FREE March 19, 2015 Cutting rumours down to size Dick measuring contests no longer necessary Copywrite closing Space to be repurposed due to lack of customers Pg 3 Pg 8 Mean, green and lean Do juice cleanses really work? Pg 16

NEWS FEATURES ARTS SPORTS We had ourselves Do you trust Come out The pub and another election. RateMyProfessor? wherever you the gym don’t Congratulations We sat down with are! Coming Out always mix. How to The Reflector’s one of MRU’s Monologues YYC much running incoming highest-rated March 18–20. Q&A does it take to Publishing Editor, profs, according with organizer burn off your Kari Pedersen! to the site. Madeleine Hardy. favourite brew? Pg 3 Pg 5 Pg 11 Pg 13 News Editor Dayla Brown news [email protected] ‘Step up’ against dating violence at MRU Stepping Up Community Fair highlights projects about healthy relationships

Dayla Brown students about dating violence “What we’ve found consistently within groups of friends and vic- backlash from the students. News Editor and sexual assault. with student’s coming in is that tims are fearful of losing friend- Students complained they didn’t “We found that this was the they aren’t recognizing what dat- ships. want them up, saying they found most effective model,” said ing violence is,” discussed Carter- “There’s a myth that we’re a them offensive. On March 16, the Stepping Up Carter-Snell. Snell. “Behaviours like always community institution and we Bonville-Wills said that there Community Fair broadcasted the She said that the program has reading their texts or sending have commuter students so it’s needs to be more awareness on various projects, created by stu- been offered three times since them multiple texts are stalk- not as big of a deal because we campus, and students should dents, to prevent dating violence, 2010, and has seen dramatically ing behaviours. Or putting them don’t have as many students in break free from being too shy to keeping an eye out for fellow stu- positive results. Students have down, or making them feel bad residence,” explains Carter-Snell. talk about sex. dents who may be in dangerous had long-lasting changes in atti- about themselves and internal- “I’ve heard that from both fac- “Consent doesn’t have to be situations and talking about what tudes, knowledge and behaviours izing blame for arguments.” ulty and students. It’s a denial of something that takes steam away healthy relationships look like. related to healthy relationships Carter-Snell said she believes anything bad.” She added that from the moment. Instead, con- The fair was a part of the and healthy sexual relationships. dating violence and sexual as- people like to believe they live sent can be sexy,” he explained. Stepping Up program, which Devon Bonville-Wills, second- sault is not talked about on cam- in a safety bubble, and admitting offers a weekend module for year student in child studies, said pus enough and said that she anything bad happens on campus students to complete, as well as that he learned a lot from the believes that a lot of assaults are would break that bubble. a final community project. The Stepping Up program. going underreported. According According to Carter-Snell, at module includes information “I think a lot of things I learned to Carter-Snell, people don’t want one point the security depart- on how to identify dating vio- were people’s attitudes towards to report because 70 to 80 per ment put out posters, Don’t Be lence, what consent means, what men partaking in dating violence cent of sexual assault happens That Guy, and they got a huge healthy relationships are and and how women can impact men highlighting the fact that both towards dating violence.” men and women can experience Bonville-Wills booth was about dating violence. consent. The title, “Consent is Catherine Carter-Snell, Faculty Sexy”. of the School of Nursing, said “With new films coming out, that the initiative began in 2010. like 50 Shades of Grey, we felt “Dr. Gaye Warthe, Department that consent was really important of Social Work and Disability and it’s not necessarily taught all Studies, found that 30 per cent the time.” of student’s that are coming into “We had one participant, when Mount Royal have already ex- we asked them about consent, perienced violence in a dating and granted it may have just been relationship. At least 10 per cent a joke, but because the nature of more will experience it in their the fair we are doing right now first year on campus.” for Stepping Up, they would just Carter-Snell said this statistic say ‘oh no well it’s not necessary’ is pretty consistent with campus or they would laugh about it. statistics for sexual assault and Even that attitude shows us that dating violence elsewhere. it’s a real concern. (It shows) that “Some places say one in five we need to have more consent people will be sexually assaulted even on campus.” on campus. That’s not allowable.” Carter-Snell stated that only a Carter-Snell explained that’s small per cent of all assaults hap- what lead to the creation of pen from an individual that the Photo : Dayla Brown Stepping Up. The model of victim didn’t previously know. Stepping Up reflects Making The rest come from friends, pre- Students stepped up to raise awareness about dating violence prevention during the Step- Waves, a program from New existing relationships or happen ping Up Community Fair on March 16. Laurie Gaal (pictured above) asked students, “What Brunswick, teaching high-school at parties. does dating violence and stepping up mean to you?” Matthew de Grood deemed fit to stand trial tions, of which the information has been withheld from the pub- Accused ordered by judge to appear in court after lic due to a publication ban. This ban covers all evidence submitted psychological care at the preliminary hearing. The two examinations will de- Dayla Brown deemed as the “worst mass mur- at the University of Calgary. The stand trial. This simply means termine whether de Grood can der in Calgary’s history”. The incident took place last April and that de Grood is competent News Editor be held criminally responsible for accused 23-year-old has been de Grood has been held in custo- enough to understand court pro- the alleged murders of Lawrence charged with the deaths of five dy since that time. ceedings and is not impaired due Hong, 27, Joshua Hunter, 23, Matthew de Grood has been young people at Bermuda Shorts De Grood completed an initial to mental illness. Kaitlin Perras, 23, Zackariah charged in what the Calgary Day, an annual tradition house psychiatric examination, which De Grood also underwent two Rathwell, 21, and Jordan​ Segura, police Chief, Rick Hanson, has party that signifies end-of-year determined that he was fit to additional psychiatric examina- 22. March 19, 2015 • the reflector 3 Speaker reassures students on terrorism threats Gwynne Dyer says there are bigger things to worry about than global tensions

