. All other merchants have been striving for a long not popular the time to take away the, unfair competition that came from giving the Asiatics a United States as it used to be. This is due, measurably, to a growth of interest "It is true that Uncle Sam has a long arm for offenders against his laws,"" in the simple day more to do business in than their white rivals had. life on the one hand and to delicate feasting on the other. A great remarked Governor Carter. "And it is by reason of the wide knowledge of his many people believe, and rightly, they will have less rheumatism, less sen- O that reach that there is so little offending as there is against Federal laws. And it suality, a slower hardening of the arteries, a better digestion, a more health true that the Territory of Hawaii, reinforced by Uncle Sam, has a long It looks easy the prohibition of spraying clothes from the mouth. The legis- ful old age fish, if they eat meat sparingly. So they go in for poultry, eggs, arm to catch evil doers. I want to send to far Japan to gather in a murderer,, lature did it before, so far as passing a law was concerned, but the Supreme nuts, dairy fruit and products and do it to such an extent that the sale of products not alone that the man may be punished, although that is important, but to show Court rendered an elaborate decision that transformed the enactment into in- on the five mainland during years past has visibly increased, while the sale of to these people that the laws against life and property in this Territory are not', effective spray. It was held that the law was unconstitutional, being an inter- meat has fallen off proportionately. The people who cultivate their tastes, after ference with inalienable personal rights. Until the Supreme Court reverses it- to be lightly broken. It will, I think, be an impressive lesson. We have an the manner of the French, do not admit much beef to their menus. There are the-majest- self, then, the laundrymen will not have to buy a squirt gun. alien population, accustomed to other laws, that needs have borne in upon it things in the market of more gastronomic distinction. So between the two classes of . o ours." the butcher gets left and longs for the good old English time when the diner out (Continued on page 7.1 No, no; Arizona will not feel at all lonely at being left on the outside of expected a roast at one end of the table, a ham at the other and a meat pie the sisterhood of states. Arizona is used to being on the outside. It was made somewhere in between. that way. They tell a story, in fact, along the Hassayampa, that when God Here in the tropics meat cannot be used as freely as in the temperate zones j J From f made the world he found after working hard for six days, that he had left a and people know why so well that they, too, are shutting down on the carnivorous SOME GOOD THINGS Exchanges. t little bit still unfinished. He turned that over to Mr. Satan to complete, giving nie. v neuter a saving ot two cents a pound win cnange tneir minas ana start the evil one full power to do whatever might please his humor. And Arizona a multitudinous rush for the chopping block, is to me a matter of doubt. But I was what came of that. shall watch the Metropolitan market while I eat my bit of fish roe, fried apple, R. Hinton Perry, the sculptor, is responsible for the following story of the o marrow toast and citrus fruit watch it and see if the crowd arrives. 'scrublady" who cares for his studio: "How many children have you, Mrs. It is said that some legislators are against a perpetual dedication to the O'Flarity?" he asked her one morning. "It's siven I have, sir," she repliedj-"fou- r public of the proposed reservations for parks. This is a question that ought to The Hilo Kicker has a fellow feeling for the mule the Governor shot. The by the third wife of me second husband, and three be the second wife of be well considered before the passage of Senator Bishop's bill. Many people Kickers must all stick together or the chief industry of the town will wane me furst." believe that had it not been for the dedication to the people in perpetuity of Ever since the Brughelli mule subtracted himself, with Executive aid, from the A Chicago minister asserts that sometimes the most common statement of Makiki recreation grounds, they would have been sacrificed long ago to the grasp census of Hilo, the rainy capital has been in a ferment. Evidently it fears that fact comes to an ignorant person almost as a revelation. Once, after a Tfiurs--th- e ( man by a philistine official wanting revenue. a well-situat- ed of some real estate Thus Governor may return on his mustang, after one taste of blood, and shoot !day morning address, a worshiper remained behind to thank him, and said: breathing space and a free arena of wholesome sport would have been you this, up the town; but in spite of that, one reckless spirit has challenged him withl"0" alway3 Slve me something new to think about, and, until I heard 1 lost. iron-sho- long-eare- thought Sodom and Gomorrah were and wife." the d heels of his d Pegasus. In other words Hilo has emitted morninS. that man

O , a printed poem of ten-mu- le power, appropriately decorated on its blue cover The palm of politeness should go to the hero of the following incident in Now that the members of the legislature, feeling themselves cramped for with the picture of the town's leading kicker surmounted with a halo. As for London. During the recent fog there were seventeen people in a London anct- - room in the Capitol, are beginning to talk of the erection of a building to relieve this poem here is some of its quality: South-Wester- n compartment. Another tried to squeeze in and failed. '"Can't the congestion, it might be in order for them to remember that the roomy get any further' cried a man inside, "there's a man here with a wooden leg bungalow would he splendidly available for the Board of Public Works if it were The foolish freighter, being thus benighted, blocking the way." "Oh!" said the man with the wooden leg; "excuse me. not cumbered by the occupancy of an expensive and utterly useless Territorial And having in his train a fractious mule, Half a moment." He unscrewed his leg and put it on the rack. militia. With Mr. Hollo way out of the way, and quarters provided in some affrighted, Had left the unwilling beast, so sore Stonewall "Jackson's negro body-serva- nt knew before anybody else when Campbell, equally available place for Treasurer the Senate would have as good To starve in peace, and ruminate on rule. battle was imminent. "The general tells you, I suppose," said one of the sol- room as the House, and there would be the whole basement for a committee use. Under a cone of lava, firmly tether'd, diers. "Lawd, no, sir! De gin'ral nuvver tell me nothin' ! I observates d& o Against his' bond he struggled and he tore. 'tention of de gin'ral dis way: co'se he prays, jest like we all, mornin' an' night; Look sharp the Hayselden bill empowering the Board pre- And such discordant notes he wildly blether'd when he gits up two, times in night pray, I rubs my eyes an at of Health to ' but three a to den scribe "rules and regulations" for the milk business. If such "rules and regu- As ne'er were heard since Balaam "cursed and swore," gits up, too, an' packs de haversack ca'se I done fine out dere's gwine to be o a lations" could bring about high licenses for dairymen, the objects of the trust, Until at length, exhaust by his own braying, boy to pay right away." And he no more for liberty could beg, otherwise the Dairymen's Association, would be reached. The Association has In the schools of a Connecticut town measures were recently taken to test His iron-sho- d hoof into a crevice straying, some direct representatives in the Legislature who are likely to burn their the children's eyesight. As the doctor finished each school he gave the principal through in The frantic beast falls down and breaks his leg. fingers before they get an effort to smoke out the poor man with a list of the pupils whose eyes needed requested him to notify the Titanic rays beat down upon his head attention, and cue or two cows and give all the business to the combine. Very many voters children's parents effect. boy to this father tuis At noon next day; when Dodo, cantering by, to that One brought home will expect the Legislature to make a most rigorous test of any milk legislation from principal: '"Mr. my duty to in Espies the brute across his pathway spread, note the Dear Sir: It becomes which may be attempted. form you that your son shows decided indications astigmatism, and his case n An obscene picture to a kingly eye. of o day the fatht-- r sent "What means this outrage? This carrion lieth there? one that should be attended to without delay." The next following Whip There is reported to be a difference of opinion between Governor Carter What fool dares thus my passage way to block? 'the answer: "Dear Sir:: it out of him." and some of the Senators with regard to the Punchbowl park scheme. The Am I not king? Am I not master here? The following from a Butler, O., paper, indicates that social life flourishes Governor is favor confining public said to the reservation to the crater and its Who is't that dares my anger thus to mock? of Forest Hal!, Mr.' and Mrs. Clem Bisel, of Centre Grove, rim, and plotting the remainder of the hill for a private residence or villa tract. Jack! Give me thy gun! I'll teach this offal slave also ye scribe, took dinner with the Times editor and famny What is right thing may depend on him the where the line between public and private Who thus my mission ancestry would flout j Tuesday while attending the institute. Ye scribe also brought home with ground shall be drawn. ' opinion ar Senatorial has been expressed that the public That I was heaven's 'anoint' from cradle unto grave!" some of the fine books which Mr. Burkholder is selling to the Times readers c ught to have everything above the circumference of w nt- - the hill of which Prospect And 'pouf a single shot puts "muley" out. cost. These books are not tra:-h- stulT, but are w ritings of our most noted street is a segment. Of course, in any case, ample approaches kept open or Jers, ana would ie ot interest to those wno love poetry, novels, ci:ciioii.Mi., all sides must be stipulated. A public meeting to discuss the whole bill ha cook, besides The poem was not headed "One Kicker Less," but that was probably an over-jro- rs of flood and fire, and also to those who would like to learn to been suggested, and it is a good way to obtain the sense of citizens. ight. books on many other subjects of equal value. SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 19, igo5.


. " V H Sale of the s 0 1 av Ik LEVINQSTON'S STOCK yTTTVTTTrTYTTyTTTTTTTT? fit TV TVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT fTTTll TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT V T T T TT 0 0 2 Comprising, z 0 Sh U Z irts nderwear, o ocks9 Collars, 0 'jimsw' war . at. Fine ests, -- il Cv v Hats Clothm and .

?4 Now On Sale at the $ i


The march composed b y Samuel K. Nainoa of the Kawaihau Glee Club in honor of Fred f I $ 00 Church, manager of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, and presented to him, was enclosed in paper TiO PREMISES binding of which the above is a picture of the illuminated cover. 0 Opposite Wall, Nichols & Co., "I'm glad to learn that," said the 2 BRYAN AND ROOSEVELT President, laughing, as he escorted his visitors into his office. Mr. Jones left the President and Mr. MEET IN THE WHITE HOUSE Bryan chatting and came out into the I I anteroom to wait for the close of the Rt Baekrapt Prices interview, which did not last more than five C WASHINGTON', 3. . "Yes, feeling- minutes. After Mr. Bryan left tOOtOtOtOtOlO fOOtOIO-f- Feb. William I'm first class, but I'm j getting a little stouter than I like," re- tne 'residents orhce, he submitted to Jennings Bryan, who hopes to succeed more handshakes on the outside and President Roosevelt four years from plied Mr. Bryan, as he took off his hat toffpolish hi smooth forehead with hif obligingly wrote his name in the auto next M.irch, called at the White House graph album of the guardian of the a.n appointment handkerchief. V'lis forenoon. lie had j President's office door. to meet James K. Jones "You are growing plump, sure j enough; you are growing in more ways "I told the President that I heartilv there at 10:30 o'clock, but Mr. Jones indorsed many of his policies and that was time, Mr. liryan ran than one," said Senator Cullom. "And, behind and do you know, I haven't quite given up I would support him every time I N & CO., newspaper men F. of and thought was Ltd. the gantlet he right," said Mr. Bryan. W hope you to in outer otnee and was of bringing around the you handshakers the right way of thinking? When you get "Don't think he is right most of by l!-- admitted to the President's sanctum your the time?" Mr. Bryan was asked. r Kx-Senat- straight on a few of ideas, I'll Mr. Roosevelt himself. or "Well, I : you." wouldn't care to say that Jones, however, arrived in time to be all the prouder to know j you," ne repneu witn a laugh. But I am H on happy occa- "Now I'd like to convert said make a few jokes the Bryan, my chances wjth him on his railroad rate legisla sion, which added to the srayety of the Mr. "but I'm afraid o o j are not so good as your chances of tion crusade. I also most heartily n n metins. Senator Cullom, of Illinois, see, you agree with Mr. Garfield's franchise tax hapiened to be comlngr out as Mr. bringing me around. You are older man than I am, and. in the proposition. I am willing to accept entered, and shook hands with 'an anything is good from any party. j nature of things, there'll be more time that him in a cordial manner. A good many people have called me a F. to worn on me. F "You are looking mighty well'." ex- A number of people who were await- Populist because I indorsed some of the claimed the Senator. ing a chance to shake hands with the articles of faith of that party. I still President were in the anteroom when believe that some of the reforms they advocate are good, would greatly CONFIDENCE Mr. Bryan passed through, and with and one accord they rose from their seats benefit t ountry were they coined ii!1.-- . 1 W eaid Chatham, "is a plant and pressed around him. He shook vlav. believe the income tax of slow growth." People believe hnnds with everv one in sisrht and was would be a good thing, and hope to in things that they see, and in a ushered into the Cabinet room, which ! see u on the statute books some time." broad sense they are right. What adjoins the President's office. Mr. j "Why don't you get some of your I I Roo.