The Diary of Heinrich Witt
The Diary of Heinrich Witt Volume 2 Edited by Ulrich Mücke LEIDEN | BOSTON Ulrich Muecke - 9789004307247 Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 09:30:38PM via free access [1] [2] Volume the second Commenced in Lima October the 9th 1867 Tuesday, 24th of January 1843. At 10 Oclock a.m. I started for Mr. Schutte’s silver mine of Orcopampa, my party was rather numerous; it consisted of course of myself on mule back with a led beast for change, the muleteer Delgado, his lad Mateo, both mounted, an Indian guide on foot named Condor, and seven mules laden with various articles for the mine as well as some provisions for myself, two or three fowls, half a sheep, potatoes, bread, salt, and sugar, also some sperm candles, and a metal candlestick. The mules carried each a load from eight to nine arrobes, besides four arrobes the weight of the gear and trappings. I may as well say en passant that I carried the above various articles of food because I had been assured that on this route I should find few eatables. I, accustomed to the ways and habits of the Sierra, saw nothing particular in the costume of my companion, nevertheless I will describe it, the muleteers wore ordinary woollen trowsers, and jackets, a woollen poncho over the shoulders, Chilian boots to the legs, shoes to their feet, but with only a single spur, on the principle that if one side of the animal moved the other could not be left behind; their head covering was a Guayaquil straw hat, underneath it Delgado wore a woollen cap, also round his neck a piece [_] jerga, for the purpose of blind folding his beasts when loading [_] a second piece round his waist the two ends of which [_] [3] and preserved his trowsers.
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