Arxiv:1108.3003V2 [Gr-Qc]
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Wormholes in Dilatonic Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Theory Panagiota Kanti Division of Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Ioannina, Ioannina GR-45110, Greece Burkhard Kleihaus, Jutta Kunz Institut f¨ur Physik, Universit¨at Oldenburg, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany (Dated: March 15, 2012) We construct traversable wormholes in dilatonic Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory in four spacetime dimensions, without needing any form of exotic matter. We determine their domain of existence, and show that these wormholes satisfy a generalized Smarr relation. We demonstrate linear stability with respect to radial perturbations for a subset of these wormholes. PACS numbers: 04.70.-s, 04.70.Bw, 04.50.-h Introduction.– When the first wormhole, the term, the Gauss-Bonnet (GB) term, and a scalar field “Einstein-Rosen bridge”, was discovered in 1935 [1] (the dilaton) coupling exponentially to the GB term, as a feature of Schwarzschild geometry, it was con- so that the latter has a nontrivial contribution to the sidered a mere mathematical curiosity of the theory. four-dimensional field equations. In the 1950s, Wheeler showed [2] that a wormhole Here we investigate the existence of wormhole solu- can connect not only two different universes but also tions in the context of the DEGB theory. No phantom two distant regions of our own Universe. However, the scalar fields or other exotic forms of matter are intro- dream of interstellar travel shortcuts was shattered by duced. Instead, we rely solely on the existence of the the following findings: (i) the Schwarzschild wormhole higher-curvature GB term that follows naturally from is dynamic - its “throat” expands to a maximum ra- the compactification of the ten-dimensional heterotic dius and then contracts again to zero circumference so superstring theory down to four dimensions. quickly that not even a particle moving at the speed of DEGB theory.– We consider the following ef- light can pass through [3], (ii) the past horizon of the fective action [9–12] motivated by the low-energy het- Schwarzschild geometry is unstable against small per- erotic string theory [7, 8] turbations - the mere approaching of a traveler would change it to a proper, and thus impenetrable, one [4]. 1 4 1 µ −γφ 2 S = d x√ g R ∂µφ ∂ φ + αe R ,(1) However, in 1988 Morris and Thorne [5] found a new 16π Z − − 2 GB class of wormhole solutions which possess no horizon, and thus could be traversable. The throat of these where φ is the dilaton field with coupling constant γ, wormholes is kept open by a type of matter whose α is a positive numerical coefficient given in terms of 2 µνρσ energy-momentum tensor violates the energy condi- the Regge slope parameter, and RGB = Rµνρσ R µν 2 − tions. A phantom field, a scalar field with a reversed 4Rµν R + R is the GB correction. sign in front of its kinetic term, was shown to be a Here we consider only static, spherically-symmetric arXiv:1108.3003v2 [gr-qc] 14 Mar 2012 suitable candidate for the exotic type of matter nec- solutions of the field equations. Hence we may write essary to support traversable wormholes [6]. the spacetime line element in the form [9] In order to circumvent the use of exotic matter to obtain traversable wormholes, one is led to consider ds2 = eΓ(r)dt2 + eΛ(r)dr2 + r2 dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 . − generalized theories of gravity. Higher-curvature the- (2) ories of gravity are suitable candidates to allow for the In [9] it was demonstrated that DEGB theory ad- existence of stable traversable wormholes. In partic- mits static black hole solutions, based on this line el- ular, the low-energy heterotic string effective theory ement. But it was also observed that, besides the [7, 8] has provided the framework for such a general- black hole solutions, the theory admits other classes ized gravitational theory in four dimensions where the of solutions. One of the examples presented showed curvature term R of Einstein’s theory is supplemented a pathological behavior for the grr metric component by the presence of additional fields as well as higher- and the dilaton field at a finite radius r = r0 but had curvature gravitational terms. The dilatonic Einstein- no proper horizon with gtt being regular for all r r0. Gauss-Bonnet (DEGB) theory offers a simple version Since the solution did not exhibit any singular behav-≥ that contains, in addition to R, a quadratic curvature ior of the curvature invariants