-evel- Congre-- s is sometimes called blind faith ia t was talking with Senator j friends in to introduce a new not faith at all. There must be Proctor when Mr. Bryan entered, and j bill, providing for such a tax?" one of foun- did not see him at first. Mr. Proctor the Nebraskan's auditors asked. reason and fact to form a "That might be done," agreed, a called his attention to the man who he "but dation for trust. In regard to led the majority in two national cam- - I think the best way to accomplish it medicine or remedy, for example, palgns, and the President at once walk- - would be to amend the Constitution, people ask, "Has it cured oth- ed into the Cabinet room with arm out- - The Supreme Court did not believe in NOTICE ers? Have ca3e3 like mine been stretched. tne income tax a few years ago, and, relieved by it? Is it in harmony "I am very glad indeed to see you," j while a former decision of that tribu-exclaim- ed j nal might not, circum-hand- s with the truths of modern science, the President, as he shook under certain LARGE HANDSOME DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW suspic- cordially. "And you. too, Sen- - stances, have a binding effect on future THE and has it a record above decisions, confi- ator," he added, as Jones it would be very likely to is worthy of i ion? If so, it came in. nave it? influence. WINDOW. o dence; and if I am ever attacked "I just came along to see that he Mr. Bryan said he would remain in by any of the maladies for which didn't break any of the furniture," aid ! Washington until when he it is commended I shall resort Mr. Jones. "You've heard so much j goes to New York, to stay until after to it in full belief in its pow- about Bryan's destructiveness and I ' the Progress and Poverty and Prince- er to help me." On these lines thought it would place you more at ; ton dinners. ! "Are you going to PREPARATION vour ease if I came along to guarantee take luncheon with WAMPOLE'S his good behavior." the President?" Mr. Bryan was asked has won its high reputation ng "Some people think I am a terrible as he left the White House. medical men, and the radical." observed Mr. Bryan, "but I'm "No; Bourke Cockran has invited me ft! Our Enameled people of all civilized countries. really not so very dangerous, after all." to eat with him today," he replied. They trust it for the same reason that they trust in the familiar . laws of nature or in the action Goods of common things. This effective isto- - -T .rK i3 as honey and remedy palatable -- EXCEL IN BOTH QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP. contains the nutritive and cura- p --- tive properties of Tare Cod Liver ------I Oil, extracted by us from fresh W combined with the V4 cod livers, Compound Syrup of Ilypophos-phite- s and the Extracts of Malt O 9 e and Wild Cherry. It quickly the poisonous, disease-breedin- g acids and other toxic matters from the system ; regu- X-- , , ji$f&.m 4 -- , lates and promotes the normal .vi' YTT7 ry'S-- : L action of the organs, gives vigor- cti OUR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET OF SOUVE- ASK FOR and is rU:i ous appetite and digestion, infallible in Prostration follow- NIRS; A COMPLETE CATALOGUE ILLUSTRATING AND ing Fevers, etc., Scrofula, Influ- t enza, Asthma, Wasting Diseases, DESCRIBING OUR GOODS. Throat and Lung Troubles, etc. Dr. W.A.Young, of Canada, says: "Your tasteless preparation of cod liver oil has given me uni- formly satisfactory results, my patients having been of all ages." DEACON SMIFF'S LAST RESOURCE. of the skill and It is a product Smiff (to Mrs. SmiiT) 4I know it's miqiny onpleasant. CO., to-da- v is success- Deacon WIC Ltd science of and do plot, F . Tat moved inter ncx' ful after the old style modes of 'Mandy, but you know l.rcr n's S-troot- treatment have been appealed to an' he walks in his sleep.'' Fort in vain.- - Sold by all chemists. SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY ig, ig0c. CHURCH SERVICES TODAY. SETTLERS evening. Z ST. CLEMENT'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Usborne, morning and evening, ST. ELIZABETH'S CHURCH (Episcopal), Pctwine, S a. m. and 7:30 p. m METHODIST CHURCH, Waclman, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. FOR HAWAII CENTRAL UNION CHURCH, Kincaid, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH, services 11 a. m., Hopvvood, 7:30 p. m. GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH, Felmy, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. V K nr A T TJ A r T TT J TJot--' mArninnr onrl cvpninf Minnesota Farmers REORGANIZED CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, Waller, morning ano evening. Would Come ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL, Services at 6, 7, 9, 10:30, 2 and 7- - ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHAPEL (R. C), Waikiki, Valentin, services at 8:30 and 3 Here. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST (R. C), Kalihiwaena, Clement, 8:30 a. m high mass, Sunday School, sermon and collection; 4 p. m., rosary. 11 p. m. ST. JOSEPH (R. C), Moanalua. Clement, a. m. and 3 Sidney M. Owen of Minneapolis, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ASSOCIATION, Room 1, Elite Building, services at Minn., managing editor of " Farm, 11 a. m. Stock and Home," one of the leading stud-- , Y. M. C. A., round table 5; tea, 6. agricultural journals of the Northwest, SALVATION ARMY, a. m., and 6 and S p. m. 10:30 accompanied by Mrs. Owen, returned yesterday from a trio to the volcano. They are again domiciled at the Alex- ander Young Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. - Owen t6- - :"'.: share a party with Mr. Kimball, Gen- DUPLICATES ANOTHER CREMO. IT NEVER eral Freight Agent for the Rock Is VARIES IN QUALITY, land Railway at Denver, Colo., and Mrs. AROMA OR PRICE. Kimball, all making the volcano trin together. Mr. Owen has had much to do with the agricultural development of Minne sota. He has been ' : fey . bers of the Board of Regents of the State Agricultural College, my-- ' and has had member-hi- in various public organi- 4w zations. In connection with a pleasure trip to Hawaii, Mr. Owen has a definite idp:, i in mind, and that is to ascertain what WHOLESALE opportunities are to be had in the ds DISTRIBUTORS. for white colonists from Minne- sota. For some time pjast Mr. Owen has received many queries from readers of his publication asking where old farmer , with a few th lars at their command, can go to spend r the remainder of their davs in n try where they may take their ease,m.to a certain extent, the year round. Hav- How to Furnish ing heard much of Hawaii, and know- ing it to be a semi-tropic- al country, Mr. Three-roo- m Owen determined to journey here' and A Cottage ascertain at first hand the agricultural possiDnities of the islands. "There are a number of farmers who For : : have large families." said Mr nr, Just $100.00. yesterday, "who are turning their "Good over farms time to cut boar ding and start housekeeping," said a man to his wife, after looking to their son?. They wish to spend at the three furnished THOSE GIRLS. me rest or their days in a climate with rooms shown in our Bishop street windows. winters less rigorous And it's a good time Miranda : Mr. Spooner called upon me last night, than those en for the young couple just beginning; for never before has such a dear, and told me of countered in Minnesota. his love! They are men splendid collection of furniture been offered at such a remarkably low price. wno nave a few thousands of dmiar-- a Here are the pieces for three rooms ; Myrtilla : Of which one? and who would be independent in their every piece solid oak. new nornes. v. Thevw nnt1. .jt,ion l yj UC PARLOR. DINING-ROOM- idle, but would carry on farming in a BEDROOM. . smait way. it is this class of men in 2 Rockers, 6-f- interest I am now making I Bureau, 1 t. Extension Table. quiries in Pacific H here. 3 Chairs, 1 Washstand, 6 Chairs, ardware Co., Ltd. "I have already had a with .Tarri talk 1 Table, I White Enameled 1 Side-boar- d. Fort and Merchant Streets. mitn, director of the U. S. Experiment Iron Bed Station, and have met R. S. Hosmer, 1 Lounge. with brass trimmings, Superintendent of Forestry of the Bu- i reau of Agriculture. While on Hawaii 1 Wire Mattress, During the dry season prepare for I met Mr. Robert Hind, who 1 Excelsior Mattress, the wet, by purchasing one large conducts of those beautiful o a ranch there, and gained some 2 Chairs, valuable pointers from him. t win 1 Rocker, TERRA COTTA OR visit other places before returning to JAPANESE UMBRELLA STANDS. the mainland. 1 Table. Regular price $2.50 $2.00. "I have been both astonished gratified and Monday price, $!.oo $ .85 at the warmth of hospitality displayed toward strangers in the is lands. The hospitality we have en- countered has been cordial and has GLASS PITCHERS served to make our stay a pleasant one. There has been Six varieties to choose from. everything delichifnl Your choice 25 cts. each in our stay in and about Honolulu to make a lasting impression." Mr. Owen may visit Wahiawa shortly. i 'AM ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) BUYS THE ENTIRE LOT. SEE OUR BISHOP STREET WINDOW. Made of heavy galvanized iron, will hold five gallons. The best EDWARD TERRY in the market. CORNER HOTEL AND BISHOP STREETS. AND THE WAITER YOUNG , You can fill a lamp or oil stove reservoir in the dark without BUILDING. any danger of overflowing or even soiling your e hands. One night after dinner at the Savag-- Regular price Club in London, Edward Terry, the Monday price English comedian, who is now $1.25. playing .Ill .MH in America, told the following story of a chance meeting with Ilenrv Irvine- - "Henry Irving and I found ourselves in Carlisle one night. I remember we - had crossed one another in our engage- ments. He was going on up to Edin- Nothing- burgh to play in 'The Bells, Like while I "as returning to London to revive 'Sweet Lavender.' j "We stayed at a queer ed ' iiuLei wun a tng garden, and all our meals were served in a private dining II room. The head waiter was a solemn 3 old fellow, who did nothing but I The to us boast that he hadn't taken a drop of ' Bed-tim- e 8 anything stronger than milk in years. ! U fj fL "It was our last night. Our baggage had gone off to the station. Dinner Beverage ul fA izdf was over, and we sat I - with our coffee vp, ,1 1; emu nqueurs. j 1 m k 1 VtM "Presently old ttobert was to bring That puts refresh-- in our bills. Suddenly Irving, under I whose grave EH exterior lurks the most For Bath fertile practical and ing sleep within the of joker I ever met, sug- Toilet grasp the tired gested that we swine everything off the worker is the wrorld table silver, crockery, cloth, flowers, famous glasses and all, turn out the gas, and drop out of the window. "I said. 'All right.' I didn't see the point just then, but, anyhow, the thing didn't take a minute. AVe iust er.-ihhp- Rainier the ends of the cloth, and netted every It all thing in it, leaving the bare nolish.i contains the ingredients of a tonic mahogany. Then we turned out e.v,v and in light in the chandelier, dropped out on addition has a flavor that you'll like. to tne lawn, closed the window Foftly, OL'D BY HLL and awaited developments. GReERS "In a few minutes we heard Robert knock. Receiving no reply, he went in. I!! ,: RAINIER BOTTLING WORKS, "We AGENTS. could hear " - -- y him mutter things, and ...... '...... ,.. ... L .. ' ' ' ' T- IT'S mpiwv.vm-- rf-V- y "'--ts- cc " strike n match. The , Avenue (Kew3Io. Phone White 1331, man's face, when MIIU. AhManaA..,,.,,, i.frf,, he beheld us not only vanished, but tht A.Ar

table as bare as . if the room hadn't been and resumed conversation. But the "Thprfl Question 1 or montns, was moment he ms let th e bt you any, usi a truly great turned back, out o the '"Milk, you wa,, raised on ' ther sight. Why it gave me points in ex- window we were again, every- - our hrf pon. It's impossible." Cleveland carting remarked, witheringly, to the pression I would exchange for gold! thing with us, and leaving the room in u,m" Ledger. spas founded Robert 'milk ' Goidm,Shty, "In utter bewilderment he went slow- total darkness. . jiitn, it must na taken womi "'-ho- l ly nut. Like fla-- h dpv-i-l brrai-- ht , . a we raised win- "When the roor . the nr nr. 10 na seen i;-- i dow and climbed back with all the der this time he gave one howl, drop-- " thin. Oahu Ice & asifio ransfer things. them!' WILL CALL FOR YOUR BAGGAGE. With deft fingers and excellent ped the tray, and fled shrieking for the taste, Irving laid the table, while I lit landlord. Co up the chandelier. Then crossing our "In we got like monkeys, and went Mrs. Hawkins "And 'ave you Electric We pack, and ifeip your goods and save you money. s made rtitl lt-s- TONiy, ana ngnting cigars, we through the same swift Dantnmimp all the arrangements for your my mar- See delivered to any part of the city, De.i?r in stove, wood, coal and kindlings. raised our coffee cups and rang for Presently we heard a ma t infernal riage, dear?" Mrs. Jorkine "Well not quite all. ordeis promptly filled. Tel. Bin Robert as though nothin had happened, commotion. There was a great crash at rve got to buy me "P. O. fJrrs 600. Office- - Storage ir. Bxick Vare?5cu3c, 126 King Street. Phone Main 5S. inr Knur 11 j. i itt Liie souna or tne uoor, ana tne excited Robert, now trooso, and take a 'ouse, and get me Kw, bell, and at sight usband a job, the of the brilliantly almost hysterical, burst in with his and buy 'im a SOod suit STYLISH HATS FOR LADIES, lighted room and table elaborately set, worried master, several men maids, o clothes, and get some reg'ler pretty, grot and washin' Misses and Children, at Nell Of oour?, she's not but "You haven't much of a head," not to mention our comfortable selves, and three policemen. work to do. An' then I'm to name the it's remarkable how her face lights up said the needle to the pin. "No," re- - the poor man gaped until it was an ef-- "Irving rose in fury. 'What is 'appy day." Pick-Me-U- p plied the when sh? talks." Belle "Oh, that's the latter, "but at the same time fort positively superhuman to refrain meaning of this intrusion, sir "' i - the not so grot a lan- we pins our Cleve- - ., remarkable. She's have fine points." from convulsions of mirth. tragedian demanded, in tones of Tr, V. in-- t tern jaw." Philadelphia Ledger. land Plain Dealer. "We casuallj'ordered something else, der. t,,. "'""" IS IT wrnno- - f : HI'S M"IInery from a trust?" pa--'- Don' III Johnny's t J ParIrf' Bundingt Roon, g. SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY ig, 1905.

