Special Libraries, March-April 1923 Special Libraries Association

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Special Libraries, March-April 1923 Special Libraries Association San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1923 Special Libraries, 1920s 3-1-1923 Special Libraries, March-April 1923 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1923 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, March-April 1923" (1923). Special Libraries, 1923. Book 3. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1923/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1920s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1923 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries LEONORE 4. TAFEL, Editor, 126 Washington Place, New York City. Vol. 14 March-April, 1923 No. 3 Bibliography, the Foundation of Scientific Research1 WILLIAM A. HAMOR, Assistant Director of the Mellon lnst~tuteof Industrial Research, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bibliography, the basis of library science, pe~imentation. Then, too, these methods prov~dcs the foundation for scientific re- conle into regular use in maintaining con- search. Upon the sound groundwork of tact with progress elsewhero in the know- experience which 11 givcs is planned ?ncl ledge of the subjects under study. As in crc:t?cl the structure of esperimentatlon. the time of Francis Bacon, "readmg serves resulting in novel obse~vationsand event- for delight, for orna~mcnt,for ability.. ually in the building of new methods antl the wise use it." But like all learning bib- products. In all rcsearch bibhography is liochres~s nlust be n~acle practical, for a fundamental, and the subsequent laboratory booltworw is usually a mere driveler, a investigation, foisn~ulated from existing gossamer in research. kno;vledge and by anology, is tectonic. Bib- Applied science constitutes the esscncc lioglaphy of science is the intelligence de- of industrial rcsearch, which is devoted partment cf scientific research. to the investigation of problems of chemi- Some one has said that a thorough librar- cal and physical technology. It 1s in this ian niust be a co~nbinat~onof bibliogi*aphe~~donlain that bibliochresis is outstandmg in and l3bhophile. To be successful in lab. utililurian valuc. This is because the litera- om ory research, a scientist nlust posses:! ture is so vast in scope ancl volume; in specialized knowledge of and Interest in addition to scientific, technical and trade h~blicchl-csis,the systematic use of scientific, books and periodicals, there is the large boolcs and pcriociicals, as well as ~ntimatq patent literature, domestic antl foreign, acquaintance and regard for cxperinlenta vrhich requires spccial training for its ~nethoclology. The complexity of the scien proper use. Preparation of chemical pro- ces and nrofessions has brought the special ducts, improvement of existing processes, librarian to the aid of research workers. discovery and development of new n~ethods to assist them b~bliographically; but it in, of ~nanufacture,and ascertainment of uses necessary fo~scienl~fic investigators to knon of manufactured products are among the how to utiliw-interpret and apply-facts types of p~~oblemsentruster1 for study to in literature, and this b~bliochretic work laboratories of industrial research, of which mus be clcne by themselves if they are to there arc over 500 in the United States at be productive in research. The systematw the present time. study of the ex~stingknowledge pertainha. Chemical bibliochresis is necessx~~ilyin- to a subject under investigation constitutes terwoven with experimental work in all the the prc.parSatory stage of every scietitific~ investigational actmities of the MeIlon In- inqulry of importance. It is followed by stitute of Industrial Research of the Uni- thc f~~mula'dvestage: analysis and co- versity of Pittsburgh. Indeed, it has had ordination of information obta~nedand then a highly importnnt contributory part In the the laying-down of definite plans for ex achievemcnts of the Industrial Fcllowship perimental work. System. The search methods of bibliochresis arcb The Mellon Institute of lndustr~alResearch. also the indispensable tools of researcl~ workmen in the solution of many mino?. The Industrial Fellowship System, for- questions and problems which arise con. mulated by Dr. Robert Kennedy Duncan stantly during the conduct of laboratory ex. (1868-1914) in 1906, ancl placed primarily SPECIAL LIBRARIES in experin~entaloperation at the Univer- rant the services of at least one man for a sity of Kansas in January, 1907, was in- period of at least one year; and, also, that augurated at the University of Pittsburgh there is no other investigation in progress on March 1, 1911. In March, 1913, Andrew in the Institute on the research topic which William Mellon, naw Secretary of the Treas- is of interest to the prospective d6nor. ury, and Richard Beatty Mellon established The Industrial Fellowships of the Insti- the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research