INTRODUCTION This was the second leg in a month-long trip to the South Pacific & with my wife, Louise; visiting (1 week) and (2 weeks), before spending a week taking things slightly easier in the Blue Mountains, east of on our way home. This report covers the Fiji leg; reports of our other two destinations can be found at

Fiji is an archipelago comprising 330 islands, though only 3 of main inhabited islands need to be visited to see the majority of the country’s very special . The list is not particularly long – we saw just over 60 species in 2 weeks, but there are several examples of inter-island sub-speciation (, for example, has very different looking variants between the islands) that add further interest. Cyclone Winston in 2016 had a devastating effect on the islands and, whilst we saw very little impact on the infrastructure during our visit, the effect on was glaringly obvious in places, with large swathes of forest snapped and broken, as we observed on the hillside immediately behind our lodge on Kadavu (pronounced “Kan-darvu” – all Fijian words with a “d” are pronounced with a preceding “n”). Bobby’s Farm on , renowned as the best place to see Orange Dove and a good site for Silktail, was particularly hard-hit and, at least for now, is no longer worth visiting for birds, according to locals. Despite this, we managed to see all species expected on our itinerary and only used local guides for single days on Taveuni and to help with the trickier ones.

The Fijian people are exceptionally warm and welcoming and almost everyone you meet, even passers-by, will greet you with a broad smile and “Bula” (literally “life”, but commonly used as “Hello”). There is a laid- back feel to the place and you soon get used to things happening at their own pace – “Fiji-time” in the local vernacular - and the ironic title of Fiji Airways in-flight magazine, though we were pleased to find that aviation generally ran to a tighter schedule (at least for us; more on that later…).

PLANNING With lots of island-hopping required for our itinerary, we entrusted the services of Sicklebill Safaris ( to make sense of the complicated flight schedules to arrange as efficient an itinerary as possible. Run by Phil & Sue Gregory, they probably know the South Pacific better than anyone, and the arrangements ended up running generally very smoothly (for that part of the world…) and enabled us to see all our expected target species without too much effort.

ITINERARY Aug 24th 2018 Arrive Nadi (pronounced “Nan-dee”), Fiji from Noumea, New Caledonia (Air Caledonie, 1300-1550). Overnight at Fiji Gateway Hotel (

Aug 25th 2018 Fly Nadi – Taveuni. (Fiji Airways, 0700-0825). Birding along road to north & south of hotel. Overnight Garden Island Resort ( Very comfortable, with excellent food and very helpful and attentive staff.

Aug 26th 2018 All day birding up the track to Des Veoux Peak with local guide Boro (Tel +679 9684170) and rental 4WD arranged through reception desk at hotel. Overnight Garden Island Resort.

Aug 27th 2018 Exploring north end of island in rental vehicle. Birded Qeleni Road in morning. In afternoon, arranged a short boat trip through local dive shop into Somosomo Strait for close views of boobies and dolphins.

Aug 28th 2018 Pre-breakfast birding along road north of hotel. Flight to Nadi (Fiji Airways,0850-1015), connecting to (Fiji Airways, 1100-1145). Afternoon birding around lodge and near the Colo-i-Suva Park rangers’ office. Overnight Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Eco Lodge ( Rooms fairly basic, but comfortable; good food and great birding on site & nearby.

Aug 29th 2018 Birding Colo-i-Suva Park (Big Dakua Trail to Lower Pools returning via Waisila Falls Trail). Late pm, taxi to Suva to collect rental car from Budget. Overnight Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Eco Lodge.

Aug 30th 2018 Early departure for 2.5 hour drive to Monasavu, accompanied by local guide Vido (pronounced Vindo; tel +679 8642242) and his wife, Ma’. Overnight Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Eco Lodge.

Aug 31st 2018 Morning birding Pipeline Road. Returned to Suva to drop off car in afternoon. Overnight Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Eco Lodge.

Sept 1st 2018 Morning birding main entrance road in Colo-i-Suva Park. Afternoon walk from lodge to Pipeline Road junction via Colo-i-Suva village. Overnight Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Eco Lodge.

