Morgan Lloyd Malcolm | 59 pages | 08 Sep 2015 | Oberon Books Ltd | 9781783198603 | English | London, United Kingdom The Wasps - Wikipedia

Van Dyne and Hank Pym prepare to escape. While Lang battled Cross, van Dyne attempted to lift Pym to safety as the entire Pym Technologies facility had been rigged to explode, but Pym knew that he would be unable to run. However, rather than accepting death and telling van Dyne to escape, Pym revealed that the tank key-ring he carried with him at all times, was not a key-ring at all, but a USSR Tank he had shrunk down years earlier. They transformed the tank to its original size and used it to escape, smashing through the side of the building at landing outdoors, much to the alarm of everyone present. Van Dyne watches Pym Technologies explode. Van Dyne ensured that Pym was getting medical attention from a nearby ambulance before they witnessed the entire Pym Technologies building exploding due to the C4 which Lang had planted inside. While van Dyne stayed with her father as his wound was treated, Lang tracked down and fought Cross. Eventually, Lang was able to kill Cross by damaging the internal mainframe of the latter suit's, briefly teleporting him to the Quantum Realm before he was able to return to normal size. Van Dyne is caught kissing Scott Lang. With the crisis now over, van Dyne and Hank Pym spoke to Scott Lang about his experiences within the Quantum Realm , although he insisted that he had no memory of his experience and could tell them nothing. Van Dyne walked Lang out of the mansion, but before they could exit, Lang kissed her. The moment was interrupted when Pym walked through the door and caught them. Lang denied any wrongdoing and insisted it was van Dyne who had kissed him before making a speedy exit. Hank Pym revealed to van Dyne that before her mother 's disappearance into the Quantum Realm , he and Janet were working on a prototype for a new upgraded version of the Wasp Suit , which had been hidden behind a secret in his basement for decades. Although he had always believed it had been for her mother, Pym told van Dyne that he now knew they had in fact been designing it for her. Van Dyne accepted the suit without hesitation, noting that it was about time that she was given a suit. Van Dyne begins to work with Hank Pym. Later on, Hank Pym revealed the full story of Janet van Dyne 's death, explaining how she became trapped in the Quantum Realm , and that Scott Lang recently escaping from there had given him hope to Janet could still be alive. Pym reopened his old projects, and decided to let van Dyne in on his plans to construct a way to enter and exit the Quantum Realm, so they could search for Janet, beleiving that it could be possible to find her and bring her back after all these years. Van Dyne breaks up with Scott Lang. With both possessing their own suits, van Dyne and Scott Lang proceeded to work and train together, while still maintaining a relationship. Offended by Lang's leaving them abruptly, van Dyne broke up with him. However, because of Hank Pym 's tech being involved in the , van Dyne and her father where subsequently hunted by the FBI , forcing them to become fugitives. Despite having to go on the run, van Dyne and Pym were still able to continue with their project of building a Quantum Tunnel , working out of a shrinkable lab building , as well as monitoring any threats to them, mainly Lang. To acquire the needed parts for their machine, van Dyne would make several deals with black market arms dealer Sonny Burch. Van Dyne kidnaps an unconscious Scott Lang. Immediately after van Dyne and Hank Pym opened the Quantum Realm for a short period of time, they were called by Scott Lang , who said he had a dream about seeing Janet van Dyne. To learn more about what he saw, van Dyne went to Lang's house , knocked him out, kidnapped him, and drove him back to the lab in a shrunken car, while he was unconscious. Lang soon woke up as they were still driving, and van Dyne, still bitter towards him, asked how certain he was that he saw her mother while in his dream of being in the Quantum Realm. Realizing he was away from his house, Lang freaked out and asked van Dyne to take him back, as he was still under house arrest. But, van Dyne informed him that she had taken care of it, posting a giant ant to wear Lang's Ankle Monitor and cover his daily activities, revealing that they had been monitoring him, as he was the biggest risk to her and Pym. Van Dyne continues to stay mad at Scott Lang. Knowing it impacted van Dyne and Pym, Lang apologized for being in the Avengers ' fight in Germany , which he tried to explain he didn't think he would get caught, but van Dyne noted that Lang didn't think about a lot of things by getting involved. Van Dyne updated Lang on how she and Pym have been living for the last two years, forced to be on the run, with no freedom, and she clarified with Lang that she didn't want an apology, just what he was in his head. Van Dyne brings Scott Lang to the laboratory. Arriving at the lab, van Dyne enlarged the car to its normal size, and she and Lang entered the building. In the elevator, Lang attempted to offer van Dyne money to help, thinking they had nothing from looking at the building, but she declined, which Lang soon understood why once he entered the fully equipped lab. Van Dyne proceeded to lead Lang through the lab, bringing him to Pym, who was still working on the Quantum Tunnel. Van Dyne informs Scott Lang of their project. Both van Dyne and Pym were unhappy to be seeing Lang again, so they decided to get straight into learning what he knew, with van Dyne explaining how they were building a tunnel into the Quantum Realm to find her mother. Van Dyne and Pym then revealed their theory that when they opened the tunnel, Janet entangled with Lang to send a message to them. So, Lang told them that the only thing he could remember in the dream was playing hide and seek with a girl, which van Dyne realized was from Janet's memory. Van Dyne learns that her mother is still alive. This realization brought joy and relief to van Dyne and Pym, as they now had strong confirmation that Janet was definitely alive. Now determined to get the tunnel working as soon as possible, van Dyne noted that they needed one final piece to stop the tunnel from overloading, which was in the possession of Sonny Burch. So, they all left the building, promising to return Lang when they were finished, as they still needed to entanglement that was in his head. Van Dyne meeting up with Sonny Burch. Continuing to use her alias for their exchanges, Susan, van Dyne asked Burch is he had the component she needed. Sonny Burch exposes van Dyne's identity. However, Burch revealed to van Dyne that his informant in the FBI had exposed her true identity to him. Dropping the facade, van Dyne asked Burch what he wanted, which he explained that he knew she and Pym were building Quantum technology, and that he wanted in on it, seeing it as the future. Van Dyne rejected Burch's offers, but he refused to sell her the component, which van Dyne expressed would make things easier if he just honored his agreement. Van Dyne fighting Sonny Burch 's goons. Accepting Burch's refusal to cooperate, van Dyne left, and went to put on her Wasp Suit. Shrinking herself down, van Dyne proceeded to beat up Burch's goons, using a combination of her wings, stingers , and her own superior fighting ability to do so. When the goons opened fire upon van Dyne, she hid in the chandelier, until she noticed Uzman escaping with the component, so van Dyne left her position, and followed him into the kitchen. To stop Uzman from getting away, van Dyne used a Pym Particles Disk to enlarge a salt shaker, knocking him out. Another goon entered, and threw three knives at van Dyne, which she dodged by shrinking down, and even ran across the last one in mid-air. With the remaining goons, van Dyne skilfully avoided their attacks, and used her smaller size and items in the kitchen to knock them all out. Having won the fight, van Dyne took the component, left the money for Burch, and went to leave. But before van Dyne could get to the door, she noticed a mysterious figure appear in front of her, and then subsequently disappear, so van Dyne readied herself for another fight. Being able to become invisible and intangible, Ghost attempted to steal the component from van Dyne. Pym told his daughter to get herself away from Ghost, but she was unable to, and had to keep fighting. Lang soon arrived and helped van Dyne, but they lost Ghost. Van Dyne learns Ghost stole the Mobile Lab. They realized that Ghost had gone after Pym, so van Dyne and Lang shrunk themselves down, and rushed back to the van. Once the got back, they found that Pym was still alive, but he told them that Ghost had stolen the miniature lab, much to their frustration, as it set back their entire project. Driving away from the scene, they discussed Ghost, not knowing what it was, and decided that they needed to find a place to regroup and figure out where to find the lab. Van Dyne discusses finding the Mobile Lab. Once again finding themselves reunited with Luis , Dave and Kurt , van Dyne and Pym were annoyed as the three and Lang bickered with each other, when they had bigger things to be dealing with. They all then discussed Ghost, noting its ability to phase, and van Dyne brought up the idea of tracking the lab's radiation with a quantum spectrometer. No longer having access to their equipment, Pym begrudgingly revealed that his former colleague Bill Foster could help them. Traveling to Berkeley University , the trio made their way through the campus, disguising themselves with hats and sunglasses, which Scott Lang noted would not stop anyone from recognizing them. They soon found Bill Foster , who was giving a lecture, but he finished when he discovered their presence. Van Dyne asks Bill Foster to help find their lab. In Foster's office, they filled him in on their situation, but he was unable to help find their lab , as he didn't have the equipment to do so. When Lang and Foster got sidetracked about Lang growing to the size of a giant in Germany , van Dyne tried to get them focused on the matter at hand, but the feud between Foster and Hank Pym caused the former partners to fight. The FBI arrived, so as they went to leave, Foster gave them an idea on how to track the lab. Van Dyne learns Scott Lang preserved the suit. As they drove away, Pym ranted about his detest towards Foster, but van Dyne was confident in his idea to modify the diffraction units on a regulator. However, Pym's upgrades to the su its eliminated the regulators, meaning they still couldn't track down the lab. Lang revealed that he didn't destroy his old suit he used when fighting with the Avengers after he was arrested, but instead kept it hidden, which he lied about to them earlier. Van Dyne and Scott Lang fly inside the school. After checking with Luis about the suit, Lang discovered that it was no longer at his house , but soon realized it was at his daughter 's school. Arriving at Cassie's school, van Dyne and Lang suited up so they could sneak into it and steal the previous Ant-Man suit that was in Lang's trophy from Cassie. After shrinking themselves down so they could stealthily fly