Inside Archbishop Buechlein ...... 5 Editorial ...... 4 Question Corner ...... 15 Sunday and Daily Readings . . . . 15 Spring Marriage Supplement . . . . 9 Serving the ChurchCriterion in Central and Souther n Indiana Since 1960 February 4, 2005 Vol. XXXXIV, No. 17 75¢ Eucharist helps couples keep God at center of their lives

By Mary Ann Wyand David Bethuram explained, as a reminder become one. This is a very important As an integral part of Christian life, he that the sacrament of marriage is both a point being made in Scripture. Marriage said, the Eucharist is a celebration of unity (Editor’s note: celebration of unity and an essential part has a deep social meaning. Marriage is the that provides spiritual support to help The Catholic of the life of the Church. closest interpersonal relationship imagin- engaged and married couples keep God in Church is In his ministry as director of the arch- able by adults.” the center of their relationship. observing the diocesan Office of Family Ministries, Christian marriage connects life with “Married persons go their way together Year of the Bethuram often talks with couples about love, he said. “It embraces the fundamen- in faith,” Bethuram said. “A married cou- Eucharist. This article is part of a the vocation of marriage. The Office of tal need for togetherness, reconciliation, ple starts together in their search for God. Criterion series exploring the importance Family Ministries sponsors monthly faithfulness and living out God’s love in Together they try to follow Christ, of the Eucharist in all facets of the life of Pre Cana Programs at Our Lady of Fatima everyday life.” together they share their ideas, together the archdiocese.) Retreat House in Indianapolis to help In Pope John Paul II’s 2004 apostolic they pray, together they are sent into the engaged couples prepare for the sacrament letter “Mane nobiscum Domine” (“Stay world, which is a basic element for “And the two shall become one flesh” of marriage. With Us Lord”), Bethuram said, the Holy See MARRIAGE, page 2 (Gn 2:24). “When describing marriage, the Book Father “calls upon the Church, particularly This Scripture passage from the Book of says that a man shall leave his during the Year of the Eucharist, to study See Spring Marriage of Genesis is frequently included in the father and mother and join with his wife,” and grasp the spiritual significance of the Supplement, page 9 Liturgy of the Word at nuptial Masses, Bethuram said. “Then the two shall Eucharist.” Bishops and Vatican to CNS photo from Reuters review abuse norms soon VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Two years after adopting special norms for dealing with priestly sex abusers, U.S. bishops and Vatican officials plan to meet early this month to review how the new policies have worked and to consider possible revisions. Vatican officials described the meeting as a simple consultation. They said the talks are expected to be positive, reflect- ing progress made since the first major U.S.-Vatican meetings on sex abuse in 2002. “The climate has matured. The norms have been in place for two years, and a lot of cases have been handled. On all sides, there is recognition that much has been Men and women line up separately at a polling station in Basra in southern Iraq on Jan. 30. The country held its first free elections in a half-century. accomplished,” said one Vatican official. Iraqi Catholic leaders praised the turnout of voters despite fears of attacks, and they said they were optimistic that the democratic process will The “Essential Norms” laid out a strict benefit the country. policy on priestly sex abuse, providing for removal from ministry or laicization of priests who have sexually abused minors. Iraqi Church officials laud country’s election The Vatican approved the norms on an experimental basis for a two-year period ROME (CNS)—Every Iraqi who representative of the Chaldean-rite Even if polling in some places proved beginning in March 2003; new Vatican cast a vote on Jan. 30 amid continued Baghdad Patriarchate. less than perfect, “the most important approval, called a recognitio, would pre- chaos and violence showed that The greater-than-expected voter turnout thing is that the people went; they went sumably have to be given again this year, democracy will win over terrorism, is “a positive sign” as it marks a turning despite the violence, the fear and terror- whether or not revisions are made. said a top Iraqi Church official. point in Iraq’s future, he said. ism,” he said. Some Vatican sources said they do not “This is a big lesson to terrorism, a “It shows the whole world how edu- Millions of Iraqis cast their votes on expect major changes to the norms. They great message that says we are not cated the Iraqi people are and that we are Jan. 30 in the country’s first democratic pointed to improved coordination on sex afraid” of terrorists and “we will capable of reaching freedom and democ- election in decades. They voted for a See NORMS, page 7 rebuild our country,” said Father racy,” the Iraqi-born priest told Catholic 275-member transitional National Philip Najim, the Rome-based News Service on Jan. 31. See IRAQ, page 20 State legislature is working on tax credits and medical benefits for low-income families By Brigid Curtis Ayer and Rep. John Day, D-Indianapolis. Sen. Vi Simpson, D-Bloomington, are also The bill would provide qualifying Senate co-sponsors of the bill. The Indiana General Assembly is con- households with a tax credit, thus allow- The Earned Income Tax Credit began sidering several bills this year that would ing a wage-earner who heads a household as a federal program during the 1970s and help low- to retain more of his or her earnings by several states have created their own ver- income fami- lowering their tax liabilities. The bill sion of it. Indiana’s credit is 6 percent of lies lower passed out of the House Ways and Means the federal credit. their state Committee by a 22-0, bipartisan vote. Day, a member of Holy Cross Parish in taxes and The measure passed the full House in a Indianapolis, said Indiana’s state Earned provide med- 97-0 vote. Rep. Shelia Johnston Klinker, Income Tax Credit program was to expire ical benefits for them. D-Lafayette, and Rep. Cindy Noe, at the end of this year, but the bill cur- The Indiana Catholic Conference is R-Indianapolis, are also co-authors of the rently before the legislature would make tracking legislation such as the Earned bill. Sen. Ron Alting, R-Lafayette, is the the tax credit permanent. The state credit Income Tax Credit (EITC), House Bill Senate sponsor who will help move the benefits families or single persons earning 1083, a bipartisan effort authored by bill along in the Senate. Sen. Howard $33,000 or less a year. Rep. Michael B. Murphy, R-Indianapolis “Luke” Kenley, R-Noblesville, and See LEGISLATURE, page 8 Page 2 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005

Holy Spirit, which bonds and unites MARRIAGE spouses in the sacrament of marriage.” Tips for creating a healthy marriage continued from page 1 St. Vincent de Paul parishioners Dale and Monica Siefker of Bedford have Christian belief.” taught Natural Family Planning classes for By Mary Ann Wyand making time for one another. Set In a very real way, he said, marriage is six years to help married couples embrace aside time to go on dates and just about understanding how living faith God as the center of their marriage. “A Lifetime Together: Thoughts for talk with each other. together is a communion. The Siefkers welcome children in their Engaged Couples” and “Marriage, • Separate myths about marriage But with the challenges of daily life, marriage as gifts from God and feel After All These Years” are the topics from reality. Good marriages are life- even married couples who strive for unity blessed to have five children ranging in of two News Notes recently released long works in progress. and togetherness still need to be willing to age from 10 to 2. They are expecting a by The Christophers. “Marriage, After All These Years” turn to the sacrament of reconciliation for baby in May. The brochures offer valuable advice explains that successfully married the graces to sustain their relationship. Praying together and practicing Natural from married couples and marriage couples and those who are divorcing “Wherever people … live their life Family Planning have strengthened their counselors that are intended to help have the same number and kinds of together in such an intensive process as marriage, Dale Siefker said. NFP is an couples who are preparing for mar- arguments, but the difference is how marriage is,” he said, “there will necessar- expression of their love for God and for riage and couples who have been mar- they disagree about issues. ily be conflict, quarrels and confronta- children, and is the result of sharing ried for a number of years. The brochure suggests that cou- tion.” prayer and receiving the Eucharist as fre- Suggestions from the brochures ples accept the fact that some amount That’s why reconciliation is so impor- quently as possible. include these tips for a healthy mar- of arguing is inevitable, and that a tant in a couple’s relationship with each “There’s no substitute for the sacrament riage: husband and wife should be willing other and with God, Bethuram said, as of the Eucharist,” Siefker said during a • Keep God an integral part of mar- to ask for forgiveness and be willing they strive to start life anew, accept each recent telephone interview. “There’s no riage. Faith and prayer help couples pull to extend it as well. It explains that other and endure adversity. way that a marriage can really be fruitful through the struggles of married life. “fighting fairly” during an argument “It seems to me that reconciliation, without the sacrament of the Eucharist.” • Acknowledge that men and means never attacking your partner’s coming from the power of the Cross and Receiving the Eucharist is a visible women are different and that they character or committing any form of of the Resurrection, is one of the most way to invite Jesus into your marriage, he solve problems differently. Under- physical abuse. important focal points in marital spiritual- said, bringing Christ in both physically standing these distinctions helps cou- ity,” he said. “Marriage aims at lifelong and spiritually to support and nourish the ples resolve misunderstandings. (Both brochures are available free of fidelity, in which one partner accepts the marital union in the midst of the chal- • Communication is vital to a charge by writing to The other without ‘ifs’ or ‘buts.’ ” lenges of daily life. healthy relationship. Learning to listen Christophers at 12 E. 48th St., New In their pastoral letter “Follow the Way “He’s part of the marriage,” Siefker to your partner’s nonverbal and verbal York, NY 10017 or calling 888-298- of Love,” the U.S. bishops remind fami- said. “It’s a great privilege that is messages is essential to the process. 4050 or by e-mail at mail@christo- lies that, “To live faithfully in a marriage bestowed on us to be invited to the sacra- • Rediscover your partner by † requires humility, trust, compromise, com- ment of the Mass and the Eucharist, and munication and a sense of humor. It is a to nourish us that way, and to do that as a give-and-take experience, involving hurt family. Bringing Christ into your life as an central components of Christian marriage. She thinks that the high rate of and forgiveness, failure and . individual is one thing, but if you bring “I just don’t know how a marriage divorce is partly caused by unrealistic “The very same thing is true of fidelity Christ into your life as a whole family it can survive without God as the center,” expectations about marriage, but believes in other family relationships,” the bishops supports the basic fundamental unit of she said, “because he obviously provides that keeping God at the center of the mari- noted. “Your faithful love in a marriage civilization.” you with all the graces that you need for tal union brings graces to the relationship and family is tested by change. It can also The sacrament of reconciliation also is that sacrament. Without him, you can’t between a husband and wife. be strengthened and brought to maturity an important way to strengthen the bond do it. It’s humanly impossible.” “True love doesn’t feel good a lot of through change. The challenge is to between husband and wife and God, he She said the example that Christ gave times,” she said, “but what it will do is remain open to the Lord’s gracious, heal- said. “Every day, I fail to do what God has us in the Eucharist is a powerful sign of fulfill you and provide peace and joy ing presence and to see change as an asked me to do. Monica and I understand self-giving that helps married couples amidst the trials of life. I always say that opportunity for growth.” that we fail, and that we can go to God grow in love and fidelity through the it didn’t feel good for Christ to be on the The Year of the Eucharist is a reminder and ask for forgiveness. That helps you years. cross. When you receive the Eucharist, that “the Eucharist is that very gift that get up every day and try again, always “It’s so easy to get caught up in the Jesus comes in literally into your life and brings us to new life,” Bethuram said, striving for perfection. If you didn’t have feelings of love and what pleases me,” he is there in his self-sacrificing manner “and allows couples to open up to the God’s reconciliation and forgiveness, it she said, “and to become very self-cen- as total love. That enables you to become would probably be impossible to keep try- tered. In a marriage, you can’t have that. more like him.” ing again.” It’s the total outgiving and outpouring of The sacraments of the Eucharist and The sacraments of the Church bring self to the point where you give it all to reconciliation go hand in hand, she said. Lenten regulations hope to a couple’s married life, Siefker God and you give it all to your spouse. “You cannot have one without the other said. “The ultimate hope is to bring each That’s exactly what the Eucharist is—a because if you’re not receiving the Abstinence from meats is to be other to God’s kingdom, along with our total outpouring, a total gift, of self. Eucharist in a state of grace it does no observed by all Catholics 14 years old children, by loving and serving God and Jesus Christ on the altar is a reminder of good. Those graces are not going to get and older on Ash Wednesday and on each other. Helping each other to the king- what he did for us at Calvary and he through to you.” all Fridays of Lent. Ash Wednesday dom is, of course, one of the main pur- continues to do every day through the Pray for the gift of self-enlightenment, is Feb 9. poses of marriage—for a husband to help Mass.” she said, to see yourself as God sees you Fasting is to be observed on Ash the wife and the wife to help the husband To strengthen their relationship with and see yourself clearly and objectively. Wednesday by all Catholics who are to eternity, and to raise children and bring God and each other, the Siefkers recom- “Just pray for the Holy Spirit to give 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those them to eternity as well.” mend that engaged and married couples you that gift of self-enlightenment, to give who are bound by this may take only Natural Family Planning helps married attend Mass together as frequently as you the graces of making a good and holy one full meal. Two smaller meals are couples grow in love and fidelity, he said, possible, spend time in prayer together confession,” Monica Siefker said. “Those permitted if necessary to maintain by being open to God’s will for them all in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament are real practical ways to keep God in the strength according to one’s needs, but of the time. and receive the sacrament of reconcilia- center of your marriage … [and] practice eating solid foods between meals is “If you block out God’s will in the area tion on a regular basis. self-sacrificing love, not holding a single not permitted. of sexuality in your life,” he said, “which “When you spend time in front of the thing back—and that includes your fertil- The special Paschal fast and absti- is a very fundamental human thing—it’s Blessed Sacrament in adoration, praying ity—everything, giving it all to God, giv- nence are prescribed for Good Friday the way God gave us to procreate, to bring for your marriage,” Monica Siefker said, ing it all to your spouse. and encouraged for Holy Saturday. more souls into being to honor and serve “you receive insights that are just incred- “That’s what sets you free,” she said. By the threefold discipline of fast- God—and if you block God out of that ible into that deep love, that self-giving, “It’s a paradox. You would think that it ing, almsgiving and prayer the part of your marriage then I think it’s that sacrificial love of God, that allow would create a burden, but it’s amazing Church keeps Lent from Ash nearly impossible to have God in any part you to be able to do that in your mar- how ultimately that total self-sacrifice and Wednesday until the evening of of your marriage.” riage. Be honest with him and he will be giving of yourself, the giving of your will Holy Thursday. Holy Thursday is Monica Siefker said she frequently tells in the depths of your heart. Miracles and obedience to Christ’s teachings, sets March 24. couples that receiving the Eucharist and happen in front of the Blessed you free and gives you the peace that the being open to God’s gift of children are Sacrament.” world will never know.” †

The Criterion (ISSN 0574- 4350) is published weekly except the last week of December and the first 2/04/05 week of January. Phone Numbers: Staff: Moving? 1400 N. Meridian St. Main office: ...... 317-236-1570 Assistant Editor: Mary Ann Wyand Box 1717 Advertising ...... 317-236-1572 Reporter: Brandon A. Evans We’ll be there waiting if you give us two weeks’ Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717 Toll free:...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1570 Reporter: Sean Gallagher advance notice! 317-236-1570 Circulation: ...... 317-236-1425 Business Manager: Ron Massey 800-382-9836 ext. 1570 Toll free:...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1425 Accounting Clerk: Dana Danberry Name [email protected] Price: $22.00 per year 75 cents per copy Senior Account Executive: Barbara Brinkman New Address ______Periodical Postage Paid at Postmaster: Senior Account Executive: Loretta Hahn Williams Indianapolis, IN. Send address changes to The Criterion, Art Director: Ann Sternberg City ______Copyright © 2005 Criterion P.O. Box 1717, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Graphics Specialist: Dave Sechrist State/Zip ______Press, Inc. Graphics Specialist: Louie Stumpf World Wide Web Page: New Parish ______POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: E-mail: [email protected] Effective Date ______Criterion Press, Inc. Published weekly except the last week of December and the first week of January. Mailing Note: If you are receiving duplicate copies please send both labels. 1400 N. Meridian St. Address: 1400 N. Meridian Street, Box 1717, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717. Periodical Postage Box 1717 Paid at Indianapolis, IN. Copyright © 2005 Criterion Press, Inc. ISSN 0574-4350. The Criterion • P.O. Box 1717 • Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717 Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717. The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005 Page 3 Area pro-life supporters march to end abortion

By Mary Ann Wyand St. Christopher Parish in Indianapolis, and June Zeunik, a member of St. Malachy Thirty-two red roses filled the tiny Parish in Brownsburg, discussed their par- white casket on display in front of the ticipation in the 32nd annual March for stage in the Indiana War Memorial Life on Jan. 24 in Washington, D.C. Wyand MaryPhotos by Ann auditorium on Jan. 30 in downtown “The march was an amazing experi- Indianapolis. ence,” Kristin said, “and it is great to feel The roses represented 32 years of legal- like you are making a difference and ized abortion and solemnly commemorated spreading a good message.” the lives of more than 45 million unborn Kristin participated in the annual arch- babies who have died in abortion since the diocesan pro-life pilgrimage to the nation’s U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade and capital for the second time last month. Doe vs. Bolton decisions in 1973. “My faith in God and in the value of More than 300 pro-life supporters from human life gives me my strong pro-life a number of faith communities in central feelings,” she said. “Being pro-life is not Indiana were on hand to pray for an end to only about respecting the value of human abortion and hear Indiana Secretary of life, but also your own life because you State Todd Rokita and two Cardinal Ritter cannot respect others if you do not respect High School seniors speak out against the yourself. … Being pro-life has helped me killing of babies in the womb during all grow in my faith and confidence in nine months of pregnancy. myself.” The Memorial Service for the Unborn June reminded the pro-life supporters was sponsored by Right to Life of that one-third of her generation has been Indianapolis and concluded with a peace- silenced against their will by abortion. ful and prayerful pro-life march from the “Innocent babies are being denied their Indiana War Memorial to Monument right to life,” she said. “Murders are com- Circle and back to the auditorium. mitted daily without any way of punishing As the keynote speaker, Rokita thanked or stopping the acts from happening. Above, St. Lawrence parishioner the audience for leading the charge to pro- Some people claim it is a choice—a Tom Pottratz of Indianapolis, right, tect every life. choice that we should be able to decide leads a pro-life march on Jan. 30 in Last week in Washington, D.C., Rokita the worth or importance of another’s life.” Indianapolis. said, President Bush said “in the plainest Abortion is not a choice, June said. It is of terms, so that no one could misunder- a crime that must be stopped. stand, what we all know to be true is one “It is up to us to be the voices of the Left, roses fill an infant’s casket in of the foundational blocks of this country, unheard victims,” she said. “It is our memory of 45 million unborn but has been true of free society since the obligation to fight for the innocent. babies killed during 32 years of beginning of time, and that is that the Attending the March for Life reaffirmed legalized abortion in the U.S. strong have a duty to protect the weak. … my hope for change. It was awesome to We must continue to live out that duty [to see so many people from my generation Below, Holy Rosary parishioner Tim protect the innocent] as a strong people.” working together to make a difference in Johnson of Indianapolis helps his Cardinal Ritter High School seniors the world. … I will not stop fighting for 2-year-old daughter, Bethany, place Kristen Maled, who is a member of this until the goal is achieved.” † a rose in the casket during the memorial service.

