House of Representative by Elections 1949-1994
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Department of the Parliamentary library Parliamentary Research A Service ~ BACKGROUND PAPER No.1 1994 House ofRepresentatives By-elections 1949-1994 • J;i< ':I'~. /.!t. , .....- .... T···.,H!~ ~._...;.;0--. --'_. .....__ ."-: ", ~ ~ ISSN 1037·2933 Copyright Commonwe.alth of Australia 1994 Ezcept to the .....Dt ofthe .... permitted UIlder the Cowrigbt Act 1968, DO pout ofthia publicatioD may be reproduced or tranAlmitted in any form or by an;, IlU'JaD.t including information ftorage and retrieval oy8tem, without the prior writteD 00_ of the DeputmeDt of the ParliameDtary Library, other than by Memben of the AuatraliaD ParliameDt in the coune of their oflicial dutiM. Publiahed by the DeparlmeDt of the ParliameDtary Library, 1994 ., Gerard Newnum Statistics Group 25 February 1994 Parliamentary Research Service Background Paper Number 1 1994 House ofRepresentatives By-elections 1949-1994 Telephone: 06 2772480 Facsimile: 06 2772454 This paper hu been prepared for gellllrllldiotribution to Momben ofthe Auotralia.n Parliament. Readers outside the Parliament are reminded that thiI iI not an Auotralia.n Government document, but a paper prepared by the author aDd publilhed by the Par_tuy !lMMzcll Service to contribute to consideration ofthe iuueo by Senato... aDd Mamben. The vie_ 0ltpI"0U0<! in thio Paper are thooe ofthe author aDd do not ~ reflect thooe of the Parliomento.,. !lMMzcll Servi<:e aDd are not to 1>0 attributed to the Department oftho Par_tuy Libra.,.. .\ CONTENTS Introduction , 1 Reasons for Vacancies 1 Results and Swings 3 Notes on Selected By-elections 8 party Abbreviations and Symbols 11 Electoral Division. Details . 12 House ofRepresentatives By-elections 1949-1994 1 Introduction During the period 1949 to the end ofJanuary 1994 there have been 67 by-elections for the House of Representatives. In March 1994 a further four by-elections are scheduled (Fremantle on 12 March, Bonython on 19 March and Mackellar and Warringah on 26 March). For the 18 Parliaments between 1949 and the end ofthe thirty-sixth Parliament in 1993 there has been an average 3.7 by-elections per Parliament. By-elections are held to fill vacancies in the House of Representatives resulting from the death, resignation, absence without leave, expulsion, disqualification or ineligibility of a Member. The Constitution (section 33) confers on the Speaker of tne House of Representatives the power to issue a writ for the election of a new Member. There is no prescribed time period for the issuing of writs following a vacancy and it is possible not to hold a by-election ifa general election is pending (eg vacancy in the Division ofWills occurred on 25.11.92 following a Court ofDisputed. Returns but no by-election was held pending the 1993 general election). Reasons for Vacancies' By-elections for the House of Representatives held during the period 1949 to 1994 have occurred only because of the death or resignation ofthe Member. Ofthe 67 by-elections. 