Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting Packet Contents

1. November 14, 2007 Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 2. Minutes from October 10, 2007 Board Meeting 3. Status Report 4. DDA Financials - September 2007 - October 2007 (not available at this time) 5. DDA Meeting Schedule for November & December 6. Committee meeting minutes 7. Hotstuff 8. Website Usage Statistics 9. Action Item


DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 14, 2007, at 3:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall – Midland, Michigan

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of the minutes from the meeting of October 10, 2007

3. Financial Reports from September 2007

4. Reports a) Design Committee Report b) Horticulture Report c) Organization Committee Report d) Economic Restructuring Committee Report e) Creating Cool Promotions Committee Report f) Midland Downtown Business Association Report

5. Public Comments

6. Old Business

7. New Business



Denise Hufford read Roll Call.

PRESENT: DDA MEMBERS – Bo Brines, Doug Chapman, Mike Hayes, Jack McCandless, Ranny Riecker, Jim Stamas, Claudia Wallin

ABSENT: Jenny Anderson, Fr. Fleming, Paula Liveris, Jon Lynch, Sue Rabbage, Mark Ruhle

PRESENT: STAFF – Denise Hufford, Stephanie Szostak, Keith Baker

PRESENT: OTHERS – Rich Pomeroy

Wallin called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

1. Approval of past meeting minutes Motion to approve the September 12, 2007 meeting minutes by McCandless. Seconded by Riecker. Approved unanimously.

2. Reports a) Design Committee Chapman showed the design for a downtown kiosk. Features include a business listing that is changeable. To be installed in spring 2008.

Chapman reported that there is an action item to approve the façade loan request by Rich Pomeroy for the former Baringer’s Men Shop. Rich Pomeroy gave a brief overview of the project including an invitation to the board to come to the open house once construction is complete.

Chapman asked for approval of the action item:

The Downtown Development Authority Board of Directors hereby approves the Façade Loan in the amount of $15,000 for façade improvements at the building owned by Rich Pomeroy located at 129 E. Main Street, upon execution of a personal and business guarantee.

Seconded by Stamas. Approved unanimously.

Baker reported that the Redevelopment and Design study has given the board one more week to make any suggestions for changes. Email your changes to Baker or Hufford. Final report will be brought to the board at the November meeting for approval.

b) Horticulture Report Szostak reported that the annuals have been removed, baskets and pots put away for the winter, bulbs have been planted, soil drenching completed, and mums have been planted. Tree lights for corner trees will be installed by the October 18 Pumpkin Festival. Irrigation should be turned off next week, and the day lily division project will be worked on as time permits this fall.

Szostak will present the 2008 Annual design at the November meeting.

c) Organization Committee Baker reported that the search for an Executive Director for the DDA continues. Twelve applications have been received so far. The search remains open until October 19. Applicants must fill out a City of Midland job application form, available at The search committee will meet on October 29 to review applications.

Hufford will set up a budget committee meeting. All sub-committees should review their budgets for the coming year.

d) Economic Restructuring Committee Hayes reported 8 downtown vacancies for lease and one property for sale. New business called Tri-City Nutrition will offer 31 flavors of smoothies and other health foods sometime in November.

Hayes presented the new downtown business recruitment packet. Can be updated and used as a marketing tool for downtown.

e) Creating Cool Committee Wallin reported the new downtown website is up and running. A few minor glitches, but overall seems to be working well.

Wallin reported that the Google Headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan invited Midland to decorate one of their conference rooms. The DDA sent event posters along with a replica of the red wagon to promote the 100 Best Communities to Raise Young Children Award received this year. The Chamber of Commerce is coordinating this project. Hayes reported that this room has been named “The Midland Room.”

Wallin reported upcoming events including Mannequin Night (10/11), Pumpkin Festival (10/18), Santa Parade (11/17), Santa’s Arrival and Courthouse Lighting (11/27), and Breakfast with Santa (12/1). Tickets for Breakfast with Santa go on sale November 1st.

f) Midland Downtown Business Association Hufford reported that Mannequin Night is tomorrow night, October 11, from 6:30-8 pm and is a joint venture with Northwood University’s Fashion Department. Pumpkin Festival is Thursday, October 18 from 6-7:30 pm and features many fun pumpkin events.

