Easter Bunny Returns to Swan Lake for Egg Hunt

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Easter Bunny Returns to Swan Lake for Egg Hunt Ship sunk in ’42 found in Pacific A4 THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents Hamm: Rezoning isn’t solution to problem Chamber of commerce in Sumter County at the for the zones. Board members were in- 3RD PUBLIC MEETING HELD third of a series of "com- vited to come in as well during the day endorses proposal munity conversation ses- to review the maps and discuss the Read story on A2 sions" on a draft consoli- zones. BY BRUCE MILLS dation proposal. "It turned out to be kind of a long [email protected] Hamm said — because discussion," Hamm said. "Off and on vestigate the issue this week but ar- HAMM of the repeated concern during the day, people looked at it and In response to repeated questions rived again at the same conclusion expressed from the pub- talked about it. After talking with vir- about rezoning school attendance that it's not feasible. lic for rezoning — district tually everybody, we just can't find lines as a solution for three low-enroll- Interim Superintendent Debbie staff got maps out one day this week ways to make rezoning work." ment schools, Sumter School District Hamm made the comments Tuesday at the district office and re-looked at administrators decided to further in- night at R.E. Davis Elementary School the school zones and various options SEE REZONING, PAGE A6 Easter Bunny returns to Swan Lake for egg hunt BY IVY MOORE Hunt, said the Easter Bunny, affectionately youngest group.” Special to The Sumter Item known as E.B. by the department staff, has Parents will be allowed to walk with these been coming to Swan Lake-Iris Gardens on the children, hold their Easter baskets and even pring is here, and with it comes the Saturday before Easter for the egg hunt “for “point out eggs to them, but we ask parents to more than 30 years.” let the children pick up the eggs themselves.” Easter Bunny. He has once again ac- Before the official egg hunt begins, there The remaining four groups will not have as- S will be five special contests in the area be- sistance from adults in finding eggs. cepted Sumter Recreation Depart- tween Swan Lake’s Iris Market and the chil- Each group will have first-, second- and ment’s request to hide eggs for the com- dren’s playground, Chambers said. “That’s the third-place prizes awarded for the most eggs munity’s children ages 2 to 12. He’ll be former tennis courts.” There is a contest for found, and there will be one silver and one each of the age groups that will have its own gold egg hidden in each area. hiding eggs and greeting children from 10 separate egg hunt on the lawn adjoining the Children should bring their own Easter bas- a.m. until around noon on Visitors Center. Prizes will be awarded for: kets to hold the eggs they find, and Chambers • Ages 2 and under, Best Easter Bonnet advised parents, grandparents and friends to Saturday, March 31. or Cap; bring their cameras to take photos with the LaTrelle Chambers, pro- • 3 and 4, Best Decorated Tricycle or Easter Bunny. There is no charge for taking gram director with Bicycle; photos. Sumter Recreation • 5 and 6, Best Decorated Bicycle; The Easter Egg Hunt is sponsored by the Department, • 7 to 9, Best Decorated Easter Sumter County Recreation Department, Sum- which pres- Egg; and ter County, The Salvation Army Boys & Girls ents the • 10 to 12, Best Decorated Clubs, the YWCA of the Upper Lowlands, annual Easter Hat or Cap. SAFE Kids of Sumter County and Tuomey Easter The Easter egg hunts will Foundation. Sponsors provide treat bags, Egg begin following the con- candy and other prizes for participants. tests. The Easter Bunny Participation is free, and the public is invit- and his helpers will have ed to the 10 a.m. Saturday, March 31, event at hidden “a minimum of Swan Lake-Iris Gardens, 822 W. Liberty St. 500 eggs in each of the Children must be accompanied by an adult five areas marked off by guardian. the age groups,” Cham- For more information, contact Sumter Rec- bers said. “We’ll have reation Department at (803) 436-2249 or the hunts one at a time, [email protected]. beginning with the Sumter City Council approves $6 million bond for 3 projects BY ADRIENNE SARVIS regarding the use of the property at 20 W. Lib- [email protected] erty St. was not available by press time. CROSSWELL GROUP RECOGNIZED City of Sumter's plans to improve a few of its facilities and reimburse its general funds are City council approved a resolution recogniz- much closer to the starting line after Sumter ing Crosswell Neighborhood Association — City Council approved final reading of an ordi- consisting of residents of the area — as an offi- nance to issue a bond not to exceed $6 