July 12-14, 2018
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July 12-14, 2018 Roanoke College • Salem, Virginia SPONSORED BY THE VIRGINIA SYNOD/ELCA IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ROANOKE COLLEGE OFFICE OF CHURCH RELATIONS Thursday, July 12 11:00AM — 1:30PM Registration in Colket Center 12:00PM — 1:00PM Lunch in Colket Center 1:30PM Gathering & Keynote Speaker in Olin Theater 3:30PM Break—Sponsored by Lutheran Family Services of Virginia 4:00PM Bible Study in Olin Theater 5:30PM Dinner in Colket Center 7:00PM Evening Eucharist in Olin Theater 8:30PM Beer & Hymns—Sponsored by Roanoke College Office of Church Relations 8:30PM Movie for Children (of All Ages) Friday, July 13 7:15AM — 7:30AM Stretch and Pray in Colket Center 7:15AM — 8:30AM Breakfast in Colket Center 8:30AM Morning Worship in Olin Theater 9:00AM Bible Study in Olin Theater 10:00AM Break 10:30AM — 11:45AM Concurrent Sessions A 12:00PM — 1:00PM Lunch in Colket Center 1:30PM — 2:45PM Concurrent Sessions B 2:45PM Break 3:15PM — 4:30PM Concurrent Sessions C 5:00PM — 6:30PM Dinner in Colket Center ACTS Reunion Meal in Colket Center 6:30PM — 7:45PM Concurrent Sessions D 7:45PM Reception at Olin Theater—Sponsored by Roanoke College Office of Church Relations Saturday, July 14 7:15AM — 7:30AM Stretch and Pray in Colket Center 7:15AM — 8:30AM Breakfast in Colket Center 8:30AM Morning Worship in Olin Theater 9:00AM Keynote in Olin Theater 10:00AM Break 10:30AM Sending Eucharist in Olin Theater Special thanks to reception sponsors: Roanoke College Office of Church Relations www.roanoke.edu Walking in Newness of Life Power in the Spirit 2018 July 12-14 Roanoke College, Salem, VA What does it mean to baptized? Martin Luther asks—and answers—this question in his Small Cate- chism by looking to the words of Saint Paul: “We have been buried with Christ by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). At Power in the Spirit 2018, we will explore what it means to be Walking in Newness of Life as God’s baptized people. Come and join us as we dive into the mysteries and promises of baptism. Come and reflect on the life that flows from the font and out into the world. Joining us is The Rev. Dr. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, our keynote presenter who will share themes of holiness and saints. Dr. Wilson is an ELCA pastor and a world -class scholar who often works in ecumenical dia- logues with Pentecostal partners. She is also the edi- tor of the quarterly Lutheran Forum and an author of many books and articles. Our Bible study leader will be The Rev. Dr. Mark Al- lan Powell, Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary and an internationally-known biblical scholar. His many books include the widely used text- book, Introducing the New Testament (Baker Academic). Dr. Powell will guide us through reflections on the pres- ence and absence of Jesus with his followers—in the first century and today. Finally, we are pleased to announce that Sally Moore and the Saint Peter’s Praise Band will lead our music! They come to us from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Stafford, Virginia. Come and learn! Come for fellowship! Come to Power in the Spirit 2018! Power in the Spirit is an inspirational conference for people of all ages who wish to explore God’s call to service through joyous worship, Bible studies, keynote address- es, workshops, games, and fellowship. In addition, congregational leaders—teachers, organists and choir directors, choir members, committee or council members, family life consultants, pastors, and others—will find Power in the Spirit nurturing and challenging as they consider their mission and ministry. Special Guests The Rev. Dr. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson is an ELCA pastor in the Slovak Zion Synod. For nearly eight years she worked full time at the Institute for Ecumen- ical Research in Strasbourg, France, specializing in Lutheran dialogue with Orthodoxy and Pentecostal churches. She continues as a visiting professor of the Institute and serves as consultant to the Lutheran World Federation's in- ternational dialogue with Pentecostals. She's written a book on the topic: A Guide to Pentecostal Movements for Lutherans (Wipf & Stock, 2016). Wilson has been the editor of the theological quarterly Lutheran Forum for more than a decade, has written well over a hundred articles on theological topics, and lectures around the U.S. and worldwide on topics in Lutheran and ecumenical theology. In August 2018, she will move to Japan to serve as associate pastor at Tokyo Lutheran Church. Her family includes husband Andrew Wilson, who The Keynote Speaker! wrote a book about a pilgrimage they took together, Here I Walk: A