Send scoops to: 6101 E. Paseo Cimarron, Tucson, AZ 85750 E-mail: [email protected]; ph. 520-577-7925 OCTOBER 2007 From the editor: This yearly newsletter provides a vehicle for keeping in cabins. We have four cabins on the schedule for this winter. touch with all of you and an opportunity to brag about Our cabins have gone through many transformations. When our North Star men - something that we love to do. It’s Leb and I started over 30 years ago the cabins were barn red. been so wonderful to have our alumni keep in touch, come They then were all painted brown (maybe you helped with back to camp to visit, send their son’s to us, take part in that). Next, we decided to sandblast them all, and now we Post Camp and also to make contributions to the schol- are residing with half log siding. We are nearing completion arship fund so that underprivileged kids can also experi- on this task that will also include the boathouse. ence camp. We do not underestimate the good will of our Alumni. We know that all camps are not so fortunate. One of the differences you would see on the program is the addition of disc golf. While we have been offering it for a This newsletter will also keeps you informed about alumni while, the popularity has sky rocketed. Our course is well get togethers, sightings, and news about people that you worn with kids and counselors getting up early to play with knew when you were 12. Please don’t hesitate to contact their own discs carried in a pack. Our boys also travel out us if this holds no interest for you. While we don’t print of camp to play on courses that are springing up all over anything scandalous, some of our news is second hand, northern Wisc. This summer we took the whole camp to copied on napkins, sugar packets etc. So in other words, the International Log Rolling Championships. Our boys it’s safest to send your news in yourself. We try to stay were so into it and provided so much enthusiasm that one away from rumors, hearsay and gossip, but we do need to of the Lumberjack Champions signed and handed over his fill our pages. Please drop us an email. trophy to the camp. We have seen an increased interest in our tripping programs, with record numbers of campers par- ticipating in sign up trips. Our new program, Pathfinders, is WHAT’S NEW AT CAMP: With an abundance located in the woods past I-6. It’s a neat little camp that our of returning staff, and what we call our “Dream Team Ad- Trip Director, Brian Giesler, built to teach our campers the ministrative Staff,” we had a wonderful summer. It was skills that they need on the trail. again very hot and dry, which was great for the waterfront activities, but caused some fluctuating shore lines. A trip to camp would reveal some changes made on the pro- THREE STAFF JOIN OUR TEN YEAR MEN gram. Our archery area is now located next to riflery in THIS SUMMER: It’s a big commitment to return to the woods to provide us more room on the athletic fields. a place for 10 years and our list of 10 year men is growing It is also much cooler for the program at the new location. all of the time. This elite group of North Star men are dedi- Our athletic fields have been leveled and reseeded keep- cated to making the world a little more like camp. Ten year ing the swamp from wanting to reclaim the land. The men this year A.J. BAYARD, PETER BUSH and ADAM new deck on the front of the lodge provides additional HELDMAN joined this illustrious group. We count on our seating space for picnics. It was dedicated this summer veterans to lead the way and they are definitely leaders for to Tom Brokaw, our caretaker, who has just celebrated all the right reasons. Counselor ALEX HELDMAN who his 20th year on staff. We also presented him with a pair has spent almost 2 years in rehab. after encephalitis was able of tickets to the Packers vs Oakland game. Tom was to attend the ceremony. He’s making good progress in get- thrilled. This will be the first live game for this long time ting out of his wheelchair and his sense of humor is totally Packer fan. Tom continues to renovate the exteriors of intact. Everyone was thrilled to see him. listen to Mike Storms (our tennis pro and professional mu- Family Camp 2007 sician) playing on the dock almost every night. One family With near perfect