October/November 1981
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Pioneer For Advettiilng rc•a orw:l l"'ormohon Contact John Gill"l'ie 712 NE,.9Qfe Rood TROUBADOUR Kolomozoo, Mldllgan C9007 (616; 3-Cl-•188 Official Publication of the POSTMASTER: Mall addreu chongu ond undollvorobht PIONEER DISTRICT copy 10 17336 HorJMr, Detroit, ,.,chigo" .a2:l4. St'cond SJ'.E I .S.Q S.A., Inc Clou posroge po'd at o..rr.,;t, M:tl\lgon. tPv.blication No. USPS 3460801 AciYertisll'g rct"S ovorlobt• on request. Ed·.,- -I' J. R..-:..-gver SubKril>tion rata - Sl.SO pe.r ycor Sin!ll• Copy !>'ice - 60c 2185 Prb~eton "· Sr·k.leyl Michigan ~n Published Febntory, ~rll• .t..n., August, (3 3) 542.3371 ~"'- grd o.ambc. VOUME XXI, ISSUE 5 cx:::'IOBER, NOVEMBER, 1981 Beautiful MILLER AUDITORIUM at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan -contest site of the 1981 Pioneer District Fall Convention, S. 0 • E. B.S. Q. S. A., October 16 - 18, 1981. NEWS FROM AROUND THE DISTRIC T ALPENA OAKLAND COUNT Y WAYNE Well, its been some time since you The 19· 1 venion of the Annual Our hapter report to the iroub have hea1·d from us, but if you think Harmony Happening at Harrisville was has been missing the last two issues we have been annexed by Soo, Ontario the ~mega and ,11.1 pha - to reverse the and it's all lll.Y fault. You see. I don't believe it. It jus: :akes a usual order - for Oakland County was so busy with Pine Knob Ill and little longer for things to happen Chapter. It \1as the end of a full the very successful International up here. One of the things that just but orderly su:rner, highlighted by Convention that f plu=b forgot!. ~appened was the 19th edition of :he the International Convention. And it Well, not exactly forgo:, but I was Harrisville Harmony Weekend. Out was the beginning of a vigorous, having so much fun ~ha~ the time Chapter has the pleasure of being concentrated effort by the Chapter's sl1pped righ~ by~- You ~now how the host for the Sunday Concert Wolverine Chorus to win the District tha~ is ... right? mainly because it's held practically Chor•S Contest in ~alamazoo on Octo We. of the Wayne Chapter nourn the in our back yard. We had 8~ of our ber 17. With that goa 1. Cho,·us Di passing of one of our stalwarts - chapter· rm~mbershi p at the event but rector, Al Fisk, persuaded Carl Dah Bob ~liller. Your humble reporter was we decline the trophy each year be lke, of Auto Towners fame, to take away visiting offspring and was not cause we dre so close. Even though on lhe job of coachi ng the chorus. able to join Wayne's Wonderland Cho we had nothing to do with the origin In announcing the arrangement, Chap rus at the memorial service, but, of the Harrisville event, it seems ter President, Don McDaniel, said, knowing my own feelings aoout Bob. I that each year we become roore and "Al Fisk's youthful enthusiasm and can mentally put reyself in that more involved. Our 2nd Annual Look music savvy and Carl Dahlke's Bar choir loft and suffer the same dif out ~ltn. Chapter Meeting 'lfas a fine bershop experience and background is ficulties my brothers in Wayne had success and we surely appreciate all a co~ination sure to put us on the in singing their hearts ou:. :nose who came fr<r.~ the S~te Park path to the District Championship.• Bob Miller had been a Barbershop :o sing with us - particularly the The Wolverine Chorus last represen :~r a long, long time. and he will group from O.C.C. ted the Pioneer District in Interna b~ sorely missed. The cass section Both of the quartets in our Chap tional compe~ition in 1972 and the of Wayne ' s Wonderland Chorus is a ter - the 4 Of A Kind and the Har Chapter members are determined that mong the finest in Pioneer District, bortones - have been busy this past it is ti~e to do it again. and Bob Hiller's leadersntp in that sutm1er doing jobs in places as far Oakland County Chapter has found section is the first on the list of away as Petosky and l'oackinac City. it necessary, at times, to sing its reasons . He also lent his time and Let's face it, when you're the only own praises. Ever since the begin electronics expertise at the recent ~o quartets for virtually hundreds ning of the year, in Achievement International Convention in Detroit, of miles, you have a sort of "monop Scores in Plateau s. Oakland County working with Bill Pascher and Jim oly" on things. has been