Transcriipt Detaiills This is a transcript of an educational program accessible on the ReachMD network. Details about the program and additional media formats for the program are accessible by visiting: death-window-improving-brain-resuscitation/3981/ ReachMD
[email protected] (866) 423-7849 Consciousness During Cardiac Death: A Window to Improving Brain Resuscitation? ReachMD woulld lliike to wiish you a happy and heallthy New Year and wiith each New Year comes a fresh start. As we llook ahead ReachMD iis proud to present thiis month''s speciiall seriies, Focus on Future Mediiciine. Does the miind exiist after there iis no braiin functiion. You are lliisteniing to ReachMD, The Channell for Mediicall Professiionalls and today we have a speciiall segment on the future of mediiciine. I am your host, Dr. Mauriice Piickard and today our speciiall guest iis Dr. Sam Parniia. Dr. Parniia iis a Fellllow iin Pullmonary and Criitiicall Care Mediiciine at Weiillll Cornellll Mediicall Center New York, New York and he iis allso an Honorary Seniior Research Fellllow at The Uniiversiity of Southampton, The Uniited Kiingdom, Schooll of Mediiciine. DR. MAURICE PICKARD: Thank you very much for joining us. DR. SAM PARNIA: Thank you, it is a pleasure to be with you. DR. MAURICE PICKARD: To begin with, could you explain, AWARE, which is an acronym for awareness during resuscitation. DR. SAM PARNIA: Yes this is the study that has just been launched through The University of South Hampton in the UK and it is currently the world's largest ever study looking at what happens to the human mind and brain during clinical death and cardiac arrest.