s I Chines Christian Endeavor societies and First Methodist and Jarar.ese Meth- - SMALL TALKS. m od":?: worth Leagrt-- s. The Kanr-or.e- . Er (Continued from Page 4.) mm i Puuloa, Ewa and Kalih.i societies wtrr . The IU s-- dele-git-- . Jaw! uniisiLii un.-j.bl- to na The secre- Sure. 'tis right Asiatics should knew 1 tary's rej.rt how-- J a : ml m.cmb-r-sh:- p ihe Governor '11 no: let them lea: it; I in ur.k,n ...f 47. ; i lav. ! Sparkling the yer? Ah well, they are c;:ircr.t. I t- - . wert-sixty-on- e KIWiliHIOi I'.-- j over the bxst There r: :r. the scheme's 'defeat more t.reser.t a: this meeting to in than at the last. I ill u. cxcia: med George Lycurgus. u-- "that mv h Icaro II e srden warm one. r.ne r-- v -- I Heptoi lh.9 Car Didn't Wait. i Know wnat .H ,sja. cr I r?.:-- e! Mv man "3- - ac-ic- Enthusiastic of Honolulu. H. I- - Feb. IS. to th fally iurfa-c- and, Editor Advertiser: Allow me through at that. the bus haen: a chance. t. a . , vents kind or fire bus-- TV t.-- n i-. wv,. :? . .1 Young People's your columns to draw the attention of . rr!3i - - o - - i. V e p.'.'n ;t'.!iC i.iiil AT "'-.- lhe Steani co AUCTION I the Rapii Transit Co. to the incon . ' en5 to come out of the ground, and I haven't : Split! l v co-a- c l went i Societies. venience caused by the Aitea strm a foot we d turn up live coals." par r.-,-T waitir.sr fr.- - th PunahOU WfcSt TUESDAY, FEB. 21, 1905, A Pleasant Cure for a And that." all Stomach bound car. Last night I boarded said Byron O. Cerk. "is the ideal conditio 1 cool air and a for warm son. AT 10 A. M.. and Liver Troubles. Portuguese west bound Punahou car and asked It 15 what we mulch for In m,- - ' The Protestant Church r - r . . - nrr a transfer to Alakea street. T..-- c was packed ijney .iacame s teehngs when she comes to find out that she At our salesroom, corner Fort anC RELIEVES BILIOUSXESS to the doors with enthus Mv car. (to distinguish the cars) had has been Queen young switch degraded to the condition of a fertilizer? streets. AND HEADACHES iastic people last The oc- to wait on the Hawaiian Hotel casion was the meeting of the Honolulu for the east bound car. The conductor sis-nail- ed THINGS THINGS the Alakea street car. that iou talk abnttt great Caear turned to cia and Union of Young People's Societies. The passergers. th he has transfer but But Fele's fate than that is much mere dire: AND Try it-- possession of the banner of the union of? as so.-- Alakea street car started Poor Julius only keep? the wind away. untu the next meeting- was to be theles the east bound Punahou car got to While thi dread goddess of eternal fire lot of the society which showed tii- - ; the corner. Price, 15 cents per bottle (Split). me. Ala Sinks lower than e'er pxldes? did. for sure This and That! greatest per cent of members present The conductor infr.rmei the to be later enumerated. One Dose. kea car should wait. If that i so. She's used by George Lycurgus for manure. and this helped to swell the attendance. why don't it. So larsre, indeed, was the audience that I am, dear sir, 1 ' LTIX w. v. FISHER, ABLES CO.. many wonder. mued a student of affairs. so: at the spectacle pre-- were unable to find seats in the DISSATISFIED. - Auctioneer. Hollister Drug Co. ; rented by the Hou-e- . "hew- img ;r i,e tief.:, thev viH an: a Japanese auditorium or annex and had to le con- interpreter in this place, also?" ACENTS. tent with a rdace in th vstihnT. And wi-- e reflection forces the conclusion, as certain as anything can be from There was jrreat interest when the roll FERRY the undisturbed action of w th-- call of the societies was announced, for COMMITTID natural law. that it ill not be long. When Potatoes s present this w.is to decide the posses ion of the generation of island born Japanese shall have grown up, in a few years now. they will coveted banner. Loud was the apr-'aus- e at once make their power felt in the electorate. They will hang together d.- Oranges when the Kawaiahao Christian En- IU K0L0.I MATTER tar better than the Hawaiian being a more purposeful and deter-- So.-iet- deavor arose and, the singi- u neert.e w-'- ! "o.-- - ;'-- e t .... ALAMEDA. alter 'n:r.t and hanctr.rr toirether rr k EX ...... r ' 1 . 11 ng" of a Hawaii..-- hymn, t!-e- e announced !:- - v.'il not employ a Jsp-mes- interr-rt.u-- in the llou-- e of sixty-fiv- e present out of a membership tlroe dav. They will only h C'-I-- y.' provide an hncli-- interpreter br.erit few poor per Ja;.;;n-.-s- e S- for the of the of cent. Th- - Junior Joseph - Ferry, the Kauai lawyer, I. s v.-a- haoles who may still Rice Society awarded honorable men- continue to feel an interest in public affairs. was committed to the Federal grand TO tion. Tvivinsr forty-eig- ht of fifty-on- e IX LOTS SUIT. out jury by Commissioner Ju.id yesterday. members pre ent. In th roll call V.'h en the da v c :e ia-- k v. el s up BATH un- S. attorney, each society responded by repeating a A. Humphreys, his Tluit now but mutters in the under deep: scripture sir.g-ins- ? The ABLES CO.. LTD, selection in concert or dertook to furnish a bond of ?lwt. U hen to the white man's lips the bitter cup FISHER, a hymn. Each crave its resr-oP.s- charge is defrauding the United S;.ttes AUCTIONEERS. in its own native language there being Is pressed; v. hen he wakes from his ftupid sleep po-toffi- ce money orders responses - by means of Kell feel, too late, the poignant sense of 1 "?s in Hawaiian, Chinese, Japan- unlawfully issued. . Er..-i-i To find Jap F'ort iziy ai: i h. er some holds the whip hand a? Bos? Temperance" was John P. Spalding:. as:stant r':t-mast- the theme of the of Koloa, Kauai, indicate-- on 0 8 THE meeting and the problem was present- - j 61 11 bo-- 21 "'Makes 1 a ' entered by him, me think I am on the Mikahala.' murmured the President the ed in several different aspect-- . Rev. recor.3 orders cf but made out by Postmaster M. A. Senate as a larrre, square, rale .srreen rere: tacle for bills and was placed E. V. Thwing of the Chinese Chu: ch rarer? Is what It seems like wbec 2T. Ferry de-- k. - Resro. on June Iv3. wherein n Dov.'-ct- :. presided, and Judge- L. A. Dkkey of h:s looking toward Senator And the statesman director cf the sr was the remitter in each cas. He you go over 3. our stock of ods was nter-Islan- d smiled a kind of sea-sick- ly smile and it go Central Union the secretary. Af said it would" take about five minutes let at that. and send what you cannot sell Plumber ter the opening exercises Miss May to make out id orders. Postofhee In- to the auction house of Paty of Central Union recited "The spector pa id he experience 'And npw." said Carter. "Tack i- - heme again. Tale of Two Classes"' in a effect Hare had CO.. King most formerly in making out money orders, The strenuo-.t-s life may FISHER, ABLES LTD, 165 S. Street. ive manner. She was followed by Rev. eae itself a and thought he could make out one "Or anyway and you can make this plain who can dispose of the s:m John W. Wadman of the First Meth in thirty seconds. Tel. Main 61. odist Society, who grave in a TU have him here to share the strain of it. interesting- Commissioner Judd seemed to want and manner a presentation some connecting: evidence, to shew-tha- t problem- - Jap:m. ! You of the liouor of Ferry di not pay in money on And Jack Why. Jack is '''Johnny on the spot ;' Make Quick Remms. President Home of Kamehameha the orders, but Mr. Humphreys waiv- As suave, serene and smiling, free from care spoke of the li juor problem from the young- - ed further examination and accepted As in old days. The strenuous life! Why, what standpoint of the people and told committal of his client. District ttorney of results of intemperance. Is that to chill the diplomatic air? RENT. the awful R. TV". Breckons prosecuted FOR p'.ea temperate the He made a for the life examination. , resisting: temptation. may is . passing, and a of After 'Tt be well to note, in that Hatter still here," observed a SUITE CF OFFICES ground f! Xr. I th- - roil call. Hon. E. K. Lilikalani of cynical man of the street in those strenuous days of the early part of the past street, near Postoffiee O Saturday Evening Concert. on Merchant Knwai-h-H- spoke on the early condi- week, when Speakerships and things were still to give out, and when the town to LanKS. people, tel'ing- of The musical program of the Seamen's an.i convenient the tion of the Hawaiian was big with whispers of graft and possible graft to come from this or that The owner win put the premises irs Go the ancient evil practices and what Institute concert lo.st night was ar- do anything in reas good to overcome them. Mr. proposed action of the members of the House. order and has been done ranged for by Mrs. George Da vies r. nd to accommodate a T'"od tenant-F.e- m Thwinar told of the liquor problem of a good was enjoyed by large month. Dickey ex- time a the Chinese, and Senator audience of seafarers. The following And now, I wonder what he meant by that? rr n the plained his local option bill, asking shape fright the souls was the program rendered, with Mr. Was this an awful to FOR RENT. match! esa train the youncr people to use their influence Geo. lav.--. Da vies in the chair: Of members who might otherwise stand pat for passage of a local option ' Model the Violin solo .j(r. P.uvh And in corruption riot and grow fat. SUITES OF OFFICES in the After a selection by the Kawaiahao on street. Song Hartj.agrel By Block Fort double quartette the convention voted Mis dipping in to take dishonest tolls? Rents to suit the time. Overland to accept the invitation of the Kame- Song Mr. Waterman Schools to hold the next ses- Cornet solo Mr. E',';se go, stay, hameha Song Mr. Hutr.piiris Perish the thought! Let Hatter or FOR RENT. sion there. The session closed with the A man is honest till he's proved a thief; Limited benedic- Song Mr. George Dov.es NEAP.LT Z ACP.ES of iar.d with singing of "America" and the give the legislature a long day te New cars and equipment, tion. Among those present was Captain Let's houses in Palolo Valley. electric ilhts, library, Among the societies represented by Xiblack of Iroquois. To show it's not in politics for pay Rent right to a desirable tenant. reading lamp in every berth, delegates were: Waikane. Kaurrafc:'-pil- i, .At the ciose of the co-a-e- .-t a vote of It should no: be so hard to win belief. barber shop, club car. Kan-.ii;;h3- Japrsn-s- e Junior. thanks was given to the performers, Jun- to which soia-r- s joined heartily, best dining service, Christian. Portcsruee. Portueue th "Why," said Commissioner Watson, "of course I could not approve of a FISHER, ABLES CO.. LTD, route the most scenic, ior. Kamehameha. Central Union and and a plea ar.t evening came to a loe. AUCTIONEERS.. through Ogden or cottr.tv government sv stern in the v earning stage. A county act is not a c unty Salt Late City and act that leave the whole litter "of pr-th- hanging indefinitely upon COMMERCIAL. Territorial dugs."' TO "LET. Right to "It is a fact," writes Jimmie Archibald, war correspondent, "that the $23 cottage of rooms, hath, (Continued from pare 4) has taken to what Rudyard Kipling calls 'the king's peg,' which is a electric lichts. etc.. on Pawaa Lane, mixture of liquor, brandy and champagne."' just beyoni King- street. Mtgar Co. under the strong- presidency of M. S. Griubaum. v i:h a capital of $J5 Piikoi. between King and Yours Chicago And it may be. as Jimrnie says, but if it is this is a good time for some- $600,000, to restore and enlarge the liana plantation on ?.'aui. At the nrst stieets. middle cottage, 6 rooms; elec- 3 days. tickets, - - in For . . v - - T -- " body to tell the Czar Nicholas that old story about Lincoln and his wish to the week wnat may oe canea a reviver 01 proptctus tne x ua tric lights. reservations, etc.. ti yiiii.v.i generals a barrel of the same whisky that was said by de- 6 rooms agents was published, fortified by very favorable reports, based on personal send some other t2Zl2 King street. ar.l sk of the on Hawaii frorn Galena. Hants. A. Lidgate and T. Moir, tainers to furnish military inspiration to the o!ditr bath. Electric investigations, from George R. Ewart John veteran J25 iZ'.o Fort street near Vineyard, fore- plantation managers. Although the Puna property is under decree of 7 rooms bath. White sailed, the sampan fleet goes down th; bay, and Southern Pacific closure sale on Saturday next, it is understood that the bondholders have dele- JL'T.aO "Wilder Avenue near Kewate. C13 Street, And naked Taps stand out beneath the sun; el.-ctric- t Market gated handling of the estate to B. F. Dillingham, himself the largest bond- 7 rooms; bath; light; servant Francisco, U. S. A. the skins glisten, their great muscles play holder, for one year with a view to having the plantation revived. Their brown Louse, etc. sweep-- : so they gather way $30 Alexander street. S mom: Secretary Atkinson has brought home from New York the written opinion Above the and The while the- - chatter as the low wacs run. bath: servant's and carriage house. of the eminent financial lawyers, Dillon & Hubbard, that cur Territorial public Newly painted and repaired. Beginning February First bonds, of which a second million dollars have been issued, are no $50 Corner King and Piikoi. improvement wind, rushing down upon the isle?.. any part of the United States. Governor Carter's message to the The trade house of 9 ro,ms. attic, cellar, etc. taxable in sails. sampans rise to meet '$4-7-;S,it- Has caught the The $20 Anapuni street near Wilier LesrMature. convened on Wednesday, estimates receipts of revenue at Each dimpling wave. And now the whole sea smiles. Avenue. Cottage of 6 rooms. expenditures at for the two years ending June 50. 