Hufford reported that the DDA Board is invited to attend the Michigan Main Street Annual Review on Wednesday, October 31 from 11:30am – 1 pm at Ashman Court Hotel.

Public Comments None.

Old Business Strategic Planning will be held in January. Hufford will contact Board Members to find convenient dates.

New Business None.

Adjourn There was no further business to come before the Board. McCandless moved that the meeting be adjourned. Hayes seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:22 p.m.

STATUS REPORT November 14, 2007 DDA Board of Director’s Meeting


Design Committee - Bench update Horticulture Report - Summer 2008 Horticulture Design Organization Committee - Executive Director Search Economic Restructuring Committee - Space available downtown Creating Cool Promotions Committee - Breakfast with Santa - Downtown Dragons Sculpture Series MDBA Report - Holly Jolly Days

TO: Denise Hufford, Interim DDA Executive Director

FM: Margaret Maday, City Controller

DT: November 8, 2007

RE: DDA Financial Report for September, 2007

REVENUES ƒ $8,507 – Interest Earnings ƒ $1,167 – Monthly SARA Transfer

EXPENDITURES ƒ Personal Services – 21% of budget ƒ Supplies – 14% of budget ƒ Other Services and Charges – 26% of budget o Marketing Services - $10,174 ¾ Website Development and Hosting - $2,839 ¾ Main Event Audio, Portables and Supplies - $1,879 ¾ Fall Newsletter Design - $2,451 ¾ Miscellaneous Advertising - $3,005 o Miscellaneous Contractual Services - $11,106 ¾ Downtown Redevelopment Study o Landscape Maintenance - $3,923 ¾ Sprinkler System Pump Replacement, Flower Bulbs, Weed Control and Sweeping o Hardscape Maintenance - $1,681 ¾ Tree Lights, Sprinkler Repairs, and Bike Rack ƒ Capital Outlay – None ƒ Other Financing Sources and (Uses) - $42,140 o ($3,750) - Monthly Transfer Out to Parking Fund o $45,890 - Transfer In from Construction Fund, Refund of Excess Revenue on Downtown Crosswalk Repair Project

CASH BALANCES ƒ DDA $ 664,392 ƒ Physical Improvements Project 71,652 ƒ Downtown Art Fund 20,816

