Smith of Hilo DOWAGER Mpressemened N N N 11 K W ' I :! Serious Crisis P J
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1! WEATHER BU- - U. S. V REAL, fEB 18-- Last 24 SUGAR-- 96 Tut On-- W Art. W nours rsiruau,rf.!i .uv, vein- - T trifocal. 4. 99 j Per Ton. ptrature, max. 74; min. f $99.80. 53 Analysij 64. Heather, fair. s BceU, I5s 1 1 2d; Per Ton. $105.60. t i 1 rJ HONOLULU, SUNDAY, Vntanajl I a A tfVia a tT n a i HAWAII TERRITORY, FEBRUARY ig, 1905. TEN PAGES. smith of hilo DOWAGER MPRESSeMENED n n n 11 k w ' I :! Serious Crisis P j. ONE COMMITTEE . ,1 1 - the Russian Empire. Member Tells Speaker That Somebody Else Would Qualified to Look II be Better S M- Strikes Renewing 'and After Public Health. Jflk V Another Official Killed. 'There is a little rift winthin the lute, slight as yet and possibly Tiot of portentous moment, and yet capable of development to un Associated Press Cable5rami. ) told proportions. Yesterday morning, the following communica- - i ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. iq. tion was handed to Speaker Knudsen of the House by the gentle- - ' $I It is reported that the Em- - man from Hilo whose name is signed to it : j Honolulu, Oahu, February 18. 1005. press Dowager, (the mother of lion. Eric Knudsen, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Territory oi j Hawaii. I the Czar and sister of the Queen Sir: Permit me to hand you this, my resignation from the position of j j of England) has been warned chairman of the committee of the HJouse, having in its charge matters of public j health. Since my election to the present Legislature I have attempted to prepare I that she will be the next victim myself fur usefulness in the House by a study of various matters pertaining v ) to Count v Government and to the matters of our Judiciary. Aside from these i of the Socialist assassins. The two very important subjects I have taken a strong interest in Public Education j Dowager is a leader of the re- and believe that my usefulness as a public officer will be diminished it 1 attempt to perform the arduous duties cast upon the chairman of the committee actionary party. cn Public Health. - SPREAD OF DISCONTENT. There are those in the present House- who have taken as active an interest in Public Health matters as I havl done in the three subjects named above ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 19. - it seems to me that by retaining the position to 'which, you have appointed 8 and The unrest in the empire is me as chairman of the Public Health Committee. I shall stand in the way of the c .most effective work of which our House is capable. growing. .The strikes are re- Very rexpectfully yourt, CARL S. SMITH, Representative First District. crudescing. When Speaker Knudsen announced his list of committees on A MAYOR ASSASSINATED. I last Thursday, the name of Carl Smith of Hilo appeared as chair ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. ig. Mr. Smith man of the committee of nublic health and education. A minor official, Igdya, mayor was likewise named as. the second member of the Judiciary Com--mitte- e, of Vaganshopd, has been assassi- whose chairman is Andrade of Oahu. Later, when there --was talk of dividing the committee to the chairmanship of which nated. The prefect of police at lie was assigned into, two, it was said that Mr. Smith would be THE UPHEAVAL. Harper's Weekly. Kishineff was assaulted but not .given' the chairmanship of the Public Health Committee. killed. I r- T did not think that I could do the best work of which , f.-am -- capable as the head of that particular committee, neither for $ RESTORED TO CZAR'S FAVOR. my constituents nor for the Territory at large," said Mr. Smith -- 0 ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 19. --The Czar has restored yesterday. "There are men of more experience in such matters to favor in the House who coidd fill the place more acceptably. Matters 0 the Grand Duke Paul, who was degraded on account of a morgan- n of health are not my specialty. Moreover, as chairman of the new-revisio- 0 atic marriage. I will have my hands full of work in going committee, 0 0 THE RUSSIAN STATES GENERAL. over every bill that is introduced into the House." - The matter of the appointment of a revision committee was 0 0 ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 19. It is now reported that the on after the Friday 1 agreed upon at a caucus of the House held 0 0 Zemskyzabor will not assemble until March 4. close oi the session, and it is understood that the Speaker's selec- 0 tion of Smith for the chairmanship was in accordance with the AFTERNOON REPORT, 0 wishes of the majority