Cardinal Ritter High School seniors June Zeunik, left, of St. Malachy Parish in Brownsburg, and Kristin Maled, a member of St. Christopher Parish in Indianapolis, join more than 300 pro-life supporters dur- Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House ing a pro-life march in downtown Indianapolis after they spoke at a Memorial Service for the Unborn on Jan. 30 at the Indiana War Memorial. Right to Life of Indianapolis sponsored the pro-life prayer service. “The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us” A Lenten Retreat for Women MORE THAN EIGHTY YEARS OF LOCAL SERVICE. PLUS Presented by Fr. Ben Hawley, SJ BENEFITS ONLY A NATIONAL NETWORK CAN PROVIDE. February 25-27, 2005 “As our companion, He comforts us in our need with His Good News—that we need not be afraid because He is always with us!” Cost of $145.00 includes program, materials, meals and accom- modations. Check-in begins at 6:30 p.m. on Friday and the retreat ends at 1:00 p.m. on Sunda y. Call with questions or to receive a registration form!

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House 5353 E. 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226 (317) 545-7681 [email protected] Service Beyond Expectation • Page 4 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005

OPINION Letters to the Editor More resources needed Saturday to console the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Bosler, Founding Editor, 1915 - 1994 for students with Mary Anne Grande, Greenfield Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein, O.S.B., Publisher William R. Bruns, Associate Publisher learning differences Greg A. Otolski, Editor John F. Fink, Editor Emeritus Once again, I’ve had to remove my son Mary’s message at from another Catholic school. He’s back in Fatima can’t be denied the Indianapolis Public Schools and doing We appear to have entered an age of quite well academically. He’s attended scandals. I write of one more. The worst, I Editorial three parochial schools and had a short think. I am calling your attention to how stint at a parent-taught private Catholic Catholics disrespect the Virgin Mary. school, along with a year of home school- Mary has asked everyone to pray the When they marry, hus- ing (using a program from a Catholic rosary every day for the conversion of sin- bands and wives estab- home school publisher). ners and (thus) to obtain peace for the lish a matrimonial My son is bright, funny and a very Catholic Courier world. This is not being done. covenant, a partnership compassionate young man. However, he Why not? How can priests, knowing between themselves, has some mild learning differences with what Mary has asked, refuse to help her, that by its very nature is math and language arts. refuse to organize rosary devotions every- ordered toward the I find it ironic, yet very sad, that the where on a grand scale, joyful ones, filled good of the spouses as Catholic community today is so motivated with hope for lasting peace? well as toward the pro- to promote the value of a Catholic educa- It isn’t because they don’t know. Mary’s creation and education tion in our youth, but cannot seem to pull message at Fatima is simple and of their children. together an academic program in at least a

CNS file photo by Karin von Voigtlander, Voigtlander, Karin von CNS file photo by irrefutable. It can’t be denied. It can only couple of the parish schools geared toward be ignored. And ignored it is. And sins children with disabilities or differences continue and wars continue just as she such as ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, high-func- said they would. tioning autism and a host of other chal- And Mary waits, waiting for our help. lenges. Fatima was a mother’s daring initiative. I’m sure many of the parents in our Shouldn’t we be ashamed? Isn’t it archdiocese are aware of this and deal with shameful not to help your mother when it on a daily basis. I think it’s time we rec- she asks you for help? ognize that not all of our children are going to conform to a “typical” style of Nihil Fitzpatrick, New Haven, Conn. learning and I would like to challenge the Marriage in God’s plan archdiocese to set up programs in at least Lies published in one parish school in each of the deaneries The Da Vinci Code to accommodate these children that learn a his week, as we offer you our as well as toward the procreation and little differently, a little slower or need a The Da Vinci Code is a book that has Tannual spring Marriage education of their children. Try as it little more help. lied about truth. This deception to the Supplement beginning on page 9, it’s might, secular society can find nothing Perhaps if we find a way to do this, we untrained is received as truth so that what impossible to pretend that marriage is a else that better serves those purposes. could truly show that charity does begin at is evil is called good. Sadder still is that thriving institution in this country. The That is why the Church insists that a home and no child should be denied a the lie from the book is being made into a number of couples who live together marriage covenant—between a baptized Catholic education because they learn dif- movie. How is it that so many Catholics without marriage, the divorce rate and man and woman free to contract mar- ferently that what the rest of the world remain silent as our sacred beliefs are the number of children born outside of riage, who freely express their con- considers “normal.” being violated? Is there no strong man to marriage, continue to skyrocket. The sent—cannot be dissolved once the Joy Wilson-Foster, Indianapolis stop the ransacking? concept of “marriage” between two marriage has been consummated Truth begets strength and the truth is people of the same sex is gaining ever through sexual intercourse. The consent Response: that the Blessed Virgin Mary is just that— wider acceptance. of the marriage partners to give and Catholic schools throughout the Arch- virgin. Mary’s virginity is perpetual. She Unfortunately, other than bemoan- receive each other is a bond sealed by diocese of Indianapolis are working to bore only one child, Jesus, who was con- ing these facts, there’s not too much God himself, and it cannot be broken. increase the quantity and quality of special ceived by the Holy Spirit. And she we can do about them. What we can Needless to say, our modern society education services that are available to remained a virgin during this mechanism do, though, is present a positive picture doesn’t accept God’s plan for mar- students. of generation. of marriage in God’s plan because we riage. “Being in love” seems to be the Through Project EXCEED, in the past Hence, by this catechesis, all people of are convinced that it offers men and only reason for getting married or three years more than 200 teachers have good will may hear the truth: Mary is the women the best chance at happiness in remaining married, and that leaves no been trained to assist students with special new Eve who God alone chose to give us their lives. room for marriage as a covenant or a needs, especially dyslexia, in the regular our salvation. And this is why we go The Church teaches us that God permanent bond. The strange thing is, classrooms. The expertise in our Catholic through Mary to go to Jesus. himself is the author of marriage. In as G. K. Chesterton once pointed out, schools continues to grow and develop at a Is there anyone who will write The Da Genesis, we read that, in marriage, “a couples who are deeply in love have a rapid pace. Vinci Code with truth? Is there anyone who man leaves his father and his mother natural inclination to bind themselves The Office of Catholic Education is not will call upon the motion picture industry and cleaves to his wife, and they by promises. aware of the specifics of this case, includ- to have a benefiting tribute to Mary accom- become one flesh” (Gn 2:24). Jesus However we might will it, though, ing the schools involved or the nature of plished now that it appears that The Da confirmed that when he said that hus- and as glorious as “being in love” is, it the child’s needs, but in the past few years Vinci Code will be made into a movie? band and wife “are no longer two, but cannot be the basis for lasting marriage. we have increased the schools’ capacity to Stephen A. Kappes, Indianapolis one flesh” (Mt 19:6). When passions fade, there must be deal with learning differences for the vast This means, in plain English, that more to marriage. Again, quoting C. S. majority of students. these two people are a single organism. Lewis, “Who could bear to live in that For additional information about the As C. S. Lewis wrote in Mere excitement for even five years? What training that teachers are receiving and Letters Policy Christianity, “The inventor of the would become of your work, your the progress being made, please contact Letters from readers are published in The human machine was telling us that its appetite, your sleep, your friendships?” the Office of Catholic Education. Criterion as part of the newspaper’s com- two halves, the male and the female, But, still quoting Lewis, ceasing to mitment to “the responsible exchange of were made to be combined together in be “in love” need not mean ceasing to Kathy Mears, associate director, schools, freely-held and expressed opinion among pairs, not simply on the sexual level, love. The second sense of love is more learning resources for the Archdiocese of the People of God” (Communio et Indianapolis Progressio, 116). but totally combined.” That is why, as than a feeling, as “being in love” is. Letters from readers are welcome and Jesus said, “Therefore, what God has “It’s a deep unity, maintained by the every effort will be made to include letters joined together, no human being must will and deliberately strengthened by The gift of Fatima from as many people and representing as separate” (Mt 19:7). habit; reinforced by [in Christian mar- many viewpoints as possible. Letters should We Catholics believe that Jesus riages] the grace which both parents The forgotten part of the Fatima be informed, relevant, well-expressed and raised the human institution of mar- ask, and receive, from God.” Message is the observance of the five first temperate in tone. They must reflect a basic riage to the dignity of one of the seven It should go without saying that Saturdays. sense of courtesy and respect. sacraments. By his presence at the marriage in God’s plan requires fidelity Our Lady promised Sister Lucia that The editors reserve the right to select the wedding at Cana, Jesus confirmed the of both spouses. Not only is this essen- she would assist at the hour of death with letters that will be published and to edit let- goodness of marriage and proclaimed tial to preserve the covenant, but, as the graces necessary for salvation for all ters from readers as necessary based on that from then on marriage would be the Catechism of the Catholic Church who would on the first Saturday of five space limitations, pastoral sensitivity and consecutive months confess, receive holy content (including spelling and grammar). an efficacious sign of his presence. says, “The deepest reason is found in In order to encourage opinions from a vari- Through this sacrament, spouses are the fidelity of God to his covenant, in Communion, say five decades of the holy rosary and meditate for 15 minutes on the ety of readers, frequent writers will ordinar- strengthened and consecrated for the that of Christ to his Church. Through ily be limited to one letter every three duties and the dignity of marriage. the sacrament of matrimony the mysteries of the holy rosary (meditation is months. Concise letters (usually less than When they marry, husbands and spouses are enabled to represent this in addition to the saying of the holy 300 words) are more likely to be printed. wives establish a matrimonial fidelity and witness to it” (#1647). rosary). Confession can be a week before Letters must be signed, but, for serious covenant, a partnership between them- Despite what modern society might or after the first Saturday. reasons, names may be withheld. selves, that by its very nature is teach, this is the meaning of marriage Isn’t this the greatest gift we could Send letters to “Letters to the Editor,” ordered toward the good of the spouses in God’s plan. receive? Also, we would be offering repa- The Criterion, P.O. Box 1717, Indianapolis, — John Fink ration for the blasphemies and ingratitude IN 46206-1717. of unrepentant sinners and for peace in the Readers with access to e-mail may send world. Please start this coming first letters to [email protected]. The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005 Page 5


SEEKING THE FACE OF THE LORD BUSCANDO LA CARA DEL SEÑOR Vocation of marriage reflects God’s unending love for all n January, the Church focused a spot- marriage as a sacrament, it is important to Church’s minister and two witnesses. the other intended partner is not open to light on the awesome vocations to review how much we need God’s help in Unique in the sacrament of marriage is the having the gift of children. Some marry Ipriesthood and consecrated life. This life. One need only reflect on his or her fact that the ministers of the sacrament are because of some sense of being forced or week, we turn the spotlight on the awe- own experience at almost any age to know the husband and wife themselves in the pressured into a wedding without truly full some vocation to married life. of our very real need to live with integrity presence of the Church’s minister. consent. Some are simply too immature to Indeed, marriage is a vocational com- and do the right thing in life. And one What are the gifts, the graces, received understand the implications of a valid mitment for life that is no less challenging need only look around to see how woe- in the sacrament? marriage. and no less graced than priesthood or reli- fully inadequate we are to find salvation if One can name three. 1) There is the Indeed, there are truly significant and gious life. It embodies the baptismal call left to our own devices. grace to perfect the couple’s love for each beautiful implications in the vocation of to holiness. The fabric of family life We not only need divine help, we need other and to strengthen the marriage bond. marriage. The lifelong faithful union of depends on the role of committed parents. visible signs of God’s grace. And so Christ 2) There is help to live the responsibilities husband and wife reflect God’s faithful As marriage goes, so goes family life. As gave us the seven sacraments to sustain us of married life. 3) There is help on the and unending love for our human family. family life goes, so goes society. on the path to salvation and eternal happi- journey of life. As a married couple establishes a faith- Maintaining the marriage vows in our ness in his kingdom. Jesus took the initia- What is required for valid reception of filled home, they are truly the domestic culture is every bit as challenging as tive to reach out to us through the ages, this sacrament? Church, the first cell of the Church. maintaining chastity in the celibate state and he did it through the sacraments of the There must be no prior existing mar- Parents provide the awesome care and or virginity. Chastity is not valued in our Church. riage. And each partner must be able and education, a lifegiving gift for their chil- secular culture. Far too often, neither is The sacrament of marriage is not some willing to give free consent to marriage for dren. They accept the awesome responsi- lifelong marital commitment. Leading “take it or leave it” ritual invented by the life. This latter requirement is more com- bility of providing for the religious instruc- public personalities eschew lifelong com- Church. It is a gift from Christ for individ- plex than it may seem on the surface—and tion that nourishes the faith of their chil- mitment, many ignore the institution of ual women and men, and it is also a gift for therein lays the phenomenon of too many dren. Parents are the first catechists, hand- marriage altogether. Children—ultimately family life in our society. Let’s review the weddings that are not, in fact, marriages. ing on the life of Christ to their children. society—are the losers. basic features of the sacrament of marriage. Some couples do not accept their commit- The vocation of married life is a beauti- Christ recognized the sacred beauty Because of its sacred importance, a ment as lifelong, but rather envision more ful and awesome gift with the unique and importance of marriage by his pres- Catholic marriage is usually celebrated of a “trial” marriage: If it doesn’t work, grace of God to live it confidently and ence—and the working of his first mira- within Mass, or if there is a non-Catholic there is always divorce. Sometimes one or generously. † cle—at the well-known marriage feast in partner, within a Liturgy of the Word. The Cana. He left for us in his Church the essential elements of marriage are 1) the sacrament of marriage, one of the seven free consent of the couple who promise to Archbishop Buechlein’s intention for vocations for Februar y sacraments instituted to give us the grace, live in an exclusive lifelong faithful com- Young Adults: That they may realize the importance of their presence in our parishes the help, we need on the challenging jour- mitment to each other with openness to the and have the generosity and courage to consider ser vice in the Church, especially as ney of life. gift of children from God and 2) the con- priests and religious. If we are to grasp the importance of sent is given in the presence of the La vocación del matrimonio refleja el amor infinito de Dios por todos nosotros n enero la Iglesia se concentró en Para captar la importancia del recibir hijos, y 2) el consentimiento se debido a que se sienten forzados o resaltar las extraordinarias matrimonio como sacramento, es otorga en la presencia de un ministro de la presionados a una boda sin otorgar Evocaciones al sacerdocio y a la vida importante examinar qué tanto necesitamos Iglesia y dos testigos. Un aspecto único del verdaderamente su consentimiento. consagrada. Esta semana nos dedicaremos de la ayuda de Dios en nuestras vidas. sacramento del matrimonio es el hecho de Algunos son simplemente muy inmaduros a resaltar la extraordinaria vocación a la Simplemente tenemos que reflexionar que los ministros del sacramento son el para entender las implicaciones de un vida en matrimonio. sobre nuestras propias experiencias a casi esposo y la esposa mismos, en presencia matrimonio válido. Ciertamente el matrimonio es un cualquier edad, para darnos cuenta de de un ministro de la Iglesia. De hecho, en la vocación del compromiso vocacional con la vida que no nuestra necesidad real de vivir con ¿Cuáles son las dádivas, las gracias, matrimonio existen implicaciones es menos desafiante ni menos agraciado integridad y hacer lo correcto en la vida. Y recibidas en el sacramento? hermosas y verdaderamente importantes. que el del sacerdocio o la vida religiosa. simplemente tenemos que observar a Podemos nombrar tres. 1) La gracia de La unión fiel de por vida de esposo y Representa el llamado bautismal a la nuestro alrededor para ver con tristeza lo perfeccionar el amor mutuo de la pareja y esposa refleja el amor leal e infinito de santidad. La tela de la vida familiar incapaces que somos para hallar la fortalecer el vínculo del matrimonio. 2) Dios por nuestra familia humana. depende del papel de los padres salvación, si estamos de nuestra cuenta. Ayuda para vivir las responsabilidades de Conforme una pareja de casados funda un comprometidos. Según se desenvuelve el No solamente necesitamos la asistencia la vida matrimonial. 3) Ayuda en la hogar impregnado de fe, se convierten matrimonio, así lo hará también la vida divina, necesitamos signos visibles de la travesía de la vida. realmente en la iglesia doméstica, la familiar. Según se desenvuelve el gracia de Dios. Y por ello Cristo nos dio ¿Qué se necesita para recibir primera célula de la Iglesia. matrimonio, así lo hará también la siete sacramentos para que nos sustenten válidamente este sacramento? Los padres brindan la extraordinaria sociedad. en el camino a la salvación y la felicidad No puede existir ningún matrimonio educación y los cuidados que serán un Mantener los votos del matrimonio en eterna en su reino. Jesús tomó la iniciativa anterior. Y cada una de las partes deberá regalo de por vida para sus hijos. Ellos nuestra cultura resulta tan desafiante como de llegar a nosotros por todos los tiempos y estar en capacidad y desear otorgar su libre aceptan la asombrosa responsabilidad de lo es mantener la castidad en la condición lo hizo a través de los sacramentos de la consentimiento al matrimonio de por vida. proporcionar la instrucción religiosa que del celibato o la virginidad. La castidad no Iglesia. Este último requisito es más complejo de nutre la fe en sus hijos. Los padres son los es valorada en nuestra cultura secular. Y El sacramento del matrimonio no es un lo que puede parecer inicialmente, y es primeros catequistas que transmiten la con gran frecuencia, tampoco lo es el ritual inventado por la Iglesia que puede aquí donde yace el fenómeno de la vida de Cristo a sus hijos. compromiso matrimonial. Destacadas “tomarse o dejarse”. Es un obsequio de existencia de muchas bodas que no son, de La vocación de la vida en matrimonio personalidades públicas esquivan el Cristo para los hombres y las mujeres, y es hecho, matrimonios. Algunas parejas no es una dádiva hermosa y extraordinaria compromiso de por vida; muchos ignoran también un obsequio para la vida familiar reconocen su compromiso como algo para que cuenta con la singular gracia de Dios por completo la institución del matrimonio. en nuestra sociedad. Repasemos los toda la vida, en su lugar, lo ven como un para vivirla con confianza y Los niños, y en definitiva la sociedad, son principios básicos del sacramento del matrimonio “de prueba”: si no funciona, generosamente. † los perdedores. matrimonio. siempre está la opción del divorcio. En Cristo reconoció la belleza sagrada y la Debido a su importancia sagrada, un ocasiones una de las partes no está abierta Traducido por: Language Training Center, importancia del matrimonio con su propia matrimonio católico por lo general se a la gracia de tener hijos. Algunos se casan Indianapolis presencia – y la realización de su primer celebra en una misa, o si una de las partes milagro - en las ampliamente conocidas no es católica, se realiza la Lectura de la bodas de Caná. Nos dejó en su Iglesia el Palabra. Los elementos esenciales del La intención del Arzobispo Buechlein para vocaciones en febrero sacramento del matrimonio, uno de los siete matrimonio son: 1) El libre consentimiento Adultos jóvenes: que se den cuenta de la importancia de su presencia en nuestras sacramentos instituidos para brindarnos la de la pareja que promete vivir el uno con el parroquias y tengan la generosidad y el valor de considerar el ser vicio en la iglesia, gracia, la ayuda que necesitamos en la otro en un compromiso exclusivo y leal de especialmente como sacerdotes y religiosos. desafiante travesía de la vida. por vida, abiertos a la gracia de Dios de Page 6 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005

Check It Out . . .