PROJECT ACTIVITY ƒ Physical Improvements Project o Revenues: Interest Earnings - $2,579 o Expenditures: $2,207 ¾ Awning for Gems by Em - $1,487 ¾ Awning for Heather n Holly - $720 ƒ Downtown Art Fund o Revenues: $7,832 ¾ DaBenchi Auction - $2,354 ¾ Summer Sculpture Series - $4,825 ¾ Interest Earnings - $653 o Expenditures: $550 ¾ DaBenchi Ad in Midland Daily News - $500 ¾ Artist Award - $50 CITY OF MIDLAND DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS September 30, 2007 Current % of YTD Month YTD Budget Budget Last Year Revenues Property Taxes $ (83.40) $ 43,134.20 215.67% $ 20,000 $ 41,708.20 Captured Taxes - TIF Plan - - 0.00% 380,000 - Licenses and Permits - - 0.00% 500 - Interest Earnings 8,506.59 8,506.60 21.27% 40,000 240.33 Misc Revenues 35.00 3,585.00 17.93% 20,000 12,286.73 Trust and Agency Fund 1,166.67 3,500.01 25.00% 14,000 3,500.01 Total Revenues 9,624.86 58,725.81 12.38% 474,500 57,735.27 Expenditures Salaries and Wages 6,126.90 16,497.86 21.72% 75,973 15,761.28 Laborer - - n/a - 13,770.36 Labor Transfers - In 2,464.10 12,195.04 22.18% 54,989 - Labor Transfers - Out - - n/a - (648.37) Social Security 445.27 1,197.64 20.92% 5,725 2,124.20 Health Insurance - Blue Cross 976.00 2,684.00 21.87% 12,272 2,711.50 Prefund Retiree Health 734.17 2,202.51 25.00% 8,810 - Life Insurance 16.62 45.70 21.16% 216 38.11 Workers Compensation 18.03 48.55 22.27% 218 252.77 Unemployment Compensation - - 0.00% 488 207.47 Pension 885.80 2,356.08 20.86% 11,296 1,516.14 Benefit Transfers - In 1,162.97 3,794.04 15.67% 24,208 - Benefit Transfers - Out - - n/a - (67.72) Total Personal Services 12,829.86 41,021.42 21.12% 194,195 35,665.74 Office Supplies 44.19 414.90 28.61% 1,450 565.22 Duplicating - - 0.00% 500 85.40 Postage - - 0.00% 100 2.59 Books and Periodicals - - 0.00% 425 - Gas & Oil - - 0.00% 130 - Miscellaneous Supplies - 31.41 6.28% 500 96.51 Total Supplies 44.19 446.31 14.37% 3,105 749.72 Architectural Service - - 0.00% 5,000 - Legal Fees - - 0.00% 4,000 - Membership and Dues - - 0.00% 515 - Marketing Services 10,173.80 20,646.12 31.09% 66,400 17,121.49 Misc Contractual Services 11,106.00 16,596.85 82.98% 20,000 - Administrative Services 2,091.67 6,275.01 25.00% 25,100 4,175.01 Computer Services - Internal 337.67 1,013.01 25.00% 4,052 1,001.01 Computer Rental - Internal 95.83 287.49 25.00% 1,150 - Conferences and Workshops 235.00 1,018.29 13.58% 7,500 660.55 Telephone 232.00 362.52 16.83% 2,154 195.79 Mileage - - 0.00% 100 - Liability Insurance 177.92 533.76 25.00% 2,135 - Electricity 125.00 523.59 7.48% 7,000 903.99 Water/Sewer - 2,845.35 35.57% 8,000 2,081.81 Landscape Maintenance 3,923.26 4,424.89 14.95% 29,600 3,964.64 Hardscape Maintenance 1,680.53 6,267.71 13.06% 48,000 - Building Rental 440.00 960.00 17.32% 5,544 1,200.00 Transportation Rental 177.00 291.00 24.85% 1,171 240.00 Miscellaneous Expense - - 0.00% 500 - Total Other Services and Charges 30,795.68 62,045.59 26.08% 237,921 31,544.29 Capital Expenditures - - 0.00% 514,240 1,350.00 Total Capital Outlay - - 0.00% 514,240 1,350.00 Total Expenditures 43,669.73 103,513.32 10.90% 949,461 69,309.75 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures (34,044.87) (44,787.51) (474,961) (11,574.48) Other Financing Sources (Uses) Reserve for Contingencies - - 0.00% (11,700) - Transfer In from Construction Fund 45,890.43 45,890.43 n/a - - Transfer Out to Construction Fund - (3,300.00) n/a (3,300) - Transfer Out to Parking Fund (3,750.00) (11,250.00) 25.00% (45,000) (9,999.99) Transfer Out to DDA Debt Fund - (103,025.00) 99.35% (103,700) (80,275.00) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 42,140.43 (71,684.57) 43.79% (163,700) (90,274.99) Net Change in Fund Balance $ 8,095.56 $ (116,472.08) $ (638,661) $ (101,849.47) CITY OF MIDLAND DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET September 30, 2007 and 2006

Assets 2007 2006 Cash in Bank $ 664,391.85 $ 919,118.02 Taxes Receivable - Current 513.36 - Taxes Receivable - Delinquent 469.71 1,162.51 Reserve for Uncollectible Delinquent Taxes (400.00) (400.00) Accounts Receivable - - Accrued Interest Receivable 2,091.89 3,171.08 Total Assets $ 667,066.81 $ 923,051.61

Liabilities and Fund Balance Accounts Payable $ 4,160.29 $ - Fund Balance, Unreserved 569,378.60 814,901.08 Fund Balance, Capital Reserve 210,000.00 210,000.00 YTD Operating Income (Loss) (116,472.08) (101,849.47) Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 667,066.81 $ 923,051.61 CITY OF MIDLAND DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FUND SPECIFIC PROJECT TRACKING September 30, 2007


ASSETS Cash in Bank $ 71,651.83 Accounts Receivable-General 41,616.82 Accrued Interest Receivable 237.39 Total Project Assets . 113,506.04

LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ 1,487.00

Fund Balance - Reserved for Loans Receivable 41,616.82

Fund Balance - Unreserved $ 70,402.22

REVENUES Interest Earnings $ 34,679.54 Contributions 100,000.00 Transfer from DDA Fund 275,750.00 Total Revenue 410,429.54