Maria Carbajal Eastern Ukraine is a territory that going on with this renewed ter- Staff Writer has been in the Russian empire rorist activity, particularly what about 350 years. Most of the peo- happened last July?” he asks, ple who live here have a strong referring to the development of Gwynne Dyer is a man who wears emotional tie with Russia and the first terrorist-run state. He many hats. He has done work speak Russian natively,” explains draws parallels with the actions as an international journalist, Dyer. of Colonial Europe to the inten- broadcaster, lecturer, author and “Crimea is an almost entirely tions of terrorists. historian. You may have seen his Russian populated province that “Should we panic? I don’t ac- Copywrite, out of sight column in Fast Forward Weekly ended up in Ukraine by accident tually think so. There are much magazine. Wyckham house had in the 1950’s.” bigger dangers than this that you the honour of hosting him for Longstanding Wyckham House “Putin lost enormous amounts have to confront. If you change his lecture on the “New World of face. Putin then lost control. your diet, you’ll be 100 times service to close Disorder”. And he behaved, like people more likely to live longer than if Given his experience in inter- with hurt feelings and deep em- you attack terrorism.” “Enough students (in the survey) national affairs, Dyer fearlessly Omar Omar barrassment often behave — not Dyer stated that the places said that the used book consign- informed the audience about Staff Writer normal,” says Dyer of Putin’s re- where terrorist groups operate ment was valuable to them, so current events, such as terrorism action to the dilemma with Viktor are limited with resources and we’re going to be retain it in a and the conflict in Russia and Yanukovych last year. connections with each other, and The signs are there, and they’re slightly different format.” Ukraine. “I don’t think Putin’s trying to as a result, they will eventually certain. The Copywrite, a used Used book consignment, ac- “Now, I’m old enough to know take over the world. I don’t think fall apart. textbook consignment store and cording to Samuels, will officially what a slippery slope looks like he’s even trying to take over “Now aren’t you glad I came?” printer and copier service in the be held as a temporary service for and this to me sounds exactly Ukraine,” he says as he assures Dyer concluded after discussing basement of Wyckham house, is the beginning of each semester like the first steps into Vietnam,” audience members that he does the big concerns of this genera- shutting down on April 30, 2015. (fall and winter), instead of be- he said of President Obama’s an- not anticipate another cold war, tion and reassuring students that With reduced store hours, and ing available year-round. nouncement to send American or a nuclear war, for that matter. these concerns aren’t as scary as little to no store traffic, the mo- “Another thing that we heard troops to train Ukrainians in com- “Canada had its first terrorist they seem. tion to shut it down and repur- loud and clear from the survey bat against the Russians. attacks in the past year. What is pose it was due to the results of a was that [students] valued open “There really are two Ukraines. recent SAMRU Facebook survey. study space,” said Samuels. Shereen Samuels, Student Life As for the Ticketmaster, Eco Director at the SAMRU, detailed Store and Printing/Copying ser- the upcoming changes to be im- vices in the Copywrite, they will Study First; Party Later plemented throughout the spring be formally discontinued due to A message from your Students’ Association and summer seasons that will be a lack of demand. more noticeable in the upcoming In the case of the print and Find that work-life balance on campus in the last few weeks of the semester! fall semester. copy service, Samuels said that When asked about what would the SAMRU anticipates providing Hello amazing MRU crew. We understand the temptation to skip that afternoon class and happen to the used book sale one or more student centers with hit up a patio, but we encourage you to call up your inner strength and resist. Be the one to service, Samuels stated that, five cent copy machines. keep up with your classes and finish those end of semester assignments. This is crunch time and checking out now is just disrespectful to your past self. It’s not all serious business, though. There are plenty of opportunities for you to have fun and let off some steam while you’re checking off that end of semester ‘to do’ list. 2015-2016 Reflector Two huge upcoming parties to be excited for: FLORA, the next big event from club AgenC is happening in Wyckham Thursday, March 19 and it’s going to be epic! We’re talking festival Publishing Editor vibe, flower power, DJ Cobb EPIC! Last Class Bash, the biggest party of the year, is coming up on Thursday, April 16 so mark your calendars and get your final essays and studying done in Congratulations, Kari Pedersen! advance so you can come rock out with us! Last Clash Bash is the best way to kick off your start to summer. Our Get Out The Vote campaign has kicked off and students are signing up like crazy, but Dayla Brown the position, with the deadline cut-off being March 12, 2015. why wouldn’t you when you can score your own #MRUVOTES wrist band and be entered to News Editor win $500 cash, as well as one of several $50 MRU bookstore gift certificates? Complete your Pedersen is known for her witty pledge to vote when you see the Get Out The Vote (GOTV) booth on main street, or when remarks, chic sense of style and you see our GOTV street team coming around with iPads. We’ll make it easy for you to vote The Reflector is pleased to an- bubbly personality. in the upcoming Provincial election AND you get a chance to win prizes! Plus, political action nounce that Kari Pedersen, third- is hot. year journalism student, will be Remember that every week the Students’ Association has a ton of cool programming the new Publishing Editor at The going on in our centers on the second and third floor of Wyckham. There are Hot Topic Reflector. The current publishing discussions happening in the Pride Centre, film screenings via the Cultural Mosaic Centre, editor, Kaity Brown, is graduat- Financial Help through the Peer Support Center and Green Thumb opportunities through ing from Mount Royal with a the Centre for Student Initiatives. major in Journalism and a minor The Hub also promises to be bumpin’ with Club events, live music, Youtube Jukebox and in English. Taking over her posi- Karaoke! tion, Pedersen plans to reach out Make the most of the last month of this semester by getting your work done and then to the MRU community and get rewarding yourself with some of the above activities. students excited about what’s happening around campus. Pedersen is currently the Arts — your SAMRU Representation Executives Editor, joining the team this past Seija Roggeveen, Zoe Slusar, Erik Queenan, and Tristan Smyth year. Previously, Pedersen wrote articles for arts, news and fea- tures. She ran uncontested for 4 the reflector • March 19, 2015 REFLECTORIAL THE REFLECTOR On laughter Which is essentially what we did with each When was the last time you had “ other, punched each other around the room. March 19, 2015 a good laugh? And we don’t mean like at Pg 12 Issue 12, Volume 53 someone else, or at yourself or that kind-of-sort-of-going-crazy EDITORIAL STAFF: maniacal laugh because of the Publishing Editor: Kaity Brown stress of school. We’re talking Managing Editor: Ivar Bergs about that feel-good everything- #MRU TWITTERSPHERE ” News Editor: Dayla Brown is-going-to-be-fine “sun setting at Features Editor: Zana El-Youssef the end of a movie” kind of laugh. Arts Editor: Kari Pedersen Or the hysterical one with friends Sports Editor: Angie Lang Photo Editor: Albina Khouzina that will live on as a legend in @KarleeyB: When ppl tell you your life because of that thing Layout Editor: Michelle Vaniersel you did when you were young that you smoke too much pot Web Editor: Brett Luft and crazy that you will tell your that your not going anywhere in @skeletongrace: just registered CONTRIBUTORS: kids’ kids about. life. Pfft please this bitch is half for my LAST fall semester of my Omar Omar, Maria Carbajal, Pa- Can’t remember? We thought way done university #MRU terson, Caitlin Clow, Hayden Pattullo, so. But we don’t blame you. It’s undergrad - time flies! #MRU Bigoa Machar, Ali Hardstaff, Ato Baako, March after all — the everything- #allthefeels Ashley Grant, Jessica Phillips, Masha is-due panic that runs for 4 weeks Scheele straight. Everything is coming to a close. Maybe you still haven’t COVER PHOTOS / found a summer job or you ILLUSTRATIONS: Ruler: Albina Khouzina haven’t figured out what you are @Taylor10Nicole: I vote for Copywrite: Albina Khouzina going to do because suddenly Cleanse: Albina Khouzina you have been thrust on the edge a question on the roommate Hardy: Calvin Seaman about to fall in to this thing they match to be “what temperature @StazLife: Only in the journalism keep calling “the real world,” and do you like your house at?” The Reflector, with an on- and what you have heard from those wing do you hear people trying off-campus circulation of 8,000, #MRU #WhyIsItAt24?!?! is the independent voice of the you graduated before you is that to decide what 9 plus 2 is #MRU students of Mount Royal University. it is a very dark and scary place. #MathNotOurThing It is published fortnightly during the Yeah. Things aren’t looking academic year (Sept. to April). bright. Maybe you are scoffing The Reflector is editorially at this and thinking “I don’t have autonomous and financially independent for all other governing time for laughter.” Well, we don’t bodies at Mount Royal University. think scoffing counts, either, @vcoxxocv: The “bad lion The Reflector welcomes newsworthy man. And maybe we sounds like @emileejeann: you know those submissions from all students and a Christmas re-run or something with the weird eyes” in days when you feel like you #failed community members. While the right talking about how “laughter is of editorial comment is reserved Lion King is NOT Mufasa. everything but then your test for editors of The Reflector, opinion the best medicine.” Happy, hap- #kidsthesedays #MRU comes back with an A- and you’re pieces may be submitted as letters py, joy, joy. to the editor, and may be published Not really. We just know that all like #awesome! #MRU on the editorial page as such. The Reflector reserves the right not to laughter is in order. Why so seri- publish submissions deemed by the ous? There is a lot of scary stuff Publishing Editor to be offensive. to be serious about but you gotta Complaints arising from the content just take a moment and put all of the paper should be directed to the of those things tugging at your Ombudsboard. This board has been Visit us online established as a mediator between the sleeve (or maybe even outright Reflector Publications Society staff barking at you) on hold. Watch at, and its readership. your favorite comedy, call that on Facebook, or on Twitter All decisions of the Ombudsboard funny friend, read your diary are final and binding on both parties. from when you were 8, think or Instagram @ReflectThis Letters to the Ombudsboard must be sent in confidence, care of the about the weirdest things you Reflector Publications Society, to the did as a kid or watch a stupid Reflector Publications Society office. YouTube video made by some- Submissions and letters to the editor one with way more time on their How do you get back to normal should be a maximum of 500 words, hands than you have. typed, double-spaced, and contain the writer’s name and phone number. You’ll go crazy if you don’t. No unsigned letters will be published. You’ll probably implode. You after a night of heavy drinking? Only in exceptional cases, at the might even disappear. Who discretion of the Publishing Editor, will writers’ names be withheld. The knows? What we do know is that Reflector reserves the right to edit stress kills and that university life submissions for brevity. breeds stress. Give your stress the Contents are copyright © 2015. No cold shoulder. Laugh it off. material may be reproduced without And we mean the belly-aching, “By not being a little “A ten-hour express written consent. can’t-breathe-in-disbelief laugh- bitch.” binge.” All opinions contained within this — Carter Little — Casey Cridland paper are those of the individual ter that made you almost pee authors, and not necessarily those yourself and forget what it was Business Nursing of the Reflector Publications Society. that you were laughing so hard For more information, contact The about. Reflector office at:

— The Reflector Staff the reflector Wyckham House Mount Royal University Comments? Visit “Lots of sleep.” “Starbucks or diet soda.” 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW Calgary, AB T3E 6K6 or in person at our — Taryn MacQuarnie — Amanda Anderson office in the basement Open Studies Business All depts.: 403.440.6268 of Wyckham House. Fax: 403.440.6762 [email protected] Features Editor Zana El-Youssef features [email protected] Student reviews Spotlight on Alexandria Farmer, Biology Department Can students trust sites like RateMyProfessor? Job Title: Senior Lab Instructor Beck Paterson site can be quite unreliable. lowest-rated instructors have RateMyProf Ratings: Staff Writer Because RateMyProfessor is only one or two ratings each. so unregulated, reviews must be This makes an instructor look taken with a grain of salt. bad publicly based on only one Overall – 5.0 With the end of semester fast ap-, an online hub for or two students’ experiences out Helpfulness – 5.0 accessing higher-education re- of the hundreds that the instruc- proaching, now is the time that Easiness – 4.4 many students are frantically sources, cautions against put- tor is likely to have taught. Let’s registering for next semester’s ting full faith into sites like face it, are we really considering courses. As such, many of those RateMyProfessor. how many comments are given 27 Student Ratings same students will turn to web- “In some cases, students may to each instructor? The answer sites such as RateMyProfessor. rate a professor poorly due to to that is most likely no. Testimonials: com when it comes to choosing personal dislike rather than an But there are some benefits to courses based on the instructor. objective evaluation of his or her using RateMyProfessor to inform teaching skills. Students are even course selections. “Alex is an amazing lab instructor! She’s super enthusi- Mount Royal University plac- astic, clear, helpful, friendly, humorous and a genuinely es great emphasis on students’ able to post multiple ratings and “Maybe you’re someone that feedback. That is one of the comments from different com- needs a little extra help,” said wonderful person. It helps that she briefly goes over reasons why each semester, stu- puters or by using different email Alexandria Farmer, senior lab in- what to do every lab, explains concept smoothly and dents are asked to fill out surveys addresses, which lets them skew structor, who is among the high- gives you help in the labs. Definitely try to get into her and comment sheets evaluating the ratings. There are certain stu- est rated instructors at Mount lab, you won’t regret a single moment.” their professors and the quality dents who don’t hold themselves Royal. “Choosing a prof that you accountable for their class perfor- hear is more helpful than others of their instruction. This feed- “She loves her work and it shows. She also really puts back is taken very seriously by mance, and they are most likely might be a big benefit.” the institution and is used to in- the ones who will post negative But again, Farmer cautions in the effort to make sure we get it!” form decisions such as whether ratings.” students against trusting these or not an instructor is successful Along the same lines, gradu- reviews blindly. in achieving tenure. However, ate student Nicholas Subtirelu “I can see where (instructors) The Reflector: What do you think students are looking those instructor evaluations are of Georgia State University con- who are perhaps more rigid are ducted a study that found that penalized in a un-warranted for in their instructors? handled in such a way that re- Alexandria Farmer: If it was me, I would look for help- spects both the privacy of the instructors with Asian-sounding way.” professor and the privacy of the last names were more likely to Ultimately, tools like fulness. students. Online testimonial receive lower scores in “helpful- RateMyProfessor can be help- sites, like ness” and “clarity” than instruc- ful when determining sched- TR: How do you incorporate that into your on the other hand, are not. tors with more American sound- ules; but, it is important to keep classes? Websites like RateMyProfessor ing last names. in mind that anyone can rate In addition to arbitrary rat- an instructor. In the same way AF: I know in my classes, I really foster a very laid-back are popular for students be- [environment]. I joke around a lot. It’s because I know cause it seemingly allows them ings, it is typical that students that Wikipedia should not be to choose courses based on the will only rate if they have had an a source for your term paper, that when I was a first year student, I was terrified to quality of instructor. But relying exceptionally negative experi- RateMyProfessor shouldn’t be talk to my instructors, which negatively impacted my on largely unregulated sites like ence with a professor — related your only basis of judgement grades… If you’re comfortable, you’ll ask more ques- RateMyProfessor is dangerous to academics or not. In fact, a when it comes to choosing classes tions. That’s my philosophy. because the information on the quick glance over Mount Royal’s based on the instructor. instructor ratings sees that the The elephant in the room Some travel adventures aren’t so ethical

least up until I learned some my own experience with the ani- Ali Hardstaff background about elephant trek- mals, what I thought to be one of Staff Writer king. the most spectacular ones of my It was recently shared with the life. public that the Ringling Bros. Though I acknowledge that I I was in the middle of the jungle, circus will no longer features el- was ignorant and ill-prepared gliding along atop Willie Nelson’s ephants as of 2018 and instead in many ways. One in particu- back, feeling his coarse skin and focus their efforts on elephant lar that I am now sharing, is one trying to not fall off when an conservation. that I was most eager for when unexpected dip emerged on the According to an article by the planning the trip. Having an ex- path. Myself and Willie, an ele- National Geographic , a Feld perience with the larger than life phant, were heading down to the Entertainment (Ringling Bros. animals, elephants. river to play, trekking through the parent company) executive vice Before travelling to Thailand, I trees on the outskirts of Chiang president Alana Feld said, “a lot was mildly aware of what is hap- Mai, Thailand. I was having one of people aren’t comfortable with pening to animals in that coun- Photo courtesy: Ali Hardstaff of the most marvelous experi- us touring with our elephants.” ences of my life. Ali Hardstaff and Melanie Walsh shown above riding an So I started thinking more of That was what I thought, at See ELEPHANT, Pg 8 elephant in Thaliand in summer 2014. 6 the reflector • March 19, 2015

students’ association Your Students' Association of mount royal university

Native Student Centre 16th Anniversary

Round Honouring Indigenous Voices Dance Saturday March 21 5:00 pm Wyckham House Student Centre - 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW Contact: Cory Cardinal, Native Student Centre Coordinator EVERYONE WELCOME Direct: (403) 440-7795, Fax: (403) 440-8909, [email protected]


Your Students’ Association:

Bringing you the ultimate student experience samruBuzz March 19, 2015 • the reflector 7 Faith and diversity How do sexual and gender diversity influence roles in religion?