Sept 2nd 2018 Early morning flight to Nadi (Fiji Airways, 0615-0645), then flight to Kadavu (Fiji Airways, 1045-1135). Boat transfer to Matana Beach Resort (; rather run down, but now under new management with comfortable and good homely food. Afternoon birding cyclone-ravaged hillside behind resort.

Sept 3rd 2018 Boat trip to for snorkelling with Manta Rays. Overnight Matana Beach Resort.

Sept 4th 2018 Boat transfer to Vunisea to meet driver to take us along the Vunisea – Namara road. Birded road all morning. Afternoon relaxing. Overnight Matana Beach Resort.

Sept 5th 2018 Retuned to Vunisea – Namara road, getting a lift to previous day’s Whistling Dove spot & walking back to town. Afternoon relaxing. Overnight Matana Beach Resort.

Sept 6th 2018 Birded hillside behind resort for a couple of hours early morning. Rest of day relaxing. Overnight Matana Beach Resort.

Sept 7th 2018 Relaxing morning before transfer to airport for flight to Nadi (Fiji Airways, 1205-1255). Onward flight to Sydney (Fiji Airways, 1830-2125).

WEATHER Having left the unbearable summer of the UAE behind, the weather was typically a pleasant 25-30C, with the occasional hotter day. We experienced generally good, sunny weather, though our days on Taveuni were cloudy, with persistent heavy drizzle & rain on Des Veoux Peak. We had one rain shower at Suva and heavy overnight rain on our last night on Kadavu, with low cloud and showers on our final morning before departure.

GETTING AROUND Fiji Airways’ island-hopping network of small planes is easy and efficient, with most flights departing and arriving via Nadi. Most of the less popular and off-peak flights are serviced by Twin Otter aircraft seating 19 passengers only. Luggage and passengers are weighed at check-in to optimise weigh distribution within the plane – slightly discomforting for those sensitive about their body weight. There is a 15kg limit on checked baggage which does not appear to be strictly enforced – we had 18kg each and were only asked once to pay excess baggage – on our sixth and final flight, although my objections eventually led to it being waived.

Despite flights running to schedule for us, weather conditions must inevitably have an impact on such aircraft being able to fly. Our departure from Kadavu on our last (rainy) morning was almost cancelled when the incoming flight nearly had to turn around and return to Nadi. Fortunately, a brief break in the clouds allowed the pilot to descend below the cloudbase for landing – otherwise we would probably have missed our onward international flight. With hindsight, it would be wise to allow a day in Nadi at the end of the trip as a buffer against cancellations, especially if visiting during the wetter months.

It is also advisable to reconfirm flight schedules before leaving home, especially if the flights have been booked many months in advance. Whilst we had no issues (our flights were only booked a couple of months ahead), two couples in our lodge both suffered schedule changes. One couple misread a mail notifying them of a date change – and only realised the evening before they thought they were due to fly - three days after their rescheduled flight had departed! They were extremely lucky that the twice-weekly ferry between Kadavu and Viti Levu was departing the following day, allowing them to reach Suva in 9 hours, followed by a 4 hour drive to Nadi, just in time for their onward international flight. Following this episode, the other couple wisely decided to reconfirm their flights for the next day, only to discover that it had been cancelled and they would have to spend another night in the resort. We, on the other hand, just turned up and hoped…

In most cases, we did not need to venture very far from our bases on each island, so hotel transfers via taxi or shuttle bus were all that was required. On Taveuni, we rented a beat-up 4WD to drive up the eroded track to Des Veoux. The rental arrangements were rather informal – basically cash in hand to the owner; no paperwork, no hassle, and no clutch… Arrangements were more formal on Viti Levu (car necessary for the long and very bumpy drive to Monasavu for Long-legged Thicketbird), though the vehicle quality no better – this time a clutch, but no suspension!

Road quality varied widely; main arteries were generally well surfaced, but quality rapidly deteriorated the further you went from them – most inland roads were gravel/dirt; fine (if bone-shaking) when dry, possibly lethal in the wet. Navigation was easy with a free GPS app on my phone, preloaded with a map of Fiji before we left home. We used Sygic (, which allows unlimited map downloads and doesn’t require data, merely the phone’s GPS connection.