Excess Revenue Over Expenditures $ 70,402.22


Committed Project Funding Heather n Holly 1,487.00 Gems by Em 720.00 Total Committed Project Funding $ 2,207.00

Total Committed Funding 2,207.00 Total Available Funds 70,402.22 Funds Available for Other Projects $ 68,195.22


ASSETS Cash $ 20,815.63 Accrued Interest Receivable 55.11 Total Project Assets 20,870.74

LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ -

Fund Balance $ 20,870.74

REVENUES Transfer from DDA Fund $ 5,000.00 Other Funding 127,400.60 Investment Earnings 2,486.14 Total Revenues 134,886.74


Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures $ 20,870.74 DDA MEETING SCHEDULE

November 2007 November 13...... Economic Restructuring Committee ...... 3 p.m. November 14...... DDA Board Meeting - Council Chambers ...... 3 p.m. November 15...... Michigan Main Street Conference...... all day November 20...... Creating Cool Promotions Committee ...... 11:30 a.m. November 27...... Design Committee ...... 3 p.m.

December 2007 December 5 ...... Organization Committee...... 3 p.m. December 11 ...... Economic Restructuring Committee ...... 3 p.m. December 12 ...... DDA Board Meeting - Council Chambers ...... 3 p.m. December 18 ...... Creating Cool Promotions Committee ...... 11:30 a.m. December 18 (rescheduled from December 25)….Design Committee...... 3 p.m.

*All DDA committee meetings are held at the DDA office at 300 Rodd Street, Suite 201 in Downtown Midland unless otherwise noted.

DDA Design Committee Tuesday, October 30, 2007 at 3:00 Follow-up Meeting Monday, November 5, 2007 at 3:00 Location: DDA Conference Room Committee Members: Doug Chapman - Chair, Thad Hallberg, Jack McCandless, Sue Rabbage Staff: Denise Hufford, Keith Baker, Stephanie Szostak

M I N U T E S Item Purpose / Outcome 1. Updates Kiosk updated quote is $5575 per kiosk. Still checking on ease of changing information. Possible locations include Ashman/Main, - Kiosk (quotes) by the Tridge, Main/Rodd or Cronkright. Would like to purchase 3 kiosks. 2. Benches - Thad Thad presented designs for downtown benches that reflect the design of the wayfinding signage. Many options available including flat bench, bench with table, and handicap accessible table. Approximate cost is $1200-1600 depending on options. This does not include installation that Thad estimates at approximately $300 per bench. Committee would like to do all benches in one season if possible. 3. Budget Much discussion on 08/09 budget. Follow-up meeting helped set priorities of the Design Committee to take to the Budget Committee. Still checking into actual budget available. Priorities include 1. Landscaping ($35,000) 2. Benches ($110,000) 3. Kiosks ($16,000) 4. Hanging Basket repair/Irrigation ($18,500) for a total Design Budget of $179,500. 4. Flowers Stephanie working on 08 design for downtown. Also needs to replace/repair some hanging baskets

2007 Action Items: DDA Mission: DDA Vision: 1. Redevelopment & Design The mission of Downtown Midland is to Small city charm with big Study provide a vibrant and diverse center of city choices 2. Wi-Fi business, cultural and recreational activity that 3. Wayfinding signage attracts both Midland residents and visitors throughout Michigan and beyond.

DDA Organization Committee Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at 3:00 pm Location: DDA Conference Room Committee Members Present: None Staff: Denise Hufford, Keith Baker

M I N U T E S Item Purpose / Outcome No meeting held due to lack of committee members

2007 Action Items: DDA Mission: DDA Vision: 1. Budget Diversification The mission of Downtown Midland is to Small city charm with big 2. Program Public Relations provide a vibrant and diverse center of city choices 3. Board Development business, cultural and recreational activity that Activities attracts both Midland residents and visitors throughout Michigan and beyond.

