The Galilean Satellites Formed Slowly from Pebbles
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Draft version October 29, 2019 Preprint typeset using LATEX style AASTeX6 v. 1.0 THE GALILEAN SATELLITES FORMED SLOWLY FROM PEBBLES Yuhito Shibaike1,2,Chris W. Ormel3,4,Shigeru Ida1,Satoshi Okuzumi5, and Takanori Sasaki6 1Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan 2Physikalisches Institut & NCCR PlanetS, Universitaet Bern, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland 3Anton Pannekoek Institute, University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904,1090GE Amsterdam, The Netherlands 4Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University, Haidian DS 100084, Beijing, China 5Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8551, Japan 6Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japan ABSTRACT It is generally accepted that the four major (Galilean) satellites formed out of the gas disk that accompanied Jupiter’s formation. However, understanding the specifics of the formation process is challenging as both small particles (pebbles) as well as the satellites are subject to fast migration processes. Here, we hypothesize a new scenario for the origin of the Galilean system, based on the capture of several planetesimal seeds and subsequent slow accretion of pebbles. To halt migration, we invoke an inner disk truncation radius, and other parameters are tuned for the model to match physical, dynamical, compositional, and structural constraints. In our scenario it is natural that Ganymede’s mass is determined by pebble isolation. Our slow-pebble-accretion scenario then reproduces the following characteristics: (1) the mass of all the Galilean satellites; (2) the orbits of Io, Europa, and Ganymede captured in mutual 2:1 mean motion resonances; (3) the ice mass fractions of all the Galilean satellites; (4) the unique ice-rock partially differentiated Callisto and the complete differentiation of the other satellites. Our scenario is unique to simultaneously reproduce these disparate properties. Keywords: accretion, accretion disks — planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability — planets and satellites: formation — planets and satellites: individual (Jupiter, Galilean satellites) — planets and satellites: interiors — planet-disk interactions 1. INTRODUCTION that if enough satellitesimals (km-sized bodies) exist in the The four large satellites around Jupiter were discovered by disk, satellites with the current Galilean satellites mass can Galileo Galilei over 400 years ago. The physical, dynami- form by two-body collisions (Canup & Ward 2006; Sasaki cal, compositional, and structural properties of the satellite et al. 2010). A problem with this scenario, however, is the system are well known. The inner three satellites, Io, Eu- formation of satellitesimals. Unless the CJD features pres- ropa, and Ganymede, are captured in mutual 2:1 mean mo- sure reversals or the gas flows outward on the midplane, the tion resonances. The satellites’ masses are similar at about progenitor dust grains will not have had the time to conglom- −4 erate, because of the strong radial drift (Shibaike et al. 2017; 10 MJ (Jupiter mass). The satellites’ ice mass fractions in- crease with their distance from Jupiter: Io is dry, Europa con- Drazkowska˙ & Szulagyi´ 2018). Alternatively, planetesimals sist of 6 − 9 wt% ice, while Ganymede and Callisto have ice expelled from the CSD can be captured by the CJD by virtue mass fractions of about 50 wt% (Kuskov & Kronrod 2005). of the large density of the latter disk. A problem with this arXiv:1909.00285v2 [astro-ph.EP] 28 Oct 2019 Uniquely, Callisto features an undifferentiated internal struc- planetesimal-capture scenario is, however, that the growing ture (Schubert et al. 2004). Jupiter and the opened gas gap push the planetesimals out Any model describing the formation of the Galilean satel- from Jupiter’s feeding zone, rendering the capture rate very lites, must obey these basic observational constraints. How- low (Hayashi et al. 1977; Fujita et al. 2013). ever, previous models have only explained parts of these Another problem formation models face is that of strong characteristics and the models are inconsistent with each radial migration of planetesimals and satellites by aerody- other. Given that the satellites reside in the same plane, it is namic and tidal forces. Previous works argued that today’s natural to assume that they formed in a gas disk surrounding Galilean satellites are the final survivors of a history in which Jupiterthe circum-Jovian disk (CJD)analogous to the forma- an earlier generation of satellites repeatedly formed, but were tion of planets in circum-stellar disks (CSDs) (Canup & Ward lost because they migrated into Jupiter (Canup & Ward 2006; 2002; Mosqueira & Estrada 2003). Previous works showed Sasaki et al. 2010; Ogihara & Ida 2012; Cilibrasi et al. 2018). This model is therefore very