The Liturgical Music Commission of the Archdiocese of presentation. Kelly will speak on how to become the “best Road 46 W., in Batesville. The event will feature music, pre- Indianapolis and the Indianapolis Chapter of the National version of yourself.” The cost is $10 per person. An R.S.V.P. sentations, Mass and prayer. The speakers will be Johnnette Pastoral Musicians are hosting a Lenten Retreat for is required by Feb. 11. For more information or to make a Benkovic, founder and president of Living His Life Pastoral Musicians on Feb. 11-12 at Our Lady of Fatima reservation, call Stan Schenher at 317-842-6917 or e-mail Abundantly International, Inc., a Catholic evangelization Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., in Indianapolis. The retreat [email protected]. apostolate; Father Gregory Bramlage, pastor of four parishes will be presented by Benedictine Father Noah Casey and in the Batesville Deanery; and J. Brennan Mullaney, a will be filled with prayer, music and time for reflection. Scott Hahn, author and professor of biblical theology at Christian counselor. The suggested registration donation is Overnight accommodations are $80 for a single room and the Franciscan University of Steubenville, is presenting a $19 per person; there is no charge for priests or religious. $65 for double occupancy. Commuters are also welcome conference titled “Growing in the Faith in this Season of For more information, call 812-933-0730. and the cost is $35. For more information, call the Office of Lent” at 10 a.m. on Feb. 26 at St. Simon the Apostle Parish, Worship at 236-1483 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1483, or e-mail 8155 Oaklandon Road, in Indianapolis. The day will begin A workshop on “Forming a Sacramental Life for [email protected]. with a Mass, and will be followed by three sessions: “The Service in the Church: The Sacraments of Healing and Lamb’s Supper,” “Hail Holy Queen” and “Swear to God.” Vocation” will be offered by Saint Meinrad School of Holy Rosary Parish, 520 Stevens St., in Indianapolis, is Registration is not required, but is requested. There is no Theology from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Feb. 16 and 23 and hosting a Morning of Recollection for priests, religious cost for the event. For more information, call the parish at March 2 at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 5333 E. Washing- and consecrated persons at 9:30 a.m. on March 3 in Priori 317-826-6000. ton St., in Indianapolis. The courses, presented by Sherie Hall (basement). Father Thomas Dubay, an author and Berg, will consider the sacraments of penance and reconcili- retreat master, will lead the morning with his reflections. A Jesuit Father Benjamin Hawley, president of Brebeuf ation, anointing, marriage and holy orders. Anyone involved catered lunch by Iaria’s Italian Restaurant will follow at Jesuit Preparatory School in Indianapolis, will present a with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) or noon. There is no charge. Adoration of the Blessed Sacra- series of three lectures titled “Lent is the Church’s Spring” other sacramental preparation programs will benefit from ment will take place in the church before, during and after at 7 p.m. on Feb. 10 and 24 and March 10 at the Carmelite attending. The cost is $60; less for seniors. For more infor- the morning of reflection. Reservations are required by 4 Monastery, 2500 Cold Spring Road, in Indianapolis. The mation or to register, call the Indianapolis Office of Saint p.m. on March 2. For more information, call the parish at series will offer reflections on the stories and parables from Meinrad School of Theology at 317-955-6451 or e-mail 317-636-4478. Luke’s Gospel and time for silence to listen to the Lord. For [email protected]. more information, call the monastery at 317-926-5425. The Indianapolis Civic Theatre at Marian College, 3200 There will be a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Week- Cold Spring Road, in Indianapolis, is presenting “Smokey “Healing Through the Power of Jesus Christ,” a end for married couples on Feb. 25-27 in Indianapolis. The Joe’s Café” from now until Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. on Thursdays, Catholic Conference, will be held from 8:15 a.m. to weekend will be a chance for spouses to reconnect, focus on 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. on Sundays. 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 19 at Batesville High School, 24065 State their relationship and think about how God has blessed them The 1996 Grammy Award-winning musical revue captures with the sacrament of marriage. For more information or for the music of Leiber and Stoller from the late 50s and early registration materials, call Steve and Judi Willem at 317- 60s. Tickets cost between $20 and $28 per person. For more 576-9785 or e-mail [email protected]. † information, call 317-923-4597. Submitted photo Lumen Dei, a Catholic networking group for business U.S. Conference of people, is hosting Matthew Kelly, an internationally known Catholic speaker, at its next meeting on Feb. 16 at Holy Catholic Bishops’ Office Rosary Parish, 520 Stevens St., in Indianapolis. A Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 a.m., followed by breakfast and the for Film and Broadcasting movie ratings

Alone in the Dark (Lions Gate)

Submitted photo Rated O (Morally Offensive) because of excessive gratuitous violence and gore, a suicide, an implied sex- ual encounter, as well as much rough and crude lan- guage and profanity. Rated R (Restricted) by the Motion Picture Associa- tion of America (MPAA).

Because of Winn Dixie (20th Century Fox) Rated A-I (General Patronage). Student ad campaign Rated PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) by the MPAA. Toni Schultz, an art teacher at Seton Catholic High School in Richmond, left, and Kelsie Rheinhardt, a senior at the school, Constantine (Warner Bros.) stand with an advertising campaign for the school that Kelsie Rated L (Limited Adult Audience) because of graphic designed and that was chosen to be featured on local bill- violence with attendant gore, some rough and crude boards, coffee mugs, book bags and brochures. Her submis- President for a day language, and some sacrilegious imagery. sion won over the submissions of other students at the school. Kayla Long, a seventh-grade student at St. Roch School in Indian- Rated R (Restricted) by the MPAA. apolis, gets her wish to sit in the chair of University of Notre Dame President, Holy Cross Father Edward “Monk” Malloy, during Hide and Seek (20th Century Fox) a trip the seventh-grade students took to the campus. Father Rated A-III (Adults) because of recurring violence, Malloy, who is standing behind Kayla, talked to the students including a graphic suicide and several murders, as about the highlights of his presidency, his travels and his well as intense scenes of menace involving a minor. upcoming retirement. Rated R (Restricted) by the MPAA.

For more ratings for movies reviewed beginning in January 2005, consult The Criterion Online Edition by logging on to and clicking on “Movie Reviews” on the left-hand column. † do you ROBBIE WILLIAMS know REALTOR®, CRS, GRI, LTG Member Multi-Million Dollar Club Relocation Specialist

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definition of sexual abuse in the norms is ambiguous and drafted, Pope John Paul II gave the doctrinal congregation NORMS should be refined, based on the experience of cases han- special faculties to expedite the trial and possible laiciza- continued from page 1 dled over the last two years. tion of priests who have sexually abused minors anywhere One Vatican source said he expected the commission to in the world. In certain “grave and clear cases,” the doctri- abuse cases over the last two years between U.S. bishops give considerable attention to the broader pastoral conse- nal congregation can now dismiss the priest from the and the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the quences of the norms and charter. For one thing, some priesthood by decree, without a formal Church trial. Faith, which was given special competence over such Vatican officials have been uncomfortable with the promi- Some at the Vatican, therefore, question whether a par- offenses. nent role of the National Review Board over the last two ticular law for U.S. sex abuse cases is still needed, or Other Vatican officials, however, said they anticipated years and want to make sure it is understood as a consul- whether the Church’s universal law now has all the tools a re-airing of earlier objections to some elements of the tative body, not an oversight agency. to deal just as effectively with these cases. norms and the U.S. bishops’ “Charter for the Protection of An overriding issue is how the particular Church law in The dominant expectation at the Vatican, however, Children and Young People”—including the basic issue of the United States—the “Essential Norms”—might better seems to be that the U.S. norms will be discussed at the “zero tolerance” for offending priests and their removal be reconciled with the Church’s universal law. Here, too, Vatican, perhaps tweaked a bit, discussed further by from ministry after a single act of sexual abuse. there is a wide spectrum of thought at the Vatican. Some U.S. bishops and, in the end, receive another recognitio Still others at the Vatican thought the talks would touch would argue that the U.S. norms infringe on some of the from the Vatican. on wider ecclesial issues raised by the new U.S. sex abuse rights afforded accused priests under universal Church The last time this happened, Church leaders had to policies, such as the role of the National Review Board, law. fight a media perception of “winners” and “losers” at audits of diocesan compliance and even the question of But others say the interesting thing about the last two every step of the consultation process. This time around, diocesan bankruptcies. years is that U.S. dioceses, working under the “Essential Vatican sources said, one goal will be to show a unified “The only sure thing is that it will be a very interesting Norms,” and the Vatican’s doctrinal congregation, work- front to the world, emphasizing the substantial areas of discussion,” said one Church official. ing under universal law, have been able to operate agreement shared by the bishops and Vatican officials The participants were expected to include most of the together harmoniously in processing the cases. when it comes to sexual abuse and downplaying any U.S. bishops and Vatican officials on the mixed commis- One reason is that, shortly after the U.S. norms were differences. † sion that ironed out language of the norms in October 2002. They include Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago; Archbishop William J. Levada of San Francisco; Bishop Thomas G. Doran of Rockford, Ill.; and Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Conn. Archbishop Harry J. Flynn of Minneapolis-St. Paul, the head of the bishops’ Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse, was also expected to join the talks, sources said. The Vatican members were expected to include Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, prefect of the Congregation for Clergy; Cardinal Julian Herranz, presi- dent of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts; Archbishop Angelo Amato, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; and Archbishop Francesco Monterisi, secretary of the Congregation for Bishops. A representative from the con- gregation that deals with religious orders also may attend. The norms, which were approved as a particular law for U.S. dioceses, provide the legislative underpinning to make the new sex abuse policies legally binding on dioce- ses throughout the country. Some at the Vatican felt U.S. bishops were acting under tremendous public pressure when they drafted the norms in 2002, and that the strict measures adopted did not sufficiently protect the rights of accused priests. That issue may resurface at the February meeting. “Some of these canonical difficulties have been resolved in practice, so these initial fears may have been allayed. But I think there are still some underlying issues that will probably be fair game in the discussion,” said one Vatican source. Some canon lawyers believe, for example, that the very CNS photo by Bob Roller CNS photo by

Peaceful snow Snow falls around a statue of Christ as the Good Shepherd outside Jesus the Good Shepherd Church in Dunkirk, Md., on Jan. 30. Page 8 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005

Day said many people do not take vices as a possible area to cut to get the mismanagement and waste,” said Lehe. LEGISLATURE advantage of the credit because they are state back on its feet fiscally. While “HB 1001 [the state’s budget bill] men- continued from page 1 unaware it is available. Gov. Mitch Daniels expects to make tions Medicaid, but it does not necessarily To apply or learn more about Indiana’s changes in services, which benefits will be mean there will be cuts. I think the pur- “Families with children benefit the Earned Income Tax Credit, call the changed is unclear. pose is to slow down growth in costs for a most from this proposal,” Day said. “The Indiana Department of Revenue Taxpayer “The Medicaid cuts which will likely while until the state budget can be bal- lower the [family] income the higher the Services at 317-232-2240 and press option be spelled out in the state’s budget bill, anced.” tax rebates.” 5. For more information on the Federal HB 1001, are unclear at this point,” said To learn more about the positions of For example, Day said a single mother Earned Income Tax Credit, call the IRS Day. the Church on a particular issue or public with two children making $15,000 annu- hotline at 800-829-1040 or check out the “I don’t think we can make an across- policy matter, check out the Indiana ally would be eligible for a $236 state tax IRS website at the-board generalization of which services Catholic Conference’s web page for pol- credit in addition to a federal tax credit of Another issue of concern to Hoosier can be cut, but need to look at it on a icy statements and position papers at nearly $4,000. families and children that the Indiana case-by-case basis before we make any “I appreciate Rep. Mike Murphy’s Catholic Conference is watching are pos- cuts,” Day said. “In areas where there is The ICC web page has links to the leadership role on this important issue, sible changes in benefits to Medicaid wide agreement that the program is suc- United States Catholic Conference, other which will bring tax relief to over recipients. Medicaid acts as a safety net cessful and where there are waiting lists, state Catholic conferences and the Indiana 400,000 moderate- and low-income work- providing health and medical benefits to we ought not to cut.” General Assembly among other important ing families in Indiana,” said Day. “It low income families, the elderly and the Rep. Don Lehe, R-Lafayette, a parish- links to interested Catholics. brings a greater amount of fairness to the disabled. ioner at St. Ann Parish in Lafayette, Ind., To become part of the Indiana Catholic tax code. It rewards working families.” In a public forum at the Statehouse on said, “There are several bills this session Conference’s action network, (The I-CAN Day said he would like to see Indiana’s Jan. 25, legislators heard testimony from which are important to make state govern- Network) e-mail the ICC directly at earned income credit raised from 6 per- families who may be affected by possible ment, more efficient and responsive to [email protected] for more information. cent to at least 8 percent and as much as benefit changes in the future. The state’s citizens’ needs. 10 percent of the federal credit if the state Medicaid program is being eyed along “Some of this legislation will also (Brigid Curtis Ayer is a correspondent for revenue forecast improves. with many other state programs and ser- eliminate some of the problems of past The Criterion.) † Death penalty opponents strategize ways of limiting its application

WASHINGTON (CNS)—Opponents of mental illness. executed, when they made very little effort the death penalty recognize they’re fighting While both retardation and mental ill- to treat them before they committed a a battle on many fronts, rejoicing in piece- ness can lead to similarly impaired judg- crime,” Honberg said. meal victories such as a state’s decision to ment, Slobogin explained, there are signif- Only Connecticut currently prohibits the

impose a moratorium on executions while icant differences in how the two are mea- Karen Callaway CNS photo by death penalty for people who are signifi- the fairness of capital punishment is sured, treated and viewed by society. cantly mentally impaired. Coincidentally, it reviewed. For instance, it is possible to set an was a capital case from Connecticut that They’re waiting to see how the Supreme arbitrary number as the point where some- gave the Supreme Court a recent chance to Court rules in a case currently being one is considered retarded. Quantifying weigh in on whether mental illness should reviewed over whether it should be possible the degree of someone’s mental illness is prevent an execution. to impose capital punishment for crimes more difficult. But in a 5-4 vote, the court on Jan. 27 committed by juveniles. In Kansas and New A law could, for instance, rely on clas- rejected a stay of execution for Michael York, they’re trying to convince legislators sifications for types of mental illness used Ross that was based on the grounds that he to let their death penalty laws wither away, by psychiatrists and other medical profes- was mentally ill. He had confessed to mur- rather than fix technical problems that led sionals, but such illnesses fluctuate, Erin McAdams, a student at St. Joseph High dering eight women, but had fired his both states’ supreme courts to overturn the Slobogin said. To meet the standards of a School in South Bend, Ind., prays with other lawyers and stopped his own appeals. His laws last year. law, the issue then becomes whether anti-death penalty advocates at an evening vigil father and a Connecticut Church group had Andy Rivas, who follows death penalty- someone was sufficiently incapacitated by in June 2004 outside the Indiana State Prison in sought to stop his execution, arguing in part related issues for the U.S. Conference of a disorder at the time a crime was com- Michigan City. Joseph Trueblood was executed that he was not competent to make that Catholic Bishops, said Catholic organiza- mitted. in the early morning hours of June 13. decision. It was likely Ross’s execution tions around the country are working on And jurors tend to consider mentally ill Opponents of the death penalty are fighting the would take place before Feb. 1. new statewide moratoriums, fighting to people more dangerous than those who battle on many fronts. Richard Dieter, executive director of the keep states without the death penalty from are retarded. Death Penalty Information Center, said he adopting new laws allowing it and pushing He cited polls showing that the most of treatment escalates to the point where a had thought it unlikely the Supreme Court for a ban on juvenile executions. feared offenders in capital cases were mentally ill person truly becomes dangerous would block Ross’s execution. Others, such as an American Bar “madmen.” to others. “Eleventh-hour cases don’t tend to be Association committee, are laying the “People with mental illness are much He gave the example of Russell Weston, used for deciding major issues,” Dieter told groundwork for longer-term approaches, more likely to receive the death penalty who killed two police officers in the Catholic News Service, adding that the jus- including trying to figure out how to word a than others,” he said. U.S. Capitol in 1998. Weston had been tices also wait to consider changing the law that would exempt mentally ill people Ronald Honberg, director of legal diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic direction of national law until there’s a clear from the death penalty. affairs for the National Alliance for the decades earlier. Although he periodically shift in public attitude working its way up. At a Jan. 26 symposium at The Mentally Ill, said the U.S. prison system received treatment that improved his ability By the time the court took Atkins vs. Catholic University of America’s has become the principal place where peo- to function normally, he did not stay on the Virginia, 18 of the 38 states with capital Columbus School of Law in Washington, ple who are mentally ill are treated. drugs he was prescribed and his family was punishment had already changed their laws Christopher Slobogin, a University of A 2003 Human Rights Watch report unsuccessful in having him involuntarily to prohibit executions of people who are Florida professor of law and psychiatry, found that there are three times more committed to an institution. mentally retarded. That case also came to described the work of an ABA task force mentally ill people in prisons than in men- Weston has not yet been brought to trial, the court in the course of normal appeals, exploring possible legislation to establish tal health hospitals. The American but the federal government obtained a court not at the last minute. mental illness as a reason to be exempted Psychiatric Association reported in 2000 order to have him medicated against his Dieter said he was unaware of any effort from capital punishment. that as many as one in five prisoners was wishes, hoping to improve his mental yet to change other state laws about mental Since the Supreme Court said in its seriously mentally ill. capacity to the point where he may be put illness and capital punishment. As states 2002 decision in Atkins vs. Virginia that it Honberg said most of those prisoners got on trial. Honberg said prosecutors intend to adjust their laws to accommodate the Atkins is unconstitutional to execute mentally there after nonviolent crimes or “behavior seek the death penalty if the case goes to ruling, though, they may come close. retarded people, the ruling has been used that attracted the attention of police” and trial. What is a “mental deficiency?” he asked. as a framework for possible legislation to resulted from simply not getting the proper Governments “go to great lengths to Some interpretations might be broad ban executions of people with severe treatment for their illness. Sometimes lack make sure someone is competent to be enough to include mental illness, he said. †