DDA Economic Restructuring Committee Tuesday, October 9, 2007 at 3:00 pm Location: DDA Conference Room Committee Members: Mike Hayes (Chair), Jack McCandless, Claudia Wallin Staff: Keith Baker, Denise Hufford

MINUTES Item Purpose / Outcome 1. Building & Business Updates New business coming in to old Lily Lane store called Tri-City a. Office Nutrition. Will offer 31 flavors of smoothies and health foods.

b. Retail c. Residential d. New Development

2. Work plans/Action items 2 façade loans currently in the process.

nd 3. 2 Story Rehab 2nd Floor housing over old Baringers store is moving along in construction. Hufford will inquire if we can tour the area once it is complete so that we can showcase it’s success to other building owners interested in having 2nd floor housing. (Rich Pomeroy was very open to the idea and is currently considering a public open house when construction is complete.) 4. Business Recruitment Final packets now available. Hufford will bring to DDA Board meeting. May want to promote at Wake Up Midland. 2008 Events Calendar needs to be updated. Need to work on movie nights. 5. Business Assistance Team MDBA has a business liaison committee set up to accomplish same goals. Will let MDBA handle with our assistance offered. Hufford will invite Christine Griese from Delta to be on MDBA sub-committee. 6. Old/New Business Need to set a date in January for strategic planning session. Need to have all DDA sub-committees work on their 2008 budgets.

2007 Action Items: DDA Mission: DDA Vision: 1. Property Development & The mission of Downtown Midland is to Small city charm with big potential purchase provide a vibrant and diverse center of city choices 2. ID obstacles & solutions for business, cultural and recreational activity market rate & 2nd-story housing that attracts both Midland residents and 3. Retail Recruitment visitors throughout Michigan and beyond.

DDA Creating Cool Committee Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 11:30 Location: DDA Conference Room Committee Members: Claudia Wallin (Chair), Nancy Barker, Kelly Biggs, Don Carlsen, Janet Fergin, Neil Hershfield, Jan McGuire, Sue St. Charles, Mary Shudark, Chris Tointon, Peyman Zand Staff: Denise Hufford

MINUTES Item Purpose / Outcome 1. Updates: - Breakfast in good shape – tickets go on sale Nov. 1 a. Breakfast with Santa - 2008 Calendar looks good - Movie Night – Chris working with Site Services, working b. 2008 Calendar on a 3-year sponsorship plan, MCC will own equipment c. Movie Night and partner with DDA. PG-13 movies one night a week d. 2008 Sculpture Series for DDA (possibly start on Thursday and either stay or e. Christmas in July move to Fridays), G rated at MCC one night a week. f. Winter event - 2008 Sculptures – Dragons – need catchy title - Christmas in July – may be better to tie in with Tourist in your Town. Jan suggested having the house staffed to encourage visitors, possibly sell globes, possibly invite Mrs. Claus. Denise will take to MDBA - Winter event. MDBA working on “Shop Downtown Saturdays” for December. Would like to have a February retail event. Chris offered baby sitting from MCC at one of the downtown churches during shopping days. Denise will check into. 2. Budget - Reduce Winter Festival, increase website, reduce newsletter, add All Star Game, add Movie Night, Add Billboard 3. Digital Billboard - Ok to sub-lease to downtown businesses. Will need to set up parameters and billing system. Denise to work with MDBA and city attorney.

2007 Action Items: DDA Mission: DDA Vision: 1. Comprehensive The mission of Downtown Midland is to Small city charm with big marketing plan provide a vibrant and diverse center of city choices 2. Website update business, cultural and recreational activity that 3. Downtown brochure/map attracts both Midland residents and visitors throughout Michigan and beyond.

4. All Star Game, June 17, 2008 - 5,000-10,000 people will be in Midland for games to run from June 17-21. Would like to partner with Loons for other activities. Peyman will ask Chris Mundhenk to join our committee. 5. Other - Yes – ok to make website improvements. Want to keep it Website: edit function for as user friendly as possible. opportunities approx. $130.00 - Tree lights to be installed by Thursday, October 18 - Speakers still on the wish list.

2007 Action Items: DDA Mission: DDA Vision: 1. Comprehensive The mission of Downtown Midland is to Small city charm with big marketing plan provide a vibrant and diverse center of city choices 2. Website update business, cultural and recreational activity that 3. Downtown brochure/map attracts both Midland residents and visitors throughout Michigan and beyond.