weather and a camp full of alumni and even raises and lowers their flag to Mike playing taps. All their kids Family Camp is a no brainer family vacation. We proceeds from the picnic benefit the Spider Lake Improve- do all of the work and your family has all of the fun. Food ment Assoc. which also helps to stock our lake with fish, is always an issue on vacation but not at NSC. Kids love monitor the health of the lake and provide environmental our kid-tested food. Time honored tratditions at Post Camp programming for the Spider Lake kids. We also welcomed include tubing down the Nam., a talent show, stories in the The Kinsmen BOBBY CARROLL and CASEY GREEN to Tee Pee, a tennis tournament, evening family canoeing, wa- camp (circa 70’s) to relive their North Star days with Leb. terskiing and sailing, climbing, archery and riflery, and of Casey and Bobby were responsible for the whole series course, family friendly happy hour by the lake with Mike of events that led Leb to North Star many years ago from Storm’s band. The nature hunt with Garrett was a big hit Cleveland. They never tire of telling their camp stories and until one of the frogs ate another frog causing some trauma we spent lots of time on my porch doing just that. for our younger campers. It was a beautiful week with many alumni on hand with their families to add to the fun. The Good vs. Evil Marathon relay race was a new event for Post Camp. I think the promo skits by our alumni dads point- ing out the evils in the world was almost as much fun as the event. Just like at summer camp, the announcements took on a life of their own with post camp directors MIKE SWIRYN (Lou’s grandson) and JAKE SEGIL(Larry’s son) doing their schitck and then the Post Camp Dads doing their commentary on the schitck. In the end it was just a great way to spend some fun time with the family without having Bob Carroll, Leb, Casey Green, Bernie Carroll, Mike and Kathy Jay to cook, entertain, or get in the car. Bully for our Post Camp staff who showed everyone a great time. CHIPS OFF THE OLD BLOCK Second Generation Campers: DATES FOR POST CAMP 2008: AUG. 16TH -23RD Danny and Jon Bazelon (Gary Highland PK., IL) Starting and ending with breakfast. Call our office early. Josh Berger (Jim, “Bugsy” Detroit) we fill quickly every year. Ben Blonsky (Adam, St. Charles, IL.) ALUMNI POST CAMPERS IN 2007: Sam Bricker (Lew, Deerfield, IL.) KEN DOANE, TOM PETERMAN, GARY KRETCHMER, Dustin Cohen (Mike, Tucson) JON SHERMAN, PAUL NATHANSON, PETER KATZ, Max Emmerman (Ross, , Il.) ROB PORTER, STEVE and DENNIS RICHMAN, JOSE and Steven Fishel (Mark, St. Louis, MO) MENDES, JAY SCHWARTZ, MIKE GREEN, FATHER Jeff and Brian Glickman (Michael, Deerfield, IL.) BILL KEY, EDDIE LESHIN, CARY ROSENTHAL, JIM Scott Goldberg (Bruce, Omaha) SILBERMANN, GUY WOLFF, ANDY ZUKROW, MIKE Holden Greenberger (Robert, Larchmont, N.Y.) CUTTLER. I love that their kids now know one another. Aaron Jay (Mike, St. Louis) Sam Kahn (Shep, Cleveland, OH.) Once Post Camp was over, Leb, myself and Babe (our dog) Chip Kass (Geoff, Highland Park, IL.) enjoyed some R & R on Spider Lake and made up for a Aaron Katz (Steve, Washington D.C.) lack of recreation this summer. The angling was good on Michael Lee (Bob, Riverwoods, IL.) the Chippewa Flowage where we caught 58 keeper Blue Jacob Lehr (John, Omaha, NE.) Gills and Crappies with wood worms and my brothers little Garrett Lebby (Leb and Sue, Tucson) handmade flies. The fish fry was great and my filleting skills Kyle Lederer (Jim, Highland Park, IL.) have improved with the practice. Dinner at Turks Inn is al- Parker Leshin ( Eddie, Highwood, Il.) ways a stroll down memory lane. While the Turk has long Sam and Zack Levi (Michael, Lincolnwood, IL.) passed his daughter expertly prepares the best steaks and Ethan Levy (Brian, Mequon, WI.) Turkish fare in town. We also hosted the Spider Lake Picnic Brad and Tommy Mills (Andy, Highland Park, Il.) on Labor Day at North Star with residents coming in by boat Dan Millstone (Joe, Tucson, AZ.) from all five lakes on our chain. It was a great picnic, silent Corey Nagel (Marty, Glencoe, IL) auction and relay races, but most of all I loved hearing the Ike Nierman (Peter, Lincoln Park, Il.) neighbors talk about sitting outside to listen to the happy Andy