• TUESDAY. JUNE 19th "DRAG LIVE! AND PROUD!" starring The Dreamgirls. Hosted by Tye Blue and Iconic songs of the Pride experience

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th THE F FACTOR FINALE The Ultimate Vocal Competition selects a winner. $2,500 in cash prizes plus good and services. Hosted by Tye Blue. ,.,mr. THURSDAY, JUNE 21st AN ART SHOW AND SALE Benefiting Men's Health Issues Art and pottery, raffle, tasty bites and live entertainment.

FRIDAY, JUNE 22nd BAYOU BEAU "SHOW AND TELL" A fashion parade of hot male models wearing the latest styles of locally designed undergear.

SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd HUGE AFTER PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA Join OJ TAD DVORAK to dance the night away plus a surprise guest in a midnight performance.

SUNDAY, JUNE 24th THE CELEBRATION CONTINUES WITH THE INCOMPARABLE RAJA ..- ",1, Tye Blue hosts The Legendary ladies and one of the most popular winners from RuPaul's Drag Race. ,.,mt; TIIB ••••lBO•



Website: TWITmagazine.com Creative Director . Eduardo Ramirez Facebook: fb.com\ TWllmag Contributing Writers Blue Jean Granny Brett Bonney Contents Dustin Fitzharris Glenn Dillard Jr TWIT OJ Spotlight Richard Munguia DJ JD Arnold Robert Stohl

Granny's Kitchen Contributing Photographers Coq au Vin p12 Allen Grubaugh Brett Bonney Equality Texas ChazGordon 2012 Ally Awards Honarees P 16 Craig Cunningham Dov E Kupfer Eric Dickson p20 Ida Paul Stricklin ESCollection RWayne Ashabraner New Swirnweor Fashions P 26 Richard Munguia Tom Long TWIT Calendar What's Happening in Texas p36 Graphic Design Support Eric Dickson TWIT,Bar aI'Club Guide Javier Lopez T~xas-wid~ GLBTclub listings p40 Cover, Centerfold & TOC Photos p50 ESCollection

p51 publisher G& G Publishing P 53 and Markettr;lg, LLC 4007 McCullough Ave, #625 CORRECTIOfSi: Son Antonio, Texas 78212 We apDiOgit~ for the omission of Toll Free (855) 843-8948 the

":;J d --I ,---I ----I ~ '~~ ..::J ,---I ----I .=) 7.:JI -~ ----I ---=--J:I .=) ~ d =.) .---:.=ll

d---l 0=j ,---I --1 ----I =.) d ,-) J -=-' 2LJ' J =oJ ---J d ~ We start today with just a little Coq au Vin background information about my very favorite chef, and the woman Ingredients: who wrote a very famous cookbook Y2 cup lardons, see note entitled "Mastering The Art of French 2 Tolive oil (or more if needed) Cooking". Julia Child. Julia moved with 2 Y2-3 Ib bone in chicken pieces her husband, Paul, to France in 1948. ~ cup cognac Paul, like most of us, loved food and Salt and pepper not yet being the marvelous cook she 1bay leaf became, Julia enrolled at the famous ~ tthyme Cordon Bleu cooking school, thus 3 Tflour starting her long and successfuljourney 2 cups small white pearl frozen onions of learning, teaching and writing about 2 cups red wine (Burgundy, or PinotNoir) cooking. Julia authored 17 cookbooks 2 cups beef bouillon in her lifetime, with probably the most 2 cloves garlic, minced famous one being Mastering The Art of 1 Ttomato paste French Cooking. The claim is 30 million 3ft-1 lb. fresh mushrooms, washed and copies of this cookbook have been sold quarted worldwide. Julia died in August of 2004, just 2 days before her 92nd birthday. If you are using lordons, saute several She was a very interesting woman; you minutes in 2 tablespoons oil in a heavy might enjoy reading some of the books bottomed Dutch oven or large skillet written about her life, even if you do not until lightly browned; remove lardons enjoy cooking. It is said that each time to a side dish and leave fat in pan; she included this recipe in one of her otherwise, film pan with 1/8 inch of oil. books she changed it a little bit. Julia Heat fat or oil in pan to moderately hot, liked to flame the wine in the skillet, add chicken, not crowding it in the pan; which we will also do today. Today we turn frequently to brown ·i:1icelyon all will be using one of the revised versions. sides. (Cook in batches if necessqry.) The recipe is called Coq au Vin which Remove pan from heat source.' then isvery loosely translated chicken in red pour in the Cognac, shake pan a feW wine. This version was adapted from seconds until bubbling hot, and then Food.com. I have taken the liberty of ignite Cognac with a match. Let flame Changing some of the wording to better a minute, swirling pan by its handle to fit our methods. burn off alcohol; extinguish with pan SoS'ilvous plait let's make cover.