Midland Downtown Business Association November 2007

November Happenings Welcome! 8 MDBA Board Meeting - 9:00 am The MDBA Business Liaison Pizza Sam’s Committee has begun a program to welcome new downtown members. 14 DDA Board Meeting - 3:00 pm New members will receive a welcome City Hall basket and will be recognized at general membership meetings. The 17 Santa Parade - 10 am committee is looking for current businesses to provide items for the 27 Santa’s Arrival and Courthouse welcome baskets – if you have Lighting - 7 pm something you would like included in 28 MDBA General Membership the basket, call committee chair Gwen Meeting – 8:00 am, Pizza Sam’s Malone at 631-5673.

Holiday Santa Parade Downtown will have a float in the Saturdays! parade to hand out gummy candy and The MDBA is temporary tattoos featuring the sponsoring “Shop downtown logo – we need volunteers! Saturdays in Call Gwen Malone at 631-5673 if you Downtown Midland” can help decorate the float and/or walk this year on Saturdays the parade. December 1, 8, and 15. From noon until 4 pm downtown will provide a holiday atmosphere with: Event News • FREE horse-drawn carriage rides Pumpkin Festival Update • Strolling carolers Over 5,000 kids of all ages enjoyed downtown’s Pumpkin Festival. Thank • 25 cent hot cocoa (available at you to all the downtown businesses Pizza Sam’s, Espresso Milano, that hosted a game, gave out candy, Daddy O’s, and the United Way and decorated their storefronts. Building)

• Downtown $5 Coupon And the winners are... The MDBA will print and distribute a $5 Pumpkin Festival downtown coupon (good with a $25 Window Decorating purchase and on those 3 Saturdays Contest winners are: only) listing participating businesses. st 1 Place – AG Edwards Contact Denise Hufford if you want your nd 2 Place – Personal Expressions business listed on this fantastic coupon. rd 3 Place – Meier Camera Shop • FREE Advertising! Congratulations and thanks to all who This quarter’s Downtown Newsletter will participated – creative storefront be all about Holidays Downtown – windows make downtown shine! shopping, dining, enjoying! The entire middle section will be devoted to what’s Saturday, December 1 happening at YOUR business! The Breakfast with Santa newsletter will be distributed in the Ashman Court Hotel Midland Daily News on Thursday, th Tickets are selling quickly for this November 29 . Send a short paragraph year’s Breakfast with Santa event. (30-50 words) detailing what your Guests receive a delicious breakfast business is promoting this holiday buffet, a chance to sit on Santa’s lap season to Denise Hufford by Monday, th and get their picture taken, along with November 12 to be included in this free some great holiday crafts to take advertising for the Holidays! home. Sessions are 7:30-9:00 am and 9:30-11:00 am. Call 839-8433 to Call Denise Hufford with any questions reserve your tickets. at 839-8433.

Denise Hufford, Interim Executive Director 300 Rodd Street 989.839.8433 phone Downtown Development Authority Suite 201 989.839.7372 fax [email protected] Midland, MI 48640

Statistics of (2007 -09) Page 1 of 9

Last Update: 02 Oct 2007 - 20:28

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Hosts (Top 25) - Full list - Last visit - Unresolved IP Address Hosts : 0 Known, 1023 Unknown (unresolved ip) Pages Hits Bandwidth Last visit 874 Unique visitors 1321 6489 39.73 MB 30 Sep 2007 - 11:13 1230 5707 26.07 MB 28 Sep 2007 - 17:12 355 3049 25.37 MB 28 Sep 2007 - 13:53 311 2730 12.12 MB 28 Sep 2007 - 13:42 289 12218 15.74 MB 28 Sep 2007 - 16:44 223 862 3.51 MB 30 Sep 2007 - 10:15 221 2669 8.88 MB 28 Sep 2007 - 08:46 141 975 15.53 MB 26 Sep 2007 - 13:03 123 627 15.06 MB 28 Sep 2007 - 12:03 118 641 1.86 MB 22 Sep 2007 - 18:21 115 1098 670.95 KB 21 Sep 2007 - 14:41 101 336 14.08 MB 21 Sep 2007 - 15:03 101 101 746.62 KB 18 Sep 2007 - 03:18 100 752 2.69 MB 24 Sep 2007 - 12:20 89 572 12.76 MB 19 Sep 2007 - 15:00 89 89 445.35 KB 26 Sep 2007 - 03:53 84 84 588.23 KB 30 Sep 2007 - 19:12 83 412 2.19 MB 27 Sep 2007 - 13:05 81 814 5.81 MB 27 Sep 2007 - 10:59 75 75 650.39 KB 18 Sep 2007 - 08:06 74 564 2.43 MB 29 Sep 2007 - 11:30 10/3/2007 Statistics of (2007 -09) Page 5 of 9 73 318 13.52 MB 24 Sep 2007 - 08:30 72 641 2.76 MB 28 Sep 2007 - 17:33 68 357 1.34 MB 26 Sep 2007 - 12:26 62 128 931.37 KB 19 Sep 2007 - 18:09 Others 7108 53937 429.99 MB