Number 1 in the Pioneer Stephens on the Stage C~·~~ee. The Lumberman's Chorus, under :he District and is topped by only 6 o ! am told that f.athleen lepaczyl; ~irection of its new director, Ted ther chapters in the whole Society! was at the memorial service. ihat Johnson ( reknown lead of the .::.arbor Thirty-five Oakland County Chapter cnokes me up, too. Iones), is busy working on tunes for members and their families celebra Please join us in ext~njing deep our next annua 1 show to be held in ted a soggy but tuneful labor Day est sympathy to Bob's f~ily. May. All the men of the chorus would holiday at the 1981 Harrisville Har By the time this issue goes to like to publicly thank our previous mony Happening. Thanks to the con press. we will have survl7ed anotner director, Bil l "Duffy" Daugherty, siderable clout of that dean of Pio Harrisville Harmony Happening, ano for giving us five super years of neer tenors , Art Linde, this year's ther Mini-Hep School, in Ypsi , ano his time and talent. We enjoyed some Barbershoppers had a place Lo con ther "serious" quartet contest with good times with Bill who, by the tinue their harmonizing after the the Grosse Pointe Chapter, another way, will still be singing in our "Quiet Hour" hushed up the State coaching session with Dave Schmidt lead section. Park. Ex-oa;;land County-ite Linde (what a patient and diplo;~~ic per Well, folks, if you want to hear arranged to move the after-hours son he is!), another Plymouth Fall sooe Nconcrete" chords. come up and singing to a site across the road res:ival ... and etc. se~ us some time. Ceoent c1:y is froc the park. l~t that be a lesson, Undaunted by an adoi~~ecly oedio where it's at, and ·that's :hat! Park Rangers! cre performance on the Cobo Arena A new and delightful feature, this Stage last July !1. the Wonderland Bruce VandenBosch year at Harrisville. was a wine-and Chorus is 'putting it :ili ;;ogether' cheese parth hosted by Jean and Curt for another shot at ~he 'biggie' at Seely on Sa~urday night. The fish Kalamazoo on October 17. You'll know fry, scheduled by Don Cline and Dave we were there! Williams, had to be cancelled out! Flashback: In the previous (August Bob Niquelon Septemoer, 1981) issue of the TROU~ AOOUR. this col\ll!Ul reporLed, in con Go ahead - Sing to a bird this week! nection with sold-out reservations They've sung to us for a long time. ;or Stroh Brewery tours during the an~, i~ your nPighbor QUeStiOnS yOU, International Convention, that a ~tell hi~. "~ sin;ing is for Chapter ~ember ~axed wroth.• Since · 1e biros!• (He tnen :tre TROUBADOUR's switchboard may a 1ready ' has been clo;;g<:d with calls inquir I:: no~>~ ing about wroth wa~ing. For direc that tions on how to wax a wroth, write to the TROUBADOUR. enclosing a self '"/·'·"'-"'>" addressed, stamped enve 1ope. ' I 1-n"w "h,·rc \\<' can ~t:t nur ... uil'o, lc:\:ll"d for nuthin~ ..." •••••••••••• 2 Ia AL~ Ra•bershoppers ... recto1·? Yes! Yes! Yes! You, and any to assist you financially. ,.. one in your chaptwe, can take advan 5. Get some of the Society manuals -(_r Did yoo e;.·er ::hi.nk tage of them. on theory and directing and start ~ __... you ' d like.to ~ They are: your self-help program now! (You r~ the guy w-av1.ng his 1. A full time music staff of 5 might consider one or more of the arms in froot o~ peopl e in Kenosha. These men will following . .. Direct Hit Manual :4033 , the chorus? ~layb" it answer questions (by phone or mail) , Basic Craft Manual lf4043 , and Chor ·,.,as just a brief, se- give advice, and offer chapter and Directors Manual $4032.) cr~t, fleeting t.l'c.J:].x? school training sessions in all six Host important ... plan to ta~e some 1ben you quic:Uy di.s:n..ssee teen districts. (Chorus directing at positive steps toward sel~- irnprove "00 loo, ~;..,;o idea becan;;e 1 re a level for all students is offered) ment and education right away. Some no nusical tral..'1;ng, ;":7.1 Other courses may include basic mu where along the road your goals may den' t Hght read well, and ::o.~ can't sic theory, sight singing, arranging change, but the knowledge and exper t:ell one C: ord fran another. and vocal techniques. ience gained wil l help you enjoy If you've ever felt that way - 2. In addition to the above dis your Barbershopp ing more than ever. read on! You may have more in com trict schools, there is the annual And maybe ..