iWltl.,.. •...•..•.•.••.'•••. Pg.12 TWIT Season chicken pieces with salt and fresh pearl onions - use about 20. pepper; add bay leaf and thyme. If you have neither (frozen or fresh) coarsely chop 1 medium sized Place onions around the chicken, cover yellow onion. and cook slowly 10 minutes, turning 4. Beef bouillon may be purchased chicken pieces once. in the soup section of your grocery store. Uncover the pan; sprinkle on the flour 5. Tomato paste can be purchased in turning chicken and onions so flour is a tube. It isgreat to have when you absorbed; cook 3 to 4 minutes more, only use small amounts at a time. turning once or twice. Keeps for a long time in the icebox. 6. When you wash your mushrooms, Remove from heat, gradually stir and just do a quick rinse and drain on swirl in the wine and enough stock or paper towels. Do not let them set in bouillon to almost cover the chicken. water. Some people say not to wash just brush off, but I have washed Add the browned lordons. garlic, and them for years and have never had tomato paste. a problem doing so. 1. Have your pan lid ready when you Cover and simmerslowly25to 30minutes, start your recipe. Don't wait to flame then test chicken, remove those pieces cognac and then start looking for a that are tender, and continue cooking lid. the rest a few minutes longer. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed our Return all chicken to the pan, add little trip to France. Until next time, Au mushrooms and simmer 4 to 5 minutes. revoir. Taste carefully, and correct seasoning if Remember to work smart, play hard and necessary. please take time out for a cookie.

Sauce should be just thick enough to BlueJean Granny can now be reached coat chicken and vegetables lightly. by email for help, hints, recipe If too thin, boil down rapidly to suggestions for TWIT,or to just let her concentrate; if too thick; thin out with know how much you appreciate her spoonfuls of bouillon. column. You can email her at Granny@ TWITmagazine.com. Serve over buttered noodles. As Julia "." "6~ .,.,. would say, bon oppetit ''.

Notes and Hints: 1. Lardons, usefat back bacon or thick sliced bacon sliced into small strips about 1/4xl V2 inches. If you do not want to go to this trouble, just cover bottom of pan with about 118 inch olive oil. It will not have quite the same taste, but still be wonderful. 2. You may use chicken with or without the skin. If using the skin be sure and brown very well, or it may turn rubbery and not be very appetizing. 3. Small white pearl frozen onions, if you can find them and prefer

Pg.14 TWIT June 1,2012 ~g-~.IlityTexas Announces ~Of2 Ally Awards Honorees Rapper Adair Lion

President Obama, JCPenney, and rapper Adair Lion among those being honored with first ever 'Hat Tips' from Texas' largest civil rights organization dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity Iexpression

Texas announced today the three be released on the third anniversary of honorees for the first ever Equality Texas Jackson's death, June 25,2012, Ally Awards that recognizes individuals, businesses, and civic leaders that Initially released on April 30, the original have advanced equality for all Texans, music video version of BEN,which Time regardless of sexual orientation or Magazine's Tim Morrison said was "an gender identity/expression, during the astonishing thing by calling out the hip past year. hop world's endemic homophobia," was blocked by music content Rapper/Singer/Producer Adair Lion company Universal Music Group (UMG) and MissWest Texas 2011 Kaylee Anne after just 13 days and 156,000views on Keith Equality Texas Ally Individuals of voulube Lion subsequently created a the Year. Born and raised in the rough second version of the song that does not streets of central EI Paso, Adair Lion contain any Micheal Jackson sdmples once again proved his own sense of and is an entirely original piece that is street-toughness by rapping that being composed, written, recorded, mixed " is okay" in "BEN," a new music and mastered by Lion, video released in advance of "Michael & Me," Lion's forthcoming album that Kaylee Anne Keith, Lion's fiancee, includes tracks inftuenced by Lion's idol, was crowned Miss West Texas in 2011 Michael Jackson, The new album will with the platform "Bullying AwarenesS

Pg,16 lWlT in our company." Ellen DeGeneres also addressed the boycott on her show, explaining "Here are the values I stand for: honestv, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you'd want to be treated and ([h~~ helping those in ne~d. To me, those are traditional values. -Ihots what I stand for."