1. TAVEUNI The easternmost island, a 90 minute flight from Nadi and bisected by the 180 meridian – exactly on the other side of the world to the UK. Our hotel was located only a kilometre or two from the meridian and a short walk had us (at least technically) walking from today into tomorrow – or was it yesterday? I never really got my head around it. Regardless of when it was, we soon picked up our first new birds, with Pacific Kingfisher, Sulphur-breasted Myzomela, Flycatcher, Polynesian , Fiji and all easily seen. A single Wandering Tattler probing the shoreline was a nice find, accompanied by a Ruddy Turnstone and a Pacific Reef Heron.

In the afternoon, exploration of the road north of the hotel added Maroon Shining and a small distant group of Collared Lory. Later, towards sundown, watching from the hotel grounds over the Somosomo Strait that separates Taveuni from , yielded several Brown and Red-footed Boobies and small distant flocks of presumably Black Noddies, though they were way too far out to be confidently identified.

The following morning, we picked up our guide for the day, Boro, and drove up the track to Des Veoux peak. Boro had a key to unlock a gate at the bottom of the trail, so presumably it is not possible to gain access freely. As we ascended the track, we ran into cloud and a permeating, incessant drizzle that limited visibility. Reaching the start of the rainforest, we began walking and soon picked up a pair of Fiji , followed by close, though foggy, looks at a Barking Imperial Pigeon, their calls seemingly everywhere. Continuing upwards, we added Maroon , Streaked , Fiji White-eye, several Polynesian and Fiji Wattled , Collared Lory and Fiji Goshawk.

After hearing their calls on several occasions, a blast of playback finally coaxed a single Yellow-billed (Giant) into view for a few seconds before it decided to return to shelter from the now steady rain. At this point, Boro decided we should enter the forest and we followed a barely perceptible trail to one of his stakeouts for Silktail. Within the next 10-15 minutes, we were to pick up some of Taveuni’s most special birds thanks to Boro’s knowledge. First, a Silktail darted around us; views were great, but it had a great knack of landing behind branches and my attempts at pictures were pathetic, not helped by the low light levels. Almost as soon as the decided it had had enough of us, we picked up a pair of the awesome Azure- crested Flycatchers, though, again, pictures were near impossible. Moving further into the forest, we heard the distinctive, yet bizarre, knocking call of our other main quarry and soon we had our eyeballs seared by the sight of a male Orange Dove; a truly outrageous bird and, for me, the bird of the trip.

Shortly afterwards, my camera started malfunctioning and making a worrying burning smell. It may have been the intensity of the Orange Dove frying the sensor, but more likely the rain had finally reached the electronics. Fortunately, it dried out overnight and functionality returned the following morning. As it turned out, I didn’t miss using it for the remainder of the afternoon as things quietened down; only and Polynesian Starling being added after lunch.

I’d read a very negative review about Boro in another trip report, so was slightly concerned that we might miss key species, but we found him to be a really nice, quiet and gentle man who was willing to walk up and down the hill all day in the rain for a ridiculously small fee (even when factoring in a sizeable tip). He may have reduced his fee in light of some negative experiences – age may be slowing him down after 40 years of working the hill, but he still knows where to find the main birds. If you expect stuff served on a plate, you may be disappointed, but if you are happy to do some work yourself (eg bring your own calls, look for birds, etc), you will be happy enough with Boro’s services – especially once you’ve seen Orange Dove!

On our third and final day, we decided to extend the rental of the car (I’d worked out how to change gear without resorting to much use of the clutch pedal) and explore the north end of the island. Light rain made the lower clay sections of Qeleni Road slightly slippery, so we opted to park and walk. Birding was very poor, with only Barking Imperial Pigeon, Fiji Goshawk, Maroon Shining Parrot and of note. This part of Taveuni took a real hit from Cyclone Winston and felt eerily quiet at times.

In the afternoon, we arranged a boat trip with a dive shop a few km southwest of the airport to take us into the Somosomo Straits to look for seabirds. The water was a little too rough for our small boat and, whilst the views of the Brown and Red- footed Boobies were really good, the pitching of the boat made photography very difficult. I was also a little disappointed not to connect with any of the noddies seen during late afternoon sea-watches – I assume we had probably gone out a little too early. After struggling against the swell on our way back, we hit upon a pod of Spinner Dolphins in calmer waters.

