
The monthl y newsl etter of M essiah Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) 8154 Atl ee Road, M echanicsvill e, 23111 804-746-7134

APRIL, 2015

We celebrate Easter on Sunday, April 5.

 Easter Sunrise Service - 7:30 am  Festival Worship - 11:00 am

On Easter, we will offer our traditional Walk with Jesus and contemplate his walk pancake breakfast by MOM (Men of Mes- to the cross for our sake. Palm Sunday be- siah), 8:30 am – 10:00 am. Contact Bill gins this special week on Sunday, March Weaver to help. 29. Kids’ activities start at 9:30 am with our  Palm Sunday - 8:00 am & 11:00 am popular Easter Egg Hunt at 10:10 am. services  Holy Monday – Cursing the Fig Tree, We hope you can join us!! 6:00 pm  Holy Tuesday – Jesus predicts his

death, 6:00 pm  Holy W ednesday – “Spy Wednesday,” A look inside.... Judas conspires against Jesus, 6:00 pm  Survey: New service time? ..……...P. 2  Maundy Thursday – Last Supper re-  Pastor’s Letter …………...………....P. 3 membered with first communion, 7:00  The at 500 ……….….P. 4 pm  Prayers, Celebrations ……..……...P. 5  Good Friday –  Calendar of events …...……………P.6, 7 Service of Three Hours - Jesus’  MCEF news ………………..………..P. 7 death on the Cross, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm  Making an impact………………… P. 10 Special Good Friday Service –  Adult Sunday school news .……..P. 11 7:00 pm  Unified service, potluck & vote ...P. 12  Easter Vigil (Saturday) - with All Souls, 7:30 pm April, 2015 M essenger page 2

The Messenger Your 2015 Church Council And Associate Members Published monthly by Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA Kevin Hendrickson…..Council President 8154 Atlee Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Church Office: (804) 746-7134 Donna Shaw ……….……...Vice-President FAX: (804) 746-5579 Laura Harris ……….…..…...... Secretary Rev. Louis A. Florio, Jr., Pastor Pastor’s email: [email protected] Sally Bennett Jon Koeppen Davina Winn, Church Secretary Paula Barwick Dean Gustafson Office email: [email protected] Steve Gilnett Gordon Gunn Susie Weaver, Newsletter Editor Ph: 804-550-3503 Co u n cil Li ai so n s Email: susiew [email protected] Christian Education ……….Jon Koeppen

Evangelism ………...... Dean Gustafson VISIT OUR MLC WEBSITE: Fellowship …………..……….Steve Gilnett Finance ………………………Paula Barwick Property ………………Kevin Hendrickson School Board ………………….Donna Shaw Social Ministry ………………Gordon Gunn Messiah on Pinterest Stewardship ……………….....Laura Harris Worship ……….……………..Sally Bennett boards/ Johnnie Collie… Treasurer Bill Weaver... Financial Secretary Sue Gilnett, RN...P arish Nurse

Trustees: Bob Griffin, Join Messiah on Facebook! Dick Wright and Pat Hubert.

Survey says…New service time?

Messiah will once again be offering a larger segment of our community gather- short survey to help council discern our ing together as one; and an opportunity to future course in ministry. Of particular let all members get to know one another note is a study to unify our two services. better. At the last worship team meeting, several members suggested we move to one ser- Several scheduling options will be pre- vice instead of our current 8:00 am and sented for your feedback, but no action is 11:00 am format. (Messiah used to have being taken at this time. The survey is be- one service in the past.) ing created as our newsletter is published an d will even tually be con ducted th rough Suggested benefits included: better music paper and electronic submissions. Please due to more voices; improved appearance take advantage of this opportunity when for guests (to help them see that we aren’t the survey is distributed. We need to get a a shrinking, tiny congregation especially firm sense of what all our membership on low attendance Sundays); an en- would like, for this is our ministry to- hanced worship experience provided by a gether. April, 2015 Messenger page 3