JCPenney has been a corporate leader for equality for many years, promoting a workplace environment free from -~\) discrimination. Jaf(e ~-rH. President Barack Obama and Vice and Prevention." Keith, who has President Joe Biden Equality Texas Ally spent countless hours raising funds Civic Leaders of the Year. Earlier this )]i~WA~~~ for Children's Miracle Network as well month President Obama made history as other charities, has brought her when he publicly supported marriage message of anti-bullying to numerous equality for same sex couples. This schools all over the state of Texas and single action, however, only represents worked together with Equality Texas a small portion of the many important and other allies to help pass legislation accomplishments the President and to stop bullying in Texas schools last Vice President have made on behalf year. Together, Lion and Keith continue of equality for LGBTpeople, not only in to fight for LGBTrights both in concert Texasand across the rest of the country halls and classrooms across Texas and but around the globe, such as repealing around the world. of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," passing the Hate Crimes Act, and securing JCPenney Equality Texas Ally Business LGBThospital visitation rights. Both the of the Year. As a company founded on President and Vice President have also the Golden Rule, JCPenney is guided recorded videos addressing the issueof by its core value to treat customers as bullying, including LGBTyouth. (NOTE: they would like to be treated: Fair and The President and Vice President will not Square. As part of its transformation be in attendance at the event.) efforts to become America's favorite store, the company hired Ellen The Ally Awards ceremony takes place DeGeneres as its spokesperson. The on Friday, June 22, 2012, at 8:00 p.m. company was threatened by a boycott at the Vendome in Dallas. A truly Texan from the conservotlve American Family event where guests will be donning Association, which demanded that their boots, buckles and 10-gallon hats, the openly gay DeGeneres be fired as the Ally Awards is an evening of unique JCPenney's spokesperson. entertainment, tasty desserts

Pg.18 TWIT By Dustin Fitzharris

Mika Newton isn't afraid to admit she is a high note. She is the latest protege of relentless. Shevows that she will never stop veteran producer and 'Arnericcn Idol" working hard, going to places, meeting judge, Randy Jackson, who produced people, and encouraging everyone the single. MTV immediately took notice around her to make a difference in of the song and its video, directed by the world. If it sounds like Newton is on Marc Klasfeld, who is known for his work a mission to prove she isn't just another with sevonce and Katy Perry,and named pretty, blonde pop star, you'd be correct. it "buzzworthy."

Last month, the 26-year old released her American-debut single titled "Don't Dumb Me Down," written by Danish composer Rune Westberg. The beat is instantly infectious. The lyrics, "Sometimes you don't get what you ask for; Sometimes you get a whole lot more," are empowering and yet clever enough to stick in your head throughout the day.

"It is a song with a very encouraging message," Newton says. "People tend to think that if you are pretty, it's unlikely that you have some brains too. I come across this opinion all the time!"

With "Don't Dumb Me Down," Newton's American career has been launched on

Pg.20 lWll Butmake no mistake, Newton isn'ttrying to on today's music as 'the stamp of truth." be a carbon copy of her peers. While she At the moment Newton describes believes that every artist has a gimmick, her audience as young people who her focus is on inviting her audience to "understand that life is an amazing take an emotional journey with her to adventure and everything is in their recognize the potential they have within. hands." However, her colorful dance beats combined with empowering "My ultimate mission as a performer is to messages about finding pride within, are help people believe in themselves, bring finding resonance among gay fans too. them hope of a better life and inspire them to be the best they can be," explains Some naysayers may say her image istoo Newton. '~II our life is a struggle with innocent for today's pop music scene, something. And if we achieve everything but she isn't concerned with fitting into a easily, we wouldn't appreciate what we mold and using what is hot now to sell her have as much. If you do what you do with music. "I do not really believe in fads, nor love, you don't think of anything else and do I want to be a part of it. My intention is just do it because it comprises your life." to continue to follow my heart and create my own art for people to enjoy and make Since Newton, born Oksana Stefanivna their lives better," Newton says. Grytsay, was a young girl growing up in Burshtyn, Ukraine admiring the talents The future is bright for Newton. She has of Celine Dion and Michael Jackson, been quoted as saying that having wings she always knew she wanted to sing. At to fly was something she always wanted. 7 years old she started going to music If she continues to keep her dreams alive school. Both of her parents supported and work as hard as she's doing today, her passion, and her father even helped she may get her wish and soar to heights train her to be the kind of performer she never even imagined. who could sing at any given moment. Newton remembers how often times he would wake her up late in the evening to entertain guests who had come by the house for a visit.

