February 1944) James Francis Cooke

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February 1944) James Francis Cooke Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 2-1-1944 Volume 62, Number 02 (February 1944) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, and the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 62, Number 02 (February 1944)." , (1944). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/220 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. February THE ETUDE 1944 Price 25 Cents music maaaiine THE ORATORIO SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, so ably conducted for twenty-two years by the late Albert Stoessel, gave in December its one hundred twentieth CoLLe^ge performance of Handel’s “Messiah.” The most UnusuAL presentation was directed by Alfred M. ^AmemcA's years the assistant Greenfield, for fifteen conductor of the Society. R. HUNTINGTON WOODMAN, distin- guished organist and composer, who before his retirement in 1941 had been for sixty-one years 94 9nteteMl in the- 9n(!lUti&u<*l £tu<6&nt organist and choirmas- ter of the First Presby- HERE. THERE, AND EVERYWHERE EDUCATIONAL terian Church, Brooklyn, FINE VIOLINS ARE NOT TURNED OUT IN MASS PRODUCTION. Dr. R. Hunting- died in that city on De- IN THE MUSICAL WORLD ton Woodman cember 25, aged eighty- Festival Over- eighty-eight, in congratulating her upon REGIMENTATION DOES NOT DEVELOP LEADERS. two. Born in Brooklyn, he began his eluded also the “Academic No. 2.” the completion, on January 5, of seventy career at thirteen as an alto in the choir ture” and the “Symphony unbroken years of activity in the music where his father was organist and choir- educational field. Miss Chittenden is a succeeded to the posi- CARL BUSCH, interna- master. Later he dis- tionally known composer pioneer in this work; she holds the It is the individual touch in the tion of organist and choirmaster in this died De- tinction of being the first woman lec- addition to studying with his and conductor, church. In Board of Educa- Dudley Creek. cember 19 in Kansas City, turer of the New York training of lives in father, he had instruction under tory of medicine, died at Battle as the Missouri, aged eighty- tion, a position she filled for twenty-seven Buck for four years and in 1888 studied Michigan, on December 15, at the age of the composer years. For over thirty years she was on Franck in Paris. Dr. Wood- Dr. Kellogg was a pioneer in one. He was with Cesar ninety-one. in 1930 playing of great music of several prize-winning the faculty of Vassar College and was a founder of the American the field of simple eating and simple liv- man is the choral works and had ap- was made Professor Emeritus. She Guild of Organists and in 1894 was elect- ing. He long was a loyal friend of The that makes the leading or- founder and for many years was director charter member of the Department Etude. He was a pianist of ability and peared with ed a Carl Busch of the Hartley editorial, chestras of the United of the Music Department of Music of the Brooklyn Institute of music was his life hobby. An Settlement, and is now an honor- difference. had been president Spirit of Youth,” telling States as guest conduc- House Arts and Sciences. He “Music and the Music ap- of his own works. He was born in ary director of the Hartley House of the Department for many years. He of his extraordinary achievement, tor Denmark, and went to Kansas School. Miss Chittenden is a Founder of was also president of the Philharmonic pears in this issue. Bjerre, where his entire musical the American Guild of Organists and a Society of Brooklyn. His musical com- City in 1887, carried on. For many years, life member of the Music Teachers Na- positions, particularly his songs, were THE PENSION FOUNDATION of The career was he conducted the Kan- tional Association. From its earliest years extremely successful. Among his pupils Philadelphia Orchestra presented on De- beginning in 1912, Symphony Orchestra. Previous she has been a staunch friend of The was the Editor of The Etude, who was cember 22 the first in a series of special sas City active in the de- Etude. Her long and distinguished career Dr. Woodman for some soloists were Nathan Mil- to that, he was very associated with concerts. The proud. of the Kansas City Philhar- is one of which she may well be years. stein, violinist, and Gregor Piatigorsky, velopment Congratulations and all good wishes! violoncellist, who gave a notable reading monic Orchestra. “Concerto for Violin and Violon- DR. JOHN HARVEY KELLOGG, head of of the with the many highlight THE ETUDE joins THE LONDON PHILHARMONIC ORCHES- one of cello,” by Brahms. This was the the Battle Creek Sanitarium