Peterman (Tom, Glencoe, Il.) sounds coming from North Star. Many told me that they Scott Plonsker (Steve, Deerfield, Il) Matt Rusnak (Steve, Skokie, IL.) IN THE LATTER DAYS OF LOU AND RENEE 1965-1980 Max Schulman (Chuck, Highland Park, IL) MIKE KATZ writes, “We are completing post-production on Cole Schrager (Jeff, Omaha, NE.) “Remembering Phil,” a dark comedy which I wrote and co- Jacob Segil (Larry, Highland Park, Il.) produced, starring Nick Turturro, Christina Murphy, Steve Jacob Sherman (Jon, Oak Park, IL.) Valentine and Dan Castellaneta. We will be taking it to film Leo Simon (Elliot, Buffalo Grove, IL.) festivals in 2008 as we seek distribution. “ This is Mike’s Zachary Stollman (Steve, Leawood, KS.) first movie and we are very excited about it. The picture be- Michael Swiryn (Lina Rosenblum, Wilmette, IL.) low was taken of the Katz boys this summer at camp. Steve Jordan Reiff (Ed Skokie, Il.) Katz, his son Aaron, and Mike Katz. Scott Hamilton (Jim, Northbrook, Il.) Josh Tashma (Doug, Northbrook, IL.) Harrison Rosenthal (Bill, Leawood, KS.) Mark Yellon (Al, Chicago, Il.)

I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE, STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE’S MOUTH AND MOST OFTEN FROM CYBER- SPACE. I IN THE EARLY DAYS OF LOU AND RENEE 1945-1965: .....RIFFY COVEN is a managing partner of Cleantech In- dices LLC. Coven brings a unique combination of global cleantech industry and institutional investor experience. He has worked with leading cleantech firms such as Abengoa, Dynatech, Philips Lighting, Siemens and numerous private equity and venture capi- tal investors. In the 1990s, Coven was an international equity analyst Riffy Coven and Eva This picture came in from JAY SCHWARTZ. Back row: at Dietche & Field Advisors where he evaluated, made and Joe Kazeri, Gary Kurtzman, Jeff Melvoine, Dave Stone, Bob Wald, managed a US $700 million segment of the firm’s $5.6 bil- Dan Asher, Front Row: Albert Gottlieb, Dave Moss, Jay Schwartz, Joe lion equity portfolio (including many cleantech companies) Genuth, Jim Nagel, Joe Kamerman, Dave Cannon. as part of the portfolio management team. Coven holds a CASEY GREEN travels the world: Brazil, Bahrain, Austra- B.A in Developmental Economics from the University of lia and India for conferences and consulting about eLearn- Michigan and an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kel- ing and information technology issues in higher education logg School. He is a CFA level II candidate and is based in and to help expand The Campus Computing Franchise to Baltimore, Maryland. He also has a fast growing energy-ef- other countries. He went to Bahrain at the invitation of ficiency service company, GreenSpark Energy Solutions..... the State Dept. His videos are on the web: www.csumb. JIM “BUGSY” BERGER writes that he is now Director for edu/ready2net....BILL ROSENTHAL was a camp doctor Powertrain Manufacturing Finance. He writes, “We have this summer pictured below with Sue, Leb, Jodi his wife 10 or 11 engine and transmission plants around the coun- and daughter. Bill is a retinal specialist from Leawood, try (plus Canada). Each has a Controller and 4 or 5 finan- KS. Second generation Dr., ADAM BLONSKY from St. cial analysts; they report to me. Pretty enjoyable job, as it’s Charles, Il. was also with us. He is an internist. product related. Believe it or not, I’m eligible to retire in a little over 5 years.”.....We enjoyed having PETER NIER-

MAN as Camp Doctor this summer. It can’t hurt to have a Psychiatrist around the first week of camp for adjustment issues. Peter lives in Lincoln Park, IL Peter’s son Ike is a dead ringer for Peter....STEVE COHEN works in a fam- ily machinery business buying and selling machinery for the chemical, foods, plastics and pharmaceutical industry. His brother MICHAEL COHEN and cousin BENNETT CO- Seattle WA and have been attending with another fellow HEN are also involved. Steve lives in Northbrook, IL. who also transplanted here from out of town--Pittsburgh. and has 5 children He and I went camping in the Cascade Mountains with the group and one night, while talking about fire building IN THE EARLY DAYS OF LEB AND SUE 1980-1995 techniques, he realized that I’m ‘Rud buddy’ and that he BRAD COHEN is “Director of Applied Research” for