Pastor’s letter.. have access to an abundant life. Our “little deaths” will be used by God to show love A resurrected people for us. Blessing will surely come, and so, we can live in hope. We are called as a res- I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount urrected people where we trust God is do- the deeds of the Lord. (P salm 118:7) ing new and w onderful things in and through our lives. We need not get stuck

in our doubts and darkness. We can in- Recently, I finally broke down and bought stead embrace the resurrection dawning in a smart phone. After eight years with my old phone, it was sadly necessary and our lives. overdue. One of its many features is the ability to play a musical alarm. Recalling “In my distress, I called to the Lord. God my past joyful experiences with the Com- heard my voice and set me free. God is my munity of Taizé as well as the many strength. God is my song.” How shall I prayers shared between All Souls Episco- proclaim this Good News? How can I not? It is humbling to think that our extraordi- pal and Messiah Lutheran, I immediately n ary God is breakin g in to our ordin ary thought to make a Taizé chant my alarm lives in such a joyful, intimate way. tone. Of all the many choices available, I selected Psalite Deo (Praise God), based on Yes, we have access to God through the Psalm 118. Risen Christ. The tomb is empty. Let us Wh at a blessin g it has proven to have my not linger there, but instead run and tell first conscious thoughts each day be of all we know through word and deed. Jesus God’s love and the great things done and is Risen! He is risen indeed! A new song being done in my life. “This is the day the and new life lie before us. Lord has made” with all its opportunities. “Sing a new song to the Lord for all the In thanksgiving, I want to live for him and those he entrusts to our care. I intend to wonders God has done.” It is another day lift my voice to the Lord for he is surely for me to give thanks and praise with all good, for his steadfast love endures forever the earth. “Sing out for joy!” No matter (Psalm 118). I pray your life will join mine what happens in this day, “I shall not die and the lives of all the saints in singing but live!” “For God’s love endures forever.” “Alleluia! Alleluia!” praises to God forever.

With such affirmations thrust upon my Happy and blessed Easter to you all! mind and heart, my day begins somehow Pastor Lou differently than before. I recognize once again that God is alw ays doing something new in my life. No matter the adversity lay- ing before me in w ait, I need not be afraid. It is truly time for me to awake from my slumber and witness to the new, joyful re- ality of the Risen Christ in my life.

In our Len ten class on grief, I men tion ed that life can often seem like a number of “little deaths” with its many trials and losses. Yet as we might rightly grieve, we April 22, 2015 should never forget that through Jesus we April, 2015 M essenger page 4

I challenge all of you reading this to sign up today, and together let's find out what 1517, and 2017, are really all about!

Introducing the Luther Reading Chal- l enge: - What did really say in the The Reformation at 500 years old 95 Theses?

- Is it true he had a special affection for Preparations for the 500th anniversary of the Virgin Mary? the start of the Protestant Reformation continue. The event marks Martin Luther’s - Di d he th in k the Ol d T estamen t w as all posting of his 95 Theses, primarily oppos- law an d no gospel? ing the practices of indulgences. This - What was his advice concerning prayer? event unexpectedly resulted in reforms of - Did he advocate good works? the universal church which continue to- - Why was the real presence of Christ the center of all his thinking? day. You can learn more from the follow- - How did his last will and testament ing resources. break the law (in favor of his wife)?

- What did Luther actually say and think? Web:

As the Reformation anniversary in October Facebook: 2017 draws near, Martin Luther will be a hot topic of conversation. Lutheran Twitter: @ELCA churches are already asking themselves how to commemorate the big event. It's not too early to start preparing! And what Another resource from Germany cele- better w ay to do so than actually to read and discuss Luther's own words? brates what is being called “the Luther

Decade” (2008 – 2017). This marks Martin ...Sign up for a free account and join Luther’s arrival in Wittenberg through the countless other readers around the world posting of his 95 Theses. Visit in reading, discussing, and reflecting on for informative articles Luther's important writings! and more.