million cial neighborhood association in the city. The during its meeting on Tuesday. association's corresponding neighborhood in- Council voted to approve second, and final cludes the area between East Calhoun Street, reading to issue the general obligation bond Oswego Highway, North Pike East, Allen that will be used to fund three projects: about Drive, Phillips Street and North Main Street. Subcommittee agrees armed $800,000 to reimburse the city's general fund ac- According to Crosswell Neighborhood Asso- count for improvements made to the Alice ciation's bylaws, the nonprofit's purpose is to Drive fire station last year; $4 million to finish "preserve and improve the character of the officers needed in S.C. schools the Public Safety complex on Lafayette Drive, Crosswell Community and surrounding areas" where the police and fire departments will be by combating neighborhood deterioration, pro- Solutions would cost tens of millions relocated; and $1.2 million to engineer and in- moting public safety, establishing an open line stall a new fiber loop to link city-owned build- of communication with local agencies and pro- ings to secure data usage necessary for city op- viding an open process for all members of the BY JEFFREY COLLINS Wednesday — from armed erations. neighborhood to get involved in its initiatives. Associated Press officers to requiring every A previously mentioned fourth project — esti- FAIR HOUSING MONTH RECOGNIZED school to have an employee mated to cost about $3 million — to construct a COLUMBIA — Educators monitoring surveillance new utility billing department building at In other news, council approved a resolution and law enforcement all cameras when children are Bartlette and Harvin streets to house the water designating April as Fair Housing Month. The agree the best thing to do to in the building to putting department will most likely not be considered month is named in recognition of the Fair improve safety in South Car- metal detectors at each for the bond, according to city attorney Eric Housing Act — Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act olina schools is to have an school. Shytle, because all four projects exceed $6 mil- of 1968 — that protects Americans from hous- armed police officer in every “Everything we’re talking lion. ing discrimination based on race, color, national school. about is helpful and needed. PROPERTY TRANSFER TO ADD ENTRANCE origin, religion, sex, disability and familial sta- But they also agree any so- But all of it costs money,” tus. lution is going to cost at least South Carolina Sheriff’s As- The ordinance to transfer a 14-feet-by-30-feet- Sumter City Council must give two majority tens of millions of dollars. sociation Executive Director long portion of the Liberty Center, 12 W. Liber- approval votes before an ordinance is passed. A House subcommittee Jarrod Bruder said. ty St., will be used to create a second entrance Resolutions require one majority approval discussed six different and exit for property at 20 W. Liberty. A report vote. school safety proposals SEE SCHOOLS, PAGE A6 VISIT US ONLINE AT CONTACT US DEATHS, B3 WEATHER, A10 INSIDE Information: 774-1200 MaryAnne G. Moore Nathan D. Simon ANOTHER GORGEOUS DAY 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES the .com VOL. 123, NO. 110 Advertising: 774-1246 Ethel M. Harvin Michael H. Floyd If you like it slightly cool, you Classifieds: 774-1200 Arthur Mack Daniel Ramos will enjoy spending time Classifieds B4 Opinion 9A Delivery: 774-1258 Clyde W. Huggins Sr. outdoors today. News / Sports: 774-1226 Comics B5 Sports B1 Ronald Burgess HIGH 60, LOW 34 Obituaries B3 Television 7A A2 | THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2018 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] Public still asking questions about class sizes, bullying schools into three, potential bullying deemed appropriate. Crowd gathers for 3rd 3 MORE COMMUNITY in what would be two K-8 schools and Tamala Shannon, a Sumter County community conversation CONVERSATION SESSIONS what might be done with the three resident who has one child at Tonight, 7 p.m.: Hillcrest Middle School, potentially abandoned school facili- Mayewood Middle School and two at BY BRUCE MILLS cafeteria ties in the county were concerns the R.E. Davis, said she is still concerned public raised Tuesday and in the pre- if the consolidation will be best for [email protected] Saturday, 10 a.m.: Mayewood Middle School, media center vious meetings. her children. Sumter School District has now put Hamm reiterated Tuesday that even “I guess I’m still on the fence about on three public meetings for a draft Sunday, 6:30 p.m.: Rafting Creek though school sizes will increase in it,” Shannon said.
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