through the school, Lang's suit began to malfunction, due to it still being worked on by Pym, and not completed, causing Lang to grow, but not to his full size. Van Dyne teasing Scott Lang about his size. When children were coming out of their classes, Lang and van Dyne hid in the closet and she witnessed as he then grew, no longer fitting in the room, much to van Dyne's amusement. She then inspected Lang's belt, and attempted to fix it, but was only able to revert him back to his normal size for a moment, before he shrunk down again. Seeing levity in Lang's problem, van Dyne teased him about it, jokingly saying if could only see him now. Van Dyne rejoices in tracking down the lab. Unable to fix Lang's suit, van Dyne gave Lang a hoodie to disguise him as a child, so they could proceed with the mission. Reaching Cassie's classroom, van Dyne continued to tease Lang about his current problem, as he couldn't reach the top shelf. Acquiring the suit, van Dyne and Lang made their escape, and returned to the van, where she was joined by Pym in making fun of Lang. Using the regulator's diffraction units, they were able to track down the lab. Van Dyne and Scott Lang talk about Germany. Arriving at the location of the lab, van Dyne and Lang suited up once more so they could steal it back, and prepare for another fight to possibly occur. As they got ready, Lang happily acknowledged how he and van Dyne had teamed up twice on the same day, leading van Dyne to reflect on their former relationship and what it would be like now if Lang hadn't left her to go to Germany. Lang then asked van Dyne if she would have come with him if he had asked, which she replied that they'll never know, but she could guarantee that if she did, he wouldn't have been arrested. Van Dyne then shrunk herself down, and flew out of the van, heading for the hideout. Van Dyne finds Ghost sleeping in a chamber. As van Dyne and Lang infiltrated the hideout, Pym informed them that he wasn't picking up anything on the monitors due to an electronic disturbance, so they had to be careful. The two discovered Ghost sleeping inside a chamber , away from her suit, so they decided to hurry while she was still asleep. They found the lab, but when they enlarged to take it, van Dyne quickly noticed that Ghost was now gone from the chamber. Before either of them could act, Ghost appeared and knocked the two out. Van Dyne learns about Ava Starr 's problem. Ghost also knocked Pym unconscious, and the three were tied up together. Van Dyne and Pym were woken up by Ghost, who was named Ava Starr, and they discovered that Foster was working with her. Starr revealed that Pym had fired her father , which resulted in not only her parent's deaths, but also rendered her in a permanently unstable state. Since then, Starr and Foster had been trying to find a cure, only to discover what they had been working on. Van Dyne steals back the Mobile Laboratory. Foster proceeded to explain that from learning about Lang's entanglement with Janet van Dyne , they could extract quantum energy and use it to repair Starr's molecular structure. However, this would kill Janet in the process, which they could not allow Starr and Foster to do, so Pym faked a heart attack to stop them. Van Dyne was in on it, so she begged Foster to open the Altoids tin, allowing giant ants to burst out and free them. Van Dyne defeated Starr with her stingers and stole the lab back, and the three made their escape. Van Dyne helps repair the Quantum Tunnel. Heading to the Muir Woods , the three enlarged the Mobile Laboratory and began fixing the Quantum Tunnel , so they could be ready to open it up again. Van Dyne is comforted about her mother. As van Dyne and Scott Lang adjusted the relays, van Dyne expressed her nervousness about not being ready, which Lang thought was about going subatomic. However, van Dyne corrected him in that it was about seeing her mother again after all this time. Van Dyne worried if her mother was going to be a different person, or worse, not even remember her, but Lang comforted her, revealing how he never forgot about his daughter when in prison. Van Dyne and Hank Pym open the Tunnel. Once they were ready, van Dyne and Hank Pym activated the Tunnel, telling Lang to be ready for any sort of message Janet may send him. Unfortunately their celebration was cut short when the Tunnel suddenly stopped, so van Dyne and Pym tried to find the problem. They noticed Lang using the computer, but soon realized it was actually Janet possessing his body. Shocked to be reunited with her mother, van Dyne watched as Janet began fixing the Tunnel. Van Dyne is briefly reunited with her mother. Van Dyne figured out that Janet had put an antenna in Lang's head, and she continued to watch as her mother helped her family track her down in the Quantum Realm. They were soon able to successfully locate Janet, and she told her family to find her within the next two hours, otherwise she'll be lost for an entire century. Van Dyne promised to her mother that she would find her, and they prepared to enter the Quantum Realm. As van Dyne and Pym were doing so, Lang, who they were mad at, had to leave and return to his house. Once they shut everything down, van Dyne and Pym exited the Mobile Laboratory and went to relocate. But, when Pym shrunk the lab down, they found themselves surrounded by FBI agents, and the father and daughter were then arrested. Before they were driven away, van Dyne and Pym overheard agents mention that an agent was killed and that the lab was missing, which they realized was Ghost. The two were then taken into FBI custody, where they were told they'd have to wait an hour, which they did not have. Van Dyne is impressed by Scott Lang 's rescue. Fortunately, van Dyne had hidden a hairpin in her mouth, which she used to free her and Pym from their handcuffs. Van Dyne had also snuck a Pym Particles Disk , which she intended to use to shrink a wall and make their escape, despite their bad odds. But before they could, van Dyne's Wasp Suit appeared, which was because Lang had come to rescue them. Van Dyne, Pym and Lang formulate a plan. As they drove away, Hank Pym revealed that he had put a new tracker on the Mobile Laboratory , and he communicated with Ants to guide them to its location. Finding the lab, the three discussed the plan, noting that they didn't have long before Janet van Dyne 's location would shift. As Scott Lang attempted to make a plan, Pym said he would be the one entering the Quantum Realm , so van Dyne and Lang could fight Ghost and protect him. Wasp is complimented on her suit by Luis. The three were joined by Luis , who was stationed with Wasp in the van, as they waited for the ants to disable the Quantum Tunnel. Luis complimented Wasp's suit , expressing how he wished he had one. They were then notified by Pym that Ghost and Bill Foster had been drawn away from the lab, allowing him to enter the Quantum Realm. Before Pym went in, he told Wasp he loved her, in case he didn't make it back, and she then shrunk the lab and drove away with it. Wasp tactically defeats Sonny Burch 's fleet. Having retrieved the lab, Wasp and Luis went to meet up with Ant-Man at the rendezvous point, but were stopped when Sonny Burch and his goons pulled up in front of them. With their plans changed, Wasp engaged in a chase with Burch, using the van's shrinking capabilities to manoeuvre and take out his fleet of cars. Leading Burch's goons to Lombard Street , Wasp was able to take out the remainder of the cars. Wasp fires disks upon Sonny Burch 's goons. Ant-Man joined them in the van, but when more goons approached on motorbikes, Wasp decided to deal with them herself. Wasp fired a Pym Particles Disk from her stingers to shrink one of the goon's bike, but was unable to get the others due to the van's unsteadiness. So, Wasp threw Luis' Pez dispenser out and enlarged it, knocking out the remaining goons on bikes. But, Ghost had found them, and she phased inside the van, kicking Wasp out and stealing the lab. Wasp and Ant-Man fighting against Ghost. Wasp managed to follow Ghost, who had stolen a truck, so she fly down to her, and entered the vehicle. Growing full size, Wasp and Ghost fought each other, both using their own abilities to avoid each other's attacks, until they were joined by Ant- Man, who grew himself, and punched Ghost in the face. This caused her to lose the lab, which Wasp went after, but Ghost followed her. Before the two went to continue fighting, Burch drove up behind them, knocking Wasp backwards, allowing Burch to steal the lab and drive away. Wasp fighting against Sonny Burch 's goons. Burch and his goons began chasing Luis, as he had the remote for the lab, so Wasp pursued them to save Luis. Breaking into the car that was going after Luis, Wasp once again used her superior skills to fight and knock out each of the goons in the car, causing it to crash. Running out of time, Wasp then joined up again with Luis in his car, and they went to meet up with Ant-Man, who went to steal back the lab from Burch, who was attempting to get away. Wasp trying to save Ant-Man from drowning. Arriving at the docks, Wasp and Luis discovered Ant-Man in his giant form, which she realized was making him exhausted, as they witnessed him pass out and fall into the ocean. Wasp told Luis to get the lab somewhere safe, as she went to save Ant-Man before he drowned, due to the suit not having enough air. Wasp dove into the water and attempted to wake Ant-Man up, but failed, so she repaired his regulator, causing him to shrink. Desperately searching through in the water, Wasp managed to locate Ant-Man, grabbed him, and carried him out of the water, so he could get some air. Wasp then brought the unconscious Ant-Man to the surface and grew him back to his normal size. Soon, Ant-Man awoke, much to Wasp's relief, as she then immediately and passionately kissed him, no longer being upset at him for leaving her to go to Germany. Wasp and Ant-Man arrive to stop Ghost. Wasp and Ant-Man then rushed into the Mobile Laboratory , which had been enlarged to stop Ghost from disrupting their plans. Reaching the Quantum Tunnel , the two noticed that Ghost had already started to extract the energy from the Quantum Realm , so they disabled her Quantum Energy Chamber so that Janet van Dyne wouldn't be torn apart. Wasp being saved by Ant-Man from being hit. While Wasp was fixing the Tunnel, Ghost knocked away Ant-Man, and was heading for her, so Wasp attempted to fire her stingers at Ghost to keep her away, but she phased through them. Wasp then engaged Ghost in hand-to-hand, soon joined by Ant-Man, and the two partners overpowered their opponent using teamwork. But, Wasp was soon knocked down by Ghost, right as Quantum Vehicle returned, which was going to drive through Wasp and Ghost. So, Ant-Man grew himself and saved Wasp before she would be hit. The mother and daughter became overwhelmed with emotions and hugged each other upon finally being reunited. Van Dyne told her mother that she missed her so much, which she reciprocated, calling her by her nickname, Jellybean. In the case of the Wasp, I noticed that she has so many costumes that eventually I said "Why not? When her father is killed by an alien entity unleashed during one of his experiments, Janet