Checklists: Garden Island Resort area:, S48077591, S48077271, S48102388 & S48118596 Des Veoux Peak: Qeleni Road: Naselesele mudflats: Boat trip – Somosomo Straits:

2. VITI LEVU - NADI Birding in Nadi was limited to a couple of hours in the gardens of the Fiji Gateway Hotel, located just a few minutes’ drive from the airport, after our arrival in Fiji. Aside from the common dross of Spotted Doves, Common & Jungle Mynas and Red-vented Bulbul, I had my first , shortly followed by a Fiji that returned several times to the lawn outside our room. As dusk fell, a familiar croaky hissing led me to a pair of Eastern Barn Owls close by. Checklist:

3. VITI LEVU - SUVA Suva is the administrative capital of Fiji, 30 minutes from Nadi by air. Whilst the city has very little to recommend it (though I did have a Lesser Frigatebird over the harbour), there is great birding to be had around Colo-i-Suva Park, 20 minute drive north of the city. The Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge (-18.0578764,178.4572564), a 5 minute walk from the park entrance, was not only a comfortable place to stay, but also had excellent birds in the grounds. On our arrival, we picked up Masked Shining Parrot, Many- coloured Fruit-dove and Giant Honeyeater within minutes, the first two species being in the tree immediately above the reception office!

Turning right out of the lodge, the rangers’ office (-18.059202, 178.458126) is a 2 minute walk away where tickets for entry into the park can be purchased. Though the office didn’t open until 8am, the rangers were happy enough for me to enter the park at first light and pay on exit. The minor road past the office and administration blocks was good for , Barking Imperial Pigeon, , Collared Lory, Pacific Kingfisher, Scarlet-breasted Myzomela and Kikau in addition to those already seen in the lodge grounds

Inside the park itself, walking the forest trails (accessed at approx. -18.056111, 178.461092) brought us (bizarrely, 20 feet up in the trees!) and Chestnut-throated Flycatcher not too far down Big Dakua trail, with and fleeting views of Golden Fruit-dove further down the trail, plus Slaty Monarch and Fiji White-eye. A morning spent working the main access road secured much better views of Golden Fruit-dove, adding Island , , Fan-tailed Cuckoo and the distinctive graeffii Fiji Whistler to our list.

With a car at our disposal for a morning, we drove to the start of Pipeline Road (-18.0414588,178.4498442) and walked the track to the water tank (-18.047875, 178.445027). We saw most of the species previously seen in the park and lodge and heard several Golden Fruit-dove along here but failed to see them.

Checklists: Colo-i-Suva Rainforest lodge:, S48139151 & S48175825 Colo-i-Suva Park: & S48198000 Pipeline Road: Colo-i-Suva village:

4. VITI LEVU - MONASAVU We met our guide, Vido, for a 4am departure from the lodge for Monasavu Dam (-17.7434549,178.0571365), a 2-3 hour drive from Colo-i-Suva, mostly along dirt roads that get progressively worse as you reach the dam. Though most of it could be done in a standard saloon car, the last 30 minutes is both steep in parts and rather stony and requires a vehicle with good ground clearance. The targets here were Long-legged Thicketbird and Pink-billed Parrotfinch, the latter very rarely seen and thus not really on our radar. (It was even further off our radar when we found that we could not get permission to access the area below the dam where they occur). Vido unexpectedly brought along his wife, Ma’ (not her full name), who he was training as a guide; whilst she largely took a back seat (literally), she was great company and fun to have along.

On our way to the dam, we made a short stop to pick up our first Pacific Robin that flew in front of the car. A few kilometres before the dam, we stopped beside a wet gully and clambered down into it to try for Long- legged Thicketbird. Once concealed, it only took a little playback to provoke a response, but the bird was so quick and skulking that it took a good 5 minutes before I finally got my bins on it and a further 20 minutes of it playing hide-and-seek before I saw it outside of heavy cover.