Maria Carbajal for women in religion. Buddhist and felt closely tied to Faith Columnist “I have had a ton of support its philosophy and texts. I don’t from my church and community know what I would have done if who give me a ton of opportunity part of who I was denied me ac- Positive Space is a committee to grow my strengths and allow cess from following a tradition at Mount Royal that advocates me to fail with grace. My commu- that is also part of my identity.” for sexual and gender diversity nity keeps me motivated because For those who may be inter- and Multi Faith Chaplaincy is a they believe I am doing exactly ested in learning more, Positive committee that holds religious what I am meant to.” Space is offering a free Safe events and services. Aside from Victoria Stamper, a volunteer Space training seminar on March both belonging to the Diversity at the Pride Center in Wyckham 27 at 9:00 a.m. You can preregis- and Human Rights department, House shared her story of accep- ter online through MyMRU. what exactly do these two com- tance within religion. Also, The Coming Out mittees have in common? “I have always wanted to be- Monologues YYC are holding a Jessica Lefebvre, who works long to a religion that supported special Coming Out in Faith eve- as a Christian chaplain at the equality in all forms even before ning on March 27 at Hillhurst Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, located I identified as a bisexual. When I United Church. You can read in room F122, shared what it’s was looking for a religion to iden- more about the event and about like to be a woman in religion, tify with, I looked for a religion the Monologues on page 11. from her perspective as a female that allowed me to express my Photo courtesy: flickr / Paul Hudson Protestant chaplain. She believes secular beliefs as well.” Some women receive flak for pursuing a career as a pastor. that we should see each other as Stamper appreciates her house- Other people might find it difficult to reconcile their sexu- humans first, not by our gender hold for allowing her to explore ality with their faith. Either way, it’s definitely possible to or religion. religion, which she believes is a do both of these things, even if you don’t fit into the most “In Protestant traditions, factor in why she has not experi- ‘traditional’ category. there’s been a tendency to not enced hatred for her sexual ori- have women ordained. I’m in a entation. position now where I have lead- “About three years ago, I felt a ership of my parish, which is strong connection to Buddhism. Facing an unplanned pregnancy? Let’s talk options… Mount Royal University. I’m mov- It wasn’t until after I identified ing towards ordination, once I with the LGBTQ + commu- finish my masters,” Lefebvre says. nity that I found out that some Call 403.270.8228 “I have an aversion to traditional Buddhist doors were closed roles because I don’t want to feel to me. There are only certain Text 403.519.7927 boxed in.” branches of the Buddhist tradi- She says she has received criti- tion that consider anything out- cism from people for being a side of strictly vaginal intercourse female chaplain, she responds as sexual misconduct, which is “Yes, a lot of people. I’ll say ‘I’m a part of the precepts,” Stamper Looking for work this summer where you will be selling or serving liquor? chaplain, I’m actually training to says, and says that she is feeling become a pastor,’ and their com- concerned for how her sexual ments will be ‘Isn’t that a guy’s orientation and spiritual beliefs job? How do you get to do that? would work together. Isn’t there Biblical laws against Luckily, this story has a positive it?’ Gender roles never really outcome for Stamper: “The zen became an issue for me until I priest of my temple said that in began pursuing a career in the the zen sect of Buddhism, sexual church. My mom gets a lot of it, misconduct can be understood in because she is ordained. I’ve had a way that you do not harm oth- people tell me that they won’t ers. He said as long as you main- come to my church. My mom gets tain a healthy consenting sex- hate mail. It can be hard.” ual relationship, you can avoid Lefebvre feels lucky that there sexual misconduct. This was a has been a generation before her huge relief for me. I had spent that has started to pave the way about two years as a practicing

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To take ProServe or to find out about other AGLC required responsible liquor and gaming certification courses, go to 8 the reflector • March 19, 2015 ELEPHANT from Pg 5

try; the attractions that pull in Got an itty-bitty tourists without them knowing all of the dirty details or the real goings-on. However, the girls I was trav- teeny weenie? elling with and I believed we chose wisely when we were in ‘Am I Normal?’ study debunks Thailand. We stayed at Deejay Backpackers for a few nights in penis size rumours Chiang Mai, one of the best hos- tels of the entire trip. The owner was chill and straightforward, Caitlin Clow study showed the width of a the rooms were clean, comfort- Sex Columnist member doesn’t change much able and cheap. when it transforms from floppy While deciding where to go to fuckable. But, the size a soft for our elephant trekking ad- There are three types of men in wiener doesn’t reflect on the po- venture, we spoke to the owner Photo courtesy: Ali Hardstaff this world: men that claim they tentially monumental Godzilla- of the hostel. He recommended are packing a solid seven inches, esque size when erect, giving Ali Hardstaff and Melanie Walsh shown above riding an Eddy Elephant, saying it was one elephant in Thaliand in summer 2014. men who greatly underestimate the phrase “I’m a grower, not a of the good and ethical places to the magnitude of their penis and shower,” some scientific standing. experience. We booked it and left physical harm to the elephant. not isolated. men who claim they’re growers, The study also debunked any cor- the next morning. Intrepid is against elephant rid- When we came to the spot not showers. But many don’t relation between dick size and We were spending time with ing of any kind. where we climbed atop the el- know if they are well equipped shoe size, or the length of a man’s the elephants, going through It says on their website, ephants for the trek to the river, in comparison to other dudes, so index finger, or his height, or any the commands and how to prop- “Compassionate travellers should the elephants were roaming free- they may feel insecure. other schoolyard rumour we’ve erly climb on to their backs, and avoid riding wild animals such ly with their legs unchained. To alleviate some of these in- created to try to figure out penis how to hold out a banana so their as elephants for entertainment, The fact remains, though, that securities, the British Journal of sizes. You can’t judge from the trunks can take it from your out- because these animals are often these elephants are no longer free Urology International published outside, it’s what’s in the pants stretched arm. captured from the wild, inad- and in the wild. a hard-hitting investigative report that counts. “Eddy Elephant camp in equately cared for and usually No one will ever have every that compiled measurements of As for the race card that men Chiang Mai is not a circus, not trained using inappropriate and miniscule fact and all-encom- 15,521 males to try and answer may play, the study found that “it a show, not an elephant park, cruel methods.” passing information on every the ultimate question: “Am I is not possible from the present not a sanctuary or a farm, there In my experience, the bull- subject matter. But it is up to in- Normal?” (Which is also the title meta-analysis to draw any con- is no elephant painting and no hooks were used, but although dividuals to do their best to edu- of the study). clusions about any differences in platform, this is real experi- there were no visible injuries on cate themselves before partaking What they found may make penile size across different races.” ence making you and your el- any of the elephants that indicat- in the unfamiliar. some sigh with relief. That typi- So, there! ephant be very close. This is Fair ed misuse, I don’t fully know to In the moment, I felt free. I am cal “I’m seven inches,” is not the Honestly, it’s not about what Trade Tourism and profit to locals what extent the elephants were not an elephant whisperer, but I norm. These fancy English doc- you’re packing it’s about perfor- people,” says the website in Thai- feeling pain. would like to think that I would tors found that the average size mance. You could be carrying English. The elephants were chained have gotten a sense if Willie was is 5.1 inches at full mast and only a Kalashnikov, but if you don’t Many do not think that any el- at some points during the day, discontent in any way. Hopefully 3.5 inches flaccid. know how to use it, you may as ephant domestication is ethical, when we went to feed them the my senses were not diluted in This study blew up my social well be packing a Nerf gun. It is for several reasons. bananas. It was explained to us that way. media feed for a few days and I all about technique, baby. The international non-profit that this was to ensure they do I would be lying if I said that realized that many of the men in If you are feeling insecure animal welfare organization, not roam into the jungle and being on top of the elephant my life actually care about the about your size, you can always World Animal Protection, (for- not return. Although, it has to wasn’t what I thought to be one size of their junk. This concerned focus more on foreplay to ensure merly the WSPA), for example, be noted that the group of them of the best experiences of my life. me a little. I understand that men you both have a happy ending. who’s purpose is to, “Help us were all together under one roof, Now I know better. have body image issues about Realistically, if you have a engage more tourists, tour op- size the same way girls worry girl (or a guy) in bed with you, erators and governments around about their cup size and bubble they’re not going to stop when the world to unite over one be- butt. However, when it comes you reveal your one-eyed-snake. lief: wild animals belong in the down to it, it’s not about length. As always play safe, wear a rub- wild,” and Intrepid Travel (ad- Girth, on the other hand, is ber. If you discover your wrap venture travel company) togeth- way more important. After all, slipping off, or breaking often, er conducted research in Asia not many women enjoy that you may want to change brands from 2010 to 2011 on captive “hotdog in a hallway” feeling. I to find the right “fit.” elephants. asked a few girls in class which Remember that all condoms The main points raised against they preferred and 4 out of 5 girls — like clothing — fit differently elephant tours and trekking, ac- said circumference is definitely depending on the brand. Shop cording to Right Tourism, and more important than length, al- around and stock up. the animal rights organization though it always comes down to known as People for the Ethical the technique and effort of their Treatment of Animals (PETA) bedmate. include bullhooks that are used Interestingly enough, the when training, chaining and rid- ing elephants. According to PETA, “Their skin appears deceptively tough, but in reality it is so delicate that an elephant can feel the pain of an insect bite. A bullhook can eas- ily inflict pain and injury on an elephant’s sensitive skin.” Also, having the elephants chained re- stricts their movement, keeps in- teraction limited and keeps these social animals isolated from each Photo illustration: Albina Khouzina other. Contrary to popular belief, the average penis size is about Right Tourism indicates that five inches at full mast — so don’t believe him when he says the saddles and harnesses used he’s packing a solid seven. by some when riding can cause Arts Editor Kari Pedersen arts [email protected] Updating your style: the new- school casual Escape the lazy-student fashion cliché with some trending styles