inefficient in its use of (already 2 scarce) solid material supplied to the CJD. An alternative 2, we explain the methods used in this work. We then show idea, which we invoke in our model, is to stop the inward the results of our calculations in Section3 and discuss the migration by virtue of a cavity of the gas disk around Jupiter validity of our assumptions In Section4. These two sections opened by a strong magnetic field of the planet. The res- are the key parts of this paper. We also add some discussion onance chain of the inner three satellites’ orbits is actually in Section5 and conclude our work in Section6. consistent with a scenario where the cavity halted the migra- tion of Io and then Europa and Ganymede were captured into 2. METHODS the resonances one by one (Sasaki et al. 2010; Ogihara & Ida In order to create a scenario for the origin of the Galilean 2012). satellites consistent with almost all of the available con- The variation in the ice fraction also constitutes a straints, we rely on combining a variety of modeling tools. formidable modeling challenge (Heller & Pudritz 2015a,b). We first provide an executive summary of the overall model In particular, the ice mass fraction of Europa (6 − 9%)rather (Section 2.1) and then discuss its elements in more detail. small compared to Ganymede and Callistois hard to explain by the previous satellitesimal-accretion scenario because the 2.1. Model Summary rocky and icy satellitesimals must be radially mixed beyond As we show later in Section 2.4, the pebble isolation mass the snowline (Dwyer et al. 2013). Recently, a scenario where (PIM) in the CJD is close to the actual mass of Ganymede. Europa accretes small icy particles, which dehydrated inte- Therefore, we investigate two models. In the first model, four rior to the snowline, has been suggested to explain the small planetesimals are captured, grow, and migrate (Model A). ice fraction (Ronnet et al. 2017). Another idea is to repro- In the second model, three planetesimals are captured, the duce the fraction by accreting small particles by invoking the third satellite reaches pebble isolation, and the fourth satel- inward movement of the snowline (the place in the CJD cor- lite forms out of the pebbles trapped at the gas pressure maxi- responding to T = 160 K) in the final growth phases of the mum associated with reaching PIM (Model B). The methods satellites (Canup & Ward 2009). A formation scenario for the used in the two models are the same except for the treatment TRAPPIST-1 system which has various ice mass fractions of of PIM and the way to calculate the growth of Callisto. In planets may be able to apply to the Galilean satellites, where both the models, the captured planetesimals slowly accrete the seeds of the planets form around the snowline and accrete the particles drifting toward Jupiter, here referred to as peb- pebbles during their migration toward the star (Ormel et al. bles (∼ 10 cm). The interiors of the satellites are mainly 2017). heated by the radiogenic decay of 26Al included in the ac- Finally, the dichotomy between the differentiated creted pebbles. Figure1 represents the two models of our Ganymede and the partially differentiated Callisto requires slow-pebble-accretion scenario. tuned conditions. Given that Ganymede and Callisto have At first, we model the gas accretion rate as M˙ g = −1 similar mass and compositions, it is natural to likewise 0:2 exp(−(t − tgap)=tdep)) MJ Myr , where t, tgap, tdep, and expect a similar thermal history for these neighboring MJ are the time after the formation of CAIs, gap opening satellites (Barr & Canup 2008). Thermal evolution after their time, gas depletion timescale of the CSD (we assume tdep = 30 formation by the release of the gravitational energy during 3 Myr), and the current Jupiter mass MJ = 1:90 × 10 g, the differentiation and/or the impacts during the Late Heavy respectively. We consider a 1-D viscous accretion CJD. We Bombardment might be able to make the dichotomy but still assume that the gas mass flux is uniform in the CJD and it tuned conditions were needed (Friedson & Stevenson 1983; is equal to both the inflow mass flux to the disk and gas ac- Barr & Canup 2010). cretion rate to Jupiter, and the mass of Jupiter grows by M˙ g Here we show that we have succeeded to construct a new from 0:4 MJ at t = tgap to 1:0 MJ at the end of the calcula- scenario, “Slow-Pebble-Accretion scenario”, which repro- tion. We fix the position of the edge of the cavity rcav at the duces the physical, dynamical, compositional, and structural current position of Io. On the distribution of the disk tem- properties of the satellite system simultaneously and consis- perature in our model, the position of the snowline rsnow is at tently. Naturally, in order to match the above constraints, our Ganymede’s orbit when the gap opens and moves to Europa’s model is characterized by a number of parameters. There- orbit at the end of the disk evolution.