of the caucus. - ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 18. The council of the empire has Speaker Knudsen did not indicate yesterday who, if anybody, 0 0 been summoned to consider the situation resulting from the assas- he had selected to take the chairmanship left vacant by the with- 0 0 sination of the Grand Duke Sergius. drawal of Mr. Smith from the health committee. - o 0 0 --o- 0 0 RENEWED ACTIVITY JUDGE LITTLE MAY BE 0 OF AT PANAMA 0 THE DISBARRED 0 0 JAPANESE ARMY 0 0 A resident of Hilo has received the following letter, which ex- 0 0 MUKDEN, Feb. 19. A large force of Japanese cavalry'is plains itself, from the prosecuting attorney of the Isthmian Canal 0 0 moving toward Goudzhon from Mongolia. It is reported that Gen-- Zone : 0 Ancon. Isthmian Canal Zone, January 17th. 1905. 0 eral Ma, commanding the Chinese frontier forces, is assisting the Sir: Your letter of December 22nd, addressed to General Geo. V. Davis. 0 0 Japanese. been by him referred to me. Governor of the Canal Zone, has 0 01 RUSSIAN GUNS I wi'l state, in reference to the collection of money against Judge Little, it OUTCLASSED. collect, more especially since it has been brought to my at- 0 would be difficult to 0 MOUTORNAN, Feb. 19 The Japanese bom-- is one disqualify are constantly 0 tention a- - District Attorney that 'the reputation that he bears to 0 , barding iiim as a practicing member of the Bar. THE GRAND DUKE SERGIUS, WHO WAS AS- - Pontiloff Hill, the key to Gen. Kuropatkin's position, with I have written Judge Little a few moments ago informing him that his j v SASSINATED AT MOSCOW 0 siege artillery. The increased fire exceeds the Russian capacity to matter ill be brought before the Court to morrow morning .and that before he reply. 'f can further practice the profession of law, the charges made against him must 0000000 be satisfactorily explained. AFTERNOON REPORT. so drastic as these must be resorted to, WATER RIGHTS It is quite sad indeed that measures HUGO HANEBERG TOKIO, Feb. 18. The report that Japan has indicated possible in a new community, new conditions, new people and we must, if but we are ' possible, advance honesty and sincerity. OF PAUOA IS DOING WELL terms of peace is officially denied. As the boat leaves tomorrow, I cannot give you more definite information ST. PETERSBURG, Feb 18. Prince Leopold of Prussia is the final outcome, but will write you on the steamship leaving at this lime as to It. C. A. Peterson, chairman, and R. Hugo Haneberg; formerly of Ha believed to be the bearer of a message from the Kaiser to the Em- Tuesda January 24th. waii, as follows from the Haci M- H. Trent of the Board of Commission- writes peror of Russia on the subject peace. , Yours very truly, J- - - KEED, of IIol-low- ay Paraje, Nuevo V Prosecuting Attorney. ers appointed by Superintendent enda de tl Portrero, o to determine the value of the C. Mexico: water rig-ht- in Pauoa Valley, made a "Am for over a year connected with GIFT TO THE PRESIDENT, JAPANESE WOMM MAKES BIG PROFIT horseback trip to the two springs in the Mexican National Sugar rteflnins? i the upper end of the vallev vesterdav ! Co.. and think to make my fortune afternoon, and at 4 o'clock held a here and later to come back to the WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. The Chinese Minister runs present DEAD Hi HILO BAY FROM PEANUT CROP in the Pauoa sehoolhouse to lands to live in peace. Mr. C. Hedemann hear from valley residents as to their and Mrs. Hedemann paid me a two ed President Roosevelt with the portrait of the Empress Dowager claims for water rights. days' visit here and left, enthusiastic which was exhibited at the World's Fair. The two springs The above com- - left Hilo, an in- - One year ago Walter II. HayselJen. Kahuawai and about our conditions. o Just as the Kinau - re- - Kaaikahi were visited m compan- with panv intends to - up modern beinsr held upon the body deputy sheriff at Kau, rented one acre rut iue: was j jC. Booth and Fred. Peterson. They ,n - view to r ' nw io wth an i cruh- of a woman that was foun of land at Waiohinu with a j found a good heaa of water bubbling ADMIRAL DEWEY SICK. j iREr rl lnt uriv'-'1- " iS n-u- hft.,. b.. in the bay a few days before, conducting some experiments in the Up. although this is a dry season. itins cause as vet is not a siriciij The woman, whose name was Natzu. growing of first-cla- ss peanuts. Now, The meetinsr in the tnere j twenty-fiv- e Mexico, had reported by her husband a r;iised in various brought out about native rened siurar TT":e here in MTinta hus been ' is ill 1ti before, the man residents of .the valley, and two at- - being1 imported WASHINGTON, Feb.