tute are of two general types; v~z.,Indi- on a permanent basis, as a inemorial to vidual and Multiple. An Individual In- Judge Thomas Mellon and to Dr. Duncan. dustrial Fellowship utilizes the services of Libm~yof ICIellon Institute Their continued financial support has made one research chemist or engineer (with 'it possilble to devclop the system to its assistants when necesswy), who is respon- present strong position. sible directly to the executive staff of the The Ins'itute is a center for technical Tnstitute. A Multiple Industrial Fellow- investigation in chemistry and allled sub- ship utilizes the services of one or more jects. Its purpose is to promote industrial rcsearch men (Jun~orFellows) under the success through scientific research; in other d'irection of a Senior Fellow. who, in turn, words, to find new materials and new pro- is responsible to the executive staff. cesses for industrial developnlent and to The Institute is not of a commercial na- advance manufactunmg through the appli- ture, being entirely independent and deriv- cation of scientific methods to industry. ing no financial profit from the investiga- The Institute is a part of the University tions conducted under its auspices. More- of Pitlsburrh. over, members of the executive s aff of the The following paragraphs present briefly Tnstitute devote their time and ability to the workinq plan of the Institute. the interests of the Institute and of the In accordance with the system of research University without outside remuneration. an individual industrialist, a company, or The donor, on his part, provides a founda- an association of manufacturers, having a tion sum which is adequate to cover the suitable problem or group of problems re- annual cost of maintenance cf the Indus- quiring investigat~on,may become the donor trial Fellowship, which includes operating of an Industrial Fellowship, provided that charges, the purchase of all necessary spec- the probleins are of sufficient scope to war- ial apparatus or other equipment, and the Mar.-Apl., 1923 SPECIAL LIBRARIES SPECIAL LIBRARIES salary of the research man or men selected technology are on the shelves. Books of in- to work on the particular prablcm, the so- terest in connection with the problems be- lution of which is of concern .to the donor. ing worked on by the Industrial Fellows of Coopcration by sympathet~c encourage- the Institute are continually being added ment and pmchcal suggestion is also es- to the Library. From July 1, 1920, to July sential on the part of the donating com- 1, 1921, 753 volumes were purchased. From panies or associations for the successful July 1, 1921, to July 1, 1922, 409 books were conduct of the Industrial Fellowship work acquired by the Library. Thmisnumber does The Institute, in turn, selects the Indus- not include trade or obher catalogs. A large trial Fellow, and the investigation to be collection of tradc catalogs pertaining to conducted is committed to this conlpftent apparatus and mechanical equipment is man, who is no: otherwise preoccupied dur- maintained. There is a separate card cata- ing his incumbency of the Industrial Fel- log of this literature, which lists the names lowship. of companies represented and the articles The Institute provides laboratory, library, manufactured. and consultation facilit~es,the use of its The Library is open from 9 a. m. to 5 permanent research equipment, direction p. m., but the Industrial Fellows have ac- to thc progress of the worlc, and an ntmos- cess to it at all tlmes. phere which is conducive to productive in- All the literature contained In the Library vestigation. All results obtained by the is cataloged and in form convenient for use. Industr~alFcllomsh~p bclong exclusively to Most of the bibliochretic and reference work its donor. is carried out by the mem,bers of the In- At present (Mawh 1, 1923) there are stitute in the Library, but approximately fifty Industrial 1~'ellowships in operation in 300 books are In constant circulation. One the Instilute, of whlch thirteen are sub- experienced in chemical b~bliochresisis able s~clizetl by associations of manufacturers. to find at least a reference to the technical Thcse fifty distinct lines of research require or scientific report in which he is intcrestecl. the services of eighty-five che~nistsam1 en- If, then, the original contribution is not gineers. Booklets desc~iptiveof the Mellon on file in the Institute Library, it is prainpt- Institute and its Industrial Fellowship Sys- ly procured elsewhere. Books are borrowed tem may bc obta~nedupon request. on inter-library loan froin the leadmp pri- vate, institutional antl governmental lihtl- The Library of the Mellon Institute. ries. The 01-gathation of the Mellon Institute The I~brarian,Mrs. Stateler, has recent- Library was begun in 1013, when $20,000 ly compiled a complete list, totaling 1023 was appropriated for the purchase of che~ni- entries, of the boobs, bulletins, iournal con- cal literature.
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