Hayden Pattullo like jogger pants. But the rest of it Contributor is about how you mix and match. Because of this, you can update your whole style just by getting In case you didn’t catch the sar- that one statement piece, or even casm in my article last month, by wearing what you already baggy sweatpants and old gym have in a different way. hoodies are no longer acceptable Most importantly, no matter casual school attire. The “lazy what you wear, 100 per cent of student” outfit has been the ar- looking good is your confidence. chetype of university populations It is in how you wear it and how for as long as universities have you act while wearing it. In the existed and it’s about time we, end, dressing for yourself will in the educated youth, started rep- turn help you dress for everyone resenting ourselves a bit better. else like teachers, potential em- Here’s a game: take a look ployers and romantic interests around the main hallway for a because you will exude more few seconds to see how many confidence in believing you look variations you can count of the good. “rolled directly from my bed into I’m not telling you what I think public” outfit you see. Or, play you should wear, I’m giving you the “guess how many XL’s that guidance on what I think will person’s old gym hoody is” game. make you feel good, and there- If this look was ever cool, it has fore look good. You don’t have to ceased to be so a long time ago. spend an hour planning your out- Today, I’m going to show you how fits every day, you just have to put to update your outfits into some- in enough effort to feel like you thing youthful, current and, most achieved a better result. of all presentable, with only mini- Getting into the specifics of mal effort and money. what constitutes new-school ca- Infographic: Hayden Pattullo There are many different terms sual style, the main elements are Pictured above are some of the essential components of new-school casual style for men and to describe current casual wear patterns and graphics, relaxed women. Editor’s note: the graphs are not drawn to scale, but we’re 100 per cent confident in for men and women, depend- fits and unique details. Firstly, as them regardless. ing on who you talk to. The most you can see in my infographic, common term is “streetwear,” almost any pattern or graphic sic denim, but you can find other fully relaxed in the right places. but I like to think of the cur- can be used for a bold modern great stuff like side-zip sweaters, You’re not getting pants or a skirt rent casual wear trends under look, including the standard red some eye-catching special edi- two sizes above your actual waist the term “new-school casual,” flannel shirt on the left, or the tion sneakers or an all-over print size, you’re getting a slightly lon- Check out Hayden’s blog, since most of the styles now are subtle texture tiger graphic on snapback. The best part is that ger cut shirt to layer under your Out Here Style, at refined modern versions of the the right. Secondly, to best pull both girls and guys can pull off outerwear, or shorter pant cuffs old-school baggy clothes phase. off the look, invest in one ward- many of the same items for great to show off your shoes. Above all, He’s also on Twitter and Part of the new-school casual robe piece with unique modern looks. Lastly, the new-school ca- wear what you think looks, and Instagram @style_out_here. style is about reimagining pieces details. I love my jogger pants sual look has a more relaxed fit feels, better than your middle like your everyday sweatpants shown in the picture because than previous trends. The im- school gym clothes. into unique and technical pieces they are a bold new take on clas- portant part is that it’s purpose-

Stories: Drinks: Art: Theatre: The Coming out Craft Beer Fest is Chris Cran: It’s my Vault The Haunting, presented Monologues YYC is on happening March 19 at continues at Trepanier by Vertigo theatre, tells March 18, 19 and 20. Willow Park Wines & Baer galleries on 10th Ave the story of a young book OUT’N The Monologues explore Spirits, and celebrates until May 9. The local artist dealer who deals with the LGBTQ issues through the world of craft brews. is showing off some of his mysterious happenings of music, spoken work Admission for the event unique pieces including his workplace. This spooky ABOUT and other performance is $40 and is available at sculpture and painted show runs until April 12 art. For tickets and Willow Park Wine & Spirits. works. Admission is free. and tickets are available more information visit through Vertigo theatre. 10 the reflector • March 19, 2015 ‘Saddledump’: Big acts avoid Cowtown Why Calgary’s largest venue might be scaring away big-ticket acts, and what we can do about it

Bigoa Machar Edmonton to enjoy. Burke says. While some are willing to take “It’s not just what a hockey Staff Writer the three hour trip up the high- team gets and what it adds for way to see their favourite music hockey. It’s what it adds to a Hey, pop music fans. Let me ask acts, it would be nice to see some downtown core. And we need you a question: What do Maroon of these acts here at home. So a new building in Calgary. A 5, One Direction, and Taylor why exactly is Calgary getting lot of bands don’t play at the Swift all have in common? Yes, shafted for large concerts? One Saddledome because the build- I know they’re adored beyond theory: the shitty-ass arena we ing is antiquated.” belief by fourteen-year-old girls have downtown. Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi everywhere, but there’s some- The Saddledome definitely recently met with Flames presi- thing else. Aside from screaming has the capacity to entertain big dent Ken King about a new sta- fan girls and worldwide fame, ticket concerts (just over 19,000, dium, but says the city will not these artists won’t be coming to larger than Edmonton’s Rexall help with funding. Calgary any time soon. Place), and is smack dab in the “It can’t be public dollars to That’s right! These artists are middle of the city. So what’s the subsidize private benefit” says three of nine shows the Chinook deal? Nenshi. “As much as we’d love to Photo: Kari Pedersen City won’t be seeing in 2015, ac- In a recent address to the have Madonna here, I don’t think Shaped like a saddle (pringle?) at the centre of the city sky- cording to their respective offi- Chamber of Commerce, Calgary that you could convince most line, Calgary’s Scotiabank Saddledome is causing more harm cial tour dates. As if this wasn’t Flames’ President of Operations people that it’s a good use of pub- than good for the arts and entertainment scene. already bad enough for Calgary Brian Burke stated that the build- lic money to subsidize Madonna.” music fans, there’s one more ing doesn’t hold up to the same The Saddledome is set to cel- fact that adds a little bit of salt in architectural standards in com- ebrate its 32nd birthday this year our wounds. All of these acts, as parisons to stadiums in other and, unlike a fine wine or Ben well as the likes of Shania Twain, cities. Affleck, it’s getting worse with ACDC and Madonna, are all tak- “The weight load that the roof age. ing their talents to our neigh- will bear is tiny, so a lot of the bors up north for the people of big stage acts won’t come here,”

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Publication Name Mt Royal Reflector Created By RRU Brand Creative / AT Booked By Cossette Send Files To [email protected] Material Deadline Mar 12 RRU Contact Theresa Wittstock Size 4” x 8.5” 250.391.2600 ext. 4813 Colour BW [email protected] March 19, 2015 • the reflector 11 Q & Arts: Madeleine Hardy The Coming Out Monologues YYC has a stage for your story and a community to stand behind you as you tell it

