Discussion Paper PRICING AND FEES IN AUCTION PLATFORMS WITH TWO-SIDED ENTRY Marleen Marra SCIENCES PO ECONOMICS DISCUSSION PAPER No. 2020-02 Pricing and fees in auction platforms with two-sided entry Marleen Marra∗ December 2019 Abstract This paper presents, solves, and estimates the first structural auction model with seller selection. This allows me to quantify network effects arising from endogenous bidder and seller entry into auction platforms, facilitating the es- timation of theoretically ambiguous fee impacts by tracing them through the game. Relevant model primitives are identified from variation in second-highest bids and reserve prices. My estimator builds off the discrete choice literature to address the double nested fixed point characterization of the entry equilib- rium. Using new wine auction data, I estimate that this platform's revenues increase up to 60% when introducing a bidder discount and simultaneously in- creasing seller fees. More bidders enter when the platform is populated with lower-reserve setting sellers, driving up prices. Moreover, I show that mean- ingful antitrust damages can be estimated in a platform setting despite this two-sidedness. (JEL codes: D44, C52, C57, L81) Keywords: auctions with entry, two-sided markets, nonparametric identification, estimation, nested fixed point ∗Sciences Po, Department of Economics. E-mail:
[email protected]. I am indebted to Andrew Chesher, Phil Haile, Lars Nesheim, Adam Rosen and Aureo´ de Paula for fruitful discussions and continued guidance. I also thank Dan Ackerberg, Larry Ausubel, Matt Backus, Dirk Bergemann, Natalie Cox, Martin Cripps, Matt Gentry, Emel Filiz-Ozbay, Ken Hendricks, Tom Hoe, Hyejin Ku, Kevin Lang, Guy Laroque, Brad Larsen, Thierry Mayer, Konrad Mierendorff, Rob Porter, Imran Rasul, Jos´e-Antonio Esp´ın-S´anchez, Andrew Sweeting, Michela Tincani, Jean Tirole, Frank Verboven, Daniel Vincent, Quang Vuong, Martin Weidner and seminar participants for helpful comments.