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Photos by DeFabis Photography

Molly Ruth Field and Matthew Winston Lennon Fowler were married on Sept. 11, 2004, at St. Agnes Church in Nashville. Father Eric Johnson, associate pastor of St. Pius X Parish in Indianapolis, celebrated the nuptial Mass. The bride is the daughter of Alan and Mar y Field of Indianapolis. The groom is the son of Thomas Fowler of Whiteland and Kyle and Jo Fulton of Whiteland. Page 10 Marriage Supplement The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005

Janeczek. The groom is the son Wedding of John and Beverly Jones. Announcements

Johnson-Frossard Michelle Selby Johnson and Jonathon Todd Frossard will be married on May 28 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in New Albany. The bride is the daughter of Phillip and Theresa Johnson. The groom is the son of John Frossard and Brenda Bush-Jasheway Conner-Heneghan Dearinger-Sherman Jackson-Branciforte Frossard. Julie Kaye Bush and Philip A. Corrie A. Conner and Michael Kari Marie Dearinger and Adam Shannon Murphy Jackson and Jasheway will be married on S. Heneghan will be married on Joseph Sherman will be married Jaden Anthony Branciforte will May 14 at the Christian May 21 at St. Joan of Arc on June 25 at St. Roch Church in be married on June 4 at Reformed Church in St. Joseph, Church in Indianapolis. The Indianapolis. The bride is the St. Lawrence Church in Indian- Mich. The bride is the daughter bride is the daughter of Bruce daughter of Ken and Margaret apolis. The bride is the daughter of James and Lois Bush. The and Jeanne Conner. The groom Dearinger. The groom is the son of of Ray and Cathy Jackson. The groom is the son of Fred and is the son of Connie Heneghan Joe Sherman and Connie Sherman. groom is the son of Joel and Joyce Jasheway. and the late Jack Heneghan. Janet Branciforte. ❧ ❧ Butner-Ploughe Katherine Josephin Butner and Cooper-Green Anthony Joseph Ploughe will be Sarah Elizabeth Cooper and married on April 16 at St. John Adam Meade Green will be Laskowski-Teske the Evangelist Church in Indian- married on June 24 at St. Mary Kristin Marie Laskowski and apolis. The bride is the daughter Church in Navilleton. The bride David Leon Teske will be mar- of Jerry and Jeanette Butner. The is the daughter of Tracy and ried on April 30 at Prince of groom is the son of Gene and Judy Cooper. The groom is the Peace Church in Madison. The Theresa Ploughe. son of Jim and Valerie Green. bride is the daughter of Michael and Jean Laskowski. The groom is the son of Leon and Carolyn Gilmore-Groan Teske. Laura Ruth Gilmore and John Janeczek-Jones Dewain Groan will be married Anna Jadwiga Janeczek and on Aug. 27 at St. Mary Church in Brandon Edward Jones will be New Albany. The bride is the married on June 25 at daughter of Gary and Ruth St. Thomas More Church in Gilmore. The groom is the son of Mooresville. The bride is the John and Donna Groan. daughter of Larry and Jadwiga Tobit Weekend helps engaged couples grow in love Tobit Weekends are retreats how well you complement each Tobit Weekends are scheduled Chambers-Mitchell Cottrell-Spittler designed to help engaged couples other, ... discuss your strengths on April 8-10, April 22-24, Emily Chambers and Will Yvonne Lei Cottrell and make their Christian marriage a and weaknesses, and practice May 13-15, June 17-19, Mitchell will be married on Matthew Allan Spittler will be success. techniques of communication.” July 8-10, July 22-24, Sept. 16- May 7 at St. Monica Church in married on Feb. 5 at St. Joseph Mentor couples and a priest The brochure explains that the 18, Oct. 21-23 and Nov. 11-13. Indianapolis. The bride is the University Church in Terre conduct the marriage preparation weekend is “an investment in The fee of $270 per couple daughter of Jerry and Adrienne Haute. The bride is the daughter course at Our Lady of Fatima your relationship that takes you includes accommodations, meals Chambers. The groom is the son of Carl R. and Rita S. Cottrell. Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., away from the tensions and and programs. of Clyde Mitchell and Connie The groom is the son of in Indianapolis throughout the demands of daily life … . Time in Mitchell. Michael and Carol Spittler. year. this environment gives you a (For more information about the The Tobit brochure describes unique opportunity to grow in Tobit Weekend, call Our Lady of The Criterion’s Fall Marriage Supplement will be published on July 22, 2005. the retreat as “a sacred time, set your knowledge and love of one Fatima Retreat House at 317- aside for the two of you to explore another.” 545-7681.) † FARIS MAILING INCORPORATED Introducing Our Giant Mail Box To Handle The Growing Needs Of Your Business • Inkjet Addressing • Automatic inserting • Laser Imaging • List maintenance • Premium fulfillment • Mailing consultants • Digital Variable Printing • Printing Service • Electronic Imaging Analysis of mailing requirements 317-246-3315 5517 W. Minnesota St., Indianapolis The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005 Marriage Supplement Page 11


groom is the son of Gus and Church in Indianapolis. The bride Indianapolis. The bride is the Theresa Koch. is the daughter of Robert and daughter of Vance Walker and ❧ Mary Roeder. The groom is the the late Sharon Walker. The son of Thomas and Beverly groom is the son of Robert L. Parker-Gratner Holquist. Huser and Debra Bechtel. Miranda P. Parker and James Gratner will be married on May 21 at St. Joseph Church in Rensselaer, Ind. The bride is the daughter of Rusty and Martha Parker. The groom is the son of Robert and Peggy Gratner. Lilly-Franklin Tucker-Sullivan Amy M. Lilly and Corey L. Margaret Anne Tucker and Brian Franklin will be married on Patrick Sullivan will be married June 11 at Holy Family Church on July 2 at St. Rose of Lima in New Albany. The bride is the Church in Franklin. The bride is daughter of Eugene and Evelyn the daughter of Harold and Lilly. The groom is the son of Patricia Tucker. The groom is the Williams-Cagle Spencer-Cottrell son of Patrick Sullivan and Mark and Patty Franklin. Lee Ann Spencer and Carl R. Michelle Leann Williams and Beverely Fitzner. Cottrell II will be married on Jakob B. Cagle will be married May 14 at St. Joseph University on June 11 at Mary, Queen of Church in Terre Haute. The bride Peace Church in Danville. The is the daughter of Jack M. bride is the daughter of Jack and Spencer II and Carolyn Maupin. Margie Williams. The groom is Peters-McCullers The groom is the son of Carl R. the son of Phil and Amy Cagle. Shelby Marie Peters and Paul and Rita S. Cottrell. Timothy McCullers will be mar- ried on May 28 at St. Mary Church in Greensburg. The bride is the daughter of Charles and Carol Kramer and Duane Peters. The groom is the son of Tim and Mazza-Jansen Karen McCullers. Beth Ann Mazza and James Vincent-Collett Jansen will be married on Tonya Marie Vincent and David Aug. 12 at St. Roch Church in Collett were married on Nov. 6 at Indianapolis. The bride is the Luke Church in Indianapolis. The daughter of Charles and Dee bride is the daughter of David Mazza. The groom is the son of and Sandi Jackson. The groom is Wohlhieter-Moore Ralph and Mary Jansen. the son of Joyce Collett and the Susan Marie Wohlhieter and Tobin-Kinnaman late Lee Collett. Jeffrey Dean Moore were mar- Amy Lynn Tobin and Kevin J. ried on Jan. 8 at St. Pius X Kinnaman will be married on ❧ Church in Indianapolis. The bride June 18 at Holy Cross Church in Walker-Huser is the daughter of Joseph and Indianapolis. The bride is the Andra B. Walker and Christopher Ann Wohlhieter. The groom is daughter of Jim and Lori Tobin. Huser will be married on Feb. 25 the son of Jack Moore and Betty The groom is the son of Michael at St. Pius X Church in Larison. † Pucci-Murphy Kinnaman and Janice Crisp. Deanna Lynn Pucci and Patrick Joseph Murphy were married on Archdiocese offers Pre Cana Program Jan. 29 at St. Joan of Arc Church in Indianapolis. The bride is the at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House daughter of Thomas and Kristine Archdiocesan Pre Cana “Communication Styles,” Pucci. The groom is the son of Conferences are scheduled on a “Christian Marriage” and Northam-Koch Robert and Penny Murphy. Sunday afternoon each month, “Natural Family Planning.” Kathleen O’Hearn Northam and ❧ except in December, at Our Lady The program is sponsored by Charles Alexander Koch will be of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. the archdiocesan Office of married on July 2 at St. Augus- Roeder-Holquist 56th St., in Indianapolis to help Family Ministries. tine Church in Jeffersonville. Gretchen Marie Roeder and engaged couples prepare for the The program fee of $30 per The bride is the daughter of Corey Damen Holquist will be sacrament of marriage. couple includes the workbook Stephen and Ann Northam. The married on April 9 at St. Monica “Volunteer couples, priests Perspectives on Marriage as and other professionals facilitate well as a light lunch. Tobin-Pliler the afternoon session by sharing Ann M. Tobin and Daniel Pliler their experience and knowledge (For more information about the were married on Oct. 9 at Holy of Christian marriage,” according Pre Cana Conference, call the Cross Church in Indianapolis. to the Pre Cana Program archdiocesan Office of Family The bride is the daughter of Jim brochure. Ministries at 317-236-1596 or and Lori Tobin. The groom is the Pre Cana presentations cover 800-382-9836, ext. 1596. The son of Terry and Della Pliler. “Family of Origin Theory,” program fee is nonrefundable.) † 3.00% Killybegs Earn 3.0% on your savings and over-funded checking accounts. INVESTMENT Planning objectively If you are earning less than 3.0%, consider the for your success MANAGEMENT Irish Shop Greek Catholic Union’s (GCU) SERVICES by SHERMAN & Now that you’re engaged... FLEXIBLE 1-YEAR ANNUITY ARMBRUSTER P.C. • Bridesmaid & Groomsmen Gifts • Charges • Your Rate Can Go Higher, But Will Never Pay Less Than 3.0%, ■ Registered Investment Advisor • Wedding Bands • Toasting Flutes Guaranteed For Life Of Contract Plan For ■ Personal Financial Planning • Interest Is Tax-Deferred Until Withdrawn Success. ■ Pension Plan Consultants • China & Crystal • Gift Registry • Minimum Investment Is Only $300 ... and so much more! • Backed By 110 Year Old Catholic Fraternal Organization With Over $500 Million In Assets • Avoids Probate 881-6670 Establish Your Call Now For Details! Financial Direction Today. Patrick A. Sherman, CPA Sorg-Moran Agency Martin J. Armbruster, CPA/PFS, CFP Insurance & Financial Services John D. Grant, CPA Mon–Fri NORA PLAZA 1711 North Shadeland Avenue Fax 887-5692 10-6 1300 E. 86th St. • Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN 46219 609 Treybourne Drive (bet. College Ave. & Westfield Blvd.) Suite A Saturday Jim Sorg 317-356-4396 Larry Moran Greenwood, Indiana 46142 e-mail: [email protected] 10-5 317-846-9449 Founder Toll Free 1-866-374-3921 Page 12 Marriage Supplement The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005 Eucharist helps married couples love, trust and r espect each other By Mary Ann Wyand their vocation of marriage by conferring the sacrament upon one another, he said. “The priest is the witness to that along When a husband and wife pray together and receive the with the best man and the maid of honor and the commu- Eucharist at Mass, Father Joseph Moriarty explained, they nity that gathers with them. Together, they celebrate that in Photo by Sean Gallagher Photo by are continuing to invite God into their marriage through the the context of the Eucharist. sacraments. “God has loved them individually and they have individ- And when they show love, trust and respect for each ual relationships with God,” he said, “and now they are ask- other every day, he said, they are placing God in the center ing for God’s promise, God’s blessing, God’s presence. of their marriage and living out their marital vocation as They’re asking for that sacrament, which has nourished members of the domestic Church. them individually, to nourish them together as a couple as In his ministries as director of the archdiocesan Office of they begin their marriage vocation.” Priestly and Religious Vocations and sacramental minister By focusing on the Eucharist, Father Moriarty said, of Good Shepherd Parish in Indianapolis, Father Moriarty married couples can faithfully work through the many par- likes to remind engaged couples that their marriage is a life- enting and other challenges that life brings their way. long vocation made possible by God. “The Eucharist is such a good example [for couples] Pope John Paul II reminds Catholics that, “Each because the Eucharist is a sacrifice, the Eucharist is an abid- Christian vocation comes from God and is God’s gift,” he ing presence of God and the Eucharist is a communion,” he said, whether that vocation is to the priesthood, religious said. “Those are three important things that are very present life, married life or single life. in any marriage, so when a couple attends Mass together, in He selected that quotation from the Holy Father’s 1992 the sacrifice of the Mass they can remember and recall that apostolic exhortation “Pastores Dabo Vobis” (“I Will Give they’re called to make sacrifices for one another.” You Shepherds”) as the theme for the 2005 religious voca- During the sacrament of marriage, he said, “the man and Paula and Alvin Lecher walk down the steps of St. Michael the tions poster featuring a photograph of Archbishop Daniel woman are saying, ‘I choose this person. I choose to make Archangel Church in Indianapolis after their wedding on July 24. M. Buechlein praying before the Blessed Sacrament and this person first in my life, to be the most important person portraits of the archdiocesan seminarians. in my earthly life. I’m going to honor them, respect them, All this is nourished in the communion of the Eucharist. Each person’s vocation is strengthened by reception of love them till death do us part.’ And that’s a sacrifice.” “As the marriage grows, like all sacraments connected to the Eucharist, he said, just as each person’s faith grows Sometimes a husband and wife have to surrender, to for- the Eucharist, the marriage is supposed to be efficacious, to stronger by receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. give, to offer up, to let go, Father Moriarty said, so there’s a overflow with God’s grace,” Father Moriarty said. “And, of “We know the Church proclaims that the Eucharist is the connection with the Eucharist as abiding Presence. course, the Eucharist is the sacrament which nourishes that. central sacrament of our faith,” he said. “… because so “When they come to Mass together and receive the It’s the presence of God, and it’s going to strengthen their many other sacraments are involved within the Eucharist. Eucharist,” he said, “it is going to be food for their journey. work of giving themselves to each other in the vocation of Connecting this to all vocations, those vocations are It’s going to strengthen them to give themselves again and marriage.” founded and nurtured in the Eucharist because, as we know again and again in their marriage and to be faithful. That It’s important for engaged couples to know that the through the Real Presence, we believe that the Eucharist is flows right into this notion of communion, commitment to nuptial Mass celebrates their love for each other in the God, is the body and blood, soul and divinity, of Jesus God and commitment to each other. The Eucharist deepens context of the Eucharist, he said. “We’re doing that in the Christ. And so rooted in that, Christian vocations grow and the roots of their faith. So the husband, in many senses, will context of God’s love for us, in giving us his Son, and so are nourished.” teach the wife and the wife will teach the husband about that needs to be the center [of the sacrament and the When a couple is married at a nuptial Mass, they begin God and about God’s love and about God’s forgiveness. vocation of marriage].” †