Each text begins with an introduction, giv- ing its context and key themes. You can add marginal comments, respond to oth- ers' remarks, and raise your own ques- Are You Ready for 2017 Yet? tions. You can also tailor your own profile to share and connect with others. The 500th anniversary of the posting of the 95 Theses on the door of the church in In time there will also be a blog, other lan- Wittenberg is fast approaching...and as I guages, and even gamification elements! talk with our folks around the Synod, eve- Join today! ryon e is w on derin g wh at w e're goin g to do to commemorate the event that changed history. -Article by Ellen Hinlicky (The Journey To- gether, March, 2015; a monthly publication of Here's a place to begin: the Luther Reading The Virginia Synod, ELCA) http:// Challenge. (…[created by] Sarah Hinlicky Wilson.)  together/ April, 2015 M essenger page 5

We pray for each other:

Adam Dworak, Sr.; Mary Key; Pat Mot- ley; Katie Rios; Roger Schroeder; Jo- seph Simpkins; Dick Wright; Evelyn Wright.

April 12 Annette Buckholtz We pray for our extended family: 12 Tripp Dillard 14 Allen Starret Kathl een Al derman, sister of Karen Um- 15 Nora Andrist berger; Family & Friends of Marie An- 17 Sarah Craig ton, mother of Ruth Schroeder; Melvin 19 Ken Whirley Burrows, P aula Barwick’s grandfather; 21 Diane Dillard Paul Cannon, Paula Barwick’s father; Ra- 25 Gladys Jordon chel Cl ay, friend of Amy Delph; Cl em Cl ement, father of Amy Delph; Adam Connor, cousin of Paul Knabb; Wayne Doggett, friend of Amy Delph; Jane Hood, cousin of Marilyn Gunn; Russell Jones, Sr., father of Schwerdtfegers’ friend; The Rev. Larry M atthews, former pastor of Messiah; Mary Anne Modlin, friend of April 3 Jon & Amy Koeppen Judy Schwerdtfeger; The Rev. Samuel 17 Bill & Susie Weaver Mozolak, father of Karen & Michael Mor- 30 Brian & Jessica Glusing ris; Dianne Mraz; Ruby Pate, friend of Judy Schwerdfeter; Friends & Family of Geral d Pfeiffer, friend of Messiah; An- If you would like YOUR birthdays & an- nette Pfohl, friend of Messiah; Tarasia niversary included in the newsletter, Remhoff, friend of the Florios; Ti m please send an email to Schroeder, nephew of Roger; Kathl een [email protected] OR to Schw erdtfeger, mother of Charlie [email protected] or call Davina (746- Schw erdtfeger; Bob Schaal e, friend of the 7134). Schw erdtfegers; Family & Friends of Family and Friends of Andrew Wray, cousin of Judy Schwertfeger; Family & Friends of Claude Wright, family of Gladys and Pat Hubert; The P eopl e & Pastor of All Souls, and our shared min- Lent proved a tasty time for all! istry; All those persecuted in any w ay for their faith in Christ, especiall y in Thanks to all those who helped support Maldives. this annual event, especially the Hendricksons an d Drazenovichs for co- And for those serving in the armed forces: ordinating. Thanks also to Sally Bennett, Michael Knepper and LJ Spray. Donna Combs, Paula Barwick, and all those who helped support the Lenten To add or remove a name from the prayer Supper’s and programs. Messiah proved list, please call the church office, 746- once again that Lent is a great time for 7134. If leaving a message, please include people to “taste and see that the Lord is your contact information for follow-up. good.” April, 2015 M essenger page 6