Newton continued to hone her craft and participated in various song contests. In February 2011 she was chosen to represent Ukraine in the EurovisionSong Contest. While she finished in fourth place, she caught the eye of producer and '~merican Idol" judge Randy Jackson. She signed a contract with JK Music Group and Jackson's Dream Merchant 21 and moved to LosAngeles in hopes to reach a whole new audience with her music.

"I am very honest with myself in my songs and what I want to say to people," says Newton. "I want to help them be honest with themselves. I would call my 'stamp'

Pg.22 1WIT June 1, 2012

CALIENTEI ES By Derek Grimes

The new swim collection by ES Collection isa nod to the thriving festival scene of Spain, Those elaborate, over- the-top super euro parties that have invaded the USAin recent years, In fact, the leader of them all, Matinee, returns to New York City this Pride,

"Spain has become the party capital of the world," says designer Ed Suner, the man behind the brand, Note: his initials are ES, Coincidentally, ESis also the initialsof Espana (Spain), the country where the collection ismade,

"Madrid is famous for its Pride, Barcelona for Circuit, and of course there is the island of Ibiza where there is always a party going on," continues Suner. "Spanish parties exude sex, They feature superior quality production. They are grand and spectacular", this summer's swim collection is a reflection of the magic,"

ES Collection is a playful brand, as depicted in their provocative ad campaigns, This summer's shoot took place in Andorra, a small country located between Spain and France, All images are on their- ~\ebsite, ESColiectionUSAcom,

Perhaps the brand's best design feature man perfectly," Now that's one way to start a fiesta, - that no other label has been able to match - isthe swim brief's frontal pouch, According to Zilberman, if you were to The entire ES Collection is available "It's likethe Wonderbra for women, " says pour Champagne into the cup of the online at ESColiectionUSAcom, Free NirZilberman of the Man TrendsAgency, brief's pouch, you could drink from it Shipping on all purchases! "It holds its shape and accentuates the twenty minutes later,

June 1, I2012 _ June 1, 2012 TWIT Pg, 27


WIN the underwear from the Pink Photo Shoot worn in last week~sissuel Five lucky winners will be selected.

Toenter: Simply become a fan of both www.fb.com/TWIT.mag Be www.fb.com/ packagemenswear between May23rd and June 8th, 2012 by logging into facebook and clicking 'like' on both pages. The five winners will be selected and contacted through facebook to have their prizes shipped to them.

We would like to thank the Models: lan, Jamall, Gentry, Josh, and Jesse for donating their time and sexy physiques to this cause. We would also like to thank: PackageMenswear.com for donating the garments; Splashtown in San Antonio, for allowing us full access to their incredible water park; and the photography talents of Wayne and his crew from MenOfOlympia.com. i •.•.•.,f•t.:i ~'---'-'-'-'-''''''' ......