Authenticated users (Top 10) - Full list - Last visit Authenticated users : 0 Pages Hits Bandwidth Last visit Other logins (and/or anonymous users) 12707 96245 655.38 MB

Robots/Spiders visitors (Top 25) - Full list - Last visit 12 different robots* Hits Bandwidth Last visit Yahoo Slurp 1585 15.57 MB 30 Sep 2007 - 23:55 Googlebot 794 7.29 MB 30 Sep 2007 - 23:52 MSNBot 491 6.07 MB 30 Sep 2007 - 22:51 Unknown robot (identified by 'crawl') 273 1.98 MB 29 Sep 2007 - 04:08 MSNBot-media 107 1.11 MB 22 Sep 2007 - 23:56 Ask 28 336.62 KB 30 Sep 2007 - 22:46 Unknown robot (identified by 'spider') 23 265.29 KB 30 Sep 2007 - 09:00 Alexa (IA Archiver) 21 209.95 KB 30 Sep 2007 - 16:01 Unknown robot (identified by 'bot/' or 'bot-') 15 101.22 KB 30 Sep 2007 - 17:50 Yahoo! Slurp China 3 24.42 KB 30 Sep 2007 - 19:41 Voila 2 17.87 KB 28 Sep 2007 - 01:20 Netcraft 1 0 30 Sep 2007 - 14:43 * Robots shown here gave hits or traffic "not viewed" by visitors, so they are not included in other charts.

Visits duration Number of Number of visits: 1464 - Average: 280 s Percent visits 0s-30s 880 60.1 % 30s-2mn 229 15.6 % 2mn-5mn 140 9.5 % 5mn-15mn 104 7.1 % 15mn-30mn 30 2 % 30mn-1h 48 3.2 % 1h+ 33 2.2 %

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php Dynamic PHP Script file 2625 2.7 % 3.48 MB 0.5 %

swf Macromedia Flash Animation 2016 2 % 16.27 MB 2.4 % 10/3/2007 Statistics of (2007 -09) Page 6 of 9

Cascading Style Sheet file 1687 1.7 % 4.76 MB 0.7 % HTML or XML static page 1570 1.6 % 12.84 MB 1.9 %

js JavaScript file 882 0.9 % 11.13 MB 1.6 %

kml 212 0.2 % 1.45 MB 0.2 % flv 46 0 % 307.73 MB 46.9 % pdf Adobe Acrobat file 33 0 % 10.50 MB 1.6 % cgi Dynamic Html page or Script file 2 0 % 420 Bytes 0 %

pl Dynamic Perl Script file 2 0 % 420 Bytes 0 %

Pages-URL (Top 25) - Full list - Entry - Exit Average 305 different pages-url Viewed Entry Exit size /slideshow..php 2492 399 Bytes 37 435

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/admin.htm 171 12.48 KB

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/search.htm 90 6.02 KB 2 9 /business -category- 75 16.11 KB 4 11 2.htm Others 2535 136.77 KB 214 262

Operating Systems (Top 10) - Full list/Versions - Unknown Operating Systems Hits Percent Windows 89300 92.7 % Macintosh 4318 4.4 % Unknown 2265 2.3 % Linux 10/3/2007 Statistics of (2007 -09) Page 7 of 9

362 0.3 %

Browsers (Top 10) - Full list/Versions - Unknown Browsers Grabber Hits Percent MS No 79615 82.7 % No 11613 12 % No 2188 2.2 % Unknown ? 2038 2.1 % Mozilla No 515 0.5 % No 164 0.1 % No 55 0 % UP.Browser (PDA/Phone browser) No 27 0 % No 23 0 % No 6 0 % Others 1 0 %