1907. An THE and $4.50 Fast, fast, the boats sail on for many miles: $15 Liliha street. Co'tage of application for extension of franchise of the Kohala-Hil- o Railroad Co., to rooms. And still content has settled o'er the fleet. enable it to raise money for construction,, is pending with the Government. ' c-- t money has been spent for surveys by the company. The If yon are looking for a house. A larce amount wind squalls come up, and run, and die, the fisheries were not mentioned in the original grants The trade as. fishing cases, where fishing speed the boats away; abutting thereon, are before the Circuit Court. Besides the fishery So to the quanum of land Far out before the wind the brown men lie FISHER, ABLES CO.; LTD, of S. M. Damon, declared a vested right by the United States Supreme Court, While over them the sea birds, shrieking, fiy Tel. Main 424. t'-re- e have been established following that decision, each founded like And dusky women crouch at heme to pray. Damon's on original grants. A heavy burden is liable to fall upon the Terri- will be closed at 5 p. m., AN UNNECESAP.Y QUESTION. tory, if it must eventually have to pay for all of the proprietary sea fisheries. Winds rise and fall- - And yet the white boats ply "bill the Legislature to have certain public lands dedicated for "Thre is an o'.d negro down in rrr Sun- A is pending in way across the billows, cay by day: except on Saturdays and includes Punchbowl hill and crater. Considerable further im- Their town." said John Fharn Vlil'Sims. the public parks. It comes, and the shrieking sea birds cry Democratic "wh Kapiclani park are being considered by the commissioners thereof. The storm leader the House. provements at w brown men s: and die did me a service. I to rewar f g Above the waves here wanted will con- mere generally taK-.r.- m tne w.camc trip xnau :.as days, on which days it Tourists are And still their w ten crouch at home to pray. him. so I said: -- Committee finds its correspondence you . It A inr sorro vcars. The Hawaii Promotion ''Uncle, which shall I givo and neat handbook of information. The ton of coal or a bottle of whiskey? H P- - m. increasing and has just issued a new in land rep-l- tinue to be open till 9 :3 Asso- - Fray to strange gods, ye this 'stranger " Foh de John. he ir'i Hawaiian Sugar Planters' . Fsrate has sold land at Makiki to the I'd. Mai woman's part tr. v eep and pray in pa:n ed. 'yriy-a- ll shfr-!- knows I huhn the latter'? experiment station, the recorded price Tis ci3tiort, for an extension of G-v- d-- e- " In many lands. i not hold His hand wood.' "Washington Post. beimr'si.o-o- . F. Morgan yesterday sold Fort street residence property, Rigs Jas. anv prayer. White tones upon the sand The Best Cecil Brown for $5750. The price is low in rela- For v'er the' Av'ett mortgage, to mark where women's tears were shed in vam. OUR CLIMATE I? PAD FOR YOU. has yielded, but it is explained that considerable But City tion to the income the property you've cone a hero, in the -; sale Saturday, Mr. If and aai -l- required- - Besides the Pune next DRIVE-TERRIT- ORY r,f are -- - - : 5 -- 1 day? M ni'a." said Comrade you're lauded to the ski". . - . , . e i tine in the early at For SUNDAY ' xL-i.c- ... There to be ot STABLES, will sell under loreciosure tne t jC.uc..cc pic-c- .. And you come back to your horr Morgan fwc-'-me- t :e arrival cf many v t a prouo Spanish War Vetera wh-- S3. - m t..e estate of the late Col. Rooke war is done. Main Valuable cj:v and country prcpen:c? e-- t MS S. King St, Phone c.w- 1 v :n:ee-- s w as in duck tt) - property regulars. Fri tes No ihe rr:vae :n the Seek the tail and uncut t'mher whet i t- - orders from the executors to be sold The entire "":'-a- s. t CI XJ:g.i"U " ns coming :? him. It was the omce-- Ar,a tneir pr: hunting yon ve g--- a i fjRoyal Hawaiian Hotei to. is decreed to be sold under foreclosure, te i HONOLULU IRON WORKS of the of were t: churches. They cleaned up Cavite thor- - For a hcro in tr vet announced. co"i. sun : H COMPANY. date not uuh" before we went to Camp Dev.. ey and t :y carried the san greed with ent of leather to ?an hrancisco ty tne 'oca; tannery startea IJ: The firs Ih-- t of cenrse th:e churches out sher .i- er we entered ...am.?.. week. mere :s a cmano ::r ...e : mace the past . . last vear was r- - the tntre wee r. :re silver Galvanized nawa-ta- Co. r.a? Notiuugvas sarred . Machinery. Black Pipe, V. iU.-C- shoemakers. and tne Gazette "Ty r; r.erv s from car: .ed their attention Pipe, Tubes, Iron and Steel, o.o. crucifixes and golden chalhres to Boiler sheepskin tr. m t:t satne lactory :n - ...c : ; used ammumt:--rapture- .1 like Unoe t all the 7".0O-- - pneers' Supplies. Gas Co. nii.:ihas cpe-e- d in tlo 0 arms and had r The Honolulu -- -.1 street. hv the O de Crrm:i ':es Ot e It r Office Nuuanu ss - with, clry ? General f II ot. ?"-ce- : the - st-e- m car.v?.;?. u?. .1- n bh-c- k. and reports its . . - - i Works Kakaako. Oreu-- H re-i- rath c: the ut c : th. h .ska nt- .s. ; k ab--- oe the Chaplain bri- w-r- to the of have been let oast Contracts f rfvrt ?: v--r tr.,-e- . e a v's't'r to the o: cents 2 t ".e i :' t of Public V.orKS. reduction two y t e fr.-.'.- w week by the 5'" -:- -- V,'-."- '- Ci-- handed, but when he a Tcbacco Co. cu.mma-- v - y :n the never r- -t Hawaiian c of beef handled by the Mrtmpo::a o.ea: Co. :? tr.e m.' io the retail pri b'-rnr- the vails v.;th the he"? of half cat-ch- t try-r- e tr- lift a t:en t v tr -- of beet cattle which has been stir: ere 5 by the -- a?-'- t ver the surplus - V - - Ju'ir tion of the ::i- tu-s- t naa to ca.. a ana plantation 2 d.cen Fihplnos. why months past Annual meeting? ct commercial v several h.-.'la-in . v opec r.:m. 'a-- line of clear Havana s was ten tnev st a Carry a srwell The exmo-t- mace ougut to t r.e.piu. to "And tne The Japanese stri tlr Merito. the are m full season. T. El nw t-- and he wanted the mcrtar tobacco Xr and Manila cirars. also corprz'L:or Levlngstc-- Said that he a friend of William Brvan. rrohihits the ri"e 1 securities. The bankrupt stock of ren best 5c cisrar. intending investors in cal at Line:!.. boys ter years of age. streets. ter yesterday. to set up in :he University Lampus Corner King and Bethel tlcmen's fumihmgs can Pbone Main SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 19, Igo5.

1 v

fifj! i SOCIETY i j..rJ.: Special Sale of !...... t-.- . Delightful weather for many weeks 9 with cf-- J i4 stioner has sriven social olnlii .in nriunrtunitV to enjoy it i tif t,. the fullest Afternoon teas, a I Crimes informal afternoon functions c with luncheon and dinners, poi lun c theons an,i suppers, gay little trips in c to the country and to the beach dur period, now I znir the moonlight with n,i the .1. (1;incp at the hotels, and i many more future functions on my t 3advs engagement lists, have served I - riv- - those in the '"swim" an active sison of gayety. c" w The Maile Ilima Athletic Club gave C a. dance last evening at Progress hall which was lartrelv attended. The Ellis Bros. Glee Club furnished excellent i music and dancinjr continued until miVtniErht. The floor managers were Ti H. Clark. E. K. Allen. W. K. Jor COMMENCING MONDAY MORNING, FEB. 20TH. dan and G. L. Desha Jr, S The following ladies have kindly con GLIMPSES OF SOME AMERICAN HOMES. patronesses sented to act as for the xtoom. ball at the Alexander Young Hotel on A Breakfast Cost and less than cost prices will prevail all this week Tuesday evening: Kawana-Tiakoa- , Airs. Sanford B. Dole, Mrs on our entire line of undermushns so as to make room lor Francis M. Hatch, Mrs. M. M. Scott, best, boiomon s Wilson of Arizona ana Kalanianaole The Social Committee of the Y. W. C. the music will be the Washington Star. A. met Engleside Mrs. Henry Lyon, Mrs. B. F. Dilling Kawaihau Glee Club will turn out in of Hawaii. at on Friday after- Spring goods which are constantly piling in. Every garment ham, Mrs. Raymond B. Layard, Mrs for occasion. noon and plans were made for two so- their new uniforms the Mrs. Fred Church have i to Alexander Young Sr., Mrs. Edward The uniforms are very attractive, ine Mr. and cials be given at the Y. M. C. A., a genuine bargain and each piece marked in plain figures. Tenney, A. Mrs. A. two cnri invitations for a Colonial ball to the first on Friday evening, March 3. Mrs. F. Schaefer, committee has decided to give on G. Hawes, Mrs. John McClellan. besides four already be given at the Hawaiian Hotel Fri This social will take the form of an ed Three counters filled with the pretty goods. more prizes the February 24. in honor of (t The prizes will be as ioir riav venintr. spelling match, and, accord- mentioned. W. Lyon, U. S. N., and ing to present The Confetti Masquerade ball next lows. For the best dressed, lady and rvintain Henrv plans there will be a Ladies' night gowns 40 cts. upward. Wednesday evening at Progress hall , the most original cnarac- - Mrs. Lyon. great deal of fun. Another affair is promises to be a fine social affair and lady gentleman, and also the bC being projected to take place on April Ladies' skirts cts. upward. ter and party was indulged 1, 40 best sustained characters, lady ana A pleasant card and, falling on that date, there is on Tue-da- v night by guests of the gentleman. in a guarantee or considerable nonsense. Combination chemises 75 cts. upward. Alexander Young Hotel. The prizes Those present at the meeting were: were won as follows: Mrs. McCandless Mrs. Wr. II. Mays, chairman; Mrs. An- The Epworth League of the Meth prize, after dinner coffee spoons Chemises ...40 cts. upward. will give a Washington first drew Fuller, Mrs. Philip Frear; Mr?. odist church Mr. W. W. P.runer, silver-blade- d paper George Angus, party at the Methodist parsonage on Miss Bertha Heitman, Corset covers 25 cts. upward. or knife: Judge Galbraith, consolation Mis3 Lillian Bolles, Miss May Keller, Mondav nieht to which all friends clock in glass case. society are invited. prize, brass Miss Belle Dickey, Miss Agnes Judd. A the meeting of the entertainment division Ensign John Enoch Pond, United of the Social Committee will be held at Mr. Harold Dillingham was the host er States Navy, son of Lieutenant-Command- Engleside on Tuesday 4. for a week-en- d party at Mokuleia last afternoon at F.. Pond of the Navy Mr-- . week. Charles The members are Alexis Gignoux, Now on Display will shortly arrive here from Annap Miss Belle Dickey. Miss Agnes Judd, olis, where he recently graduated with Miss Charlotte Hall, Miss Frances Law Ex "Alameda" we received a large and beautiful assort Cantain Lyon. U. S. X.. will sail for honors. He has a large circle of rence. Cavite next month to attend a general to 5 friends who will welcome him back ttr ment of ladies' dress goods and 1905 shirt waists. SOCIAL DEBTS. court-martia- l. Admiral Whiting may this Coast. Mr. Pond is the nephew Governor and Mrs. Carter will tender As the last guest goes. Thank heaven! Dass through here about the same time of Mr. and Mrs. William Keith, and en route to the same destination, a reception on lhursday evening next also of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lamare of to the members of the Legislature, PROGRESS BLOCK t? Berkeley. Chronicle. the RADICAL Miss Annie Whitney is expected home consular corps, heads of Federal and 2 FORT STREET. shortly. Us Territorial departments, the judges, the Rev. and Mrs. John borne enter army navy, etc. 7 on and Reception to Reduction Sale of tamed informally luesday at their 11 o'clock at the Carter residence. A private dance will be given at the cottage at Diamond Head, for Mr. and Alexander Young Hotel on Tuesday Mrs. R. B. Layard, Mrs. F. Howard fc oid Misses de On Thursday, no evening. The affair H strictly invita Humnhris. Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. George at the home of Mrs. tional, and only a card will permit en F. Davies and Mr. F. H. Humphris, Sr. Wong Leong, a delightful luau was ill ! ballroom. The invitations 5 given for Mrs. George R. Carter by Mrs. COATS trance to the um Leong, isplays are being sent out by the guests of the The Valentine party given by the Wong Mrs. James R. Holt, Mrs window Beginning o hostelry. Rathbone Sisters at Harmony Hall on Kamaka Stillman and ML--s Lucy Akl Some of the many new and seasonable Monday Morning, February 20th. Monday evening, with a number of The other guests present were: Mrs. gave a delight Knights of Pythias in attendance, was James L. Holt, Mrs. Nahiai Robinson. Every garment is new and styl- The Misses Hartwell Mrs. Ed. Mclnerny. ful Valentine poi supper on Tuesday a deiigntrui anair. 'ine decorations Mrs. Stella K. Cock up-to-da- te. GOODS ish and guests. was called for considerable praise. There ett, Miss Woneg Leong, Mrs. C. S. Hollo DRESS for fourteen The table way, M. Berger, C. space precludes a full covered with, and maile leis were were hundreds and hundreds of hearts Mrs. Mrs. L. Wight We are also showing a big Limited maile and Miss Walker, Mr. Wong Leong and variety of description of the line but the used for personal adornment. The table in various colors strung about the hall, was laden with Hawaiian delicacies while decorations of green vines and Governor Carter. goods are shown in our Beretania The favors were Valentine cards, each flags gave the interior a pretty effect. fc? t? street windows. The entertainment consisted in bidding Among the guests of Mr. Arthur SPRING GOODS for prettily decorated boxes Valentine All New York's newest styles. Children's $3.00 coats $1.95 trophies. The boxes contained dainty Children's $4.00 coats $2.90 1 ItlPil lunches, and the purchaser had the right THE ABOVE INLUDES: Misses $7.50 coats... $5.90 to choose the fair one who filled the ti' Cravenetted Cloth, Mohairs, ft box to partake of the same with him. Wool Goods, XADIES' UNDER MUSLINS. The box receiving the highest bid was Naples Flannelette, found to contain only cotton and chili Sharon Suiting, Holly Batiste, Never before have we shown pepper cookies. Clynta Silk, Organdies, such a large collection and never cS Fancy Cloth of Gold, ' before have we offered such Mrs. Wendroth will be at home on Taffeta Silk, 20, Embroidered Voils, -- Monday afternoon, February from ralues. Materials are the .best, 3 to 4:30 at the residence of Mrs. Alex- Organdie Duchess, Veronel, stitching the finest, trimmings ander Isenberg, Punahou. Mrs. Wen Laces in Great Variety. HAS SHE A HEART? droth leaves for Germany on February rich and beautiful, styles correct WHEN A MAN'S IN LOVE. and prices the lowest. 