30 November 1993
8249 iEtginlalti (llnt Tuesday, 30 November 1993 THE PRESIDENT (Hon Clive Griffiths) took the Chair at 3.30 pm, and read prayers. STATEMENT.- BY HON JOHN HALDEN Leader o~f the Opposition, Edwards, Hon Graham. Stood Down; Holden Hion John, Elected; Neville, Hon Mark, Elected Deputy Leader of the Opposition HON JOHN HALDEN (South Metropolitan) [3.32 pm] - by leave: I rise to confirm advice to you, Mr President, and to the House that Hon Graham Edwards today stood down as Leader of the Opposition for personal, family masons. That decision was accepted with deep regret by me and my parliamentary colleagues. At a meeting of the State Parliamentary Labor Party earlier today I was elected Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council. Hon Mark Nevill was elected as deputy leader. Hon Graham Edwards will join the Opposition front bench in this House on his return from leave. I will not go into a homily, but if ever we had an example of a person who has overcome great disability and adversity in life it is Hon Graham Edwards. He has performed in this place with great credit to himself, this Parliament and, of course, the Australian Labor Party. I am sure that all members in this House will congratulate Hon Graham Edwards for his efforts, and look forward to his continued performance in this House when he returns from leave. Members: Hear, hear! PETITION - COMO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GYMNASIUM- PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE The President presented a petition signed by 29 citizens of Western Australia requesting the Legislative Council recommend to the Government that it give a firm undertaking to include an appropriate allocation in the 1994-95 Education budget for a gymnasium/perfonning arts centre at Como Senior High School.
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