....~ , -..- -..,., ...... •' ,- - -...... •..... - - _ ...... •...... :6'0"yo~"kr;o'~''of' ~~~~ts: Empi~eTh' e~)t'r~"""""""" Dallas Friciay;'june'S"',·,"',··, 'S'afurday',ju' 'rle '9"""" San Antonio :outside of the regular Teddy Bear Auction Dallas Dallas Pridefest 2-1Opm at Hemisfair Park 600 :club schedules, that are Saturday June 2 6-9pm at Round-Up Razzle Dazzle Days Razzle Dazzle Days Hemisfair Plaza off South :happening in your city? .' Saloon VIP Catered reception at Cedar Springs Merchants Alamo :To request your event be Austin Warwick Melrose 5-7pm Sidewalk Sale, Classic :listed, email complete QueerBomb , Car Show, Spectrum :event info along with Pine Street Station 1101 Houston Razzle Dazzle Days Motorcycle Show and Sunday, June 10 :your contact information East 5th St. 78702 Mr, & MissTony's Corner Pocket 2012-2013, 7pm at MetroBall 7pm, Taylor LifeWalk Waterpalooza Dallas :to the editor at Allen@ Dayne Show 9:30pm 1Oam-3pm on Cedar Old Time Sunday )WITmagazine,com, Type Corpus Christi Tony's Corner Pocket Springs Stip Afternoon Box Social :Calendar in the subject Mr" Miss & Ms. Hidden Pekers 5th Anniversary Noon-5pm at Dallas :line, Door Splash 2012 Monday, June 4 Party 9pm at Pekers Razzle Dazzle Dallas - Eagle, IGRA Charity : Pagea~ Corpus Christi Saturday Night Street Fundraiser :Friday, June 1 9pm at Hidden Door Chocolates for Love, Galveston Festival - Back to the 4-9pm at Hidden Door Eighties Pride Festival is a .Austln Mr, Pink Dolphin Contest :Rockabilly Relapse Fort Worth FREEevent 7pm-Mid On QCinema, 14th Annual, 10pm at Pink Dolphin :- Ruby Dee-Don Wednesday, June 6 Cedar Springs Strip Fort Worth's GL Inri :Juans- Two Hoots- Dallas :Gay Beach Weekend in film Festival at Rose :8pm -2am at Club 606 Razzle Dazzle Days Cedar :Galveston Marine Theater, near the Galveston Springs Wine Walk & Dog Gay Beach Weekend stockyards: Ladies Shorts Walk 6-9pm on Cedar 11am-6pm at Gay Fort Worth are Showing at Noon; San Antonio Springs Stip Beach, 1499 East Beach QCinema, 14th Annual, Morgan at 2pm; Positive Mr & Ms Pridefest Drive Fort Worth's GL Inri youth at 4pm; A Perfect Pageant at Pegasus film Festival at Rose Ending 6pm; QLive! Galveston ...... Marine Theater, neat the Presents "Mulligans: A , Pink Posse Party & Tom stockyards: An Evolving Staged Reading" at 8pm : Long's 60th Birthday Bash ._._•.•.•...•..••..•.•.• _... __.. -0_.'-"'" •..•.-..-.. -•.•.. -.. -.-•... '#-" Issue, Gay Marriage at The Pink Dolphin Shorts at 6:30pm; Raid of the Rainbow Lounge San Antonio Bruckner Blockbuster 8pm Thursday, June 7 ...... _...... •...- -...... •...... ~.....•...- - -..-.- -.-~-,,""" .....•...... -.-.-.- ...... •.... 8pm in the Majestic Theatre Dallas ...... Razzle Dazzle Days Houston Jagermeister Oak Lawn Miss Gay Pride Presents: Sunday, June 3 Pub Crawl 8pm-Midnight : Fat Bottomed Girls.., Corpus Christi (They make the rockin' After Splash Party Do you know of events, outside of the regular club schedules, world go round) Afternoon at Hidden San Antonio thotore happening in your city? To request your event be Benefiting GCAM and LVL Door Tommie Rossguest stars listed, email complete event info along with your contact at HEAT Campout information to the editor at [email protected] Type 8:30pm at Tony's Corner Fort Worth RuPaul's Madame Calendar in the subject line. Pocket QCinema, 14th Annual, Laqueer & Tatianna Fort Worth's GL lntl Midnight at Silver Dollar San Antonio film Festival at Rose Bruckner Blockbuster 8pm Marine Theater, neat the , ...... Gillian Welch 8pm in the in the Majestic Theatre stockvords: Vito at Noon; : .-...-...... •...... Empire Theatre ...... •..... ~ '" -...•..._...... •... -.....•..-.-._ ',.. The Kids Are Alright: Youth' Geoff Tate of Shorts at 2pm; QUEENSRYCHE8pm in the ...... •...... -.-.-...•...... -.-..•...... -...•...... ~ Pg.37 Pg. 36 TWIT June 1,2012 June 1,2012 TWIT JDE PRESEnTS