26th. verse, Corset covers from 35c. upwards inscribed with a Hawaiian and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Isenberg will Mackintosh at a dinner party given on inclosed in an envelop with Hawaiian 10. Tuesday evening at the Hawaiian Ho E. W. JORDAN Skirts from 75c. upwards leave for Germany on March They & Co., LTD. stamps thereon. will be away from the islands for about tel. were Mrs. E. D. Tenney, Mr. and r Night gowns from 65c. upwards. ten months. The Isenberg home at Mrs. Percy Benson, Miss Jennie Giffard Chemises Of Miss Cornelia Caldwell, daughter during Mr. George Fuller. from 35c. upwards Punahou will be closed this time. who accompanied them upon their Eu- Mrs. Gulick, Mrs. Afong, Mrs. i' of U. S. Judge Caldwell, both of whom C ropean Hobron, Drawers from 50c. upwards. tour, but died abroad. The Mrs. W. o. Smith, Mrs. Ewart, Mrs. visited in Hawaii several years ago, During the week announcements were Mrs. Ward and Miss Sargent were prospective groom is the only surviving Skirt Chemises, extra length, following guests on Sunday Carl Holloway, Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. the Baltimore Sun has the made of a son born to Mr. and Mrs. A. the of honor at the son of Lady Yarde-Bulle- r, and is. a Klebahn. $1.25 upwards laudatory item: A. Young, and a daughter to Mr. and Wilder place in Manoa, Among those grandson of the late General R. W. Miss Cornelia Caldwell is the belle Airs, ijyron Jv. liairo. ; who helped to make the trip enjoyable Kirkham. The date of the wedding of She comes of an illus- Mis-e- s Gar-- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Humburg Arkansas. . J w were Miss Jennie Giffard. has not yet been announced. enter- n.s, SAces dbygqods co.. trious family and is the youngest The U. S. S. Iroquois departed last die and Helen Macfarlane, Messrs Wal tained at dinner on Thursday night in daughter of Judge Henry C. Caldwell, s Dillingham, A. A. Wil honor of Mr. and Mrs. George evening on busine-- connected with ter and Harold Secretary A. L..C. Atkinson Rolph, who retired last June from the United being der, Dr. Judd and 11. E. Wright returned who shortly leave for the coast. Other LIMITED. lighthauses, the destination the on the Alameda from a lens-th- visit States Court of Appeals. He has been tt & yueMs were Mr. and Mrs. C. Hede-jman- n, COS. FOET AND BERETANIA STS. island of Lanai. Captain Niblack also in New York and Washington. prominent in judicial circles since the took as guests for the trip, which will Among the guests at Mrs. E. Faxon Mr. and Mrs. von Hamm. Mr. days of Lincoln, who. appointed him or Bishop's bridge whist party given on I and Mrs. Willar.l Brown. Pink car-- j last three four days, Messrs. Robert Rev. D. United States district judge. Presi- Shingle, Gerrit P. Wilder, Richard Ivers Monday were: Mrs. Hollo way. Sr., Mrs. and Mrs. Douglas Wallace nations and maidenhair ferns formed a dent Harrison appointed him circuit Carl S. Holloway, Miss Holloway, Mrs. arrived on the Alameda and will leave pretty table decorative Inexpensive and Mr. R. de B. Layard. The party shortly scheme. judge. Miss Caldwell is the niece of will indulge in hunting while the cap Edward Tenney, Mrs. Helen Xoonan for Kona where the former the late Joseph Wright, governor of performing Mrs. Berger, Mrs. Lantz, Mrs. Conradt, will work under the direction of Bishop Miss Gertrude tain is his official duties. Restarick. Rev. Mr. Brown was the guest Indiana and United States minister to They will be entertained by the Gay-- . Mrs. 'Fred Macfarlane. Mrs. Mary Wallace was for of honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ranney Scott New Germany. Another uncle, the late Gunn, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mrs. C. L, many years the clerical superintend on Thursday J J ent evening at Waikiki Beach. Judge George Wright, was one of the The wife of an army officer who re Wight, Mrs. Klebahn, Mrs. A. M. Brown of St. Mark's Hospital at Salt Lake The guests enjoyed a plunge City, and also officiated as in the sea most prominent jurists in Iowa. cently went to the Philippines writes a and Mrs. S. G. Wilder. a member and afterward a dainty collation. Miss Miss Caldwell was born and received glowing of the staff of clergy at St. Mark's Marion Scott, Shirt Waists. account of the journey, and, Cathedral. Miss Jennie Giffard. her early education in Little Rock, instead of discomforts, which one is Miss Center is a niece of Mrs. Hugh Misses Gardie, Helen, Lady and Alice and finished at Ogontz. The Caldwell supposed to encounter, seems to have Morrison, formerly of Makavveli, Kau Macfarlane and Miss Hartnagle were home is a typical Southern mansion, found the experience altogether novel ai. Miss Winston of Virginia was the also present. 8 and is one of the show places of Lit and intere-Ti'i- g. Honolulu she describes uest of honor of Mr. and Mrs. George tle Rock, while the summer home of F. Davies at dinner on Thursday even-- The prettiest we have had as a wonderfully picturesque place, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Macfarlane are Rear Admiral Whiting, commandant the Caldwells, at W'agonwheel Gap, with its cotoanut palms, flowering trees soiourning at Ahuimanu. They leave nig. ai wnicn were present Mr. and of yet for the money and that is Col., is during: the Yerba Buena. Training Station, ideal, and each summer shrubs, hedges of night-bloomin- g shortly San Francisco to visit the Mrs. R. de B. Layard, Mr. and Mrs. s and and for win soon pass through en-rou- tft saying a good deal as every is filled with house parties. In com- Francis Swanzy and Mr. Clarke. here cereus. The sea bathing is excel Duttons. --wanna wnere pany with Judge 1$ he is to serve on a. woman who has been buying and Mrs. Caldwell lent and the hotels as good as any In court-martia- l. she spent a winter in shirt waists here these days Hawaii, where Washington. Washington Correspond Mons. D'Anglade, formerly the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holloway gave a she became the toast of the armv and ence. poi dinner on Wedne-da- y evening knows. navy officers. French Commissioner in Hawaii under for the Monarchy, has recently been pro- Mrs. Holloway and Miss Holloway. Red AX IMPOSSIBLE CONDITION. Last year, chaperoned by Mrs. Rum- - given leis were sey, The Valentine dance at the Ha moted to the Consul Generalship at carnation the favors for the An artit, speaking of White lawn $1.25 and $1.50 of St. Louis, she cruised the Med- waiian Hotel on Tuesday evening was guests, who were: Mr. and Mrs. the blunders iterranean, spent Warsaw, which is considered anion Gerrit women writers make, said: "I remem- White linen lawn $1.50 visited the Orient, and a largely attended function. Dancing officials, a fine post. He was Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Klebahn much time in the Holy Land. Miss French ber that I once had to illustrate for a Black lawn $1.25 and $1.50 followed a concert given by the Gov- until recently at Milan. Mr. and Mrs. Faxon Bishon. Mr :,ni small publication a Caldwell spent last winter in the Ba- ernment P.and. Mrs. C. Wight, Mrs. woman's story v t I. Mary Gunn. Mrs. about a brave Tan lawn $1.25 and $1.50 hamas, and was the freouent of Berger, Mr. and Mrs. and amorous Texan Sir Lady The British Consul, R. de B. Layard Edward Tenney, cowboy. He loved a fair maiden, Blue, grey and tan cham-- Gilbert and Carter. Acting Consul since Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dowsett. Mr. She is a blonde, is a fine horsewoman who has been here and whom one day he lifted up before him $1.25 his arrival from Nagasaki when Con Mrs. A. J. Campbell. Governor and Mrs. to the front of bray and a champion golf player. - his saddle, and they Brown linen piped sul Hoare departed, on Thursday Geo. Carter. Miss W.ilker Mr- i?r.ir,i. kissed and rode away. with J J J drooped the subtitle of Acting from Armstrong, Mr. Arthur Wilder Mr. W. "Poor, $2.00 Mr. Walter Dillingham departed on unfortunate ladvlove' To white his official designation. Walker. readers who have seen the Siberia for a brief trip to the coast. C a Txan sad- .. .j dle 8 no explanation is needed. It comes 17. en- Mrs. Walker of Xuuanu. on up m Mr. and Mrs. Block announce the ALAMEDA. Jan. A notable Tuesday, front to a pommel. As for sit ft gagement which has just been an- entertained for Mrs. Holloway. Sr., ting on engagement of the that peak. I would a. soon their daughter, Martha, Ale-v- - sit Special Spring styles for is of Miss Josephine Leo-r.cr- e other guests beinsr Mrs. n.ier- on the Doint- , 1905 to Mr. A. H. Ahrens. nounced that of" p.--' ie .a 1 J V 1L in an exclusive line of shirt ti Center and Ralph Kirkbam B'air. the horse were to llop. I wouldn't both of Alameda. The groom-elc- t is .Pk a puppy dog to Sir on that waists and shirt waist suits. Xo The following congressional Indies a son by her first husband of Lady . . will Dewey girl who ved two alike. In sizes 36 and 38. receive at the Tuesday. Kii'kha m Blair Yarde-Bulle- r. whose me. Pftirsnn'c See display. January 31, from 3 to fi: Mesdames death occurred about a month ntro. window Orosvenor and Snook of Ohio. Gardner jt,i recently arrived in the Encinal n:)rry 'reading of Xew Jersey. Graff. Rodenberg and f'ity. after spending some time in JifyM$ aloud)" liencf (wo Wilson of Illinois. Otjen of Wisconsin. South Africa. toint. tl: six Crumpacker and Cromer of Indiana. Mis Center has many frie and t)on 1 b rce Hamilton. Townend and Lucking or A HAPPY FACULTY. Alameda, lxdng a dausrhter of ltb.er "What's that Michigan. Vreeland of New York. Cur- R--i Jos,.. on?" Harry "It's a Young Tutl--- r ('to Hostess): I have W. Center of lfill n ,v.;lu. - treasure .on- o'-?-:- nu rier of New Hampshire, Scott and -- ir." Father had a very pleasant evening. She recently returned from a I 1 Campbell Cooper But then, " ' Zi mir (lng pine r) "Humph: Sot; of Kansas. of Penn T Europe with I nds like no her mother. The f.'unilv ,,i always manaee to enjoy myself, ciw j i i E sylvania, Legare of South Carolina, iy in mourning for Mrs. ions for a trombone New h Center's aunt, 5 matter where I am. Of et ler.ro

15 If: nniinrni it VICTORY OF i.dahu bUHbtm a I FAMOUS CARDINAL Edited by LOSE AGAIN DOLE FOR THE JESS WOODS OLANS SPORTS TO MAILES park reis mm. HOW DOLE Following is the program of th 1hk MAILE TEAM concert to be given today at 3 p. m. WON PALM at Makee Island, Kapiolani Park: MlfVTC A r. A ITU PART I. "The Old Hundred." "The Schiller March" Meyerbeer The "Arrival" of the Overture "The Calif of Bagdad" Wrests "Socker" Game Boieldiew . Andante "Surprise Symphony" World's Greatest Haydn From lolani Selection "Attila" . Verdi

Vaulter. 4 Xntt- - to I. PART II. 4 Vocal ' Rigoletto" Verdi The Deseret Xews of Salt Lake, with Mrs. N. Alapai. Messrs. J. S. Ellis. D. a few errors concerning family history, Score 4 to 1. R. and J. Naoiif. "The Old Melodies'" Dole: At the baseball park yesterday, e Favorite says of Xorman befor arr. by Merger Norman Dole, who now secures the one of the largest crowds of the sea Selection "Popular Ballads'" ..Kapper long delayed title of world's champion son, the sreen and yellow nhived the Overture "Masa niello" Auber pole vaulter, comes from a wonderful Iolanis off their feet and won a some "The Star Spangled Banner." many athletic family believe the most what onesided game of association foot- wonderful family of which is a there ball by 4 goals to 1. record. They are the Doles of Honolu- THE RUPTURE. game very lu, f which ex-Go- v. Dole of the Sand- lne was evenly contested A trusting kangaroo wich Islands is the father. During the f ' for some time, but it soon showed that Loved an elephant: 12 years since Stanford university superior team work and knowledge of Describe her passion my open doors to Verses " threw its freshmen, there the game would tell and when eBard-mor- e really can't. never been a time when one of has by some clever maneuvering shot She lovej that elephant these Dole boys and girls were not win- 'Spite on the first goal the lolani chances looked of parents' ban; ning )aurels the track and football Loved him as alone field. The first of them, "Charley" slim. Those marsupials can. Dole was the first man to be sent from The Iolanis, however, fought for every the west to represent the new univer- But, with bitter blame. inch of ground and gained the sympathy Finally she quit; sities in an eastern field meet. He SOCKER FOOTBALL AN EXCITING MOMENT. of the crowd by their hard uphill fight. Said was two-face- d. surprised everybody by bringing home Beardmore soon he shot another goal after Or pretty near to it! a dozen points, and winning recognition a display of some clever work on ""A team New Orleans Times-Democra- t. for the west in athletics. He was fol- REMARKABLE BASEBALL. the part of. his fellow players. In the lowed by other and members second half the game wa all Maile, THE GOSSIP OF THE DIAMOND At Greenville, 11 of the family, upon whom such pictur- Miss., July The with the Iolanis playing a hard uphill Johnny's friend "I hear Johnny far esque names as "Savage," "Cannibal," Greenville and Vick?burg teams of Cot- game. learning to play the French, horn." and "Guiby" Dole were bestowed by ton State league playe"d twenty innings, Fernandez and Gleanson of Johnny's roommate "Yes, I've had score 2 to 2. the Iolanis their classmates. It has now come to Baseball talk is in the air and all show the men they will be most likely played a clever game, but were not wind of it." Harvard Lampoon. At Chicago, Aug. 17 James Tanne-hi- ll be a tradition that a Dole mut bear a the fans are sharpening their appetites to play in the league. strong enough to overcome the steady college suggestive of Pa- of New York Americans shut out name in the Vmnrhes n tne same da' two of the very work of the older players. The Mailes cific Islanders. for th national Small Chicago White Stockings without run scored their point by a corner best socker football teams will play or last kick. Two years ago the bitterest athletic of sports are gathering here and there an exhibition game hit. The line-u- p was as follows: of ball. This will At Milwaukee, Aug. 20 Base- contest that ever took place on the Pa- talking over the prospects of the dif give every one a good chance to see First Iolanis E. Kellett, J. Kellett, E. man Bateman and Shortstop Schaefer , cific coast occurred, and it discovered ferent teams.. The principal topic is just what this game is. An admission Desha, P. Gleason. J. Ander-on- M. An- SPECIAL SALE was of Milwaukee club made a triple play Woo, C. Camp- Norman Dole as a pole vaulter. It about individual players and as to of 25 cents for the two games will be derson, E. Fernandez, J. a track meet, and in track events Stan- the charged. against Columbus. bell, G. Desha, E. Kea. ford had never won from Berkeley in what teams they will hook up with At Washington, D. C, July 15 Fred Mailes E. Munro, E. McRitchie, R. all the six years they had held annual this season. GANZEL WON'T GET HIS RE- Glade of the St. Louis Browns struck Anderson. W. Greig. S. Beardrnore, J. F . . . 