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Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House 5353 E. 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226 (317) 545-7681 [email protected] A supplement to Catholic newspapers published by Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017-1100. All contents are copyrighted © 2005 by Catholic News FaithAlive! Service. Every person is a unique myster y to others A friendship is basi- By Fr. Richard Rice, S.J. search of my clone yet once again. I truly will listen to you only if I truly cally a slow walk into a We are such a mystery to ourselves! want you to be other than I am, and to deep woods, and sur- Who has not had to ask: “Why did I explore with you the mystery of our rounding that woods is get so irritated at that?” or “Why did I mutuality and our differences. the immense forest turn at that corner and not follow my All the listening skills in the world will Wiechec Nancy CNS photo by that is our God. usual route?” or “Why did I laugh at not help if that attitude is not there. I Friendship requires that?” must have a listening heart that has room that we have a listen- Observe yourself carefully for an hour for you as you are. ing heart that has room and you will say or think or feel some- Then I will repeat back your words so for others as they are. thing surprising. That is what it is to be that I can hear them as you mean them When this happens, human. rather than as I interpret them. I will real conversation is Few have put it as succinctly as the question you on where your comments possible in which each psalmist when he prays: “It was you who lead so that I can know you better and person has much to created my inmost self, and put me just maybe help you know yourself better. learn and much to together in my mother’s womb; for all I will respond deeply and not just react share with others. these mysteries I thank you: for the won- quickly. der of myself, for the wonder of your When this happens, real conversation works” (Ps #139:13, 14). is possible in which we both have much A mystery, in its simplest meaning, is to learn and much to share. anything that human reason cannot com- A friendship is basically a slow walk prehend. A problem is anything that rea- into a deep woods, and surrounding that son can solve. woods is the immense forest that is our There is an exact rational formula for God. To realize that each of us is singu- the area of a circle: the square of the larly fashioned by our Creator—with a radius multiplied by pi. We humans love unique past, present and future, with exactness like that. Unfortunately, or for- unique desires and feelings, and with tunately, there is no formula for figuring unique noses and toes—is to marvel at out another human being or oneself. As the immense creativity of this One who such, there is no way to ensure control pours forth life in such remarkable variety over either. and prodigality. We are mysteries to be entered, not We esteem Bach, Picasso, Jane Austen problems to be solved. and William Faulkner for the number of We live in an age that so wants intel- their creative works. Who are they com- lectual clarity and the resulting control it pared to the very One who created them offers. Yet, the more we learn, whether of and all of us besides? the cosmos or of our grandmother, the Let us bow before the greatest more we realize how much we do not Mystery, and “let us praise our God from know. We are forced continually to genu- whom all blessings come.” flect before the mystery that is all of life. The epiphany of such a realization can (Jesuit Father Richard Rice is a spiritual be disarmingly simple. director at the Jesuit Retreat House in Nothing brings home the mystery of Oshkosh, Wis.) † the human person quite like a committed relationship, whether it is marriage or a close friendship. I say “committed” What does it take to really know ourselves? because there are times in every friend- ship when we are tempted to walk away. By Jean Sweeney don’t have to deal with differences, but to find what is underneath all the noise That is why couples make a commitment differences help people grow in maturity. of our life. And what is underneath may for “good times and bad, in sickness and What does it take to know ourselves? In relationships, impassioned exchanges be our real feelings—great grief, pro- in health.” • Trust—Some people grew up with bring awareness of what matters to each found longing and need, even our sin We know that we will be inclined to parents and siblings who basically loved person. We are forced to listen and hear and our love. leave in the bad times when we do not them unconditionally. Many others another person’s point of view or to We need trust, relationships, courage like what we are discovering about the weren’t so fortunate. To be free to know become aware of our own intolerance. and a willingness to slow down if we are other person and how different he or she ourselves fully in our failures as well as • Courage—People who mix with really to face truth. But we’ll find that we is from us. successes, we must be able to trust others others grow in self-knowledge. It takes are blessed and belong to God, as does There comes a time in every relation- around us not to hurt, shame or dismiss courage to admit we are not perfect. everyone, and we can joyfully proclaim, ship when I am disillusioned in the face us. Put yourself with people you trust and • Slowing down—The mind or the “God isn’t finished with me yet.” of what I thought was such great compati- with whom you are free to have ideas, day that is too busy keeps us from listen- bility. I painfully realize that I am I, and fears and hopes. ing to ourselves. When we go on vaca- (Jean Sweeney is a pastoral counselor at you insist on being you—and I have to • Relationships—Sometimes it is easier tion, we often find that we dream. When St. Charles Borromeo Parish in accept you as that or leave you and go in to avoid relationships because then we we sit in meditation with God, we begin Arlington, Va.) † Discussion Point Listening requires discipline This Week’s Question “People so often are thinking about what’s for supper, what they’ll do tomorrow. ... We need to focus on How can we improve our ability to listen to others— what the other person is saying.” (Nancy Ondecker, truly to hear what they say? Lewiston, Mich.)

“I think we have to put aside any of our precon- “Society has taught us to summarize, skim and take the high points. So society has to change. Listening ceived ideas on a subject and listen to what others skills should be taught in the home and reinforced at say. We have to be willing to understand and per- school.” (Dan Jones, Nampa, Idaho) haps to accept a new idea.” (Ray Finocchiaro, Lend Us Your Voice Wilmington, Del.) An upcoming edition asks: What do you do to bring “When someone starts talking, I just have to remind liturgical seasons—like Lent—to life at home? myself to repeat what they say in my head and tell To respond for possible publication, write to Faith myself to listen, listen, listen.” (Kara Kelly, South Alive! at 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. Bend, Ind.) 20017-1100. † CNS photo from Cleo Page 14 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005 Perspectives From the Editor Emeritus/John F. Fink Research for the Church/ Jesus in the Gospels: Wedding feast at Cana James D. Davidson A closer look at See John 2:1-11 guest” to a single man? But five additional at his mother’s request, thus encouraging guests? I’m not the first one to question Christians from that day hence to ask Mary U.S. abortions Is anyone not familiar with the wedding whether the fact that they ran out of wine to intercede for them with her son as she feast at Cana when Jesus performed his had anything to do with the arrival of the did at the marriage feast. It has been 32 years since the Supreme first miracle by chang- disciples. Surely, both Jesus and Mary knew that Court issued its landmark Roe vs. Wade ing water into wine? It was Mary, of course, who came to the things wouldn’t be the same after that. decision legalizing Has there ever been a rescue by telling Jesus, “They have no Cana, although larger than Nazareth, was abortion. Forever the more famous wedding wine.” When Jesus replied, in effect, “So still a small town and the news about what researcher, I have used feast? What can we say what?” Mary merely told the waiters, “Do Jesus did began to spread throughout the this anniversary to about this event in whatever he tells you.” These are the last area. It reached Nazareth, four miles away, learn more about the Jesus’ life that hasn’t words we hear Mary speak in the Bible. and probably Sepphoris, where King abortions that have been said before? How could there be any better? Herod’s capital was located, also about taken place in the U.S. Apparently, the mar- I probably should mention that John’s four miles away. We know from Luke’s since that fateful ruling ried couple were close Gospel has only two mentions of Mary—at Gospel that one of Jesus’ followers was on Jan. 22, 1973. friends, perhaps rela- Cana and at Jesus’ crucifixion. In both Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward, I began with five tives, of Jesus and his mother because instances, Jesus addressed his mother as Chusa. Perhaps she first heard about Jesus questions. First, how Jesus traveled about three days from where “woman,” which seems strange to our from his occasion. many abortions have been performed since he had been in order to get to the celebra- 21st-century ears. Apparently it was not This miracle was unlike any other mira- 1973? Second, is the number of abortions tion. It would have been the second part of back then. cle. Nowhere else in Scripture do we hear performed each year increasing, decreasing a Jewish wedding, after the espousal and at Jesus told Mary, “My hour has not yet about a miracle performed just to avoid a or not changing much at all? Third, is the the time that the bride would begin living come.” Later, Jesus’ “hour” meant the time social embarrassment. The greatest signifi- abortion rate increasing, decreasing or sta- with the groom. of his death, but that’s not appropriate here. cance, though, is the fact that Jesus did it at ble? Fourth, which American women are John’s Gospel says that Jesus and his Now it indicates that it wasn’t time to Mary’s suggestion, both of them knowing most likely to have an abortion? Finally, disciples were invited, but we have to won- demonstrate his power publicly. Never- that from then on he would belong to the which states have the highest and lowest der about the five disciples. Jesus had just theless, Mary proceeded anyway, obviously public. abortion rates? acquired them. Would the invitation have knowing that he would do what she And the effect upon his new disciples? I turned to several sources for answers, been the ancient equivalent of today’s “and wanted. Jesus then performed the miracle “His disciples began to believe in him.” † most notably the Statistical Abstracts of the United States. Statistical Abstracts reports data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Cornucopia/Cynthia Dewes Control and The Alan Guttmacher Institute, which gathers information from “hospitals, The sky is falling, the sky is falling? clinics and physicians identified as providers of abortion services.” The If I didn’t know better, I’d often think “Seinfeld.” the wind blades, which might lead to the 2004 edition of Statistical Abstracts con- the sky was falling. I mean, Chicken Little Speaking of politics, if that’s what we’re extinction of their species. Back to the old tains abortion data through the year 2000. surely wasn’t the only doing, how about that inauguration? Most drawing board. Here is what I found. creature in history to of the day was tasteful, correct, stirring and Some scientists believe global warming First, about 39 million abortions were recognize a threat and patriotic. Poor, sick Chief Justice William will be the end of human life, and that performed in the U.S. between 1973 and fear its consequences. Rehnquist tottered in to give the oath of most of it is our own fault. Others think the 2000 (on average, 1.4 million per year). Even if he was wrong, office to the president, making everyone natural changes we’re noticing are merely Second, the trend line for the number of and he was, he still present want to cry. Supreme Court Justice parts of the big picture of an evolving uni- abortions performed each year has been had the right idea in Clarence Thomas sat at the same luncheon verse. What’s more, they both have con- curvilinear. There were 745,000 abortions being suspicious when table with Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) vincing arguments to prove their points. in 1973, 899,000 in 1974 and 1,034,000 in he noticed certain without a hint of a food fight. All in all, a During the Cold War, both the Soviet 1975. The number steadily increased to signs. thrilling show of unity. Union and the United States thought the 1,577,000 in 1981, then leveled off at about For example, this is However, standing along the street of the sky might be falling—literally. They dug 1.6 million per year during the 1980s. a time when national and local leaders inaugural parade, were people carrying holes to hide in and stocked weapons to Since reaching its peak at 1,609,000 in complain about the quality of education signs calling the president a “war criminal.” threaten each other, and scurried around 1990, it has declined to 1,319,000 in 1998, and poor student performance, and And the next day, certain television and trying to deal with the potential disaster of 1,315,000 in 1999 and 1,313,000 in 2000. President George W. Bush responds by radio news sources reported every such nuclear war. This decline is noteworthy because it producing No Child Left Behind legisla- incident of dissent they could find, totally Poor Chicken Little felt an acorn fall occurred even as the number of women of tion. And then we hear that the president’s ignoring any positive crumb of information from a tree onto his head and thought the child-bearing age increased from 58.7 mil- daughters, Jenna and Barbara, were caught about the event and including snide foreign sky was falling. Not only that, he con- lion in 1990 and 61.6 million in 2000. in public pronouncing “Sioux City, Iowa” press items. Surely, Chicken Little would be vinced Cocky-Locky and Ducky-Lucky Third, the abortion rate among women as “Si-ex City.” Hmmm. confused by such different signals. and a bunch of others that doom was of child-bearing age also has been curvilin- On the other hand, we’re cheered to Even ecology is not free from alarming imminent. Not that there’s anything wrong ear. There were 16.3 abortions per 1,000 hear that these same daughters, who revere contradictions in the search for truth. with that. After all, we experience evi- women between the ages of 15 and 44 in their ladylike librarian mom, can still find Recently, we heard about a giant wind dence like that all the time, and look at the 1973. That figure increased to 19.3 in 1974 something to tease her about. It seems that farm, which was set up out west some- conclusions we come up with! and 21.7 in 1975. Climbing steadily, it Mom may know correct pronunciation, but where to provide an energy source that’s reached its peak of 29.3 in both 1980 and the girls report that Mom’s style of danc- cost-free, clean and does no damage to the (Cynthia Dewes, a member of St. Paul the 1981. Since then, it has declined to 21.5 in ing to the music of the Poynter Sisters environment. But now it turns out that Apostle Parish in Greencastle, is a regular 1998, 21.4 in 1999 and 21.3 in 2000. rivals Elaine’s embarrassing moves in hawks, eagles and bats are often killed by columnist for The Criterion.) † Fourth, according to data from the year 2000, abortions are most commonly per- Faithful Lines/Shirley Vogler Meister formed for women who are white (56 per- cent), in their 20s (56 percent) and unmar- ried (81 percent). Typically, these women Gaining a good understanding of Judaism have had no prior live births (41 percent) or one such birth (28 percent) and no previous In a Loyola Press catalog, a book whose sons or daughters now follow the now live in Colorado. abortions (53 percent). They have their jumped off the page at me: What I Wish faith that Jesus and his parents, Mary and Both Schoen and Gerrish are among abortion within nine weeks of gestation (58 My Christian Friends Joseph, practiced. the many whose work brings better under- percent). Forty-four percent are black or Knew about Judaism Msgr. Tom Hartman (of TV’s “The standing between Christians and Jews. belong to another racial minority. One-fifth by Dr. Robert Schoen, God Squad”) says Schoen’s book is “a Another widely recognized example is are teenagers; 26 percent are 30 or over. a triple-degreed must-read for anyone who wants to The Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies One-third have had two or more live births, California writer, understand a Jewish friend.” Dr. Eugene (CCJS) at St. Leo University in Florida, and 47 percent have had prior abortions. composer and semi- Fisher, executive secretary of the where Jesuit Father Michael Cooper and Thirty-one percent of abortions occur retired optometrist. Secretariat for Catholic-Jewish Relations, Rabbi A. James Rudin are the senior reli- between nine and 12 weeks of gestation, My husband and I U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,” gious advisers. At a later date, I will write and 12 percent after the first trimester. wish we’d had it writes, “With wit and wisdom, Schoen more about CCJS and this topic. Finally, in 2000, the abortion rate for the decades earlier takes the beginner through the basics. … Meanwhile, readers can get information at U.S. as a whole was 21.3 abortions per because our oldest Highly recommended.” (For more infor- 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and friendship in Indianapolis is with a mation, go to The best representative for good rela- 44. Fifteen states (including the District of Jewish couple. We’ve also had other dear Another good source in understanding tions between Roman Catholics and Jews Columbia) had rates higher than that. The Jewish friends and colleagues through the Judaism’s role in Christianity is the is Pope John Paul II. Last month, about highest rate was in the District of Columbia years without clearly understanding their Church and Israel Forum 160 Jewish leaders, rabbis and cantors (68.1). It was followed by New York faith. (, where thanked the pope personally for his exem- (39.1), New Jersey (36.3), Nevada (32.2) However, we did not realize how unin- readers can find enlightening essays by plary efforts. It was the largest papal audi- and Florida (31.9). formed we were until our eldest daughter, Jim Gerrish, who has a Master of Divinity ence with Jews ever. In 1986, Pope John Thirty-six states had below-average Donna Marie, converted to Judaism in degree from Southern Seminary in Paul II was the first pope to visit a syna- abortion rates. The lowest rate was in 1999. She and her husband, Roby (Dr. Louisville, Ky.. He is the author of Does gogue (Rome’s main synagogue), and, in Wyoming (0.9) followed by Kentucky (5.3) Robert Simons, a professor), and their God Play Favorites: Exploring God’s Plan 2000, he visited Israel, establishing diplo- and South Dakota (5.5). Indiana had 10th pre-school son, Sam, now practice a for Israel. (One chapter is titled “How Did matic relations there. lowest rate at 9.4 abortions per 1,000 Jewish Orthodox way of life. a Nice Jewish Church Become Gentile?”) women between the ages of 15 and 44. Because this is difficult for us, The author and his wife worked for 14 (Shirley Vogler Meister, a member of Schoen’s easy-to-understand book has years in Israel with “Bridges for Peace” in Christ the King Parish in Indianapolis, (James D. Davidson is professor of sociol- been a godsend. It will also be a tremen- Jerusalem and The Galilee Study Center is a regular columnist for The ogy at Purdue University in West dous help for other families like ours near Tiberias, which they founded. They Criterion.) † Lafayette, Ind.) † The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005 Page 15