Connect to site from Origin Pages Percent Hits Percent Direct address / Bookmarks 4454 80.4 % 9168 89.1 % Links from a NewsGroup Links from an Internet Search Engine - Full list 459 8.2 % 492 4.7 % - Google 307 307 - Yahoo! 72 105 - Windows Live 39 39 - MSN Search 24 24 - AOL 8 8 - Google (Images) 2 2 - MetaCrawler (Metamoteur) 1 1 - Dogpile 1 1 - Google (cache) 1 1 - Excite 1 1 - Ask 1 1 - MyWebSearch 1 1 - Netscape 1 1 Links from an external page (other web sites except 622 11.2 % 622 6 % search engines) - Full list - 129 129 - 99 99 - 75 75 - 26 26 - 24 24 - http://www.midland- 17 17 - http://www.midland- 11 11 - 10 10 - 10 10 - 9 9 - 9 9 - http://www.midland- 10/3/2007 Statistics of (2007 -09) Page 8 of 9 8 8 - 8 8 - 7 7 -,_Michigan 7 7 - 7 7 - 6 6 - 6 6 - 6 6 - 5 5 - 5 5 - 4 4 - 4 4 -,1607,7-141- 4 4 45746_47326---,00.htm... - http://www.midland- 4 4 - Others 122 122 Unknown Origin

Search Keyphrases (Top 10) Search Keywords (Top 25)

Full list Full list 149 different keyphrases Search Percent 174 different keywords Search Percent downtown midland 61 14 % midland 348 26.4 % downtown midland mi 31 7.1 % downtown 181 13.7 % downtown midland michigan 19 4.3 % mi 109 8.2 % midland dda 14 3.2 % michigan 90 6.8 % 12 2.7 % events 48 3.6 % midland mi events 10 2.3 % in 32 2.4 % midland michigan events 8 1.8 % dda 25 1.9 % site chili 24 1.8 % 8 1.8 % salsa 22 1.6 % downtownmidland events in midland mi 7 1.6 % 21 1.5 % midland michigan chili 7 1.6 % businesses 16 1.2 % and 16 1.2 % Other phrases 257 59.2 % authority 15 1.1 % business 14 1 % downtownmidland 12 0.9 % development 12 0.9 % s 9 0.6 % site 9 0.6 % street 8 0.6 % parade 8 0.6 % main 8 0.6 % santa 7 0.5 % of 6 0.4 % association 6 0.4 % & 5 0.3 % Other words 263 20 % 10/3/2007 Statistics of (2007 -09) Page 9 of 9

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Add to favorites (estimated) 455 / 874 Visitors 52 % Javascript disabled - Browsers with Java support - Browsers with Macromedia Director Support - Browsers with Flash Support - Browsers with Real audio playing support - Browsers with Quictime audio playing support - Browsers with Windows Media audio playing support - Browsers with PDF support -

HTTP Error codes HTTP Error codes* Hits Percent Bandwidth 404 Document Not Found 2207 57.7 % 0 206 Partial Content 1187 31 % 34.44 MB 302 Moved temporarily (redirect) 417 10.9 % 123.71 KB 500 Internal server Error 5 0.1 % 0 301 Moved permanently (redirect) 4 0.1 % 20 Bytes 403 Forbidden 2 0 % 0 * Codes shown here gave hits or traffic "not viewed" by visitors, so they are not included in other charts.

Advanced Web Statistics 6.6 (build 1.887) - Created by awstats (plugins: geoipfree) 10/3/2007 ACTION ITEM

The Midland Downtown Development Authority (DDA) selected Hamilton Anderson Associates of Detroit, Michigan to prepare a Downtown Redevelopment and Design Plan. The plan identifies new potential development opportunities and defines physical enhancement projects within the downtown. The plan includes a market study for downtown housing. The plan identifies opportunities for new housing within the downtown and methods for improving the pedestrian environment that connects the downtown to existing neighborhoods.

The final plan, dated November, 2007 is now complete. The DDA requests the adoption of this plan by the Downtown Development Authority Board.

The Downtown Development Authority Board of Directors hereby approves the adoption of the 2007 Hamilton Anderson Redevelopment and Design Study for the Downtown Development Authority.