1 1 game meetings. On the other hand Berkeley I rri i 1 .i x LEASE. out fifteen batters in a against McGill, A. Guild, J. C. Catteral, J. j aiiere is me usual luik mai one leajii the Washington team. had seldom won at football. However is out for all the good men. From GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Feb. 3. Harwood, R. Churton, J. Fiddis, J. year Stanford had received a, John Ganzel, At Boston, May 5 Cy Young of Bos- Davis, I. Spalding and D. Center. China Dinner Ware, this can be heard among the fans, first baseman for the ton Americans Philadelphia scorching defeat that left her humili- what New York Americans, has been noti- shut out without a hit or run, and did not allow ated and on her mettle. As spring drew Hampton, Cogswell and Grady of last fied by Manager Griffith that his re- Drop Patterns near she marshalled her athletes and year's Maile team may be seen in Elk quest for a release in case he secures a man to reach first base. The Ring. - At Boston, May 11 Boston defeated pressed them forward into the harlest- uniforms this season.l It is rumored the Grand Rapids franchise in the of training. She simply went in to win Central League will be denied. Detroit Americans 10 to 1, neither side Abe Attell and Eddie Hanlon will be that the Elks are alspafter Jimmy scoring till inning. all costs, if there was any way in her Cs. very Griffiths asserts that, while he can- fifteenth the chief attraction of a shew which at Williams of the H. A. but it is O., 14 student body to do It. On the eventful old not prevent him from managing from At Toledo, June The Kansas the Industrial Club of Philadelphia will In to make room new unlikely that Jim will desert his City team had two triple plays in order for day with a field team much increased team. He is a valuable man and will the bench, he will prevent his playing pull off the latter part of this month. patterns that are now on the way, ri- game with Toledo, Leewe and Sullivan by raw recruits, she to old on the Grand Rapids team. six-rou- we went her be a help to any team that he might As it will only be a nd bout, the will sell at grounds, full of the spirit of fight. Ganzel is still persistent In his de- making the first and Leewe and Ryan val's play with. Barney Joy, the "south the second., mighty clever more Event after event was run off, each paw" H. A. C, will termination to buy the local franchise, Attell has than a slab artist of the At Chicago. Sept. 3 Pitcher Skillni developing some new surprise. . Un- and will conclude the negotiations shade the better of it, even though he again be seen in the same harness. of the Berry Candy team out known runners from Stanford develop- Bushnell, the clever little fielder of the with Mautner and Heenan as soon as struck is giving Cute several pounds weight. LESS THAN COST winning of peed against the street railway company, which is twenty men in a game against River ed bursts Elks, has gone over to the Punahous. Forst team. In point of science Attell is in a class Berkeley veterans, and through the The Kams have almost the same insisting on an exorbitant rental for by himself among the little fellows. The entire stock on hand. See dis- the score climbed up, year are suffering the Sunday park, comes to his terms. At Indianapolis, Sept. 15 Alva whole afternoon team as of last but Spangler of Louisville team had only Jack O'Brien and Jack Wille boxed play on the specially appointed ta- with Stanford farther ahead than she for a catcher. Joe Cohen of the Mailes six tame rounds at Philadelphia. ble. two put-ou- ts at first base in league For had ever been, but still behind Berkeley says that as yet he has signed no men, Ganzel at one time piayed with the game. a time it looked as though the fight few points. At the end two events but will the goods when the ol(j Stars in Honolulu. would end deliver At Chicago, Oct. 1 Harry after the fourth round, when were relay race pole proper comes. ' Pitcher left, the and the time LAJOIE MADE GOOD. . White of Chicago Stockings O'Brien refused to continue, claiming vault. Either one of them could turn The Punahous are already well or- White shut that he had been fouled by Wilie. Berkeley she won it, and ganized practising their game Down in St. Louis one day, just as out .New York Highlanders, making Toby victory to if and for out, giv- Irwin has left Philadelphia for In the re- H. A. Cs. on Washington's Lajoie came to bat for Cleveland, a fifth successive team he shut game Stanford needed them both. with the forty-fiv- e shut-ou- t. home. The at the Quaker City ma- - j ing him innings of CO.. lay Stanford accumulated a good lead birthday. They will present quite a camera man ran out and set his - is dull at this time of the year, and I ! New 3 Mat- man, strong game hard rhine for n. snanshnt of tho bier fel- - At York, Oct. Christy until the last lap, when her "Pie" front in this and the thewson of the New York Giants. there not being much money in sight, Smith of Denver, running like a deer, hitting Reds will have to play to de- 1UV in s 111 g . ! Toby thought it best to take a chance LIMITED. been work- "That fellow work for you?" a noisy Ptruck out sateen men of the St. Louis game stumbled and fell, while the thousands feat them. The Beds have team. at the on the coast. Dealers in Crockery, Glassware, spectators loosened a cry ing park, where they have been partisan in the grand stand shouted. 4. of partisan at Aala " BALTIMORE. Feb. Abe Attell of Household Necessities, Etc. triumph despair according to the trying out some new men. "Sure," said Larry. "He always St. Louis got the decision over Tommy of and 63, colors they wore, as the Blue and Gold There will no doubt be a record taken my picture when I make a home ; Teacher "How many command Feltz at the expiration of a 55, 57 King street. runner passed his fallen antagonist. breaking crowd out to see these two run." ments are there?" Tommy "Not any." bout last night. Feltz resorted to slug- depended on event play first game of ball in j Saying which, he walloped the ball Teacher "Why, Tommy! There are ging is But too much the teams the tactics, which he famous for, Come and see the REMINGTON picked up. 1905. A line can be had on two into the center field bleachers and went ten." Tommy "Aw, dem was all Cali-forni- an to stop and Smith himself the and tried hard to put the clever TYPEWRITER written bv a person and with a burst of spefd that he has teams in this game and they will also all the way around unmolested. broke long a so." Cleveland Leader. to the floor, but Abe was ttw never since approached sped on till he shifty for him. Attell safely avoided crossed the tape with just enough of his rushes and punched Feltz about as In otherBlindfolded.words, see the "TOUCH" a lead to win. This brought hope to often as he liked. Attell had clearly System of Typewriting in practical Stanford, and a tense interest in the the best of it on points, though Feiiz use! i final event the pole vault. If Stan- was far from being distressed at the Also, at the same time, investigate ford should wm first place she could end. The crowd marveled at Attell's our up-to-da- te methods boxing of teaching tie the meet, or if she won second and wonderful ability. Feltz wants Typewriting, Shorthand and Book- third place she could tie it, and if another chance at Attell, and they may keeping! ' first and second she could win the day. be matched again. I Monday eveniner. Feb. 2ft. in For a whole hour people watched as ft u Al Neill writes to Jim Griffin from 'q.o,, irnr,,, . the sun disappeared through the gold- Sydney that he is in great fettle and Merchant streets. en gate, and the darkness found five regaining his old-tim- e form. He writes All are welcome. men, three from Stanford and two from that he has signed to meet "Soldier" Berkeley still going up into the air, al- Thompson, the best fighter in the An- Miss L. E. Whitford though the coast intercollegiate record tipodes and the only boxer to beat him All of these Ha- had been passed several inches by all in that country. Al says that if he is Bamba , beautiful 'the stress of winning ;1 successful in this contest that he will waiian fibers for weaving five of them in Ekaha, any which was forcing them on. Finally have enough engagements to keep him in quantity, Beach of Stanford distanced the best busy for another year. Lauhala, of Stanford "I will be ready to resume operations Berkeley man, and Dole Banana, Hawaii S SontZi Seas Co 11 7 in the ring next month, and expect to. Curio shot p for a record of feet Uluhe. inches, within a quarter of an inch of but not this month," said Jimmy Britt Alexander Young Bid. the world's record. yesterday. "In fact, I want to fight in The crowd went wild, while Stanford, March, for I will have two months' intoxieated with the glory of her first ( rest, and that is sufficient. It is barely possible "HONOLULU TOM BOY" - i field victory, placed Xorman Dole as that I will box a couple of among members of the family six-rou- nd bouts at Philadelphia before By "Sonny" Cunha. first the I A Hawaiian for western ath-?fie- s. I fight here. just feel like going East ' vho had done so much says Hula and the latest rage. el again. You know the poet that 25 copy. omo cents a traveling a great From that day the boy started to is educator. I am ' record. strong on the travel." BERGSTROM MUSIC CO.. LTD. practise to pass the world's Odd Fellows Building. . Last spring he trained steadily for it, , and in the field events broke his pole just as he was warming up to record Basketball. FRESH ALFALFA SEED. distance. A week later a try-o- ut was The men will now have their inning world's FOR SALE BY held to chooe a team for the at basketball. A league composed of try-o- ut he gra- fair meet, and at this five teams will enter. games dually worked distance till he crossed All will Mrs. E. M. Much be played in the Y. M. C. A. gym. The Taylor the bar at 12 feet 1.32 inches. FLORIST. to the surprise of all coast autho- teams that have entered .are as fol- Alexander Youag Building. V. rities the record was withheld from lows: High Schools, Koko Head-- , Dia- press reports. The San Francisco Chro- J? ' mond Heads, Punahous and Kinaus. nicle noted that the Associated Press 2L The following schedule will be played: ignored it, while the wonderful 12 foot H. S. vs. Koko Heads: Diamond njoy vault of a Yale man was flashed over Heads vs. Kinaus February 2. Day the country as a new world's mark. Co., Ltd. Agents. Diamond Heads v. Punahou; H: S. tho order a rig from Then began the long contest for recog- vs. Kinaus iiarcn 4. f'r nition with tUe Amateur Athletic union, Koko Heads vs. Diamond Heads; Ki The Club Stables ended in the giving to naus vs. .March 11. which has just B i'unanou Fort Street. Phone Main 190. Dole of his place ns foremost of the H. S. vs. Diamond Heads; Punahou i world's pole vaulters. vs. Koko Heads juarcn is. High Schools vs. Punahou; Koko Heads vs. Kinau- - March 25. Glllman Rous Latest model Winton Tonneau cars. Model "C," side entrance, four SWEET SLAXG. Boquet Cigars By far too many of our daughters BSAVER LUNCH ROOMS have a vocabulary so up-to-d- as to B. 9. HOI.TB. cylinder, vertical and also model "B," now enroute from factory. be ahead of the dictionary. One of the season s buds was asKea lr sne dian t S. think Miss Elizabeth Glover and the Ulll CLStfft IN W32I S a fine couple. Netherlands Minister made Fort Street, opposite Star Block. On arrival of these cars we invite inspection. She responded with enthusiasm: "You, bet, they're the sweetest couple SADIES' AND GENTS' CLOTHIMQ that ever breathed. The 's a CLEANED AT LOWEST. ' V ADVICE TO CADDIES. perfect lamb, and Bessie Glover's a PRICES. your , Tou will save time by keeping bully girl." Phone "vThlte 2362. ' i eye on the ball, not on the player. SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 19, 1905.