Saturday June 30, 2012 1 1:00 PM - 11:00 PM Crockett Park 11300 N. Main Parade starts at 9:00 PM High Heel Race at 8:30 PM 2012 Grand Marshal I Adam Bouska Founder of NOHB Campaign IJ Pride San Antonio www.pridesanantonio.org

For volunteer or sponsorship opportunities please email [email protected] YOUR SOURCE OF LGBT BUSINESSES IN TEXAS ~ Abilene TX 220 Club, The 4201 N 1st St 79603 325.672.5731 AmarilloTX 212 Club 212SW6th 79101 806.372. 7997 Rand R. The 701 S. Georgia St. S 79106 806.342.9000 Sassy's 309W 6th St 79101 806.374.3029 Arlington TX 1851 Club Arlington 1851 W division St 76012 817.801.9303 Austin TX 606 606 E 7th St 78701 512.414.2950 'bout Time Night Club 9601 N I H 35 78753 512.832.5339 Chain Drive 504 Willow St 78701 512.480.9017 Iron Bear, The 121 W 8th St 78701 512.482.8993 OCH - Oilcan Harry's 211 W. 4th St 78701 512.320.8823 Rain 217bW 4th St 78701 512.494.1150. Rusty's 405 E 7th St 78701 512.482.9002 Town n Country 1502 W Ben White Blvd 78704 512.445.9122 BeaumontTX Orleans Street Pub and Patio 650 Orleans St 77701 409.835.4243 Bryan TX Halo Bar 121 N Main St 77803 979.823.6174 Corpus Christi TX Hidden Door, The 802 S Staples St 78401 361.882.5002 Seven 51 2 S Staples St 78401 Triangle 609 McBride Ln 78408 361.289.1442 Vault 424 Schatzell St. 78401 DallasTX Alexandre's 4026 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 214.559.0720 Barbara's Pavillion 325 Centre St 75208 214.941.2145 BJ's NXS 3215 N Fitzhugh Ave 75204 214.559.0669 Brick Bar, The 2525 Wycliff Ave 75219 214.521.3154 Cherries 2506 Knight @ Maple 75219 2144430499 Club Los Rieles 600 S Industrial Blvd 75207 214.741.2125 Dallas Eagle 5740 Maple Ave 75235 214.357.4375 Drama Room 3851 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 214.443.6020 Exklusive 4207 Maple Ave 75219 214.556.1395 Grapevine, The 3902 Maple Ave 75219 214.522.8466 Havana Lounge 4006 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 214.526.9494 Hidden Door, The 5025 Bowser 75209 214.526.0620 JR's Bar 3923 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 214.528.1004 Kaliente 4350 Maple Ave 75219 214.520.6676 Kitty's Bar 5334 lemmon ave 75209 214.599.8834 Mining Company, The 3909 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 214.521.4205 Pekers 2615 Oak Lawn Ave 75219 214.528.3333 Pub Pegasus 3326 N Fitzhugh Ave 75204 214.559.4663 Round Up Saloon 3912 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 214.522.9611 Station 4 3911 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 214.526.7171 Sue Ellen's 3903 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 214.559.0650 Tin Room, The 2514 Hudnell St 75235 214.526.6365 Woody's Dallas 4011 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 214.520.6629 Zippers 3333 N Fitzhugh Ave 75204 214.526.9519 Denison TX Good Time Lounge 2520 N State Highway 91 75020 903.463.6086 DentonTX Mable Peabody's 121 5 E University Dr 76209 940.566.9910 EI Paso TX Briar Patch, The 508 N Stanton St 79901 915.577.9555 Cheery Creek Mining Co 1407 E Overland Ave 79901 915.532.8232