Thousand Rev. Dr. Sarah Hinlicky Miles on Foot to Rome with Martin Luther (Brazos, 2016). They have one son, Wilson! Zeke, who loves nothing better than visiting his grandparents and their ani- mals in southwestern Virginia. The Rev. Dr. Mark Allan Powell is Professor of New Tes- tament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary and an internationally known biblical scholar. He is editor of the HarperCollins Bible Dictionary and author of more than 30 books on the Bible and religion, including the widely used textbook, Introducing the New Testament (Baker Academic). He has also written in the areas of spiritual formation (Loving Jesus), stewardship (Giving To God), and homiletics (What Do They Hear?: Bridging the Gap between Pulpit and Pew). Powell's DVDs How Lutherans Understand the Bible have received widespread use throughout the ELCA and were ex- The Bible Study Leader! cerpted for inclusion in the Lutheran Study Bible (Augsburg Rev. Dr. Mark Fortress). Allan Powell! The Band! Sally Moore & the Saint Peter’s Praise Band! The Saint Peter’s Praise Band pro- vides worship music for contemporary worship services. The group is made up of singers, a drummer, a flute, sax, and piano. We play up-beat and worshipful music to lead patrons in their worship. Power in the Spirit • July 12-14, 2018 • Roanoke College • Salem, Virginia 4 Kids Welcome! Power in the Spirit is an event for all ages! Children are invited to attend with their parents or guardians, and children ages 3 to 10 have the choice to join in special activities just for them while their grownups attend keynote ad- dresses and workshops. Older kids and teens can help with the younger chil- dren, or attend the rest of Power in the Spirit. Children and their grownups will be together for housing, worship, and meals. Renee Durieux of Peace Lutheran Church, Charlottesville, joins us for the second year in a row as leader of this ministry. Contact Pastor Lauren Miller with questions at pas- Renee Durieux returns [email protected] or (434) 978- as leader of our 4357. children’s program! Service Projects! Two to Choose! Funtastic Recess Support for Minnick Schools. Help the Minnick Schools of LFSVA provide a variety of play equipment for their students to use indoors and outdoors during recess time. The schools need an assort- ment of basketballs, soccer balls, dodgeballs, hula hoops, frisbees, sidewalk Habitat for Humanity! chalk, board games, and outdoor game sets. Donating any of these items would be a big help! Monetary donations will be used for larger items such as Back, by popular demand: join freestanding basketball hoops and volleyball nets as well as helping to build a Pastor Paul Henrickson on a playground at our newest school in Bristol. work excursion with Roanoke Minnick Schools, the Educational Division of Lutheran Family Services of Vir- area Habitat for Humanity and ginia, are private day schools serving students ages 5-22 with emotional and help build a house. developmental disabilities who have not been successful in a traditional public -school setting. Located in Bristol, Wise, Wytheville, Roanoke and Harrison- burg, LFSVA Minnick Schools served 249 students last year from 35 school Sign up for this elective on districts. You can learn more about these schools by going to www.lfsva.org. page eight. Bring work clothes and a sense of humor! Want to learn even more? Sign up for the Minnick School elective on page six to hear from an LFSVA Minnick School representative, and to give Pastor Harvey Atkinson a hand with the collection! Conference Choir Returns! ACTS! Reunion Meal Back by popular demand, the Power in the Spirit Conference Choir, directed by George Donovan, will share messages in song for the Thursday evening There will be an ACTS! reun- and Saturday closing worship gatherings. All voice parts are needed, espe- ion dinner on Friday, July 13, cially men. This is an excellent opportunity for singers, directors, and musi- in the back section of Sutton cians from our Synod to join together and connect. The choir will practice out- Commons in the Colket Cen- side of the workshop times. Rehearsal schedule will be announced at open- ter. Please indicate on your ing on Thursday afternoon. Won’t you join us?! registration form if you plan to attend. Sign up as you register! Power in the Spirit • July 12-14, 2018 • Roanoke College • Salem, Virginia 5 Concurrent Sessions: A Friday, July 13, 10:30 — 11:45 AM A1 Loving Jesus in a Complicated World A4 A New Song: Hymn-writing for Personal Devo- tion & Public Worship The Bible consistently refers to Christians not only as people who "believe in Jesus" or who "follow Jesus" Hymns teach us, comfort us, and help us ponder God. but as people who love Jesus.