APRIL,1923. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 21 1 in fact we have never before experienced such severe electrical die- Monthly and annual precipitation (inche8)jor Porto Veh,Bzaeil. turbances m has been the case during the pat two month * * *.

RAINFALL AT PORT0 VELHO. BRAZIL.’ The monthly and annual recipitation at Port0 Velho, 1921...... Brazil, RS recorded by the sadeira Mamore Railway Co. has been published; a we have now received the statistics I Communlrakd by Dr. F. L. HOR~~,prudential Life ~nsuranceCO. for 1921 and the first 6 months of 1933, &s in the table MO.WE*THER REV.,Awl 1m150:416. below. -A. J. H. BIBLIOGRAPHY. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE WEATHER BUREAU LIBRARY. Sievers, F. J., & Holtz,. H. F. Influence of precipitation on soil com oeition and on mil organic C. FITZHUGHTALYAN. Meteoroloqist in Charge of Library. matter maintenance. Pullman, $&: 1923. 32 p. map 23 cm. (Washington. State coll. Agnc. exp. eta. Bulletid no.~~. 176.- .. Fehruarv.- ~.. The following have been selected from amonu the titles ____ .In 1923.) U. S. Department of a iculture. of books recently received as representing txose most Rain-making not gasible, says U. S. Weather bureau. washing- likely to be useful to Weather Bureau officials in their ton.] 1923. . 36 cm. (U. S. Dept. agric. Office of sec. meteorological work and studies: Press service. R eleased for Dublicationa March 21. 1923.) 0. S. Department of the interior. Baldit, Albert. . . . Wind cave, National park, South Dakota. . . Washington. Etudes 616mentaires de mCt6orologie pratique. 2nd ed. Paris. 1922. 24 p. illus. cm. (National park service.) 1922. xG, 428 D. illus. 251 cm. Waibel, Leo. Bombay. Yeteorologikl ofice. - WinterreEen in Deutach-Sfidwest-Afrika. Eine Schilderung der Rmfall of the Bombay presidency for years previous to 1891. v. 6. klimatischen Beziehungen zwischen atlantischem Ozean und Bombay. 1922. 658, 6p. map. 33 cm. Binnenland. Hamburg. 1922. vi, 112 p. illus. plates( part cuton, P. fold.) 29 cm. (Hambu . Univ. Abhandl. Gebiet Auslande- La m6t#orologie qricole dans lea pays tropicaux, en Indochine en kunde. Bd. 9. Reihe?. Naturwissenach. Bd. 4.) part.iculier. Saxon. 1921. 48 p. 27 cm. Wallih, Axel. CLutan, T. F. Rapport sur l’organisation de la m6t6oroloye agricole en SJde, Winds of Hongkong (appendix to Hongkong observations, 1921). rbent.6 B la 6Pme assembl6e gCn6rale de ‘Institut international Hongkong. 1921. 105 p. plates. 34) cm. iculture A Rome, mii 1922. Rome. 1922. . 6 p. 24 cm. Freybe, 0. Praktische Wetterkunde. Eine gemeinverstiindliche Anleitung Tornadoes of the United States. Washington. 1920. p. 139- zur Beniitzung yon Wetterkarten in Verbindung mit ortlichen 145. illus. plate. 314 cm. (Smithsonian report, 1918. Pub. Wetterbeobachtungen. 2te Aufl. Berlin. 1982. 82 p. 23) cm. 2552.) Rchulwetterkunde. Berlin. 1922. 60 p. illus. 19 em. Gautier, Raoul. Nouvelles mesires des chutes de pluie et neige au Grand Saint- RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY AND Bernard. CienBve. 193‘2. p. 313-353. illus. 23 cm. (Extr.: SEISMOLOGY. Arch. sci. phys. et natur., 5me per. v. 4. Sept.-Oct., 1932.) Granqvist, Gunnar. C. F. TALYAN,Meteorologist in Charge of Library. Strom- och windobservationer vid fyrekeppen. 1921. Helsing- fors. 1922. 40 p. fig. 244 cm. (Strom- und Windbeobsrh- The following titles have been selected from the con- tungen an den Leurhtachiffen 1921.) [HavEIforskningsinstitutets skrift, no. 13.1 tents of the periodicals and serials recently received in Great Britain. Medical research council. the Library of the Weather Bureau. The titles selected Kakthermometer instudies of body heat and efficiency.’ London. apers and other communications bearing on 1923. 196 p. illus. 21&cm. (Privy counal. Special report and cognate branches of science. This is series. no. 73.) Hall Maxwell. not a complete index of all the journals from which it kainfall of Jamaica from about 1870 to end of 1919. Jamaica. has been compiled. It shows only the articles that 1923. 21 p. map. 34 cm. appear to the compiler likely to be of particular interegt Mathias, E. - Rapport sur l’6tat actuel de l’Clectricit6 atmosph6ri ue. Paris. in connection with the work of the Weather Bureau. 1922. p. 83-170. 23 cm. (Extr.: Annales de ptysique, 9, Algeriu. Gclviec idtholo Cah.k, -4lgm. An& 1933. no. 1. ser. T. 18. Juil.-aoCt. 1922.) Lasserre, A. La fom~psychrom6tnquede Regnault et celle Morize, Henri ue. de Mr. Angot devant le psychromhtre du P. de Foucauld. p. 1-9. Contribiu$o ao estudo do clima do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro. 1922. Lasserre, A. .Note sur la variation.de la correction de grant+ de Vii, 118 p. plates. 301c m. la hauteur barombtnque avec l’altatude aux lamudm de l’bfnque Negretti & &bra. du Nord. p. 0-13. Notes on temperature. [London.] n. d. unp. illus. 19 cm. Petitjean, L. Surfaces de diecontinuit4 en Al@e et au Sahara. New York. State commission on ventilation. p. 13-16. Ventilation. Report of the . . . New York. tc1923.1 xxvi, 620 American mteorologkal society. Bulletin. Worwater, Mass. v. 4. p. illus. 26+cm. March, 19% Nottingham. City en ineer. Bavendick, F.. J. The blizzard of February 13-14, 1923, in the Meteorology of dttingham. 1932. [Nottingham. 1922.1 unp. northern plans. p. 45. charta. 3Sb cm. Clayton, H. H. The use of observations of solar henomens in astman, c. weather forecasting in Argentina. p. 34-37. [Agstract.] Rechercks sur les ands venta pr&sde la c8te suedoise du Golfe Clayton, H. H. Variations in solar radiation and the weather. de Botnie. Stocgolm. 1922. 47 p. diagr. plates. 32) cm. p. 33-31. [Abstract.] Paris. Services techniques d’hyGi8ne. Eshleman, Cyrus H. The weather and epidemica. p. 48. M6t6orologie. T. 3. Pans. 1922. 119 p. illue. 25 ,cm. Fergusson, S. P., & Covert, R. N. The measurement of the wind. [Rep ed reprint from Annalea des Services techniques a hy- pr4144. [Abstract.] phne3e la ville de Paris. Compte rendu des travaus de 1913 McAdie, Alexander. Dampness indoom and out. p. 38-40. a 1919.1 [Abstrsct.]

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