turns to his associate Dr. Hank Pym for aid and convinces him to help her. In order to avenge her father's death, she undergoes a biochemical procedure that grants her the ability to grow wings upon shrinking under four feet tall and uses a supply of "Pym particles" by which to change her size. Together, she and Ant-Man defeat the alien and avenge her father. Janet decides to remain as Wasp and be Hank's partner as she has fallen in love with him, though Hank initially rejects her feelings due to the similarities between her and his murdered first wife. During her time as Hank's partner, she took part in numerous conflicts with villains who included the Porcupine , Egghead , and Whirlwind then known as the Human Top. Though initially without any offensive powers, Janet proves to be resourceful, using her ability to communicate with insects to fight, as well as using a pin to poke people as a weapon. Later, she uses a miniature air gun, the original wasp's sting. After the initial confrontation with that brought together the founding Avengers , it is Janet and Hank who propose forming a team of superheroes. Janet suggests the name for the team and becomes a founding member. Janet frequently comments on the attractiveness of her male colleagues, especially Thor , in order to provoke jealousy from Hank and get him to commit to a relationship. Early on in her Avengers career, she is seriously wounded by a stray bullet in battle against Count Nefaria , and nearly dies from a collapsed lung. Though Janet hopes on several occasions that her long-term boyfriend Hank will propose, [11] their relationship does not move forward to that point until something more dramatic happens. The new vigilante Yellowjacket breaks into the Avengers mansion, demands to be admitted as a member of the team, claims to have killed Hank Pym, and then kidnaps Janet. Not believing that Yellowjacket was Hank's killer, she attempts to find where Yellowjacket is holding Hank, [12] but instead determines that Yellowjacket is her boyfriend. Before revealing this, and during the period in which Yellowjacket still believes himself to have killed Hank, Janet marries Hank, though the wedding is disrupted by an attack from the Circus of Crime. During the fight, it is revealed that Yellowjacket is Pym. After another departure from the team, Janet van Dyne returns briefly and becomes a member of the original Lady Liberators , [14] before once more leaving the team. She becomes temporarily trapped at insect size, and battles Whirlwind, Para-Man and Dr. During one of her breaks from active Avengers duty, Janet approaches the team with concerns about her husband having suffered a breakdown and attacked former teammates. In attempting to find a way to help Hank, she is captured by a brainwashed Hank, [17] and used by as a template to create . She is rescued when Jocasta alerts the Avengers to her location, and Black Panther suggests that the A. Janet van Dyne discovers that her husband, now paranoid, overbearing and verbally abusive, has concocted a plan to make himself look good in front of the Avengers by staging an attack that can only be stopped by the instigator. When she attempts to dissuade him, Hank strikes her; she divorces him soon after and takes a very brief break from the team. When Janet returns to the Avengers, she proposes that the team is in need of new leadership and nominates herself for the role of Chairperson. She makes it a point to increase the number of women on the team and recruits She- and Captain Marvel Monica Rambeau. At the same time as taking on leadership of the team, Janet begins to work in earnest as a professional fashion designer. Part of her friendship with She-Hulk includes designing new clothing for her. She also renews her social life, engaging in a whirlwind romance with Tony Stark before learning that the billionaire is . She breaks off the relationship, saying that she cannot date a colleague who is also a friend of her ex-husband. Janet briefly hands leadership of the team off to the Vision , [22] though he soon leaves the team and returns the position to her. During the Under Siege storyline, Janet leads the team during a time where they are attacked from all sides. She defeats Titania and the Absorbing Man , then leads a team against 's forces to rescue Captain America, the Black Knight , and other team members who have been captured. Shortly after the resolution of this story, she steps down from leadership once more, succeeded by Monica Rambeau in that position. After leaving the team, she battles the threat of Red Ronin by herself. During this time, she resumes a romantic relationship with Hank. Several years later, Janet van Dyne returns to the Avengers, first at reserve status, and later as a full member of the team. During the Destiny War , the Janet of the present becomes the leader of a team of Avengers assembled from different time periods, cited as being chosen due to her "inner strength and flexibility to give the team direction without exerting too much control". Janet van Dyne once more takes up leadership of the Avengers and continues to make sure there is a strong female presence on the team. Under her leadership, the number of women on the team outnumbers the number of men for the first time in Avengers history. Though her relationship with Hank Pym remains strong for some time, she turns down his proposal of remarrying, saying she wouldn't marry him again. She is shown to be powerful enough at this size to take down a jet. Janet van Dyne is shown as a member of the Avengers and aids them during the battle with Starro. She also gives Iron Man the idea to create a dimensional alarm and rallies other Avengers to defend the artifacts. After the final battle in the Savage Land against the Justice League , Janet ends up as an Avenger in the new merged world that the villain Krona created and is unaware of the changes. When the two teams decide to team up against Krona, the Wasp fights alongside the Avengers until the battle is over. While discussing her fling with , with the Scarlet Witch , a slightly tipsy Wasp confesses to a pregnancy scare and inadvertently mentions Wanda Maximoff's own children, [39] whose unnatural existence Agatha Harkness has erased from the Witch's memory. Wasp's slip of the tongue, combined with Scarlet Witch's increasingly unstable and growing powers, cause Wanda to suffer a mental breakdown which leads to the events of Avengers Disassembled. Hank Pym watches over her in the hospital, and when she recovers, they reconcile. The two retire from the Avengers in order to pursue a new life together in Oxford. Janet van Dyne is pulled into space and placed in a situation where she is expected to fight to the death with other heroes and villains. Instead of following the wishes of the Stranger—who they thought to be the Beyonder —Janet falls into the leadership position for the group, giving tactical orders in battle and calling upon her years of experience with the Avengers to handle the threats thrown at them. After tension between her and her ex-husband, Janet explains to Medusa why she can't reconcile with Hank Pym, despite an attempt to do so while in London. Upon learning that the Space Phantom has taken on the form of Spider-Man, Janet leads the group and keeps one of the team from being trapped in limbo when the Space Phantom attempts to take the person's form. During the superhuman Civil War, Janet van Dyne is pro-registration and suggests that they push forward the fifty-state initiative to get things under control after the Thor-Clone kills Bill Foster , an event which upsets her greatly. During the beginning of the fight, she is briefly turned into a monster before a cure is created by Stark. Janet van Dyne is among the Mighty Avengers who are fighting heroes from the ship. She is later seen with the rest of the Avengers heading to New York to confront the . While fighting the Skrulls, the true purpose of the serum that the Skrull Hank Pym has given her is revealed. After Queen Veranke is thought to be dead, the Skrull imposter presses a button that makes Janet increase in size rapidly, as well as causes her to emit lethal amounts of black-purple energy. Janet realizes that the "new" particles Pym has given her are turning her into a bio-bomb, and she tries to flee the battlefield and take as many Skrulls with her as possible when she explodes. To save both the city and heroes, Thor uses the enchanted hammer Mjolnir to create a spatial warp to seemingly disperse Janet into nothingness. Thor is devastated by the act and vows to avenge her. Following the Avengers vs. X-Men storyline, it is revealed that Janet van Dyne has not died after all, but has been shunted into a Microverse by Thor's spatial warp in the same spot that she appears to have died in Secret Invasion. Using her Avengers communication card she is able to send a signal with help from a local being called Cru-Sani. Giant-Man, Captain America, Thor and Iron Man go into the Microverse to rescue her and find her alive and fighting against an evil despot, Lord Gouzar, who has conquered the Microverse. After defeating Lord Gouzar and liberating the Microverse from his tyranny, Janet and her fellow Avengers return to their normal universe. Following a brief hiatus, Janet returns to the team as a member of the Avengers Unity Squad. In addition to serving on the roster, she privately funds the team in order to avoid the problems that would come with government sponsorship. There she confronts Gouzar once more, before returning to normal space. Years later on Planet X, she is captured when she and Havok destroy a tachyon dam preventing time travel to their era. They are contacted by Immortus informing them that Immortus can return their daughter to them if they take action at the right time and place to conceive her, but he also warns them about the imminent threat posed by the . After the Red Skull's actions cause all heroes and villains present at his defeat to undergo a 'moral inversion', [55] Alex attempts to argue for Janet's life as the X-Men prepare to detonate a gene bomb that will destroy all non-mutants in the blast radius, but accepts the decision nevertheless. Although the inversion is undone, the two separate for good when Alex is one of three characters the other two being Iron Man and Sabretooth to remain in their new state. Upon clearing things up, Wasp agrees to shrink down and destroys the nanites in Zelda's body. The two of them knock out Captain Mooney. Wasp later caught up with the Uncanny Avengers and confronted Ultron Pym after helping to fend off the monsters in the subway. When Wasp asked Ultron Pym about the recent events, she figured out that Ultron is in control of Hank when Ultron guessed wrong. The rest of the Uncanny Avengers were informed of this causing Cable to pressure Hank enough for Ultron to go on the attack and reveal his true self. Wasp later appears as a member of the Agents of Wakanda. Making use of the cellular implantation of sub-atomic Pym particles, the Wasp possesses the power to alter her physical size, causing her body's mass to be shunted to or gained from an alternate dimension known as Kosmos. She is able to shrink to a minimum of several centimeters or grow to a maximum of