Closer to the dam, we had more Pacific Robins, plus good views of Polynesian Starling, a bird surprisingly thin on the ground, as well as most of the, by now, usual suspects. Here, also several and a group of 3 of the tricky Black-throated Shrikebill. List:


We had 5 nights here, based at Matana Beach Resort (aka Dive Kadavu, -19.007291,178.16161), a 10-15 minute boat ride from the airport – rather pleasant when the sea is calm, but likely to be a bit wet if there’s a swell running. With only 4 endemics to find, I did wonder what I would do for so many days; however, getting a look at Whistling Fruit-dove proved a bit trickier than anticipated.

The resort is slightly rustic, but comfortable enough and a great place to lay back and relax (not something that happens on most of my trips!). Trips can be arranged to go out diving/snorkelling and we teamed up with a Polish couple, Anna & Agnieszka, to share costs to go to Ono Island at the north end of Kadavu to snorkel with Manta Rays. As the boat didn’t go outside the reef, seabirds were limited, but we had several Brown Boobies, Lesser Frigatebirds and a few Black-naped Terns during the trip. The Mantas, however, were awesome; we had at least 8 ghosting past the boat as we arrived at the spot, visible just below the surface and we quickly donned fins and masks and jumped in. The rays kept working their way back and forth above the reef, gracefully “flying in slow motion” and we had several close encounters over an hour.

The resort grounds held a few pairs of Kadavu Honeyeater, surprisingly shy although quite vocal; Pacific Kingfisher and Vanikoro Flycatcher common, with occasional visits from Polynesian Starling and Crimson Shining Parrot. The storm-ravaged hillside behind the resort was good for Fiji Bush Warbler, with Slaty Monarch, Fiji Shrikebill and the white- throated form of Fiji Whistler also easily found. On our second full day, Anna & Agnieszka joined us for a morning’s birding along the Vunisea-Namara road (-19.033177,178.169119) which passes through some good forest. Through the resort, we’d arranged a boat transfer to Vunisea and a driver to accompany us for the morning. Just outside of Vunisea, we came across Metallic Pigeon, Crimson Shining Parrot, and Fiji Goshawk in the more open areas before reaching good forest. Walking the next 5 kilometres, we picked up more Slaty Monarchs, Sulphur-breasted Myzomela, , Fiji White-eye, , Fiji Whistler, Barking Imperial Pigeon and our first . Whistling Fruit-doves were common on voice, but all we managed was a poor flight view for me only.

Louise & I returned to the road early the following morning, getting a lift to the point where we’d heard most Whistling Fruit-doves the previous day, about 7km from Vunisea, and within 15 minutes, after adding Pacific Robin to our island list, managed to achieve what we’d failed to do on our previous visit….

