Enterprise and Business Committee

Meeting Venue: Committee Room 3 -

Meeting date: Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Meeting time: 09.15 - 12.15

This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at: http://senedd.tv/en/2992

Concise Minutes:

Assembly Members: William Graham AM (Chair) (Oscar) AM AM AM AM AM AM

Witnesses: Phil Bale, Cardiff Council AM, The Minister for Economy, Science and Transport Professor Kevin Morgan Paul Orders, Cardiff County Council Steve Phillips, Chief Executive, Port Talbot County Borough Council James Price,

Committee Staff: Gareth Price (Clerk) Martha Da Gama Howells (Second Clerk) Rachel Jones (Deputy Clerk) Andrew Minnis (Researcher) Ben Stokes (Researcher) TRANSCRIPT View the meeting transcript.

1 Introductions, apologies and substitutions 1.1 Apologies were received from Dafydd Elis-Thomas, , , Jeff Cuthbert and Gwenda Thomas. Christine Chapman and Ann Jones attended as substitutions.

2 City Regions 2.1 Phil Bale and Paul Orders answered questions from Members of the Committee.

3 City Regions 3.1 Edwina Hart, the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport, Steve Phillips, Professor Kevin Morgan and James Price answered questions from Members of the Committee. 3.2 Professor Kevin Morgan agreed to provide the Committee with a copy of his report titled “Good Food for All” when it is completed. 3.3 Professor Kevin Morgan agreed to send information on the budget of Stuttgart City Region.

4 Papers to note

4.1Development Bank for 4.1.1 The paper was noted by the Committee.

4.2Regeneration of town centres 4.2.1 The paper was noted by the Committee.