Cofnod Pleidleisio Voting Record 02/06/2015

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Cofnod Pleidleisio Voting Record 02/06/2015 Cofnod Pleidleisio Voting Record 02/06/2015 Cynnwys Contents NDM5767 Y Rheoliadau Di-fwg (Cerbydau Preifat) 2015 NDM5767 Smoke-free (Private Vehicles) Regulations 2015 NDM5769 Rheoliadau Rheoleiddio Tai Rhent Preifat (Gofynion Hyfforddiant Awdurdod Trwyddedu) (Cymru) 2015 NDM5769 Regulation of Private Rented Housing (Licensing Authority Training Requirements) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Cofnod Pleidleisio | Voting Record | 02/06/2015 Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament NDM5767 Y Rheoliadau Di-fwg (Cerbydau Preifat) 2015 NDM5767 Smoke-free (Private Vehicles) Regulations 2015 Derbyniwyd y cynnig Motion agreed O blaid / For: 46 Yn erbyn / Against: 1 Ymatal / Abstain: 0 Leighton Andrews Peter Black Mohammad Asghar Christine Chapman Jeff Cuthbert Alun Davies Andrew R.T. Davies Keith Davies Paul Davies Suzy Davies Mark Drakeford Yr Arglwydd / Lord Elis-Thomas Rebecca Evans Janet Finch-Saunders Russell George Vaughan Gething William Graham Janice Gregory John Griffiths Lesley Griffiths Mike Hedges Janet Haworth Altaf Hussain Jane Hutt Mark Isherwood Julie James Bethan Jenkins Alun Ffred Jones Ann Jones Carwyn Jones Huw Lewis Sandy Mewies Darren Millar Julie Morgan Eluned Parrott William Powell Gwyn R. Price Nick Ramsay Jenny Rathbone David Rees Cofnod Pleidleisio | Voting Record | 02/06/2015 Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament Aled Roberts Carl Sargeant Kenneth Skates Gwenda Thomas Joyce Watson Lindsay Whittle Kirsty Williams Cofnod Pleidleisio | Voting Record | 02/06/2015 Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament NDM5769 Rheoliadau Rheoleiddio Tai Rhent Preifat (Gofynion Hyfforddiant Awdurdod Trwyddedu) (Cymru) 2015 NDM5769 Regulation of Private Rented Housing (Licensing Authority Training Requirements) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Derbyniwyd y cynnig Motion agreed O blaid / For: 35 Yn erbyn / Against: 12 Ymatal / Abstain: 0 Leighton Andrews Mohammad Asghar Peter Black Andrew R.T. Davies Christine Chapman Paul Davies Jeff Cuthbert Suzy Davies Alun Davies Janet Finch-Saunders Keith Davies Russell George Mark Drakeford William Graham Yr Arglwydd / Lord Elis-Thomas Janet Haworth Rebecca Evans Altaf Hussain Vaughan Gething Mark Isherwood Janice Gregory Darren Millar John Griffiths Nick Ramsay Lesley Griffiths Mike Hedges Jane Hutt Julie James Bethan Jenkins Alun Ffred Jones Ann Jones Carwyn Jones Huw Lewis Sandy Mewies Julie Morgan Eluned Parrott William Powell Gwyn R. Price Jenny Rathbone David Rees Aled Roberts Carl Sargeant Kenneth Skates Gwenda Thomas Joyce Watson Lindsay Whittle Kirsty Williams Cofnod Pleidleisio | Voting Record | 02/06/2015 Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament.
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