Checklists: Matana Beach Resort (& hill behind):, S48337893 & S48337896 Ono Island snorkelling spot: Vunisea Bay:, S48337959, S48337962 & S48337963 Vunisea-Namara road: & S48337887 SPECIES LIST (62 species) [IOC 8.2] Common name Scientific name Count Location Date Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa 1 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 3 --Vunisea Bay, Eastern 07/09/2018 Red Junglefowl Gallus 2 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Qeleni Road, Northern 27/08/2018 White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 24 Taveuni--Naselesele mudflats, Northern 27/08/2018 2 Taveuni--Qeleni Road, Northern 27/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Ono Island Manta Ray snorkeling spot, Eastern 03/09/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 04/09/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 05/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 07/09/2018 Pacific Reef Heron Egretta sacra 1 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 3 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 26/08/2018 2 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 27/08/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 03/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Ono Island Manta Ray snorkeling spot, Eastern 03/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 05/09/2018 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 05/09/2018 Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel 1 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 3 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 26/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Suva Harbor, Central 31/08/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 02/09/2018 6 Kadavu Island--Ono Island Manta Ray snorkeling spot, Eastern 03/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 04/09/2018 4 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 05/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 06/09/2018 Red-footed Booby Sula 6 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 25/08/2018 8 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 26/08/2018 12 Taveuni--Somosomo Strait, Northern 27/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 1 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 15 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 25/08/2018 20 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 26/08/2018 10 Taveuni--Somosomo Strait, Northern 27/08/2018 8 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 27/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 13 Kadavu Island--Ono Island Manta Ray snorkeling spot, Eastern 03/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 05/09/2018 Fiji Goshawk (Endemic) rufitorques 2 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 2 Taveuni--track to water slide, Northern 25/08/2018 3 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 3 Taveuni--Qeleni Road, Northern 27/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 06/09/2018 Swamp Harrier Circus approximans 2 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Ono Island Manta Ray snorkeling spot, Eastern 03/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva 4 Taveuni--Naselesele mudflats, Northern 27/08/2018 7 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 04/09/2018 Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 1 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 Wandering Tattler Tringa incana 1 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Naselesele mudflats, Northern 27/08/2018 Black Noddy Anous minutus 200 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 25/08/2018 10 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 27/08/2018 Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii 12 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 12 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 25/08/2018 4 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 26/08/2018 13 Taveuni--Naselesele mudflats, Northern 27/08/2018 5 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 27/08/2018 3 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 02/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 04/09/2018 Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana 9 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 02/09/2018 8 Kadavu Island--Ono Island Manta Ray snorkeling spot, Eastern 03/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 05/09/2018 Metallic Pigeon (C.v.vitiensis) Columba vitiensis 2 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 2 Viti Levu--Nadi International Airport, Western 24/08/2018 10 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 3 Taveuni--Naselesele mudflats, Northern 27/08/2018 6 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 7 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Many-colored Fruit Dove Ptilinopus perousii 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 Orange Fruit Dove (Endemic) Ptilinopus victor 3 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 Golden Fruit Dove (Endemic) Ptilinopus luteovirens 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 29/08/2018 6 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 10 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Whistling Fruit Dove (Endemic) Ptilinopus layardi 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Barking Imperial Pigeon (Endemic) Ducula latrans 20 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Qeleni Road, Northern 27/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 12 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 29/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 15 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 6 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 10 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 15 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Fan-tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelliformis 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 Eastern Tyto javanica 2 Viti Levu--Nadi International Airport, Western 24/08/2018 White-rumped Swiftlet Aerodramus spodiopygius 6 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 30 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 20 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 20 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 20 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 10 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 15 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018