7 Pastor Vacation SPRING BREAK - No Preschool (Childcare Available) 1:30 PM Daily Discipleship Bible Study (cancelled) 8 Pastor Vacation SPRING BREAK - No Preschool (Childcare Available) 6:30 PM Brownie Troop #557 Meeting 7:00 PM Messiah InSync Rehearsal 9 Commemoration of , Theologian Pastor Vacation Calendar of events SPRING BREAK - No Preschool (Childcare Available) 1 6:00 PM Holy Wednesday Service 11:00 AM Men's Bible Study (Off Site) 2 Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM Traditional Choir Practice 11:00 AM Men's Bible Study * 10 Commemoration of , 7:00 PM Messiah Lutheran: Maundy of Turku Thursday Service Pastor's Day Off 3 Good Friday SPRING BREAK - No Preschool MLS Will Close at 4:30 (Childcare Available) 12:00 PM Messiah Lutheran: The Three Virginia Lutheran Items Due Hours 11 Pastor Vacation 5:30 PM All Souls Episcopal: 12 Pastor Vacation Good Friday Service 8:00 AM Worship Service (MLC- Trad.) 7:00 PM Good Friday Service (MLC) 9:30 AM Guest Congregation Meets 4 Commemoration of Benedict the (All Souls Episcopal's Worship) African, Confessor 9:30 AM Sunday School for All Ages Martin Luther ordained (1507) 11:00 AM Worship Service (MLC-Blend) 7:30 PM All Souls' Episcopal 12:15 PM Finance Team Mtg. Easter Vigil 13 11:40 AM & 3:30 PM School Chapel 5 Easter Sunday 6:30 PM Girl Scout Troop #453 Meeting 7:30 AM Sunrise Worship Service 7:00 PM MCEF Mtg. * (MLC-Traditional) 14 Pastor @LFS Board Mtg. 8:30 AM Easter Pancake Breakfast 7:30 AM Pastor@VCC * (MLC) 9:30 AM Richmond Conf. Mtg. 9:30 AM Guest Congregation Meets of Pastors * (All Souls Episcopal's Worship) 1:30 PM Daily Discipleship Bible Study 10:10 AM Easter Egg Hunt (MLC) 7:00 PM Women's Bible Study 11:00 AM Festival Worship Service for 15 7:00 PM Messiah InSync Rehearsal the Resurrection of Our Lord 16 Holocaust Remembrance Day (MLC-Blended) 11:00 AM Men's Bible Study (Off Site) 6 Albrecht Dürer, Matthias Grünewald, 7:00 PM Traditional Choir Practice Lucas Cranach the Elder, artists 17 Pastor's Day Off Pastor Off 18 Luther at the Diet of Worms (1521) SPRING BREAK - No Preschool 10:00 AM Pastor @ Retreat (Off Site) (Childcare Available) 19 Manna Sunday for MCEF 11:40 AM School Chapel Olavus Petri & , 6:30 PM Girl Scout Troop #453 Meeting Renewers of the Church April, 2014 Messenger page 7

19 8:00 AM Worship Service (MLC- Trad.) MCEF News 9:30 AM Guest Congregation Meets (All Souls Episcopal's Worship) There are many opportunities to "give" to 9:30 AM Sunday School for All Ages MCEF besides donating food, clothing, lin- 11:00 AM Worship Service (MLC-Blend) ens and money. Some activities being 12:15 PM National Youth Gathering planned include: Meeting