an lived in the cabin next door to me when I was a CIT. He’s Internet Start Up Company and living in California. Con- Todd Burnstein! STEVE RUDNICK is a physician liv- gratulations to HOW COHEN who was recently mar- ing in Seattle.....After nearly 20 years of working at Clif- ried...Congratulations to GABE CHERNOV on his mar- ford Law Offices, JEFF KROLL has started his own firm riage in April to Erin in Milwaukee. Gabe is the Director The Law Offices of Jeff Kroll on La Salle in Chicago. I of Birch Trail Camp for Girls and active in the American wonder if his clients know that he once was in a camp Camp Assoc...... PAUL NATHANSON alerted his North band called “Tokey and the Rabbit Killers” named for Star email base that MIKE GREEN would be testifying Tokey the dog that, to our horror, loved consuming bun- before a House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee nies and live chickens in front of our campers. We’re sure Hearing on protecting kids from lead-tainted imports. that Jeff is still entertaining in the court room. Congratu- Luckily we were able to watch on line and we applaud lations Jeff.....BRAD DREYFUS is practicing corporate Mike for the great job that he did. Not too intimidating... and real estate law in L.A. ....PAUL ADELSTEIN plays a It’s the first time we have seen Mike in a suit. Mike is the pediatrician in the spin off to Grey’s Anatomy: “Private founder of The Center for Environmental Health which Practice” on ABC. Paul has been playing Paul Kellerman brought the world’s attention to lead in lunch boxes, con- on . He says that it will be nice to work with tamination in farmed Salmon, genetically engineered Kate Walsh (Addison) who he has known for 15 years fruits and vegetables in baby food. He has kept the NSC when they were both starting out and practicing lines to- community more aware and gotten some involved. PAUL gether. I’ll be there on the couch on Wednesday nights ADELSTEIN sits on his board and CHARLES MARGO- not being able to get over the fact that Adel is on my LIS works for CEH. Mike has an adorable new baby boy T.V...... ANDREW PERLMUTTER emails the following: Dylan and he and his wife Melanie live and work in Oak- “I have a great story about some old friends of ours. I’m land, CA. ....PAUL NATHANSON lives in D.C. and sure you guys remember SONNY LUJAN and COURT- works for The PBN Company the number one strategic NEY CARDENAS from 92 or 93. Well, I just talked to communications firm specializing in the countries of the them after about 14 years and had to tell someone from former Soviet Union. Paul says that he accomplished camp this story.....yet another small world NSC story. As three things with his e-mail alert regarding Mike Green: you know I’m a toy representative and work with game 1) Made folks aware of Green testifying 2) Started an and toy manufactures. With in the last year I’ve been NSC blog. 3) Found Marty Rips....For days after the hooked up with a sporting goods manufacture out of Ger- email went out there was an online reunion and banter many called Californian Products. My company has from those on the list. We were able to glean the follow- been working on a bid for Wal-Mart’s skateboard busi- ing information ....From STEVE “LITTLE DINK” DIN- ness, which includes all skateboards, in line skates, scoot- KIN: “I am witness to Marty’s (Rips) well being. His er and protective gear. It’s about a 30 million dollar a son and my boy are on the same soccer team. As bunk- year business and would be a home run for our company. mates from cabin J-1 through Pine, somehow Marty and In short, we are looking for big name talent in that busi- I ended up, by chance, in the same neighborhood in San ness to help us with brand recognition. I figured that Diego. Steve is president of The Conflict Resolution COURTNEY CARDENAS or SONNY LUHAN may Center. MARTY RIPS responds: “Hey Leb do people know someone in that field so I looked them up. I found still think that I was hung by a flagpole at the Dagget Courtney through his wife Jamie Whitmore aka. the #1 property? As always, I blame Nate.” Marty is Senior ranked woman’s Xterra champion in the world. I called Counsel at SAIC in San Diego....Marty has been the sub- him up and caught up briefly as they were boarding a ject of many yarns spun over the years at camp by coun- plane to Japan for a race (they as in Courtney is a racer selors who didn’t know him simply because his name, too). Sonny for all of you who are interested, is EXACT- plucked from a cabin wall sounded perfect for the tales. LY THE SAME with more tattoos. He’s gone on tour (We told you not to write on the walls). Campers ask us with a few bands and is now back in Northern California all of the time, “Is it true that Marty Rips was eaten by working with Courtney as general contactors.”