Pacific Kingfisher Todiramphus sacer 1 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 2 Taveuni--track to water slide, Northern 25/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Qeleni Road, Northern 27/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 4 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Pacific Kingfisher (T.s.eximius) Todiramphus sacer eximius 4 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 5 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Crimson Shining Parrot (Endemic) Prosopeia splendens 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 03/09/2018 5 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 6 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 06/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 07/09/2018 Masked Shining Parrot (Endemic) Prosopeia personata 15 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 29/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Maroon Shining Parrot (Endemic) Prosopeia tabuensis 15 Taveuni--track to water slide, Northern 25/08/2018 10 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 4 Taveuni--Qeleni Road, Northern 27/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 Collared Lory (Endemic) Phigys solitarius 6 Taveuni--track to water slide, Northern 25/08/2018 4 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 6 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 20 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 15 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 5 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Sulphur-breasted Myzomela (Endemic) Myzomela jugularis 2 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 7 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 3 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 6 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 29/08/2018 8 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 8 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 6 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 4 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 6 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 06/09/2018 Kadavu Honeyeater (Endemic) Xanthotis provocator 5 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 03/09/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 6 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 7 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 06/09/2018 Fiji (Endemic) Foulehaio taviunensis 15 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 Kikau (Endemic) Foulehaio procerior 2 Viti Levu--Nadi International Airport, Western 24/08/2018 6 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 8 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 7 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 6 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 9 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Yellow-billed Honeyeater (Endemic) viridis 1 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 Giant Honeyeater (Endemic) Gymnomyza brunneirostris 4 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Fiji Woodswallow (Endemic) Artamus mentalis 3 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Naselesele mudflats, Northern 27/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 2 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 12 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 7 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 7 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 4 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen 1 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 Polynesian Triller maculosa 5 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 20 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 4 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Polynesian Triller (L.m.soror) Lalage maculosa soror 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 vitiensis Fiji Whistler (P.v.kandavensis) kandavensis 2 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 8 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 8 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Fiji Whistler (P.v.torquata) Pachycephala vitiensis torquata 2 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 Fiji Whistler (P.v.graeffii) Pachycephala vitiensis graeffii 6 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 Streaked Fantail (R.v.rufilateralis) Rhipidura verreauxi rufilateralis 4 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 Streaked Fantail (R.v.layardi) Rhipidura verreauxi layardi 4 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 Kadavu Fantail (Endemic) Rhipidura personata 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Taveuni Silktail (Endemic) Lamprolia victoriae 1 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 Slaty Monarch (Endemic) lessoni 1 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 29/08/2018 8 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 6 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 8 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 9 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 06/09/2018 Fiji Shrikebill (C.v.brunneus) Clytorhynchus vitiensis brunneus 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Fiji Shrikebill (C.v.vitiensis) Clytorhynchus vitiensis 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 29/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 Fiji Shrikebill (C.v.layardi) Clytorhynchus vitiensis layardi 4 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 Black-throated Shrikebill (Endemic) Clytorhynchus nigrogularis 3 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 Vanikoro Flycatcher (M.v.rufiventris) vanikorensis rufiventris 8 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 9 Taveuni--track to water slide, Northern 25/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Qeleni Road, Northern 27/08/2018 2 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 6 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Vanikoro Flycatcher (M.v.kandavensis) Myiagra vanikorensis kandavensis 7 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 03/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 04/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 06/09/2018 Azure-crested Flycatcher (Endemic) Myiagra azureocapilla 2 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 Chestnut-throated Flycatcher (Endemic) Myiagra castaneigularis 4 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 29/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 Pacific Robin Petroica pusilla 3 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Red-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer 8 Viti Levu--Nadi International Airport, Western 24/08/2018 20 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 25 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 50 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 30 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 7 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 30 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 30 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 40 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Pacific Swallow Hirundo tahitica 4 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 1 Taveuni--track to water slide, Northern 25/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 26/08/2018 6 Taveuni--Naselesele mudflats, Northern 27/08/2018 3 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 6 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 03/09/2018 4 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 4 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 05/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 06/09/2018 7 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 07/09/2018 Fiji Bush Warbler (H.r.ruficapilla) ruficapilla 3 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Fiji Bush Warbler (H.r.badiceps) Horornis ruficapilla badiceps 8 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 29/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 10 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 Long-legged Thicketbird (Endemic) Cincloramphus rufus 1 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 Fiji White-eye (Endemic) Zosterops explorator 15 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 29/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 7 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 9 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 3 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 Silvereye (Z.l.flaviceps) Zosterops lateralis flaviceps 5 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 8 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 2 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 9 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 04/09/2018 10 Kadavu Island--Vunisea - Namara road, Eastern 05/09/2018 1 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 06/09/2018 Polynesian Starling (A.t.vitiensis) Aplonis tabuensis vitiensis 1 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 4 Kadavu Island--Matana Resort, Eastern 02/09/2018 Acridotheres fuscus 6 Viti Levu--Nadi International Airport, Western 24/08/2018 20 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 7 Taveuni--track to water slide, Northern 25/08/2018 12 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 8 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 20 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 2 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 8 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 7 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 8 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 Acridotheres tristis 15 Viti Levu--Nadi International Airport, Western 24/08/2018 50 Taveuni--coast road from Garden Island Resort to Wairiki, Northern 25/08/2018 30 Taveuni--track to water slide, Northern 25/08/2018 20 Taveuni--Qeleni Road, Northern 27/08/2018 20 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 25 Taveuni--Garden Island Resort, Northern 28/08/2018 20 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 29/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 31/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 20 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018 2 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 04/09/2018 5 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 05/09/2018 10 Kadavu Island--Vunisea Bay, Eastern 07/09/2018 Island Thrush (T.p.layardi) Turdus poliocephalus layardi 4 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 Fiji Parrotfinch (Endemic) Erythrura pealii 2 Viti Levu--Nadi International Airport, Western 24/08/2018 1 Taveuni--Des Veoux Peak, Northern 26/08/2018 8 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge, Central 28/08/2018 10 Viti Levu--Monasavu, Western 30/08/2018 5 Viti Levu--near Rutu village, Central 30/08/2018 4 Viti Levu--Pipeline Road, Central 31/08/2018 1 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Forest Park, Central 01/09/2018 3 Viti Levu--Colo-i-Suva Village, Central 01/09/2018