VESSELS IN POET. NOTES FHOM LOCAL BREVITIES. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Advertiser; ARMY AND NAVY. Sunday J. Castle Ridgeway, editor of the nonoiuiu. 18 130 the Postofflce In Honolulu, U. S. S. Bear, Hamiet, San Francisco, VOLCANO ISLAND Hilo Tribune, is in town. Petered at ) 29. It H. T.. as second class matter.) Dec. off KAME OF STOCK Capital Val. BU. U. S. S. Iroquois, Niblack, Pearl Har- Governor Carter took a day and AUr. Every Sunday 2S. Although the nomination of George went down to Haleiwa yesterday. Published bor, Jan. Mmcaktils. Morning U. S. S. Petrel, Sherman, Pearl Harbor, L. Desha has been sent to the Senate Rev. J. L. Hopwood's subject will be w by tiie "Restraining at the Christian C. Brewer A fi.000,000 10U Jan. 21. by President Roosevelt, yet there ap- Grace" Co..... 499 " Ltd- - Church this evening. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.. MERCHANT VESSELS. pears to be some in the confirm- King hitch Kwa 6,000,000 20 von Holt Block, 65 South Sl Governor and Mrs. Carter will hold 80 30!i Manager Alameda. Am. s.s., Dowdell, San Fran- ation by that body of his appointment. Haw. Agricultural 1,200,000 100 W. Pearson business a reception in honor of the Legislature Haw. Com. A SugarCo. 2,312,750 100 . IT. As a result a number of new candi- 83 45LJ cisco, Feb. next Thursday evening. Hawaiian Sugar Co. .. 2000,000 20 a fr.- date have entered the field, and a num- Honomu 750,000 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Annie Johnson, Am. bk., Nelson, San estate, Ltd., been 100 11, city, per Feb. 13. ber of men well qualified to fill the The Dowsett has Honokaa...... 2,000,000 20 20 by carrier in Francisco, Haiku 500,000 100 160 Dlivered 25 position have been suggested. Daniel placed under the management of the . . . month Dirigo, Am. sp., Goodwin, Shanghai, Kahuku 600,000 20 ex-Sher- iff Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd. Co., 3,500,000 to any address for 1 year in Dec. 13. Porter, Andrews, Florentm Kihei Plan. Ltd.. 50 iCHed Territory Souza and W. C. Cook are mentioned The Epworth League will give a Klpahulu 160,000 100 6j the United States or York, Jan. 31. Koloa 600,000 100 nf Hawaii S 0 Foohng Suey, Am. bk.. Willett, New as being available men. There is yet Washington party at the Methodi-- t McBryaeSuff.Co., Ltd. 1,500,000 20 Am. bk.. Colly, San Fran- a possibility that a Hilo man may te parsonage on Monday evening. Oaha Sugar Co 8,600,000 100 Hi STABBING Ofi Kaiulani. Onomea.... 1,000.000 20 THE cisco. Feb. 12. selected out of the above list. Hilo Late reports from Kailua are to the Ookala 500,000 20 Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd... 6,000,000 20 8 Robert Lewers. Am. schr., Underwood, Tribune. effect that it is so dry on the big island 7 BY AUIHOKm Olaa Sugar Company grind- Olowalu 150,000 100 ml. Gray's Harbor, Feb. 18. started that water is selling for fifty cents a Paauhaa SugPlanCo. 5.000,000 50 ing cane on Friday, February 10th, and bucket. Pacific... 500,000 100 BOARD THE WILISCOTT PASSENGEES. the prospects are that a big crop will Paia 750,000 100 t4 LEGAL HOLIDAY. Wm. R. Castle's annual temperature Pepeekeo 750,000 100 pass through the mill this year. Pioneer 2,750.000 180 m Arrived. tables have been issued and are being 16) Miss Stella Peck, who has been at Waialua Aprl. Co 4,500,000 100 71 7i 18, Tenney, the veter Wailukn 700,000 100 1. Wednesday, February 22, Washing- Per tmr. Kinau, February from the coast for her health, will be a re- distributed by Levi The bark Willscott sailed for Dela- Hilo and way ports J. S. Brith, S. an plantation guide. Walmanalo.... 252,000 100 1M birthday, being a legal holiday. turning passenger by the S. S. Korea, 8 A MB HIP ton's Meyer, E. W. Walter, J. C. Mathew-so- n, Hospital COI. of-5c- es yesterday afiernoon The annual meeting of the ware Breakwater leaving San' Francisco today. 8. Co.-- . 500,000 3 hereby direct that all Territorial E. Mathewson, R. Mef-for- d. Wilder 8. 100 lin Mrs. J. J. ex-Sher- iff rooms Second Mate Charles Bernace On last Saturday noon, Flower Society will be held in the Inter-Islan- d 8. 8. Co.. 600,000 100 Tt day. without Mefford, S. M. Owen, at 126 be closed on that The Mrs. R. J. Andrews was presented by the police of the Y. M. C. A on Tuesday, Febru Ml8CKLLAJOr;. iafr nfid Seaman Alfred Johnson. Tony W. A. G. R. CARTER, Gould Dietz. Marcallino, department ary 21st, at 10 o'clock a. m. 500,000 Fi cot in Queen's Hos- members with a handsome Haw. Electric Co 100 105 former is in a the Mills. L. F. Kimball, Mrs. L. F. Kim- gold The sues husband, Tsuda H. K. T. A L. Co., Pd. m Governor of Hawaii. chain and locket. entire Tsuda Miu her i.OOO.WO pital suffering from a knife wound ball. Frank Winter, J. S. Ferry, C. A. police was on ground of as- H.E.T.4L. Co., C... 10c 64: Honolulu, February 8, 1905. force drawn in line while Taigi. for divorce the Mutual Tel. Co 150,000 in the Doyle, M. F. Prosper, C. J. Fishel. H. - O. A I and the latter is languishing Deputy Sheriff Fetter- made the pres- sault. They were married in Japan and R. L.Co 4,000,000 A 702S 16, 19. August Ahrens, Dick, Mrs. HlloK. K.Co 1,000,00 1 II. ex-Sher- Feb. police station waiting the Keadall, entation. The iff thanked the have been living at Waipa.hu. T4 tanks at the W. Kr.hen. J. S. Canario, F. Souza, G. Boroe. G.t outcome of the same wound. Yester- members of the department, first in Dr. Kincaid will preach on "The W. Paty, Dr. Nagai and wife, C. E. Hawaiian and then in English. The Haw.Ter.,p. c.(Flre statements to Steel wife, W. Rowland. H. Power of the World to Come" in the Claims). day both men made and F. chain is fashioned to show a police- even Haw. TerrL p. bailwayTland wit- morning and on "Courage" in the itf c... CO. High Sheriff Henry and other Tsurusutano, Liki Mitsudo, Morita man's club and the charm is in the Haw.uor;,, 5 p.c Keijo, Captain W. G. Bennett. Max ing, at Central Union Church. Hawn. Coml. a Sugar lit affair. Both of form of a police badge surmounted by B C nesses regarding the Iorenz. G. C. Akina, Mrs. J. R. Pearce, Florentin Souza, who has recently Ce. p. statements agree as to what took two batons, appropriately inscribed. appointed consul of the Republic Ewa Plant., 6 p. o 1001 TABLE the Rev. E. W. Thwing, Father J. C. The Cotillion Club gave a masquer- been Haiku 8 p. c low TIME on Willscott Friday night D. B. F. of Panama at Hilo, paid an official call Hawaiian Sugar 6 p. c 101, Place the Biesel. Kekuewa, Wickett, E. on A October , 1904. ade Tuesday evening at Spreckels's office yesterday, Hilo B. R. Co.. p. 0.. except as to the provocation for the Langer, F. J. Cross, D. McCorrTston. hall. at the Governor's Hon. JR. T. & L. Co., 105f 4 OUTWARD. stab Rev. J. Wadman will preach on "The U P. 0 nuarrel. Johnson, who did the Kahuku 6 p. e K0 Jfw Waianae, Waialua, Kahuku and a sea Big Revival in Wales" in the morning O. R. A L. Co.. . p. bing, testified that he had been BUSINESS 8d.c VEX "Wy Stations i:15 a. m., 3:20 m. years never LOCALS. THINGS and "The Big Convulsion in Russia" in Oahu Sugar Co., e p. C. 101 Way man for forty and had THAT WAIT Olaa Sugar Co., 6 p. c. STr Pearl City, Ewa Mill and was watch- the evening at the Methodist Church 6 p. c. "9:15 a. m., been in pilikia before. He Paia 10m Btfctfcms 17:30 a. m., been up Spring shirt waist hats at Sachs' "Song of Pioneer Mill Co. 6 p.o. 101 " p. m., man on the bark and had FOR THEIR ANSWERS The next rehearsal of the 12:06 a. 2:15 p. m., 3:20 Ki-loha- na WaiaiaaAg. uo.,B.p.O " evening. While in the Ladies yachting caps E. W. will take place on Monday after ma p. m., $9:30 p. m., fll:15 p. rxu town that at Jor Fate" Saloon he took one drink. Ber- dan's. noon 5 p. m., instead of Tuesday at INWARD. at SESSION SALES. nace, he said, came in andCalled him sox City, February 16, 1905.' the rooms of the Symphony Club, Hotel Wai- Great reductions in children's at (Morning Session.) '" JttTlve Honolulu from Kahuku, a vile name for leaving the ship and Ehlers's. Editor Advertiser: Why is it that and Richards streets. alua and Waianae 8:36 a. m., "5:31 him had not by 100 C. & S. Co., SS.50 61. would have struck New wash neckwear at Whitney & there is no police protection of any kind Laupawila, called on Friday, was not Haw. B. m. standers interfered. released from the witness stand in the Honolulu from Ewa Mill and to ship he took Marsh's. on Beretania street between the Cen SALES BETWEEN BOARDS. I &rrre When he returned the you Jones murder trial until noon yester- I - Pearl City 17:46 a. m., 8:36 a. m., soon Bernace came. The If want potatoes or oranges, ring tral Union Church and Alapai street? 1S5 McBryde, 9.50; 150 McBryde, 9; ' his post and day. jury was dismissed the 1G:S8 a. 1:40 p. m., 4:31 p. in--. Main 424. Why is it the health After the 95 McBryde, 9.25; 25 29.50. in., gangway was hanging about six inches that authorities attorneys thrashed out a law point. Ewa, H:tl p. m., 7:30 p. m, above the wharf. The mate told him Black lace lisle hose 65c at Ehlers's. do not put a stop to the filthy, disease- - j Dally. captain given Were $1.00. spreading method the Chinese laundry- - Florentin Souza of Hilo, a former " to lower It. The had coffee erower. came to Filed for Record. y f Sunday Excepted. Jchnson orders not to lower it any Ladies wool ex men employ in sprinkling clothes? Guatemalan ' Sunday Only, sweaters Alameda at town yesterday the first time in four 18, 1905. t farther so he refused. Then according E. W. Jordan's. refer to the squirting of water from Entered for Record Feb y. DENISON. r. C. SMITE". came on their mouth in the form of spray over years. He is much impressed with the a to Johnson's story, Bernace White lisle hose three 50c M A Rego to James Wakefield Tr. D Supt. G. P. & T. A. calling an unspeak- pairs for the clothes. Such vile work has been growth of Honolulu since he saw it board and Johnson at Ehlers's. Were 50c. previously. Mr. Souza says Hilo Hawn Realty & Maturity Co Ltd ably vile name said that he would kill stopped in all la'rge cities, especially in last to Elizabeth Iona Rel METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. He action to the word Fisher, Abies Co., Ltd., will have an- San Francisco. is very dull. him. suitsd the other sale of cocoanuts on Tuesday. Moses Miller to M A Rego D giaued by the U. S. Weather Bureau by striking the watchman full- - on the Why is it that the Mosquito Extermi The telephone girls are invited to visit Francis M Swanzy to Hamakua - today, OfBe Every Susday Moming. . mouth and felling him. As he rose he Don't miss Blom's special sala of mus nating Board does not find some way Allan Herbert's Waialele place Mill Co Ltd L lin underwear commencing tomorrow. to aoousxi tne pools ot water are Mr. Herbert is celebrating the arrival 33c WIND struck him again and then Johnson that Francis M Swanzy to Hamakua THWM.O stabbed him with an "I. X. L." pocket $3.00 children's coats for $1.95 at always found about the stand-pipe- s ; of the telephone at his place. Gentle Mill Co Ltd L a which the sprinkling get men of telephone girls are o knife. Sachs. carts their admirers the E C Greenwell to C J Hutchins Bernace's statement agrees with you water for street purposes? Great breed also invited and there will be good Tr CL If are looking for a business ing spots, those. cheer for everybody. m Johnson's in regard to the blows and proposition, E C Greenwell to C Hutchins ish a g 5 5 consult the classified ads. v hy Berger does J stabbing but he alleges that after the today on page 10. is it that Prof. not Mr. and Mrs. Lyle wish to extend Tr C Li had to lower the hang out a number card for each selec- thanks in behalf of Mr. and Mrs. 65 .00 62 1 NX 10 watchman refused re-ide- nt their E C Greenwell to Venancio L de I 30.02 73 A Honolulu has a fine col tion played? Such a move would be clesJ X 0.Xi n 64 .00 69 2 KB 6 gangway and he had climbed aboard lection postage J. L. Scott to the employes of the Almeida C Li NB 7 of stamps for sale. See T 2W.98 73 60 .00 69 0 that Johnson called him a vulgar name appreciated by anyone coming to the Honolulu Iron Works and the friends Suza to Manoel go w 29.98 v 1 60 72 2 XI 7 our classified ads today, on last page. concerts Antobe de and wf 80.00 74 62 .00 69 1 TAB 7 and said he wouldn't lower the gang- after commencement of same. of the late Harold L. Scott for the Cravalho" C ' ' I 66 69 8 N The Von Hamm-Youn- g Co. They strf 1 90.01 76 T 8 way for him. This arouse the mate are agents would know at a glance the title floral offerings and many acts of kind Geo Osborne to Kunishige Kind- - 0.05 74 64 .0) 68 0 KB 9 for the Winton Tonneau cars and now of the piece by referring to their pro- i and he struck the blows. Johnson ness tendered in their bereavement. zuchi . D says he did the stabbing in self-defen- se have a shipment en route from the fac- gram'. All other cities do so. Note: Barometer readings are cor- that tory. George Lycurgus is going to start a Frederick S Lyman Affdt i but Bernace does not think Why is it that there are only seat vegetable to encourage Gaspar and wf to Joao r rected for temperature. Instrumental enough Square accommo- stand truck Jose R X. that the watchman was In any danger Typewriting, shorthand and book in Thomas to dispos? Rodrigues . .: M ' rrors, gravity, farming in general and to of t and local and reduced keeping date about one-fift- h of the lovers of leveL Average cloudlneaa stated of his life. taught by L. E. Whiteford in the fine surplus products of the Vol David Forbes to Joao Nobriga Rel, LA; io ea Magoon building, music who congregate there on band Is scale from 0 to 10. Direction of wind SHIPPING NOTES. Alakea and Merchant cano House gardens in particular. Yee Hop Tong to C D Lufkin Itfu "V streets. nights? The grass is not always dry JnJ- 24 brings con C to Joseph tB prevailing direction during hour to on. Every steamer him large John Pinho and wf 8 1 The steamer Kinau arrived early "Honolulu Tomboy," enough sit M sue! ndlng at p. m. Velocity of wind way the latest rage am not inquisitive, signments of good things from his Pritchard average velocity i miles per hour. yesterday morning from Hilo and in Hawaiian Hulas, by "Sonny" Cunha, I but would just agricultural preserve. J Garcia to Emily Keelen Rel ' ports. like to know. Yours truly, bef: ALEX. McC. ASHLEY, can be had at Bergstrom Music Co., Chester Doyle brought from Hilo the Emily Keelen and hsb to T Burlem D transport "1IERL." Wads-wort- Tal.r. Section Director, m Charge. The naval Solace should 25c a copy. stomach of the Japanese murderer Ya- T Burlem and wf to R A h be in port tomorrow morning from More Owl eig-- sold and smoked masaki, who died in the Hilo jail un .' M stit SUN AND MOON. Manila Guam. TIDES. and than any other 5c cigar in the market. sTEAM CARS WITHIN der circumstances raising a suspicion T Burlem and wf to Emily Keelen. M ricl The steamers W. G. Hall and Clau- - There' a best. Gunst-Eaki- n of poison. He also had in custody John K Kekapai and wf to Hale-aka- la I'd S3 reason' It's the three dine are due early this morning from Cigar Co., . live Japanese Ranch Co Ltd D and O iF--l ! distributors. indicted for murder, ports THE CITY LIMITS Onomea Sugar Co Ed-mo- nd a o Kauai and Maui respectively. A lower set of false teeth have been whose trials were continued for the to Helen W Coi 2 - a o 2 hsb Rel HJ S3 0Q 0Q The schooner Robert Lewers which lost. A reward of five term. and dollars will be Kauha and wf to Alexander Young D SH a.ru . Ft p.m. a.m p.m. Rise was sighted Friday evening came into given the finder if ame are returned The biH now before the Legislature Rev. V. W. Potwin of St. Elizabeth's, Nig x 20 4.U 1.8 4.41 10.47 10.26 6.27 01 7 23 port yesterday morning and is dis to the Alexander Young Hotel. Palama, will preach at the morning ser- ii- 4.50 1 6 5.27jll.2a 11.19 6.27,6.01 8 27 cargo granting a railway franchise to John Che r charging her of lumber. Glass water pitchers, six varieties to vice at 11 o'clock at St. Andrew's Ca GEN. OKU ON THE FIELD. 