....RAN- Martha the Musky?” or any of a number of other fates DY BRAUN got us caught up to date recently. After 9 that are said to have befallen him.....Another small world years as principal at Phillips High School in Phillips, WI. story in from STEVE “RUD BUDDY” RUDNICK: “Un- for the last 5 years he has been Superintendent of schools Be-Lievable. I joined a men’s accountability group in in Cameron, WI. He is about five years from retirement. His son Jordan shares Randy’s musical ability and has dan Hall as well as Symphony Hall in Boston and New been performing as lead guitar (all the classics like Cream York’s Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors Festival. In New and Hendricks as well as the new stuff like Arctic Mon- York, he formed the Alec Berlin Group, a vehicle for his keys). We’re hoping that Jordan will find his way to energetic Jazz compositions. “Crossing Paths”, a Jazz North Star since he is also an Eagle Scout.....LARRY recording that features 8 of Alec’s original compositions, LIBMAN writes in after stumbling upon us on the web ranging in styles from be-bop to swing to more adventur- site. Larry has been married to Susan for six years and ous, rock-inspired music. Alec also has a busy teaching they have two daughters. They reside in Buffalo Grove schedule, both at NYU and in private, where his students where he is a Mortgage Broker. Larry left us with the range in age from kindergarten to busy professionals..... following stories to remind us that NSC is never too far DAVID BONNIWELL, Camp’s Driver in 1990, writes out of touch. “A few years ago, my wife and I were at a that TOM BROKAW will remember him as the guy that wedding. We bumped into a girl we went to high school always screwed things up. (that describes quite a few with and while we were reminiscing, she introduced us to guys in Tom’s book) David is living in Japan working for her husband. It turns out, she married BRIAN LEVIN. a company in Bloomingdale, IL. for the past 16 years. Brian was a cabin mate of mine in 1984 in cabin I-1 and with his wife and two children...... JEREMY SORKIN we hadn’t seen each other since. We bored the women moved to Houston for a job opportunity about 10 years with talk of North Star (over several cocktails) for the rest ago and now works for a hedge fund. He married a Hous- of the night. Brian is a CPA here in Northbrook and has a ton girl seven years ago and they have two girls (4 and 2 year old daughter named Hannah. Our families have almost 3) and a boy (8 months). His brother ELLIOT remained close and see each other on a regular basis. An- SORKIN also moved to Houston and also married a other incident occurred about five years ago. Before I be- Houston girl. He is in contact with BEN COWAN an- came a mortgage broker, I worked in the marketing de- other Houstonian. They were married about the same partment for Fox Sports Net Chicago. The last intern I time and their families are good friends with children the ever hired: DAVID MEHLMAN. There was a lot of com- same ages. We love hearing the stories about how the petition for that spot, but obviously my former camper is camp friendships last through adulthood.....MATT POW- going to win out every time. And by the brother ERS welcomed a baby boy. Eli London Powers was born JEFF LIBMAN lives here in Chicago and is the proud on Oct 9--7lb.9oz. after our last newsletter was published. papa of a 1.5 year old girl, Ella”...... We are very happy Matt is in real estate in Breckenridge...... DEREK to pass on that DAVID DREYFUS has as of April ac- KAUFMAN sent in this story: “I wanted to let you know cepted the position of associate general counsel of the Di- about an amazing dinner we had last night in a small town rectors Guild