Water Minimization in the Tapioca Starch Production Industry: a Decision Support System
The 3rd Conference on Starch Technology O-STARCH-03 Water Minimization in the Tapioca Starch Production Industry: A Decision Support System Natthakan Rungraeng1, Kanchana Saengchan1, Annop Nopharatana2 and Warinthorn Songkasiri3 1Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Practice School, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Ratchburana, Bangkok 10140, Thailand 2Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute (PDTI), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150, Thailand 3Biochemical Engineering and Pilot Plant Research and Development Unit (BEC), National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), 83 Moo 8 Thakham, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok, 10150, Thailand Abstract A typical tapioca starch manufacturing process consumes freshwater approximately 10 to 30 m3 per ton of starch produced. The amount of water consumption can be reduced considerably by the recycle of wastewater. This research utilizes a water pinch technology as a tool to minimize water consumption in the starch production process. The water pinch decision support system, called the W-Pinch program, was generated by the Starch Engineering and Process Optimization (SEPO) Program, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT). The W-Pinch modelling system includes 7 composition balances of water, starch, protein, pulp, sand, peel, and sulfur. Water composition is correlated to freshwater and wastewater calculations and the moisture content of the product. Starch and pulp compositions demonstrate the extractor efficiency. Peel, sand, protein, and sulfur compositions are the control parameters to monitor and control the final product quality after applying the water recycling patterns. Each composition stream was balanced for each unit in the starch production process, i.e., root receiver, washer/cutter, rasper/grinder, coarse extractor, fine extractor, separator I, separator II, separator III, centrifugal dewater unit, and flash dryer.
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