20 11:40 AM & 3:30 PM School Chapel  A concert by the Hanover Concert Band 5:00 PM MCEF Pizza Night featuring an original composition by 6:30 PM Girl Scout Troop #453 Meeting Tony Garcia entitled "Hanover Celebra- 6:30 PM School Board Meeting tion" to be held May 16, 2015 at Fair- 21 Commemoration of Anselm, Bishop of mount Christian Church. Canterbury 1:30 PM Daily Discipleship Bible Study  MCEF Community Olympics is being 6:15 PM Council Meeting planned for Sept 19, 2015, watch for 22 Administrative Professionals Day more information soon. Earth Day  911 Patriotic Concert by the John Mar- 6:30 PM Brownie Troop #557 Meeting shall Alumni Band will be held Sept. 7:00 PM Messiah InSync Rehearsal 11, 2015 at Walnut Grove Baptist 23 Commemoration of Toyohiko Kagaw a, Church. Renewer of Society  MCEF needs ushers to volunteer for St. George's Day the RIR NASCAR race, April 24 and 25. 11:00 AM Men's Bible Study (Off Site) Training provided, free admission to 7:00 PM Traditional Choir Practice the race, contact Pat Hubert, 730- 24 Pastor's Day Off 3141 for more details. 25 ACTS Class  Stevie B night is the 3rd Monday of Feast Day of Mark, Evangelist each month. A percentage of you pur- 26 9:30 AM Guest Congregation Meets chase is donated to MCEF and the total (All Souls Episcopal's Worship) amount collected is matched by an 9:30 AM Sunday School for All Ages anonymous donor. 11:00 AM Worship Service (MLC-Blend) 12:00 PM Grow & Go Potluck Th e se ac ti vi ti es al l be n ef i t MCEF an d th e 27 11:40 AM & 3:30 PM School Chapel Mechanicsville community. 6:30 PM Girl Scout Troop #453 Meeting 28 1:30 PM Daily Discipleship Bible Study 6:00 PM Relay for Life Team Captain Meeting 7:00 PM Pastor@FLCV Meeting * 7:00 PM Women's Bible Study 29 Catherine of Siena, Theologian Our congregation is 7:00 PM Messiah InSync Rehearsal 30 11:00 AM Men's Bible Study * growing! 7:00 PM Traditional Choir Practice Congrats to member Carolyn Anderson and Jason as they welcome their new ba by boy, Grayson. After a short stay in * Off site the NICU, Grayson is now home.

Please continue to pray for this young family, his health and future in Christ. April, 2015 M essenger page 8

We express our heartfelt sympathy to the Schroeder family at the news of Marie Anton’s death . Marie w as the moth er of Ruth and had visited Messiah a number of times.

May the love shared throughout the years help sustain those who grieve along with our present prayers and acts of compas- sion during this difficult time.

Former pastor gravely ill

While fighting cancer, The Rev. Larry CHURCHNEXT: Making Sense Matthews has developed other health is- sues, and his health has dramatically de- Of the Cross (Parts I, II, & III) clined. We have just received word that he This current ChurchNext class ends on has entered Palliative Care at the hospital. Easter Monday, April 6th. Each class is His daughter, Sheryl, asks that we pray video based, short in nature and offering for a peaceful journey for her dad. (Pastor Matthews served at Messiah 1973-1979, quick, optional questions. You are invited as Messiah's third called pastor. Here, he to participate as the class ends, for it is is pictured with his wife, Nancy, and self-paced and perfect for when you are on daughter, Sh eryl , during that time period.) the go (smart phone, tablet, or computer). As we get further new s, our office will up- If you need the access link resent, contact date you. Pastor Lou.

Mark the evangelist called Mark “useful in my ministry” (2 Timothy 4:11) and wanted to see him. Th e ch urch kn ow s Mark primarily as th e author of the second New Testament book. It’s th ough t th at Mark served th e ch urch in Rome for a time, and that as Peter’s Penned around A.D. 70, it was the first scribe he wrote down the lead disciple’s gospel written. He may be the Mark men- firsthand accounts of Jesus, resulting in tioned in Acts 12:12, also called John and th e gospel th at bears Mark’s name. to w hose mother’s house Peter went after

being miraculously freed from prison. This same John-Mark of Jerusalem went One tradition, though uncertain, dubs on missionary journeys with Paul and Mark the father of the Coptic (Egyptian Barnabas (Mark’s cousin, according to Ch ristian ) ch urch . Martyred in Alex an - Colossians 4:10). Though Paul had a dis- dria on an Easter Sunday, he’s com- agreement with Mark early on, he later memorated by the church on April 25. April, 2015 M essenger page 9

National Youth Gathering meeting

A required meeting for those attending the National Youth gathering in Detroit this July is set for April 19th at 12:15 pm in our sanctuary. If you haven’t turned in your paperw ork, it will be ex pected to be We give thanks for Grayson Starett, son filled out then. We’ll discuss travel plans, of Christine and All en, who communed housing, final costs and more. for the first time during our Maundy Thursday worship. Grayson completed a If you absolutely can’t make it, you need to course of study with Pastor Lou to help contact Pastor Lou, so he can catch you him prepare for his life-long cooperation up. Parents should attend with all youth. with this great gift of grace. Please pray that he continues to grow in his faith and love of Jesus Christ. Congratulations, Grayson!