and Kate S. Chittenden, now Beecham, program which in- friends of TRA, conducted by Sir Thomas distinctive figures in the his- of an all-Brahms the most will tour in the United States and Can- ada next fall, according to an announce- (Competitions ment made by the National Association for American Composers and Conductors. the principal cities programs The tour will include 1943 to April 1, 1944, present manuscript is March 1, 1, Canada. COMPETITION for the fifth an- for submission of the board of of this country and THE from which in the opinion of Schol- 1944 and all details may be secured Bob Jones College, nual Edgar Stillman Kelley Junior ; judges most significantly serve the nation’s which stands without H. Hamilton, director of of the National Federation of Prof. Thomas of the awards is Don- DEEMS TAYLOR is the I arship of war efforts. Donor | apology for the residents the Monmouth College Conservatory conductor "old-time religion" Music Clubs will be limited to ald Voorhees, noted American Master of Ceremonies in I and the Illinois. f Central Region, compris- Music', Monmouth, director of a number of out- absolute authority of of states in the and musical a new one hour radio the Bible, has had Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, radio programs. The first prize ing are to standing presentation, “The Radio an increase Dakota, South TWO PRIZES OF $1000 EACH awards down to $25, in enrollment Kansas, Arkansas, North is $500, with smaller of fifty per cent given for string quartet compositions, Hall of Fame” (Blue Net- Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Texas, and be offered “only for public performances of m the last two Chamber Music Guild, Inc., of work, Sunday evenings years. Voice, piano, violin, Oklahoma. The competition is open to by the music given by amateur musical organiza- Washington, D. C„ in conjunction with at six o’clock) in which musicians under sixteen years of age, and tions within the specified dates.” Full in- and s the RCA Victor Division of the Radio Peech are offered State auditions are scheduled for Febru- formation may be secured from Mrs. Ada the musical background U Corporation of America. One of the prizes Service addl {ioncd ary, March, and April. All details may be Holding Miller, Chairman, War is provided by Paul cost above best string quartet Paul . regular will be awarded for the Federation of acaH secured from Miss Etelka Evans, Cincin- Committee of the National Whiteman (new mu- Whiteman academic tuition. submitted from the republics of Latin Conservatory of Music, Cinn., Ohio. Music Clubs, 28 Everett Avenue, Provi- nati other prize will be sical head of the Blue America, while the Rhode Island. dence, Network) with one of the finest or- THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF given for the best ensemble work sub- Bob Jones College the sec- mitted from the United States and Can- CONTEST to give encouragement chestral groups he ever has had under offers . has announced A a wide variety of _ , , MUSIC CLUBS course closes May 31, 1944, American musi- with bachelor of ond annual Young Composers’ Contest ada. The contest and recognition to young his baton. The group plays not only Bachelor of Science degrees, Arts and be secured by instrumentalists and and in the GraduatP for total awards of three hundred dollars. and full information may cal artists, both split-second alertness, but with a trigger- ° Relig * Chamber Music Guild, announced under the joint to the Master of Arts on courses leading The major prize of one hundred dollars writing to The composers, is like sensitivity and a poetic flexibility and the Doctor of Wash- Philosophy composition for chamber orches- Inc., 1604 K Street, N. W., Zone 6, sponsorship of the Southern California is for a which is a delight. Other parts of the School of Fine nC m the stations Arts courses leading Graduate tra, with a second prize in this classifica- ington, D. C. Svmphonv Association, radio to the (iContinued on Page 120) Master o^ AhV^a i? L prizes Angeles Daily degrees in music d he Master ol Fine Arts tion of fifty dollars. There also are KECA—KFI, and the Los and speech. for com- THE JUILLIARD SCHOOL OF MU- instrumentalists will be The Bob Jones Coll P I! ? i of fifty and twenty-five dollars News. Winning Cademy announced its annual competi- opportunities for high school training affords splendid positions in other classifications. Full de- SIC has presented on the air and given the op- especially valunhl 0 ^ from the National tion for the publication of orchestral have a debut with the Los y uable to young tails may be secured portunity to upon military service.
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