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Msgr. Owen F. Campion The Sunday Readings Daily Readings Monday, Feb. 7 Psalm 1:1-4, 6 Sunday, Feb. 6, 2005 Genesis 1:1-19 Luke 9:22-25 Psalm 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, • Isaiah 58:7-10 In the first statement, Jesus tells the dis- 24, 35 Friday, Feb. 11 ciples that they are the “salt of the earth.” • 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Mark 6:53-56 Our Lady of Lourdes • Matthew 5:13-16 Today, modern readers lose much of the impact of this example. Salt is merely a Isaiah 58:1-9a seasoning. For those more familiar with Tuesday, Feb. 8 Psalm 51:1:3-6a, 18-19 The third section of the Book of Isaiah the preservation of food, salt keeps food Jerome Emiliani, priest Matthew 9:14-15 supplies this first weekend’s reading. from spoiling. But for many people these Josephine Bakhita, virgin For generations days, it should be avoided because of its after Babylonia con- unhealthy effect upon cardiovascular Genesis 1:20-2:4a Saturday, Feb. 12 quered the Holy Land, function! Psalm 8:4-9 Isaiah 58:9b-14 Hebrew exiles in At the time of Jesus, salt was precious. Mark 7:1-13 Psalm 86:1-6 Babylon, the imperial Roman soldiers were paid in salt. (“He is Luke 5:27-32 capital, longed for the not worth his salt.”) “Salary” derives from Wednesday, Feb. 9 day when they would this practice. Ash Wednesday Sunday, Feb. 13 be allowed to return to Salt also was unrefined. Foreign parti- their homeland. cles such as dust or sand mixed with salt. Joel 2:12-18 First Sunday of Lent In time, Persia over- When these unwanted elements overtook Psalm 51:3-6a, 12-14, 17 Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7 came Babylonia. The the salt, the mixture was discarded. 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 Psalm 51:3-6, 12-13, 17 Persian ruler, Cyrus, allowed the Jews to Light, in the second statement, had Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Romans 5:12-19 return home. However, in a bitter turn of much more of a meaning. Today people or Romans 5:12, 17-19 events, the returning Jews realized that the are accustomed to light at night. Indeed, home for which they and their forebears life goes on after dark. But darkness was a Thursday, Feb. 10 Matthew 4:1-11 had yearned for so many years was not a serious obstacle at the time of Jesus. Scholastica, virgin very inviting place. For all the statements, the message is Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Seemingly, God had delivered them to a the same. Disciples themselves must uplift place worse than Babylon, at least in the the earthly society. material sense. The author of this prophecy reaffirmed Reflection Question Corner/Fr. John Dietzen God’s goodness, but the prophet also Gently, but deliberately, the Church is called upon his people to provide for those guiding us onward from its introduction of in need. He urged them to share their bread Jesus of Nazareth as son of the human with the hungry. In the end, they would Mary, and Son of God, and Redeemer of Music can be harmful if experience the fullness of vindication, the the sinful human race, as given at fullness of God’s promise to give them life Christmas, Epiphany and the Feast of the and peace. Lord’s Baptism, to asking us to decide how lyrics are inappropriate St. Paul’s First Epistle to the Corin- we shall respond to the coming of Jesus. thians is the source of the second reading. These readings are clear. Discipleship is Your column has been a real help to Masses. We want to comply with her This letter was addressed to Christians no mere lip service. It is the actual and Qmy family for years. Now I have a wishes, but how do we distribute these living in Corinth, then one of the major intentional resembling of Christ in our question. Masses and be assured that they will be cities of the Roman Empire. Rich and daily lives. I really enjoy listen- offered? (Ohio) sophisticated, Corinth was a virtual center Lent, which begins now in a few days, ing to pop, rock and of the culture at the time. will be the opportunity for us all to think rap music. I enjoy the Offerings for Mass intentions may be Nearby was Athens, the very symbol of deeply about how we individually respond beats, but not the Agiven to any priest, who is then wisdom and logic. Paul had preached in to Christ among us. † lyrics, especially in rap obliged to apply the Masses for those spe- Athens, not with great success. music. I know they cific intentions. He encountered skeptics who asked if promote some types of Parishes, monasteries and other the Christian Gospel made any sense. After Readers may submit prose activities that go Catholic institutions may also accept such all, the Gospel ran counter to every con- against our Catholic offerings, committing themselves to having ventional pattern of thought. And, finally or poetry for faith column faith and religion. the Mass intentions fulfilled by priests con- and most importantly for so many, the The Criterion invites readers to sub- This is the kind of music that a majority nected with that institution. founder of Christianity, Jesus of Nazareth, mit original prose or poetry relating to of teenagers listen to, but some of what I In your case, with the large number of had been legally executed as a common faith or experiences of prayer for pos- hear bothers me. Masses desired, you may wish to distribute criminal and as a traitor to the empire. sible publication in the “My Journey to I would appreciate your opinion on them among several parishes or individual In response, as given in this reading, God” column. what I should listen to or not. Is there a priests. Paul insisted that he relied upon a source Seasonal reflections also are appre- Catholic answer to this? I want to live out In fact, you may find it necessary to do greater and more dependable than human ciated. Please include name, address, my faith as well as I can. (Illinois) that since no priest may accept more Mass wisdom, namely the Holy Spirit. parish and telephone number with sub- offerings than he can fulfill or arrange to St. Matthew’s Gospel furnishes the last missions. Yes, I believe there is a Catholic be fulfilled by others within a year. reading this weekend. Send material for consideration to Aanswer, but it doesn’t lie in some list Once a priest or Catholic institution has This reading actually is a collection of “My Journey to God,” The Criterion, of “forbidden” songs or lyrics. No one, not accepted the Mass offerings you give two brief statements by Jesus, given in the P.O. Box 1717, Indianapolis, IN 46206 you, not even the Catholic Church, could them, you need not worry about your highly descriptive but clear imagery that or e-mail to [email protected]. † make up such a list even if they wanted to. requests being satisfied. was typical of the Lord’s discourses. That isn’t the way we should approach Church law seriously obliges priests to moral questions like yours, which as you satisfy all Mass obligations they have say are certainly serious. The music often accepted and to do so in a timely fashion, My Journey to God flaunts, sometimes even promotes, atti- certainly, as I said, within a year. tudes and activities that can easily destroy our own lives and the lives of others. Our parish liturgy committee hoped to You ask whether you should listen or Qarrange for homemade eucharistic not. I think you’re the one who must bread for some weekend Masses during The Longing answer that with good common sense and Lent, but we cannot find a good recipe we some prayer. can use lawfully. Some have additives that Beyond the gulf of time and space, Consider the following questions: rule them out. Do you know a way to Behind the veil of birth and tomb, • Do you feel the music or lyrics are make Communion bread that families in We seek the splendor of his face degrading? our parish might use? (Ohio) Inborn before we left the womb. • Do you find them pulling your mind and feelings into territory that you are Your committee’s idea is already prac- Within the marrow of all bone morally and emotionally uncomfortable Aticed in many parishes during Lent, A longing gnaws and seeks release, with as a good person? Easter time, first Communions and other A restless, unrequited moan • Do they draw you into ideas and feel- special occasions. Unheard, but never meant to cease. ings that are harmful to the mental and Several years ago, in response to a note emotional maturity you want for your- in this column, a deacon in Idaho, a baker When days have spent their given space self and for others you care about? by profession who is now deceased, sent a And ever-after needs no chime These are not academic or theoretical recipe to me, which I offered to readers. We’ll gaze upon his holy face questions. They’re very practical because Many have written to thank me, saying it Without the measurement of time. they go to the core of what kind of a man is exactly what they were looking for. or woman you want to be. The recipe contains no additives to the

By Dorothy M. Colgan Bosch from KNA Hieronymus CNS photo of painting by I believe the fact that you wrote to me wheat and water, but is prepared a bit dif- shows that you’re already asking yourself ferently, making it more practical than (Dorothy M. Colgan is a member of St. Meinrad Parish in St. Meinrad. Dutch artist these questions. Keep doing that, and be other methods, and is, of course, in Hieronymus Bosch gave this interpretation of heaven in a painting titled “Ascent into honest in how you answer yourself. accord with Catholic regulations for Heavenly Paradise.” In his depiction, humans are carried by angels from the dark- eucharistic bread. Anyone who wants the ness into the light.) Several months ago, our sister died, recipe may write to me at Box 325, Peoria, Qleaving a large sum of money for IL 61651. † Page 16 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005

The Active List

The Criterion welcomes announcements of archdiocesan Information: 317-257-2266. St. Mark Parish, Schafer Hall, Church and parish open-to-the-public activities for “The 535 E. Edgewood Ave., Indian- Active List.” Please be brief—listing date, location, event, St. Matthew Parish, 4100 E. 56th apolis. Men’s Club, fish fry, 5-8 St., Indianapolis. Catholics p.m. Information: 317-787-8246. sponsor, cost and time. Include a phone number for verifi- Returning Home series, 7 p.m. cation. No announcements will be taken by telephone. Information: 317-257-7435. Holy Name Parish, 89 N. 17th Notices must be in our office by 5 p.m. Thursday one week Ave., Beech Grove. Fish fry, in advance of (Friday) publication: The Criterion, The Archbishop Edward T. O’Meara 5-8 p.m. Information: 317-784- Active List, 1400 N. Meridian St. (hand deliver), P.O. Box Catholic Center, 1400 N. Meri- 5454. 1717, Indianapolis, IN 46206 (mail); 317-236-1593 (fax), dian St., Indianapolis. Rebuild- [email protected] (e-mail). ing Program for Divorced St. Anthony Church, 2222 W. Catholics, “Rebuilding When Market St., Louisville, Ky. February 4 February 6 Your Relationship Ends,” session Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Holy Spirit Church, 7243 E. 10th St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, 4625 2, 7-9 p.m., $50 per person, Louisville, Charismatic Mass, St., Indianapolis. Catholic N. Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis. includes book. Information: 317- 7 p.m. Information: 502-239- Charismatic Renewal of Central “Taste of St. Thomas,” variety of 236-1586 or 800-382-9836, ext. 0208. Indiana, Mass, teaching, healing recipes prepared by parishioners, 1586. February 11-12 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., $5 per per- prayers, 7 p.m. Information: 317- February 8-9 Our Lady of Fatima Retreat 927-6565. son, $15 per family. Information: House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indian- 317-253-1461. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, February 4-5 St. Mary-of-the-Woods. apolis. Archdiocesan Liturgical Music Commission and National Our Lady of Fatima Retreat “Lenten Transition,” workshop, Marian College, 3200 Cold Pastoral Musicians’ Indianapolis House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indian- 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., $35 per per- Spring Road, Ruth Lilly Student Chapter, Lenten overnight retreat apolis. “Yearning for God: The son. Information: 812-535-3131, Center, Indianapolis. “Everyone for pastoral music leaders, Bene- Desire of Our Heart,” retreat, Is Called to Holiness,” program ext. 161 or e-mail © 2005 CNS Graphics [email protected]. dictine Father Noah Casey, Benedictine Sister Kathleen Yea- for college students, small-group retreat director. Information: don and Father Donald Schmid- sessions on prayer practices, February 9 317-236-1483 or 800-382-9836, presenter. Information: 317-788- February 16 lin, presenters. Information: 317- 10:30 a.m.-6:45 p.m. Registra- St. Gabriel Parish, 6000 W. 34th ext. 1483. 7581. Holy Rosary Church, 520 Ste- 545-7681. tion: 317-955-6085. vens St., Indianapolis. Lumen St., Indianapolis. Lenten fish February 11-13 February 5 fry, 5-7:30 p.m. Information: St. Lawrence Parish, 542 Walnut Dei meeting, Mass, 6:30 a.m., Marian College, 3200 Cold Our Lady of Fatima Retreat St., Lawrenceburg. “Spiritual Roncalli High School, cafeteria, 317-291-7014. breakfast in Priori Hall, author Spring Road, St. Francis Hall, House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indian- Renewal Marriage Workshop,” and inspirational speaker 3300 Prague Road, Indiana- Indianapolis. People of Peace, apolis. “Power of the Cross” Benedict Inn Retreat and Confer- David Bethuram, presenter, Matthew Kelly, presenter, $15 polis. “Live It Up!” pro-life din- Secular Franciscan Order Fra- retreat, author Michael Dubruiel, ence Center, 1402 Southern Ave., 1-4 p.m., $25 per couple. Infor- members, $20 guests. Informa- ner and talent show, Archdioce- ternity, monthly meeting, noon- presenter. Information: 317-545- Beech Grove. Ash Wednesday, mation: 812-537-3992. tion: 317-919-5316. san Pro-Life Youth Council, pre- 2 p.m. Information: 317-955- 7681. senters, dinner 6-7 p.m., talent mini-retreats, 9 a.m.-noon or 6775. Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, show, 7-8:45 p.m., advance tick- 6-9 p.m. Information: 317-788- Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. 5333 E. Washington St., Indian- ets $6 adults, $4 children age 12 7581. MKVS and DM Center, Rexville Hill Dr., St. Meinrad. Weekend “Treasuring Yourself and Others: apolis. Saint Meinrad School of and under, $1 more at the door. (located on 925 South, .8 mile February 10 retreat, “The Vatican Council,” Loving and Forgiving” retreat, Theology workshop, three ses- Information and tickets: Arch- east of 421 South, 12 miles south Carmelite Monastery, 2500 Cold Benedictine Brother Gabriel Father Norm Langenbrunner and sions, “Forming a Sacramental diocesan Office for Pro-Life of Versailles). Mass, 3:30 p.m., Spring Road, Indianapolis. Hodges, presenter. Information: Jeanne Hunt, presenters, Life for Service in the Church: or Ministry, 317-236-1521 or 800- with Father Elmer Burwinkel. Lenten series, “Lent Is the 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., $45 The Sacraments of Healing and [email protected]. 382-9836, ext. 1521. Information: 812-689-3551 or Church’s Spring,” Jesuit Father includes lunch. Information: Vocation,” 9:30 a.m.-noon, $60, e-mail [email protected] Benjamin Hawley, presenter, 812-933-6437 or e-mail less for seniors. Information: Mount Saint Francis Retreat Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, or log on to Schoenstatt Web site 7 p.m. Information: 317-926- [email protected]. 317-955-6451. Parish Hall, 1125 S. Meridian at 5425. Center, Floyd County. “Seeking God In the Covenant of St., Indianapolis. Mardi Gras St. Joseph University Church, Holy Rosary Church, 520 Ste- party for youth ages 4-13, February 7 Marriage,” married couples’ Nativity School, 3310 S. St. John the Apostle Church, 113 S. 5th St., Terre Haute. vens St., Indianapolis. Spaghetti 2-4 p.m. Information: 317-638- retreat. Information: 812-923- Meadow Dr., Indianapolis, 4607 W. State Road 46, Bloom- Candlelight liturgy for married and Spirituality, Lenten speakers’ 5551. 8817. Open house, 7-8:30 p.m., art ington. Catholics Returning couples, 7 p.m., reception follow- series, “The Global Depopulation Home, six-week session, Movement and Its Effects on the show, tours. Information: 317- Kordes Retreat Center, 841 E., ing. Information: 812-232-8400 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 6:30 p.m. Information: 812-876- Middle East,” Father Thomas 357-1459. 14th St., Ferdinand, Ind. or e-mail [email protected]. Parish, 1752 Scheller Lane, New 1974. Euteneuer, presenter, Mass, “Everyday Miracles, Everyday February 13 Albany. “Mardi Gras 2005.” Borders Bookstore, 7565 U.S. 31 5:45 p.m., dinner, 6:30 p.m., pre- Grace.” Information: 812-367- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Information: 812-948-0041. South, Indianapolis. St. Francis Terre Haute Deanery Pastoral sentation, 7:15 p.m. Information: 2777 or 800-880-2777 or e-mail St. Mary-of-the-Woods. Hospital and Health Centers, Center, 2931 Ohio Blvd., Terre 317-636-4478. [email protected]. “Enriching Relationships,” St. Mary School, cafeteria, 420 National Women’s Wellness Haute. Divorce and Beyond Enrichment Day. Information: E. Eighth St., New Albany. Chili Book Club, 7 p.m. Information: series, “The Mourning State of February 12 St. Joseph Church, 125 E. 812-535-3131, ext. 161, or supper, 4-8 p.m. Information: 317-865-5864. Divorce,” 6:30-8:30 p.m., $20, St. Christopher Church, 5301 W. Broadway St., Shelbyville. “The 502-773-1946. includes book. Information: 812- 16th St., Indianapolis. Annual e-mail [email protected]. Seven Pillars of Catholic Spiritu- ality,” author and inspirational February 5-11 Mount Saint Francis Retreat 232-8400 or e-mail sue@thdean Men’s Conference, Benedictine Center, Floyd County. Charis- Father Eugene Hensell, presen- Mount Saint Francis Retreat speaker Matthew Kelly, presen- Benedict Inn Retreat and Confer- ter, 8 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Informa- Center, Floyd County. Francis2 ter, 7 p.m. Information: 317-398- ence Center, 1402 Southern Ave., matic Mass, 7 p.m. Information: 812-923-8817. February 11 tion: 317-241-6314, ext. 126. event, young adults ages 16-30, 0530. Beech Grove. “Lectio Divina,” St. Gabriel Parish, 6000 W. 34th “Catholics Under Fire: What’s February16-17 Benedictine Sisters Mary Mar- February 8 St., Indianapolis. Fish fry, Marian College, Allison Worth Preserving in Catholic Cordiafonte House of Prayer, garet Funk, Jennifer Mechtild St. Luke Church, 7575 Holliday 5-7:30 p.m., Way of the Cross, Mansion, 3200 Cold Spring Tradition?” Information: 812- 3650 E. 46th St., Indiana- Horner, Juliann Babcock, Carol Dr., E., Indianapolis. North 7 p.m., adult education series, Road, Indianapolis. Theology 933-4439 or [email protected]. polis. “Introduction to Falkner and Nicolette Etienne, Deanery adult education series, 7:45-9:15 p.m. Information: 317- on Tap, Winter Gala, young Contemplative Prayer” series, presenters. Information: 317- Exposition and adoration of the 291-7014. adults, 6:30-11:30 p.m., $35 per St. Nicholas Parish, 6461 E. Tues., 9:30-10:45 a.m., Wed., 788-7581. Blessed Sacrament, 7 p.m. person. Information: 317-748- St. Nicholas Dr., Sunman. 7-8:15 p.m. Information: 317- St. Therese of the Infant Jesus 1274. Valentine Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.- (Little Flower) Parish, 1401 N. noon, free-will offering. 543-0154. Bosart Ave., Indianapolis. Fish Benedict Inn Retreat and Confer- Monthly No Performances in 2006 due fry, 4:30-7:30 p.m., Communion ence Center, 1402 Southern Ave., St. Anthony Parish, 379 N. to facility renovations. service, 5:30 p.m., Stations of Beech Grove. “Introduction to Warman Ave., Indianapolis. First Sundays the Cross, 6:15 p.m. Information: Centering Prayer,” Benedictine Euchre party, 1:30 p.m., $3 per St. Paul Church, 218 Scheller Don’t wait for 2007! 317-357-8352. Sister Anna Marie Megel, person. Ave., Sellersburg. Prayer group, 7-8:15 p.m. Information: 812- 246-4555.

