Jacob Lake Campground, 105 Health Concerns, 24–25 Junior Ranger Program, 23 12 181836 Bindex.Qxp 1/23/08 11:39 PM Page 199
12_181836 bindex.qxp 1/23/08 11:39 PM Page 196 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes below. GENERAL INDEX Backpacking, 57–59. See also Backcountry equipment checklist, 60–61 berts squirrel, 185 A Bald eagles, 186 The Abyss, 39, 65 Banana yucca, 178–179 Access and entry points, 27 Barrel cactus, 179 Access Pass, 23, 30 Bats, 182 Accommodations. See also Accommo- Beaver Falls, 163 dations Index Bighorn sheep, 182 Flagstaff, 128–131 Big sagebrush, 175–176 Havasu Canyon, 164–166 Biking and mountain biking, 30, 88–89 near Hualapai Hilltop, 166 best ride, 6–7 inside the Canyon, 114–115 Birding Kanab, 157–158 condor viewing, 87–88 North Rim, 115–116 for families with children, 23 reservations, 110 Birds, 186–188 South Rim, 109–114 Blackbrush, 179–180 Tusayan, 136–138 Black-collared lizards, 189 Williams, 143–147 Black widows, 188 Active vacations, best, 7 Blue spruce, 175 Agave, 178–179 Books, recommended, 25–26 Air quality, 193 Boreal Zone, 175 Air tours, 92–94 The Box, 77 Air traffic, effects of, 192–193 Bright Angel Campground, 84–85 Air travel, 17 Bright Angel Fault, 36 America the Beautiful-National Parks Bright Angel History Room, 52 and Federal Recreational Lands Bright Angel Lodge, 52 Pass, 29 Bright Angel Point, 67 Amtrak, 19–20 Bright Angel Point Trail, 66–67 Ancestral Puebloans, 44, 45, 48, 69, Bright Angel Shale, 170 127, 179, 180, 188 Bright Angel Trail, 7, 33, 36, 40, 41, 56, Angels Window, 47 71–72, 74 Apache plume, 177–178 Bucky O’Neill Cabin, 52, 114 Arizona Raft Adventures, 22 Bus tours of the Canyon, 51 Arizona Trail, 89 from Flagstaff, 125 ATMs (automated teller Bus travel, 20 machines), 31 Auto mechanic,COPYRIGHTED 32 MATERIAL Cactus, 179–181 Cameron, 149–150 ackcountry, 57.
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