several hundred feet. Smaller or larger sizes are possible but the exertion puts a strain on her body. Initially, these abilities stem from use of a Pym particle gas released from special capsules, and later biochemical augmentation by Henry Pym. Over time, however, her body absorbs enough particles to cause cellular mutation due to repeated exposure to Pym particles, allowing her to alter her size at will. At miniature size, her strength level increases as her body's mass is compacted. At giant size, her strength and endurance increase geometrically with her height, reaching superhuman levels. Despite the advantages of giant size, Janet usually prefers to remain the diminutive Wasp, calling on her growth power only in times of extreme emergency. At miniature size, the Wasp grows a pair of translucent insect wings from her back, a result of genetic modifications provided by Hank Pym. The Wasp is able to harness and augment her body's natural bio-electric energy, releasing it from her hands in powerful electrical force bursts, which she calls her "stinger blasts", "stingers", or "wasp's stings". Originally, she requires special wrist devices to produce these, but again, Pym particle absorption allows her to create the ability unaided. The Wasp's genetic modifications also grant her the ability to sprout small prehensile antennae from her temples which allowed her to telepathically communicate with and control insects. However, this is an ability she rarely uses. Van Dyne displays several non-superhuman abilities that garner her special fame and attention, foremost of which is her fashion sense; in nearly all of her early appearances, she sports a new costume, presumably designed and manufactured on her own as she is a gifted fashion designer. She is also a skilled amateur screenwriter. The Wasp is trained in unarmed combat by Captain America and in combat utilizing her special powers by Henry Pym. In addition, the Wasp is one of the most intuitive, if not deductive, members of the Avengers, and is an experienced leader and strategist. After the apparent death of Janet van Dyne, her ex-husband Hank Pym became the second Wasp and joined the Mighty Avengers as their leader. It was revealed that Hank Pym had a daughter named Nadia through Maria Trovaya who was abducted and supposedly killed by foreign agents. This caused Nadia to be raised in the Red Room until the day she obtained a Pym Particle sample that enabled her to escape. After earning the trusts of the Avengers after stabilizing Vision, Edwin Jarvis took Nadia on a road trip to meet her extended family. They save the president and then have a moment together. However, despite learning the harsh truth of reality, Janet comforted her and felt she had the potential to become a true hero. Nadia soon joins the Avengers and gains U. Upon realizing that the most intelligent women on S. G enius I n Action R esearch L abs to look for women with genius intellects. She decides to take the surname 'Van Dyne' as Janet was the only person there for her and believed in her success. Giant-Man later perishes on the last mission of the original Avengers, and the Wasp dies of a broken heart. The Marvel Adventures: The Avengers series set in its own continuity features Janet van Dyne as Giant-Girl , showcasing her ability to grow rather than shrink, which she uses in combat. She is younger than her main universe counterpart and she cracks jokes along with her teammate Spider- Man. Issue 13 of the series reveals her origin as a wealthy socialite given access to size-changing Pym particles by scientist Henry Pym here an employee of Janet's father rather than a superhero. Her maximum size is unknown, but she grows tall enough to catch a school. Instead of having her powers naturally, Janet requires a suit powered by Pym particles to change her size. Like her Earth counterpart, Janet seems to change her costume regularly. The first costume is purple and black with a mask adorned with antennae that looks remarkably similar to the Giant-Man costume worn by Hank Pym in the mainstream universe. This costume allows her to grow while having the added effect of letting her control insects though she never uses this power. This costume is later destroyed, and Janet wears a second costume that does not include a mask, as her secret identity had been revealed. Finally, Janet gains a third suit that allows her to both grow and shrink, with the suit changing in appearance depending on her size. While using this suit to shrink, she calls herself Wasp and has powers similar to her mainstream counterpart, such as flight, proportionally superhuman strength, and the ability to project bio-electrical stings. A recent preview of Marvel Adventures: the Avengers 19 has shown her wearing a costume which is primarily blue but has gold-yellow accents. Whether this costume increases her maximum size is yet to be seen. She also mentions that she has at least two brothers, although they have never been seen or given any names see Marvel Adventures: The Avengers 3. The Marvel Zombies series features an alternate Wasp as one of the main characters. She is now a zombie, another victim of the virus that has infected nearly all her world's superhumans. After Earth's human population is almost entirely devoured, Wasp is one of the zombies who finally kills and consumes . The Wasp then discovers that Hank Pym has kept a secret food supply—a sedated and maimed Black Panther, held prisoner in Hank's lab. She confronts Hank, but he decapitates her by increasing in size and biting her head off in the struggle that follows. When the Black Panther later escapes the lab, he also takes the Wasp's still sentient head, which continues begging for food. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants - Wikipedia

As he struggles to rebalance his home life with his responsibilities as Ant-Man, he's confronted by Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym with an urgent new mission. Scott must once again put on the suit and learn to fight alongside The Wasp as the team works together to uncover secrets from their past. Written by Walt Disney Studios. Really enjoyed this movie. Fun, great likeable characters, great pacing. Fun sense of humor. Great movie. Looking for some great streaming picks? Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Believing that this will kill Janet, Pym refuses to help them and escapes with Hope, Lang, and the lab. Opening a stable version of the tunnel, Pym, Hope, and Lang are able to contact Janet, who gives them a precise location to find her but warns that they only have two hours before the unstable nature of the realm separates them for a century. Luis warns Lang, who rushes home before Woo can see that he is violating his house arrest. Lang is soon able to help Pym and Hope escape custody, and they find the lab. Lang and Hope distract Ava while Pym enters the quantum realm to retrieve Janet, whom he finds alive. Meanwhile, Lang and Hope are confronted by Burch and his men, and following a lengthy chase, Ava regains control of the lab, allowing her to begin taking Janet's energy by force. Pym and Janet return safely from the quantum realm, and Janet voluntarily gives some of her energy to Ava to temporarily stabilize her. Lang returns home once again, in time for a now-suspicious Woo to release him at the end of his house arrest. Ava and Foster go into hiding. In a mid-credits scene , Pym, Lang, Hope, and Janet plan to harvest quantum energy to help Ava remain stable. While Lang is in the quantum realm doing this, the other three turn to dust. Additionally, , co-creator of the titular heroes, has a cameo in the film as a man whose car is shrunk by accident. In June , Ant-Man director Peyton Reed expressed interest in returning for a sequel or prequel to that film, saying that he had "really fallen in love with these characters" and felt "there's a lot of story to tell with Hank Pym ". Eric Eisenberg of Cinema Blend opined that a standalone adventure with Pym and the cut sequence would be a good candidate to revive the Marvel One-Shots short film series. He had "definite ideas" of who should portray that character. Reed stated in early December that the film may "call back" to the heist film genre and tone of Ant-Man , but that Ant-Man and the Wasp would "have an entirely different genre template". He hoped to incorporate additional flashback sequences in the film, as well as explore Pym's various identities from the comics and his psychology. Reed also said he was "excited" about exploring and discovering the film version of the Ant-Man and Wasp relationship that is "a romantic partnership and a heroic partnership" in the comics, a "different dynamic than we've seen in the rest of the [MCU], an actual partnership. In June , Reed said that for inspiration from the comics he had been looking at "early Avengers stuff and all the way up to the Nick Spencer stuff now", and was focusing on iconic images that could be replicated in the film over story beats from the comics. We'll see. We have an idea of what it might look like, but it could change a lot from where we're at now. At the start of November , Reed said that the film's production would transition from "the writing phase" to "official prep" that month, beginning with visual development. Reed reiterated his excitement for introducing the Wasp and "really designing her look, the way she moves, the power set, and figuring out, sort of, who Hope van Dyne is as a hero". Because it's a whole different vibe tonally". In February , Douglas confirmed that he would reprise his role as Hank Pym in the film. Based on designs by Andy Park , the suits are updated for the film from the s-inspired designs used in the first Ant-Man to more modern designs. The Wasp suit included practical wings which were replaced with digital wings for when they are expanded and ready for flight. The Russo brothers , directors of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame , which were filming while Ant-Man and the Wasp was preparing to film, were in constant discussion with Reed in order to ensure story elements would line up between the films. Joe Russo added that Ant-Man and the Wasp would have "some [plot] elements that stitch in" closely with Avengers: Infinity War , more so than some of the other films leading up to the Avengers films. Since the events of Ant-Man and the Wasp occur over 48 hours, the timeline in relation to Infinity War was "left purposefully ambiguous" with Reed noting there had been discussions of placing "little Easter eggs along the way, to start to reveal to the audience where the movie takes place in the timeline, [but t]hat felt not very fun to us and kind of obvious. The film also has a post-credit scene that shows the ant who doubled for Lang while under house arrest performing a drum solo. Principal photography began on August 1, , [18] at Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Fayette County, Georgia , [58] [68] under the working title Cherry Blue ; [69] Dante Spinotti served as director of photography, [18] shooting on Arri Alexa 65 cameras, with some sequences being shot with a Frazier lens. The film's lab and quantum tunnel set was inspired by The Time Tunnel —67 , and was the largest physical set built