of America. David lives in LA with his wife in Litchfield Coun- and baby daughter.....DIETRICH THOMPSON, 1992-95 ty, CT. My wife writes that he attended Charlie Fielden’s wedding recent- Leora, youngest son ly and he thought about camp. He is currently living in Ryan (3 months old) Danbury,CT with his wife Elizabeth. He had been work- and I were eating ing in Human Resources for IBM, but he switched jobs dinner in a small recently and is now working for Merck in New Jersey. room with a handful Dietrich started baking at North Star one summer right of tables, and next out of high school when our baker suddenly quit. He con- to us a group of 4 tinued through his college years. He couldn’t walk into very nice older peo- the dinning room without the campers bowing and chant- ple were trading ing “We are not worthy”. I’ll never forget when Dietrich smiles with Ryan. rolled a flaming Cherries Jubilee out of our kitchen. He One of them looked was self taught and would stop at nothing to please his exactly like GENE little customers. I’ m sure that he is inspiring his staff even WILDER, and as Derek Kaufman and new baby today....Guitarist and songwriter ALEC BERLIN’S musi- the evening pro- cal palette extends from the orchestra pits of Broadway to gressed, their conversation made it clear that he was. Re- recording studios all over New York and performance membering the camp stories about Gene being NSC’s venues around the world. After completing a bachelor’s most famous alum, as we were getting ready to leave, I degree in Liberal Arts at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, briefly interrupted their conversation and said, “I’m sorry New Mexico, Alec was off to Boston’s New England to bother you, but I went to a camp in Hayward, Wiscon- Conservatory of Music for a Master’s of Music as a Jazz sin called North Star Camp for Boys and...” Gene’s face Guitar Performance Major. Named guitarist for the Hon- immediately lit up with a huge, surprised smile and he ors Jazz Ensemble Alec performed in N.E.C.’s own Jor- said, “wow - North Star Camp - I went there during its first year, and had such a tough time that my father had to Texas Christian University in the guard position. Brother pick me up after a week.” I replied that I also had lived BILL FISHEL is president of the student body at Yale and through my share of difficult times at camp, and he said, is engaged to be married.....JOHN LONGLOT is living in “well, it looks like it turned out pretty well for you.” Great Newfoundland working and taking a film class. His script story Derek. was chosen by the class to be made into a film....JEFF KITE writes that he has progressed from camp musicals to look- IN THE RECENT PAST AND PRESENT 1995-2007: ing for acting jobs pursuing his ambitions in the entertain- PETER TAUBER is about to start his last semester at Po- ment industry (mainly acting & screenwriting). He has been mona College in Claremont, California where he will gradu- in L.A. a couple of years and while he misses the Midwest, ate in May with a degree in psychology. He is a swimmer, things are going well. In his words, “I’ve grown accus- and this year the captain of the squad. He hopes to draw on tomed to LA (for better or for worse.)” CHRIS STANGL his experiences at North Star to help him in pursuing op- writes that he fell off of a 36ft roof one summer working to portunities as a guide in Wilderness Therapy programs with pay for his college education. Chris woke up after 5 weeks troubled teens. His goal is to apply to doctoral programs in in a coma facing several years of rehab. He graduated from Psychology....MATT BERNSTEIN writes, “My internship the Univ. of Wisconsin Madison as a zoologist and a con- with the Marshals Service was an amazing servation biologist: “A testiment to his stubborness”, says experience and felt like I was helping make our community Chris. Despite his accident he feels like the luckiest guy in a better place. I assisted in fugitive investigation, federal the world to have survived. He was certainly a can do guy prisoner movements, and worked with federal judges”. Matt at North Star...ARASH FEYZJOU is living in L.A. with his is a senior criminology major at the Univ. of Florida Gaines- wife Christine. He is a Farmer’s Insurance agent