at r0, it was concluded 2 that the pathological behavior was due to the choice where M and D are identified with the mass and dila- of the coordinate system. ton charge of the wormhole, respectively. Unlike the Here we argue that this class of asymptotically flat case of the black hole solutions [9], the parameters M solutions is indeed regular and represents a class of and D characterizing the wormholes at radial infinity wormholes with r0 being the radius of the throat. In- are not related, in agreement with the classification of 2 2 2 deed, the coordinate transformation r = l +r0 leads this group of solutions as two-parameter solutions. to a metric without any pathology, Wormhole properties.– A general property of a wormhole is the existence of a throat, i. e., a sur- ds2 = e2ν(l)dt2+f(l)dl2+(l2+r2) dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 . face of minimal area (or radius for spherically sym- − 0 (3) metric spacetimes). Indeed, this property is implied In terms of the new coordinate, the expansion at the by the form of the line element (3) above, with f(0) 2ν(l) throat l = 0, yields f(l) = f0 + f1l + , e = and ν(0) finite. To cast this condition in a coordi- 2ν0 ··· e (1+ν1l)+ , φ(l)= φ0+φ1l+ , where fi, νi and nate independent way, we define the proper distance φ are constant··· coefficients. All curvature··· invariants, l ′ l ′ ′ i from the throat by ξ = √gll dl = f(l )dl . including the GB term, remain finite for l 0. 0 0 → Then the conditions for a minimalR radiusR drp = 0, The expansion coefficients f0, ν0 and φ0 are free pa- dξ l=0 2 rameters, as well as the radius of the throat r0 and the d r dξ2 > 0 follow from the substitution of the expan- value of α – the value of the constant γ is set to 1 in l=0 the calculations. The set of equations remains invari- sion at the throat. In order to examine the geometry of the space man- ant under the simultaneous changes φ φ + φ∗ and (r, l) (r, l)e−φ∗/2. The same holds for→ the changes ifold, we consider the isometric embedding of a plane → passing through the wormhole. Choosing the θ = π/2 α kα and φ φ + ln k. As a result, out of the 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 parameter→ set (α,→ r , φ ) only one is independent: we plane, we set f(l)dl +(l +r0)dϕ = dz +dη +η dϕ , 0 0 where z,η,ϕ are a set of cylindrical coordinates in thus fix the value of φ0, in order to have a zero value { } 3 of the dilaton field at infinity, and create a dimension- the three-dimensional Euclidean space R . Regarding less parameter α/r2 out of the remaining two. Also, z and η as functions of l, we find η(l) and z(l). We 0 note that the curvature radius of the curve η(l),z(l) since only the derivatives of the metric function ν ap- { } at l = 0 is given by R0 = r0f0. From this equation we pear in the equations of motion, we fix the value of ν0 to ensure asymptotic flatness at radial infinity. Note obtain an independent meaning for the parameter f0 that force-free wormhole solutions, i.e., with ν(l) 0, as the ratio of the curvature radius and the radius of cannot exist with a nonphantom scalar, as was shown≡ the throat, f0 = R0/r0. in [13]. Essential for the existence of the wormhole so- lution is the violation of the null energy condition Of particular interest is the constraint on the value T nµnν 0, for any null vector field nµ. For spher- of the first derivative of the dilaton field at the throat, µν ically symmetric≥ solutions, this condition can be ex- which originates from the diagonalization of the dila- pressed as G0 + Gl 0 and G0 + Gθ 0, where ton and Einstein equations in the limit l 0. In 0 l 0 θ the Einstein− equations≥ have been− employed.≥ The null terms of the expansions it translates into a constraint→ energy condition is violated in some region if one of on the value of the parameter φ , i.e. 1 these conditions does not hold. By using the expan- sion of the fields near the throat, we find that there 2 f0(f0 1) φ1 = − . (4) 2 −γφ0 α −γφ0 0 l 2 2αγ e f0 2(f0 1) r2 e G + G = < 0 , (5) h − − 0 i − 0 l l=0 −f r2 0 0 Since the left-hand-side of the above equation is provided e2ν(0) = 0, i.e. in the absence of a horizon. positive-definite, we must impose the constraint f 6 0 ≥ The wormhole solutions satisfy a Smarr-like mass 1. This constraint introduces a boundary in the phase formula space of the wormhole solutions. The expression in- κ D side the square brackets in the denominator remains M = 2Sth 2 φ0 2π − 2γ positive and has no roots if a/r0 < e /2 - this in- equality is automatically satisfied for the set of solu- 1 dφ − + √ ggll 1+2αγ2e γφR˜ d2x tions presented.