for an MCU film, which Reed jokingly said was "a little counter-intuitive". There were discussions about having Pfeiffer perform the scene first to give Rudd an idea of how she would act, but the group ultimately decided to let Rudd invent the scene completely himself. The chamber is surrounded by "support shapes" to "create this feeling of desperation and yearning for family and stability". In late November, Lilly said that the characters would try to enter the quantum realm in the film, and their potential success would "open a whole entire new multi-verse to enter into and play around in" for the MCU. DNEG worked on over shots, including the effects for Ghost—which were shared with the other vendors—the third act chase sequence, and the final Ghost fight as Hank and Janet are returning from the quantum realm. For the "macro-photography" sequences in the film, DNEG took a different approach from their work in Ant-Man due to issues including trying to get a camera to seem small enough to capture the small actions. Though some of the film was shot with a Frazier lens that provides extra depth of field, DNEG would still need to "re-project the road higher and "raise the floor level" to simulate a tiny sized camera". As the third act chase sequence was mainly shot in Atlanta, while being set in San Francisco, DNEG VFX Supervisor Alessandro Ongaro noted it required "extensive environment work" with background elements in some shots not being salvageable at all. The squarer frame of the IMAX ratio was used as the basis for the visual effects, with the 2. Lola once again worked on the de-aging sequences with Douglas, Pfeiffer, and Fishburne. The flashback sequences featuring a younger Hank Pym were set around the same time as the flashback sequences of Ant-Man , so Lola were able to use a similar process, referencing Douglas' appearance in Wall Street and having the actor on set in a different wardrobe and wig. Lola VFX Supervisor Trent Claus felt Pfeiffer's was less complicated, since "she has aged incredibly well" and still has big hair and a big smile. Pfeiffer's work from Ladyhawke and other films around that time was referenced. For Fishburne, his son served as his younger double, and helped inform Lola how the older Fishburne's skin would have looked in certain lighting situations. Lola also made Fishburne thinner, and all actors had their posture adjusted. Luma worked on the scenes where Ant-Man and the Wasp infiltrate Ghost's hideout, where they had to recreate the entire environment with CGI. They also created the first quantum tunnel sequence where Ghost receives her powers, and the flashback missile launch, which had to be replicated exactly from how it appeared in Ant-Man. Method Studios VFX Supervisor Andrew Hellen, explained, "We did a lot of research into macro and cellular level photography, and played with different ways to visualize quantum mechanics. It has a very magical quality, with a scientific edge. We also used glitching effects and macro lensing to ground the footage, and keep it from feeling too terrestrial. So Marvel Studios giving us a quick reminder with this trailer release is logical". It features Rudd and Lilly reprising their roles in clips that were made during the film's reshoots. Ant- Man and the Wasp had its world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood on June 25, , [91] and was released in the United States on July 6, , [43] where it opened in 4, theaters, of which 3, were in 3D , were in IMAX , over were in premium large format, and over were in D-Box and 4D. Charles Gant of The Guardian and Screen International noted, "The worry for film distributors is that audiences will be caught up in the tournament. So it's easier to play safe and not date your film at this time, especially during the group stage, when all the qualifying nations are competing. Movies UK added that, unlike the first film, which was one of the lowest-grossing MCU films in the UK, anticipation levels for the film "are at an all-time high following the events of Infinity War " and "UK audiences will probably have found out what happens in the film well before it opens in UK cinemas, and this could have a negative impact on its box office potential. The digital and Blu-ray releases include behind-the-scenes featurettes, an introduction from Reed, deleted scenes, and gag reels. The digital release also features a look at the role concept art plays in bringing the various MCU films to life and a faux commercial for Online Close-Up Magic University. Peter Travers , writing for Rolling Stone , gave the film 3 out of 4 stars and praised Rudd and Lilly, saying, "The secret of Ant-Man and the Wasp is that it works best when it doesn't try so hard, when it lets charm trump excess and proves that less can be more even in the Marvel universe. He also praised the cast, especially Rudd and Fortson, as well as the visual effects and inventive use of shrinking and growing in the action scenes. She also praised Rudd, felt Lilly found "her groove" in the film, and wrote that the supporting cast all had "scene-steal[ing]" sequences. Variety ' s Owen Gleiberman called the film "faster, funnier, and more cunningly confident than the original," and felt Reed was able to give the film enough personality to overcome its two-hour runtime and effects-heavy climax. He did caution that this was "not quite the same thing as humanity. But it's enough to qualify as the miniature version. She particularly praised Rudd along with the action and effects. He also wrote that the film had too many subplots and not enough of Pfeiffer, but was pleased with the lack of connection that the overall story had to the rest of the MCU, and with the focus on "pop trash" comedy. Ahead of the film's release, Reed noted that he and Marvel were "hopeful" about a third film, having discussed potential story points. Those that are off the board are off, and those that are still on, you never know. It has a possible release date in , [] with Douglas confirming his involvement and announcing that filming will begin in January From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Theatrical release poster. Kevin Feige Stephen Broussard. Dan Lebental Craig Wood. Marvel Studios. Release date. Running time. It's such a no-brainer that there needs to be female heroes In the '60s comics, the Janet van Dyne Wasp was clearly written by all men and was pretty one-dimensional. She's gotten much more dimensionalized since then. That's one of those things that I think is going to be really exciting [in this film]. Michelle Pfeiffer was digitally de-aged in Ant-Man and the Wasp top to appear as she did circa bottom. Main article: Ant-Man and the Wasp soundtrack. Paul Rudd left and Evangeline Lilly received praise from critics for their performances and chemistry in the film. Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on July 6, Retrieved July 9, Bloomberg L. Archived from the original on July 5, Retrieved July 19, Box Office Mojo. Retrieved December 10, Retrieved July 6, Archived from the original on November 15, Retrieved November 13, Modern Myth Media. Archived from the original on June 26, Retrieved June 24, Archived from the original on June 18, Retrieved June 18, Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on April 16, Retrieved April 13, Archived from the original on June 19, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Archived PDF from the original on November 4, Retrieved July 4, The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on September 15, Retrieved October 24, Retrieved July 5, Archived from the original on August 20, Retrieved August 19, Archived from the original on January 8, Retrieved January 7, Film School Rejects. Archived from the original on October 6, Archived from the original on April 19, Known For. Ant-Man Hope van Dyne. Happy Life pre-production Allison Beck. Dreamland post-production Claire Reimann. Till Death post-production Annie. Kate Austen. Show all episodes. Benton's Girlfriend. School Girl uncredited. Girl in Cinema uncredited. Wade's Girlfriend uncredited. Party Guest uncredited. Jason School Student - Next to Locker uncredited. Self - Guest. Self - The Hobbit. Show all 6 episodes. Show all 11 episodes. Show all 8 episodes. Women Airforce Service Pilots - Wikipedia

Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Hank Pym present an urgent new mission that finds the Ant-Man fighting alongside The Wasp to uncover secrets from their past. Director: Peyton Reed. Added to Watchlist. From metacritic. Halloween Movies for the Whole Family. Everything Coming to Disney Plus in August Marvel Universe. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Paul Rudd Luis Walton Goggins Sonny Burch Bobby Cannavale Paxton Judy Greer Maggie T. Dave as Tip 'T. Kurt Hannah John-Kamen Cassie Randall Park Michelle Pfeiffer Bill Foster Michael Douglas Hank Pym Divian Ladwa Marvel Movie Opening Weekends. Edit Storyline In the aftermath of Captain America: Civil War , Scott Lang grapples with the consequences of his choices as both a superhero and a father. Edit Did You Know? Trivia The idea that Scott had some kind of encounter with Janet while in the quantum realm was suggested in the first film by way of a brief glimpse of a reflection on his helmet. It's unclear as to whether it's an angel, a blob, or Janet, but here it's confirmed that it was actually her. Goofs Throughout the movie the lab is shrunk and moved, it is also moved haphazardly yet when the building is enlarged again at a new location, it automatically has electricity, plumbing, and nothing seems out of place when it was pretty much in an earthquake. However we are given explanations for these in the movie. The third class completed their advanced training at Avenger Field and graduated July 3, Half of the fourth class of 76 women started their primary training in Houston on February 15, , and then transferred to Sweetwater. While the WASP were not trained for combat, their course of instruction was essentially the same as male aviation cadets. WASP recruits were required to complete the same primary, basic, and advanced training courses as male Army Air Corps pilots and many of them went on to specialized flight training. The original WAFS were organized specifically to ferry airplanes and free male pilots for combat roles. In order to set an example, Nancy Love who was in charge of training, made sure she was trained and qualified on as many different types of planes as was possible. They also towed targets for live anti-aircraft artillery practice, simulated strafing missions, and transported cargo. When not flying, the pilots studied navigation , radio communications and new flying skills. Thirty-eight members lost their lives in accidents, eleven died during training, and twenty-seven were killed on active duty missions. Army Air Forces, the members could resign at any time after completion of their training. However, some in the media disagreed with General Arnold and began to write opinion pieces in some of the most important media of the day. On June 21, , the U. Cochran had been pushing for a resolution of the question: in effect, delivering an ultimatum to either commission the women or disband the program. As a result, Arnold who had been