and is also ville and he has plans to go to law school.....Brother LARRY working with the ABC television Jimmy Kimmel Show in BERNSTEIN is currently working and living in downtown guest relations. He has his notary license and is a volunteer Miami at an accounting firm as a staff accountant...... GAR- for Boys and Girls Club...... We are very proud of our long- RETT ASH is pursuiting a Master’s degree at Oxford. He time campers and staff taking the next step in running their traveled to Jordan, Syria, and Turkey after finishing teaching own camps. Former Village Director ANDY SHLENSKY responsibilities in Eygpt.....Andrew Ash is a senior at Yale is working full time for Camp Lenox in Massechuesets and and he enjoys acting...... PATRICK CUDAHY is in medical he will be married to long time girlfriend Vicky in Dec.... school in Milwaukee and spent last summer working at a MICHAEL BLUMBERG has taken a full time job with clinic in Aftrica....I ran across and article by former camper Camp Starlight in Pennsylvania and will spend his winter in DANIEL KURTZ PHELAN in Travel and Leisure maga- the office in West Palm Beach, Florida. Michael is a recent zine. Daniel is a senior editor at Foreign Affairs. Daniel graduate of the Univ. of Wisconsin. BRIAN GLICKMAN studied History and International Studies at Yale University, took a full time job with Camp Cobbossee in Maine and where he was editor of The New Journal. He has reported for will spend his winters in New York. Brian recently gradu- the Buenos Aires Herald and written for publications includ- ated from Univ. of Ill. JACK WEINER, our C.I.T. Director, ing The Washington Post, The New Republic, and Legal Af- would have been so proud of them. Jack, known at camp as fairs....BRIAN ANNEN stopped at camp this summer with “Yoda” was our C.I.T. Director for 15 years until he died at their new adorable baby son. Brian lives in Brooklyn, WI 80 years old. He was determined that some of his C.I.T.’s where he teaches elementary school.....CHRIS GIBBS was would become Camp Directors and his efforts are paying a trip leader with Adventure Treks this summer. He was sur- off. SHIRLEY WEINER is still our Squirrely Shirley. She prised to pick up one of his old North Star campers KEVIN is well and living in Milwaukee. She just celebrated her 80th ALEXANDER who was a student on the program.....RICK birthday...KEN SARNOFF, FOX checks in to tell us that he has taken his first job out of from rt. Ian Greengross and the Wharton School of Business at Coleman Brandworx in JIMMY SARNOFF of Mar- NYC on August 1st. SAM BECKER was instrumental in quee Sports Management. getting his co-counselor the internship that resulted in the How competitive are the job....Aussie counselor NATHAN BROWN started a Tele- agents who represent Na- vision Production program at University last year. He re- tional Football League play- ceived a few distinctions as well as a scholarship from Vint- ers? Eight hundred agents en, a broadcast technology company, for his great camera chasing 1,800 players: That’s work..... NATHAN BULLOCK writes that he lives in New how competitive. These York with his partner, Leslye. He works at Columbia Busi- three agents, all attorneys ness School as Operations Manager for the Executive MBA with degrees from Chicago- Programs. He is also working on a 2nd Masters degree at Kent College of Law, grew Columbia in Public Administration.....BRETT MARGOLIS up in the Chicago area. Their new firm represents 39 professional players, 25 of whom on the rugby team.....KACY LEBBY is a freshman at are on NFL rosters. (None is a Chicago Bear.). We’ve the Univ. of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA and is on their seen Jimmy in action on the dance floor making a deal crew team. DAN LICHTENSTEIN is working for a while dancing with his lovely wife. Congrats. on the new new start up company called JumpJet taking travelers firm guys. The Sarnoffs were sports nuts even when they on private jets to their destinations.....ROB KALLICK were little guys. and JONNY BASOFIN toured Europe with his band. ThePop Rock genre band is called The Changes. “Today is Tonight” is their album on Drama Club Records. Rob also free lances as a writer for the Chicago Tribune. He and DAVID MEHLMAN visited camp this summer.