27 have occurred because of the death of the Member and 40 as a result of resignation. Vacancy because of the death of the Member is by far the most frequent reason for by-elections held in the earlier part of the period while resignation is the most frequent reason in the later part. A significant number of Members (21) have resigned to take up government appointments of one kind or another with the diplomatic service being the most popular. Reasons for By-elections, 1949 - 1994 Death Resignation Total 1949-59 13 3 16 1960-69 9 13. 22 1970-79 4 4 8 1980-89 1 17 18 1990- .. 3 3 Total 27 40 67 2 House ofRepresentatives By-elections 1949-1994 Schedule ofHouse OfRepresentatives By-elections, 1949 - 1994 Date Division Member Elected Previous Member Reason for VBCaDCY 28.7.51 Balaclava (Vic) Joske PE (LP) White TW (LP) Resigned. Became High Commissioner to Great Britain. 28.7.51 Mscquarie (NSW) Luchetti AS (ALP) Chifley JB (ALP) Died 22.3.52 Lyne (NSW) Lacock PE (CP) Eggins EJ (CP) Died 18.10.52 Flinders (Vic) Ewert KWW (ALP) RyaoRB(LP) Died 29.11.52 Werriwa (NSW) Whitlam EG (ALP) Lazzarini HP (ALP) Died 20.12.52 Bradfield (NSW) Turner HB (LP) Hughes WM (LP) Died 9.5.53 Dalley (NSW) Greenup AE (ALP) Rosevear JS (ALP) Died 29.8.53 Corangamite (Vic) Mackinnon ED (LP) McDonald AM (LP) Died 29.8.53 Laog (NSW) Stewart FE (ALP) Mulcahy D (ALP) Died 19.12.53 Gwydir(NSW) Allao AI (CP) Treloar TJ (CP) Died 21.5.55 Cook (NSW) Cope JF (ALP) SheehanT (ALP) Died 11.4:56 Cunningham (NSW) Kearney YO (ALP) Davies W (ALP) med 13.10.56 Barker(SA) Forbes AJ (LP) Cameron AG (LP) Diell 8.12.56 Wentworth (NSW) Bury LHE (LP) Harrison EJ (LP) Resigned. Became High Commiasioner to Great Britain. 14.9.57 Richmond (NSW) Anthony JD (CP) Anthony HL (CP) Died 8.3.58 Parramatta (NSW) Barwick GEJ (LP) Beale OH (LP) Resigned. Became Amb....dor to USA. 9.4.60 Hunter (NSW) James AW (ALP) Evatt HV (ALP) Resigned. Became ChiefJustice ofNSW. 9.4.60 La Trobe (Vic) JessJD(LP) Casey RG (LP) Resigned 16.7.60 Balaclava (Vic) Whittorn RH (LP) Joske PE (LP) Resigned. Became a Judge ofthe Supreme Court of the ACT. 16.7.60 Bendigo (Vic) Beaton NL (ALP) Clarey PJ (ALP) Died 5.11.60 Calare (:"'<SW) Englaod JA (CP) HowseJB(LP) Resigned 10.12.60 Higinbotham (Vic) Chipp DL (LP) Timson TF (LP) Died 1.9.62 Batmao (Vic) BellllOn SJ (ALP) Bird AC (ALP) Died 1.6.63 Grey (SA) MortimerJ (ALP) Russell EHD (ALP) Died 28.9.63 East Sydney (NSW) Devine LT (ALP) Ward EJ (ALP) Died 15.2.64 Denison (Taa) Gibson A (LP) Townley AG (LP) med 20.6.64 Angas (SA) Gil.. GO(LP) Downer AR (LP) Rcsit._e.l. Became High Com'llissioner to Great Britain. 20.6.64 Parramatta (NSW) Bowen NH (LP) Barwick GEJ (LP) Resigned. Became ChiefJustice ofHigh Court. 5.12.64 Robertson (NSW) Bridges-Maxwell CW DeaoRL(LP) Resigned. Became Administrator ofNT. (LP) 27.2.65 Riverina (NSW) Armstrong AA (CP) Robertson HS (CP) R<signed. Became Amb....dor to Irelaod. 26.2.66 Dawson (Qld) Patterson RA (ALP) Shaw GW (CP) Died 2.4.66 Kooyong (Vic) Peacock AS (LP) Menzies RG (LP) Resignad 22.7.67 Corio (Vic) Scholes GGD (ALP) Opperman HF (LP) Resigned. Became High Commiasioner to Malta. 