a proponent of militarization ordered that the WASP be disbanded by December 20, The WASP has completed its mission. Their job has been successful. But as is usual in war, the cost has been heavy. Thirty-eight WASP have died while helping their country move toward the moment of final victory. The Air Forces will long remember their service and their final sacrifice. On December 7, , the final class of WASP pilots, 71 women in total, graduated from their training regardless of the plan to disband the WASP program within the following two weeks. Following the group's disbandment some WASP members were allowed to fly on board government aircraft from their former bases to the vicinity of their homes as long as room was available and no additional expenses were incurred. Others had to arrange and pay for their own transportation home. Many WASPs wanted to continue flying after they were disbanded. The records of the WASP program, like nearly all wartime files, were classified and sealed for 35 years making their contributions to the war effort little known and inaccessible to historians. Early efforts to gain recognition for the WASP continued in the early s. In under the leadership of Col. Starbuck , argued that WASP should not be given military recognition because the women were never subject to court martial. President Jimmy Carter signed legislation, P. Bill Improvement Act of , providing that service as a WASP would be considered "active duty" for the purposes of programs administered by the Veterans Administration. The legislation, either despite or because of its language, did not expressly allow WASPs to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery. That was because Arlington National Cemetery, unlike most other national cemeteries, is administered by the Department of the Army, not the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Secretary of the Army determines eligibility for Arlington burial. In , however, the Army re- interpreted the law and its own regulations against the backdrop of thirteen years of war, which once again threatened to deplete the cemetery of land. Barbara Mikulski D-Maryland and H. Martha McSally R-Arizona , a retired Air Force fighter pilot , provides only for interment of cremated remains and not ground burial. During the ceremony President Obama said, "The Women Airforce Service Pilots courageously answered their country's call in a time of need while blazing a trail for the brave women who have given and continue to give so much in service to this nation since. Every American should be grateful for their service, and I am honored to sign this bill to finally give them some of the hard-earned recognition they deserve. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia. The WASP actively inspired successive generations of women, including aviator, Jerrie Cobb , Desert Storm pilot, Kelly Hamilton , astronaut, Eileen Collins , and Terry London Rinehart , who was one of the first 10 women to be hired as a commercial airline pilot in WASP members faced discrimination because of their gender during their work numerous times. Some male pilots and commanders were unhappy to have a women's presence in the traditionally male setting of the military. We flew our tails off. While the women were doing the same job as men who were also civilian ferry pilots, the WASP were paid at two-thirds the rate of their male counterparts. The initial force of the Women's Army Ferrying Service WAFS put the cap on the age of recruits at 35 in order "to avoid the irrationality of women when they enter and go through menopause. On the military planes, there weren't facilities for the women to use the bathroom. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Army Air Corps female auxiliary pilots. Play media. Archived from the original on January 25, Retrieved January 16, Petersburg Times, Nov. The Palm Beach Post. Retrieved January 29, Air Force as a Reserve Flier in ". November 11, Retrieved January 29, — via Newspapers. Chicago Review Press. All Things Considered. National Public Radio. March 10, Retrieved May 25, Government Printing Office. Retrieved January 25, United States Senator John Thune. May 21, Archived from the original on December 24, Retrieved July 23, Eisenhower Presidential Library. Archived from the original on January 11, Retrieved January 14, United States Army. Archived from the original PDF on January 11, Liberty Letters. September 15, Archived from the original on January 5, Retrieved July 10, Eagleton Institute of Politics. Rutgers University. Archived from the original on May 17, Women in the United States Army. Archived from the original on October 8, Retrieved January 6, Retrieved January 31, — via Newspapers. The Journal Times. Retrieved January 4, — via Newspapers. Army-Navy Screen Magazine. WASP Government produced newsreel film. The Sentinel. February 23, Retrieved January 6, — via Newspapers. Department Of Defense. Archived from the original on January 18, Retrieved January 17, Veteran Tributes. Veteran Tributes, Gulfport, MS. Archived from the original on January 4, Retrieved September 19, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved January 3, — via Newspapers. Women in Aviation International. Archived from the original on October 5, Retrieved January 3, Los Angeles Times. Retrieved January 18, Asiance Magazine. April Archived from the original on March 2, Retrieved January 15, Latinas in History. Retrieved March 31, Dias in her Yearbook — OP Original". Making Histolines. February 10, Native American Indian Heritage Month. October 14, Archived from the original on May 30, Retrieved January 19, University of Utah Press. Texas Woman's University. Archived from the original on July 28, Virginia Mae Hope Papers, Box: 1. Minnesota Historical Society. Washington State University. Retrieved January 27, Press Release. War Department. Bureau of Public Relations Press Branch. Retrieved February 3, Life Magazine : 73— July 19, Retrieved January 28, WASP on the Web. Archived from the original on September 24, American Heritage. Santa Maria Times. Retrieved January 2, — via Newspapers. West Texas Stories. ACU Press. Archived from the original on January 27, May 29, Archived from the original on November 30, The Pantagraph. March 23, Retrieved January 15, — via Newspapers. Air Force Historical Support Division. United States Air Force. December 8, Mercer University Press. Retrieved June 15, Archived from the original on February 1, Retrieved January 31, October 2, The Indianapolis Star. June 10, The Pittsburgh Press. American Experience. Archived from the original on July 13, American Forces Press Service. Department of Defense. November 23, Arlington National Cemetery. Retrieved October 16, Retrieved May 7,

Wasp (character) - Wikipedia

In a key stage of the training, Hank Pym taught Lang how to master using the Ant-Man Suit by jumping through a small key-hole and emerging large on the other side. Van Dyne stood with Pym as Lang failed time after time until he finally mastered the skill. She later joined her father outside as he introduced Lang to the many breeds of Ants which would be assisting him in his mission. They became amused as Lang would often panic at the size and scale of the ants and regrow to his original size while inside the tunnels. One skill Lang still struggled to master was communicating with the ants to get them to do his bidding. This continued until van Dyne became frustrated and stepped in, demonstrating her own skills with the communication, telling Pym that she should be the one going on the mission in Lang's place; however, she appeared to almost losing control of the ants, summoning far more than required to complete the simple task of placing a cube of sugar in a cup of tea, until her father intervened to refocus her attention. Utterly frustrated with how her father had continued to underestimate her, van Dyne angrily left the mansion and sat in her car. Lang joined her and tried to comfort her and van Dyne explained to him how Pym had been holding her back ever since her mother 's death. They discussed Lang's daughter, Cassie Lang , and how he was doing the mission for her. Van Dyne softened and taught Lang a new technique for communicating with the ants, allowing him to make them pick up and spin a coin. Returning to the house, they found Hank Pym in the Pym Residence 's main room. He finally relented and told van Dyne about the day that Janet van Dyne had died, explaining that in the s , they worked as a superhero team with her taking the mantle of Wasp. Pym told her how they had been sent on a mission to intercept a missile which was going to destroy a major city and Janet had sacrificed herself by shrinking into the missile. However, she became lost within the Quantum Realm , which Pym had spent the next few decades trying to understand. Van Dyne hugged her father, with the two finally rebuilding their relationship, although the moment was somewhat ruined by Lang's comments. Van Dyne watches Ant- Man duel the . Lang quickly realized that the base was now the New Avengers Facility and van Dyne ordered him to abort the mission. Lang chose instead to continue and was confronted by Falcon , who tried to force Lang to leave when he introduced himself, leaving van Dyne horrified at the blunder. The two engaged in a brief fight which ended with Lang managing to damage EXO-7 Falcon and escape, impressing van Dyne somewhat by displaying martial arts moves she had taught him during his brief training during the skirmish. Van Dyne hears Darren Cross arrive. While the team rested from the mission and discussed their next step, Pym stepped into the next room only to be greeted by Cross, who had broken into the mansion. Cross claimed he had come in simply because the door was open and calmly spoke to Pym. Van Dyne and Lang realized in a panic that Cross could easily see their plans for their break-in at Pym Technologies and if he did, he would likely murder him. Lang managed to use the Ants to hide the plans while Cross invited Pym to come to the presentation for the Yellowjacket Suit , which Pym agreed to. Van Dyne comforts Darren Cross. Once Cross had left, they discussed what had just happened and the risks involved; van Dyne questioned whether or not Cross had known she was in the house as if he had seen her, then her position in the company would be in danger. This question was seemingly answered when Cross phoned her and asked where she was, to which she lied and said she was at her home. Cross seemed to accept this answer and told her about his intent to use Pym Technologies for the Yellowjacket Suit presentation. With this now changing the details of their plan, Lang suggested that they increase their team to include his former partners-in-crime Luis , Dave and Kurt , but Pym disagreed. Van Dyne meets Luis , Dave , and Kurt. Despite Pym's protests, Luis, Kurt and Dave were brought into the plan and invited to the house where van Dyne brought them coffee. Luis thanked her and commented on how unusual it was for them to be invited back to a house they just robbed; van Dyne spoke to Lang and questioned if they could handle the job which Luis and Lang insisted they could. Van Dyne and Scott Lang discuss the plan. They worked out a new plan