1-- Ol'll 6.26 9 29 Lucas provides that the railway shall 2215 33 4 6 5i 6.02 The American bark Willscott sailed select from, at 25c each. Will be sold thedral, and the Rev. D. Douglas Wal ip m. a m. p.m. a.m. be operated "by steam, or by compress- lace, formerly From Scribner's Magazine. X: 23 7.02 L3 6.18 12.3-- 0.13 6.25 6. 02 10.29 yesterday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. for on Monday only at that price at Pacific of Areata, and Sacra- Ski; j Delaware Breakwater. She took a full Hardware Co., Monday special ed air, or by eiectric power, either by mento, California, and of Salt Lake I watched Oku keenly. Though I had J? 84 8 10, 1.3 7.06 1 18 1.08 8.24 6.02 11.29 sale. seen twenty yards, load of sugar. The next ship to get New overhead or underground wires, or by City. Utah, who arrived on the Ala- him coming for I 1 shirt waists just opened at nothing 9 25; 9 26: 1.4 7 59 2 C7 2.32 6.24 6.03 a.m. away for the east will be the Dirigo. meda, will preach at the evening ser- recalled suddenly that I saw 1 Sachs'. storage batteries; provided that a part : 7:30. but his face he got quite near. 4 SS 6.23'8.C3 Beckley vice at until 8 2610.44' 1.5 9.10 3.F6 0.2S Admiral reports the follow Madame Josephine has just received of such railway may be operated fcy Lincoln's M 27 11 5li 1 6 10.40 4.14 6 19l8.22 8.041 1 28 ing sugar Deputy It was sad, with something of n on Hawaii ready for ship- some beautiful spring models one. motive power while another or Attorney General M. F. profile kindly, es i ment: 3000; in dress Prosser a sadness. In it was Last quarter of the moon Feb. 25th. Olaa. Waiakea, none; Ha- and shirt waist hats, now on display other portions thereof may be operated made record in his attend pecially when he smiled; full faced waii Mill, 1000; Ono-me- a. ance at Hilo term. Times of the tlae are take from th Wainaku, none; at her parlors in the Elite building, by other motive power.; and, provided. the Starting in there were proofs he could be Iron Sur-rre- y 1500: Pepeekeo. 2500; with grand on that COR United States Coast and Geodetle Honomu, room S. that in and over the route hereinbe- the jury Thursday, he and relentless. 12,400; Hakalau, 10.000; Laupahoehoe, procured indictments against three al- - tables. Regular $1.75 heavy fore thirdly set out any motive power, But his eyes! Big, black, glittering. ocemr 500: Ha-mak- ua, galvanized iron leged The tides at Kahulul and HIlo Ookala. 2700; Kukaiau, 3500: steam, be used." murderers and several others for were, and Hono- 4S0; Crescent oil cans that hold five gallons, other than shall fanatical, ever moving they about one hour earlier than at Paauhau, 10,000; Honokaa, lifferent offenses. The cases were con you mo- 500: will be sold today at $1.25 each at The route "hereinbefore thirdly set caught them never but for a lulu. Kukuihaele, 2S00; Punaluu, none; out" is that from Kahuku Plantation tinued for the term and the following ment, but when you did. they made standard time Is 10 hours Honuapo, 375. the Pacific Hardware Co. Monday, spe- day the court adjourned. Hawaiian Mill via Waialua and a to Kameha-meh- a Mr. Prosser you lightning thunder- SO Greenwich cial sale. E" gone think of and minutes slower than pro was from Honolulu but four days. olive 157 THE MAILS. Stein-Bloc- School?. This leaves the storms. He was dressed simply in time, being that of the meridian of Many men are wearing h Isen-er- g e me name of the Hon. Paul R. green serge, cap time whis- Mails a-- due from following posed route through the city of Hono with one star on his degrees thirty mimutes. The fhe smart clothes who would corsirK r them- open to by on a program is enough to insure and on tle blows h.t 1:30 p. m., which is the points as follows: selves c:;M lulu operation steam. It three stars and thee stripes unfortunate if thev not would seem this is the portion of i success to any concert, for who docs his sleeves. His boots were good. His ssrae as Greenwich, 0 hours 0 minutes. San Francisco Per Korea, Feb 21. get them every season. 1. that Fino line at the route where steam should be not say, "I would go to hear him sword hung in his left band unclench- Sun and moon are for local time for Yokohama McInt--2 ny's. ta Per Mongolia, Feb. 26. alone," and then the name of Mrs. ed. fkm whota rrouo. Colonies 28. bued. His other hand looked nerveless. Per Sierra, Feb. The bankrupt stock of I. Levingston, A. B. Ingalls, as the violinist, already Not once did weight from Victoria Per Moana, 11. he shift his Mar. gents' furnishing goods, is being closed so well known to Honolulu, shows what hi r'ght foot only sole of his left "UNITED STATES WEATHER BU Malls will the depart as follows: out in the store on King street oppo- SUSPICIONS a treat is in store at the concert on ; ever touching the stone flagging. He BEAU. Victoria Per Aorangi, Mar. 8. site Wall-Nicho- ls Co., Ltd. Goods sold Friday, February 28th at the Opera is the most remarkable looking man San 22 at less cost price. House. box to- - Francisco Per Alameda, Feb. than OF SUICIDE The plan will be open , I've seen thus far among the Japanese. ye lAJexander Young Building, Honolulu, Colonies Per Moana, Mar. 11. An ideal time to buy children's and morrow morninf at Wall. Nichols' store. sa Territory of Hawaii. Yokohama Per Korea, Feb. 21. mioses' coats at Sachs. According to the recent investigations Date February 18. The police aro investigating the death v. Great special sale of ladies' muslin of the medical department of the im- SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. underwear Blom's of Yamasaki, the Japanese who died HALEIWA. - at this week. Ladies' perial Japanese navy the total number sh X- j THERMO. WLVD night gowns 40c ;? up; skirts 40c up; com- in iiuo jau wnue awaiting trial tor The Haleiwa Hotel, Honolulu's fa- of killed or wounded up to the end of ARRIVED. bination chemises 75s up; chemises 40c September 2.321 persons. - s 2 s: 3 5 n the murder of a rival for his wife's af- mous country resort, on the line of amounted to ! up; corset fifty-fiv- i ? 2 g Z S Saturday. February IS. covers 25c up. fections. This was the case in which Six hundred and e of these were r I W rl the Oahu Railway, VV 3 a 2.2 Am. schr. contains everv j - 13 s Robert hewer5, Underwood, The March pro-ecu-tio- slightly wounded. 556 severely wound- i : : number of the New Idea the principal for : : 5" witness the ! r c 3 from anchorage, S a. m. modern improvement and affords 1.022 S8 Vv t : j : : : : y : : . Magazine is now on sale at B. F. Dr. Nagai, its ed, killed, missing. received an from ! and : I order quests an : : : : : : ': : : Stmr. Kinau, Freeman, from Hilo opportunity to enjoy all Ehlers Co. Short stories, special arti- his government to report in Tokio for amusements goir, b; and way ports, 8:50 a. m. cle, departments fash- tennis, billiards, 3900 30.15 79 71 75 .0-- 72 2 XX and the latest military service. He was about to go fresh and salt water bathing, shoot- Tf ! DEPARTED. ions combine to make it well worth when he was placed under $500 bonds ing, fishing, riding Classified AdTcrtlscrocnts. 2501 29.98 74 55 64 .00 72 3 svr .... and driving. Tick- B Am. bk. Willscott, MacLoon. for Del- reading. to remain as a witness. Two days after ets, including railway fare and one full 3S02 29.91, 76 83 70 .01 63 3 nw .... aware Breakwater, 2:30 p. m. A radical of Yamasaki fell ill. He was taken to the iay's room and i reduction sale children's board, are sold at the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. and misses" stylish prison hospital died a Honolulu station and & Com- -' 2908 30.00 74 59 66 ; .00 64 4 sw .... DUE AT THIS POET FROM coats commences and after brief Trent ! $2000 buy in a Bi Monday morning at 8 o'clock at N. S. illness. pany for $o.00. For departure of trains WILL half interest i -- $5000 in 04 29.78 77 65 71 78 84 9 8 .... SAN FRANCISCO is cau-- e of was consult time table. proposition. Money doubled i ; Sachs'. This an opportunity that The death stated to be P. M. S. S. Korea, Seabury, beri-ber- i, On less than a year. Ample security 7X6 30.05 74 64 69 .00 58 0 KB 9 Tuesday should not be overlooked. New line of but the stomach and spleen Sundays, the Haleiwa Limited, a I two-hou- r guar- ! a. m. ladies' xmdermuslin at lowest prices. of the dead man were brought to Hono- train, leaves at 8:22 a. m.; given. Eight per cent interest Tge 29 93: 76 63 69 ' .14 69 4 sw returning, in anteed. Address "Proposition," Ad- MANILA AND GUAM Mrs. I.. 11S1 lulu on the Kinau and Territorial Food arrives Honolulu at 10:10 ALEX. McC. ASHLEY. U S. Dickerson. Alakea P. m. vertiser office. N. T. Solace, Bull, Monday, due. street, received four cases of new Analyst Duncan will examine the or- Section Director In Charge. ISLAND gans for traces of poison. police mi PORTS spring goods, three dozen trimmed hats. The Secretary Stmr. Claudine, Parker, from Maul "Charloye Corday." Hyde Park and have a suspicion that Yamasaki got Wlison'r ampaign Story. SPECIAL NOTICE wt ' poison Secretary Wilson A SENSITIVE YOUNG M. D. ports, Sunday, a. m. j many other beauties: lovely flowers hold of and committed suicide of the Agricultural "BLINDFOLDED" Typing! Come and W. G. than stand Dr. NVgai'.s Department - tiv "Young Dr. Keelnym must be a Stmr. Hall, S. Thompson, from and foliage, rainbow ribbon, the newest rather trial. tells a story of the late see the Remington typewrite- oper- Kauai ports, Sunday, a. m. in braids. bond has been canceled and he will now person "Blindfolded " So fellow." I campaign in which he fished com- ated by a Xery sensitive O A nit-v-- for a -- oaxjjTT xxjj.a x be abie to go to fight for hi- - country. 20, 14 Why?" xiwiYA fOB Corset covers 35c. skirts 75c nitrht pliment and failed. He had made the Monday eve., Feb. 1'i5. off engagement gowns 65c at Sachs. and 15, Magoon Building. Alakea and "He broke his Just SAN FRANCISCO best sr-ee-- he could and thought !ecause -- his girl wrote a note to him U. S. N. Fine Dinner Today. that Merchant Sts. All are welcome. I T. ?olace, Bull, may sail Tan lisle dropstitch hose three pairs he had made leginning 'Dear Duckie.' " Monday. 50c The following menu an impresio. i,ut the E. Whit ford. for at Ehlers's. Were 50c. will be served chairman of meeting "Well, what had to do with it?" O. the .'i.l nor that S. S. Alameda. Dowdell, Wednes- today at the Palace Grill on Bethel to enthuse very "He thought she was calling him a day, 22. 9 much. As they were Feb. a. m. ?.5c 4 : MUSIC. Exam'ring physician (for insurance street for from p. m. to 7:30 p. m. passing out of the hali t!v. se.-retar- Tuack." New York Press. ISLAND PORTS Leipsic company "I'm si f raid we can't take Green turtle soup, fried fresh salmon, remarkel: "Well. I hope I haven't done PTANO taught by graduate of Stmr. Likelike, Nnopala. for Maui you. sir. You too great fresh raw oysters in shell, green you any harm up he-re.- Conservatory. J.I a month. Special e, are a "Their wns quite a sur-tri- ports. risk." turtle and Molokai Monday. 5 p. m. Arplicant resignedly) "Well. per- - steal and jelly sauce, baked "I hope not." dolefully care given to beginners. Address wasn't it?" "Yes to him." Stmr. Ke Au Hou. ham and answered the Tullett, for Kau- haps I am. The fact is, when 1 'champagne sauce, lamb cut! chairman. Youngs town Telegram. "Piano," this office. Town Tnr.Vis. ai ports, Monday, 5 p. m. that gf t sick I nevr send for a doctor. I . roast ribs of be f. stuff--d turkey, bake. THE ORIENT just lay around until I get well." Ex-- j sweet ma:hed potatoes arid The coal man should be brousrht to LOST, TI "Would you rather be prettv or P. M. P. S. Korea, s-- -e Seabury, Tuesday amining physician "Eh? we'll green peas, slk ed tomatoes, cream the error of his weighs. Philadel- A $5 00 reward if '.Tfitty?" She Sir:" Xew York Sun. p. rn. I'm ic SET of false teeth. n take you." New York Weekly. - J and cake. phia Record. left at the Young Hotel.