30.9.67 Capricornia (Qld) Everingham DN (ALP) Gray GH (ALP) Died. 24.2.68 Higgins (Vic) Gorton JG (LP) Holt HE (LP) Presumed dead 10.4.69 Curtin(WA) Garlaod RV (LP) Hasluck PM (LP) Resigned. Became Governor-General. 7.6.69 Bendigo (Vic) Kennedy AD (ALP) Beaton NL (ALP) Resigned 7.6.69 Gwydir (NSW) Hunt RJD (CP) Allao AI (CP) Resigned. Became Secretary-General Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 30.5.70 Australiao Capital TerritoI)' (ACTI Enderby KE (ALP) FraserJR (ALP) Died 19.9.70 Chisholm (Vic) Staley AA (LP) Kent Hughes WS (LP) Died 20.3.71 Murray (Vic) Lloyd B (CP) McEwen J (CP) Resigned 22.9.73 Parramatta (NSW) Ruddock PM (LP) Bowen NH (LP) Resigned. Became a Judge ofNSW Court ofAppeal. 28.6.75 Bass (Tas) Newmao KE (LP) Barnard LH (ALP) Resigned. Became Ambassador to Norway, Finlaod and Sweden. 15.10.77 Cunningham (NSW) West SJ (ALP) Connor RFX (ALP) Died 23.9.78 Werriwa (NSW) Kerin JC (ALP) Whitlam EG (ALP) Resigned House ofRepresentatives By-elections 1949-1994 3 Schedule ofHouse OfRepresentatives By-elections, 1949 - 1994-continued Date Division Member Elected Previous Member Reason for Vacaney 23.6.79 Grayndler (NSW) McLeay LB (ALP) Stewart FE (ALP) Died 21.2.81 Boothby (SA) Hall S (LP) McLeay JE (LP) Resigned. Became Consul-General in Los Angeles. 21.2.81 Curtin (WA) Rocher AC (LP) Garland RV (LP) Resigned. Became High Commissioner to Great Britain. 21.2.81 McPherson (Qld) White PND (LP) Robinson EL (LP) Died 11.4.81 Wentworth (NSW) Coleman WP (LP) Ellicott RJ (LP) Resigned. Became a Judge ofthe Federal Court. 13.3.82 Lowe (NSW) Maher MJ (ALP) McMahon W (LP) Resigned 4.12.82 FUndera (Vic) .Reith PK (LP) Lynch PR (LP) Reaigned 7.5.83 Wannon (Vic) Hawker DPM (LP) FraserJM (LP) Resigned 28.5.83 Bruce (Vic) Aldre~ KJ (LP) Snedden BM (LP) Resigned 5.11.83 Moreton (QId) Cameron DM (LP) Killen DJ (LP) Resigned 18.2.04 CoraJlliamite (Vic) McArthur FS (LP) Street AA (LP) Resigned 18.2.84 Hughes (NSW) Tickner RE (ALP) Jolmaon LR (ALP) Resigned. Became High Commiaaioner to NZ. 18.2.84 Richmond (NSW) Blunt CW (NP) Anthony JD (NP) Resigned 8.2.86 Scullin (Vic) Jenkins HA (ALP) Jenkins HA (ALP) Resigned. Became Ambassador to Spain. 6.2.88 Adelaide (SA) Pratt MP (LP) Hurford CJ (ALP) Resigned. Became Conaul-General in New York. 26.3.88 Port Adelaide (SA) Sawrord RW (ALP) Young MJ (ALP) Resigned 9.4.88 Groom(QId) Taylor WL (LP) McVeigh DT (NP) Reaigned 8.10.88 Oxley (QId) Scott LJ (ALP) Hayden WG (ALP) Resigned. Bec~e Governor-General. 15.4.89 Gwydir (NSW) Anderson JD (NP) Hunt RJD (NP) Resigned 11.5.91 Menzies (Vic) Andrews KJ (LP) Brown NA (LP) Resigned 11.4.92 Wills (Vic) Cleary PR (Ind) Hawke RJL (ALP) Resigned 29.1.94 Weniwa (NSW) Latham M (ALP) Kerin JC (ALP) Resigned nesults and Swings ..". The most striking feature of by-elections held during the period is the small number oftimes that the sitting party has lost the seat at the by-election. On only nine occasions has the sitting party lost the seat at the by-election and on two of these occasions the seat was won by the other coalition partner.