Kari Pedersen which is an important part of the this? Arts Editor process too. MH: I think identity is such an interesting topic, I love be- Photo courtesy: Calvin Seaman / Madeleine Hardy TR: How old are the perform- ing a part of an organization Madeleine Hardy, director of ers? that stands by people wherever Madeleine Hardy, director of the Coming Out Monologues, Coming Out Monologues YYC, MH: There is a huge range, they are at. One of our mottos opens up to The Reflector about what inspires her to bring has been working with the proj- from our youngest I would say is “to meet you wherever you’re LGBTQ+ stories to the stage. ect for four years and is part of at” so we tell our performers is 18 to our oldest, I don’t want reached out to, reach out as well. MH: Get involved! You are just the team that continually works that we are not working to get to guess, but I would say 60+. There are places like the Distress going to get so much more to bring otherwise hidden sto- their piece to our standards, we Some are coming out early on in Centre, which has 24 hour calls out of your university experi- ries to light. Hardy talked with will work with them to get their life, some are coming out very line, places like Outlink, and ence if you just start getting The Reflector about what to ex- piece to their standards. There is late in life, and some of them Pride centres are all great places. involved. Whether that means pect this year, what inspires her never any pressure to memorize a are exploring different parts of You are seeing more and more becoming a peer-helper or vol- and what is coming next for The piece; there is never any pressure their coming out story because, acceptance with people talking unteering or studying abroad, Coming Out Monologues. to perform. If you go through of course, you don’t come out about it. Recognize when it is the experiences you are going the entire process and right be- once, it is a continuous process. not safe to come out, and unfor- to remember for years are going The Reflector: Tell us about fore you are supposed to go on tunately those places where it is to be the other things that you the Coming Out Monologues? stage you can’t we say, ‘of course TR: How are the stories present- unsafe do exist. choose to engage in. It might Madeleine Hardy: that’s okay’ it is really about the The ed? allow you to explore your pas- people. There is a sense of com- Coming Out Monologues have MH: Not everyone is comfort- TR: What is next for TCOM? sions, and that is where you munity building just from being been in Calgary for six years and able with words, so we really MH: We are working on year- will find satisfaction in your life. able to share their story. It is just was first started as a program open it up to their strengths. A lot round programming. So we are so powerful. It just inspires me: with the University of Calgary, of people come out with spoken working at an Out at the Office The event is highly accessible and the people that come out and are and as of 2014 we have separat- word pieces, we also have song, event and it is geared toward student pricing is just $12 dollars, willing to be vulnerable on stage. ed from the university to become last year we had a dance piece, young professionals just start- the goal of the team is to bring That is not always easy, stories more of a Calgary community this year we have some musical ing their career, and we are go- people out to the event. Hardy are often riddled with emotion event. Each night shows different dance acts. This year we have an ing to have five panelists from says that if costs are prohibitive, and are a form of healing. performers and it is with differ- ACAD artist who is queer identi- non-queer dominated industries reach out to the Coming Out ent LGBTQA performers sharing fied and explores that through come and speak about their ex- Monologues and they can help their story of coming out. Most of art so she will be showcasing her TR: What advice can you offer periences of coming out at work. you out. Hardy wants the com- our performers have never been pieces on Thursday night. We are people struggling with LGBTQ+ It is going to be audience driven munity to remember that you on stage nor have any stage ex- an organization that wants to fa- issues? questions followed by a network- do have a story, and it does mat- perience, so we work with them cilitate people coming out in dif- MH: My first piece of advice ing event. ter. This year’s event runs from to get them ready. We don’t have ferent forms. is reach out, there are so many March 18-20 at the John Dutton just queer identified stories; this amazing resources in this city. TR: What is your ad- Theatre. year we actually have an ally TR: What inspires you to do If you are someone who is being vice for university students?

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Big Sean Dark Sky Paradise G.O.O.D Music Score: C

Music junkies outside of the realm lyrical content for just about every of hip hop aren’t too familiar with song is the exact same. He does Big Sean’s work, although he’s show his “ability” to creatively put been around since the mid-2000s rhymes together but couldn’t put when he worked with Kanye West it to use at any time during the du- Photo: Ali Hardstaff on Graduation. ration of the album. Overall, Dark Before playing the Jack Singer Concert Hall on March 10, Dan Mangan + Blacksmith (R to L: This third album offers some Sky Paradise is a large let down Dan Mangan, Gordon Grdina, John Walsh) play in the X92.9 Calgary’s Alternative studio. really good features from larger if you were expecting to see Big singers like Drake, Lil Wayne Sean mature as a rapper. and Chris Brown. Despite this, that is the only thing that Dark — Bigoa Machar Dan Mangan + Blacksmith Sky Paradise has going for it. The stoked to play Calgary Band shows off honest and opinionated sound of their latest record, Club Meds Kid Rock First Kiss Ali Hardstaff the new album, to which Mangan they work intuitively together. Warner Bros Staff Writer explained that though he is typi- “It’s a pretty organic process,” Score: C- cally an opinionated person, he says Loewen. “When we’re all did not choose to put it in his mu- working together it comes pretty “You guys have been so gra - sic until now. naturally. We’re also all really cious to us every time we come “I started to kind of feel like, if hard minded so we’re all throw- here. We always look forward to you aren’t saying something, at ing ideas at the other, like it’s in- Kid Rock is back with his 12th than country, but barely, about Calgary,” said Dan Mangan atop all, what’s the point of doing any sane.” release, First Kiss, a follow up to yet tried-and-true country-rock the stage looking out to the tiers of this?” said Mangan. “I hear a “There is a lot of intensity, 2012’s Rebel Soul. Another al- subject —listening to country- of balconies at the Jack Singer lot of music that is about fun and we’re all intense people,” Mangan bum with a country-rock sound, rock. Concert Hall on March 10, lit up that’s ok. But just to purely have adds while laughing. “Being First Kiss is mediocre at best. All told, the tracks on First Kiss with blue light, fog streaming fun has never been a need for me in the studio this summer was The album opens with “First are almost indiscernible from from behind him. to express. I’ve always wanted to amazing! We had our moments Kiss,” a decidedly country track one another — they all follow the The audience cheers madly to try to explain ideas in my head or when we were fighting it all out about what else but lost love. same hard-rock-turned-country this greeting from the bearded something like that.” but then at the end of the day, “Drinking Beer with Dad” is a formula which leaves this album and award-winning This refers to Club Meds in par- I felt like the songs just got bet- slower track about youth and boring and predictable. musician and songwriter, who ticular in how he has previously ter and better and better the father-son relationships. “One is backed by his band members. described the ‘sedation’ feeling more we kind of massaged and More Song” is more rock — Beck Paterson Dan Mangan + Blacksmith is of it. Especially with the songs punched them around the room Mangan’s newest and main proj- “Mouthpiece” and “XVI”, both and figured out exactly what they ect, and this east coast to west of which are opinionated songs were.” coast tour started just one month that comment on the present me- “Which is essentially what we Gabrielle after their new album Club Meds dia and politicians, people being did with each other, punched willing to be held accountable to each other around the room,” Papillon was released on Jan. 13. The Tempest of Old Blacksmith, which consists of questions and the ‘pack mental- pipes in Loewen mockingly. Kenton Loewen wailing on the ity’ fear of rocking the boat that “It’s a love/hate thing,” Self-released society seems to have. Mangan responds. drums, Gordon Grdina on the Score: B+ guitar, John Walsh on the bass, “Life is chaotic and there’s Their witty dialogue was high- JP Carter playing the trumpet so much going on in the world, lighted while they performed at and delivering an electronic solo it’s insane. So we cope with it in the Jack Singer. Even though the and Tyson Naylor on the key- different ways, you know, some audience remained in their seats board. They were joined on the of those are chemicals, some of bobbing their heads, and clap- tour by the bands Hayden and those are booze, some of those ping after every song it did not Astral Swans. are just in self-denial or isolating diffuse the bands energy at all. Looking at the black ship wres- will not Burn” may have a similar The Reflector joined the band yourself from it or forcing your- Until the encore came and tling over turbulent waters on the message but each evoke a diverse earlier in the day in the X92.9 self to not think about it if it’s woke up the audience with the cover of Gabrielle Papillon’s latest feeling, a different wave of emo- Calgary’s Alternative studio along easier. And some of that’s ok,” old and clearly adored song release, The Tempest of Old, I have tion that sends the listener row- with a few fans during their take- explains Mangan. “Basket”, after which Mangan ex- a strong idea of what to expect. ing along dark and deep waters, over and interview with daytime “But it’s that fine balance of go- claimed, “I see some people have Lead song “Got You Well”, be- and then settles them on a solid host Matt Berry. The four mem- ing between this synthetic, day broken out of their seats!” gins and casts off with a bold and ground of resolution. bers (Mangan, Loewen, Grdina to day mundanely self and this Mangan even asked the two haunting tone. You’ll get on board The Tempest of Old is a solid and Walsh) admitted their tired- super tapped-in living in the mo- other bands to join them on stage and be happy to be part of the body of work, and no matter the ness as a cause of being in Banff ment, spontaneous self. I think for the last bit of the encore to crew; the melody on the track is tide it does not stray from the the night before, but they did not you kind of have to wander be- have one big happy musical fam- reminiscent to that of oars beat- positive message that Papillon’s let this hinder their performance. tween those worlds.” ily on stage for the ending, which ing against waves while a drum words tell. Berry asked Mangan about the The other members seem to he sweetened with telling the au- dictates the pace. new sound and influence behind agree with the mind frame that dience how beautiful they are. Standout tracks like “Brother, — Ato Baako Mangan has about society, as Throw Down” and “This Light Sports Editor Angie Lang sports [email protected] How does alcohol affect your workout? Think twice about hitting the margarita bar after the gym