Cinco de Mayo luncheon and more

 Social Ministry has decided to have our second Cinco de Mayo luncheon on Sunday May 3rd after second service. The proceeds will benefit "Relay for Life", The American Cancer Society. The menu consists of make your own tacos, Mexican chicken chili, chips and salsa, cookies and soft drinks. The cost is $1.00 for children under 10 years of age and $7.00 for all others. Please join us for Lunch and fellow- Congratulations to ship! Lutheran Church of Our Saviour  Relay for Life will be held this year at The Rev. Kathryn "Katie" Pocalyko was Kings Dominion Camp Wilderness on ordained into the ministry of Word and June 20, 2015 Sacrament and installed as pastor at the Lutheran Church of our Saviour, Rich-  Messiah congregation is taking care of mond on Saturday, March 14. LCOS is a one of our own. Look for a Giving Tree sister congregation within the Richmond in the Narthex in the near future and Conference of Lutheran Congregations, please consider buying a piece of cloth- part of the Virginia Synod (ELCA). Bishop ing for one of our members. Your kind- Mauney of the Virginia Synod conducted ness is great! the ordination and Bishop Graham of the Metropolitan Washington, DC Synod If you have any questions, contact Sh aro n (Katie's home synod) assisted in the lit- Addair urgy. Pastor Lou participated along with other pastors of the conference. - Your Social Ministry Team.

April, 2015 M essenger page 10

ers volunteer their time around their own schedule. Wish granters must be at least 21 years old, complete a background check and complete wish granter training. For more information contact: http://

“Take the Plunge” Administrative Help - Junior Achieve- Volunteer Opportunities from Social Ministry ment of Central Virginia is a nonprofit dedicated to giving young people the Front Desk Volunteer - Hospital Hospi- knowledge and skills they need to own tality House (HHH) is looking for Front their economic success, plan for their fu- Desk Volunteers. The Front Desk is a vital tures, and make smart academic and eco- part of daily operations at HHH and sev- nomic choices. Our mission is to empower eral shifts are available. Duties consist of students to own their economic success. answering the phone and directing calls, Programs focus on financial literacy, en- makin g guests feel welcome an d main tain - trepreneurship and work readiness. Our ing a level of building security through the staff is small, but we have a wide reach check-in process, sorting mail, assisting throughout Central Virginia, serving over with various clerical and administrative 25,000 students each year with the help of tasks/projects, and more! over 2,100 volunteers. Because of our HHH seeks volunteers who are polite, pro- reach, we require some administrative vol- fessional, cheerful, and have a good sense unteer help. We are in search of a volun- of humor. Volunteers must be able to com- teer to complete simple online research, mit to a weekly time slot during business update data, batch materials, file and hours. No prior experience is required but copy. There is no end date to this volun- basic computer skills are preferred. teer position and dates/times are flexible. Hours or times of day volunteers are Ideally, we would like someone to come in needed: Monday 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, once or twice a week in the morning (9am- Every Other Tuesday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 12pm). For more information contact: Wedn esday 1:00 P M – 4:00 P M, Fri day 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00PM – 4:00 PM; fill-ins. All of HHH's volunteer posi- Vol unteer activities for Youth, tions require a background check and ori- ages 5-25: The Hanover Department of entation/training. Must be 18 years or Community Resources offers a wide vari- older to volunteer in this position. For ety of volunteer activities as part of Global more information contact: http:// Youth Service Day. Here is a list of some possibilities: Yoga Cards; Make Adopt Me! Pet Bandanas; Project Linus; Child Wel- Wish Granter - Make-A-Wish Greater Vir- come Bags; Meal Placemats; Play Dough ginia needs Wish Granter volunteers. Wish for Preschoolers, and many more! Please granters work directly with the children go to this link, an d th eir families to determin e the child's, put in Ash- one true wish. These volunteers play an land, VA or 23116 in the city/state box instrumental role in helping to plan, create and click search. You will come up with a and fulfill the child's wish. These specially list of volunteer activities. Click on the one trained volunteers make the wish an un- (s) you are interested in and follow the in- forgettable ex perien ce th rough th eir atten - structions for making contact with the tion to detail and imagination. Wish grant- project coordinator. Have fun! April, 2015 M essenger page 11

