Ipogitatii (Ihunrit Beverley Trout Club and As Vice President of the Beverley Branch of the Farmers' Union
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[Tuesday, 14 September 1982] 270970 Beverley Hospital Board, as President of the IPOgitatii (ihunrit Beverley Trout Club and as Vice President of the Beverley branch of the Farmers' Union. Tuesday, 14 September 1982 Roy was a quiet person but dedicated to his public duties. He had a tidy mind and kept his The PRESIDENT (the Hon. Clive Griffiths) public and private duties separately organised. He took the Chair at 4.30 p.m., and read prayers. was loyal and steadfast of purpose. He was help- ful to new members of the House and popular THE LATE HON. C. R. ABBEY with members of all parties. He was held in the Condolence: Motion highest esteem by all who knew him, particularly by his constituents. THE HON. 1. G. MEDCALF (Metropolitan- Leader of the House) [4.31 pm.J: I seek leave to He will be sadly missed by his many parliamen- move, without notice, a motion of condolence con- tary friends and colleagues past and present, but cerning the death of the Hon. C. R. Abbey on 2 in particular our sympathy goes out to his widow, September 1982. Wint, and her family in their bereavement. Leave granted. THE HON. D. K. VANS (South Metro- politan-Leader of the Opposition) 14.34 p.m.]: I The Hon. 1. G. MEDCALF: I move- second the motion moved by the Leader of the That this House express its deep regret at House. Roy Abbey was in this Chamber when I the death of the Hon. Charles Roy Abbey, a entered it as a new member and I very quickly former member of the Legislative Council for formed an association with him. Whilst our politi- the West Province, place on record its ap- cal ideologies were not as one, I had a deep re- preciation of his long and meritorious public spect for him. Some of the things he outlined to service and tender its profound sympathy to me when we spoke four or five years ago about his widow and the members of his family in what may happen in this country, unfortunately their bereavement. now appear to be occurring. It is my sad duty to move this motion occasioned Roy Abbey was a gentleman. He was a quietly by the death of the Hon. Charles Roy Abbey on 2 spoken and very sincere person. He was a person September. whom not only 1, but other members, Were very The Hon. Roy Abbey was elected to the Legis- pleased to call a friend. lative Council in May 1958 as member for I very much regret that as I was in another area Central Province and subsequently as member for I could not attend his funeral in Beverley. It is sad West Province in 1965. He retired in 1977. On his that a gentleman of the undoubted ability of Roy entering Parliament, Roy made it clear to the Abbey, did not enjoy a long retirement. House what his prime role would be when de- I join with the Leader of the House in paying livering his maiden speech. He said on that my respects and extend my sympathy to the mem- occasion- bers of his family that he left behind. I am a farmer and have a vital interest in THE HON. V. 3. FERRY (South-West) [4.35 the primary industries in Western Australia. p.m.]: I wish to be associated with the sentiments Those who knew Roy during his parliamentary expressed in the motion moved by the Leader of career came to respect him greatly for his the House and supported by the Leader of the intimate knowledge of agricultural matters which, Opposition, in respect of the untimely sad passing 1 might add, he imparted to this Chamber at of our former member, the Hon. Roy Abbey. every opportunity. In this regard he reflected the Roy was a tremendous friend, as far as I was feelings of a large and important section of our concerned, both in and outside Parliament. He community. was a man of tremendous character and main- To many of the members who sat in this House tained wonderful principles in his life. He had no with Roy perhaps he will be best remembered for hesitation in expressing his views on things about his regular and learned contributions on the sub- which he felt strongly. He did not speak only for ject of brucellosis in cattle. I doubt whether a. the sake of speaking, but when he did speak I be- session passed in his 19 years as a member of Par- lieve all members anid, indeed, the public-and liament that the subject was not raised by him. certainly his constituents-respected him for what Roy Abbey was an active participant in local he said and did. It has been said he was held in affairs having served as Vice Chairman of the great respect by his constituents over some 19 Beverley Road Board, as a member of the years, but the fact that he was in this Parliament 2710 2710[COUNCIL] for that period is a sure testimony to the character a person who was willing to help and give of him- of the man. self on every occasion. Since entering Parliament I attended his funeral in Beverley 10 days or so I found him a warm colleague. He was a person ago and I noted that he was honoured by the pres- with whom one could discuss a problem quietly ence of a large number of people from throughout and he had tremendous wisdom to impart to new Western Australia, which indicated the high re- members in this place. Roy Abbey had a good spect in which he was held. sense of humour and enjoyed a joke and many of 1, too, extend my personal sympathy to his wife us will remember him for that. I join with other and family at his passing. members in this House in expressing my condol- THE HON. N. E. BAXTER (Central) [4.36 ence to his wife and family. p.m.]: I join with other speakers in extending my THE HON. G. C. MacKINNON (South-West) condolence to the Abbey family at the loss of [4.41 p.m.]: I would like to add my words of con- their husband and father, Roy. I knew Roy a dolence and convey my sympathy to Roy Abbey's long time, going back to 1950, and we were quite wife, Win. I came into this House in 1958 and good friends. Although he defeated me for my Roy Abbey came a couple of years later. Roy, as seat in 1958, that did not stop us from being everyone has said, was a thoughtful and heart- friends for many years. We had a wonderful as- warming member of this House and a man who sociation over the years. was fully involved in his personal life and agricul- I express my deep and sincere sympathy to his tural pursuits. We had the impression that he did wife and family and join with those who have not care whether cows were white or black as long spoken their sentiments. as they brought in a good profit! He was success- THE HON. D. J. WORDSWORTH (South) ful as a stud breeder and a politician and in this [4.37 p.m.]: 1, too, want to be associated with this life where one tends to narrow down ac- motion. I sat with the Hon. Roy Abbey on the quaintenances and friends, the loss of a person back bench over there for six years and he became like Roy Abbey is felt even greater. a very close friend who guided me in my early I wish to be remembered as one of those who years in this House. Not only did we have politics regarded Roy Abbey with affection and I join in common but also, of course, a very keen with you, Sir, in expressing sympathy to Mrs interest in agriculture. Our only disagreement was Abbey. that Roy Abbey believed that a bull should be white and I believed it should be black; apart THE HON. TOM KNIGHT (South) [4.42 from that, we had a lot in common. We regularly p.m.]: I wish to be associated with the condol- passed the time of day in discussing the various ences expressed by members in this House. As political and agricultural problems of the time. I you would be aware, Sir, in company with very much appreciated our close relationship. yourself and the Hon. Vic Ferry I attended the 1, too, extend my sympathy to his wife and funeral of Roy Abbey in Beverley last week. I was family. honoured to be asked by Roy's wife, Win, to be a pallbearer. THE HON. 1. G. PRATT (Lower West) [4.39 p.m.]: I want to associate myself with this motion. I was a close friend of Roy Abbey when he was Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the in this House and during his retirement I kept in funeral of the late Roy Abbey, much as I wished close contact with him. I was aware of his illness to do so. My association with Roy Abbey goes and I visited him on several occasions while he back long before I entered Parliament when I was was in hospital in Perth and maintained contact involved in a community organisation in the with him when he returned home. His wife rang Armadale area and Roy was one of our members. me and advised Roy had passed away the previous At that time our Assembly member and Minister, day and asked me to be a pallbearer.