Fatima Knights of Columbus, 1040 N. Post Road, Indiana- polis. Euchre, 1 p.m. Informa- ShelbyShelby UpholsteringUpholstering tion: 317-638-8416. First Mondays Archbishop O’Meara Catholic && InteriorsInteriors Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Guardian Angel YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE DATES Guild, board meeting, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays: Feb. 26, March 5, 12, 19 & April 2 30% off First Tuesdays Divine Mercy Chapel, 3354 W. Sundays: March 13 & 20 Selected Fabric • Custom reupholstery 30th St., Indianapolis. Confes- (All Performances at 2:00 p.m.) sion, 6:45 p.m., Benediction of • Custom Window Treatments the Blessed Sacrament for voca- Reserved Seats $15 • Blinds • Interior Painting tions, 7:30 p.m. • Carpet Sales & Installation Tickets available by phone: (309)829-3903 or “Our Family’s Business has been a HOUSE- HOLD WORD for over 70 years, owned and • Custom wood refinishing Benedict Inn Retreat and Confer- toll free (800)354-9640 operated since 1932!” The Quass Grand Children • Antique restoration ence Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Send by mail to: The American Passion Play, Inc. Check out our website Beech Grove. “Women: No P.O. Box 3354, Bloomington, IL 61702-3354 Longer Second Class,” program, 7-8:30 p.m. Information: 317- Performed at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts (formerly the Scottish Rite Temple) 1932 Same family third generation. 788-7581. 110 E. Mulberry Street, Bloomington, Illinois 61701 317-631-8911 1-800-331-7697 St. Joseph Church, 2605 St. Joe Web site: —See ACTIVE LIST, page 17 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005 Page 17 Indiana author to give retreat on power of the cross

By Sean Gallagher same title, Dubruiel recently discussed his them to placing their trust and hope in people take the time hopes for the retreat. God in the way that Jesus modeled for us to consider the Michael Dubruiel, an author and editor “Every retreat is an opportunity for both in the garden of Gethsemane and on power of the cross who lives in Fort Wayne, Ind., will lead a people to grow closer to God,” he said. the cross.” in their lives, some- retreat titled “The Power of the Cross” on “I hope that those making a retreat will The retreat is scheduled at the start of thing that Dubruiel Feb. 11-13 at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat find time on the weekend to see how the season of Lent, a time when Catholics thinks can have a House in Indianapolis. God has been working in their lives up are especially invited by the Church to great impact upon The author of a new book with the until now, and that this insight will open reflect upon Christ’s Passion and death. individual lives, the In his book, Dubruiel helps readers Church and the reflect on the power that the cross can world. The Active List, continued from page 16 have in their lives. Although he noted it “First and fore- can be useful at any time of the year, the Michael Dubruiel most, people would Road W., Sellersburg. Holy Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, benediction, 4-5 p.m.,Mass, 5:15 book is especially formatted to serve as a be less judgmental, hour for religious vocations, 1530 Union St., Indianapolis. p.m. Information: 812-235-4996. devotional tool during Lent. both in terms of others and themselves,” Benediction and exposition of Adoration of the Blessed Sacra- In large part, he helps readers consider he said. “We, as members of the Church, the Blessed Sacrament after ment, 7:30-10:30 a.m. Informa- First Saturdays 7 p.m. Mass. tion: 317-638-5551. Our Lady of the Greenwood the cross in their lives by showing how it would be less concerned about scandal Church, 335 S. Meridian St., has had an impact on the lives of average and more concerned about doing what is Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory Our Lady of Perpetual Help Greenwood. Devotions, Mass, people. right, no matter what we might suffer as School, 2801 W. 86th St., Church, 1752 Scheller Lane, 7:30 a.m., sacrament of reconcil- “In The Power of the Cross, I talk a result. Indianapolis. Indiana Autism New Albany. Adoration con- iation, rosary, meditations fol- about a young woman I met in a nursing “The world would be filled with and Sertoma Club meeting, cluding with confessions at lowing Mass. home in Florida some twenty years ago,” Mother Teresas and Saint Francises, both 7-9 p.m., child care provided. 6 p.m. Benediction, 6:45 p.m. Dubruiel said. “She was dying of cancer. exemplary lovers of the cross,” Dubruiel Information: 317-885-7295. Holy Angels Church, 740 W. The first time I met her, she was clutching said. “In fact, the ‘real’ prayer of Saint St. Mary Church, 212 Washing- 28th St., Indianapolis. Expo- a large crucifix. Francis is one that those who pray the First Fridays ton St., North Vernon. Adora- sition of the Blessed Sacrament, “Her life had not gone according to her Stations of the Cross are familiar with— St. Charles Borromeo Church, tion of the Blessed Sacrament, 11 a.m.-noon. chapel, 2222 E. Third St., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Information: 812- plans,” he said, “but she found in Jesus’ ‘We adore thee O Christ and we praise Bloomington. Adoration of the 346-3604. cross a way—that is open to all of us— you, who by thy Holy Cross has Blessed Sacrament, noon-6 p.m. St. Therese of the Infant Jesus that in her suffering filled her with redeemed the world.’ ” St. Joseph Church, 113 S. 5th St., (Little Flower) Church, Chapel, unspeakable joy. She taught me a lesson St. Vincent de Paul Church, 1723 Terre Haute. Eucharistic adora- 4720 E. 13th St., Indianapolis. that is as old as Christianity, but sadly (For more information on the retreat or to “I” St., Bedford. Exposition of tion, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Rosary, noon, Apostolate of Fatima holy hour, many people are missing out on.” register, call Our Lady of Fatima Retreat the Blessed Sacrament after holy hour for vocations and 2 p.m. † 8:30 a.m. Mass-9 a.m. Sat., rec- Both the retreat and book will help House at 317-545-7681.) † onciliation, Fri. 4-6 p.m., Sat. 8-9 a.m., “Children of Hope” program, holy hour for children. Information: 812-275-6539. I NDIANAPOLIS Holy Name Church, 89 N. 17th B EECH G ROVE Ave., Beech Grove. Mass, M OORESVILLE 8:15 a.m., eucharistic adoration following Mass until 5 p.m. Benediction. Information: 317- 784-5454. We’ll be St. Peter Church, 1207 East Road, Brookville. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 8 a.m. until Communion service, expecting you. 1 p.m.

Holy Guardian Angels Church, We know youll have questions. We suspect youll be both excited 405 U.S. 52, Cedar Grove. ’ ’ Eucharistic adoration after 8 a.m. and apprehensive. We understand that you’ll want reassurance as well Mass-5 p.m. as expertise. We expect all of that, and more. Because at St. Francis SS. Francis and Clare Church, 5901 Olive Branch Road, Hospital & Health Centers, we’ve been delivering babies and caring for Greenwood. Mass, 8 a.m., ado- ration, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Sacred their parents for more than 75 years. Heart Chaplet, 8:30 a.m., Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m. Informa- tion: 317-859-4673. Each year, thousands of expectant parents choose the advanced

Christ the King Church, 1827 obstetric care of our Indianapolis and Mooresville campuses. Each Kessler Blvd., E. Dr., Indiana- location takes a family-centered approach to childbirth that’s focused polis. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 7:15 a.m. Mass- on personalized attention to your needs. This approach is apparent 5:30 p.m. Benediction and ser- vice. in everything from our wide selection of maternity education classes,

Holy Rosary Church, 520 Ste- to birthing options that enable you vens St., Indianapolis. Adora- SPIRIT OF WOMEN tion of the Blessed Sacrament to experience labor, delivery and after 5:45 p.m. Mass-9 a.m. recovery in the same room, to the Saturday. Information: 317-636- 4478. sophisticated treatment of high-risk

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, newborns provided by our Neonatal 5333 E. Washington St., Indian- apolis. Exposition of the Blessed Intensive Care Unit. We also care for Sacrament, prayer service, you and your child s needs after 7:30 p.m. As the Indianapolis area’s only ’ Spirit of Women hospital, St. Francis delivery, with our dedicated Pediatrics St. Anthony Church, 379 N. works with leading hospitals and Warman Ave., Indianapolis. health care-focused partners nation- Unit and comprehensive Women’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacra- wide to motivate and inspire women to make positive changes in their ment after 5:30 p.m. Mass, hour lives and the lives of their families. Health Services. of silent prayer and reflection followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. So when you’re ready to bring your baby into the world, turn to

St. Joseph Church, 1375 S. St. Francis. Our family of caring professionals will see to it that you Mickley Ave., Indianapolis. Adoration of the Blessed Sacra- have everything you could possibly need to deliver a miracle. ment, 4 p.m., rosary, 5 p.m., Benediction, 5:30 p.m., Mass, 5:45 p.m. Information: 317-244- 9002. WOMEN & CHILDREN’S St. Rita Church, 1733 Dr. SERVICES Andrew J. Brown Ave., Indiana- polis. Sacred Heart devotion, 11 a.m., holy hour, 6-7 p.m. Information: 317-632-9349. Celebrate your spirit by joining the St. Francis Spirit of Women membership program. Call (317) 865-5865 for details. Page 18 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005

HOLLAND, Shari Lane, 63, 21. Great-grandmother of 48. Greg Kempf of Evansville supported St. Bartholomew, Columbus, MINDRUP, Thomas J., 52, Jan. 3. Mother of Vicki Huffer St. Rose of Lima, Franklin, Church ministries in two dioceses and Lee Anne Holland. Oct. 18. Brother of Linda Cox, Greg Kempf, a retired came to know Greg when I was Daughter of Jean Cox. (correc- Rest in peace Mary Ann Grzelak, Nancy builder and real estate developer president-rector of Saint tion) McKinney and Ken Mindrup. from Evansville, Ind., who was Meinrad College and School of Please submit in writing to our grandmother of four. JENNINGS, Mary Rose, 79, MULLENHOLZ, William E., known for his philanthropy, died Theology. We were closely St. Anthony of Padua, Clarks- office by 10 a.m. Thursday FILCER, Charlotte B., 82, 81, St. Thomas More, Moores- on Jan. 25. He was 80. involved in the development of before the week of publication; ville, Jan. 13. Mother of ville, Jan. 2. Husband of Kempf was a longtime sup- various programs at Saint St. Paul Hermitage, Beech Patricia Polk, Pamela Jennings- be sure to state date of death. Grove, Jan. 12. Wife of Joseph Dolores Mullenholz. Father of porter of the Benedictine Meinrad in the early 1980s. Obituaries of archdiocesan King, Laura and Robert Sara Allen, Jeannine and monks’ ministries at Saint “Greg was an outstanding L. Filcer. Mother of Amy Jennings Jr. Sister of William priests serving our archdiocese Hogan, Laurie Meek and William E. Mullenholz II. Meinrad Arcabbey in southern entrepreneur and a very generous are listed elsewhere in The Julius. Grandmother of 12. Grandfather of four. Indiana. man,” the archbishop said. “He Michelle Tansy. Sister of Mary Great-grandmother of 12. Criterion. Order priests and Frances Griffin. ORANDE, Dorothy A. In 1982, former Benedictine was a man of deep and unswerv- religious sisters and brothers KAPOURALOS, Donna Jean Archabbot Timothy Sweeney of ing faith. He was passionate GOODWIN, Mary Hope, 99, (Kraski), 88, St. Jude, Indian- are included here, unless they (Jarvis), 75, Holy Spirit, Indian- Saint Meinrad announced that about the Catholic Church and St. Christopher, Indianapolis, apolis, Jan. 20. Mother of are natives of the archdiocese apolis, Jan. 13. Mother of Diana the monastery’s new library about the preparation of future Jan. 17. Aunt of one. Patricia Henson. Sister of or have other connections to it; Gilliatt and Mark Kapouralos. Bernice Motyl and Irene Suhy. would be named in honor of priests and religious. Greg was a those are separate obituaries GRZANICH, Marcia Joy Sister of Virginia Hildebrand. Kempf, who chaired the suc- strong family man.” on this page. (Fulton), 65, St. Michael, Grandmother of two. POLLOCK, Lester L., 78, St. Rose of Lima, Franklin, cessful campaign to raise Bishop Gerald A. Gettel- BARRETT, Francis J., 62, Greenfield, Jan. 8. Wife of KRAMER, Clara Mary, 91, St. $7.5 million. finger of Evansville said Kempf James Grzanich. Mother of Jan. 20. Husband of Joyce St. Michael, Greenfield, Anthony, Indianapolis, Jan. 16. (Moore) Pollock. Father of Kempf was involved in “lived out and exemplified so Nov. 30. Father of Darleen Janell Jones, Jamie Schock and Mother of Mary Ann Wagoner. many capital campaigns to ben- many of the ideals found in the Joy Olzen. Sister of Wandalee Penny Mace and Randal Barrett, Colleen Francis and Sister of Edward Kaufman. Pollock. Grandfather of three. efit the Church, including documents of the Second Kathleen Libby. Son of Hitchcock and George Fulton. Grandmother of three. Great- efforts to assist parishes, Vatican Council.” Gertrude Barrett. Brother of Grandmother of four. grandmother of seven. Great- PRUNIER, David, 49, Catholic schools and the Mon- Bishop Gettelfinger said Clare Damiano, Ann Marie GUDAL, Richard W., 55, great-grandmother of seven. St. Michael, Greenfield, Jan. 5. astery Immaculate Conception Kempf was a good steward and Son of Marion and Barbara Hillman, Arthur, Bernard, St. Michael, Cannelton, Jan. 17. MARTIN, Joann, 73, at Ferdinand, Ind., in addition “did not wait for the [council’s] Clifford, Richard and Steven Husband of Peggy (Huber) Quinlin. Brother of Peggy to helping Saint Meinrad. Document on the Laity to be St. Bernard, Frenchtown, Couch, Janet Rather, Sandra Barrett. Grandfather of seven. Gudal. Father of Christopher, He was a member of the discussed or a plan or a strategy Jan. 17. Wife of Johnnie Snider, Michael and Thomas David and Ryan Gudal. Brother Serra Club, Knights of to be put into place. He simply BRUNS, Harold Frank, 91, Martin. Mother of Lu Ann Prunier. St. Michael, Brookville, of Bill Gudal. Emily, Nancy Leffler, Danny, Columbus, and other civic and stepped forward as a lay Jan. 12. Husband of Irene GWIN, Genevieve L. Philip and Ronnie Martin. REDFERN, Gerald Rubin, religious organizations. leader.” (Ratz) Bruns. Father of Carolyn (Moreau), 83, St. Anthony, Daughter of Mary Evangeline 71, St. Anthony, Indianapolis, The Mass of Christian Surviving are his wife, Erfman, Daniel, Kenneth and Indianapolis, Jan. 10. Wife of (Polk) Bugg. Sister of Bill and Jan. 14. Husband of Virginia Burial was celebrated on Edwina L. Kempf; nine chil- Stephen Bruns. Brother of Donald Gwin. Mother of Ann John Dan Bugg Jr. Grand- Redfern. Father of Justina Jan. 29 at St. Joseph Church in dren, Stephanie Kempf-Toback, Rosemary Cowan, Leona Kalb, Colegrove. mother of nine. Great-grand- Randolph, Christina Stewart, Vanderburgh County. Burial Lisa Rivard, Kristin Baum- Elizabeth, Terry and Todd Ruth Mergenthal, Ambrose and HARRIS, Mary T. (Annee), mother of four. followed in the parish cemetery. berger, Gregory, Jeffery, Howard Bruns. Grandfather of Redfern. Brother of Louise Eff, In a statement issued on Nicholas, Timothy, Todd and 56, St. Roch, Indianapolis, MERCHEN, Robert F., 94, Barbara Holt, Mildred Owens, 16. Great-grandfather of 18. Jan. 7. Wife of Rick Harris. St. Louis, Batesville, Jan. 22. Jan. 25, Archbishop Daniel M. Anthony Kempf; a brother, Linda Watkins, Joe, Freddy, Buechlein said he was sad to Harold Kempf; three sisters, CROSBY, Madge Kinder, 86, Mother of Brian and Rick Husband of Ramilda (Firsich), Robert and Thomas Redfern. St. Pius X, Indianapolis, Jan. 10. Harris. Daughter of Louis and Merchen. Father of Mary Kay learn about Kempf’s death. Jeannette Arnold, Florence Grandfather of 11. Great-grand- “He was a good friend of Edgar and Betty Hartz; 25 Mother of Patricia Sauer and Mildred Annee. Sister of Janet Rengering and Robert Merchen. father of two. Michael Crosby. Grandmother Bradley, Barbara Huser, Joseph, Brother of Clara Speth and mine,” Archbishop Buechlein grandchildren; and three great- of four. Louis, Paul and Robert Annee. Edward Merchen. Grandfather SANDERS, William E., 73, said. “I will miss him greatly. I grandchildren. † St. Teresa Benedicta of the ECKSTEIN, Dorothy M., 84, Grandmother of four. of four. Great-grandfather of seven. Cross, Bright, Jan. 15. Husband Providence Sister Maureen Therese Our Lady of the Greenwood, HERBERT, Bernice L., 83, of Juliana Sanders. Father of Greenwood, Jan. 19. Mother of St. Mary, Greensburg, Jan. 25. MEYER, Marie A., 102, Merri Beth Hebeler, Melissa St. Mary, Rushville, Jan. 10. Brennan was a teacher and principal Mary Anne Smith, Martin and Mother of Judy Riedeman, Lauck, Michelle Murphy, Mother of Lucille Hahn, Richard Eckstein. Sister of Lynn and Randy Herbert. Maureen Ramirez, Mark and Providence Sister Maureen Sister Maureen Therese also Grandmother of seven. Great- Donald, Edward, James and Dominican Sister Alice Wolski. Matthew Sanders. Brother of Therese Brennan died on served 19 years in pastoral min- grandmother of one. Robert Meyer. Grandmother of Grandmother of nine. Great- Martha Rolfes and Dorothy Jan. 22 at Mother Theodore istry and visitation of the sick Schneider. Grandfather of 12. Hall at Saint Mary-of-the- followed by four years as coor- Woods. She was 95. dinator of volunteers for a SCHAEFER, David N., 50, The Mass of Christian parish. St. Anthony of Padua, Clarks- Burial was celebrated on In the archdiocese, Sister ville, Jan. 15. Father of Nathan Jan. 28 in the Church of the Maureen Therese taught in the Join Us For A and Sean Schaefer. Brother of Immaculate Conception at Saint Juniorate Program at Saint Judy Ashby, June Brittan, Jayne Mary-of-the-Woods. Burial fol- Mary-of-the-Woods in 1937 Smith and Neil Schaefer. lowed in the sisters’ cemetery. and served as a teacher and Grandfather of one. St. Valentine’s Mass The former Mary Brennan principal at St. Patrick School SCHOTT, Ethel (Erfman), 93, was born on Aug. 11, 1909, in in Terre Haute from 1949-53. at St. Peter, Brookville, Jan. 10. Chicago. She entered the con- Sister Maureen Therese also Mother of Julieann Wilhem, gregation of the Sisters of ministered as a teacher and James, Jerry and John Erfman. Providence on Aug. 23, 1928, principal for the Juniorate Our Lady of Peace Sister of Art Dudley. professed first vows on Feb. 24, Program at Saint Mary-of-the- SPRAGUE, R. Nouby, 73, 1931, and professed final vows Woods from 1953-55. St. Rose of Lima, Franklin, on Jan. 23, 1937. She also served as a teacher Mausoleum Chapel Dec. 27. Wife of Robert A. Sister Maureen Therese and principal at the former Sprague. Mother of Teresa taught at schools staffed by the Ladywood School in Indian- Colby, Christine Hoover and Sisters of Providence in Indiana, apolis from 1955-61. Monday, February 14 Stefanie Shoen. Grandmother of Illinois, Florida, Massachusetts Surviving are several nieces 10. Great-grandmother of five. and the District of Columbia. and cousins. VOLK, Roslyn, 87, St. Joseph, During 75 years as a Sister Memorial gifts may be sent 6:00 p.m. St. Leon, Jan. 16. Mother of of Providence, she ministered to the Sisters of Providence, Helen Huber. Grandmother of as a teacher for 48 years and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, three. Great-grandmother of also served as a principal for St. Mary-of-the-Woods, IN Celebrant: Rev. William Stineman nine. † 38 of those years. 47876. † Providence Sister Catherine Marie Qualters Archdiocese of Indianapolis was a music teacher and parish music minister Providence Sister Catherine Sisters of Providence on Feb. 2, Terre Haute from 1954-59. A rose will be Marie Qualters died on Jan. 22 1950, professed first vows on In Indianapolis, Sister at Mother Theodore Hall at Aug. 15, 1952, and professed Catherine Marie taught music at given to each family Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She final vows on Aug. 15, 1957. All Saints School and was 74. Sister Catherine Marie St. Andrew the Apostle School The Mass of Christian Burial taught music at schools staffed from 1971-77 and at All Saints in memory of was celebrated on Jan. 27 in the by the Sisters of Providence in School from 1977-84. Church of the Immaculate Indiana and Illinois. For the past 33 years, Sister their loved one. Conception at Saint Mary-of-the- Of her 54 years as a Sister Catherine Marie was the organ- Woods. Burial followed in the of Providence, she ministered at ist, choir director and parish sisters’ cemetery. schools and parishes for minister at St. Anthony Parish For More Information call A memorial Mass is sched- 41 years in Indiana and for in Indianapolis. She served uled at 2 p.m. on Feb. 27 at 11 years in Illinois. there from 1984-96 and again St. Anthony Church in Indian- In the archdiocese, Sister from 1996-2004. 317-574-8898 apolis. She served that parish Catherine Marie served at Surviving is a brother, for 33 years. St. Benedict, St. Ann and J. Joseph Qualters. The former Mary Catherine St. Joseph University parishes Memorial gifts may be sent Qualters was born on March in Terre Haute from 1952-53. to the Sisters of Providence, 13, 1930, in Indianapolis. She She also taught at the former Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, St. OUR LADY OF PEACE CATHOLIC entered the congregation of the St. Margaret Mary School in Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876. † CEMETERY & MAUSOLEUM 9001 Haverstick Road • Indianapolis, IN 46240 230,000 People Will Read This Space In One W eek. Imagine what that could do for your business! Call us and find out. 317-236-1572 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005 Page 19 Parish to hold annual