Masha Scheele Not to mention, the more dehy- Staff Writer drated you are, the more hung- over you will be. To make that WHEN YOU YOU NEED IT’S LIKE hangover even worse, your mus- In western culture it’s a custom DRINK TO DO EATING cles will take longer to repair – to drink as we celebrate. We do making you sore for much longer. it as journalists after we’ve just Professor Grew Whyte, an produced a paper at the end of expert in sports performance, each cycle, and we do it as uni- talked on drinkaware in the UK regular craft versity students each weekend 1 and said, “Dehydration leads to to celebrate that we just got reduced performance. Hydration through another strenuous week also helps control your body tem- of schoolwork. .65 perature so you’re more likely to Beer McDonald’s The older generation is always overheat if you’ve been drinking Hamburger warning us about the risks of 31 alcohol.” minutes of running drinking and we all nod along as Alcohol is not a nutrient, so Calories if we actually believe they never 156 it cannot be stored as energy = drank a drop of alcohol them- = in your muscles instead it’ll be selves. stored as fat. But, after a couple of years into It takes about 3,500 calories university, we sense that maybe, glass of to gain one pound according 1 they might just be right. Maybe to Dave Butler’s beer blog on 1/2 we should start being more con- McDonald’s Fermentedly Challenged. So, in scious about what we put into our Hamburger reality, it’s okay to have a beer Wine 25 bodies and how it is affecting us. once in a while, just not right af- After a big night of drinking, minutes of running ter working out. it’s hard not to focus on what = Calories = happens to our bodies. In order to 123 counter-act all the beers, and let’s be honest here all those bottles of wine, we work out. Alcohol But we shouldn’t only be aware Spirits of what we do after drinking, but 19 also about what we do before we interferes (1 shot) start drinking. If you think you with the are being smart by working out Calories minutes of running before a night of partying, stop recovery 96 what you’re doing and put down == McDonal.4d’s the weights. of your body Hamburger The reason for this? Alcohol in- terferes with the recovery of your after working body after working out. It causes dehydration and decreases your out. It causes Cider 50 energy. After a long gym session your dehydration minutes of muscles need time to repair themselves. Alcohol also de- and decreases running creases blood flow to the muscles, == 1.04 McDonald’s Calories slowing down the recovery pro- your energy. 250 Hamburgers cess. Not only does alcohol affect the *Caloric numbers may vary from brand to brand way muscles recover, but it also decreases the secretion of the hu- *Calories burnt will vary from person to person Infographic: Masha Scheele man growth hormone, eliminat- Ever wondered how many calories are in your beverage of choice? We found out how much ing all the work you’ve just done running it would take to burn off certain brews, and compared them to McDonald’s burgers at the gym. for good measure.

gold medals were taken is the number of in Canada West, April the NBA playoffs 2 home by Canadian 38 wins the Calgary 3rd the Cougars 1 8kick off, making junior men and women Flames have pulled off, men’s hockey team are no this the 69th season of teams in the World Junior putting them 5th in the longer our best-kept secret. the National Basketball #s Curling Championships. Western conference. Association. 14 the reflector • March 19, 2015

known to underperform, which has hurt them multiple times this Bring on the Madness season. If opponents can bottle up Jahlil Okafor and play with a NCAA Tournament promises to provide lead it could spell bad news for Duke. Losing to Notre Dame in the surprises and excitement it the ACC semi-finals will not fill always delivers Duke fans with confidence. The good news for Duke is they have Mike Krzyzewski coaching them Ashley Grant (SEC), which isn’t exactly filled who received his one thousandth Staff Writer with deep, quality teams. The win earlier this season. If anyone Wildcats have faced a ranked op- can get the team prepared to ponent five times this season. play, it’s “Coach K”. Krzyzewski Break out the brackets, the NCAA Obviously, in the tournament, just has to hope they don’t have Tournament is back and this year Kentucky is going to have their another Mercer situation. Photo courtesy: Facebook there could be a clear favourite, hands full with skillful teams. If Villanova doesn’t seem to re- Keep an eye out for the underdogs in the quickly-approaching but fans shouldn’t fall into the they slip and play how they did ceive as much attention as they March Madness tournament. trap of thinking it is a slam dunk against Louisiana State University deserve, it took a while for the for Kentucky. It’s called March or Georgia, teams such as Wichita experts to consider them a num- a shot. But it could be freshman ignored, the “Cinderellas”. Madness for a reason. State and North Carolina will not ber one seed in their tournament Cliff Alexander who might be So who is going win it all? Well, Kentucky is looking to run the let them off the hook so easily. region. The problem is their their standout player. Being re- that’s the thing: does anyone ever table and have a perfect season. The key to Kentucky’s suc- strength of schedule; they haven’t alistic, if you don’t want a broke know? That’s the beauty of the They have been ranked number cess will be getting production really been tested with many bracket, avoid buying Kansas tournament. We know who the one all year and recently have from Willie Cauley-Stein, Aaron quality teams. Losing to unranked Jayhawks’ stock. favorites are and we make our shown why. Wildcat fans must Harrison and Andrew Harrison, Seton Hall and Georgetown cer- The Wisconsin Badgers are predictions by filling out bracket have been worried when John who all have tournament experi- tainly hasn’t helped their image. yet again a strong team to be after bracket. But we watch for Calipari’s team struggled to beat ence and look like they are ready A disappointment this year reckoned with. Senior Frank the upsets and rout for under- Ole Miss back on Jan. 6 and to take the next step. could be Kansas. The Jayhawks Kaminsky leads the Badgers and dogs, but why? Because, the tour- needed a double overtime to take After Virginia lost to North have struggled throughout the has plenty of tournament expe- nament creates a magic that fans down the Aggies of Texas A&M Carolina in the Atlantic Coast year and are not very reliable. rience. The only problem is that get caught up in, hoping to wit- on Jan. 10. Conference (ACC) semi-finals, Kansas’ excuse was their difficult they are in the same region as the ness that one shining moment. Since then, Kentucky has had some may be shying away from schedule, which was the high- Kentucky Wildcats. Wisconsin That’s the Madness of March. quality wins against the tough the Cavaliers in the tournament. est strength of schedule rating may not be able to advance past Gators team in Florida, and the For people filling out a bracket at 0.6244. However, if they can’t the elite eight due to the difficult Arkansas Razorbacks team, who this year just remember, Virginia beat the best teams, obviously region. at the time were ranked 18th. is one of the best defensive teams they will not have success come But those are the well-known The big issue critics have with that will be in the tournament. tournament time. teams, the fun thing about the Kentucky is the fact that they play That will work in their favour. Perry Ellis has to have an MVP tournament is the emergence of in the Southeastern Conference Be cautious of Duke, they are performance for Kansas to have teams who were overlooked and


April 9pm 16th doors

GET YOUR TICKETS AT COPYWRITE OR SAMRU RECEPTION BEFORE THEY SELL OUT! March 19, 2015 • the reflector 15 ISU Speed Skating Championships take over the Olympic Oval Speed skaters from all over the world gather to compete for gold