which involved Luis, Kurt and Dave getting Lang into Pym Technologies through the water pipes. Luis remained confident on his role as the man on the inside posing as a security guard, excitedly commenting on how beautiful van Dyne was and mistaking her for Lang's girlfriend. Despite their enthusiasm, van Dyne and Pym remained unconvinced that the plan could be pulled off due to their unprofessionalism. On the day of the Yellowjacket Suit Presentation, van Dyne arrived first at Pym Technologies and assisted Luis in gaining access to the restricted areas. Once everything was in place for Lang to enter the facility, van Dyne went to the presentation. Along the way, she was greeted by Cross, who asked how he looked in his suit. Van Dyne being taken hostage by Darren Cross. When Pym arrived at the building, Cross greeted him warmly and invited him and van Dyne to speak to him in private in the demonstration room. Once they were alone, Cross' guards immediately took Pym and van Dyne hostage at gunpoint. Cross revealed that he was fully aware of their plan to steal the Yellowjacket Suit and planned to kill them all for their betrayal. Cross trapped Lang within the glass enclosure and took the Yellowjacket Suit; he then welcomed Mitchell Carson into the room and introduced him as the representative from , to whom he intended to sell the suit. Pym and van Dyne implored Cross to reconsider but he refused to listen. Van Dyne threatens Darren Cross. Cross ordered his men to execute Pym before changing his mind and deciding to kill his mentor himself. Before Cross could exact his revenge, Lang broke out of his glass enclosure and he and van Dyne began fighting Cross' guards. In the chaos, Cross was able to shoot Pym in the shoulder before escaping with the Yellowjacket Suit. With Cross' guards defeated, van Dyne and Lang rushed to Pym's aid, as he was bleeding heavily from his wound, but van Dyne ordered Lang to chase down and stop Cross before he could get away with the Yellowjacket. Van Dyne and Hank Pym prepare to escape. While Lang battled Cross, van Dyne attempted to lift Pym to safety as the entire Pym Technologies facility had been rigged to explode, but Pym knew that he would be unable to run. However, rather than accepting death and telling van Dyne to escape, Pym revealed that the tank key-ring he carried with him at all times, was not a key-ring at all, but a USSR Tank he had shrunk down years earlier. They transformed the tank to its original size and used it to escape, smashing through the side of the building at landing outdoors, much to the alarm of everyone present. Van Dyne watches Pym Technologies explode. Van Dyne ensured that Pym was getting medical attention from a nearby ambulance before they witnessed the entire Pym Technologies building exploding due to the C4 which Lang had planted inside. While van Dyne stayed with her father as his wound was treated, Lang tracked down and fought Cross. Eventually, Lang was able to kill Cross by damaging the internal mainframe of the latter suit's, briefly teleporting him to the Quantum Realm before he was able to return to normal size. Van Dyne is caught kissing Scott Lang. With the crisis now over, van Dyne and Hank Pym spoke to Scott Lang about his experiences within the Quantum Realm , although he insisted that he had no memory of his experience and could tell them nothing. Van Dyne walked Lang out of the mansion, but before they could exit, Lang kissed her. The moment was interrupted when Pym walked through the door and caught them. Lang denied any wrongdoing and insisted it was van Dyne who had kissed him before making a speedy exit. Hank Pym revealed to van Dyne that before her mother 's disappearance into the Quantum Realm , he and Janet were working on a prototype for a new upgraded version of the Wasp Suit , which had been hidden behind a secret vault in his basement for decades. Although he had always believed it had been for her mother, Pym told van Dyne that he now knew they had in fact been designing it for her. Van Dyne accepted the suit without hesitation, noting that it was about time that she was given a suit. Van Dyne begins to work with Hank Pym. Later on, Hank Pym revealed the full story of Janet van Dyne 's death, explaining how she became trapped in the Quantum Realm , and that Scott Lang recently escaping from there had given him hope to Janet could still be alive. Pym reopened his old projects, and decided to let van Dyne in on his plans to construct a way to enter and exit the Quantum Realm, so they could search for Janet, beleiving that it could be possible to find her and bring her back after all these years. Van Dyne breaks up with Scott Lang. With both possessing their own suits, van Dyne and Scott Lang proceeded to work and train together, while still maintaining a relationship. Offended by Lang's leaving them abruptly, van Dyne broke up with him. However, because of Hank Pym 's tech being involved in the Avengers Civil War , van Dyne and her father where subsequently hunted by the FBI , forcing them to become fugitives. Despite having to go on the run, van Dyne and Pym were still able to continue with their project of building a Quantum Tunnel , working out of a shrinkable lab building , as well as monitoring any threats to them, mainly Lang. To acquire the needed parts for their machine, van Dyne would make several deals with black market arms dealer Sonny Burch. Van Dyne kidnaps an unconscious Scott Lang. Immediately after van Dyne and Hank Pym opened the Quantum Realm for a short period of time, they were called by Scott Lang , who said he had a dream about seeing Janet van Dyne. To learn more about what he saw, van Dyne went to Lang's house , knocked him out, kidnapped him, and drove him back to the lab in a shrunken car, while he was unconscious. Lang soon woke up as they were still driving, and van Dyne, still bitter towards him, asked how certain he was that he saw her mother while in his dream of being in the Quantum Realm. Realizing he was away from his house, Lang freaked out and asked van Dyne to take him back, as he was still under house arrest. But, van Dyne informed him that she had taken care of it, posting a giant ant to wear Lang's Ankle Monitor and cover his daily activities, revealing that they had been monitoring him, as he was the biggest risk to her and Pym. Van Dyne continues to stay mad at Scott Lang. Knowing it impacted van Dyne and Pym, Lang apologized for being in the Avengers ' fight in Germany , which he tried to explain he didn't think he would get caught, but van Dyne noted that Lang didn't think about a lot of things by getting involved. Van Dyne updated Lang on how she and Pym have been living for the last two years, forced to be on the run, with no freedom, and she clarified with Lang that she didn't want an apology, just what he was in his head. Van Dyne brings Scott Lang to the laboratory. Arriving at the lab, van Dyne enlarged the car to its normal size, and she and Lang entered the building. In the elevator, Lang attempted to offer van Dyne money to help, thinking they had nothing from looking at the building, but she declined, which Lang soon understood why once he entered the fully equipped lab. Van Dyne proceeded to lead Lang through the lab, bringing him to Pym, who was still working on the Quantum Tunnel. Van Dyne informs Scott Lang of their project. Both van Dyne and Pym were unhappy to be seeing Lang again, so they decided to get straight into learning what he knew, with van Dyne explaining how they were building a tunnel into the Quantum Realm to find her mother. Van Dyne and Pym then revealed their theory that when they opened the tunnel, Janet entangled with Lang to send a message to them. So, Lang told them that the only thing he could remember in the dream was playing hide and seek with a girl, which van Dyne realized was from Janet's memory. Van Dyne learns that her mother is still alive. This realization brought joy and relief to van Dyne and Pym, as they now had strong confirmation that Janet was definitely alive. Now determined to get the tunnel working as soon as possible, van Dyne noted that they needed one final piece to stop the tunnel from overloading, which was in the possession of Sonny Burch. So, they all left the building, promising to return Lang when they were finished, as they still needed to entanglement that was in his head. Van Dyne meeting up with Sonny Burch. Continuing to use her alias for their exchanges, Susan, van Dyne asked Burch is he had the component she needed. Sonny Burch exposes van Dyne's identity. However, Burch revealed to van Dyne that his informant in the FBI had exposed her true identity to him. Dropping the facade, van Dyne asked Burch what he wanted, which he explained that he knew she and Pym were building Quantum technology, and that he wanted in on it, seeing it as the future. Van Dyne rejected Burch's offers, but he refused to sell her the component, which van Dyne expressed would make things easier if he just honored his agreement. Van Dyne fighting Sonny Burch 's goons. Accepting Burch's refusal to cooperate, van Dyne left, and went to put on her Wasp Suit. Shrinking herself down, van Dyne proceeded to beat up Burch's goons, using a combination of her wings, stingers , and her own superior fighting ability to do so. When the goons opened fire upon van Dyne, she hid in the chandelier, until she noticed Uzman escaping with the component, so van Dyne left her position, and followed him into the kitchen. To stop Uzman from getting away, van Dyne used a Pym Particles Disk to enlarge a salt shaker, knocking him out. Another goon entered, and threw three knives at van Dyne, which she dodged by shrinking down, and even ran across the last one in mid-air. With the remaining goons, van Dyne skilfully avoided their attacks, and used her smaller size and items in the kitchen to knock them all out. Having won the fight, van Dyne took the component, left the money for Burch, and went to leave. But before van Dyne could get to the door, she noticed a mysterious figure appear in front of her, and then subsequently disappear, so van Dyne readied herself for another fight. Being able to become invisible and intangible, Ghost attempted to steal the component from van Dyne. Pym told his daughter to get herself away from Ghost, but she was unable to, and had to keep fighting. Lang soon arrived and helped van Dyne, but they lost Ghost. Van Dyne learns Ghost stole the Mobile Lab. They realized that Ghost had gone after Pym, so van Dyne and Lang shrunk themselves down, and rushed back to the van. Once the got back, they found that Pym was still alive, but he told them that Ghost had stolen the miniature lab, much to their frustration, as it set back their entire project. Driving away from the scene, they discussed Ghost, not knowing what it was, and decided that they needed to find a place to regroup and figure out where to find the lab. Van Dyne discusses finding the Mobile Lab. Once again finding themselves reunited with Luis , Dave and Kurt , van Dyne and Pym were annoyed as the three and Lang bickered with each other, when they had bigger things to be dealing with. They all then discussed Ghost, noting its ability to phase, and van Dyne brought up the idea of tracking the