Indiana’s Largest Weekly Lenten speaker series Newspaper Is Growing! Classified Directory Holy Rosary Parish, 520 Stevens St., in Indianapolis, will Call 236-1572 to advertise! For information about rates for classified advertising, call (317) 236-1572. present its fifth annual Lenten Speaker Series, titled “Spaghetti and Spirituality,” on Feb. 16 and 23 and Vacation Rentals ...... Prayers Answered ...... Real Estate ...... March 2, 9 and 16. Each evening, there will be Mass in English at 5:45 p.m., BEACHFRONT CONDO, Maderia THANK YOU St. Jude for prayers Buying, Selling or Beach, Fl. on the Gulf of Mexico, answered. M.M.B. a light, meatless dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a presentation at 2BR/2BA, pool. March through Building a Home? I can help! 7:15 p.m. Questions and answers will end by 8:30 p.m. and November. Meet Indpls. owner. THANK YOU St. Joseph, St. Jude, a book sale will immediately follow the program. See photos, maps. Call Scooter at St. Anthony, St. Therese, the Little Breeden Realtors® 317-257-2431 Flower for prayers answered. Bruce Konicek, a member of the parish and the organizer of the event, said that this year the theme of the series is the NEW SMYRNA Beach, FLA. Miracles do happen. S.M. Columbus, IN area Oceanview condo, fully furn. 2 state of the Catholic Church overseas. BR/2BA., 2 pools & tennis. Visit It pays to advertise in Jan Stone, GRI, CRS “Together with the U.S. presence in Iraq along with a Disney, Epcot, NASA, & enjoy the Broker Associate Steve J. Sergi general lack of understanding of Catholic affairs in that part beach, too! Phone 386-427-5376 The Criterion Broker/Owner Call 317-236-1572 317-507-5883 of the world, I figured this would be a most appropriate INDIAN ROCKS Beach, FL. Pri- Business: 812-378-7950 theme,” Konicek said. vate 2BR/2BA condo facing beach, ...... Fax: 812-378-1706 One of the speakers will address the subject of Catholic on Intercostal, gorgeous pool, Home Improvement U.S. service personnel overseas, he said, while “four of our secure bldg., covered parking. [email protected] Realty Mart five speakers will discuss some facet of the Church in either Available 5/05–12/05 $500 wk/ HOUSEHOLD HANDYMAN $1800 month. 317-422-1004 Painting, Kitchen & Bath Floor Coverings ...... the Holy Land or the Middle East.” Remodeling, Residential Roofing Father Thomas Euteneuer, president of Human Life FT. MYERS, Florida, on the beach. Great view. $475/wk. 317- All Types General Home Repair International, the world’s largest pro-life, pro-family educa- 823-9880. Dependable/Insured/Family Man tional apostolate, will speak on “The Global Depopulation FREE BROTHERS FLOOR COVERING ESTIMATES 317-357-8955 Movement and Its Effects on the Middle East” on Feb. 16. PANAMA CITY Beach townhouse, Since 1952 sleeps 6. Beach pool, mini golf, Father Euteneur has been extensively involved with the tennis, patio w/ grill. 502-836-1909 PAINTING Residential & Light Commercial Specialists pro-life movement as a priest of the Diocese of Palm INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Sales & Installation Beach, Fla., including serving as the spiritual moderator for GULF SHORES LUXURIOUS ‘RESIDENTIAL’ BEACHFRONT CONDOS Elegant Line of Carpets • Area Rugs • Hardwood Floors the diocesan Respect Life Office. JAMES A. MADER Bishop John J. Kaising, an Auxiliary bishop for the Fully Furnished. Indoor/Outdoor Pools. PAINTING Ceramic Tile • Vinyl 1, 2, 3 & 4 BR. Owner Direct saves Military Archdiocese and vicar for chaplains and vocations, REASONABLE PRICES you $$. Call Chris 1-800-713-6435 782-3048 will speak on “Military Chaplains: Serving Those Who [email protected] or 1025 E. 54th Street • Indianapolis Serve” on Feb. 23. ANGIE’S LIST SUPER SERVICE AWARD® Bishop Kaising has been an Army chaplain since 1969, For Sale ...... Indianapolis 251-0739 2001, 2002, 2003 and is a veteran of the Vietnam War. He was ordained a MARCO ISLAND, FLA bishop in 2000 and has been awarded the Legion of Merit Ground floor condo, 2 Grave Plots Patronize Our Advertisers Rosaries ...... and Bronze Star. St. Joseph Cemetery Father Thomas Dubay, a seminary and university teacher pool, 2BR/2BA, Rosaries by Deborah as well as the author of several books, will speak on “Deep Section H, $1700 Positions Available ...... Personalized gifts for all occasions fully furnished. Conversion—Deep Prayer” on March 2. Call: 317-784-6210 Part-Time Office Help Please Call 317-783-7382 Father Dubay has spent three decades traveling the world March $800 wk./$2500 mo. for free brochure or visit: giving retreats, lectures, missions and mini-courses to 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Monday–Friday April $800 wk./$2400 mo. Now taking orders for priests, religious and laymen. Gutter ...... Some duties would include: First Communion Gifts This session will be followed by a 40-hours devotion, Rex Early data entry for accounts and Father Dubay will give two more talks over that time KELLY’S payable and receivable, Positions Available ...... (317) 253-5088 tuition recording, and period. GUTTER SERVICE other general office help. “The 40-hours devotion was a routine observance in Gutter Cleaning • Light Hauling Warehouse Position parishes throughout the archdiocese,” Konicek said, “but it Free Estimates • Minor Repair If interested, please contact Wholesale distributor looking Mortgages ...... Linda Lockard at slowly disappeared.” 862-9377 for full-time person Msgr. Joseph F. Schaedel, pastor of Holy Rosary Parish, (off duty Indianapolis Firefighter) Immaculate Heart of Mary • Forklift experience GUARANTEED Church, Indianapolis wanted to reintroduce the devotion, which includes Mass, • General duties Vespers, confession, adoration and the chance for spiritual LOWEST RATES WITH Roofing ...... 317-257-2266 Call Les Trent at 317-638-7258 SAME DAY APPROVALS guidance. New Purchase—All types of D & S ROOFING Chorbishop John D. Faris, associate secretary general of 24-hour service! the Catholic Near East Welfare Association and former mortgages available Rubber, torch downs, hot tar roofs, Brice Scobell–owner reroof and tearoffs. SENIOR HOME COMPANIONS president of the Canon Law Society of America, will speak (St. Augustine parishioner-LSP • Any large or small repairs on “The Life of Eastern Catholic Churches in Their volunteer) • Wind or hail damage repairs is looking for qualified, mature individuals Call Dale for free estimates! Homelands” on March 9. 317-575-1970/866-557-9910 317-357-4341 for meals, shopping, light housekeeping and Indiana Federal Finance LLC Licensed • Bonded • Insured Chorbishop Faris, a Maronite Catholic priest of the 25 years experience • References available assistance. Eparchy of Saint Maron, is the author of many articles on Eastern Churches, Eastern Canon Law and interecclesial 200,000 People Will Read This Space In One Week. Flexible schedule. Start at $10.00 per hour. issues. Imagine what that could do for your business! Msgr. Denis J. Madden, vice president of the Holy See’s Call 317-236-1572 Please call 317-255-3272 relief and development agency for the Middle East and co- founder of Accord Foundation, a humanitarian organization ...... SENIOR HOME COMPANIONS OF INDIANA, INC. that works in the West Bank and Gaza, will speak on Positions Available “Christianity in the Holy Land Today” on March 16. Msgr. Madden is also vice president of the Holy See’s Classified Coupon relief and development agency for the Middle East. 2 Lines, 1 Week for $13.00 • $2.00 for each additional line There is no cost for these events except a free-will dona- tion. Reservations are requested no later than 5 p.m. on the Write your classified ad on this coupon and send it to us wit h payment. Monday before each seminar. This coupon DOES NOT APPLY to Commercial Business ads. Commercial cyo camp advertisers may call (317) 236-1572, for commercial rates . Write your ad “In essence,” Konicek said, “I’m really interested in each rancho framasa below with ONE WORD PER SPACE, including the phone number you one of our speakers because they are bringing so much of want in your ad. their personal experiences from events we only read NOW Ad: (four words per line) Classification: (for sale, etc.) about—which take place thousands of miles away—to our parish.” ______Registering Campers He called the series “a unique opportunity … to have so ______many important topics to learn and pray about during this $13.00 AND ______Lenten season.” $15.00 ______Hiring Camp Staff $17.00 (For more information or to make reservations, call 317- ______636-4478.) † Archdiocesan residential summer camp located i n $19.00 Brown County, Indiana ______$21.00 Operated by the Catholic Youth Organization since 1946 Deadline: Wednesday, noon, 8 days in advance of Friday publication date. Wacky hair Serving campers aged 7 to 16 in various 3 or 6 day programs. Inclusive of persons with disabilities. Name Nick Murray and Cameron Wilson, eighth-grade students Now hiring: Address

Northwest Indian Catholic at Aquinas Catholic Commu- • Junior Staff—aged 16–18 for 3 weeks @ $125/wk Phone nity School in Merrillville, • Program Staff—aged 19 & older for 10 weeks @ $240/wk Mail this coupon with payment to: Ind., work on math problems Extensive training provided starting May 2005. Classified Ads, The Criterion in class during "Wacky Hair Contact: P.O. 1717 Day" at their school on Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717 Jan. 31. Aquinas students Toll Free 1.888.988.2839 Karen Callaway, CNS photo by ❏ ❏ For camper registration: Or charge my: VISA MasterCard kicked off Catholic Schools Week, observed on Jan. 30 [email protected] or phone extension 22. Card # ______Exp. Date ______through Feb. 5, by bringing in For staff applications & employment information: Signature ______hair care products to be [email protected] or phone extension 25. donated to a local shelter. Page 20 The Criterion Friday, February 4, 2005

satisfied because it means we are going IRAQ forward with democracy and freedom; but continued from page 1 on the other hand, I am not satisfied because not everyone participated,” he Assembly that will eventually choose a said. new government that will, in turn, elect Early exit polls suggested that in some the country’s president and prime minister. parts of Iraq a substantial percentage of But despite clamped-down security and Sunni Muslims did not vote. More than a daylong ban on most traffic, some 62 percent of Iraq’s population is Shiite

44 people were killed on Jan. 30 after Muslim, while 34 percent is Sunni Northwest Indiana Catholic Karen Callaway, CNS photo by insurgents carried out a string of attacks Muslim, a different branch of Islam. and suicide bombings. Under Saddam Hussein, power was gen- Chaldean Patriarch Emmanuel-Karim erally in the hands of the Sunni minority. Delly of Baghdad condemned those who If too many Sunnis opted out of elec- used violence to express their opposition tions, “we will have some difficulties” in to the vote. forging a united country, said Bishop “It’s possible to have differing opin- Warduni. ions, but some showed it with ferocity, But most Catholic leaders said they others peacefully,” he said. were optimistic a fully democratic process “Everyone, Christians and Muslims, would benefit the whole country no matter went to vote as one people,” he told the what group obtains a majority in the tran- Italian-based missionary news agency sitional assembly. Asianews on Jan. 31. Chaldean Archbishop Djibrail Kassab “Those who want the best for our coun- of Basra told Asianews that “Christians, try cast a vote,” he said. like all Iraqis, just want a government, a Chaldean Auxiliary Bishop Shlemon constitution and a democracy.” Warduni of Baghdad told Vatican Radio Father Najim said, “If there is a capa- George Sheena, a member of St. Ephrem’s Chaldean-Assyrian Catholic Church in Chicago, celebrates on Jan. 31 he was partially satisfied with ble citizen who wants to help build a new outside the polling place in Skokie, Ill., near Chicago, on the last day of out-of-country voting for the the election process. Iraq, we will support him” no matter what Iraqi election on Jan. 30. More than 20,000 Iraqis cast votes at polls in five U.S. cities on Jan. 28-30, “On the one hand, I am certainly his religious affiliation may be. † according to polling officials. Pope asks Church courts not to undermine teachings on marriage

VATICAN CITY (CNS)—A marriage uphold Church teaching and on the and moral seriousness of such behavior the pope said. cannot be declared invalid simply because responsibility of diocesan bishops to certainly does not constitute a pastorally “He knows that unjust sentences are the couple feels unable to reconcile and ensure their tribunals operate according valid solution to the problems created by never a real pastoral solution and that the continue living together, Pope John Paul II to Church law and the requirements of matrimonial crises,” the pope said. judgment of God about his actions is that said. justice. Pope John Paul also criticized those which counts for eternity,” Pope John Paul “Acquiescence to interests foreign to “In the name of supposed pastoral who would see Church teaching on the said. the search for truth” is unjust, undermines needs, some voices have been raised to permanence of marriage as “mere orienta- Archbishop Antoni Stankiewicz, dean Church teaching on the indissolubility of propose declaring the nullity of unions tion or exhortation” while seeing Church of the Roman Rota, said that judges have marriage and can never be a pastoral that have totally failed,” the pope said. law as an unconnected set of procedures an obligation not only to render justice, response to a troubled marriage, the pope Suggestions have been made, he said, for dealing with failed marriages. but also to reaffirm through just sentences said on Jan. 29 in a speech to the Roman that tribunal judges make it appear that Tribunal staff members, he said, must “the natural and sacramental identity and Rota, a Church court dealing mainly with they have followed all the forms and pro- be motivated by “love for the truth.” dignity of marriage.” marriage cases. cedures to hide the fact that “a true judi- “They must resist the fear of truth, Marriage, a lifelong union between a Pope John Paul’s speech focused on cial procedure” never existed. which sometimes rises from the fear of man and a woman open to having chil- the moral obligation of tribunal staffs to “It is obvious that the objective juridical hurting people,” he said. dren, is not simply a concept, the arch- A judge who truly acts with justice bishop said, but is an institution created “does not let himself be conditioned either by God, unlike “all other interpersonal by feelings of false compassion for per- unions of a merely human creation [made] sons, or by false ways of thinking, even in the image and figure of ‘corruptible when they are widespread in society,” man’ in the service of the sinful body.” † Got New Vatican yearbook shows Questions? growth of Catholic Church VATICAN CITY (CNS)—As Pope • 49.8 percent of the world’s Catholics John Paul II took a rare sick day, he was live in North and South America. Find the answers in the given a thick tome to thumb through: the • An increase in the number of dioce- first copy of the 2005 Annuario Pontificio, san priests led to an increase in the overall new, 2005 edition of the the Vatican yearbook. number of priests in the world, despite the The book was delivered to the pope on fact that religious orders of men reported Directory and Yearbook Jan. 31, a day the pope suspended his fewer ordained members. for the Archdiocese of appointments because of the flu, said • The total number of priests grew from Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the Vatican 405,058 in 2002 to 405,450 in 2003. Indianapolis. spokesman. There were 707 more diocesan priests, Initial figures from the book compiled while there were 315 fewer religious order by the Vatican’s statistics office contained priests. ust off the presses, the new direc- some good news: • The pope named 171 bishops in 2004. Jtory contains up-to-date informa- • The world’s Catholic population grew He established 10 new dioceses and one tion about parishes, pastors, parish from 1.07 billion in 2002 to 1.08 billion in new apostolic vicariate. Six dioceses staff, schools, school staff, religious 2003, the last year for which complete fig- became archdioceses. education staff, archdiocesan adminis- ures are available. The Vatican yearbook generally goes tration, offices and agencies, telephone numbers, • The number of Catholics in Africa on sale in late February. The complete Mass times, addresses, e-mail addresses, photos of and biographical grew by 4.5 percent; in Asia by 2.2 per- data included in the book’s listing for each information about pastors, parish life coordinators, religious women cent; in Oceania by 1.3 percent; in North diocese in the world usually are released and men ministering in the archdiocese, Catholic chaplaincies, and South America by 1.2 percent. Europe months later in the Vatican’s Statistical hospitals, colleges and other institutions. reported “a situation of practical stability.” Yearbook. † • More than 300 pages of information you can use. • Products and services offered by 88 advertisers. • The resource for finding your way around the local Church. Peace • Still only $22.50 ($3.95 shipping and handling). Children stand with Pope John Paul II Order Today! Please send _____ copies of the Archdiocesan Directory and as he throws up his Yearbook at $22.50 per copy, plus $3.95 S&H. arms after a few Name ______attempts to release doves from his

Address ______Alessia Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo CNS photo by apartment window City/State/Zip ______at the Vatican on Jan. 30. The doves, Telephone ______Enclosed is my check in the amount of $______released during an Or charge my: ❏ Visa ❏MasterCard Account No. ______annual appeal for peace, seemed Exp. Date ______Signature______reluctant to leave the apartment win- Make check payableto: Criterion Press, Inc. Mail check and order form to: Criterion Press, Inc., P.O. Box 1717, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717 dow.