BRIAN WERBEL: A north star camper for many years in the late 80’s Brian died unexpectedly. He was living and doing research in Madison, WI. He was originally from Cleveland and his father Larry was an alumni.

MICHELE ECCELES made a bold move to Japan where SID LIEBERSTEIN: While she teaches english to her Japanese students. Pictured not an alumni Sid was a 35 year here Michele was determined to teach her young stu- Post Camper who made sure dents the wonders of Halloween. While it took quite alot that all of his grandchildren of determination to make Japan her home she is learn- went to North Star. He had six ing Japanese and enjoying her students.....GARRETT of them with us over the years. LEBBY will graduate in May from the Univ. of AZ Eller Sid worked his used machinery School of business. He also is active in Hillel and plays business and lived in Highland Park, Il.

A WORD FROM LEB: Sue lets me write this little paragraph for the alumni news and since she doesn’t trust me with the gossip I’m relegated to the Scholarship Fund newsbits. This past year the Lou and Renee Rosenblum Fund, working through the Camp for All Kids Foundation, was able to send over 70 kids to summer camp. These children would never had the opportunity to at- tend a camp like North Star without the generosity of our alumni. It is a wonderful program! For several years we have been attempting to build an endowment and we have made slow but steady progress. I continuosly try to think of new ways, other than just asking for contributions, to raise our goal of 3 million dollars. One idea that I’ve been thinking about, with help from NSC alums in the field, is to create a North Star Venture Capital Fund. In the off season I have had involvement in a few “ventures” and believe we could put together a program . We believe a portion of the initial investment and a percentage of future profits could go to the Lou & Renee Rosenblum Fund. I know we have alumni in this field and it could be a fun, productive and new source of revenue for the scholarship fund. Please let me know if you have any interest in pursuing this creative method of fund raising. A big thank you to RORY GILBERT and MIKE SIMONS who sit on our board and have been very activie in fundraising efforts. They recently sponsored a Whirlyball event fundraiser for current camp families in Chicago. Thank you to all of you who have most generously supported the fund over the years and have made it part of your annual giving. As Lou would say.... “REMEMBER THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND!!” See you, Leb I love this picture taken this summer by LARRY SEGIL of his wife Deb looking out towards Lou’s Island at sunset. Larry says, “That although she is certainly not a camper, to me the picture just evokes some of the peace and beauty of North Star. Whenever I look at it I think of the bene- diction you and Lou say at the end of Taps each Friday evening. I hope it may give you some of the pleasure it has given me (it now hangs on the wall of the call room at my hospital--not too romantic, but I get to see a lot of it).” Larry’s son Jake is one of our dream team admin. staff so Larry comes every summer to visit.

NORTH STAR CAMP 6101 E. PASEO CIMMARON TUCSON, AZ. 85750 [email protected] 520-577-7925

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