Jessica Phillips the podium. pairs in the final race, Morrison Contributor Kramer kept a tight lead on and Kramer wouldn’t be going Morrison and in the end, beat head-to-head, but that didn’t him for third place by 0.17 of a make it any less exciting. Photo: Albina Khouzina Posters line the walls at the second. Kramer shared his place As Morrison stood at the start On March 16, The MRU Ski Club broke the Guinness World Calgary Olympic Oval with past on the podium with Bart Swings line, the room went silent once Record for the world’s biggest nerf gun war. Over 600 people and present Olympians, their from Belgium. In second place again. Up against Denis Yuskov participated in the battle. Proceeds supported the Michael

stories for everyone to read. was Sverre Lunde Pedersen from Russia, Morrison took Huras Memorial Scholarship Fund. (neé Florence Arden Elizabeth Nightingale Graham), 1939 (b/w photo) / Creator(s): Fisher, Alan, photographer / [Public of Congress domain], via Library Ordinary people who have from Norway, and with a time the outside lane. The audience achieved the extraordinary, the only 1.43 seconds faster than watched on as the men poised Oval is a place where legends are Morrison, Denis Yuskov, from themselves for the start, and with made. Russia, stood atop the podium. the final start gun of the day, they The ISU World Allroundspeed Morrison was clearly not were off. As the final lap came Skating Championships took thrilled with the outcome, but to an end, it just wasn’t enough place March 7 and 8 at the took to Twitter saying “I only for him to keep his promise. Olympic Oval. Four-time Olympic have to make up 12 seconds Morrison was unable to make up medal winner Denny Morrison in the 10 meter against [Sven the seconds he needed to place, was looking to be one of the fa- Kramer]. Don’t look back man and ended up in 8th. vorites going into the event. … I’m coming for you.” With an exciting first place in In the Men’s 1,500 meter event, The women’s 5,000 metre was the Men’s 500 metre just a day Canadian Denny Morrison was in one of the longer races of the day. earlier, this was certainly not the the 11 pair to race, in the outside There were only four pairs racing way Morrison planned to end track against Netherlands Sven in this event and two Canadians off his weekend. As Sven Kramer Kramer. racing against each other. They stood at the top of the podium for As the men skated up to the were the second pair to skate, the final time of the day, it was start line, making grooves into with Ivanie Blondin on the inside over. the ice with their skates, the are- track and Kali Christ on the out- Canadian Kali Christ took na went silent. As the start gun side track. home the silver medal during the sounded, the room erupted in Blondin came in 5th and women’s 500 m, with teammate cheers: the Canadian favourite Christ came in 8th, with Martina Ivanie Blondin coming in fourth. against the crowd favourite. As Sábliková from Czechoslovakia Morrison came first in the men’s they sped around the track, fans taking home the gold. 500 m, which would be the last went wild. People were blowing The Men’s 10,000 meter was Canadian medal of the weekend. horns, waving flags and cheering the race that Morrison had made on the men racing to the top of his promise about. With only four

“Our only limitations are those which we set up in our own minds, or permit others to establish for us.”

› Elizabeth Arden: Self-Made Maven

In a time when women dare not wear make-up or run their own businesses, Elizabeth daringly did both. She was not a trained chemist, yet she pioneered the concept of scientifically formulating cosmetics. She was not a business graduate, yet she created a global empire. Curiosity and drive were her teachers; the world, her classroom.

We think Elizabeth would have simply adored AU, giving people all over the world the chance to make their mark, on their terms, in their time. Beautiful.

open. online. everywhere. Photo: Jessica Phillips Learn more at Alexis Contin from France (left) and Bart Swings from Belgium (right) during the men’s 1,500 meter race. 16 the reflector • March 19, 2015 I recently did just that. Day 1 Health or hoax? Although I’m not a fan of Now I’ll be honest: my ‘day one’ cleanses, I was inclined to do one was actually two because I start- as a kick-start to eating healthy ed the day before, or at least tried again, All the stress on my body to start, but wasn’t prepared and The cleanse from school and vacations have gave in during the day. The next made me put health on the back- day was my real start and I knew In a quest to debunk the juice burner over the last couple of from the moment I woke up that months. This was a chance to it wasn’t going to be easy or fun. cleanse, our Photo Editor took reboot and start over, so I wasn’t I decided to do this over a week- just looking for a quick fix. end so all my food was readily one for the team During the cleanse I was only available. Although eating veg- allowed to eat raw fruits and gies is really healthy, I barely Albina Khouzina lot of different types of cleanses: vegetables, or a “green cocktail” had any energy to do anything. juice, smoothies and the maple which contains blended fruits Features Editor Along with no energy, I also had syrup, cayenne pepper one that and vegetables. I couldn’t drink an unbearable migraine most of people swear by. Most are usu- coffee, or any drink with caf- the day that made it hard to even ally unhealthy for your body and feine, so I was pretty much just function. Photo: Albina Khouzina In recent years, cleanses have cause you to deprive yourself for stuck with water. Sounds simple I always had a snack in my become all the rage. There are a days, or weeks. enough, right? hand whenever I felt hungry and managed not to give into temp- it helped me deal with all the tation and was able to eliminate temptations in the house. I think junk food for those three days. I ate the most I ever have, yet I still felt hungry, not physically hungry but I could feel my body Expert opinion craving sugar and carbs. The hor- Chelsey Love is a local registered BRENTWOOD VILLAGE rible migraine and no energy left dietician who doesn’t recom- me spending most of the first day mend cleanses to her clients. in bed. The results from a few days of an DENTAL CLINIC extreme diet are usually that of water weight and will easily come Day 2 back, she explains. I woke up hungry and thinking of “If someone’s looking for food. It was how much the idea health, it needs to be more of of eating something fatty and a slower and doable approach. salty consumed me, but I had a These extreme approaches in my green cocktail and a bunch of experience don’t stick,” Love says fruit instead. No amount of food and adds that, “Be aware of the that I ate was satisfying me and I quick fixes, if they seem too good Proud to continued to crave every food out to be true, they probably are.” be your there. It was sickening to realize In order to get back to healthy how addicted to junk food I really eating and a healthy lifestyle - was but it still took all of my will you have to follow the four P’s: MRU dental power to continue eating right. Purchase, Prepare, Pack and provider I still had a bit of a headache Plan. If you’re going to change the next day and my hangry your lifestyle, do so in a healthy (hungry and angry) levels were way by making the necessary at their highest. This caused me changes to have real and lasting to get mad at everything and results. DR. RONDA SALLOUM, DR. CHRISTOPHER ORR, DR. AMREESH KHANNA, everyone around me. I started “Keep it simple, keep it realistic DR. REKHA PARAJULI, DR. ALANA CARTWRIGHT, DR. SUSAN LAFLEUR, noticing some of the side effects and get back to real food,” Love that this was doing to me includ- says. DR. LAURA METCALFE, DR. ZAINAB BAGHDADI, ing: lack of energy, breakouts and DR. OSCAR RENISON, DR. JAMES PENG clouded thinking. I was fighting the urge to sneak a bite of some- Health first thing sweet or salty all day. I It has been a week since I have GENERAL DENTISTRY PRACTICE had plenty of opportunities but done the cleanse and I haven’t I wanted to prove to myself that gained any weight back. I have I could do it. The second day actually lost a little more weight wasn’t that much different in that since then, but that’s because Mount Royal students NO NEED TO PAY UP I spent a lot of time resting, sav- I didn’t go back to eating junk ing the little energy I had. food. I only used those few days enrolled in the SAMRU FRONT FOR COVERED as a kick start to eating healthy and being active again. Now, my health and dental plan are SERVICES Day 3 diet includes lots of fruits and covered at Brentwood We bill student’s The morning of the third day I veggies but also lean protein (not felt surprisingly chirpy having- eating protein is what will make Village Dental Clinic insurance directly way more energy than I did be- you super tired) and healthy We directly bill most insurance fore... I started the day the same fats. I also went back to the gym 100% Exams, first cleanings as the others, drinking the green and have gotten back into lifting and fillings companies even if you’re not cocktail and having a bunch of weights. It’s the muscle that will covered by SAMRU’s student fruit for breakfast. I continued to help burn the most amount of 70% Root canals eat the same things but noticed calories. 70% Additional cleanings insurance plan that the thought of eating some- If you want to lose weight, do thing fatty didn’t entice me any- so in a healthy way, prepare and Conveniently located in the more. I also stepped on the scale think of it as a lifestyle change in- We extract wisdom teeth Brentwood Village Mall close to the Brent- that day and noticed that I lost stead. A quick fix will never solve exactly ten pounds in the last few in our office wood and University C-Train Stations the problem but if you do want days. I was shocked at how much to do a cleanse, then don’t take it I lost, especially since I didn’t ex- to the extreme. Most importantly, ercise and pretty much stayed in prepare yourself for it and ease Monday - Friday 8 am - 9 pm Saturday 8 am - 6 pm bed all day. The number on the out of it once you are done so that scale wasn’t the most important you aren’t harming your body. 3630 Brentwood Road NW 403-210-5050 part to me, it was the fact that I