Sunday school: Anabaptism And , April 12 & 19

Our next adult Sunday school on April 12th and 19th will explore the Anabaptist tradition in contrast to Lutheranism. It is being facilitated by The Rev. Dr. Howard Thime. Sunday School: Anabaptists (basically meaning “baptized over again”) were Christians of the Refor- Christian Decision Making, April 26 mation who believed in delaying until the candidate could confess their Our adult Sunday school is in for a special faith. The ch urch , h avin g already dis- treat. James Anderson has been taking a cussed this in great detail in the 300s, had course a class on leadership an d decision in unity settled otherwise. This theological making for his degree. The primary text for conflict resulted in persecution for the the course has been Decision Making and Anabaptists as w ell as their descendent the Will of God, by Garry Friesen. On April groups (Amish, Hutterites, and Mennon- 26th, James will share his knowledge, pre- ites). In 2004, the ELCA and Menonite senting a class touching upon the process, churches published Right Remembering in struggles and joys of Christian ethical de- Anabaptist-Lutheran Relations to help ad- cision making. dress th ese historic w oun ds. (This publica- tion is available at This class is part of his course require- Faith/Ecumenical-and-Inter-Religious- ment for grade, so your active participa- Relations/Bilateral.) tion is encouraged and appreciated.

During our class, participants will watch the movie, Hazel’s People, based on the novel Happy as the Grass was Green by Merie Good. Th e movie is en dorsed by the Mennonite community. It is about a col- lege student who re-examines his life when he accompanies a friend to a funeral in the Mennonite country in Pennsylvania. Once he arrives in the small town, he connects with the simple lifestyle there, and he dis- covers Christ. Academy Award winner Geraldine Paige is the mother of killed son. And the Golden Halo winner is… Her performance is one of consummate skill and is just short of astounding. Lent Madness is a Christian education tool matching up saints of liturgical calendars Class discussion will focus on the Men- in an elimination bracket. With each vote, nonite tradition in contrast to Luther- participants learn more about the saint’s anism. On April 12th, please meet at 9:30 Christian witness and history of the am, but on April 19th at 9:15 am to allow church. The favorite wins the coveted (and for a 25 minute discussion. There will be a symbolic) Golden Halo. The fun comes to handout distributed covering a personal an en d on Spy Wedn esday, Apri l 1st. interview with Rev. Ryan Ahlgrun, First Check out to learn more. Mennonite (Parham Rd., Richmond). Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church 8154 Atlee Rd Mechanicsville VA 23111

April, 2015 Messenger page 12

The DEADLINE for the M ay, 2015 edition of The Messenger is Sunday, April 26th

(A little later than usual, but you can alw ays send items in EARLY.)

Grow & Go Unified Service, Potluck Please call me with your written submission, place your written Lunch, and Trustee Vote - April 26th submission in th e “New sletter” mail slot OR email [email protected] Save the date and join us for our next Grow & Go event. Along with a short stewardship program, members will be asked to affirm by vote our three Trustees as required by law every three years.

Your attendance will assist us in reaching the required quorum. Please make every @MessiahMech effort to attend at least through the vote.