Velson Mullins NelsonMullin sRile y& Scarborough LLP Attorneys and Counselors at Law Joseph W. Bason 4140 Parklake Avenue / GlenLake One / Second Floor / Raleigh. North Carolina 27612 Tel: 919.877.3807 Tel: 919.877.3800 Fax: 919.877.3799 Fax: 919.877.3140 m
[email protected] April 28,201 0 VIA HAND DELIVERY Ms. Renne Vance APR282Dtt North Carolina Utilities Commission ' ClericsOftc * 430 N. Salisbury Street 5th Floor- Clerks Office Raleigh,N C 27699-4325 Re: Inth e Matter of Application of Virginia Electric and Power Company, d/b/a Dominion North Carolina Power, for Authority to Transfer Functional Control of Transmission Assets to PJM Interconnection, LLC (NCUC, Docket No. E-22, Sub 418) Our FileNo . 19128/01513 Dear Ms. Vance: r^ Enclosed for filing on behalf of Nucor Steel-Hertford ("Nucor") are an original and thirty (30) vUt/lCJ copies ofNucor' s Petition to Intervene relating to the above-referenced matter. 96 n/Tllflffi ^•^so enc^ose^ IS an additional copy of thedocumen t to bestampe d as "filed" and returned to me ' . ," viam y courier. ( V11lO J Thank you for your assistance in this,matter . With best regards, Ia m \)j0^-^ ' Very truly yours, h W. Eason 36rtC5> JWE:nwilmot <c>O^JPp^nc*0Sures 7^ \rv\ cc: A^ parties of record (w/enc.) /ADA -PlAUptlanta • ^s*011 *Charlesto n • Charlotte • Columbia • Greenville • Myrtle Beach • Raleigh • Washington, DC • Winston-Salem •aaiito STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION RALEIGH APR282M DOCKET NO. E-22,Su b 418 CteriteOffic e BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION ^UfiBiesCommission In the Matter of ) Application of Virginia Electric and ) NUCOR STEEL-HERTFORD'S Power Company, d/b/a Dominion North ) PETITION TO INTERVENE Carolina Power, for Authority to Transfer ) Functional Control ofTransmissio n ) Assets to PJM Interconnection, LLC ) Pursuant to Rules Rl-17 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the North Carolina Utilities Commission, Nucor Steel-Hertford, a division of Nucor Corporation ("Nucor"), hereby moves to intervene in the above-captioned proceeding.