Canadian Journal of COMPARATIVE MEDICINE AND VETERINARY SCIENCE APRIL Published Monthly at GARDENVALE, QUE. by NATIONAL BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS, LIMITED EDITORIAL BOARD T. W. M. CAMERON,. T.D.; M.A.; B.Sc. (Vet. Sc.); Ph.D.; D.Sc.; M.R.C.V.S. Director, Institute of Paravitology, Macdonald College, Que. Chas. A. MITCHELL, V.S. B.V.Sc.; D.V.M. Pathologist, Animal Diseases Research Institute, Hull, Que. R. A. McINTOSH, M.D.V.; B.V.Sc. Professor, Diseases of Animals, Obstetrics, Therapeutics, Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Ontario. G. T. LABELLE, D.M.V. Inspecteur Vetirinaire senior, Montreal, P. Q. Subscriptions $2.00 per year to qualified veterinarians, libraries, and scientific institutions. Volume 7 Number 4 CONTENTS IDr. A. F. Cameroii, V. 0. G., Retires ....... .............. 97 Dr. E. A. WVatson Retires ......... ................... 98 Obituary-Dr. G. C. Lawrelnce ........ .................. 99 Eiizootic Bovine Haematuria ............ ................ 101 Veterinary Problems from Feeding Coniditions ..... ....... 108 Chastek Paralysis on Alberta Fox Ranbch ...... ............ 112 Implied Warranty of Fitness-Legal Decisioni ..... ....... 114 Current Veteriniary Literature ........ .................. 118 Western Ontario Veterinary Associafioli ........ .......... 123 Book Reviews ..................... ..................... 124 IPUBUAIN IMIbITED ADVERTISING OFFICES:-Head Office:-Gardenvale, Que. Telephone: Ste. Anne de Bellevue 700. Montreal Office:-M. G. Christie, Castle Bldg. Telephone Ma. 9534. Toronto Office:-137 Wellington St., Room 1206, (V. E. Heron). Telephone: Waverley 6206. Vancouver:-F. A. Dun- lop, P. Q. Box 582. Telephone Pacific 2527. New York; W. G. Gould, 7 West 44th Street. Tele- phone, Murray Hill 2-9888 Chicago:-William S. Akin. Suite 512, Mercantile Exchange Bldg., 308 West Washington Street, Telephone: State 8496. San Francisco:- C. H. Woolley, Room 708, 605 Market Street.
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