Chiquita's Bar 310 EMissouriAve 79901 915.351.0095 Club 101 3233 N Mesa St 79902 915.544.2lO2 Lips 510 N Stanton St 79901 915.881.4912 Old Plantation, The 301 SOchoa St 79901 915.533.6055 San Antonio Mining Co 800 ESan Antonio Ave 79901 915.533.9516 Tool Box, The 506 N Stanton St 79901 915.351.1896 Whatever Lounge, The 701 E Paisano Dr 79901 915.532.0215 Euless TX Wildlife 11050 S Pipeline Rd 76040 817.726.4442 Fort Worth TX Best Friends Club 2620 E Landcaster Ave 76lO3 817.420.9220 Changes 2637 E Lancaster Ave 76lO3 817.413.2332 Club Reflection 604 S.Jennings Ave 76lO4 817.870.8867 Crossroads Lounge 515 SJennings Ave 76lO4 817.332.0071 Konection 1002 S Main St 76lO4 Rainbow Lounge 651 SJennings Ave 76104 817.744.7723 Galveston TX 3rd Coast Downtown 2416 Post Office St 77550 409.765.6911 Pink Dolphin, The 1706 23rd St 77550 409.621.1808 Robert's Lafitte ,2501 Avenue Q 77550 409.765.9092 Stars Beach Club 3102 Seawall Blvd 77550 409.497.4113 Houston TX 611 Hyde Park Pub 611 Hyde Park Blvd 77006 713.526.7070 Bayou City Bar and Grill 2409 Grant St 77006 713.522.2867 Blur 710 Pacific 77006 713.529.3447 2400 Brazos St 77006 713.528.9192 Club 2020 2020 Leeland St 77003 713.227.9667 Crocker 2312 Crocker St 77006 713.529.3355 Crystal Nightclub 6680 Southwest Fwy 77074 713.278.2582 Us 2517 Ralph St 77006 713.527.9071 EVO Lounge 2707 Milam St 77006 281.554.3336 F Bar 202 Tuam St 77006 713.522.3227 George's Your Country Sports Bar 617 Fairview St 77006 713.528.8lO2 570 Waugh Dr 77019 713.524.3359 JR's 808 Pacific St 77006 713.521.2519 2306 Genesse St 77006 713.521.0123 Michael's Outpost 1419 Richmond Ave 77006 713.520.8446 808 Pacific St 77006 713.529.7488 Ripcord 715 Fairview St 77006 713.521.2792 810 Pacific St 77006 713.529.7623 TC's Show Bar 817 Fairview St 77008 713.526.2625 Tony's Corner Pocket 817 W Dallas St 77019 713.571.7870 Viviana's 4624 Dacoma St 77092 713.681.4lO1 Killeen TX The Beach 1607 F.Veterans Memorial 76541 512.472.2782 Laredo TX EIMaguey Bar Lounge 4415 Hwy 359 78046 956.7740446 Zebra's Nightclub 1416 Houston St 78040 956727.0113 LongviewTX Decisions Club 2103 E Marshall Ave 75601 903.757.4884 Rainbow Members Club 203 S. High 75601 903.753.9393 Lubbock TX Club Luxor 2211 4th St 79415 806.744.3744 McAllenTX Club 33 3300 N McColl Rd 78501 956.627.3312 PBD's Lounge N Ware Rd at Daffodil 78501 956.682.8019


OdessaTX Club Passions 5246 W 16th St 79762 432.661.1539 San Antonio TX 2015 Place 2015 San Pedro Ave 78212 210.733.3365 Annex, The 330 San Pedro Ave 78212 210.223.6957 Bermuda Triangle 10127 Coachlight St 78216 210.342.2276 Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham 78205 210.271.3811 Boss,The 1006 Vfw Blv 78223 210.550.2322 Electric Company 820 San Pedro Ave 78212 210.212.6635 Essence 1010 N Main 78212 210.223.5418 Heat 1500 N Main Ave 78212 210.227.2600 One 0 Six,The 106 Pershing Ave 78209 210.820.0906 Pegasus 1402 N Main Ave 78212 210.299.4222 Silver Dollar Saloon 1812 N Main Ave 78212 210.227.2623 Sparks Club 8011 Webbles Dr 78218 210.599.3225 Sparky's Pub 1416 N Main Ave 78218 210.320.5111 The Saint 800 Lexington Ave 78212 210.225.7330 Wax Club 2211 San Pedro Ave 78212 210.737.9191 SpringTX Ranch Hill saloon 24704 1-45Frontage 77386 936.441.6426 Room Bar, The 4915 FM 2920 Rd 77388 Texarkana AR Chute, The 714 Laurel St 71854 870.772.6900 Whitehouse TX Outlaws 15256 Hwy 110 S 75791 903.509.2248 Wichita Falls TX Odds Bar,The 1205 Lamar St 76301 940.322.2996

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