lab's radiation with a quantum spectrometer. No longer having access to their equipment, Pym begrudgingly revealed that his former colleague Bill Foster could help them. Traveling to Berkeley University , the trio made their way through the campus, disguising themselves with hats and sunglasses, which Scott Lang noted would not stop anyone from recognizing them. They soon found Bill Foster , who was giving a lecture, but he finished when he discovered their presence. Van Dyne asks Bill Foster to help find their lab. In Foster's office, they filled him in on their situation, but he was unable to help find their lab , as he didn't have the equipment to do so. When Lang and Foster got sidetracked about Lang growing to the size of a giant in Germany , van Dyne tried to get them focused on the matter at hand, but the feud between Foster and Hank Pym caused the former partners to fight. The FBI arrived, so as they went to leave, Foster gave them an idea on how to track the lab. Van Dyne learns Scott Lang preserved the suit. As they drove away, Pym ranted about his detest towards Foster, but van Dyne was confident in his idea to modify the diffraction units on a regulator. However, Pym's upgrades to the su its eliminated the regulators, meaning they still couldn't track down the lab. Lang revealed that he didn't destroy his old suit he used when fighting with the Avengers after he was arrested, but instead kept it hidden, which he lied about to them earlier. Van Dyne and Scott Lang fly inside the school. After checking with Luis about the suit, Lang discovered that it was no longer at his house , but soon realized it was at his daughter 's school. Arriving at Cassie's school, van Dyne and Lang suited up so they could sneak into it and steal the previous Ant- Man suit that was in Lang's trophy from Cassie. After shrinking themselves down so they could stealthily fly through the school, Lang's suit began to malfunction, due to it still being worked on by Pym, and not completed, causing Lang to grow, but not to his full size. Van Dyne teasing Scott Lang about his size. When children were coming out of their classes, Lang and van Dyne hid in the closet and she witnessed as he then grew, no longer fitting in the room, much to van Dyne's amusement. She then inspected Lang's belt, and attempted to fix it, but was only able to revert him back to his normal size for a moment, before he shrunk down again. Seeing levity in Lang's problem, van Dyne teased him about it, jokingly saying if Captain America could only see him now. Van Dyne rejoices in tracking down the lab. Unable to fix Lang's suit, van Dyne gave Lang a hoodie to disguise him as a child, so they could proceed with the mission. Reaching Cassie's classroom, van Dyne continued to tease Lang about his current problem, as he couldn't reach the top shelf. Acquiring the suit, van Dyne and Lang made their escape, and returned to the van, where she was joined by Pym in making fun of Lang. Using the regulator's diffraction units, they were able to track down the lab. Van Dyne and Scott Lang talk about Germany. Arriving at the location of the lab, van Dyne and Lang suited up once more so they could steal it back, and prepare for another fight to possibly occur. As they got ready, Lang happily acknowledged how he and van Dyne had teamed up twice on the same day, leading van Dyne to reflect on their former relationship and what it would be like now if Lang hadn't left her to go to Germany. Lang then asked van Dyne if she would have come with him if he had asked, which she replied that they'll never know, but she could guarantee that if she did, he wouldn't have been arrested. Van Dyne then shrunk herself down, and flew out of the van, heading for the hideout. Van Dyne finds Ghost sleeping in a chamber. As van Dyne and Lang infiltrated the hideout, Pym informed them that he wasn't picking up anything on the monitors due to an electronic disturbance, so they had to be careful. The two discovered Ghost sleeping inside a chamber , away from her suit, so they decided to hurry while she was still asleep. They found the lab, but when they enlarged to take it, van Dyne quickly noticed that Ghost was now gone from the chamber. Before either of them could act, Ghost appeared and knocked the two out. Van Dyne learns about Ava Starr 's problem. Ghost also knocked Pym unconscious, and the three were tied up together. Van Dyne and Pym were woken up by Ghost, who was named Ava Starr, and they discovered that Foster was working with her. Starr revealed that Pym had fired her father , which resulted in not only her parent's deaths, but also rendered her in a permanently unstable state. Since then, Starr and Foster had been trying to find a cure, only to discover what they had been working on. Van Dyne steals back the Mobile Laboratory. Foster proceeded to explain that from learning about Lang's entanglement with Janet van Dyne , they could extract quantum energy and use it to repair Starr's molecular structure. However, this would kill Janet in the process, which they could not allow Starr and Foster to do, so Pym faked a heart attack to stop them. Van Dyne was in on it, so she begged Foster to open the Altoids tin, allowing giant ants to burst out and free them. Van Dyne defeated Starr with her stingers and stole the lab back, and the three made their escape. Van Dyne helps repair the Quantum Tunnel. Heading to the Muir Woods , the three enlarged the Mobile Laboratory and began fixing the Quantum Tunnel , so they could be ready to open it up again. Van Dyne is comforted about her mother. As van Dyne and Scott Lang adjusted the relays, van Dyne expressed her nervousness about not being ready, which Lang thought was about going subatomic. However, van Dyne corrected him in that it was about seeing her mother again after all this time. Van Dyne worried if her mother was going to be a different person, or worse, not even remember her, but Lang comforted her, revealing how he never forgot about his daughter when in prison. Van Dyne and Hank Pym open the Tunnel. Once they were ready, van Dyne and Hank Pym activated the Tunnel, telling Lang to be ready for any sort of message Janet may send him. Unfortunately their celebration was cut short when the Tunnel suddenly stopped, so van Dyne and Pym tried to find the problem. They noticed Lang using the computer, but soon realized it was actually Janet possessing his body. Shocked to be reunited with her mother, van Dyne watched as Janet began fixing the Tunnel. Van Dyne is briefly reunited with her mother. Van Dyne figured out that Janet had put an antenna in Lang's head, and she continued to watch as her mother helped her family track her down in the Quantum Realm. They were soon able to successfully locate Janet, and she told her family to find her within the next two hours, otherwise she'll be lost for an entire century. Van Dyne promised to her mother that she would find her, and they prepared to enter the Quantum Realm. As van Dyne and Pym were doing so, Lang, who they were mad at, had to leave and return to his house. Once they shut everything down, van Dyne and Pym exited the Mobile Laboratory and went to relocate. But, when Pym shrunk the lab down, they found themselves surrounded by FBI agents, and the father and daughter were then arrested. But as is usual in war, the cost has been heavy. Thirty-eight WASP have died while helping their country move toward the moment of final victory. The Air Forces will long remember their service and their final sacrifice. On December 7, , the final class of WASP pilots, 71 women in total, graduated from their training regardless of the plan to disband the WASP program within the following two weeks. Following the group's disbandment some WASP members were allowed to fly on board government aircraft from their former bases to the vicinity of their homes as long as room was available and no additional expenses were incurred. Others had to arrange and pay for their own transportation home. Many WASPs wanted to continue flying after they were disbanded. The records of the WASP program, like nearly all wartime files, were classified and sealed for 35 years making their contributions to the war effort little known and inaccessible to historians. Early efforts to gain recognition for the WASP continued in the early s. In under the leadership of Col. Starbuck , argued that WASP should not be given military recognition because the women were never subject to court martial. President Jimmy Carter signed legislation, P. Bill Improvement Act of , providing that service as a WASP would be considered "active duty" for the purposes of programs administered by the Veterans Administration. The legislation, either despite or because of its language, did not expressly allow WASPs to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery. That was because Arlington National Cemetery, unlike most other national cemeteries, is administered by the Department of the Army, not the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Secretary of the Army determines eligibility for Arlington burial. In , however, the Army re-interpreted the law and its own regulations against the backdrop of thirteen years of war, which once again threatened to deplete the cemetery of land. Barbara Mikulski D-Maryland and H. Martha McSally R-Arizona , a retired Air Force fighter pilot , provides only for interment of cremated remains and not ground burial. During the ceremony President Obama said, "The Women Airforce Service Pilots courageously answered their country's call in a time of need while blazing a trail for the brave women who have given and continue to give so much in service to this nation since. Every American should be grateful for their service, and I am honored to sign this bill to finally give them some of the hard-earned recognition they deserve. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia. The WASP actively inspired successive generations of women, including aviator, Jerrie Cobb , Desert Storm pilot, Kelly Hamilton , astronaut, Eileen Collins , and Terry London Rinehart , who was one of the first 10 women to be hired as a commercial airline pilot in WASP members faced discrimination because of their gender during their work numerous times. Some male pilots and commanders were unhappy to have a women's presence in the traditionally male setting of the military. We flew our tails off. While the women were doing the same job as men who were also civilian ferry pilots, the WASP were paid at two-thirds the rate of their male counterparts. The initial force of the Women's Army Ferrying Service WAFS put the cap on the age of recruits at 35 in order "to avoid the irrationality of women when they enter and go through menopause. On the military planes, there weren't facilities for the women to use the bathroom. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Army Air Corps female auxiliary pilots. Play media. Archived from the original on January 25, Retrieved January 16, Petersburg Times, Nov. The Palm Beach Post. Retrieved January 29, Air Force as a Reserve Flier in ". November 11, Retrieved January 29, — via Newspapers. Chicago Review Press. All Things Considered. National Public Radio. 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